Thermal Engineering Lab Manual

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TKR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Medbowli, Meerpet, Saroor nagar, H derabad!

'())iliated to *NT+, H derabad,




1& 2al3e ti4ing diagra4 on 5!6tro7e -ie6el engine 8& .er)or4an9e te6t on 5!6tro7e -ie6el engine :& Heat balan9e te6t on I&C& engine 5& E3al;ation o) engine )ri9tion b 9ond;9ting Mor6e te6t "& -eter4ination o) (ir<);el ratio and 3ol;4etri9 e))i9ien9 on I&C& engine =& -eter4ination o) opti4;4 9ooling water te4perat;re on I&C& engine& $& E3al;ation o) engine )ri9tion b 9ond;9ting Retardation te6t >& E3al;ation o) engine )ri9tion b 9ond;9ting Motoring te6t %& .er)or4an9e te6t on re9ipro9ating air 9o4pre66or ;nit 1#& St;d o) boiler6


1. Students must attend the lab classes with ID cards and in the prescribed uniform. 2. Students must check if the components, instruments and machinery are in working condition before setting up the experiment. 3. ower supply to the experimental set up! e"uipment! machine must be switched on only after the faculty checks and gi#es appro#al for doing the experiment. Students must start

to the experiment. Students must start doing the experiments only after getting permissions from the faculty. $. %ny damage to any of the e"uipment!instrument!machine caused due to carelessness, the cost will be fully reco#ered from the indi#idual &or' group of students. (. Students may contact the lab in charge immediately for any unexpected incidents and emergency. ). *he apparatus used for the experiments must be cleaned and returned to the technicians, safely without any damage. +. ,ake sure, while lea#ing the lab after the stipulated time, that all the power connections are switched off. -. %ll students should go through the lab manual for the experiment to be carried out for that day and come fully prepared to complete the experiment within the prescribed periods. Student should complete the lab record work within the prescribed periods. .. Students must be fully aware of the core competencies to be gained by doing experiment!exercise!programs.

Exp. # (1)


1& (IM? *o determine the timings of #al#e openings and closing for the gi#en four stroke single cylinder diesel engine. 8& (..(R(T+S? *hread, Scale and /halk.

:& S.ECIFIC(TIONS? ,ake 3uel 0 1irloskar 0 Diesel 2o. of Strokes ! /ycle0 3our 2o. of /ylinders 4ated Speed Stroke 0 Single 0 1(77 4 , 0 117mm

4ated 5utput 0 ( 6 8ore 0 -7mm

5& THEORY & -EFINITIONS? % four stroke diesel engine works on the diesel cycle which in#ol#es suction stroke, compression stroke, expansion ! power stroke and exhaust stroke. *he cycle and the corresponding strokes are shown in 3ig. During the suction stroke inlet #al#e is opened and fresh air is drawn into the cylinder by the mo#ement of piston from top dead centre &*D/' to bottom dead centre &8D/'. During this period the exhaust #al#e should remain closed theoretically. %s the piston reaches 8D/, the suction stroke is completed and air drawn must be compressed during the mo#ement of piston from 8D/ to *D/. *he air present in the cylinder must undergo compression. 8oth inlet #al#e and exhaust #al#e will remain closed during compression stroke. Diesel fuel is in9ected into the cylinder nearly at the end of compression stroke and it will get ignited due to which the pressure and temperature will rise in the cylinder. *he piston starts mo#ing from *D/ to 8D/ due to high pressures inside the cylinder, resulting in power stroke &expansion stroke'. During power stroke both the #al#es are closed. *he expanded gases must be expelled from the cylinder after completion of expansion stroke so that fresh air can be drawn in the suction stroke. During the mo#ement of piston from 8D/ to *D/, the exhaust #al#e is kept opened, while inlet #al#e is closed so that gases will escape from the cylinder. *he mo#ement of piston from 8D/ to *D/ is called exhaust stroke. %fter completion of exhaust stroke, suction stroke starts. *heoretically, the inlet #al#e is assumed to open or close instantaneously so is the case with the exhaust #al#e. 8ut the #al#es to function need time to opening or closing. *hus the inlet #al#e opens e#en before piston reaches *D/ and it will be fully closed after suction is completed and later, piston starts from 8D/ to *D/. *he following definitions are useful in the study of #al#e timings.

'i, 'ii, 'iii,

Lead? % #al#e is said to be gi#en :lead; when it opens before the piston has reached dead centers. Lag? % #al#e is said to ha#e lag when it closes after the piston has reached dead centers. O3erlap? 5#erlap is the period during which both suction and exhaust #al#es are open.

Inlet 3al3e period? Inlet #al#e opens before *op Dead /entre &*D/' and closes after 8ottom Dead /entre &8D/' with reference to a #ertical engine. *he reason for gi#ing lead to inlet #al#e &generally 17 < 1( degrees of crank angle' is to pro#ide sufficient time for full opening of the #al#e and a#oid throttling of incoming air. %lso, the depression in the cylinder at the end of exhaust stroke caused by the momentum of the outgoing gases assist the fresh charge to be drawn into the cylinder o#ercoming its inertia. 8ut the #al#e cannot be opened too early as otherwise the higher pressure inside may blow back the incoming charge. 3or some period, known as :o#erlap; both inlet and exhaust #al#es are open that help in sca#enging the cylinder of burnt gases. *he piston mo#es from *D/ to 8D/ to facilitate drawing of air into cylinder. 6owe#er the inlet #al#e is not closed at 8D/, but after piston crosses 8D/ and is mo#ing up there is a lag in the closing of the inlet #al#e. *he inlet #al#e is closed after 8D/, the lag is gi#en about 37 < )7 degrees of crank angle. *his is done so as to induce as large a fresh charge as possible. Due to high speed of piston, the air does not keep pace with the speed of the piston and if the inlet #al#e is closed at 8D/, the cylinder would not be completely filled with fresh mixture in case of Spark Ignition &SI' engine and fresh air in case of /ompression Ignition &/I' engine. %d#antage is taken of the high momentum of air due to which the suction continues e#en after the piston reaches 8D/. *herefore closing the inlet #al#e a little later than 8D/ induces more charge into the cylinder as the piston is relati#ely stationary and the crank can swing through a

wide angle with little motion of the piston. *he compression will take place inside the cylinder, when both #al#es are closed. E@Aa;6t 2al3e .eriod? %fter the power stroke the combustion gases are to be exhausted. *he exhaust #al#e opens with a lead of $7 < $( degrees i.e. before piston reaches 8D/ in the power stroke. *his will facilitate escape of large "uantities of exhaust gases to lea#e the cylinder e#en before 8D/ is reached. ,o#ement of piston from 8D/ to *D/ leads to pushing out of gases from the cylinder. *he exhaust #al#e is not closed at the end of exhaust stroke &though piston reaches *D/ position'. 8ut closes 27 degrees crank angle after *D/. *he early opening of exhaust #al#e is associated with loss of power due to shortening of power stroke but is compensated by better sca#enging and less negati#e work in expelling the exhaust gas by a#oidance of back pressure. =#en after the piston has reached the *D/, some exhaust gases left in the combustion chamber are allowed to escape under the influence of momentum of incoming air.

