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B"F&(TG Deutschlan! $m'3 *i!s Director, Hu0lity an! Training &aurie Camargo *Inigin/"lisa'eth/%tr. J, <0JK Berlin Tel.

030A3030D<-K Lo'ile4 M<K -- 3J0 ,D0"mail4 laurie.camargoN'erlitz.!e

Dear camp counselor applicants, Thank you for your interest in working as a Berlitz Camp Counselor. We offer annually approximately 300 camps for 0,000 chil!ren an! teenagers in "nglish, #rench, $erman an! %panish in $ermany, &uxem'urg, %witzerlan!, (relan! an! the )*. The smallest camps ha+e as few as ,0 chil!ren, the largest ha+e as many as -0. The success of our program shows parents. trust in Berlitz as an organization offering top/0uality language instruction. (t also shows that we ha+e 'een successful in recruiting an! training the 'est people as camp !irectors an! counselors. What are our ma1or criteria when recruiting camp counselors2 3ere are some of the most important4 5ou nee! to 'e a nati+e "nglish, #rench, $erman or %panish speaker, experience! in working with chil!ren, professional, energetic, enthusiastic, highly moti+ate!, responsi'le, a goo! teacher, creati+e, sporty, a team/player, a'le to !eal with stress easily, well organize!, prepare! to work long hours, prepare! to put asi!e pri+ate nee!s, healthy, e+en tempere!, patient, prepare! to take on other counselors. !uties in emergencies, en1oy relaxing with the team when the chil!ren are asleep an! most importantly, you nee! to 'e a child-caring person with a goo! intuition for chil!ren.s nee!s an! a strong !esire to gi+e your utmost so that the chil!ren ha+e the 'est holi!ay imagina'le6 These are traits we expect you to 'ring with you. 7 further prere0uisite for all Berlitz camp counselors is participation in the camp counselor training an! certification in first ai!. The training is free of charge an! the first ai! certificate is +ali! for two years. (f you alrea!y work with Berlitz, please check with your Berlitz &anguage Centre !irector a'out taking time out from your &anguage Centre courses for a shorter training an! to work as a camp counselor. During the training we expect you to participate acti+ely an! also 'ring up any 0uestions or concerns you ha+e a'out 'eing a camp counselor an! a'out the camps themsel+es. Training !ates will 'e !iscusse! once we ha+e processe! your application. 8n pages , an! 3 you will fin! some general information for counselors. The application follows. (f you are intereste! in 'ecoming a Berlitz camp counselor, please sen! the following paperwork to me4 #ille! out application, inclu!ing 9what woul! you !o if: 0uestions an! personal 'ackgroun! check with signature ;pages < = > of this !ocument? 5our criminal recor! ;#@hrungszeugnis in $erman?/ you may o'tain this from your local police station in $ermany or a'roa! an! it may not 'e ol!er than , months. 5our resumeAcurriculum +itae 3 character references ;former employers, colleagues, professors, teachers an!Aor mentors? 7 photocopy of your passport i!entification page Bon/") citizens/ a photocopy of your $erman +isa allowing you to work an!Aor your work permit 5ou may sen! e+erything per post or email. Clease !o not forget your signature if you sen! your !ocuments per email. #or further information a'out working as a freelancer in $ermany an! getting pai!, please refer to the notes on page D. Clease contact me if you ha+e any 0uestions or !ifficulties E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3

2 concerning the re0uire! paperwork. Best regar!s, &aurie Camargo

E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3

3 Counselors We currently ha+e a team of roughly ,J0 counselors an! !irectors, with -JO returning regularly e+ery year. 7ll camp !irectors start out as counselors. We are +ery prou! of our moti+ate!, har!/working an! fun/lo+ing camp team, which forms the 'asis for our successful camp program. 8ur counselors ha+e +ery !i+erse 'ackgroun!s an! lifestyles. %ome counselors work only one camp or 'lock of camps per season whereas others work throughout the year. We place counselors first accor!ing to where you li+e an! what your particular skills are. Bew applicants can expect to work 'etween , an! > weeks !uring the first year as a counselor an! ha+e little choice as to where you will 'e working. 5ou will fin! information a'out the +arious locations on one of these we'sites4 $ermany, (relan! an! )*/ http4AAwww.'erlitz.!eA!eAki!s/teensAki!s/ teensPcampsAunserePcampPstan!orteA &uxem'urg/ http4AAwww.'erlitz.luA!eAki!sPteensAsprachferienAstan!orteA %witzerlan!/ http4AAwww.'erlitz.chA!eAki!sPteensAki!sPteensPcampsAstan!orteA Qualifications Camp counselors ha+e the following 0ualifications4 "xperience working with chil!ren age - to 7ge/ ,0 years or ol!er "nglish, #rench, $erman or %panish nati+e speaker Berlitz camp counselor training 7 +ali! first ai! certificate 7 clean police check an! personal 'ackgroun! check ;part of application? ") citizenship, a +ali! work permit or +isa allowing you to work on a freelance 'asis Duties and responsibilities The counselors. responsi'ilities fall into three main categories4 the chil!ren, the !aily shifts an! preparation. #or the !uration of the camp, counselors look after the emotional, social an! physical well 'eing of the chil!ren. Counselors work se+eral shifts throughout the !ay an! in the e+ening. The !ay consists of "nglish teaching, workshops, sports, e+ening acti+ities as well as lower intensity shifts like wake up, fruit 'ar an! e+ening preparation. Counselors recei+e one fee for the entire camp pro1ect. This fee inclu!es4 lesson planning all trainings tra+elling to the camp a !ay early employment at the camp packing 'efore the camp cleaning up at the en! of camp any other camp relate! tasks Counselors start at <J0 per week. Expectations of the counselors (t is extremely important for counselors to accept the following4 Due to the intensi+e sche!ule, the counselors ha+e little or no free time !uring the camp. Being a camp counselor can 'e a ,< hour a !ay 1o'. The !ay 'egins with waking up the chil!ren an! en!s when all the chil!ren are in 'e! sleeping. We ha+e a !i+erse team inclu!ing counselors from 30 !ifferent countries with +ery !ifferent 'ackgroun!s an! lifestyles. We welcome counselors of all nationalities, religions, races an! social 'ackgroun!s. 5ou must 'e an open/min!e! person to 1oin our team. Counselors share rooms with other counselors an! ha+e +ery little pri+acy. (f this is a pro'lem for you, please reconsi!er whether or not this is the right 1o' for you.

