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The Revenge of the Righteous Queen

Index Dedication:.....2


The reunion with his mentor5

Words of Aylin Daly.34

The Torture I The su!missi"e humiliation#........35

The Torture II The a"aricious man#....42

The Torture III The de"ourin$ rat#52

The Torture I% The &runin$ shears#..'(

The reunion with his mentor

In the afternoon the air&lane off destination to )ondon* Aylin showed isolated* thin+in$ in the thefts that had had. ,ut at the same time it was desirous to arri"e and un!urden with the $entleman -ran+ .etty all what there was him ha&&ened. /he +new that -ran+ was a $ood ad"iser and that would hel& him to endure and to sur&ass this so drastic situation !y which was ha&&enin$ his life in this moment. To the few hours the air&lane landed* the youn$ster did with his lu$$a$e and went out of the air&ort in search of a taxi. The time was with a&&earance that it soon would !e$in to fall the first dro&s of rain. The s+y showed $rayish with few cdod$es that it outline. Aylin felt li+e the humidity of the time &enetrated him !y the clothes* causin$ him chill !y all the extremities of his !ody scul&tural. 0ushed went u& in a taxi and ordered him that it carried it to the direction of the $entleman -ran+. 1e $ood man +indly $a"e him the welcome to the country and carried it to the destination indicated. -ront the door of the mansion of the $entleman -ran+ .etty* at all was chan$ed* the $arden showed !eautiful and "ery ta+en care. The youn$ster did with his lu$$a$e and sac+ed to the taxi dri"er* while this mo"ed away Aylin a&&roached to the door of entrance of the $arden. ,i$ nostal$ias and memories formed &art of the youn$* while it called to the !ell waitin$ for that it went out the ser"ant to recei"e it. It did not ta+e a lot it went out to his meetin$ the ser"ant* $laddenin$ to $o !ac+ to see it* after $reetin$ it +indly too+ him of his hands the !a$$a$e dri"in$ it to the entrance of the mansion. 2eanwhile the $entleman -ran+ found with !i$ nostal$ia drun+ in the mini !ar* without !ein$ conscious that the youn$ster was a!out to $o in !y the door of his residence. 3 And 1ow it finds the $entleman -ran+4 3 It wanted to +now the youn$ster wal+in$ !y the $ra"el that $a"e way to the entrance of the main door of the house. 3 /ince it arri"ed of his lon$ tri&s of !usinesses* as+s after you all the days. When I am in the $arden &runin$ the flowers* see him showed !y the window of the room where you remained in his stay* is as if it had the ho&e to see it show !y the entrance of his door to recei"e it I feel that feels !i$ nostal$ia to the not to ha"e it And if this was little has chan$ed a lot his form to dress* e"en left the &eel lon$er* has a more 5u"enile a&&earance 3 6ommented the ser"ant. 3 /ure that li+e this it is !etter* so that so many suits* in any case thin+ that the suits only ha"e to use to attend to his !usinesses I also ha"e missed him $entleman 3 0e&laced the youn$ster smilin$. 3 The year in that you ha&&ened the memorial dates with us ha"e !een a!le to witness* as you had $i"en him !ac+ &art of his 5oy* you $i"es him life* ener$y 3 Affirmed the ser"ant* tried re"eal to the youn$ster that had noticed that the $entleman -ran+ had enamoured of her. 1owe"er this thou$ht remained far of the ones of the youn$* Aylin was full of interests. 3 It +nows he that arri"e today $entleman4 3 It as+ed the youn$. 3 7o 2iss* and that is the !est $ift that $oes to recei"e 3 0e&laced the ser"ant* $i"in$ ex&lains that the youn$ster did not ha"e noticed of his words.

-ront the door of entrance the ser"ant $a"e ste& to the youn$ and did him ha&&en. 3 -orward it sees to $ather you with him. It finds in the mini !ar. I ha"e o!li$ations that do* will $o $oin$ u& the lu$$a$e 3 /aid the ser"ant with a smile in the li&s* lea"in$ it to alone with the $entleman -ran+. 3 8f a$reement 3 Added the youn$ster directin$ to the meetin$ of the $entleman -ran+. To measure that the youn$ster a&&roached to the mini !ar* -ran+ that was a!out to drin+ a si& of /cottish whis+y with ice* detained this $esture and went !ac+ to situate the $lass on the !ar* not $i"in$ credi!ility to what witnessed. The same him ha&&ened to the youn$ster from the last time that it saw it* noticed that -ran+ had chan$ed a lot his form to dress. It carried &ut clothes of s&ort and of $ood mar+* ele$ant for his a$e and this $a"e him a 5u"enile chan$e. 1is &eel was more $rown* with a flawless cut. 1is !i$ celestial eyes o!ser"ed it to distance li+e her a&&roximated . /milin$ the youn$ster a&&roached to $reet it. -ran+ li+e a !oy excited when seein$ it and hea"ed it on his arms addin$ a few sentences. 3 They are my years* are my eyes or am seein$ the 9ueen that steal &art of the heart of this old curmud$eon 3 0ecited -ran+ remem!erin$ the day in that the e!ullient youn$ster a&&ointed him old curmud$eon* situatin$ it in the floor and em!racin$ it. 3 :ou are not seein$ "isions $entleman* am Aylin Daly the 9ueen that con9uered you :ou is not any old curmud$eon and am con"inced that it has to ha"e a lot of !eaux tryin$ form &art of his heart 3 ;atched the youn$ster throwin$ to lau$h* at the same time that it em!raced it* remem!erin$ the day in that it had called him of !ad forms. 3 Wanted in my alone heart existed a woman 3 0e&laced -ran+ smilin$. 3 It existed $entleman 3 <xclaimed the youn$ster smilin$* missed with his attitude* lea"in$ to em!race him. 3 If 9ueen* the time as I said you healthy the wounds* howe"er the remem!er &re"ails This so dee& lo"e that a day felt ha"e sa"ed it in a corner of my heart* lea"in$ ste& to that it went in another so dee& lo"e and with !i$ intensity in east another side of my heart 3 /&o+e the $entleman -ran+ si$nallin$ to the youn$ster to !oth sides of his s&irit. 3 /o you has enamoured 3 /na&&ed sur&rised the youn$. In this act* the $entleman -ran+ lau$hed. 3 /ometimes the life offers you !i$ sur&rises rei$ns* e"ents and feelin$s that flower without that one ex&ect it to him Who went to say that almost to my fifty years went to $o !ac+ to feel the re"i"e of a new lo"e4 /o dee& li+e which suffered in a &ast= 3 It commented the $entleman -ran+. 3 And who is the luc+y -ran+= 3 It wanted to +now the youn$* $laddenin$ to see it in that state of s&irit* so ho&eful and enamoured li+e the flowers of s&rin$ stro+in$ the !utterflies !etween himself.

3 This lady is sweetness* tenderness that reflects in each word that &ronounces* has a touch of innocence and re!ellion 8nly a torero can tame it. It has !i$ intelli$ence that with wisdom escalate !i$ stairs in the life. 8f an incom&ara!le ele$ance to any another woman. 1is smile is soft* seducti"e 3 1ad a con"ersation -ran+ drun+* tryin$ show to the youn$ that the lady of the that he had enamoured* treated of her. 1owe"er such as it mentioned -ran+* the innocence of Aylin did not $i"e to &ercei"e that this lady of the that so much the suffered with a&&reciate* treated of her. The ni$ht had showed with the first dro&s of rain that !e$an to fall. -ran+ ser"ed him to the youn$ster a mar$arita for millionaires* while they chatted encoura$ed* the ser"ant situated in the hi$h of the !ar a tray that came accom&anied of some fine slices of ham* cheese* oli"es /o that they went tastin$. And li+e dessert ser"ed them straw!erries and cherries in syru&* successi"ely lit a few sails* lea"in$ hardly some li$hts lit* to $i"e a touch romantic to that watched. /howin$ the mornin$* Aylin that it was not drun+ such as it showed the $entleman -ran+* ad"ised him that it would !e !etter that !oth went to rest for the mornin$ that was a!out to to show. -ran+ that it &ut of a$reement had !i$ difficulties to $o u& the stair to the &lant where found his room. Aylin hel&ed him to sustain a &air of times in the middle of the stairs* since in two occasions fell of +nees. Afterwards it $uided him until his room and hel& him to remo"e the 5ac+et of fine cloth* the ele$ant shoes and !y ultimo him lay in his !ed recei"in$ him a !it. Afterwards it o!ser"ed him !y some instants thin+in$ in that lady that so much did &artici&ant of the con"ersation this ni$ht and that surely had drun+ cele!ratin$ with her his crush. 3 This lady* has a lot of luc+ 1owe"er I still follow without ha"in$ to any!ody that occu&y my heart 3/aid the youn$ster in low "oice withdrawin$. -ran+* that could listen it in the middle of his drun+enness* $laddened a lot that any!ody e"en occu&ied his heart and manifested a smile $oin$ !ac+ to conciliate the dream. Inside his room Aylin* clothed to conciliate the dream* afterwards &ut to !ed thin+in$ that in the mornin$ would ha"e !i$ &endin$ su!5ects that comment to the $entleman -ran+. In the mornin$ !oth remained sle&t. The ser"ant that already had arri"ed* had &re&ared them the !rea+fast* for when these wo+e u& . 2eanwhile it ordered the mini !ar and &laced new sails for his next watched. Aylin was the first in wa+in$ u& this mornin$ -ill the 5acu>>i and en5oyed of a !athroom -la"oured. Afterwards it dressed of a trac+suit of s&ort that had !rou$ht achie"e. 1is tone was !lac+* at all com&ara!le with the fine chan$in$ room of s&ort of the $entleman -ran+. 7ext it descended to the low &lant* $i"in$ ex&lains that -ran+ still remained sle&t. The ser"ant that felt it descend the stairs* recei"ed it and $uided him so that it too+ seat in the ta!le of the !rea+fast. In this trice -ran+ o"erflowin$ of 5oy and recently $one out of a shower* co"ered !y an !athro!e a&&roached to the +itchen and did &artici&ant of the !rea+fast. /o much Aylin li+e the ser"ant* !e$an to lau$h when seein$ it in !athro!e* as if it was only !y the house. 3 .ood mornin$ .entleman 3 /aid the ser"ant ser"in$ him the !rea+fast.

