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The UNITED STATES CODE, in its entirety, is Copyrighted Private International Law Appli a!

le only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia%& '()' The *overn$ent O" The Distri t o" Col#$!ia The Private +i"#r ated *overn$ent o" The Ten ,iles S-#are whose .#risdi tion e/tends only over orporate entities reated !y the $#ni ipal orporation and operative only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia% 0ashington% Distri t o" Col#$!ia is the apitol o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia, not the United States o" A$eri a, and all laws passed within the Distri t o" Col#$!ia are appli a!le and en"or ea!le only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia and it1s possessions% 0hat was not said in '()', !#t was i$pli it2 was what is plainly de"ined p#rs#ant to3 Title 4(, 56647'89 759: That all depart$ents o" the UNITED STATES CO;PO;ATION are part o" the orporation% The "irst atte$pt !y Congress to de"ine iti<enship was in '(== in the passage o" the Civil ;ights A t 7;evised Stat#tes se tion '>>4, ( United States Code Annotated se tion '9% The a t provided that: ?All persons !orn in the United States and not s#!.e t to any "oreign power are de lared to !e iti<ens o" the United States%? And this in t#rn was "ollowed in '(=( !y the adoption o" the @o#rteenth A$end$ent, United States Code Annotated A$end$ent 'A, de laring: ?All persons !orn or nat#rali<ed in the United States, and s#!.e t to the .#risdi tion thereo", are iti<ens o" the United States and o" the State wherein they reside%? At this period o" ti$e, the only people in the United States who were #nder the .#risdi tion o" the private !i"#r ated govern$ent o" the ten $iles s-#are o" 0ashington, D%C%, were the govern$ent e$ployees, those within the territories owned !y the United States and now the "or$er slaves% The "or$er iti<ens o" the So#th, now ? apt#red? !e a$e 'Ath A$end$ent iti<ens% The re$ainder o" the people o#ld still invoBe the power over govern$ent thro#gh original .#risdi tion o" the ;ep#!li side o" the Constit#tion% A new '5th A$end$ent was ena ted De e$!er '(, '(=8 and the 'Ath A$end$ent was ena ted C#ly 4(, '(=(% It was rati"ied in So#thern states #nder $artial law% A state o#ld only o!tain its "reedo$ "ro$ "ederal $ilitary r#le !y rati"ying this a$end$ent% Any ontra t entered #nder d#ress is void% +#t then the Constit#tion was not even in e""e t "ollowing sine die and the pro la$ation o" $artial law% The 'Ath A$end$ent !ro#ght the "reed slaves, whose previo#s owners were also owners o" private plantations and trans"erred those slaves #nder s#!.e tion o" the govern$ent, the ten $iles s-#are .#risdi tion o" 0ashington, D%C% And it o""ered its prote tion to those who wo#ld hoose to !e o$e its s#!.e ts%in e/ hange "or their sovereignty% The 'Ath A$end$ent is a good e/a$ple o" the ?giveDaDlittle, taBe a lot? strategy that is o"ten #sed, a s#gar oating to a !itter pill% Sovereign people had reated a govern$ent with a onstit#tional g#arantee to prote t their #nDaDlienDa!le rights% In ontrast, the "ederal govern$ent reated "o#rteenth a$end$ent iti<enship to g#arantee its power over its Citi<ens% It see$s to !e taBing iti<ens #nder its prote tion !#t at the pri e o" servit#de% Sovereigns $ay hoose to !e o$e s#!.e ts3 "ree $en and wo$en to !e o$e vassals% This a$end$ent has always !een ontroversial% ,any people over the years have -#estioned the a$o#nt o" power it vests in the "ederal govern$ent% So$e have even -#estioned its validity% On one o asion C#dge Ellett o" the Utah S#pre$e Co#rt re$arBed: ?I annot !elieve that any o#rt, in "#ll possession o" its "a #lties, o#ld honestly hold that the a$end$ent was properly approved and adopted% State v% Phillips, Pa i"i ;eporter, 4nd Series, Eol% 8A6, Page >A', >A4 7'>)89