"& .ROCE-+RE? &i' &ii' Identify the inlet #al#e, exhaust #al#e, decompression le#er and the mechanism of #al#e operation. *he decompression le#er helps in cranking with ease. Identify the 8ottom Dead /entre &8D/' from the mo#ement of the piston. *he piston remains stationary at dead centres before it re#erses its direction of motion. ,ark a line on the flywheel with the engine bed as the reference point, corresponding to this bottom dead centre. *he diametrically opposite point on the flywheel will be the *op Dead /entre &*D/'. &iii' &i#' Identify the correct direction of rotation of flywheel to get the proper se"uencing of #al#e operation. Identify the #arious #al#e openings with the aid of thin paper placed between the cam and tappet. If the paper is free to pull through, the #al#e is closed, else open.

*his helps to identify the point of opening and closing of a #al#e. ,ark the corresponding operation on the flywheel. &#' 4echeck the markings on the flywheel to ascertain the correctness of #al#e openings and closings and tabulate the results. =& O/SER2(TIONS? /ircumference of the flywheel, D > =ach centimeter length of flywheel circumference > 3)77 ! D > -i6tan9e in 94 )ro4 -ead Centre S& No& 2al3e E3ent Cran7 angle in /e)ore T-C 1 2 3 Inlet ?al#e 5pens Inlet ?al#e /loses 3uel 8egins $ ( 3uel In9ection =nds =xhaust 5pens ) =xhaust /loses ?al#e ! ! ! ?al#e ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 7 after *D/ In9ection ! ()ter T-C ! ! ! /e)ore /-C ! ! ! ! 1- 7 before *D/ ()ter /-C ! eB;i3alent degree6

$& GR(.HS?

1. 2.

Draw the flywheel diagram indicating #arious #al#e operations and the direction of rotation. Draw the #al#e timing diagram indicating the #al#e openings and closings in a spiral form. Identify all the four strokes in terms of angles and show the #al#e o#erlap.

>& .REC(+TIONS? &i' &ii' &iii' *he #al#e opening should be taken as the point where it first begins to open. *he #al#e closing should be taken as the point where #al#e closes completely. *he flywheel should be rotated in proper direction.

%& RES+LT? *he #al#e timing diagram for the gi#en four stroke Diesel engine was drawn.

11& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?

1. 6ow the #al#es are different from ports@ 2. Ahat are the ad#antages of four stroke engines o#er two stroke engines@ 3. Ahat do you mean by #al#e o#erlap@ Ahat are their effects in SI engines@ 4. Bi#e firing order for a four and six cylinder engines. 5. =xplain how the correct direction of rotation is found before starting the #al#e timing

6. 6ow do you identify an engine is working on two stroke or four stroke principle@ 7. 6ow do you identify whether it is petrol or diesel engine@

Exp. # (2)

.ERFORM(NCE TEST OF (N I& C& ENGINE '5!Stro7e -ie6el Engine,

1& (IM? *o conduct performance test on four stroke single cylinder diesel engine coupled with 4ope brake dynamometer. 8& (..(R(T+S? *achometer, Stop Aatch. :& S.ECIFIC(TIONS? .ERFORM(NCE TEST
Engine ,ake 0 1irloskar 8ore 0 -7mm Stroke 0 117mm 4ated ower 0 ( 6 4ated Speed 0 1(77 rpm 4ated Coad 0 1$.(kg /ompression 4atio 1).( 0 1 - na4o4eter *ype 0 4ope 8rake Dia. of 8rake Drum 0 7.3m *hickness of 4ope 0 7.71(m ,ean 4adius 0 7.1)(m At. of hanger D rope 0 1kg Te6t Condition6 4oom *emperature 0 4oom ressure 0 Dia. of 5rifice 0 7.71(m /d of 5rifice 0 7.) F;el Specific Bra#ity 0 7.-2+( /alorific ?alue 0 $3)2) kE!kg &Cower'

5& THEORY? % four stroke diesel &/I' engine works on the diesel cycle. *he four strokes used in proper se"uence are suction, compression, expansion &power stroke' and exhaust. During the suction stroke, air alone is inducted. Due to high compression ratio, the temperature of air at the end of compression stroke is sufficient to ignite the fuel which is in9ected into the combustion chamber. In the /.I. engine a high pressure fuel pump and an in9ector are pro#ided to in9ect fuel into combustion chamber at the correct time. 3uel is in9ected up to the beginning of the expansion stroke. %fter the fuel is burnt the products of combustion expand when both #al#es remain closed. Cater the exhaust #al#e is open and intake #al#e remains closed in the exhaust stroke. Due to the de#elopment of high pressures in the diesel &/I' engine, the siFe of the engine is hea#ier than that of petrol &SI' engine and it has high thermal efficiency due to greater expansion and high compression ratio.


/.I. engines are mainly used for hea#y transport #ehicles, power generation, industrial and marine applications. erformance test is conducted in order to #erify the performance claimed by the engine manufacturer. "& .ROCE-+RE? &i' &ii' &iii' &i#' &#' &#i' /alculate the maximum ! rated load from specifications. Study the engine and know the starting procedure using the decompression le#er. /heck for fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water supply. Start the engine using decompression le#er and supply cooling water and run for at least 1( minutes to stabiliFe by running it on no load conditions. Gnder no load condition, the time taken for the consumption of 17cc of fuel and the speed are recorded. *he load is increased by a unit #alue and allowed to run for 17 minutes. *hen, the time taken by the engine for the consumption of 17cc of fuel, the load applied and the speed are recorded. &#ii' &#iii' *he load is further increased in approximately ( e"ual steps up to the rated #alue and readings are noted as in earlier step. *he engine is then stopped by taking suitable precautions.



+nder No Load Condition Trial6 S& No& 1 2 3 $ ( ) Ite4 Coad on the 8rake Drum &A1' Spring 8alance 4eading &A2' ="ui#alent Coad &A1 < A2' *or"ue &*' Speed &2' *ime taken for consumption of 17cc of fuel &t' ,anometer 4eading &6w' ="ui#alent %ir 6ead &6a' *otal 3uel /onsumption, mf Gseful 6eat or 8rake ower &8 ' Specific 3uel /onsumption &S3/' 3riction ower &3 ' from Braph Indicated ower &I ' 6eat Input the =ngine 8rake *hermal =fficiency &8.*h' Indicated *hermal =fficiency &I.*h' ,echanical =fficiency &,ech' ?olume of fresh air induced &?a' Swept ?olume &?s' ?olumetric =fficiency &?ol' %ir ! 3uel 4atio &ma ! mf' +nit6 kg kg kg 2Hm 4 , Sec

3uel /onsumed 1 8

0 :

Speed of the =ngine 0 5 " =

+ . 17 11 12 13 1$ 1( 1) 1+ 11. 27 21

m m kg!h kA kg!kAh kA kA kA I I I m3 m3 I &?a ! ?f'


$& FORM+L(E? &i' Total F;el Con6;4ption

mf = ?olume of fuel consumed &cc' x Specific gra#ity x 3)77 1777 x *ime of fuel consumption &sec'


