XI-Xii Imp Question

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XI-Important Questions:

Chapter 1: Show that the given equations are correct dimensionally: a) v = f b) PV = nRT c) 2aS = Vf2- Vi2 d) T= 2pi m/ Vvk e) Fc=mv2 / R f) T= 2 1/ Vvg g) G= Fd2/ m1m2 Chapter 2: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Addition of two vector by Rectangular component method Parallel method of vector addition Scalar product Important Properties of vectors: A.(B+C)= A.B + A.C A.B = A x B A.B = 0 A x (B=C) = A x B + A x C AxB=BxA

Chapter 3: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Inclined plane(forces acting and acceleration derivation) Tension in the string and acceleration of the bodies case Elastic and inelastic collision, derivation of final velocities Friction Terminal velocity Relation between rate of change of liner momentum and force

Chapter 4: 1. Projectile Motion 2. Expression for maximum height, range, time of flight, horizontal and vertical velocitie

3. Relation between linear and angular motio(s= r theta, v= rw, a= r alpha) Chapter 5: 1. Moment of couple 2. Law of conservation of angular momentum 3. Location of axis Chapter6: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Newton's law of gravitation Mass of earth Variation in g.w.r altitude and depth Artificail gravity Frequency of rotation for artificial gravity

Chapter 7: 1. Work 2. Conservation field, show that the gravitational P.E 3. Work energy equation Chapter8: 1. Derivation for the relation of instantaneous velocity of the projection of a particle performing uniform circular motion along the diameter line and proof of SHM 2. Spring mass system 3. Difference between Musical sound and Noise 4. Characteristics of Musical sound 5. Newtons formula for speed of sound and Laplace correction 6. Time period of system performing SHM 7. Weber-Fechner's law 8. Characteristics of standing stationary 9. Derivation for fundamental frequency and harmonic Chapter 9: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Michelson's interferometer Difference between interference and Diffraction Types of Diffraction Diffraction grating and Grating element Expression for Diffraction grating Newton's ring and derivation for nth Newton's Ring radius

Chapter 10:

1. Simple Microscope (Expression for angular magnification ray diagram) 2. Compound Microscope (Expression for magnifying power, ray diagram, construction and working) 3. Thin lens formula (Convex/Concave) 4. Combinition of thin lenses 5. Defects of Vision

XII-Important Questions:
Chapter 11: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Molar specific heat Cp-Cv=R B=3a 1st law of thermodynamics (with processes) 2nd law of thermodynamics Describe Isobaric and Adiabatic process with graphical representation? Equate the clausius and kelvin statements Equate the entropy and 2nd law of thermodynamics Define co-efficient of Linear and Cubical expension with unis. Also show that coeffecient of linear expension is equal to the one third of coeffeient of cubical expension? 10. P=1/3pV2 11. K.E is directly proportional to Temperature 12. Prove acoccording to the KMT that (P is inversly proportial to 1/v), PV=nRT Chapter 12: 1. Gauss's law and (its prove) 2. Application of the Gauss's law (spherical charged shell, infinite sheet of charges, two oppositively charged plates) 3. Factors effecting on the capacitance of the capacitor 4. Electric Flux 5. Capacitors (in series and parallel) 6. Coulumb's law Chapter 13: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resistivity Temperature coefficient e.m.f with its derivation Resistance (in series and parallel) Ohm's law with its limitation

Chapter 14: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. F=Bsintheta JJ Thomson's Experiment Derivation for B, A.C generator Laws of electromagnetic induction Mutual Induction Self Induction Ampere's circular law with ots application

8. Lenz's law 9. Magnetic flux 10. Motional e.m.f 11. F=qvB 12. Power loss in transformer Chapter 15: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Galvanometer Ammeter and Voltmeter Factors effecting on the sensitivity of the galvanometer Voltmeter Wheat stone bridge Construction and working of galvanometer

Chapter 16: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Diode as a rectifier P type, n type Semi conductor Forward bias, Reversed bias Band theory

Chapter 17: 1. Compton effect 2. Theory of relativity with its consequence 3. Einstien results for the photo electric equation Chapter 18: 1. Derivation of enrgy level diagram 2. Bohr's X-ray production 3. Laser, ruby laser Chapter 19: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Exponential equation of the radioactive decay Law of radioactive decay Half life Fission and fusion Nuclear reactor Mass defect Binding Energy

Chapter 20:

1. Geiger mular counter

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