Fowever, the $ost i$portant "a t a!o#t this a$end$ent is that, altho#gh it reated a new lass o" Citi<en, it did not have any e""e t on Sovereign People% +oth lasses still e/ist: 0hen the Constit#tion was adopted the people o" the United States were the iti<ens o" the several States "or who$ and "or whose posterity the govern$ent was esta!lished% Ea h o" the$ was a iti<en o" the United States at the adoption o" the Constit#tion, and all "ree persons therea"ter !orn within one o" the several States !e a$e !y !irth iti<ens o" the State and o" the United States% +oth lasses o" iti<en still e/ist% It1s yo#r right to !e one o" the Sovereign people, while it1s a privilege to !e a "o#rteenth a$end$ent Citi<en, and $ost i$portantly, it1s #p to yo# to deter$ine whi h one yo# are, and whi h one yo# want to !e% C#st re$e$!er that yo# ?pay? "or a privilege, whereas a right arries no o!ligation% This is at the heart o" yo#r personal De laration o" Independen e% Two *overn$ents, Two @lags: the Corporate State On e the s$oBe settled a"ter the Civil 0ar, E#ropean international !anBers arrived in town% In '()' the de"a#lt again loo$ed and !anBr#pt y was i$$inent% So in '()4, the ten $iles s-#are Distri t o" Col#$!ia was in orporated in England% A loophole was dis overed in the Constit#tion !y #nning lawyers in leag#e with the international !anBers% They reali<ed that a separate nation !y the sa$e na$e e/isted that Congress had reated in Arti le I, Se tion (, Cla#se ')% The Congress shall have power: To e/er ise e/ l#sive legislation in all ases whatsoever, over s# h distri t 7not e/ eeding ten s-#are $iles9 as $ay, !y ession o" parti #lar States, and the a eptan e o" Congress, !e o$e the seat o" govern$ent o" the United States, and to e/er ise liBe a#thority over all pla es p#r hased !y the onsent o" the legislat#re o" the state in whi h the sa$e shall !e, "or the ere tion o" "orts, $aga<ines, arsenals, do B yards, and other need"#l !#ildings3 D And To $aBe all laws whi h shall !e ne essary and proper "or arrying into e/e #tion the "oregoing powers, and all other powers vested !y this onstit#tion in the govern$ent o" the United States, or in any depart$ent or o""i er thereo"% This ?United States? is a Legislative ?De$o ra y? within the Constit#tional ;ep#!li , and is Bnown as the @ederal United States% It has e/ l#sive, #nli$ited r#le over its Citi<enry, the residents o" the Distri t o" Colo$!ia, the territories and en laves 7*#a$, ,idway Islands, 0aBe Island, P#erto ;i o, et %9, and anyone who is a Citi<en !y way o" the 'Ath A$end$ent 7nat#rali<ed Citi<ens9% +oth United States have the sa$e Congress that r#les in !oth nations% One ?United States,? the ;ep#!li o" 86 States, has the ?stars and stripes? as its "lag, !#t witho#t any "ringe on it% The @ederal United States1 "lag is the stars and stripes with a yellow "ringe, seen in all the o#rts% The a!!reviations o" the States o" the Continental United States are, with or witho#t the <ip odes, Ala%, Alas%, Ari<%, ArB%, Cal%, et % The Territories& #nder the .#risdi tion o" the @ederal United States, the Legislative De$o ra y, are AL, AG, AH, A;, CA, et % 7witho#t any periods9% The international !anBers and the Congress on.#red #p this !it o" $is hie" and passed it into law% +#t whose lawI Congress !roBe "aith with 0e the People in '()' and sold #s o#t when they "or$ed a private orporation and $ade it the govern$ent o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia% They #sed the Constit#tion thro#gh the 'Ath A$end$ent, as their !yDlaws, there"ore taBing their a#thority not #nder the Constit#tion !#t taBing their a#thority over the onstit#tion% They opyrighted not only the onstit#tion !#t also $any related na$es s# h as, TFE UNITED STATES, U%S% TFE UNITED STATES O@ A,E;ICA, USA as their own% This is the "inal !low to the original onstit#tion% Fen e "orth, the UNITED STATES has !een governed entirely !y private orporate law, di tated !y the !anBs as reditors% The ?A t to Provide a *overn$ent "or the Distri t o" Col#$!ia,? Se tion 5A o" the @ortyD@irst Congress o" the United States, Session III, Chapter =' and =4, ena ted @e!r#ary 4', '()', states that the UNITED STATES O@ A,E;ICA is a orporation, whose .#risdi tion is appli a!le only in the tenD$ileDs-#are par el o" land Bnown as the Distri t o" Col#$!ia and to whatever properties are legally titled to the UNITED STATES, !y its registration in the orporate Co#nty, State, and @ederal govern$ents that are