Specific gra#ity of Diesel fuel > 7.-2+(


+6e);l Heat or /ra7e .ower

8 = 2J2* kA )7 x 1777

* > ..-1&A1 < A2' x 4m Ahere, 2 > =ngine speed, rpm * > *or"ue, 2Hm A1 > Coad on the brake drum, kg A2 > Spring balance reading, kg 4m > ,ean radius of the brake drum, m &iii' Spe9i)i9 F;el Con6;4ption S3/ &on 8 basis' > mf ! 8 &i#' Indi9ated .ower I >8 K3 Ahere,3 > 3riction ower &from 8 #s. *3/ graph' &#' Heat Inp;t tAe Engine 6eat Input > &*3/ x Cower /alorific ?alue' ! 3)77 kA &#i' /ra7e TAer4al E))i9ien9
L8.*h = Gseful 6eat or 8 x 177 6eat Input to the =ngine




Indi9ated TAer4al E))i9ien9

LI.*h = Indicated ower &I ' x 177 6eat Input to the =ngine


Me9Aani9al E))i9ien9
L,ech = 8rake ower &8 ' x 177 Indicated ower &I '


2ol;4etri9 E))i9ien9
L?ol = ?a x 177 ?s

?a > /d x %o x 2 g 6a ?s > & ! $' d2C.2!2M)7 Ahere,?a > ?olume of air actually induced, m3 ?s > Swept #olume, m3 /d > /oefficient of discharge %o > %rea of the orifice, m2 g > %cceleration due to gra#ity, m!sec2 6a > ="ui#alent air column head, m d > Diameter ! 8ore of the cylinder, m C > Stroke length of the iston, m

>& GR(.HS? &i' &ii' &iii' &i#' &#' *otal 3uel /onsumption Specific 3uel /onsumption 8rake *hermal =fficiency ,echanical =fficiency #s. #s. #s. #s. 8rake ower 8rake ower 8rake ower 8rake ower 8rake ower

Indicated *hermal =fficiency #s.

&#i' &#ii'

?olumetric =fficiency %ir ! 3uel 4atio

#s. #s.

8rake ower 8rake ower

%& .REC(+TIONS? &i' &ii' &iii' Do not stop the engine by using decompression le#er. It will destroy the #al#e seat. Do not stop the engine by allowing the fuel tank to run dry. Do not stop the engine when loaded. %llow the engine to run on no load for few minutes before stopping. 1#& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?
1. 6ow to start and stop the /I engine@ 2. Ahat is the purpose of a decompression le#er@ 3. 6ow the speed of the engine is maintained constant at all loads@ 4. Ahat is the function of a go#ernor in a constant speed engine@ Ahere it is normally

5. Ahat is normal fuel in9ection pressure in a / I. engine@ 6. Ahat is the speed ratio between a cam shaft and a crank shaft@ 7. Ahat is the function of dynamometer@ 8. Ahat is the type of cooling employed@ 9. 6ow do you ensure the lubrication pump is effecti#e@

Exp. # (3)


1& (IM? *o conduct heat balance test on four stroke twin cylinder diesel engine coupled with electrical dynamometer and to draw up a heat balance sheet on kA basis. 8& (..(R(T+S? *achometer, Stop Aatch.

:& S.ECIFIC(TIONS? Engine ,ake 0 1irloskar 8ore 0 -+.(mm Stroke 0 117mm 4ated ower 0 1$ 6 4ated Speed 0 1(77 rpm /ompression 4atio 1+.( 0 1 - na4o4eter *ype 0 =lectrical Te6t Condition6 4oom *emperature 0 F;el Specific Bra#ity 0 7.-2+( /alorific ?alue 0 $3)2) kE!kg &Cower'

%lternator Details 0 4oom ressure 0 1irloskar Benerator, 1, +.( k?%, 277!227 Dia. of 5rifice ?, (7 6F, 1(77 rpm 7.72(m /d of 5rifice 0 7.)

5& THEORY? *he heat energy produced by the combustion of the fuel in an engine is not fully con#erted into useful work at the crank shaft. art of the heat energy is utiliFed in doing useful work, and the rest is wasted in o#ercoming friction, in the exhaust gases, in the cooling water 9acket and some unaccounted heat as radiation heat loss, loss due to working of cooling water circulation pump, fuel pump, working losses, etc. % statement of the heat supplied, useful energy a#ailable, and the losses is called the 6eat 8alance Sheet. It may be drawn on the basis of unit time or one cycle of operation. *he heat balance thus gi#es a picture of how the heat supplied through the fuel utiliFed. *he losses depend on the type of the engine, ser#ice to which it is employed, speed, load, atmospheric conditions etc. %n engine designer is interested to keep the losses down to the extent possible in order to maximiFe the rated power. *wo important factors that influence losses are speed and output of an engine. Coss due to friction increases considerably more due to an increase in engine speed than by an increase in load. 6eat carried away by 9acket water increases slowly with the load while heat carried away by exhaust gases increases at a rapid rate beyond +7I rated power output due to higher combustion temperature, inefficient and delayed combustion. *he theoretical percentages of parameters of heat balance sheet are gi#en below. 6eat energy e"ui#alent to and #aries from 2( to $7I, heat energy carried away by the cooling water #aries


from 1( to 3+I, heat carried away by the exhaust gases #aries from 2( to $+I and the unaccounted heat losses lies between 2 to 31I. *he relati#e "uantities of energy utiliFed, heat carried away by cooling water, heat carried away by the exhaust gases and unaccounted heat losses change as functions of load. *he abo#e calculations are made at 1!$, 1!3, 1!2, 3!$ of full load and full load. *he #ariations of abo#e "uantities are plotted as functions of load on the engine. "& -ESCRI.TION? *he engine is a water cooled twin cylinder engine which is coupled to electrical dynamometer and a single phase alternator. Suitable cooling water arrangement for the engine and calorimeter is pro#ided. Separate cooling water lines fitted with temperature measuring thermocouples are pro#ided for the engine cooling. % measuring system for fuel consumption consisting of a fuel tank mounted on a stand, burette, three way cocks and a stop watch are pro#ided. %ir intake is measured using an air tank fitted with an orifice of diameter 2(mm and a water manometer.

=& .ROCE-+RE? &i' &ii' /alculate the maximum ! rated load from the engine specifications. Study the engine and know about the starting procedure using the decompression le#er.

&iii' &i#' &#' &#i' &#ii'

/heck for fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water supply. Start the engine using decompression le#er and supply the cooling water and allow the engine to stabiliFe by running it for ten minutes on no load. *he load is increased in steps and allowed for ten minutes. *hen, the time taken for the consumption of 17cc of fuel, the load applied and the speed are recorded. In addition, the temperatures of cooling water at the inlet and outlet, temperature of exhaust gas and their mass flow rates are re"uired at e#ery load. *he engine is then stooped taking suitable measures.