E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3

Berlitz Kids & Teens Camp Counselor Application Clease write all responses in the grey fiel!s. #or 0uestions J, -, D, , an! 3 please click on the fiel! an! choose the correct response. . Bame4 ,. "mail4 3. 7!!ress4 <. 7ge4 J. $en!er4 >. Bationality4 -. Bati+e language;s?4 D. Telephone4 K. Lo'ile4 0. Do you currently work for a Berlitz &anguage center2 . What experience with chil!ren ha+e you ha!2 ,. What experience with chil!ren.s camps ha+e you ha! ;inclu!ing chil!hoo!2? 3. What experience with teaching ha+e you ha!2 <. What are your ho''ies ;inclu!ing sports2? J. What coul! you personally contri'ute to a camp2 >. Clease make sure that you sen! in all of these !ocuments together with the application, which inclu!es the 9what woul! you !o ifQ: 0uestions an! personal 'ackgroun! check4 / police check ;#@hrungszeugnis? / c+Aresume / photocopy of passport i!entification page / for non-EU citizens: photocopy of current +ali! +isa for working as a freelancer in $ermany / 3 references ;we accept letters of recommen!ation an!Aor reference names an! email a!!resses, inclu!ing the names of counselors an! camp !irectors on our team.? %en! all paperwork per email to laurie.camargoN'erlitz.!e or to &aurie Camargo, *Inigin/"lisa'eth/%tr. J,, <0JK Berlin.

E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3

!hat "ould #ou do if$% &uestions Clease take some time to think a'out an! answer the following 0uestions. )se another sheet if necessary or if sen!ing your application online, simply mo+e the 0uestions further !own the page. What woul! you !o if..... . a camper from your group hasn.t ma!e any frien!s an! always follows you aroun! 2 ,. a camper refuses to participate !uring your class2 3. one of the teenagers ne+er showers or changes hisAher tops an! smells really 'a!2 <. a group of girls or 'oys in a room constantly pick on the same roommate2 J. you foun! a group of our > year ol! campers smoking cigarettes an! !rinking 'eer in the town near the house ;smoking an! !rinking are against our rules?2 >. you checke! the 'e!rooms at night, one of the campers was missing an! hisAher roommates !i!n.t know where heAshe was2 -. the camp !irector is not at camp an! the out!oor e+ening acti+ity has to 'e change! !ue to 'a! weather2 D. you are expecte! to meet a chil! at the train station an! cannot fin! himAher2 K. you !on.t get along with your roommates an! there are no other free rooms2 0. a fellow counselor !oesn.t pull hisAher weight an! ignores the camp !irector2

E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3

Personal Background Check for Childcare Personnel Berlitz Deutschland GmbH Name: 1. 2. 3. 4. Where are you from? What is your marital status? Ha e you !ot "hildre#? Ha e you !ot a#y formal trai#i#! or "ertifi"atio# i# the area of child care? $f yes% &lease i#"lude the title here: Birth date: Sex:


Ha e you !ot a#y ex&erie#"e working with children? $f yes% &lease i#"lude here:


Ha e you !ot a#y formal training or certification for (language) teaching? $f yes% &lease i#"lude the title:


Ha e you !ot a#y ex&erie#"e teaching languages? $f yes% &lease i#"lude here:


)o you ta*e a#y serious medi"atio#? $f yes% &lease des"ri+e ,hy:


Ha e you e er +ee# treated for a me#tal "o#ditio#? $f yes% &lease des"ri+e ,hy:

10. Ha e you e er +ee# "o# i"ted of a "rime? $f yes% &lease des"ri+e: 11. )o you ta*e ille!al dru!s? 12. Ha e you !ot &aedo&hili" te#de#"ies? Si!#ature ................................ )ate ..............................