#nder $ilitary power o" the UNITED STATES and its reditors% Under this provision, the $ilitary Congress o" the UNITED STATES had o!tained the power to pass private international law "or appli ation within the "ederal Distri t o" Col#$!ia% All States o" the Union adopted new legislatively reated 1 onditions1 and 1 odi"ied1 their laws #nder "ederal $andate% State 1 odes1 were #nlaw"#lly adopted despite their origin as instr#$ents o" sovereign people% Fowever, the People& $aintained their sovereignty% UNITED STATES CODE, Title 4(, 56647'897A9, !asi ally reiterates that the UNITED STATES is a orporation% 0hat was not said in '()', !#t was i$pli it, was what is plainly stated at Title 4(, 56647'89 759: That all depart$ents o" the UNITED STATES CO;PO;ATION are part o" the orporation% Title 4(, UNITED STATES CODE, is Copyrighted Private International Law% Indeed, the UNITED STATES CODE, in its entirety, is Copyrighted Private International Law, and appli a!le only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia% This in orporation was "irst reported !y *ary 0% Phillips, whose areer with the I$$igration and Nat#rali<ation Servi e !egan in '>8=% Fe was the INS dire tor at Sea Ta Airport "or 46 years and !egan hallenging the in o$e ta/ in '>(8 7The Idaho O!server, ,ar h, 46669% A"ter nearly A6 years o" govern$ent servi e, Phillips was "or ed to "lee his o#ntry to prote t his li"e a"ter e/posing the "a ts o" the illegality o" the "ederal govern$ent1s ri$inal in o$e ta/ olle tion s a$ DD "a ts that are !e o$ing well Bnow a$ong in"or$ed people thro#gho#t the o#ntry% 0here did the Congress "ind the a#thority in the Constit#tion to re onstit#te any part o" the #nited States as a orporationI J#ite si$ply, the ')>' Constit#tion was set aside to $aBe roo$ "or the orporation% 0o#ld this A t !ene"it the ;ep#!li I No, the private, orporate !otto$ line is pro"it% The $#ni ipal, p#!li !otto$ line is servi e% To repla e o#r servi eDoriented "or$ o" govern$ent with a pro"itDoriented "or$ o" govern$ent witho#t o#r Bnowledge or onsent an only !e des ri!ed as treason% A "ew s#per"i ial hanges were $ade to the original Constit#tion and it was no longer the real thing% Congress did not hange the na$e o" the do #$ent so they o#ld lai$ to !e reading "ro$ the Constit#tion% They $erely hanged it "ro$ the Constit#tion "or the #nited States o" A$eri a to the CONSTITUTION O@ TFE UNITED STATES O@ A,E;ICA% They hanged the ?"or? to ?o"1? and apitali<ed all the letters% All o" the s#dden we had two Constit#tions, the original "or show and the revision "or a t#al #se% The A t o" '()' provided a govern$ent "or the Distri t o" Col#$!ia and reated a orporation entitled the UNITED STATES O@ A,E;ICA whose .#risdi tion e/tends only over orporate entities reated !y the $#ni ipal orporation and operative only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia% 0ashington, Distri t o" Col#$!ia is the apitol o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia, not the United States o" A$eri a, and all laws passed within the Distri t o" Col#$!ia are appli a!le and en"or ea!le only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia and it1s possessions% The 86 Union states o" the ;ep#!li are not possessions o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia% P#erto ;i o, the Eirgin Islands and *#a$ are possessions o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia as well as property legally titled to the UNITED STATES !y states and o#nties% The UNITED STATES CODE, in totality, was p#t together in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia as Copyrighted Private International Law and is appli a!le only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia% +y their own r#les o" .#risdi tion, the UNITED STATES attorneys have no !#siness prose #ting anyone o#tside o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia or @ederal territories% The "ederal o#rt has no ven#e o#tside o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia and, there"ore, has no .#risdi tion o#tside o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia and its possessions% The Congress annot pass a law that is appli a!le in the 86 Union states o" the ;ep#!li % I" all the laws passed in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia are Private International Law, in l#ding all o" the UNITED STATES CODE and the stat#tes at large passed a"ter '()', and are appli a!le and en"or ea!le only in the Distri t o" Col#$!ia, then how o#ld they have !e o$e the law o" the landI

