02 IPC Overview

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GENERAL OVERVIEW The law: Republic Act No. 8293 [A Act !"e#c"ibi $ the I tellectual !

"ope"t% &o'e a ' E#tabli#hi $ the I tellectual !"ope"t% O((ice) !"o*i'i $ (o" It# !owe"# a ' +u ctio #) a ' (o" Othe" !u"po#e#, othe"wi#e - ow a# the I tellectual !"ope"t% &o'e o( the !hilippi e#. .tate polic% 'ecla"atio : The .tate "eco$ i/e# that a e((ecti*e i tellectual a ' i 'u#t"ial p"ope"t% #%#te0 i# *ital to the 'e*elop0e t o( 'o0e#tic a ' c"eati*e acti*it%) (acilitate# t"a #(e" o( tech olo$%) att"act# (o"ei$ i *e#t0e t#) a ' e #u"e# 0a"-et acce## (o" ou" p"o'uct#. It #hall p"otect a ' #ecu"e the e1clu#i*e "i$ht# o( #cie ti#t#) i *e to"#) a"ti#t# a ' othe" $i(te' citi/e # to thei" i tellectual p"ope"t% a ' c"eatio #) pa"ticula"l% whe be e(icial to the people) (o" #uch pe"io'# a# p"o*i'e' i thi# Act. The u#e o( i tellectual p"ope"t% bea"# a #ocial (u ctio . To thi# e ') the .tate #hall p"o0ote the 'i((u#io o( - owle'$e a ' i (o"0atio (o" the p"o0otio o( atio al 'e*elop0e t a ' p"o$"e## a ' the co00o $oo'. It i# al#o the polic% o( the .tate to #t"ea0li e a'0i i#t"ati*e p"oce'u"e# o( "e$i#te"i $ pate t#) t"a'e0a"-# a ' cop%"i$ht) to libe"ali/e the "e$i#t"atio o the t"a #(e" o( tech olo$%) a ' to e ha ce the e (o"ce0e t o( i tellectual p"ope"t% "i$ht# i the !hilippi e#. E((ect o i te" atio al co *e tio # a ' o p"i ciple o( "ecip"ocit%: A % pe"#o who i# a atio al o" who i# 'o0icile' o" ha# a "eal a ' e((ecti*e i 'u#t"ial e#tabli#h0e t i a cou t"% which i# a pa"t% to a % co *e tio ) t"eat% o" a$"ee0e t "elati $ to i tellectual p"ope"t% "i$ht# o" the "ep"e##io o( u (ai" co0petitio ) to which the !hilippi e# i# al#o a pa"t%) o" e1te '# "ecip"ocal "i$ht# to atio al# o( the !hilippi e# b% law) #hall be e title' to be e(it# to the e1te t ece##a"% to $i*e e((ect to a % p"o*i#io o( #uch co *e tio ) t"eat% o" "ecip"ocal law) i a''itio to the "i$ht# to which a % ow e" o( a i tellectual p"ope"t% "i$ht i# othe"wi#e e title' b% thi# Act. !a"t# o( the law: The I tellectual !"ope"t% &o'e o( the !hilippi e# i# 'i*i'e' i to (i*e [2, pa"t#) to wit: !ART I 3 The I tellectual !"ope"t% O((ice !ART II 3 The Law o !ate t# !ART III 3 The Law o T"a'e0a"-#) .e"*ice 4a"-# a ' T"a'e Na0e# !ART IV 3 The Law o &op%"i$ht !ART V 3 +i al !"o*i#io # I tellectual p"ope"t% "i$ht# u 'e" the I. !. &o'e: The i tellectual p"ope"t% "i$ht# u 'e" the I tellectual !"ope"t% &o'e a"e a# (ollow#: 5. &op%"i$ht a ' "elate' "i$ht#6 2. T"a'e0a"-# a ' #e"*ice 0a"-#6 3. Geo$"aphic i 'icatio #6 7. I 'u#t"ial 'e#i$ #6 2. !ate t#6 8. La%out 'e#i$ # [topo$"aphie#, o( i te$"ate' ci"cuit#6 a ' 9. !"otectio o( u 'i#clo#e' i (o"0atio .

