Elvis Mora Journal

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January , 24 2014 Elvis Mora Reading and Writing I Section 001 Journal 2 Evaluative Comments about Files Learning

English is a long process, and students have to know that many skills have to be developed, a student must have skills such as word knowledge, a good way to express themselves orally and of course a good writing and a good reading. All the skills must be developed in the same condition if you want to be a good professional. Reading and Writing I is the first step to be a complete professional.

Complement to file 1: Reading as a process Sometimes we lose the connection that we had with books when we were children; we forgot the techniques we had long time ago. But in Reading as a process we connected with them again and the examples and materials shown from the paragraph 1 to 5 helped us to get involve again. Now improve the new reading skills will be easier.

Reading file 2: Guessing Meaning from Context (I) We are not experts in English as a language; and sometimes we have to face some problems when we read a book or a magazine, we dont know the meaning of a word. But in class we learnt that according to the context of the text we can intuit the meaning of that word. The examples were clear and sometimes with a high level of difficulty. This class must be longer because we have to face this every day.

Reading file 3: Guessing Meaning from Context (II) This part was particularly difficult, some words can be recognized for the context but we learnt that we have to see the time, the structure and the grammar where this word is. In class reading 3 showed us good and easy exercises, with a light way to see the structure.

Reading file 4: Scanning, Main Ideas, Topic Sentence I am particularly bad getting the main idea of a paragraph, even in Spanish. However, these classes helped me, when we see the main idea on the text, automatically our brain get connected with the words and previous knowledge of the topic. Now we now that some words helped us to connect with the main idea.

Reading file 5: Making Inferences Making inferences was really helpful. This objective shows the way we must think when we read a text. In many cases the reader faced familiar texts and the intonation while he/she is reading is necessary. In the end we learnt that reading is a strategy which must be used.

File 1: The Writing Process

Writing is more difficult than reading (in my opinion). According to the material given in class, when we want to write something this must have an order and a good way to show what exactly the writer wants to show. The ideas must be written in order, and in consequence the reader will understand what the writer wants to say.

File 2: Prewriting This part was more practice, in this file we saw the order when we want to write, it gave us strategies to write like Brainstorm which is really good when the writer wants to find words or something more.

File 3: Structural Components of Writing In this file the most important thing was when we write our first paragraph when the information given during the semester. An easy idea could be developed with many words. The main idea of the paragraph is everything and I could notice.

File 4: Structural Components of Writing This file was the first time that we have to use evidence to show what we want to write. It was a little difficult because we had to look for information about the main idea and incorporate them to the test.

File 5 : Descriptive Paragraph

In this file we developed a story, which we must select by ourselves, with many conditions. We had to be creative to describe something but in order. In class teacher gave us several examples of descriptive paragraph, many of them were really easy to understand, we could see the order shown in each one of them.

File 6: Expository paragraph

The sequence of the story was everything here. My story was about a date I had long time ago, and I had to use many words like however, first, second, etc. to add order to the story. I really like the examples given in class because they were clear and in some way very familiar to us.

File 7: Persuasive Paragraph This paragraph was difficult for me; I had never tried before to persuade someone, so we had to use and copy from the examples given in class. My idea wasnt the best and I know that I have to work in those kind of paragraph. Now I know that I have to write how is the process of something and write it in a propel way.

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