3 .ood mornin$ 3 It answered -ran+ continuin$ 3 .ood mornin$ 9ueen* 1ow ha"e sle&t toni$ht4 3 .ood mornin$ .entleman. A &leasant ni$ht 3 Answered the youn$ster remem!erin$ the drun+enness of the $entleman -ran+. -rom time to time the youn$ster o!ser"ed the &ectoral of the $entleman -ran+ that to sim&le si$ht was disco"ered !y the !athro!e. It was a &ectoral ro!ust* to the e9ual that the one of a s&ortsman* seducer for the eyes of the youn$. -ran+ noticed that the youn$ster did not remo"e him eyes* so to call him still more his attention* com&orted of a seducti"e way* mo"ed a &air of times with the !uds of the fin$ers of the ri$ht hand his !eautiful hair* this co"ered &art of his .reat 8nes &enetratin$ eyes. The ser"ant +new that -ran+ tried to do notice in the ta!le to seduce to the 9ueen and with a smile &ut to sin$ while it went out of the canteen lea"in$ them to alone. 3 Today we ha"e a lot of what s&ea+ 9ueen 3 ,e$an the $entleman -ran+ to chat. 3 If $entleman* to this ha"e come 3 Answered the youn$ +noc+ed down. In this act* -ran+ fixed the loo+ in her* $i"in$ account that somethin$ did not $o well in the life of the youn$. When they finished the !rea+fast -ran+ ad"ised him that serious con"enient con"erse in the li"in$ room* !ecause outside in the $arden in this wintry &eriod of the year the outdoor of the cold would not accom&any them. They too+ seat in the li"in$ room* -ran+ wanted to +now each detail of what had !een his life durin$ the year in that it was alone &ro$ressin$ after his educations inculcated. 3 /ay me 9ueen that went of your life alon$ the year* after the educations that you instilled 3 Wanted to +now -ran+ sus&ectin$ that somethin$ did not wor+ "ery well in the life of the youn$ster when seein$ it so a!sent and demolished. 3 There is not at all that ex&lain* that it ser"es me* s&ea+ for s&ea+in$* any!ody can do at all neither you in these moments can heal or resol"e what is $oin$ 3 /&o+e the uncomforta!le youn$ster. 3 And that it is what is $oin$ youn$= 3 It exclaimed -ran+ missed. 3 The men with !ein$ a!le to ha"e a&&ro&riated of my &ro&erty 3 Aimed Aylin ner"ous. 3 That wants to say me= It excuse my clumsiness ex&lain !etter 9ueen 3 As+ed the $entleman -ran+ a !it disorientated. 3 It is a lon$ history $entleman* do not want to !ore him with my &ro!lems* neither want to fill him of worries doin$ that the ha&&iness that has with this lady s&oil !y my fault* would not !e 5ust for you* after all my $o throu$h your house this time is short 1a"e to underta+e a lon$ tri& in search of 5ustice 3 /&o+e the youn$. 3 ?ustice= 3 /na&&ed -ran+ sur&rised at the same time that it raised of the armchair of the li"in$ room 3 0ei$ns do not ha"e to concern you in s&oilin$ me at all* to !e more exact this lady of which s&o+e you* not e"en is conscious of the lo"e that seat !y her 7ow $o to tal+ a

!it and to calm us. /ay me that is $oin$4* Why this air of re"en$e4 What was what did you these men with !ein$ a!le to4 And To where you direct you in search 5ustice4 3 It as+ed -ran+ confused and "ery concerned !y the attitude of the youn$* $oin$ !ac+ to ta+e assent front she. 3 0eally these had to listen me4 3 It as+ed the youn$. 3 8f course that if 9ueen 3 6onfirmed the $entleman -ran+ with &owerful "oice. 3 Await a moment 3 As+ed the youn$* headin$ to all ta!let to the third &lant where found his room. There it did with all the &roofs that had !rou$ht achie"e conformin$ the thefts that the men with !ein$ a!le to had a&&ro&riated and the losses that had had she. With all this material that hid in an file ro!ust on the hands* the youn$ster went !ac+ to descend the stairs to 5oin to the $entleman -ran+. In front of him it launched it of !rus9ue way also struc+ in the &ectoral* the file that contained all the documentation of the facts* so that this was throwin$ an loo+ while she ex&osed him with a lot of detail what contained each one of the &roofs. -ran+ ca&tured it as it could. /oon the ire contained of the youn$ster !e$an to earn life with !i$ im&etus and this reflected in his tone of "oice and in the tears that sli&&ed !y his &ale chee+s* while it ex&lained with $reat detail what there was him ha&&ened* -ran+ did not $i"e credi!ility to all this drastic e"ent that was li"in$ the youn$. It had to $o throwin$ an loo+ to each one of the &roof with his own eyes to ensure that what had done him was true. When Aylin finalised the ex&lanation* -ran+ with tears in the eyes* $a>ed it* feelin$ !i$ remorse* when +nowin$ that the men with !ein$ a!le to had a&&ro&riated of his &ro&erty* of his li"elihood and of his &ros&er* !ecause they saw with this ri$ht. 3 7ow you com&rise !ecause it loo+ed for 5ustice 3 /na&&ed the youn$ster hardly !ein$ a!le to articulate words. 3 /o the mana$er of all these crimes* is ;edro 3 8!5ected -ran+* ama>ed. 3 :es $entleman* he was the only that had access to my materials* only he. I sent him the translations of the wor+s in se"en lan$ua$es* also realise them in audio rid in the se"en lan$ua$es and sent them to him 3 6onfirmed the :oun$. 3 And it had the $all of a&&ro&riate of the wor+ of his customer /o this $entleman ta+es ad"anta$e of his title to steal to the customers 3 Affirmed -ran+. 3 ,ut this is not e"erythin$* no only sufficed him in a&&ro&riate of my wor+s* !ut also it sold them in se"eral &u!lishers and these to his time went in association ex&osin$ them on sale in se"eral !oo+sho&s* and these extended them his sales !y all the territory* country and world@ wide. They did sales no only in di$ital format* !ut also they sold them in &a&er* 6D could !uy of $lo!al form* and his sendin$s were to all the world 3 6ommented the youn$. 3 I see all the &roofs in my hands rei$ns* !ut there is more 3 Affirmed -ran+ doin$ with one of the folios that contained a &roof stri+in$.

3 If* that is the &roof that the $entleman ;edro stole me also the !an+in$ account of my !usiness* enterin$ his instead of mine in the on@line sho& where su&&osed that it would sell my wor+s 3 6leared the youn$ster with tears in the eyes. 3 And how it has !een a!le to do such a!erration rei$ns4 3 It wanted to +now the $entleman -ran+* scared !y so many e"ents. 3 Accordin$ to the &ri"ate researcher that hired in his day* ex&lained me that ;edro mani&ulated the !an+in$ account of the sho&* a&&lyin$ in the system his !an+in$ account ,ut this !an+in$ account was in"isi!le I could not see it The &ayments of the !uyers ne"er me /carred to my account* redirected automatically to the one of this $entleman 3 <x&lained the youn$. 3 And you +now if it o!tained some income4 3 It as+ed -ran+. 3 :es $entleman* and more than what ex&ected* in this document as you will see is all what 9uantified the damned 3 Indicated the youn$ster si$nallin$ the folio that contained the contem&t. 3 8utra$eous* his audacity will cost him "ery ex&ensi"e* in what the 5ustice ta+e measured* this $entleman will !e condemned to lon$ years of &rison* ha"in$ to indemnify you !y all the dama$e and &re5udices that caused you This wants to say wanted to Aylin that your wor+ has a lot of cost 3 1ad a con"ersation -ran+. 3 I a$ree $entleman* !ut I do not ha"e of time to ex&ect that they indemnify me* did a &romise to my dau$hter* this summer said him that it could ha"e it !eside me* she ex&ects to come to li"e with me* can not !rea+ this &romise would not !e 5ust for her 3 /&o+e the youn$. 3 I understand your sufferin$* +now that they are causin$ you a lot of &re5udices* !ut for this wanted to* are the laws* the laws and the 5ustice will &ut to each one in his &lace when it arri"e the moment 3 6leared -ran+. 3 :ou does not understand at all* the only that matters them is to follow the &rocedure* +now !etter that any!ody that this is a lon$ &rocess* howe"er when a&&ro&riated of my &ro&erty* for them was a short lawsuit* did it in 9uestions of second* and you +nows it* 7ow want to me con"ince that I ha"e to remain me seated ex&ectin$* with the arms crossed* without mo"in$ an alone tooth&ic+ waitin$ for that the 5ustice ta+e his measures* decision 3 Demanded the youn$* ma"eric+ with the recommendations of the $entleman -ran+. In fact -ran+ was to the so much of the laws and +new that the youn$ster carried reason* to carry this case in front of a 5ud$e would ha&&en months. 3 I am conscious of the facts Aylin* howe"er do not +now what is in my sco&e to !e a!le to hel& you* ha"e !een a!le to chec+ in the documents that already has &ut them a com&laint 7ow only remains to ex&ect and trust that the 5ustice was 5ust 3 0ecommended -ran+. 3 After ha"in$ them &ut the com&laint the only that ha"e said me is that already they will call me* this is the only that +now until the moment and since has ha&&ened a month and e"en

ha"e not informed me of any no"elty. :ou as+s me that it ex&ect* ex&ect the one who* time is of what do not ha"e* is that you does not $i"e account* the summer a&&roximates and for then that I say him to my dau$hter The reason where!y no the &us ha"e* say me* as it ex&lains this to a son when east has the $reater illusion to come to li"e with his mother* when this son already carries some years ex&ectin$ that this !ecome If you +nows the answer* then you is the wisest man of the face of the earth 3 /tammered the youn$. -ran+ with tears in the eyes* was conscious of the &assionate wish that so much had it dau$hter and mother* his $reater wish was to li"e !oards* and to +now that the hands of the men with !ein$ a!le to had snatched him this ri$ht of mother and dau$hter en5oy of this o&&ortunity that had arri"ed after lon$ years of effort !y &art of the youn$ster so that this ha&&en. -ran+ felt shame to form &art of the hi$h society* +new that a man li+e him* that &ossessed ac9uisiti"e &ower was the causati"e of the tra$edy in the life of the youn$. 3 And what thin+ to do to ta+e measures= 3 It wanted to +now -ran+ re$rettin$. 3 That would do you in my &lace* if you wa+e u& you in a mornin$ any one and disco"er that all what ha"e stru$$led to $o out forward ha"e snatched it to you* his life* his ho&es* his li"elihood and all your &ossessions and !an+in$ account wa+e u& :ou and no lon$er ha"e a!solutely at all7o lon$er are any!ody 3 Wanted to +now the youn$ infuriated. 3 I do not +now it 3 it 0e&laced -ran+ annoyin$* not wantin$ to re"eal to the youn$ster the measures that he had ta+en if it treated of his case. 3 That is an answer that will not dri"e him to any &art* you same tau$ht it to me Answer me= 3 It as+ed shoutin$ the youn$ster continuin$ 3 What would do if there was you ha&&ened this4 If they steal you all your &ossessions* your identity. 3 Ta+e the 5ustice !y my own hands 3 Tore a cry the $entleman -ran+. 3 1ere we a$ree the two* my whole life died after these e"ents* the only reason that it follow with life* is the fact that I ha"e a dau$hter that li"es of illusions for li"in$ !eside the side of his mother does not treat only of what am sufferin$ $entleman -ran+* are the moral dama$es of my &rincess and this sufferin$ does not ha"e &ardon of $od* neither &rice* neither 5ustice that &ay off this in5ustice. In this moment the only that loo+ for is to do them &ay !y all what sufferin$ ha"e me caused and follow me causin$ 3 /tammered firm the youn$ster dryin$ the tears. 3 And what thin+ to do4* in"ade his homes and when it ha"e them in front hit them a shot Aylin This calls search and crime 3 Demanded the $entleman -ran+. 3 3 It Did not contradict the youn$. 3 Then as you thin+ to do it* !ecause if you $o in his homes they will answer you with a shot They are men with &owers and am con"inced that these ha"e !ullies* that in what they see you will not li+e of your &resence* are all cons&ired And if they remo"e you the arms of your hands* remain you without &rotection* so alone in front of one of the men your stren$ths