HE(T /(L(NCE TEST +nder No Load Condition 3uel /onsumed 0 Speed of the =ngine 0


Trial6 S& No& 1 2 3 $ ?oltage /urrent Speed &2' *ime taken for consumption of 17cc of fuel &t' ,anometer 4eading &6w' ="ui#alent %ir 6ead &6a' *otal 3uel /onsumption, mf Gseful 6eat or 8rake ower &8 ' *ime for 1 Citre of /ooling water flow rate *ime for 1 Citre of /alorimeter water flow rate %mbient air temperatureH*1 &*a' /ooling water inlet temperature <*2 &*wi' /ooling water outlet temp. H *3&*wo' =xhaust gas temp. before calorimeterH *$ &*g' =xhaust gas temp. after calorimeterH *( /alorimeter water outlet temp.H *)



+nit6 ? % 4pm Sec

( ) + .

m m kg!h kA Sec



11 12

/ /

13 1$

1( 1)

>& FORM+L(E? &i' Heat 6;pplied to tAe engine N > ,ass of fuel consumed &kg!sec' x /alorific ?alue &kE!kg'

> mf x /? 3uel /onsumption &kg!sec' > Ahere,

17 Density x x 3)77 t 17 )


t > *ime for 17cc of fuel consumption, sec Density of diesel > -32 kg!m3 /? > Cower calorific #alue of the fuel > $3)2) kE!kg.

&ii' /ra7e .ower '/., 8 > ? x I ! Ben Aatts *ake Ben >7.-

&iii' Heat 9arried awa b tAe 9ir9;lating 9ooling water Nw > mw x cpw x &*wo < *wi' Ahere, mw > ,ass of circulating cooling water, kg!sec cpw > Specific heat of water > $.1-+ kE!kg 71 *wo > /ooling water outlet temperature, 7/ *wi > /ooling water inlet temperature, 7/

&i#' Heat 9arried awa b tAe e@Aa;6t ga6e6 Ng > mg x cpg x &*g < *a' Ahere,


mg > ,ass of exhaust gases, kg!sec cpw > Specific heat of exhaust gases, kE!kg 71 *g > *emperature of exhaust gases, 7/ *a > %mbient air temperature, 7/ &#' Heat 9arried awa b tAe e@Aa;6t ga6e6 D Heat gained b water in e@Aa;6t ga6 9alori4eter

%& GR(.HS? &i' &ii' &iii' 6eat 8alance /hart Sankey Diagram arameters of 6eat 8alance #s. Coad

1#& .REC(+TIONS? &i' &ii' &iii' Do not stop the engine by using decompression le#er. It will destroy the #al#e seat. Do not stop the engine by allowing the fuel tank to run dry. Do not stop the engine when loaded. %llow the engine to run on no load for few minutes before stopping.

11& RES+LT?


S& No& 1 2 3 $ (

.ara4eter 6eat input to the engine 6eat e"ui#alent to 8rake ower 6eat carried away by cooling water 6eat carried away by the exhaust gases Gnaccounted heat losses

C;antit in 7E

F Heat

18& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?

1. Ahy filters are used in the air tank@

2. 6ow many types of cooling systems are used in I/ engines@ 3. Ahy is lubrication essential for the engine@ $. 6ow can you find the mass of cooling water to engine@ (. 6ow will you find the mass of fuel entering the engine@ ). 6ow many parameters are there in the heat balance sheet@ +. 3or what purpose the manometer is attached in the engine test rig@

Exp. # (5)



1& (IM? *o determine air ! fuel ratio and #olumetric efficiency on four stroke single cylinder diesel engine coupled with 4ope brake dynamometer. 8& (..(R(T+S? *achometer, Stop Aatch. :& S.ECIFIC(TIONS?
Engine ,ake 0 1irloskar 8ore 0 -7mm Stroke 0 117mm 4ated ower 0 ( 6 4ated Speed 0 1(77 rpm 4ated Coad 0 1$.(kg /ompression 4atio 1).( 0 1 - na4o4eter *ype 0 4ope 8rake Dia. of 8rake Drum 0 7.3m *hickness of 4ope 0 7.71(m ,ean 4adius 0 7.1)(m At. of hanger D rope 0 1kg Te6t Condition6 4oom *emperature 0 4oom ressure 0 Dia. of 5rifice 0 7.71(m /d of 5rifice 0 7.) F;el Specific Bra#ity 0 7.-2+( /alorific ?alue 0 $3)2) kE!kg &Cower'

5& THEORY? In I./ engine the satisfactory measurement of air consumption is "uite difficult because the flow is pulsating, due to the cyclic nature of the engine and because the air is compressible fluid. So the readings we get are not reliable. So for this we use #arious methods that include in measurement of air. 3low is two types one is %irH box method and other is #iscousH flow air meter. *he %irH3uel ratio &%!3' is the ratio of the cylinder air mass &or mass rate' to the fuel mass &or mass rate'. *he ideal &stoichiometric' %!3 for gasoline is #ery close to 1(. *he normal range for %3 in gasoline automobile engines is 12H1-. /ombustion can occur in the range )H1..
*his is one of the #ery important parameters which decide the performance of the four stroke engine. 3our strokes has distinct suction stroke and therefore #olumetric efficiency indicates the breathing ability of the engine. It is to be noted that utiliFation of air is what going to determine the power output of the engine. 6ence the engine must be able to take in as much air as possible. ?olumetric efficiency is defined as the ratio of the actual air mass drawn into the engine during one cycle to that corresponding to atmospheric conditions. "& .ROCE-+RE? 23

&i' &ii' &iii' &i#' &#' &#i'

/alculate the maximum ! rated load from specifications. Study the engine and know the starting procedure using the decompression le#er. /heck for fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water supply. Start the engine using decompression le#er and supply cooling water and run for at least 1( minutes to stabiliFe by running it on no load conditions. Gnder no load condition, the time taken for the consumption of 17cc of fuel and the speed are recorded. *he load is increased by a unit #alue and allowed to run for 17 minutes. *hen, the time taken by the engine for the consumption of 17cc of fuel, the load applied and the speed are recorded.

&#ii' &#iii' &ix'

*he load is further increased in approximately ( e"ual steps up to the rated #alue and readings are noted as in earlier step. 2ote the manometer readings while running the engine. *he engine is then stopped by taking suitable precautions.

=& O/SER2(TION? (IR!F+EL R(TIO (N- 2OL+METRIC EFFICIENCY TEST Engine - na4o4eter Te6t Condition6 F;el


,ake 0 1irloskar 8ore 0 -7mm Stroke 0 117mm 4ated ower 0 ( 6 4ated Speed 0 1(77 rpm 4ated Coad 0 1$.(kg /ompression 4atio 1).( 0 1

*ype 0 4ope 8rake

4oom *emperature 0

Specific Bra#ity 0 7.-2+( /alorific ?alue 0 $3)2) kE!kg &Cower'

Dia. of 8rake Drum 0 4oom ressure 0 7.3m Dia. of 5rifice *hickness of 4ope 0 7.71(m 7.71(m /d of 5rifice 0 7.) ,ean 4adius 0 7.1)(m At. of hanger D rope 0 1kg

+nder No Load Condition Trial6 S& No& 1 2 3 $ ( ) + . 17 11 12 Ite4 Coad on the 8rake Drum &A1' Spring 8alance 4eading &A2' ="ui#alent Coad &A1 < A2' *or"ue &*' Speed &2' *ime taken for consumption of 17cc of fuel &t' ,anometer 4eading &6w' ="ui#alent %ir 6ead &6a' ?olume of fresh air induced &?a' Swept ?olume &?s' ?olumetric =fficiency &?ol' %ir ! 3uel 4atio &ma ! mf' +nit6 kg kg kg 2Hm 4pm Sec m m m3 m3 I &?a ! ?f'

