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How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies

Lev. 23:33-44

How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies

[ LINK to Kelleyeidemlhubpageslcom ] I would be today without my Crazy Dead, EASY Cure Thanks for stopping by. I'm the author of the book The Doctor Who Cures User ID: five hundred ninety-nine thousand nine Cancer. But today I'd like to talk to you over my own Stage 4 Cancer Victory About my EASY. The truth is that I was come to ABLE Up with Only hundred and seventyA Key Part of this extremely Simple Cure What I learned from the Book fiveUnited Writing from. By the way, my vision is this: "Together we can help cure States 24.01.2009 eight cancer - one person at a time!" Conquering Cancer Key Part in means that four PM Report Abusive you play. You can do that by Reporting Your results here. By doing that, Post Report Copyright ... in other words you could be you'll Encourage Others Cancer victim's Violation Saving A Life - A new one every day maybe! So before we BEGIN, IF you could feel that this Article Help someone you love, please Take advantage of the email option that's located a few inches to your right, and send it on. Send out all at the Same Time Multiple emails you can. Then Click on "Share it" at the bottom and "Digg it" and "StumbleUpon" More so it can be Cured Cancer Patients. I'm just one guy. Fantastic news so I need Your Help getting this to More Victims of Cancer. It's A Good Idea to go ahead and Send this to people who ... because there is no telling when Do not have Cancer Buddies will need this lifesaving Your Relatives or information ... Next year, Five years, whenever. And "Thumbs Up" this Article, too. Wait Forgive me because I'm going to be talking About ADVANCE in Ways that are going to be quite different than in Cancer Types of the you've heard discussions on this topic before. And at times it looks like please Bear with me IF the discussion that has gone into AREAS Conventional Wisdom Do not fit. What we know we might think of going outside the box at this Point to be the best Way to Get A Cure. For several Decades, A Tried Modern medicine has lot of toxic compounds, hoping to 'out-toxic' the Cancer. And sure enough, the compounds did out-toxic cancer. Unfortunately, it usually out-toxics the Patient as well. Cancer Treatments are usually an Expensive The Result has been that, Painful and scary proposition. But you already knew that. I did not go bald or sick to my stomach Get! Fortunately, none of the Above for me was my Stage 4 Cancer.Advanced Cancer Treatment Cost Less than my POPCORN Two Tickets and at the movies.My Painful Treatment was not. And I was not

scared ... because I knew I did not lose ... What to do A minute's sleep. If we've learned anything in the last 50 to 60 years About Cancer TREATING it has to be this: Half Half the Way Patient not successful killing. A woman in my Store as I told Emphatically Recently, "You gotta be to Get Healthy well!" In my own Case, I knew I had that I was already sick by the many Lesions. I didn't need someone to help make me sicker. I needed to Get Healthy, Get well so I could. UCLA Researchers Confirm My Method! Maybe this would be the best place to Start with Researchers at UCLA garnered lots of to Let you know that because they had done something pretty incredible Headlines Two years ago . (1) What had the UCLA Researchers done? They shrank tumors by 80% with the heat from habaneros peppers. What is quite extraordinary is that in terms of toxic drugs usually accomplished with. It's also worth Noting that the State of New Mexico has the lowest in the U.S. Cancer Mortality Rate of all 50 States. Per capita in New Mexico Peppers More than they probably eat all the other States, too. In other words, the Researchers at UCLA made Examining the ANTI-Cancer Properties of A great Choice in hot Peppers. My own success in Curing myself with habaneros Peppers preceded the UCLA researchers by seven years. I did not shrink by 80% and my many ... I Shrank Tumors them 100%. Last Edited byAlien
Technologist one fifty-four AM on 09/06/2011

[ LINK to Vaccinefreehealthlblogspotlcom ] Vaccinefreehealth@hushmaillcom

Anonymous Coward Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The User ID: 153788 United Cost Of A Night At The Movies States 24.1.2009 eight ten Interesting ... great if true. PM Report Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation

Anonymous Coward User ID: the 480,936thUnited States 24.1.2009 08:23 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Thanks for the info! Never know when you'll need it.