a$ainst him* is inferior 9ueen* can not lea"e that you $o to a safe death 3 6leared -ran+ tryin$ do it com&rise that ta+e the 5ustice !y his hands is to s&ill !urn in the fire. 3 -or this ha"e a &lan* +now that I am not any!ody front they 1a"e of !i$ ad"anta$e* they do not ex&ect me* neither +now who am* ne"er ha"e seen me 3 8!5ected the youn$ster seein$ interru&ted. 3 This does not suffice* with more reason that ne"er* will thin+ that you are a thief that ha"e $one in to steal them his stron$ !ox and will defend these &ositions deletin$ you and will ha&&en to the history.-or $oin$ in search that Aylin* of re"en$e* not e"en ha"e of a wea&on to &rotect you 3 /&o+e annoyin$ -ran+. 3 It does not treat of re"en$e* treats of honour* of 5ustice* to defend all what is mine* treats to do them res&ect what is of one 3 6leared shar&ly the youn$... 3 The wea&on already will find it. 3 The re"en$e* the &ride* !rin$s achie"e &re5udices 3 /na&&ed -ran+ !other with the youn$. 3 )ea"e me in &eace 3 /houted the youn$ ma"eric+ with the o&inion of the $entleman -ran+. 3 It thin+s well to where direct you* remem!ers 9ueen* when a man sees !eaten* his fury and his fortress $rows* so I ad"ise you that if you ha"e thou$ht to stru$$le a$ainst one* &rocures ne"er $o out defeated 3 0ecommended -ran+ little satisfied. 3 It is !y this reason that ha"e to s&lit inside a &air of days* ha"e to train 3 0e&laced the youn$. 3 Where you thin+ to $o4 3 It wanted to +now the $entleman -ran+ confused. 3 To the mountain 1imalaya. There they are the mon+s /aolyn* will loo+ for the !i$ /en /ey and will as+ him that it train me 3 /&o+e the youn$. 3 :ou do not +now what say* not e"en +now if it will !e had to hel& you* they ha"e a dear norm* some traditions* to arri"e to !e a /en /ey* will ha"e to ha&&en you there se"en years of trainin$ 3 Warned the $entleman -ran+. 3 I do not ha"e of se"en years* does not interest me learn all his technicians* so only loo+ for the learnin$ of the 2uai Thai and thin+ that in three months will !e a!le to assume it 3 1ad a con"ersation the youn$* annoyin$. 3 The learnin$ of the 2uai Thai ta+es a year in learnin$ it* no less* in three months will not +now all his technicians and will not cost you of at all when you are faced with these ro!ust men will do the tri& in "ain and this is not e"erythin$* they ha"e a norm no inculcate learnin$ to a lady 3 <x&lained -ran+. 3 And 1ow you +now you of this4* ;erha&s +now them= 3 As+ed The youn$. 3 I +now his culture and can ensure you that ne"er in the history ha"e seen or listened that a lady was trained !y a mon+ /aolyn 3 -inished -ran+* not answerin$ the dou!ts of the youn$.

3 ,ecause4* this is not 5ust* this is machismo 3 6ontradicted the youn$. 3 ,ecause they +now that the fortress of a man does not e9ualise to the one of a woman 3 8!5ected -ran+ re$rettin$. 3 ;erha&s The fortress is not in the mind $entleman* you same ha"e tau$ht it to me* where is your wisdom now* is that you no lon$er remem!er what me tau$ht. :ou do not thin+ to do at all to hel& me 6ome you with me* con"ince them* your can do it* they will listen you 3 /tammered !etween tears the youn$ster feelin$ defeated. 3 7o* no and 3 it did not deny -ran+ lit* at the same time withdrew of the li"in$ room runnin$ with !i$ excitation to direct and ta+e refu$e in the $arden. 3 -orward you esca&e li+e a coward* is my life* as it is not yours matters you a cucum!er* ta+e you the time that want to* I do not ha"e of this time 3 0aised the "oice the youn$ster seein$ li+e the $entleman -ran+ went out to all haste of the house lea"in$ it to alone. After the withdrawal of -ran+* Aylin did with the documents and ordered them in the file* carryin$ it with her to his room. There !olted and remained cryin$ his &enalties to alone* !y ha"e not found su&&ort and com&assion of his mentor. The ser"ant that found in the +itchen &re&arin$ them the !rea+fast* attained to listen and witness the so warmed u& con"ersation that +e&t !oth and saw how -ran+ of a ra$e that had* went out li+e the same de"il outside to isolate in the $arden* not dou!tin$ a lot* went out to his meetin$ to do him $o in reason* !ecause he was to the so much that -ran+ could concede him this wish to the youn$. 3 .entleman 3 /aid the ser"ant. 3 It is not $ood moment* lea"e me to alone with my &ain 3 0e&laced -ran+ !a!!lin$ in his anxiety. In s&ite of the re9uest of -ran+ the ser"ant followed of foot in front of him* not doin$ withdrawal* thou$ht that it was not 5ust to lea"e to the youn$ die in hands of those men with !ein$ a!le to* without doin$ at all in this re$ard for hel&in$ it. The ser"ant +new that the $entleman -ran+ after the death of his wife* had ta+en refu$e in the tem&le of the mon+s /aolyn in the mountain 1imalaya and that had ha&&ened se"en years of hard trainin$s turnin$ into a /en /ey* where afterwards exerted li+e Auarter of the mon+s durin$ a year* achie"in$ se"eral awardsAnd was trained to $i"e this disci&line to the youn$. 3 .entleman. I do not want to meddle me in his su!5ects* !ut could not a"oid listen the con"ersation that +e&t. :ou +nows that it can hel& it* you is a /en /ey and with !i$ awards. ,y all the saints* !ecause you did not say him at all* are one of the !est Auarter of the history 3 1ad a con"ersation the ser"ant showin$ !i$ an$er. 3 I can not do it* the trainin$s are "ery hard* she is a fra$ile lady* does not ha"e s+ill neither resistant !ody to !ear so much a&&allin$* would ha"e to !eat him* can not hit to the woman that lo"e* can understand this fellow* !ecause I deny me to yield to his re9uest 3 /&o+e showin$ ma"eric+ with the ser"ant.

3 In any case !oth +now that you only $oes it to !eat so that instill the disci&line of the trainin$* howe"er* when this lady $o out !y the door* no only $o him to !eat* will do him !i$ a&&allin$ !efore +illin$ it and then will lose it of a !ar!aric form* Is this what you search4 B It as+ed the ser"ant. 3 7o* no of course that no 3 /tammered the $entleman -ran+ warmed u&. 3 As it is to this to what you carries him* to his &erdition The man when master* does !i$ madnesses !y the lo"e of a woman and !oth +now that you is enamoured of this youn$* e"en is losin$ the reason to li"e. /o if it wants to do somethin$ !y the lady* ta+e measured soon* !efore it lose it for e"er* ,e$in for $i"in$ him the life and the honour that she Ta+er"es $entleman 3 0e&laced shar&ly the ser"ant withdrawin$. 3 It would $i"e my realm !y his lo"e 3 Added !etween tears -ran+ fallin$ of +nees on the lawn of his $arden* thin+in$ that the life had &ut him !etween the sword and the wall. -ran+ +new that it had to ta+e a "ery im&ortant decision* !ut would lose to the youn$ster of a cruel form in hands of the men with &owers. )ost in the time with his sufferin$* -ran+ tore a few cries* to relie"e his torment and when no lon$er they remained him stren$ths* tended in &osition of fetus* remem!erin$ the entrance of the new year that ha&&ened !eside the youn$ster in the terrace of his chalet and the cham&a$ne that he him s&rayed !y all the !ody. It remem!ered also the stray that had felt when his wife died and successi"ely the nostal$ia that suffered when it returned of his tri& of !usiness and did not find to the youn$ster in his mansion fillin$ him of ha&&iness as it had done it with his &resence in the ei$ht days that had ha&&ened in his home went down his educations. The $entleman -ran+ did not ta+e a lot in ta+in$ an initiati"e* calmed a !it and way in direction to the +itchen* in search of the ser"ant. 3 It offers him somethin$ $entleman 3 /aid the ser"ant when seein$ him detained near of the. 3 We will s&lit inside a &air of days* will !e a!sent some three months* the youn$ster has to !e trained in this scarce time* !oth +now that so that it com&lete his trainin$ needs a &eriod of a year* so we do not ha"e of time that lose* ex&ect no cause you any &ro!lem !y your $ame 3 6ommunicated -ran+. 3 There is not &ro!lem $entleman* my wife and my children will understand my a!sence* will commission me &ersonally 3 Affirmed the ser"ant. 3 I need that you do some mana$ement 3 /aid the $entleman -ran+. 3 :es $entleman* what you order 3 0e&laced the ser"ant. 3 It rents a &ri"ate air&lane that carry us inside two days course to 7ew Cealand* there is a ma$nify full &lace of $reens for the learnin$s of the youn$. Also I will need that you !uy some foods* stic+s* ro&es* medicine* !anda$es This afternoon will do him a list of all what $oes us do fault 3 Warned the $entleman -ran+.

3 As it li+es me 3 it Added the ser"ant !etween tooth with !i$ entranced !y the decision hit that it had ta+en the $entleman -ran+. 3 :ou ha"e said you somethin$4 3 It as+ed -ran+ that it could listen the whis&er. 3 If $entleman* always am to his ser"ice 3 Amended the ser"ant erasin$ the smile and continuin$. 3 .entleman will !e !etter that $o to reassure it* a!sent in his "ery u&set room. -ran+ nodded at the same time withdrew and directed to the meetin$ of the youn$ster to communicate him that it already had solution to his re9uest. -ront the door of the room of the youn$* -ran+ continued to call* $i"in$ a few ta&* Aylin was in a sea of tears lyin$ in the !ed* !ut could &ercei"e the call. 3 That you want to* lea"e me to alone With my &ain 3 As+ed the youn$ster thin+in$ that it was the ser"ant. 3 1o&efully 1ad this "alue &rincess 3 0e&laced in low "oice -ran+ o&enin$ the door and $oin$ in to the meetin$ of her. Already near of the youn$* -ran+ detained * mo"in$ the head of u& down while it !it the li&s* listenin$ li+e this cried $rie"ed a!out the im&otence that felt in front of so much in5ustice that the life was $i"in$ him. Aylin did not ha"e noticed of the one who treated and remained with the head on the &illow in a sea of tears. 3 I +now some!ody that can hel& you 9ueen 3 Warned -ran+ settlin$ a soft smile. 3 :ou mention to comfort me 3 /na&&ed the youn$. 3 It did not 3 deny -ran+. 3 :ou same said me that the !i$ /en /ey ne"er would train me* this is not allowed in his culture And that would do the tri& in "ain 3 0emem!ered 1im Aylin ,a!!lin$. 3 And this is not any lie rei$ns* !ut +now to a !i$ Auarter /en /ey that li"es in 7ew Cealand and am con"inced that he will want to hel& you* in any case is not in the mountain 1imalaya and will not !rea+ any laws 3 6ommunicated -ran+ not re"ealin$ that this !i$ Auarter of the that he s&o+e treated of him* !ecause it wanted to $i"e him a sur&rise to the youn$ster when they arri"ed to 7ew Cealand. With this !i$ news Aylin $laddened so much that went out of a &romoted of the !ed* hea"in$ on the arms of the $entleman -ran+* a&&reciatin$ him his interest !y her. 3 Always it is a &leasure &lease you 9ueen 3 Added -ran+ a&&reciatin$ the smell of the &erfume that used the youn$ster that $a"e off of his thin nec+. 3 0eina 3 /aid in low "oice the $entleman -ran+ to the hei$ht of the hearin$ of the youn$* ta+in$ ad"anta$e of that it had it ti$htened !etween his arms. 3 /ay me $entleman 3 /aid the youn$ster loo+in$ strai$ht ahead him without lea"in$ to em!race him. -ran+ wanted to say what felt !y her in that moment* !ut his insecurity and his fear to the re5ection !y the difference of a$e did that he sa"ed silence and chan$ed this