+e a#se, not Bnowing !etter, the People& allowed it% 0e have allowed agents o" "oreign o#ntries to !#ild an illegal orporation that has syste$ati ally orr#pted every state, o#nty and ity in this nation and orr#pted the stat#s and standing o" $ost People& o" the #nited States o" A$eri a% The only way that a UNITED STATES DIST;ICT COU;T an have .#risdi tion over one o" the Sovereign people is i" the latter vol#nteers to the .#risdi tion or "ails to de lare his independen e as one o" the Sovereign people% This orporation has reated do<ens o" agen ies, the I;S, @+I, DEA, and the +AT@, to na$e a "ew, whi h e$ploy tho#sands o" agents who re eive e/ ellent salaries and !ene"its "or !etraying their "riends and "a$ilies while en"or ing the private edi ts o" the soD alled Congress% The $en and wo$en o" Congress s$ile, speaB so"tly, and then dire t their illegal agen ies to destroy those who do not "#lly on"or$ to their wishes, and striBe "ear into hearts o" those who do% Gidnapping and onspira y are involved in every arrest and onvi tion !y "ederal a#thorities o#tside o" the Distri t o" Col#$!ia% The -#estion now leads to whether o#r d#ly ele ted p#!li o""i ials swear an oath to #phold the Constit#tion "or the #nited States o" A$eri a, the ;ep#!li within whi h o#r rights are prote ted !y a servi eDoriented govern$ent, or swear an oath to the CONSTITUTION O@ TFE UNITED STATES O@ A,E;ICA, the pro"itDoriented orporationI It appears !y their a tions that $ost govern$ent e$ployees, Bnowingly or #nBnowingly, have sworn an oath to the orporate UNITED STATES% It is o#r d#ty as the People who ele ted the$ into o""i e, to de$and a o#nta!ility "ro$ o#r ?p#!li o""i ials& and on"ront the$ as to where their loyalties lie% Is it with the orr#pt, treasono#s orporation that is ontrolled !y "oreign agents "ro$ within and witho#t, or is it with o#r onstit#tional ;ep#!li , the #nited States o" A$eri a and her peopleI& An arti #late de"ender o" a onservative $onetary poli y, President Ca$es A% *ar"ield #rged the res#$ption o" spe ie pay$ents and the pay$ent o" govern$ent de!ts% Fe said, ?0hoever ontrols the vol#$e o" $oney in any o#ntry is a!sol#te $aster o" all ind#stry and o$$er e%? In his Ina#g#ral Address in '((', *ar"ield said: The hie" d#ty o" the National *overn$ent in onne tion with the #rren y o" the o#ntry is to oin $oney and de lare its val#e% *rave do#!ts have !een entertained whether Congress is a#thori<ed !y the Constit#tion to $aBe any "or$ o" paper $oney legal tender% The present iss#e o" United States notes has !een s#stained !y the ne essities o" war3 !#t s# h paper sho#ld depend "or its val#e and #rren y #pon its onvenien e in #se and its pro$pt rede$ption in oin at the will o" the holder, and not #pon its o$p#lsory ir #lation% These notes are not $oney, !#t pro$ises to pay $oney% I" the holders de$and it, the pro$ise sho#ld !e Bept% Act of Congress includes any act of Congress locally applicable to and in force in the District of Columbia, in Puerto Rico, in a territory or in an insular possession Although, Congress did create federal regions, territories! A" A# A$ AR CA C% C& D' (" )A *+ +D +" +, +A #- #. "A /' /D /A /+ /, /- /% /& ,' ,0 ,* ,1 ,/ ,. ,C ,D %* %# %R PA R+ -C -D &, &2 3& 0& 0A 4A 40 4+ 4. -o Congress can rule the federal regions, territories, encla5es and insular possessions but Congress cannot rule the 67 3nion states &he definition of the 83nited -tates8 is limited to its territories! 19 &he District of Columbia 29 Common:ealth of Puerto Rico 39 3 - 0irgin +slands ;9 )uam 69 American -amoa <9 ,orthern /ariana +slands =9 &rust &erritory of the Pacific +slands

>9 /ilitary bases :ithin the se5eral states ?9 (ederal agencies :ithin the se5eral states +t does not include the 67 3nion states, as is confirmed by the follo:ing cite! 84e ha5e in our political system a )o5ernment of the 3nited -tates and a go5ernment of each of the se5eral -tates 'ach one of these go5ernments is distinct from the others, and each has citi@ens of its o:n :ho o:e it allegiance, and :hose rights, :ithin its Aurisdiction, it must protect &he same person may be at the same time a citi@en of the 3nited -tates and a Citi@en of a -tate, but his rights of citi@enship under one of these go5ernments :ill be different from those he has under the other 8 -laughter *ouse Cases 3nited -tates 5s CruiBshanB, ?2 3 - 6;2 C1>=69 -&%PD +R- "iens And "e5ies -ee! http!EE::: scribd comEdocE271<<<=<7E-&%PF+R-F"iensFandF"e5iesF#no:F&heF&ruth

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