Lecture 9 - Energy and Power

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Colton - Lecture 9 pg 1

Announcements 1 Oct 2013

1. Exam 2 is coming up!
a. Exam begins Thurs, ends next Wednesday, 2 pm (late fee after
Tues, 2 pm)
b. Covers Chapters 4 & 5, Homeworks 5-10
c. Thursday lecture will be nearly 100% exam review
i. Warmup quiz: pick out problems from a past exam
d. TA-led exam review session:
i. Time: ??
ii. Place: ??

Notes I consider all exams to be cumulative, to some extent:
- You will very likely get 1-3 problems from exam 1 as repeats (different
- You will very likely have some problems where you use Newtons 2

Law to find acceleration then kinematics equations to find more details
- Newtons 2
Law problems involving springs (todays topic, another
item for our bag of tricks) are certainly fair game.

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 2
Demo: Cart being pulled on track

Demo problem: Dr Colton hangs a _____ kg mass from a pulley and
attaches it to a ______ kg cart with a string. He lets the hanging mass fall
______ m. How fast is the cart going at the end?

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 3
Pole Vaulters

Video: Pole Vaulter

Q: How high can pole jumpers jump?

(Simple Analysis)

First: how fast can people run (short distances)?

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 4

Compare: Pole vault world record: 6.14 m (Sergey Bubka, 1994)

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 5
Clicker quiz
A 500 kg car starts from rest on a track 100 m above the ground. It does
a loop-de-loop that is 25 m from the ground at the top. There is no friction.
How fast is it going at the top of the loop?
a. 0-10 m/s
b. 10-20
c. 30-40
d. 40-50
e. 50+ m/s

Could you do this with N2??

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 6
Dr Coltons Guide:
How to solve Conservation of Energy problems

1. Draw before and after pictures.
1b. If non-conservative forces: draw a between FBD.

2. Write down the blueprint equation, and fill in to get a real equation:
- Include all PE and KE terms for each before object,
on the left hand side
- Include all PE and KE terms for each after object, on
the right hand side
- Include work on the left hand side for all non-
conservative forces (often friction). If needed, use the
FBD and N2 to figure out the force.
One work term for each force that doesnt have a PE

3. Plug what you know into the real equation, and look at what results!
W = F
Blueprint equation E
+ W
= E

KE = mv
= mgy

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 7
Problem: In terms of M, m, , d, and
u, what is his takeoff speed?



Fill in:

Plug in given quantities:

Solve for what you want:

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 8

Hookes Law: Proportionality factor k = spring constant

Caution: x must be measured from equilibrium

= -kx
(negative sign: force acts
opposite displacement: it pulls/
pushes back to resting point)

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 9
Springs are conservative

Derivation: force is varying must use average force

= kx

W F x
F x
kx x
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
Work done to compress or stretch
Force is linearly varying

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 10
From warmup
You compress a spring 10 cm from its equilibrium position. Then you
compress it another 10 cm. In which step did you do more work?
a. The first 10 cm
b. The second 10 cm
c. Both cases involve the same amount of work

Hint: two ways to think about this
1. Think of change in spring potential energy
2. Think of average force during the compression

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 11
Experimental Problem
Determine the spring constant of a hanging spring.

Method 1: Use forces and N2 (with nonmoving spring)


Colton - Lecture 9 pg 12
Same Problem: Determine the spring constant of a hanging spring.

Method 2: Use energy (suddenly moving spring; compare starting point to
lowest point of oscillation)

before after

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 13
Problem: Determine the spring constant of the spring inside the vertical
cannon cart

Method 3: Spring PE converted to gravity PE

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 14
Worked Problem
Fred goes ice-blocking on the grass. He is 50 kg (including ice). Starting
from rest he rides 40 m down a hill which has a 20 slope.
= 0.2
between the ice and grass.

(a) What is his speed at the bottom?
(b) How far will will he go horizontally after he reaches the bottom?

Answers: 10.99 m/s, 30.82 m

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 15

The rate at which energy is produced or consumed

Or (equivalently)
Power is the rate at which work is being done

SI units: 1 Watt = 1 J/s = 1 Nm/s = 1 kgm

Unit conversion: 1 horsepower (hp) = 746 W


Colton - Lecture 9 pg 16

Another useful formula, if constant velocity:


P = F
F x
F v

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 17

Image credit: Wikipedia. (Northern end of Stelvio Pass, Italy)

From warmup: Switchbacks on mountain roads (consider only work
done against gravity):
a. increase the work needed to go up a mountain
b. decrease the work needed to go up a mountain
c. keep the work needed the same

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 18
Experimental Problem
How much horsepower can a person generate?

Experiment: jumping from a stand-still Volunteer needed!

mass (kg) = ________

measured height jumped (m) = _________

measured impulse time (s) (time while legs are exerting force on ground)

= ________

What was the work done by his/her body during the impulse time?

How much horsepower?

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 19
Clicker quiz
A car weighing 3000 N moves at a speed of 30 m/s on level ground. To
do this, it pushes backwards on the road with a 5000 N force. What is the
power output of the car engine?
a. 0 kW
b. 60 kW
c. 90 kW
d. 150 kW
e. 240 kW

Where does this power go? If the car moves at constant speed,
its not used to accelerate the car.

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 20
From warmup
Ralph sees that his car's engine is rated at 100 hp. He thinks, "Cool, this
means if I ever get in a tug of war with 90 horses, I will win!" Is he thinking
about this correctly? What should you tell him?

Pair share I am now ready to share my neighbors answer if called on.
a. Yes

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 21
Bungee jumping: types of energy

Free fall region
Image credit: Wikipedia

Colton - Lecture 9 pg 22

Free fall region

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