3uel /onsumed 1 8

0 : 5 " =

Speed of the =ngine 0

$& FORM+L(E? &i' Total F;el Con6;4ption &*3/'

mf =

?olume of fuel consumed &cc' x Specific gra#ity x 3)77 1777 x *ime of fuel consumption &sec'



Specific gra#ity of Diesel fuel > 7.-2+(

'ii, 2ol;4etri9 E))i9ien9 L?ol = ?a x 177 ?s

?a > /d x %o x 2 g 6a

?s > & ! $' d2C.2!2M)7

Ahere, ?a > ?olume of air actually induced, m3 ?s > Swept #olume, m3 /d > /oefficient of discharge %o > %rea of the orifice, m2 g > %cceleration due to gra#ity, m!sec 2 6a > ="ui#alent air column head, m d > Diameter ! 8ore of the cylinder, m C > Stroke length of the iston, m

'iii, Ma66 o) air Oa x hair > Ow x hw So, hair > &Ow x hw'! Oa %o /d a 2 g hair kg!s

,ass flow rate of air, ma >


%rea of orifice So, %rea of orifice

> ma > 0

&J!$' x d72 a x ?a %7 cd > 7.)

m2 kg!s

/oefficient of discharge0 Density of air Density of water 0 0

Oa > 1.1) kg!m3 Ow > 1777kg!m3

'i3, (ir!);el ratio So, airHfuel ratio D ma!mf

>& GR(.HS? i. ii. ?olumetric =fficiency %ir ! 3uel 4atio #s. #s. 8rake ower 8rake ower

%& .REC(+TIONS? &i#' &#' &#i' Do not stop the engine by using decompression le#er. It will destroy the #al#e seat. Do not stop the engine by allowing the fuel tank to run dry. Do not stop the engine when loaded. %llow the engine to run on no load for few minutes before stopping.

1#& RES+LT?

11& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?


1& If air fuel ratio #aries is there any change in the thermal efficiency@ 8& Ahat factor affects the #olumetric efficiency in I/ engine@ :& =xplain about i' pre ignition, ii' autoHignition and iii' detonation@ 5& 6ow the knocking tendency in SI engine can be reduced@ "& Ahat happens if petrol used in diesel engine@ =& Ahat is cetane number@ $& Ahy the sca#enging usually done@


1& (IM? *o determine the optimum cooling water temperature of a four stroke single cylinder diesel engine coupled with 4ope brake dynamometer. 8& (..(R(T+S? *achometer, Stop Aatch.


Engine ,ake 0 1irloskar 8ore 0 -7mm Stroke 0 117mm 4ated ower 0 ( 6 4ated Speed 0 1(77 rpm 4ated Coad 0 1$.(kg /ompression 4atio 1).( 0 1 - na4o4eter *ype 0 4ope 8rake Dia. of 8rake Drum 0 7.3m *hickness of 4ope 0 7.71(m ,ean 4adius 0 7.1)(m At. of hanger D rope 0 1kg Te6t Condition6 4oom *emperature 0 4oom ressure 0 Dia. of 5rifice 0 7.71(m /d of 5rifice 0 7.) F;el Specific Bra#ity 0 7.-2+( /alorific ?alue 0 $3)2) kE!kg &Cower'

5& THEORY? % four stroke diesel &/I' engine works on the diesel cycle. *he four strokes used in proper se"uence are suction, compression, expansion &power stroke' and exhaust. During the suction stroke, air alone is inducted. Due to high compression ratio, the temperature of air at the end of compression stroke is sufficient to ignite the fuel which is in9ected into the combustion chamber. In the /.I. engine a high pressure fuel pump and an in9ector are pro#ided to in9ect fuel into combustion chamber at the correct time. 3uel is in9ected up to the beginning of the expansion stroke. %fter the fuel is burnt the products of combustion expand when both #al#es remain closed. Cater the exhaust #al#e is open and intake #al#e remains closed in the exhaust stroke. Due to the de#elopment of high pressures in the diesel &/I' engine, the siFe of the engine is hea#ier than that of petrol &SI' engine and it has high thermal efficiency due to greater expansion and high compression ratio. /.I. engines are mainly used for hea#y transport #ehicles, power generation, industrial and marine applications. 5ptimum cooling water temperature test is conducted in order to #erify the performance of the engine at a gi#en load for different cooling water flow rates. "& .ROCE-+RE? &i' /alculate the maximum ! rated load from specifications.

&ii' &iii'

Study the engine and know the starting procedure using the decompression le#er. /heck for fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water supply. Start the engine using decompression le#er and supply cooling water and run for at least 1( minutes to stabiliFe by running it on no load conditions for warming up.

&i#' &#' &#i'

*he load of the engine is raised to approximately half the rated load. *he #al#e which allows the cooling water to circulate in the cylinder head of the engine is identified. *he number of re#olutions which the #al#e takes from closure to full opening is determined. Aithin this range, the flow rate of cooling water has to be ad9usted to gi#e a minimum of six different #alues.

&#ii' &#iii'

*he time taken by the engine for the consumption of 17cc of fuel, the load applied, the speed and the flow rate for full opening of the #al#e is recorded. *he water flow rate is ad9usted for next setting. In other words, the flow rate is reduced. *he time for the consumption of 17cc of fuel, and the speed of the engine, flow rate of cooling water is recorded.

&ix' &x'

Step &ix' is repeated. *he engine is then stopped by taking suitable precautions.



Engine ,ake 0 1irloskar 8ore 0 -7mm Stroke 0 117mm 4ated ower 0 ( 6 4ated Speed 0 1(77 rpm 4ated Coad 0 1$.(kg /ompression 4atio 1).( 0 1

- na4o4eter *ype 0 4ope 8rake Dia. of 8rake Drum 0 7.3m *hickness 7.71(m of 4ope 0

Te6t Condition6 4oom *emperature 0 4oom ressure 0 Dia. of 5rifice 0 7.71(m /d of 5rifice 0 7.)

F;el Specific Bra#ity 0 7.-2+( /alorific ?alue 0 $3)2) kE!kg &Cower'

,ean 4adius 0 7.1)(m At. of hanger D rope 0 1kg +nder tAe Spe9i)ied Load Condition Trial6 1 8 : 5 " =

S& No& 1 2 3 $ ( ) + . 17 11 12 13 1$ 1(

Ite4 Coad on the 8rake Drum &A1' Spring 8alance 4eading &A2' ="ui#alent Coad &A1 < A2' *or"ue &*' Speed &2' *ime taken for consumption of 17cc of fuel &t' 3low rate of cooling water ,anometer 4eading &6w' ="ui#alent %ir 6ead &6a' *otal 3uel /onsumption, mf Gseful 6eat or 8rake ower &8 ' Specific 3uel /onsumption &S3/' Inlet temperature of cooling water, *wi 5utlet temperature of cooling water, *wo 6eat carried away by cooling water, Nw

+nit6 kg kg kg 2Hm 4pm Sec m3!sec m m kg!h kA kg!kAh



/ /


$& FORM+L(E?