thou$ht !y another more ada&ted in that moment. Althou$h -ran+ chan$ed what was for sayin$ him* the lady li+e instinct of woman* reali>ed that -ran+ wanted to transmit him somethin$ distinct to what was ex&lainin$ him* !ut not to meddle with the end of err dissem!led that it had not &ercei"ed his intentions. 3 0eina ha"e to warn you that the trainin$s are "ery hard 3 Warned the $entleman -ran+* lea"in$ to em!race it. 3 It does not matter $entleman* am &re&ared for what a"en$es* the life already has done me suffer too much* some hits !ut will not +ill me 3 Affirmed the youn$. 3 Wise answer rei$ns. We will s&lit in a &air of days* &re&ares the lu$$a$es that will do you fault* will not return until finals of summer. 3 8f a$reement will ha"e all &re&ared for the $ame 3 Added the youn$. -ran+ withdrew and went to his office write the listin$ of the foods and the thin$s that would do him fault to exert the trainin$ of the youn$. When it finished with the list of &urchase descended the stairs and directed to the meetin$ of the ser"ant* this when seein$ him warned him that it already had &ro$rammed the tri& so that they went out in a &air of days. -ran+ after $i"in$ him the than+ you deli"ered him the listin$ of the thin$s that needed* so that he to first hour of the mornin$* did these commissions. 7ext -ran+ withdrew lea"in$ it to alone and headed to a room that had +e&t years !arred. In this room -ran+ sa"ed all his memories of when he had attained his laurels* arri"in$ to turn into a /en /ey. It remem!ered his first trainin$s when it li"ed with the mon+s /aolyn. Two days afterwards s&lit in air&lane course to 7ew Cealand. The air&lane landed in an extensi"e $reenish &lain. 7ot detainin$ the en$ines* the dri"er !eside -ran+ downloaded all the lu$$a$e that had !rou$ht achie"e. Aylin after $oin$ down of the air&lane with the hel& of the $entleman -ran+* a&&reciated a ca!in throws wooden near of them where ha&&ened the current of a wide ri"er of crystalline waters. 3 It is here $entleman* where will li"e these three months4 3 It wanted to +now the youn$* directin$ to the ser"ant. 3 If 2iss* that is the residence that chose the $entleman -ran+ so that it could a&&reciate all this !eauty that offers the nature 3 1ad a con"ersation the ser"ant showin$ a soft smile. While the youn$ster wal+ed in direction to the ca!in to alone* &ercei"ed that !ehind the ca!in there was another smaller and of $ood see. 2eanwhile -ran+ sac+ed of the dri"er of the air&lane as+in$ him that returned to loo+ for them in a term of three months and when it o!tained his confirmation left him lea"e and !eside the ser"ant did with all the lu$$a$e that had !rou$ht * afterwards wal+ed after the youn$ster in direction to the ca!in. In front of the !i$$est ca!in* the ser"ant o&ened the door* Aylin was the first in $oin$ in to a&&reciate it. It was a clean and orderly home* "ery rustic and comforta!le so that they ha&&ened his stay in him. It did not ta+e lon$ the ser"ant withdrew carryin$ achie"e his !a$$a$e* lea"in$ them to alone so that they accommodated * warnin$ to the youn$ster that would !e in the another ca!in in case it needed it. -ran+ also withdrew *

!ut !efore doin$ it recommended to the youn$ster that was sa"in$ the foods that had !rou$ht in the &antry of the +itchen and successi"ely was or$anisin$ all the lu$$a$e in the cu&!oards of his corres&ondin$ rooms The youn$ster when seein$ that it treated of a lot of lu$$a$e si$hed and continued to do what the $entleman -ran+ had ordered him. And while it did it* -ran+ &re&ared the terrain in the !i$ flat $reenish with the hel& of the ser"ant* &inned two ro!ust trun+s under earth and in the hi$h of these tied two firm ro&es* to start with in the followin$ mornin$ with the trainin$ of the youn$. The next day* -ran+ found seated on the $reenish terrain* dressed of /en /ey* &re&ared to start with with the disci&line* +new that the youn$ster had to ha&&en this mornin$ !y a hard trainin$* !ut what did not +now was if it would !e had to &ass off as him this cruel trainin$. Aylin raised and re$ent to !rea+fast* the ser"ant found in the +itchen had to ser"e him the reinforcement. 3 .ood mornin$ 2iss 3 .reeted the ser"ant. 3 .ood mornin$ .entleman 3 Answered the youn$ster continuin$ 3 Where is the $entleman -ran+4* I /u&&ose that it will !e $athered with the /en /ey= In this instant the ser"ant that was watchin$ it throu$h the window of the +itchen* said him to the youn$ster that -ran+ was ex&ectin$ it in the terrain. After ser"in$ him the !rea+fast the ser"ant lea"e it to alone and went out to the terrain to con"erse with the $entleman -ran+. 3 That occurs $entleman 3 Wanted to +now the ser"ant* sensin$ that -ran+ did not want to exert this hard trainin$ to the youn$. 3 I thou$ht that it could do it* !ut I can not &ass off as him this Is a cruel trainin$* hard and inhuman* am not con"inced that it ha"e resistance to hold so much sa"a$ery* is a lady* does not treat of a man 3 1ad a con"ersation -ran+ concerned. 3 If there is a true thin$ $entleman* is that I am con"inced that you has this ca&acity to do him &ros&er /o I ad"ise you that you do not throw you !ac+wards or of the contrary will lose it 3 /&o+e the ser"ant. 3 And if I +ill it and if I +ill to the woman that lo"e a$ainst my will 3 /na&&ed -ran+. 3 In any case !oth +now that this youn$ster already is died and if it still follows with life is !ecause you s&o+e him that the !i$ /en /ey went it train* of the contrary already would ha"e left in search of re"en$e 3 Affirmed the ser"ant. 3 :ou carry reason* can not lea"e that these !astards erase of the ma& to the woman that lo"e* another stray more* would not !ear it 3 /aid the $entleman -ran+ had to do of the youn$ster a /en /ey* so that they did not hurt it. 3 I a$ree with you $entleman* ha"e $i"en with the riddle 3 0e&laced the ser"ant* seein$ li+e Aylin a&&roached to them. 3 .ood mornin$ -ran+ 3 .reeted the youn$. 3 )ea"e us to alone 3 As+ed +indly -ran+ to the ser"ant.

3 It is well $entleman 3 /aid the ser"ant withdrawin$. 3 .ood mornin$ Aueen* 1ow ha"e ha&&ened the ni$ht4 3 It as+ed -ran+. 3 %ery &leasant -ran+. .entleman !y that carry this clothin$ &ut and where is the !i$ /en /ey 3 Wanted to +now Aylin* missed* loo+in$ the clothes oran$e colour that carried the $entleman -ran+. 3 In front of you 9ueen 3 Answered the $entleman -ran+. 3 :ou is the !i$ Auarter /en /ey 3 As+ed the youn$ sur&rised. 3 :es* li+e this it is* and it is a lon$ history of which rei$ns do not ha"e of time to ex&lain it 3 /&o+e the $entleman -ran+. 3 /o you* has owed to ha&&en se"en years in the mountain 1imalaya in com&any of the mon+s /aolyn* until turnin$ into you a /en /ey Am con"inced that you will ha"e won se"eral awards 3 /&o+e the youn$. -ran+ smiled !ut did not do comment* was concerned !ecause it +new that it had to !e$in the !efore &ossi!le and finish with this trainin$ that for him was turnin$ into a torment. Decided to !e$in did him a si$nal to the ser"ant that found in the terrain to !i$ distance of them. When it had it near it as+ed him that it went in the &o&ulated nearer to !uy some medicinal $rasses* with the intention to use them afterwards to cure them the wounds of the youn$. The ser"ant withdrew lea"in$ them to alone and +new that -ran+ with his a!sence would !e$in with the disci&line. 3 We owe to !e$in 9ueen 3 Warned -ran+. 3 It is well and that I ha"e to do 3 it Wanted to +now the youn$ confused without !ein$ conscious that it ex&ected him an incalcula!le &ain* so much &hysical* mental and s&iritual. -ran+ sa"ed silence and did not want to $i"e him ex&lanation* fearin$ to that she threw !ac+wards. 3 :ou owe to situate you in the middle of these two trun+s 3 Aylin situated such as it as+ed the $entleman -ran+. /oon it saw tied of !oth hands* remainin$ with these extended in !oth sides in sha&e of cross. 3 And now $entleman. What can do if I am tied4 And so that you $o to use this rod= 3 It wanted to +now the youn$. -ran+ neither answered him. 3 I will $i"e you an only and last o&&ortunity 3 /aid -ran+ doin$ with a rod firm wooden. 3 Which $entleman4 3 It as+ed the $ar!led youn$ster. 3 These willin$ to lea"e that the 5ustice ta+e measured and for$et to $o in search of re"en$e4 3 It wanted to +now -ran+. 3 3 It Did not shout the youn$ster tryin$ unleashed.

3 There is not more than as+in$* does not su!tract me another alternati"e* ha"e to &ass off as you what would not li+e me that you ha&&ened The only that want that you ha"e in mind when we !e$in* is that all what do it !y your well Alon$ this entertainment will +now the why needed that it &assed off as you this 3 6ommented -ran+ ta+in$ the stic+ with firmness and continuin$ to stri+e it without detainin$ an alone instant. Durin$ lon$ moments -ran+ was hittin$ it with the stic+* !y all the !ody* so much in the leadin$ &art as in the rear. Aylin after so much time !earin$ the hard !eatin$ to !ase of wail* lost the +nowled$e. -or then -ran+ followed stri+in$ it* until the arri"al of the ser"ant* for -ran+ had !een !etter that lost the sanity* li+e this left to listen his sufferin$. The ser"ant already of turn a&&roached to the $entleman -ran+ missed when seein$ him e"en !eatin$ it and this in a state &ainful. 3 Already it is well !y today $entleman* do not see that this unaware 3 As+ed the ser"ant showin$ concerned* a&&roachin$ to the youn$ster for untie. The !lood of Aylin was dotted !y !i$ &art of the terrain* his clothes had !ro+en !y se"eral &arts and his shoes found thrown in the ste&. 3 I do not want that it seats the hits of these cowards* so alone want to that his fra$ile !ody accustom to them 3 Alle$ed -ran+ noddin$ and detainin$ the hits* referrin$ to the men with which the youn$ster had thou$ht to confront. -ran+ threw the rod on the terrain and a&&roached to sustain to the youn$ster in his arms while the ser"ant the unleashed of !oth hands. Act followed carried it to his room and tended it in the !ed. 2eanwhile the ser"ant &re&ared in the +itchen a &otion with the $rasses that had !rou$ht of the &o&ulated so that the $entleman -ran+ extended it !y the !ody of the youn$. Aylin remained an unaware whole wee+* lost in the time* while -ran+ cured his !ruises and when it wo+e u& hardly showed si$nal in his !ody to ha"in$ suffered a cruel !eatin$* did not remem!er at all of the ha&&ened. -ran+ thou$ht that it was !etter li+e this. Durin$ the time in that the lady had remained in !ed* -ran+ with the hel& of the ser"ant &re&ared and or$anised the terrain for the trainin$ that -ran+ had thou$ht to exert him to the youn$ster when this sanase. Two days later of the youn$ster ha"e reco"ered* -ran+ in the terrain !e$an to teach him the mo"ements of defence of the 2uai Thai and in what consisted and when it finalised this day reali>ed that the youn$ster did not ha"e flexi!ility in ele"atin$ the le$s to stri+e with this on the face of his o&&onent* then as+ed him that it extended in the terrain with le$s and o&en hands in the centre of four thic+ stic+s that were nailed in the de&ths of the earth and when Aylin &urchased this &osture on the terrain* -ran+ tied with the ro&es each one of the hands of the youn$ster in the lateral trun+s* afterwards ste& to tie him the le$s in the trun+s that situated to the hei$ht of his le$s* lea"in$ them firm. Act followed did with the two ro&es that attached his le$s and threw them a$ainst him* doin$ that !oth le$ of the youn$ster &ulled with intensity 3 /uffices 3 /houted the youn$ster $roanin$ of &ain* feelin$ li+e the sinews of his le$s &ut taut with the &ressure. 3 .entleman* do not do it 3 As+ed the ser"ant &ercei"in$ the intentions of his re$ent.