E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3


Release Form $% .................................% here+y !ra#t Berlit/ $#ter#atio#al% $#". a#d its su+sidiaries% asso"iated "om&a#ies a#d li"e#sees% &ermissio# to use my first #ame a#d0or li*e#ess as follo,s: Berlit/ ,ill o,# the still &hoto!ra&hs a#d0or ideo foota!e ta*e# i# Berlit/ "am&s% "ourses a#d trai#i#!s i# ,hi"h $ a&&ear% a#d ha e the u#restri"ted ri!ht to &u+lish said &hoto!ra&hs a#d use su"h ideo i# a#y Berlit/ sales literature% o# the Berlit/ We+ site% a#d i# a#y other Berlit/ material% a#d shall ha e the ri!ht to li"e#se others to do the same for Berlit/ &ur&oses. Berlit/ ,ill #ot sell the &hoto!ra&hs a#d0or ideo foota!e to other "om&a#ies. 1his !ra#t is i#te#ded to +e ,orld,ide i# s"o&e a#d to a&&ly to all media #o, existi#! or hereafter de elo&ed. $ "a# re o*e these ri!hts i# ,riti#!% i#"ludi#! "o&ies of the &hoto!ra&hs a#d0or ideo foota!e o#"e $ lea e Berlit/ $#ter#atio#al% $#". 2y &hoto!ra&hs a#d0or ideo ,ill #ot +e &u+lished after the date Berlit/ $#ter#atio#al% $#". re"ei es my re3uest a#d "o&ies of the &hoto!ra&hs a#d0or ideo foota!e. $ "ertify that $ am of le!al a!e a#d #ot &rohi+ited or other,ise u#a+le to !ra#t the ri!ht des"ri+ed a+o e. ............................ Si!#ature ........................... )ate

E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3

( !or'ing as a freelancer in (erman# &i+ing an! working in $ermany in+ol+es 0uite a 'it of 'ureaucracy. )n order to "or' as a counselor in our camps #ou must ha*e permission to "or' on a freelance basis in (erman#+ If you have not got a freelance visa, you live in Germany an! we !eci!e that you are the right person for our team, we are prepare! to gi+e you a freelance contract an! a letter stating that we ha+e offere! you work as a freelancer. 5ou can take these !ocuments together with your passport, police registration ;Lel!e'estRtigung,? proof of health insurance, passport photos, the necessary fees an! any other paperwork re0uire! 'y the $erman authorities to the office of immigration ;7uslRn!er'ehIr!e? to recei+e a +isa. If you have got a residence permit or visa, please rea! the following re0uirements4 (f you are a member of the European Union, we re0uire a photocopy of your passport i!entification page. (f you are not a member of the European Union, we re0uire a photocopy of your passport i!entification page an! a photocopy of your resi!ence permit, which is the sticker in your passport or perhaps a car!. 5ou ha+e permission to work as a freelancer in our camps if your 7ufenthaltstitel states the following or similar4 / un'efristet / "rwer'stRtigkeit gestattet / Bur g@ltig f@r eine frei'erufliche TRtigkeit als "nglisch/TrainerA%prachlehrer. / BeschRftigung nur nach "rlau'nis !er 7uslRn!er'ehIr!e, %el'stRn!ige TRtigkeit nicht gestattet mit 7usname !er TRtigkeit als frei'eruflicher "nglischlehrer / BeschRftigung nur nach "rlau'nis !er 7uslRn!er'ehIr!e, erlischt mit Been!igung !er sel'stRn!igen TRtigkeit als "nglischlehrerin / BeschRftigung als "rzieherinA7us'il!er 'ei Berlitz $m'3 erlau't. !e cannot accept a ,i'tionsbescheinigung unless it specifically states that you are permitte! to work as a freelancer. Before "e can pa# #ou we re0uire the following information from you4 Cersonal (!entification num'er or tax num'er. (f you ha+e mo+e! to $ermany in the last < years, you shoul! ha+e recei+e! a letter from the B@rgeramt with your C(B after you registere! as a resi!ent here. (f you ha+e li+e! in $ermany longer an! ha+e alrea!y pai! taxes here, the num'er is on your income tax statement. your a!!ress in $ermany your 'ank account information an original, signe! Berlitz freelance counselor agreement ;contract?/ 5ou will recei+e , original contracts an! a form for your personal contact !etails at the inter+iew or training. )f #ou are coming from o*erseas and do not intend to li*e in (erman# , please come prepare! with the following information4 the tax num'er from your country/ this num'er is sometimes referre! to as a social security num'er, national tax num'er or similar. 5our international 'ank account information/ / name an! a!!ress of 'ank ;your local 'ranch? / (B7B ;international 'ank account num'er? / swift co!e of 'ank an original, signe! Berlitz freelance counselor agreement ;contract? We can ensure you a 0uick an! painless payment if you pro+i!e us with all of the re0uire! information 'efore you 'egin working.

E Berlitz Deutschlan! $m'3

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