Total F;el Con6;4ption

mf =

?olume of fuel consumed &cc' x Specific gra#ity x 3)77 1777 x *ime of fuel consumption &sec'


Specific gra#ity of Diesel fuel > 7.-2+(


+6e);l Heat or /ra7e .ower

8 =

2J2* kA )7 x 1777

* > ..-1&A1 < A2' x 4m Ahere, 2 > =ngine speed, rpm * > *or"ue, 2Hm A1 > Coad on the brake drum, kg A2 > Spring balance reading, kg 4m > ,ean radius of the brake drum, m iii' Spe9i)i9 F;el Con6;4ption S3/ &on 8 basis' > mf ! 8 i#' Heat 9arried awa b tAe 9ooling water NA > mw /pw &*wo < *wi' Ahere, mw > ,ass flow rate of circulating cooling water, kg!sec /pw > Specific heat of cooling water > $.1-+ kE!kg 71 *wo > 5utlet temperature of water from the engine cylinder water 9acket, 7/ *wi > Inlet temperature of water to the engine cylinder water 9acket, 7/ >& GR(.HS? &i' *otal 3uel /onsumption #s. 3low rate of water 32 kg!kAh

&ii' &iii' &i#'

Specific 3uel /onsumption 8rake power 6eat carried away by water

#s. #s. #s.

3low rate of water 3low rate of water 3low rate of water

%& .REC(+TIONS? &i' &ii' &iii' 1#& RES+LT? Do not stop the engine by using decompression le#er. It will destroy the #al#e seat. Do not stop the engine by allowing the fuel tank to run dry. Do not stop the engine when loaded. %llow the engine to run on no load for few minutes before stopping.

11& 2I2( C+ESTIONS? 1. Ahat do you mean by optimum cooling water test@ 2. 6ow are we going to perform this test@ 3. Ahat is the procedure for finding the mass of cooling water@ 4. Ahat is procedure to find the mass of fuel entering the engine@

Exp. # (7)



1& (IM? *o determine the frictional power of a four stroke single cylinder diesel engine by retardation through additional flywheel method. 8& (..(R(T+S? *achometer, Stop Aatch. :& S.ECCIFIC(TIONS? RET(R-(TION TEST Engine ,ake 0 1irloskar 8ore 0 -7mm Stroke 0 117mm 4ated ower 0 ( 6 4ated Speed 0 1(77 rpm 4ated Coad 0 1$.(kg /ompression 4atio 1).( 0 1 - na4o4eter *ype 0 4ope 8rake Te6t Condition6 4oom *emperature 0 F;el Specific Bra#ity 0 7.-2+( /alorific ?alue 0 $3)2) kE!kg &Cower'

Dia. of 8rake Drum 0 4oom ressure 0 7.3m Dia. of 5rifice *hickness of 4ope 0 7.71(m 7.71(m /d of 5rifice 0 7.) ,ean 4adius 0 7.1)(m At. of hanger D rope 0 1kg

5& THEORY? % four stroke diesel &/I' engine works on the diesel cycle. *he four strokes used in proper se"uence are suction, compression, expansion &power stroke' and exhaust. During the suction stroke, air alone is inducted. Due to high compression ratio, the temperature of air at the end of compression stroke is sufficient to ignite the fuel which is in9ected into the combustion chamber. In the /.I. engine a high pressure fuel pump and an in9ector are pro#ided to in9ect fuel into combustion chamber at the correct time. 3uel is in9ected up to the beginning of the expansion stroke. %fter the fuel is burnt the products of combustion expand when both #al#es remain closed. Cater the exhaust #al#e is open and intake #al#e remains closed in the exhaust stroke. Due to the de#elopment of high pressures in the diesel &/I' engine, the siFe of the engine is hea#ier than that of petrol &SI' engine and it has high thermal efficiency due to greater expansion and high compression ratio.

/.I. engines are mainly used for hea#y transport #ehicles, power generation, industrial and marine applications. 4etardation test is conducted in order to #erify the performance claimed by the engine manufacturer by finding the frictional power using extra fly wheel. "& .ROCE-+RE? &i' &ii' &iii' &i#' &#' &#i' &#ii' &#iii' &ix' /alculate the maximum ! rated load from specifications. Study the engine and know the starting procedure using the decompression le#er. /heck for fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water supply. Start the engine using decompression le#er and supply cooling water and run for at least 17 minutes to stabiliFe by running it on no load conditions. /ut off the fuel supply completely by pressing the rack of the fuel pump to stop position. 2ote the time for the speed to come down from 1(77 to 1$77rpm and from 1$77 to 1377rpm and so on. =ngage the fly wheel and repeat the steps &#' and &#i' to find the time taken for the engine. *he same procedure is followed for different load conditions. *he engine is then stopped by taking suitable precautions.


=& O/SER2(TIONS? RET(R-(TION TEST Trial6 S& No& 1 2 3 $ ( ) + . Speed range *ime to reduce 2d speed without fly wheel *ime to reduce 2d speed with fly wheel %ngular deceleration without flywheel %ngular deceleration with flywheel ,oment of inertia of additional fly wheel ,oment of inertia of engine parts 3rictional *or"ue 3riction ower Ite4 +nit6 rpm Sec Sec rad!s2 rad!s2 kg.m2 kg.m2 kg m kA 1 8 :

$& FORM+L(E?

&i' E6ti4ation o) Fri9tional TorB;e T> g x Ahere, * > *or"ue, 2m I > ,oment of inertia, kg.m2 g > %cceleration due to gra#ity > ..-1 m!s2 > %ngular deceleration, rad!s2

I > A x r2

Ahere, A > Aeight of the fly wheel > 2. kg r > =ffecti#e radius of the fly wheel > 7.2 m I > ,oment of inertia of additional fly wheel > 1.1) kg.m2


2 J x 2d t x )7

Ahere,2d > Decrease in speed, rpm t > *ime taken for the reduction of speed 2d, sec


Fri9tion .ower


Aithout fly wheel0 * f > g x 2 2 >

2 J x 2d t2 x )7

Ahere, *f > 3rictional *or"ue on the engine without flywheel, 2m I1 > ,oment of inertia of engine parts, kg.m2 2 > %ngular deceleration of the engine parts, rad!s2 2d > 4eduction of speed, rpm t2 > *ime taken for the reduction of speed, sec

Aith fly wheel0

*f >

I1 +I2 x 1 g

1 >

2 J x 2d t1 x )7

Ahere,*f > 3rictional *or"ue on the engine with flywheel, 2m I1 > ,oment of inertia of engine parts, kg.m2 I2 > ,oment of inertia of additional fly wheel, kg.m2 1 > %ngular deceleration of the engine parts with additional fly wheel, rad!s2 2d > 4eduction of speed, rpm

t1 > *ime taken for the reduction of speed, sec ="uating the abo#e e"uations of frictional tor"ue, I1 > I 2 F. D
P1 &P2 P1'

2 J 2 *f x ..-1 )7


Ahere, 2 > a#erage speed >& .REC(+TIONS? i' ii' iii' Do not stop the engine by using decompression le#er. It will destroy the #al#e seat. Do not stop the engine by allowing the fuel tank to run dry. Do not stop the engine when loaded. %llow the engine to run on no load for few minutes before stopping.