3 We do not ha"e of time* ha"e to do it* an stretch li+e east would carry months so that the youn$ster had flexi!ility and of time do not ha"e* su!tract us two months and a &air of wee+s as a lot so that she $o out to com!at 3 <nsured -ran+. 3 ,y all the saints* has $one you the head* +now "ery well that to learn the 2uai Thai needs a year of learnin$... 3It demanded the ser"ant ma"eric+ with the $entleman -ran+. 3 ,y this reason ha"e to attain that in three months ha"e all this disci&line* is the time that ha"e 3 6leared -ran+ showin$ so!er. 3 I do not want to witness this clumsiness 3 denied the ser"ant. 3 /ay him that do not do it* is that it has $one !ac+ cra>y of finish 3 0aised the "oice Aylin to the ser"ant infuriated with !oth. 3 1e +nows what does* ha"e to trust he 3 6leared the ser"ant to the youn$* lea"in$ them to alone. 3 I do not thin+ that this exercise was necessary -ran+* for which demons want to this* untie 3 0aised the "oice Aylin annoyin$. -ran+ did not do case to his re9uest and followed throwin$ of the ro&es* until achie"in$ almost with his &ur&ose detained when it saw that the youn$ster had lost the +nowled$e* then ha&&ened to untie and carried it !etween his arms to the room* Aylin remained two days followed sufferin$ hi$h tem&eratures and sweats that scurryin$ !y his &ale face. The $entleman -ran+ at all times with !i$ affection too+ care of her* offerin$ him from time to time to that it too+ a &otion and when this re&laced * -ran+ followed trainin$ it* did him run !y the terrain* afterwards ha&&ened to teach him the 2uai Thai* Aylin did not lea"e stri+e* dod$ed the har&s of the $entleman -ran+* althou$h sometimes it recei"ed $ood hits she did not feel &ain and this had to the hard !eatin$ of resistance that -ran+ had done it ha&&en at the !e$innin$ of his trainin$. To the youn$ster no $a"e him !adly the mo"ements with the arms 1owe"er with the ha&&en of the time -ran+ &ercei"ed that e"en she did not ha"e all the flexi!ility in the le$s to arri"e to attac+ him on the hei$ht of his head* so it decided to as+ him once a$ain* that lie down in the middle of the four trun+s. In &rinci&le the youn$ster denied * !ecause it +new what ex&ected him* !ut -ran+ con"inced it* affirmin$ him that this time would not suffer as much as the a$ain and carried reason* -ran+ with a !it of effort that did* could throw softly of the ro&es* attainin$ that the le$s of the youn$ster o&ened wide o&en aimin$ !oth sides. Attainin$ his aim -ran+ ha&&ened two wee+s more teachin$ him the 2uai Thai and after each trainin$ did him run with hea"y sac+s of sand !y the terrain. Aylin with the ha&&en of the wee+s had &urchased safe in if same* flexi!ility and resistance in the moment to char$e. -ran+ showed &roud of what had achie"ed to form in little time* a /en /ey feminine* that was !e$innin$ to dominate the 2uai Thai e"en !etter that he. And to ensure that the youn$ster would !ear the hard hits that could him cause the men when they arri"ed to a state of cholera* wanted to ha&&en it a$ain !y the trainin$ of the !eatin$ and commented him to the ser"ant in a dus+ that had to $o !ac+ tie it to ensure to the one hundred !y one hundred that his !ody was resistant. The ser"ant a$reed with the $entleman -ran+ !ecause it +new that it was

con"enient to ensure !efore that lea"e it lea"e to the har&s of the ti$ers. In the followin$ mornin$ -ran+ as+ed to the ser"ant that a&&roached in the terrain the !anda$es that had !rou$ht in the tri&. I do not ha&&en lon$ the ser"ant went !ac+ to the flat $rassy and deli"ered the !anda$es to his re$ent. -ran+ ha&&ened to !anda$e the le$s* thi$hs and arms of the youn$* with fear that the hits went him to hurt. And when this ha&&ened tied him the hands in the lateral trun+s* ensurin$ to ha"e them tied "ery firm. Afterwards it did with the rod wooden and continued to stri+e it* the youn$ster did not re$ret * did not feel hardly &ain* noticed to sim&le si$ht that his !ody already had accustomed to the hard hits 1owe"er when it struc+ the stomach of the youn$ster this $roaned of &ain* in this instant -ran+ detained the followin$ hit that went him to hit shar&ly on his !elly and continued to untie. 3 /till it remains somethin$ for doin$ 3 /aid -ran+ directin$ to the ser"ant. 3 It is that it has $one !ac+ you cra>y* that want that it throw the $uts !y the mouth* small cucum!er are %ermin* curmud$eon 3 Demanded the youn$ster doin$ that so much the $entleman -ran+ li+e the ser"ant cac+led* while this showed sul+y. 3 .o wild !east these throws* as to &ut with her when it finish the trainin$ 3 2uttered -ran+ to the ser"ant $oin$ !ac+ !oth to form an intense lau$hs. -ran+ had to achie"e that the youn$ster had resistance in the fee!le &art of his stomach. /o it as+ed to the ser"ant that reached him a few $reen coconuts that found on the flat. Afterwards it situated in the stair of some stairs that carried him to the hei$ht of a ro!ust trun+ and continued to $o u& it sustainin$ a small sac+ that loaded the coconuts and from of the &ea+ as+ed to the youn$ster that lie down in the floor mouth lowered* !ecause it thou$ht to lea"e fall one of the coconuts on his !elly* afterwards indicated him that it too+ a lot of air and that ex&elled it when it recei"ed the hit of the coconut on his a!domen. 7ext -ran+ launch a coconut and ex&ect to see the reaction of the youn$* this $roaned* !ut acce&ted to recei"e another hit more and li+e this ha&&ened the afternoon* exertin$ this trainin$. A wee+ later -ran+ em&ty the coconuts and filled them of earth* ensurin$ with adhesi"e stri& that this did not dum& * went !ac+ to clim! !y the stairs carryin$ achie"e a few coconuts in the inside of a small sac+. Act followed as+ed to the youn$ster that too+ suita!le &osture so that the could let $o the first coconut and when this ha&&ened ex&ect the reaction of the youn$* this $roaned loo+in$ that it had done him a lot of dama$e* !ut immediately with a !i$ smile hea"e the "oice to -ran+ as+in$ him that launched another coconut more. -ran+ smiled and continued to launch him all the coconuts that there was in the inside of the sac+ and when it finished to e"acuate it descended the stairs detainin$ to the hei$ht of the youn$ and ha&&ened to communicate him that it still was missin$ for teachin$ him to stru$$le with the eyes !lindfolded* so that she +new to use his sixth sense. This ni$ht after the dinner* Aylin communicated to the $entleman -ran+ that it had to do a tele&hone call to his sister 7ancy and to his dau$hter* to say them that she found well and of ste& warn them that in few wee+s already would !e of return. -ran+ $a"e him &ermission so that it withdrew . Aylin called his dau$hter and chatted li"ely with her durin$ a time Afterwards continued to call to his sister and warned him that in !rief would !e of return to ,arcelona. 7ancy $laddened a lot of his turn and of ste& commented him that the next day it

would $o to !uy him a $ift that had thou$ht from did lon$ in $i"in$ him ,ut did not want to say him to his lower sister that sur&rise treated . 3 /ister* &romise me that when it return $o me to carry in the ,o9ueria to !uy me an exotic ice cream* li+e the a$ain* !ut this time want to one of $ra&e 3 As+ed Aylin feelin$ nostal$ia of the moment so &leasant that ha&&en to$ether the com&any of his sister in ,arcelona. 3 8f course that I &romise it to you* is more will !uy you all the ice creams that want to* that seems you 3 8!5ected 7ancy smilin$ a !it. 3 It lo"es me the idea* then until &rom&t sister 3 /aid the youn$ster sac+in$. After this Aylin sac+ed of the $entleman -ran+ and went to rest for the followin$ day. In the mornin$* -ran+ such as it had foreseen &re&are an mas+s and sell the eyes of the youn$* teachin$ him that &ercei"ed the enemy a&&roach with the intention to attac+ it. While this $oin$ Aylin from the terrain listened li+e the tele&hone sounded* immediately remo"ed the dressin$ that wra&&ed his eyes and o!ser"ed that the ser"ant did not $i"e si$nal to $o out of his ca!in to $o to attend it in the ca!in of the $entleman -ran+. As+in$ &ermission to the $entleman -ran+* Aylin ran to the ca!in that did not find "ery far and attended the tele&hone* was the mother of her. 3 1ello 3 /aid the youn$. 3 1ello Dau$hter* am mum 3 Answered the mother of Aylin reco$nisin$ the "oice of his dau$hter. 3 1ello 2um* that sur&rise !i$$er* 1ow are all and 7ancy4 3 It had a con"ersation the animated youn$ster* $laddenin$ that his mother had called him. 3 Dau$hter ha"e somethin$ "ery im&ortant that say you on your sister 7ancy 3 Added his mother with dar+ "oice. 3 That ha&&ens mother4 3 It as+ed the youn$ster with astonishment. 3 I do not +now how !e$in dau$hter* do not want that you are sad* to her had not li+ed him that it was li+e this 3 /aid the mother with fear to the reaction of the youn$. 3 /ay it already mother 3 <le"ated the "oice Aylin. 3 This mornin$ when 7ancy your sister directed !y the motorway of ,arcelona* a truc+ that came at full s&eed lost the control of the steerin$ wheel and !um&ed a$ainst his car and 3 6ommented the mother doin$ a &ause* almost not !ein$ a!le to articulate words. 3 Which mother 3 ,ellowed the youn$ster not $i"in$ credi!ility to what had ex&lained him his mother. 3 It left it "ery !ad in5ured and died after a time in the hos&ital* the doctors could not do at all* the hit had affected &art of his !rain* his last si$h was your name* as+ed me that it ex&lained you that the &romises always fulfil * althou$h I left to the infinite s+y 3 6ommented his mother cryin$.

In a state of cholera* the youn$ster cried disconsolately while it han$ed the tele&hone and $entleman -ran+ that it listened it went out "ery 9uic+ly to his meetin$ to see what $oin$. The youn$ster when it had the $entleman -ran+ ahead* only could articulate the words Dis died* diedE Afterwards went out li+e a $amo runnin$ to outside in the terrain and detained the ste& "ery far of the ca!in* to cry his &enalties to alone. -rom his ca!in the ser"ant showed shoc+ed in front of so much scandal* howe"er -ran+ detained him* as+in$ him that did not a&&roach to the youn$. -allin$ of +nees on the $rasses dam&ened of the s&rayed of the mornin$ /tammered <nra$in$. 3 7ancy* 7ancy 3 Aylin Tore a !i$ "oceri"er* that echoed formin$ a !i$ !an$ !y all the territory* afterwards continued 3 &romised it to 2e* &romised me that you would ex&ect me and that would carry me to eat an ice cream. -ran+ that went out to his meetin$ tried to reassure it* !ut his attem&ts failed* the youn$ster did not listen him* was in a state of a!solute cholera. 3 ,ecause4 Why you had to it to you carry4 :ou are a &owerful .od and ha"e not done at all for &re"entin$ that they carried it to him* are e9ual of coward that these men with !ein$ a!le to that they do with what one more want to and !rin$s him ha&&iness 3 /houted the youn$ster sha+in$ the arms at the same time that left &art of his sali"a s&rout !y the mouth of the !i$ furor that suffered in his soul. -ran+ did not attain to do a lot in this re$ard to reassure it* so only +e&t to his side &ityin$ it until seein$ it exhausted and when this ha&&ened sustained it !etween his arms and carried it in his room* lea"in$ it +noc+ed down in the !ed. 8f here from now on -ran+ remained to his side* waitin$ for that the youn$ster conciliated the dream and when this !ecame -ran+ !olted the door and !ro+e to cry in the li"in$ room* thin+in$ in that the youn$ster carried a lot of reason in sayin$ whene"er the life was treatin$ him of an unfair way.