Go*e" 0e t A$e cie#: The a$e c% o( the $o*e" 0e t i cha"$e o( the i0ple0e tatio o( the I tellectual !"ope"t% &o'e i# the I tellectual !"ope"t% O((ice which "eplace' the :u"eau o( !ate t#) T"a'e0a"-# a ' Tech olo$% T"a #(e". It i# 'i*i'e' i to #i1 [8, :u"eau#) a0el%: [5, :u"eau o( !ate t#6 [2, :u"eau o( T"a'e0a"-#6 [3, :u"eau o( Le$al A((ai"#6 [7, ;ocu0e tatio ) I (o"0atio a ' Tech olo$% T"a #(e" :u"eau6 [2, 4a a$e0e t I (o"0atio .%#te0 a ' E;! :u"eau6 a ' [8, A'0i i#t"ati*e) +i a cial a ' !e"#o el .e"*ice# :u"eau. +u ctio # o( the I tellectual !"ope"t% O((ice: The I tellectual !"ope"t% O((ice i# 0a 'ate' u 'e" the law to: 5. E1a0i e applicatio # (o" the $"a t o( lette"# pate t (o" i *e tio # a ' "e$i#te" utilit% 0o'el# a ' i 'u#t"ial 'e#i$ #6 2. E1a0i e applicatio # (o" the "e$i#t"atio o( 0a"-#) $eo$"aphic i 'icatio a ' i te$"ate' ci"cuit#6 3. Re$i#te" tech olo$% t"a #(e" a""a $e0e t# a ' #ettle 'i#pute# i *ol*i $ tech olo$% t"a #(e" pa%0e t# co*e"e' b% the p"o*i#io # o( !a"t II) &hapte" I< o Volu ta"% Lice #i $ a ' 'e*elop a ' i0ple0e t #t"ate$ie# to p"o0ote a ' (acilitate tech olo$% t"a #(e"6 7. !"o0ote the u#e o( pate t i (o"0atio a# a tool (o" tech olo$% 'e*elop0e t6 2. !ubli#h "e$ula"l% i it# ow publicatio the pate t#) 0a"-#) utilit% 0o'el# a ' i 'u#t"ial 'e#i$ #) i##ue' a ' app"o*e') a ' the tech olo$% t"a #(e" a""a $e0e t# "e$i#te"e'6 8. A'0i i#t"ati*el% a'=u'icate co te#te' p"ocee'i $# a((ecti $ i tellectual p"ope"t% "i$ht#6 a ' 9. &oo"'i ate with othe" $o*e" 0e t a$e cie# a ' the p"i*ate #ecto" e((o"t# to (o"0ulate a ' i0ple0e t pla # a ' policie# to #t"e $the the p"otectio o( i tellectual p"ope"t% "i$ht# i the cou t"%. .i$ i(ica t (eatu"e# o( the law: 5. A #hi(t wa# 0a'e ("o0 the >(i"#t3to3i *e t #%#te0> u 'e" R. A. 582 [ol' law, to >(i"#t3to3(ile #%#te0> u 'e" the ew law. 2. I the ca#e o( i *e tio #) the pe"io' o( the $"a t wa# i c"ea#e' ("o0 59 %ea"# ("o0 $"a t u 'e" the ol' law to 2? %ea"# ("o0 'ate o( (ili $ u 'e" the ew law. 3. I the ca#e o( utilit% 0o'el#) the p"e*iou# $"a t o( 2 %ea"# plu# "e ewal# o( 2 %ea"# each u 'e" the ol' law wa# cha $e' to 9 %ea"# without "e ewal u 'e" the ew law. 7. I the ca#e o( i 'u#t"ial 'e#i$ #) the p"e*iou# $"a t o( 2 %ea"# plu# "e ewal# o( 2 %ea"# each wa# 0ai tai e'. 2. @ 'e" the ol' law) the"e wa# o oppo#itio p"ocee'i $# a ' the e1a0i atio i# 0a 'ato"%6 u 'e" the ew law) the e1a0i atio i# 0a'e o l% upo "eAue#t [po##ibl% with o" without e1a0i atio ,.