Anonymous Coward User ID: the 548795thUnited States 24.1.2009 8:26 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies A blow my Torch Dermatoligist uses. "" What'd Jump for YA? You some kinda pussy? "


Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Book-Marked for reading later Thanks MO

User ID: 506 709 United States 24.01.2009 8:39 a.m. PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Anonymous Coward User ID: four hundred fifty-four thousand eight hundred twenty-twoUnited States 24.1.2009 08:42 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Sounds good but I would be more convinced if he had gone to a doctor in the beginning and had the lesions documented as cancer. As it is, it was only "cancer" because he says it was.And how does he know it was stage 4 if he never had it biopsied?

Anonymous Coward User ID: 600,342th United States 24.1.2009 09:05 PM Report Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Sounds good but I would be more convinced if he had gone to a doctor in the beginning and had the lesions documented as cancer. As it is, it was only "cancer" because he says it was. And how does he know it was stage 4 if he never had it biopsied?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward four hundred fifty-four thousand eight hundred twenty-two

You have a reading comprehension problem. He said the pregnancy test confirmed he had cancer. Only because cutting into Cancer Performed A biopsy was no IT spreads. If you ever Get Cancer, or even think you have it, then that is 97% true Get the Test. Your next thing to do would be to hit your grocery store. Or you can take your chances with chemo and radiation. Only 5% have a permanent success rate. Should you be foolish enough to make that Choice, Your will and have it make Notorized out. .

Anonymous Coward Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The User ID: two hundred and Cost Of A Night At The Movies two thousand three hundred and nineteenUnited States 24.1.2009 09:12 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright


Anonymous Coward User ID: 600,342th United States 24.1.2009 9:31 PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies For those of us who can't take the heat of the Habanero peppers, there is a capsule formula that contains the same peppers and garlic, plus ginger. They may NOT be fresh out of the Garden, but they are and would be easier to Take Quality: PROTECT FORMULA [ LINK to Wwwlherbdoclcom ] .


Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies good info, thanks.

User ID: the 458021stUnited States 24.01.2009 9:40 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Anonymous Coward User ID: five hundred and sixty thousand three hundred seventyfiveUnited States 24.1.2009 nine forty-four PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Nice Mopar, good info. I'm a big believer that food cures, I often crave peppers, onions, garlic and olives when I feel bad. I eat them together, call it medicine and wake up feeling better.

Anonymous Coward Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The User ID: Cost Of A Night At The Movies 600366 Canada24.01.2009 A blow my Torch Dermatoligist uses. "" What'd Jump for YA? You some nine forty-six PM Report kinda pussy? " Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation
Quoting: Anonymous Coward the 548795th

LMFAO!!! Anonymous Coward User ID: four hundred fifty-four thousand eight hundred twenty-twoUnited States 24.1.2009 nine fifty-four a.m. PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Sounds good but I would be more convinced if he had gone to a doctor in the beginning and had the lesions documented as cancer. As it is, it was only "cancer" because he says it was. How does he know it was and he never had it biopsied IF STAGE 4? A You have problem reading Comprehension. He said the pregnancy test confirmed he had cancer. Only because cutting into Cancer Performed A biopsy was no IT spreads. If you ever Get Cancer, or even think you have it, then that is 97% true Get the Test. Your next thing to do would be to hit your grocery store. Or you can take your chances with chemo and radiation. Only 5% have a permanent success rate. Should you be foolish enough to make that Choice, Your will and have it make Notorized out. .

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 600,342th

No reading comprehension problems here. I Fully understand the meaning of " Common Pregnancy tests sold in drug stores will Sometimes winner Produce A Result IF the person taking the Test has Cancer "and" Pregnancy screening tests can Sometimes pick Up the presence of Cancer. " I'd still like to know how his "cancer" was staged at stage 4. ???? I've worked in an OB / GYN Office for 20 + years and this is the first I ever heard " It is well Known among Physicians Pregnancy tests can show that A home when the person being tested has FALSE winner for Pregnancy Cancer . " Hey I'm all for Alternative methods and agree that chemo and radiation Options are horrible. I just don't like the way this guy promotes his "cure" as the end-all and be-all for all types of cancer. Each case is as individual as the person who has it.