Words of Aylin Daly

7e"er we +now that sur&rise offers us the life* sometimes can !e $ood or !ad and in my case such as I a&&oint further u& in this cha&ter* is !ad. The thefts of which comment* is what me ha&&ened does not do lon$. ?ustice in search of re"en$e had ta+en it !y my own hands* if we li"ed in another &eri"erd where the 5ustice exerted such. I thin+ that any!ody has the ri$ht of intrude in the life of the other* to hurt them* such as they caused me to me.

Reason had the big Quarter when it said me:

Queen take care well of your laurels, because here it was always there will be hungry men had to seek them.

The submissive humiliation The torture I

This mornin$ Aylin raised "ery early and &ut to cut letters of a news&a&er* &re&arin$ the note that thou$ht to lea"e in the &lace* !efore a!andonin$ the terrain* had to lea"e and ta+e the 5ustice with his own hands* desirous to a"en$e in front of those men that had cons&ired a$ainst her sei>in$ of his more "alua!le treasure. In search of re"en$e* did with the file that contained the documents and the directions of his enemies* also carried achie"e the lu$$a$e that had !rou$ht* afterwards 9uietly sniffed !y the thin$s of the $entleman -ran+ and found a wad of notes* did with the half of the money and went out !y the door of entrance. In the $reenish terrain* Aylin wal+ until findin$ the road and when this ha&&ened did car sto&* with the ho&e that some!ody circulated !y her and carried it to the nearest air&ort. A marria$e of a$e no "ery ad"anced that ha&&ened to these hours of the mornin$ came tra"elin$ !y the road and detained to hel& it. Aylin too+ the car sto& and was carried to the nearest air&ort. When it arri"ed in the terminal sac+ed a&&reciatin$ them* afterwards directed inside to !uy a note of air&lane with destination to 2ala$a* this undertoo+ the fli$ht in no more than thirty minutes. When it arri"ed to 2ala$a Aylin lod$ed in a hotel no "ery far to the mansion of one of the men that had cons&ired a$ainst her with the end to a"en$e of him and loo+ for 5ustice. 8nce in his room* undid the !a$$a$e* afterwards too+ the direction of the first enemy that she had thou$ht to ta+e it un&re&ared. -or &ro!e the terrain* the youn$ster rented a "ehicle and re$ent to &rowl the mansion of the enemy* li+e this was three days* watchin$ him* disco"erin$ e"erythin$ on his life and in conclusion reali>ed that it li"ed only with his wife. It was a $entleman of low hei$ht* with a !i$ !elly* of &eel white@haired* that loo+ed some se"enty years. Aylin had !een a!le to chec+ that in the dus+s he found only in his mansion* !ecause his wife had !y ha!it $o out of sho&&in$ in the !i$ warehouses. This afternoon felt the need to $o in and loo+ for re"en$e to his ire contained* howe"er retained those win tremendous that felt* !ecause it thou$ht that it was not &lan $o in to the disco"ered* could reco$nise it if somethin$ failed* so it concluded that it had to !uy a $ood team to mas+ . It dro"e his car to the !i$ warehouses* there !ou$ht an mas+s !lac+* that co"ered &art of his face* lea"in$ his eyes to the disco"ered. Afterwards it did with a whi&* a few adhesi"e stri&s* a &air of $lo"es ad5usted !lac+s* a scissors a"era$e of &rune* a few dressin$s of !lac+ colour and a $ood !unch of ro&es. Act followed returned to the hotel with all the team that had !ou$ht * $a"e a shower and returned to the mansion of his enemy to sniff* .i"in$ ex&lains that the wife of this still had not arri"ed* loo+ the cloc+ &ercei"in$ that the ni$ht was a!out to show. Aylin ha&&ened the afternoon waitin$ for seein$ the arri"al of his wife* to ensure that this returned to the hour that accustomed to do* such as it had done it in &re"ious days. Afterwards a $ood time of wait* Aylin saw to show with his car luxurious in the entrance of the mansion to his wife* that on time chec+ed in his cloc+ that $a"e &resence to the ten of the ni$ht to rest until the followin$ day. After this e"idence the youn$ster left to the hotel* to rest and return to the followin$ twili$ht.

The next day* the youn$ster too+ the ruc+sac+ that had his team to mas+ and dro"e to the mansion of the enemy. There It Detained the "ehicle near of the house where en5oyed of sufficient "isi!ility to chec+ the exit of his wife when it arri"ed the dus+. And while this $oin$ too+ of the ruc+sac+ the dressin$s !lac+ and went them wra&&in$ from his ri$ht forearm until the hei$ht of his hands* lea"in$ them firm and su!5ects* afterwards did the same with the left arm* ensurin$ that it would ha"e sufficient mo!ility to com!at if it was necessary. 7ext it &ut the mas+s !lac+* so that they did not reco$nise it and when it finished to do him a +not after the na&e* shod the $lo"es o!ser"in$ li+e the wife of the $entleman left with his car to !uy in the !i$ warehouses* not to return until the e"enin$. In this instant Aylin went down to all haste of his "ehicle carryin$ achie"e the ruc+sac+* to $o in !y the ro!ust automatic door* that !e$an to close. With a"idity $o throu$h the ed$e of this* !efore seein$ it !arred* afterwards $o in !y a wide $arden that to sim&le si$ht was "ery ta+en care* noticed that at all it was out of &lace* not e"en a leaf on the lawn fallen. It wal+ed until the entrance of the main door and continued to call. 7o ta+en lon$ listened from the inside of the house* to the man of !i$ !elly* thin+in$ that his wife had for$otten the +ey. When this o&ened the door the youn$ &ushed it to inside and went !ac+ to stuc+ ta+in$ him !y sur&rise. 3 .ood afternoons 3 /aid the youn$ im&risonin$ at the same time that it &ushed him so that it went !ac+ to $o in. 3 The one who=* Who is you4 3 It as+ed the man stutterin$* with stran$eness* while Aylin had a !i$ +nife on his nec+. 3 The youn$ster that ha"e stolen* !ut can call me the 9ueen ri$hteous* !ecause it is for this that ha"e comeIn search of 5ustice 3 /&o+e Aylin* se&aratin$ the +nife of his nec+ and retreatin$ a few ste&s. The man was so terrified and trem!lin$ to see it* that thou$ht that it was an un!alanced* so it tried to undo of her* doin$ with a re"ol"er that found in the cu&!oard of the li"in$ room. Aylin saw his intentions and in this &recise instant $a"e a +ic+ and threw him the wea&on* this detained in the floor far of !oth. 3 I did not ha"e at all that see lady 3 Alle$ed the terrified man. 3 /o scoundrel want to hit me a shot* did not suffice you with stealin$ me and do you with my &ro&erty has not !een a $ood idea ta+e out this wea&on* +now am not "ery well of my !oxes 3 Informed the youn$ster doin$ with the $un and aimin$ him. 3 That $o to do4 :ou thin+ to +ill me= 3 It demanded the man feelin$ !i$ fear. 3 7o* e"en no* we $o to amuse us a !it* want that you feel what suffered when you and your accom&lices snatched me all 3 6leared Aylin* /eam the wea&on* not lea"in$ to aim him. 3 I am innocent lady 3 /na&&ed the $entleman. 3 All want to !e innocent* es&ecially when we commit some crime /o you are sayin$ me that you are innocent* the same that all* innocent* +now* already $oes !ein$ moment that we &ut the chi&s on the ta!le 3 /&o+e the youn$ster ta+in$ of his ruc+sac+ an adhesi"e stri& and

orderin$ him to that &lu$ the mouth with the stri&* without lea"in$ to si$nal him with the wea&on. The man with fear to !e shot did what the youn$ as+ed him. 3 7ow Ta+e the turn 3 8rdered the youn$. Act followed sac+ of his ruc+sac+ the !unch of ro&e* afterwards cut a $ood &iece of this* doin$ with the hand of the $entleman* tied u& them in his !ac+* lea"in$ them "ery firm. The $entleman loo+ed it terrified $i"in$ ex&lains that the writer was distur!ed. 3 Where it is the stron$ !ox4 3 It as+ed the youn$ster &ositionin$ it to her. 1e did a mo"ement with the head of not &ossessin$ stron$ !ox in his house* !ut Aylin +new that all man with !ein$ a!le to always had &art of his treasure hid somewhere in case it arose some emer$ency. 3 I will as+ after you last time* Where unseen the money4 3 It raised the "oice <nra$in$* ti$htenin$ the wea&on on his nec+. In this instant the man fearin$ !y his life* si$nalled with the head the left side of the wall of the li"in$ room* indicatin$ him that recei"ed !ehind the &icture that was han$ed on this. It was a ro!ust &icture* that in him a&&eared the ima$e of his wife. 3 Wonderful* so it is !ehind this &icture 3 As+ed the youn$ster $oin$ down the wea&on and wal+in$ to the &icture. Afterwards it &ic+ed and saw the stron$ !ox. 7ext unco"ered a !it the mouth of the $entleman* so that this was sayin$ him the secret code that o&ened it. The man denied in communicatin$ him this secret* then the youn$ster lost the &atience and too+ of his ruc+sac+ the scissors of &rune and loom him in cut him a fin$er and successi"ely another* until o!tainin$ the code. With the scissors of &rune !etween one of the fin$ers of the man* the youn$ster &ressed this with the intention to cut it. The man when seein$ that the youn$ster was cra>y and went him to cut the fin$er without modesty* indicated him the correct code fearin$ lose the fin$er. In this instant already with the fi$ures of the code the youn$ster went !ac+ to co"er him the mouth* thin+in$ that it was !etter to ha"e it 9uiet* althou$h the $entleman did not show satisfied and !e$an to $rowl warmed u& when seein$ that the youn$ster did with &art of his &ro&erty. 3 2a$nificent 3 Added Aylin seein$ what recei"ed inside the chest* showin$ a soft smile. They had se"eral wads of notes of dollar and a full small !ox of $lamourous 5ewels* that of sure thou$ht the youn$* would !elon$ to his wife. Aylin did with all the !ooty and sa"e them in the ruc+sac+ that had !rou$ht achie"e. Immediately it a&&roached to the $entleman and did him ta+e seat in a chair so that she could $o remo"in$ him the shoes and while it remo"ed them to him the man did not +now exactly what &retended to do the youn$. After ha"in$ them remo"ed as+ed him in a !rus9ue tone that raised and when this ha&&ened ste& to un!utton the trousers and to measure that remo"ed them to him ex&ressed !i$ re&u$nance lea"in$ him in underwear* afterwards went !ac+ to seat him. And when this !ecame ca&tured of his ruc+sac+ the whi& that had !rou$ht achie"e and a $ood &iece of ro&e* to continuation went !ac+ wal+in$ to him. This loo+ed it with ex&ression of scare* could not shout* so alone