%& RES+LT? *hus, the frictional power of a four stroke single cylinder diesel engine has been determined by retardation through additional flywheel method. 1#& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?
1. Ahat is the purpose of this retardation test@ 2. 6ow are you going to decrease the speed of the engine@ 3. Ahat do you mean by with flywheel and without flywheel@ 4. Ahy do we use stop watch in this retardation test@ 5. Ahat is the formula for the frictional tor"ue@

). 6ow do you find the moment of inertia for the rotating engine parts@

Exp. # (8)



1& (IM0 *o determine the frictional power of single cylinder four stroke petrol engine by conducting motoring test. 8& (..(R(T+S? Single cylinder for stroke engine petrol engine test rig electric motor, generator, dynamometer. :& -ESCRI.TION? Single cylinder four stroke engine ,ake 8ore Stroke ,ean power ,ean speed /apacity /ompression ratio 5il sump capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gra#es +7 mm ).+ mm 36 37774 , () cc $.)+ 1.12 ltrs

5& SEINGING FIEL- -YN(MOMETER0 *his is D/ shunt motor so supported in trunnion bearing to measure the friction tor"ue that the outrQ case and fields coils tend to rotate due to magnetic drag hence the name swinging field. *he tor"ue is measured with arm. *he dynamometer is pro#ided with suitable electric connection to run motor also. *hen the dynamometer is re#ersible de#ise when used as an absorption dynamometer. Ahen used as a motoring de#ice an external source dc #oltage is needed to dri#e the motor the load is controlled by changing the field current.

"& THEORY? In the motoring test the engine is steadily operated at the rated speed by its own power and allowed to remain under the gi#en speed and load conditions for sufficient time so that the temperature of the engine components, lubricating oils and

cooling water reaches a steady state. % swing field type electric dynamometer is used to absorb the power during this period which is most suitable for this test. *he ignition is then cut off and by suitable electric switching de#ice the dynamometer is con#erted to run as motor so as to crank the engine at the same speed at which it was pre#iously operating. *he power supply from the abo#e dynamometer is measured which is measure of frictional power of the engine at that speed. *his method determine the friction power at conditions #ery near to actual operating temperature and test speed and load but does not gi#e the true losses occurring under firing conditions. =& .ROCE-+RE? 1. Start the engine by hand cranking. 2. %llow the engine to run ( to 17 minutes to reach to the operating temperature and study state conditions. 3. Disconnect the spark plug from the ignition system by pressing the push button. $. /hange the selector le#el of the dc shunt dynamometer to motor mode. (. Bradually increase the field current until the speed of the motor reaches to rated speed. ). 2oted own #oltage, curre$nt to the motor. +. Decrease the field current to Fero to reduce the motor speed to Fero. $& O/SER2(TION? Speed of motor 4 , ?oltage 4eading ?olt %mmeter 4eading %mp 3riction ower Aatt


>& FORM+L(E? 3. > &? M I !1777' M177M Lmotor


Ahere, ? > #oltage of motor I 3. Lmotor > > current to motor

> frictional power in 1w 7..(

%& .REC(+TIONS? &i' &ii' &iii' &i#' Do not run the motor at higher speeds. Speed is maintained constant by #arying the load. Do not stop the engine by allowing the fuel tank to run dry. Do not stop the engine when loaded. %llow the engine to run on no load for few minutes before stopping.

1#& RES+LT? *hus the frictional power of single cylinder four stroke petrol engine by conducting motoring test.

11& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?

1. Ahat is the purpose of motoring test@ 2. 6ow can we find the friction power in motoring test@ 3. Ahat type of dynamometer is used in this type of test@

$. Ahy motors are used in this test@

Exp. # (9)


1& (IM? *o conduct the performance test on two stage reciprocating air compressor unit.

8& (..(R(T+S? % tachometer and stop watch :& S.ECIFIC(TIONS? Co4pre66or? HigA .re66;re 9 linder0 bore0 +. mmR stroke0 -7 mm Low .re66;re 9 linder0 bore0 )3 mmR stroke0 -7 mm Ori)i9e dia4eter > 12 mm. TorB;e ar4 lengtA > 377 mm. &distance between motor shaft and spring balance' Motor0 ( 6. , 1$$7 rpm. *hree phase induction motor. 5& INTRO-+CTION? *he reciprocating compressor consists of cylinder, piston, inlet and exit #al#e. During the down load motion of the piston, the pressure inside the cylinder drops below the atmospheric pressure and the inlet #al#e is opened due to the pressure difference. *he air is taken into the cylinder until the piston reaches the bottom dead center. %s the piston starts mo#ing upwards, the inlet #al#e is closed and the pressure starts increasing continuously until the pressure inside the cylinder is abo#e the pressure of the deli#ery inside which is connected to recei#er &tank'. *hen the deli#ery #al#e is opened and the air is deli#ered till it reaches *D/. %t the end of the deli#ery stroke a small #olume of high pressure air is left in the clearance #olume. *he high pressure air left in the clearance #olume starts expanding as the piston starts mo#ing downwards and the pressure of the air falls until it is 9ust below the atmospheric pressure. *he inlet #al#e opens as the pressure, falls below the atmospheric pressure and the air is taken into the cylinder. *hus the cycle repeats. *he suction, compression and deli#ery of air take place within the two strokes on the piston or one re#olution of the crank.

"& -ESCRI.TION0 In a two stage air compressor air is first taken into the low pressure cylinder. %fter compressing it to some desired intermediate pressure it is then cooled in the inter cooler and then supplied to high pressure cylinder. *he air is finally compressed to the deli#ery

pressure and discharged to the recei#er in the 6 cylinder. %n %/ motor dri#es the two stage air compressor. *he tank is mounted on the base. *he outlet of the air is compressor is connected to reser#oir. *he pressure of the air compressed in indicated by a pressure gauge. %d9usting a #al#e can regulate the air flow at the outlet of the tank. Safety #al#e is also pro#ided for safety. %n air tank measures the suction with an orifice plate thorough a water manometer. %n energy meter records the input to the motor. Since the motor is swinging field type the tor"ue arm of the motor is connected to a spring balance reading the input power for the motor can be calculated.

=& .ROCE-+RE0 *he outlet #al#e in the recei#er tank is closed. *he manometer is checked for e"ual water le#els in the limbs. *he compressor is then started and the pressure is allowed to build up inside the recei#er tank. *he outlet #al#e is opened slowly and ad9usted so that the pressure is maintained constant at some le#el. 1. 2ote the pressure gage reading. 2. 2ote the speed of the motor and compressor. 3. 2ote the manometer reading. $. 2ote the time taken for 1( re#olutions of the energy meter disc. (. 2ote the spring balance reading. ). 2ote the compressor air inlet and outlet temperatures.

$& O/SER2(TION T(/LE!1? Sl. pressure manometer manometer time for ( re# energy temp t1 temp t7

2o kg!cm2 1 2 3 h1 cm h2 cm

meter sec / /

Sl. 2o. %ctual Discharge ?a m3!sec *heoritical Discharge ?t m3!sec I ?olumetric =fficiency ower Input 1w ower ouput 1w 5#erall =fficiency 5 I Isothermal Aorkdone IwD E!kg olytropic Aorkdone wd E!kg Isothermal =ffeciency Iso I

1 2 3 $

>& FORM+L(E? (CT+(L -ISCH(RGE OF (IR? 2a > /d MS &2MgMha'

a > J!$ M &orificeTdia'2 > 7.7771137.+ m2


Aa > Ow!Oa M &h1 < h2' EAere, Energ 4eter 9on6tant D TorB;e ar4 lengtA0 Ori)i9e dia4eter > 1)77 re#!1A6 377 mm 12 mm

Co4pre66or 6tro7e > 7.7- m /ore Gw Ga Cd >7.7+. m > 1777 1g!m3 > 1.1) 1g!m3 > 7.)