Anonymous Coward User ID: 153788 United

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies

States 24.1.2009 ten four [ LINK to Wwwlzhionlcom ] Found this and I was Looking around PM Report Abusive ... interestingly it shows both anti-cancer and carcinogenic effects for hot PostReport Copyright peppers. Violation

Anonymous Coward User ID: 539,957th United States 24.1.2009 ten twenty-seven a.m. PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies LOL op thinks they have a cure for cancer, look dude, if you had the cure for cancer, you would start your own independent cure station, people would pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars to cure their cancer. Are you a millionaire, OP? Prove it. Show us your bank account. Then maybe we'll believe this voodoo you're trying to peddle. Most of ya'll are snake oil salesman, you think you can cure cancer? Tell that to my dead aunt. Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies

Anonymous Coward User ID: 600386 United States 24.1.2009 ten twenty-seven a.m. PMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation

Anonymous Coward User ID: 600,342th United States 24.1.2009 10:41 a.m. PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies You have a reading comprehension problem. He said the pregnancy test confirmed he had cancer. Only because cutting into Cancer Performed A biopsy was no IT spreads. . ----------No problems here reading Comprehension. I Fully understand the meaning of "Common Pregnancy tests sold in drug stores will Sometimes winner Produce A Result IF the person taking the Test has Cancer "and" Pregnancy screening tests can Sometimes pick Up the presence of Cancer. " I've worked in an OB / GYN Office for 20 + years and this is the first I ever heard " It is well Known that home among Physicians Pregnancy Pregnancy tests can show when the person being tested has A FALSE winner for Cancer . "
Quoting: Anonymous Coward four hundred fifty-four thousand eight hundred twenty-two

Thank you for your reponse. I apologize for being so Curt! Detecting Cancer via Pregnancy Test is NOT new: Malignant Cancers are FALSE-The

theory that the Scottish embryologist John Beard in placentas by Formulated first was in 1902. Beard found that substances secreted by the pancreas would inhibit the growth of cancers before they develop but are missing in the blood of cancer patients. These substances are the digestive enzymes trypsin (and the trypsin precursor chymotrypsin). Reportedly Replacing these Enzymes "Cures" Fast-growing Cancers of 100%. If FALSE Cancers are truly placentas, Malignant Tumors in other Ways Pregnancy would mimic. All trophoblast cells produce a unique hormone called the chorionic gonadotrophic (CGH) which is easily detected in urine. Thus, if a person is either pregnant or has cancer, a simple CGH pregnancy test should confirm either or both. It does so, with high accuracy. Recent research has shown that all cancers tested (80% of all known cancers) emit portions of this "pregnancy" hormone. See: [ LINK to Wwwlralphmosslcom ] Hope that helps. :) .


Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Allow me to second the Motion: A winner has Pregnancy Test So some guy ... THAT'S PROOF OF HIS HAVING Cancer??? THAT THAT WERE MOST likely LESIONS AND RED SPIDER Bites??? Gimme A friggin break. Mopar you have jumped the shark ...

User ID: 598 618 United States 24.01.2009 ten forty-five a.m. PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

De Bunker Hiding in a Bunker.

Anonymous Coward User ID: the

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The

595397thUnited Cost Of A Night At The Movies States 24.1.2009 ten fiftysix a.m. PMReport Abusive well hell this deserves a pin more than than MY WIFES A DRUNK on the toilet thread. JESus PostReport Copyright Violation

Anonymous Coward User ID: 600 401 United States 24.1.2009 11:01 a.m. PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies I wonder if cayenne pepper is a good alternative. And I have read it can be good for prostate cancer. If the pepper thing is popping up in different places on the internet then maybe there is something to it???


Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies

User ID: 597 772 Malaysia24.1.2009 eleven nineteen a.m. PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

: G:

Anonymous Coward User ID: 591,667th United States 24.1.2009 eleven twenty-one PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies LOL op thinks they have a cure for cancer, look dude, if you had the cure for cancer, you would start your own independent cure station, people would pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars to cure their cancer. Are you a millionaire, OP? Prove it. Show us your bank account. Then maybe we'll believe this voodoo you're trying to peddle.Most of ya'll are snake oil

salesman, you think you can cure cancer? Tell that to my dead aunt.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 539,957th

You're a moron. You are a moron because you are ignorant enough to think that "they" are actually searching for cure (s), when the same "they" freely release an ever-increasing plethora of carcinogens into the environment and into a majority of the food and beverages in the US (if not the world), the ethical midgets who poison you and others (not to mention children) for profit and then line up to "treat" you when this slow poisoning results in a retrograde metabolism (cancer) and laugh at you stupid dying ass all the way to the bank because you were enough of a chump to gleefully indulge in the sugar-coating of false love ("we care for your health") that wraps their poison pill. The "war on Cancer" HealthCare Supposedly being Fought by the various institutions is an EPIC FAIL (Purposefully) IF they were because then the Mengele Medicine to Cure Cancer Complex one of its most sacred Cash Cows would then Slaughter. Your Aunt is Dead because she was naive enough to fall at the feet of the Lab-coated priesthood and their "doctors" (since they make up doctrines) who are either willing servants of Mammon, or useful idiots to be used and abused (disposed of?) as necessary, as is consistent with their Machiavellian Mindset. Wise Up!

Anonymous Coward User ID: 600,342th United States 24.1.2009 11:25 a.m. PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies I wonder if cayenne pepper is a good alternative. And I have read it can be good for prostate cancer. If the pepper thing is popping up in different places on the internet then maybe there is something to it???
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 600 401

I think you are on to something, but not for sure. I've read that the hotter, the better. I have pepper Heat caps with 40,000 units, but there is hotter IF it Take Your stomach can.Those probably require RAW Habanero Peppers A Fire Extinguisher to put out the burn. NOT the best Way to go for everyone. .

Anonymous Coward User ID: 523395 United States 24.1.2009 11:48 a.m. PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies LOL op thinks they have a cure for cancer, look dude, if you had the cure for cancer, you would start your own independent cure station, people would pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars to cure their cancer. Are you a millionaire, OP? Prove it. Show us your bank account. Then maybe we'll believe this voodoo you're trying to peddle.Most of ya'll are snake oil salesman, you think you can cure cancer? Tell that to my dead aunt.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 539,957th

If it doesn't cost hundreds of dollars per pill and isn't prescribed by an MD most people won't even listen. They have been indoctrinated. For example: use of honey for wounds and burns.I have been using it for years with success and everyone laughed. Then in the last year or two some research team proved the antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties of honey and now they market medi-honey. Now people will use it. The hot Peppers Work do. My uncle had lung cancer years ago. He had only a few months to live so decided to turn down any treatment and to "live in style" for his remaining days. For some reason he craved hot foods so each day his wife (half Spanish) made him a beef roast and her special hot salsa. It was a family recipe that would blow your head off! That's all he ate - the beef and the salsa and some plain hot peppers with it. Besides that's all he HIS Whisky Wanted. Within A couple of months he was getting better. After six months the cancer was gone doctor confirmed.Of course the doctor didn't believe that it was the hot peppers. He was stumped but my uncle and his wife knew.

Anonymous Coward Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The User ID: 600167th Puerto Cost Of A Night At The Movies Rico 1/24/2009 11:48 a.m. PM Report Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation

Anonymous Coward User ID: 600433rd United States 01.25.2009 12:05 AM Report Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies I wonder if cayenne pepper is a good alternative. And I have read it can be good for prostate cancer. IF the pepper thing is popping Places Up on the Internet then maybe there is something different in it to??? I think you are on to something, but NOT for sure. I've read that the hotter, the better. I have pepper Heat caps with 40,000 units, but there is hotter IF it Take Your stomach can. Those probably require RAW Habanero Peppers A Fire Extinguisher to put out the burn. NOT the best Way to go for everyone. .