$rowl to show him to the youn$ster that was terrified. The 9ueen ri$hteous no mo"ed in front of that situation* his heart was so dama$ed that went on with his &lan. 3 To the floor 3 8rdered the 9ueen* as+in$ him that threw to the floor. The man hindered do this re9uest* Aylin did not ha"e more election of which hold him !y his shirt and throw it a$ainst the floor shar&ly* with difficulty the $entleman &ut of +nees tearin$ !y the humiliation. Aylin in this instant !ro+e him of an im&ulse the shirt and launched it far of her. Afterwards him unco"ered the mouth of a tu$ that $a"e in the adhesi"e stri&* next wra&&ed a $ood &iece of ro&e in his nec+ lea"in$ him tied li+e a do$* while it listened li+e the $entleman !e$$ed him !y his life. 7ot doin$ case to him* the youn$ster sustained firm the ro&e with a hand and with the ri$ht the whi& and was him whi&&in$ without modesty* while it $a"e him +ic+s !y his side* &ressin$ him from time to time with the ri$ht foot on the floor. 3 :ou see the im&otence that feels when they remo"e you all what ha"e* 1ow seat you when you do not ha"e "ote neither word4 /ay me damned* To case your had com&assion of me= 8f my &oor dau$hter that so alone wanted to !e at the side of his mother 3 1ad a con"ersation ra$in$ the youn$ster with the $entleman* this cried $rie"ed a!out to fall in account that had ruined the life of the writer without !efore ha"e thou$ht the conse9uences that could !rin$ him so much to her as to his adora!le dau$hter. 3 It did not +now that the !oo+s were stolen lady* to ha"e it +nown had not acce&ted to sell them 3 Tried to ex&lain the man. 3 :ou mention* you are corru&t as they are it your accom&lices* !astard To the do$s li+e you &unish him with lashes 3 0aised the "oice Aylin also struc+ with furor another whi&lash. 3 I am sayin$ 1im The truth lady* to ha"e it +nown had not done me with these wor+s 3 Insisted the $entleman tryin$ con"ince it. 3 /hut* /hut 3 As+ed out of himself the youn$* throwin$ the ro&e that attached the nec+ of the $entleman to her* to do him the $reater &ossi!le dama$e. The man &ursed the face* &uttin$ red li+e a tomato for seein$ o&&ressed* almost without air. 3 /era ,etter that you streets* or of the contrary do not answer of me. :ou do not $i"e me &enalty* do$ 3 /na&&ed shar&ly the youn$ster with the eyes waterlo$$ed in tears. Aylin was durin$ a lon$ moment humiliatin$ him* as+ed him that crawl li+e a do$ on the floor of the li"in$ room while she $a"e him se"eral lashes* next as+ed him that him +iss his shoes and finally that it !e$$ed !y his life. When it tired and it &ercei"ed that the e"enin$ was a!out to $o in and his wife arri"e* resol"ed to seat him in the chair and there went !ac+ him to co"er the mouth with the adhesi"e stri&. 3 I ha"e 2exican !lood and $o me to carry my trium&h 3 /aid the youn$ster doin$ with the scissors of &rune and cut him a fin$er* wra&&in$ it in a na&+in sa"e it in his ruc+sac+. The $entleman could not !ear it and died of a sudden infarct of the heart. The youn$ster !efore a!andonin$ the house lea"e a note written that said li+e this:

Those that try to do with my more "alua!le treasure will arri"e to +now me well 6all me the ri$hteous 9ueen

And when this ha&&ened the youn$ster collected all his lu$$a$e* carryin$ achie"e the wea&on and left wal+in$ !y the $arden* ha"in$ to hide when hearin$ the en$ine of the car of his wife that a&&roached 9uietly to the $ara$e. Afterwards of dod$e left listenin$ li+e the wife of the $entleman tore a cry loud when seein$ his hus!and died in that circumstance* after this dro"e to the hotel and ser"ed of a shower to relax. In s&ite of the in"esti$ations that did the &olice in the mansion of the $entleman* in search of some &roof that dro"e him to the ca&ture of the 9ueen* was not &ossi!le to $i"e with any coherent &roof* had not found foot&rints some* neither could identify it throu$h the camera of sur"eillance that had the mansion* !ecause !i$ &art of his face was co"ered !y an mas+s !lac+. They arri"ed to the conclusion that they did not ha"e of an alone trac+. The &olice for then with the ho&e of some!ody $a"e them some information* &ut the ima$e of the youn$ster so that they issued in the news 2any ha&&ened to descri!e it the 9ueen ri$hteous* others the wild cat and li+e this successi"ely.

The avaricious man The torture II

This ni$ht in the hotel* with the tele"ision lit* Aylin saw that they issued !y the news the ima$e of her* in search and ca&ture a&&ointin$ him as the 9ueen ri$hteous. When the news finalised she dined and after this lay to the !ed* thin+in$ that it had to rise early to underta+e the tri& to 2ar!ella and li+e this follow with his re"en$e. The sun s&rin$ still had not &ut * Aylin wo+e u& and did with his lu$$a$e* carryin$ achie"e all what had !rou$ht . Afterwards it dro"e until arri"in$ in 2ar!ella and there lod$e in a hotel no "ery far of his next enemy* li+ed him ha"e it near for &ro"in$ out. Durin$ the two !ac+ days watched it thirsty of ire &lannin$ in de&th what had thou$ht to do him. Also it !ou$ht all the necessary that would do him fault to a&&ease his thirst of re"en$e. This resided in a mansion luxurious formed !y three &lants* with !i$ windows crystallised that $a"e "isi!ility to the ocean and a wide $arden with swimmin$ &ool that dro"e him to the main entrance of the door* in the entrance and surroundin$s of this there were some cameras of sur"eillance. It li"ed only* it had !y ha!it collect the news&a&er that threw him to the $arden in the mornin$. Afterwards it &ut to !rea+fast in the canteen readin$ it* !efore attendin$ to the wor+. It was used to return home when fallin$ the ni$ht. It loo+ed some forty@ fi"e years* of hi$h hei$ht* !lac+ hairs* with a short cut of the most formal. With all the necessary data decided that it already had arri"ed the moment to in"ade his &ri"acy and annihilate it. This ni$ht &re&ared with letters that went cuttin$ of the news&a&er* the note that had thou$ht to lea"e on the &lace !efore a!andonin$ it. In the followin$ mornin$ the youn$ster carried achie"e the ruc+sac+ and a !i$ !ox that contained all the necessary to satisfy* &ar+ed his car to some twenty meters of distance of the main entrance of the mansion. It mas+ed and !anda$ed !oth hands not to lea"e foot&rint* shoein$ !y on the !lac+ $lo"es. Afterwards it directed to the wall that &rotected this and went it clim!in$* this was &er&lexed of tan$led $rasses* in the hi$h of the wall* Aylin dod$ed of the cameras of sur"eillance until achie"in$ launch his ruc+sac+ to the $arden* once throw this the youn$ster went !ac+ to the car and did with the !ox that had !rou$ht * went !ac+ to clim! !y the wall with $reat difficulty* sustainin$ the !ox in his !ac+ with a ro&e lin+ed to this* afterwards descended !y the contrary side of the wall and tra&&ed the ruc+sac+ of the lawn. In the &lot li$htened to ta+e refu$e of the sur"eillance waitin$ for that they ha&&ened to throw him the news&a&er and when this ha&&ened ex&ect that it showed his enemy* to ta+e him !y sur&rise. 1id after a column the youn$ster saw li+e the man went out of the mansion in search of the news&a&er* in this instant* ex&ected that it went !ac+ near of the entrance of the main door and when this !ecame aim him shar&ly with the wea&on* &ushin$ it to inside the mansion. 7ext !olted the door. The man without com&risin$ that it was $oin$ thou$ht that it treated of a ro! 1owe"er his confusions were cleared immediately !y the youn$* when this too+ of his ruc+sac+ a &iece of ro&e and in an earthy tone forced him to situate the hands in his !ac+ for her tie them. When it tied them* it ca&tured the !ox that +e&t su!5ect !y a stron$ ro&e lin+ed in his !ac+ and situated it in the floor* afterwards !e$an to +now the &lace and

while this $oin$ the man said him that it could carry all what she wanted to !ut that did not do him any dama$e. Aylin did not want at all of what saw* only interested him two thin$s* an annihilate it and another do with the stron$ !ox. 3 It does some months could !e li"in$ in a mansion li+e this* full of luxury and confort <n5oyin$ it with my dau$hter* howe"er* you the men with !ein$ a!le to ha"e snatched it to me all* stole me my only treasure that $a"e me the ho&e and $lory to li"e !eside the side of my small ha"e condemned 2e to li"e in the misery* in a life misera!le* no worthy for any &erson* in a house where the water &enetrates in rainy days. And all this to account that you ha"e stolen me my li"elihood* de&ri"in$ me of a worthy home. The men li+e you with a hi$h ac9uisition to !e a!le to ha"e it all and see+ more* cost what cost* without ta+in$ into account that it had cost me a lot of sacrifice to arri"e where had arri"ed* thin+ that you can ta+e and do with what you cra"e 3 6ommented in an earthy tone the youn$* ta+in$ of his ruc+sac+ the whi&. 3 -or$i"e me* -or$i"e me 3 /tammered the man $i"in$ account that already was too late for an re&entance* !ecause it noticed the dise9uili!rium that showed the youn$ and the dama$e that had caused him. 3 Already it is a !it late for this 3 /na&&ed shar&ly* also struc+ with !i$ forces a whi&lash* doin$ that this too+ seat in a chair of the canteen. 3 Where it is the stron$ !ox4* Where4 3 It shouted the youn$* $i"in$ him a few lashes in his ri$ht arm. 3 6arry what him cra"e* can carry you the stron$ !ox ta+es refu$e !ehind the li!rary* in a secret door. ,ut you do not +ill me &lease 3 It As+ed the dar+ man. 3 6arry me until the li!rary 3 As+ed the youn$* hel&in$ him to raise of the chair sha+in$ him a !it with a!ru&tness. Afterwards it too+ the ruc+sac+ that had !rou$ht achie"e and situated it in the !ac+* carryin$ achie"e the whi&. While the man $uided him to the li!rary that found in the second &lant* !e$$ed !y his life tryin$ ex&lain to the youn$ that the wor+s that had deli"ered him for his !ac+ sale* carried the documents si$ned !y her* and that the one to +now that they had him su&&lanted had not done with these sales. 3 /hut* called you !y tele&hone !e$$in$ that you left to sell them and howe"er did not do me case to my warnin$s* followed sellin$ it as if they !elon$ed you* !y a"arice did not ha"e com&assion of me* now want that it creates me your tales* so that it ha"e com&assion of you 3 8!5ected the youn$ster detainin$ front the li!rary. 3 1ow it went to +now that it was true what ex&osed me4* 1ow4* there are a lot of &eo&le that calls affirmin$ !e the owner of one of the wor+s* only !y the fact to see them remo"ed of the mar+et 3 1ad a con"ersation the man. 3 This no lon$er matters Where o&ens the door4 3 It as+ed she. 3 To your left there is a !utton* &ress it 3 Indicated the annoyin$ man.

3 Aylin ti$htened the !utton and automatically s&lits of the shel"in$ that !ore di"erse !oo+s was o&enin$ $i"in$ them ha&&ened. Aylin did to ha&&en first to the man afterwards went in she. ,ut inside it was the stron$ !ox. It situated on a ta!le that there was in the inside of the secret camera the whi& and the ruc+sac+. Afterwards it a&&roached to the chest unseen re9uestin$ to the man that $a"e him the secret code that o&ened it. This said him the fi$ure for his corrector o&enin$. 8nce o&ened the youn$ster did with the !ooty* was a tem&tin$ !ooty* tens of wads of dollar showed stac+ed in his inside. 3 What can ha"e here4 3 It wanted to +now Aylin while it sa"ed the !unchs of notes in the ruc+sac+. 3 /ome two million dollars 3 Answered the man* thin+in$ that with this money the youn$ster would for$et his re"en$e and would lea"e lea"in$ him calm. 3 And of how much money ha"e !enefited you of my wor+s4 3 It as+ed the youn$* not lea"in$ to accommodate the wads in his ruc+sac+. 3 It could not say it to you The calculations are irre"ersi!le* the sho&&in$ did !y all the national territory* ex&andin$ it !y all the world 3 1ad a con"ersation the man re$rettin$. 3 This is a !i$ offence. ;erha&s Do not +now how much !enefited you to my slo&e 3 /na&&ed the youn$ warmed u&* doin$ with the last wads of notes. 3 They could ha"e !een some ei$ht million dollars 3 6leared the man. 3 :ou mention 3 6ry the youn$ster attachin$ the already enclosed ruc+sac+. 3 ;erha&s some twel"e millions or !ut 3 6oncluded the man. 3 This already is another thin$ And where is the rest4 3 It wanted to +now Aylin. 3 It is in the !an+* if you wish mornin$ in the mornin$ will carry you and will ta+e them out for you 3 /aid the man thin+in$ in that the youn$ster would fall in his cheat. 3 :ou thin+ that I am so foolish* as to accom&any you to the !an+ where is full of &olicemen And that do not $o to do at all in what we are near of these 3 Demanded the youn$ster $oin$ out of the secret camera. 3 7o hare at all* can trust 3 Added the man !ein$ &ushed !y the 9ueen. 3 /hut* do not say at all to worsen your silence 3 As+ed Aylin aimin$ him with the wea&on* at the same time that him dealt another whi&lash with !i$ a!ru&tness continuin$ 3 Where finds your room4 3 At the end of the corridor* !ut for which demons 3 Wanted to +now he. 3 /hut* to corru&t do$s li+e you treat him to !ase of lashes 3 /hout the youn$ster &ushin$ him !y the !ac+ so that it li$htened * at the same time that him atin$i with a!ru&tness another whi&lash.