8. @ 'e" the ol' law) publicatio i# 0a'e a(te" the $"a t6 u 'e" the ew law) publicatio i# e((ecte' a(te" 58 0o th# ("o0 (ili $ 'ate o" p"io"it% 'ate. 9. @ 'e" the ol' law) the pe altie# (o" "epetitio o( i ("i $e0e t a"e: !h!5?)??? a 'Bo" 2 %ea"# o( i0p"i#o 0e t a ' the o((e #e p"e#c"ibe# i 2 %ea"#6 u 'e" the p"e#e t law) the pe altie# "a $e ("o0 !h!5??)??? to !h!3??)??? a 'Bo" 8 0o th# to 3 %ea"# o( i0p"i#o 0e t a ' the o((e #e p"e#c"ibe# i 3 %ea"#. .i$ i(ica t cha $e# i the t"a'e0a"- law: The #i$ i(ica t cha $e# i the t"a'e0a"- law u 'e" the ol' law [R. A. No. 588, a ' the p"e#e t law a"e) a# (ollow#: 5. @ 'e" the (o"0e") the ele0e t o( u#e be(o"e (ili $ a local applicatio i# a "eAui"e0e t althou$h thi# i# ot "eAui"e' whe the applicatio i# ba#e' o (o"ei$ "e$i#t"atio 6 while u 'e" the latte") the ele0e t o( u#e ha# bee eli0i ate' a# a "eAui"e0e t (o" applicatio . 2. @ 'e" the (o"0e") the te"0 $"a te' i# 2? %ea"# "e ewable (o" 2?3%ea" pe"io'#6 while u 'e" the latte") the te"0 i# (o" 5? %ea"#) "e ewable (o" 5?3%ea" pe"io'#. 3. @ 'e" the (o"0e") the a((i'a*it o( u#e o" o 3u#e i# "eAui"e' o the 2th) 5?th a ' 52th a i*e"#a"ie#6 while u 'e" the latte") p"oo( o( u#e withi 3 %ea"# ("o0 the (ili $ o( the applicatio i# "eAui"e' a ' the a((i'a*it o( u#e #houl' be (ile' withi 5 %ea" ("o0 the 2th a i*e"#a"%. 7. @ 'e" the (o"0e") a .upple0e tal Re$i#te" i# "eAui"e' to be 0ai tai e'6 while u 'e" the latte") it i# o lo $e" "eAui"e'. 2. @ 'e" the (o"0e" law) pe altie# (o" i ("i $e0e t) u (ai" co0petitio ) (al#e 'e#i$ atio o( o"i$i a ' (al#e 'e#c"iptio o" "ep"e#e tatio "a $e ("o0 (i e o( !h!2?? to !h!2)??? a 'Bo" 8 0o th# to 3 %ea"# a ' 7 0o th# o( i0p"i#o 0e t6 while u 'e" the latte" law) the pe altie# "a $e ("o0 (i e o( !h!2?)??? to !h!2??)??? a 'Bo" 2 to 2 %ea"# o( i0p"i#o 0e t. .i$ i(ica t cha $e# i the cop%"i$ht law: It i# ow "eAui"e' that a(te" the (i"#t public 'i##e0i atio o( pe"(o"0a ce b% autho"it% o( the cop%"i$ht ow e" o( ce"tai #peci(ie' wo"-) the"e #hall) (o" the pu"po#e o( co0pleti $ the "eco"'# o( the Natio al Lib"a"% a ' the .up"e0e &ou"t lib"a"%) withi th"ee C3D wee-#) be "e$i#te"e' a ' 'epo#ite' with it) b% pe"#o al 'eli*e"% o" b% "e$i#te"e' 0ail) two C2D co0plete copie# o" "ep"o'uctio # o( the wo"- i #uch (o"0 a# the 'i"ecto"# o( #ai' lib"a"ie# 0a% p"e#c"ibe.c"alaw The #che0e o( pe altie# (o" i ("i $e0e t ha# al#o bee cha $e'. +"o0 the p"e*iou# (i e o( !hp2?? to !hp2)??? a 'Bo" i0p"i#o 0e t o( 5 %ea") the cu""e t "a $e o( pe altie# a"e a# (ollow#: +o" (i"#t o((e 'e"# 3 (i e o( !h!2?)??? to !h!52?)??? a 'Bo" i0p"i#o 0e t o( 5 to 3 %ea"# +o" #eco ' o((e 'e"# 3 (i e o( !h!52?)??? to !h!2??)??? a 'Bo" i0p"i#o 0e t o( 3 to 8 %ea"# +o" thi"' a ' #ub#eAue t o((e 'e"# 3 (i e o( !h!2??)??? to !h!5.2 4illio a 'Bo" i0p"i#o 0e t o( 8 to 9 %ea"#. I ca#e o( i #ol*e c%) the o((e 'e" #hall (u"the"0o"e #u((e" #ub#i'ia"% i0p"i#o 0e t.

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