THEORETIC(L -ISCH(RGE OF (IR 2t > C M % M 2!)7 Ahere, L > stroke length > 7.7- m

( > piston area > J!$&boreTdia'2 N > speed of compressor 4, 2ol;4etri9 e))i9ien9 > ?a!?t Inp;t power ;6ing energ > 3)77!1)77 M &(!times taken' NOTE0 1 1g!cm2 of pressure & ' > -)21 m of air column O;tp;t power0 OaM?aM M..-1 O3erall e))i9ien9 > output power! input power


.OLYTRO.IC EORK -ONE .w- > Un4! &nH1'VMU*7 <*iV 9oules!1g R > gas constant > 2-+ E!1g Co4pre66ion inde@ 'n, > 1! U1HCn &*7!*i'!Cn & 7! i'V *i > inlet temperature of air deg / *7 > outlet temperature of air deg. /

> output power in 1w > input power in 1w

ISOTHERM(L EORK -ONE? IwD > 4M*iMCn& 7! i' E!1g I6otAer4al e))i9ien9 > &IwD! wD'M177 %& GR(.HS? Bauge pressure ?s #ol. L Bauge pressure ?s iso. L Bauge pressure ?s o#erall L Bauge pressure ?s Input ower 1#& .REC(+TIONS? 1. Do not take too much time to run the compressor. 2. Specific #alues of pressure should be taken while running the compressor. 3. roper readings are to be taken from the energy meter.


11& RES+LT?

18& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?

i. Ahat is the purpose of an inter cooler in an air compressor@ ii. Ahat will happen if the compressor is allowed to run for a #ery long time by closing its

deli#ery #al#e@
iii. 6ow do you define #olumetric efficiency and isothermal efficiency of a compressor@ lot

it?s gauge pressure.

iv. Ahat is the reason for increase in isothermal efficiency with gauge pressure@ v. Ahat is the reason for decrease in #olumetric efficiency with gauge pressure@ vi. Ahat is the actual thermodynamic process during compression@ vii. Ahy there is a difference discharge e"uation for pin fin apparatus and air compressor@ viii. /on#ert 1(7 mm of 6g in to ascal. ix. Ahy are fins pro#ided around the C cylinders and the connecting pipe@ x.

Ahat is the type of dynamometer used for measuring the motor output@ =xplain its working principle.

xi. Ahat is the pressure control de#ice incorporated in the setup and explain its use.

Exp. # (10)


1& (IM? *o Study the #arious parts of a steam boiler.


8& THEORY? 8oiler is de#ice in which steam is generated from water by the application of heat.*he details of the boiler are listed below. SAell? *he shell of a boiler is the main container usually of cylindrical shape, which contains water and steam. F;rna9e? % furnace is another important part of the boiler. *his may be a grate to burn coal or a burner to atomiFe and burn li"uid fuel. Suitable area and #olume should be pro#ided for efficient combustion. Eater Flow .atA? Aater flow path is the path followed by the water in the boiler during the process of absorption of heat from hot gases and con#ersion into steam. *he water should be free from dissol#ed material in order to reduce the scaling of the heating surface. Ga6 Flow .atA? *he hot gas flow path either in fire tube or in water tube should be arranged in such a way that maximum heat of hot gases should be transferred to the water for steam generation. *he boiler efficiency mainly depends upon the gas flow path. Stea4 .atA? In most of the boilers, the steam is taken out preferably at the top of the shell to a#oid water particles being carried with the steam. *o reduce the water particles carried by the steam, it is generally taken out through steam separators, in the case of large boilers. Fitting6? *he #al#es and gauges which are necessary for the safety of the boiler are known as mountings. Aater le#el indicator, safety #al#e, blowHoff cock and fusible plug are some of the mountings. (99e66orie6? some e"uipment like economiFer, air preHheater, feed water pump and superHheater are attached to the boiler to impro#e o#erall efficiency. *he economiFer and air preHheater are used to extract maximum heat from the flue gases and steam superH heater is used to increase the temperature of the steam abo#e saturation temperature.



It is stationary fire tube, internally fired, horiFontal, natural circulation boiler. *his is a widely used boiler because of its good steaming "uality and its ability to burn coal of inferior "uality. *hese boilers ha#e a cylindrical shell 2m in diameter and its length #aries from -m to 17m. It has two large internal flue tubes ha#ing diameter between -7cm to 177cm in which the grate is situated. *his boiler is set in a brick work forming external flue so that the external part of the shell forms part of the heating surface. *he main features of the Cancashire boiler with its brick work shelling are shown in below 3igure. *he boiler consists of a cylindrical shell and two big furnace tubes pass right through this. 5ne bottom flue and two side flues are formed by the brick setting. 8oth the flue tubes which carry hot gases lay below the water le#el as shown in the figure. *he outstanding features of this boiler are listed below. a' Its heating surface area per unit #olume of the boiler is considerably large. b' Its maintenance is easy. c' It is suitable where a large reser#e of hot water is needed. Coad fluctuations can be easily met by this boiler due to large reser#e capacity. d' SuperHheater and economiFer can be easily incorporated into the systemR therefore, o#erall efficiency of the boiler can be considerably large. &-7<-(I' 5& /(/COCK & EILCO0 /OILER?


It is a water tube boiler, the water is inside the tubes and hot gases flow o#er the tubes. *he boiler with its parts is shown in abo#e 3igure. *he boiler shell known as water and steam drum is made of high "uantity steel. It is connected by short tubes with the uptake header or riser and by longer tubes to the down take header. *he water le#el in the drum is slightly abo#e the centre. *he water tubes are connected to the top and bottom header and are kept inclined at an angle of 1(7 to the horiFontal. *he furnace is arranged below the uptake header. /oal is fed to the grate through the fire door. 3irst the hot gases rise upward and then go down and then rise up again and finally escape to the chimney through the smoke chamber. *he outer surface of the water tubes and half of the bottom cylindrical surface of the drum from the heating surface through which heat is transferred from the hot gases to the water.


*he e#aporati#e capacity of this boiler is high compared with other boilers and is in the order of 27,777 to $7,777 kg!hr. *he operating pressures lies between 11.( to 1+.( kg!cm2.

"& RES+LT?

=& 2I2( C+ESTIONS?

1. Ahat is boiler@ 6ow many types; boilers are there@ 2. Ahat do mean by water tube boilers and fire tube boilers@ 3. Ahat is a shell and what does it contains@ 4. Ahat are the types of air heaters@

(. Ahy ash collection de#ices are used@ ). Ahat are the types of ash collection de#ices@ +. Ahat is the function of superHheater@ -. Ahat is the function of boiler drum le#el gages@ .. Ahat is scale formation@ 6ow can we stop it@


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