Inside the room of the man the youn$ster did that this situated in the !ed* afterwards sac+ of his ruc+sac+ a few wads of notes* to do with the !unch of ro&e that recei"ed in the inside of this* also did with the scissors of &rune* to $o cuttin$ the &ieces of ro&es that would do him fault. /uccessi"ely I tie him the ri$ht hand in the se&tum of the ri$ht side of the !ed lea"in$ it "ery su!5ect* did the same with the left and of e9ual form with the feet. 3 /o that you are doin$ all this* there is not need to s&ill !lood 3 /aid the man horrified* tied in the !ed. 3 :ou will s&ill the tears of !lood that in a day did me s&ill* of so much cry 3 /na&&ed harshly the youn$. 3 2ine $od 3 0e&laced the man. 3 Where ha"e the com&uter 3 As+ed the youn$. 3 It is in the room of the side 3 Indicated the man. The youn$ster went out to do with the com&uter* while it &ushed the ta!le that !ore the com&uter to carry it with her to the room where found the man* this ta+in$ ad"anta$e of his a!sence tried to all costs to slac+en the ro&es that tied his hands. When Aylin showed !y the door of the room dra$$in$ the ta!le that !ore the com&uter* did not &ercei"e that his enemy was a!out to unleashed the ri$ht hand* since this when it felt that the youn$ster was showin$ * detained the attem&t. 8nce dra$$ed the ta!le inside the room Aylin communicated him that it would $o down to the low &lant a moment to !y the !ox that had left in the li"in$ room of entrance with his e9ui&ment. The man once a$ain ta+in$ ad"anta$e of the a!sence of this* achie"ed with !i$ ham&ered undo of the ro&e that im&risoned his ri$ht hand. Aylin for then already came $oin$ u& the ste&s with a lot of difficulty* !ecause the !ox wei$hed a lot. When it went in the room the man already had attained to free his hands and was a!out to untie the ro&e that im&risoned his left foot. In this trice Aylin situated of !rus9ue the !ox on the floor and did with the whi& wal+in$ to him. 3 7o it occur you * you will not want to mar+ you of !lood !efore it !e$in the ad"enture 2an$y do$* no can you lea"e neither !y an alone instant and already want to me !etray 3 1ad a con"ersation the youn$ster <nra$in$* $i"in$ him a few lashes until seein$ him !leed. )osin$ the control of himself same Aylin him hit so many times as it achie"ed until seein$ surrendered of the fati$ue. The !lood scattered !y the sa"annahs and the !ody of the man !e$an to earn a reddish colour. 3 This !lood s&ilt is !y the tears of !lood that did me s&ill* !astard* unaware* insane 3 6leared the youn$ warmed u&* detainin$ the lashes* when seein$ that this had dis&elled losin$ the +nowled$e. Afterwards it ha&&ened to tie him a$ain ensurin$ to lea"e "ery firm the +not. /uccessi"ely it o&ened the !ox that contained the lu$$a$e* too+ out of her* the drill* two metallic hoo+s and a lon$ tu!e of trans&arent hard ru!!er that had four exits of air* two forwards* a head office and the another rear. Afterwards it did with a com&ressors of water. It directed to the toilet that

was in the room and ada&ted the rear &art of the tu!e on the mouth of the ta&* ensurin$ that this remained "ery su!5ect* with the hel& of the adhesi"e stri&. The central &art of the tu!e fit it screwin$ on an exit that had the !om! of water* afterwards left the tu!e in the floor and did with the drill. /te& to drill a $a& on the ceilin$ to the hei$ht of the head of the man* afterwards another $a& to the hei$ht of the stomach of this and when it finalised was screwin$ the hoo+s in the $a&s that had done* act followed too+ one of the leadin$ &arts of the tu!e crossed it !y the areola of the hoo+ lea"in$ it fall to the hei$ht of the mouth of the man* se&aratin$ it to some centimeters of his mouth of e9ual way did the same with the another &art of the tu!e* descendin$ it until the hei$ht of the stomach of the man. Act followed too+ of the !ox a small si$n&ost of di$iti>ed control and connected it in the rear &art of the !om! of water and in the com&uter. Afterwards it connected the com&uter listenin$ li+e the man !e$an to reco"er the +nowled$e. 3 ?usto in the timely moment 3 /na&&ed the youn$ster a&&roachin$ to the man. At all more wa+e u& the man horrified when seein$ all that e9ui&ment on of him* no ta+en a lot !e$an to as+ hel&* the youn$ infuriated $a"e him a $ood whi&lash in his face to a"oid that he followed screamin$. 3 :ou do not do me more dama$e 3 ,e$$ed the man with the !ul$in$ eyes of the fri$ht that suffered in that instant throwin$ a $lim&se to all the e9ui&ment that had mounted the youn$ster in the room. 3 If you colla!orate* I will not connect it* so only I need a code to !e a!le to $o in the system of your com&any 3 As+ed the youn$. 3 And what thin+ to do when you it of are not &ure data 3 6leared the man. 3 6hec+ those that sales o!tain to my slo&e !y minutes 3 8!5ected the youn$ster continuin$ 3 /o you is sayin$ me that they are not clear data* or was that when it carries a time mani&ulates them to your whim for mislead to the inland re"enue 3 As+ed the youn$. 3 Who are mine $od4* the one who demons are 3 /tammered the man in a hi$h tone. 3 The 9ueen ri$hteous* in search of 5ustice 3 Informed the youn$* raisin$ the whi& with the intention of hitle a stron$ whi&lash. 3 It is well* it is well* I will $i"e it to him 3 Answered the man detainin$ his intentions. 3 I thou$ht that we would !e here all the afternoon= 3 It exclaimed the youn$ster descendin$ the whi& and wal+in$ to the com&uter. Aylin with the secret di$its that he went him sayin$ so that she had access to the system of his com&any* was enterin$ in the data!ase* once inside disco"ered the sales that did !y each minute of his !oo+s. Afterwards it &ro$rammed the sales that the users went !uyin$ to the si$n&ost of di$ital control that had !rou$ht achie"e that it went in connection with the en$ine com&ressor of the water. 8nce I throw this* too+ of the left &oc+et of his trac+suit a syrin$e that contained a muscular tran9uili>er* &re&ared to !e in5ected. It directed to the man and

in5ected it in the &ectoral. This remained immo!ili>ed com&letely without !ein$ a!le to articulate words* only his eyes said the fear that tolerated in that instant. Aylin communicated him that it would &rocure to $i"e him a slow death* !ecause li+e this it was the sufferin$ that he did him ha&&en. Afterwards it o&ened the ta& of the cham!er of !athroom in direction to the hot water. This surfaced !oilin$ !y the tu!es that collected !i$ &art of the room. 7ext Aylin &ressed the !utton of the com&ressor of the water* doin$ that this !e$an his o&eration. Afterwards it o!ser"ed him !y an instant the si$n&ost that showed in the com&uter li+e the !uyers followed !uyin$ his wor+. ,y each &urchase that did !y second a dro& of water !oilin$ descended !y the tu!e* detainin$ in his mouth and in his stomach. 3 /o that you ha"e decei"ed me* if you had said me the truth* &erha&s had &ro$rammed that the dro&s fell more slowly* may!e !y each three sho&&in$ ,ut as you are the !i$ liar* the dro&s $o out shot !y second notices the success that am ha"in$ and you do$ street you these !enefitin$ to my slo&e* was !y this reason that did not do case to my &leadin$* when I &rayed you that you left to sell my wor+s* !y your a"arice* selfishness* meanness 7ow this a"arice that you same commissioned you to seed it is fallin$ on you 3 1ad a con"ersation the youn$ster ta+in$ assent front he* seein$ li+e the li& of his !loodstained mouth !e$an to s+inned with the detachment of the hot water* of the same forms his stomach !e$an to crac+ si$nallin$ the &rinci&le of a small !loodstained hole. Durin$ a &air of hours Aylin a&&reciated the sufferin$ of the man* not lea"in$ to throw him in ex&ensi"e all the dama$e that he caused him. And !efore this $a"e his last si$h* the youn$ster wanted to communicate him with contem&t his last word. 3 The a"aricious man !rea+s roc+y mountains causin$ !i$ detachments in the nature. Without ta+in$ into account the sufferin$ of the creator 3 /na&&ed the youn$. The man had remained of a hair@raisin$ a&&earance* his stomach had crac+ed so much that the $uts had s&run$ !y the mar$in of his !elly. 1is mouth was !ro+en and "aried of his teeth had $i"en off of his $ums. Aylin did not show remorse any* for then was consumed !y his thirst of re"en$e and the only that mattered him in that instant was to carry his $reater tro&hy. When at last all had finished* raised and did with the scissors of &rune and cut him a fin$er* wra&&in$ it in a na&+in that had !rou$ht achie"e in his ri$ht &oc+et of his trac+suit* afterwards went !ac+ to sa"e it in this. Act followed disconnected the com&uter erasin$ all the &roofs* howe"er lea"e all the e9ui&ment in the room. It did with his ruc+sac+ $oin$ !ac+ to enter in her the wads of notes* the whi&* the scissors of &rune and the small instruments that had used And !efore a!andonin$ the &lace left the note that had written the ni$ht !efore with letters of news&a&er* indicatin$ that it had !een there. The note said:

Those that try to do with my more "alua!le treasure will arri"e to +now me well 6all me the ri$hteous 9ueen

This ni$ht the &olice informed !y the warnin$ of one of the nei$h!ours* that had !een a!le to find out no "ery clearly of the cries of hel& of the man !efore the youn$ in5ected him the muscular tran9uili>er* attended to chec+ if the man was well and carried a !i$ sur&rise* the door of exit was o&ened The team of the &olice went in the mansion with $reat care* fearin$ find the murderer inside. When chec+in$ that this already had left $i"in$ a !loody torture to the man* !e$an to loo+ for some &roof that dro"e him to the ca&ture of the 9ueen* !ut arri"ed to the conclusion that it treated of a &rofessional !ecause it had not left any foot&rint. The !oss of &olice &osed that &erha&s the murderer +new to his "ictims 8r did it !y the sim&le &leasure to see to his "ictims die slowly of an a&&allin$ form. The same him ha&&ened* could not identify it dare of the cameras of sur"eillance of the one who treated* !ecause his face was unseen. With all these dou!ts* the !oss of &olice with the note left !y the youn$ster +new that it treated of the same* the 9ueen ri$hteous. This time the &olice did that they issued the re&orters a communi9uF of alert !y tele"ision* informed them that it treated of a murderer that still was for +illin$ more "ictim* as+in$ to all those men that &ossessed a hi$h ac9uisiti"e &ower that had ta+en care to !e solos in his homes since the "ictim had the &rofile to delete to the u&&er@class !arons. Any of the men with !ein$ a!le to that they listened the news issuin$ !y the tele"ision did i$nore case to the warnin$s of warnin$s of the &olice* !ecause they thou$ht that they did not ha"e de!ts some with this murderer in series. 1owe"er the )eader that had cons&ired a$ainst her saw in the news the warnin$s and &ut in alert waitin$ for that this could sur&rise him.

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