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 600,342th

I use the 40,000 HU .... but you can get the 100,000 gel cps too! Yikes! Anonymous Coward User ID: 600433rd United States 01.25.2009 12:08 AM Report Abusive PostReport Copyright Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies LOL op thinks they have a cure for cancer, look dude, if you had the cure for cancer, you would start your own independent cure station, people


would pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars to cure their cancer. Are you a millionaire, OP? Prove it. Show us your bank account. Then maybe we'll believe this voodoo you're trying to peddle.Most of ya'll are snake oil salesman, you think you can cure cancer? Tell that to my Dead Aunt. If it does not Cost Prescribed by hundreds of dollars per Pill an MD and most people won't not even listen. They have been indoctrinated. For example: use of honey for wounds and burns. I have been using it for years with success and everyone laughed. Then in the last year or two some research team proved the antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties of honey and now they market medi-honey. Now people will use it. The hot Peppers Work do. My uncle had lung cancer years ago. He had only a few months to live so decided to turn down any treatment and to "live in style" for his remaining days. For some reason he craved hot foods so each day his wife (half Spanish) made him a beef roast and her special hot salsa. It was a family recipe that would blow your head off! That's all he ate - the beef and the salsa and some plain hot peppers with it. Besides that's all he HIS Whisky Wanted. Within A couple of months he was getting better. After six months the cancer was gone - doctor confirmed. Of course the doctor didn't believe that it was the hot peppers. He was stumped but my uncle and his wife knew.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 523395

Ah ha .... whiskey and hot stuff ... if it doesn't cure you it makes the going a Hell of alot better! Anonymous Coward User ID: 600433rd United States 01.25.2009 twelve ten AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies I wonder if cayenne pepper is a good alternative. And I have read it can be good for prostate cancer. IF the pepper thing is popping Places Up on the Internet then maybe there is something different in it to??? I think you are on to something, but NOT for sure. I've read that the hotter, the better. I have pepper Heat caps with 40,000 units, but there is hotter IF it Take Your stomach can. Those probably require RAW Habanero Peppers A Fire Extinguisher to put out the burn. NOT the best Way to go for everyone. . I .... but you can use the Get the HU 40,000 100,000 CPS gel too!Yikes!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 600433rd

I think the 40,000 gel caps are all I can handle .... any more than that and it can be rough on the stomach. GREY LENSMAN Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The


User ID: 597 772 Malaysia01/25/2009 12:15 AMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation


RHSC User ID: 570208 United States 01.25.2009 twelve thirty-eight AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Allow me to second the Motion: A winner has Pregnancy Test So some guy ... THAT'S PROOF OF HIS HAVING Cancer??? THAT THAT WERE MOST likely LESIONS AND RED SPIDER Bites??? Gimme A friggin break. Mopar you have jumped the shark ...

Quoting: Cunning_linguist

CUNNING LINGUIST: Using A Pregnancy Test to Detect the presence of Cancer? It's NOT FAR fetched that. There's already some evidence that females with A FALSE-winner on certain Types of Cancers will present A Pregnancy Test (when there's no expectation that the female could be Pregnant). This happens because of the presence of "Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine and serum, including the presence of serum Human ANTI-mouse Antibodies (HAMA) and Diseases (eg, colon or Cervical Cancer) Associated with the Excretion of urine hCG into .... A number of preanalytical conditions, other than pregnancy, including trophoblastic disease and certain nontrophoblastic neoplasms (eg, testicular tumors, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer), can cause elevated serum levels of hCG that are then excreted into the urine .... [ LINK to Medgenmedlmedscapelcom ] Dr.. Koop sez: "... Human chorionic gonadotropin A Pregnancy Test measures called A hormone (HCG). ... " [ LINK to Wwwldrkooplcom ] Here's What the USGovernment's own website, Cancer (Dot) Gov., shows: Human chorionic gonadotropin Beta- A hormone in the blood and urine Normally Found During Pregnancy. Produced It may also be by some tumor cells. An increased level of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin may be a sign of cancer of the testis, uterus, ovary, liver, stomach, pancreas, or lung. Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin may also be produced in response to certain Conditions that are NOT Cancer. Human chorionic gonadotropin is being Beta-Studied in the Treatment of Kaposi sarcoma. Also called SS-hCG .... [ LINK to Wwwlcancerlgov ]

Sturdy User ID: the 585,212thUnited States 1/25/2009 one eight a.m. AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: How I Cured Stage 4 Cancer in Two Weeks For Less Than The Cost Of A Night At The Movies Thank you very much for this post, mopar28! I know someone who appears not to have long, so a post like this grabs my interest immediately. Thank you again! I always enjoy your posts BTW and read them all.

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