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Monday: People

E B R AT I N G T H E P E O P L E O F T H E F I N G E R L A K E S Monday, September 21, 2009 A7


The entrance to
Hildene’s new
Lincoln exhibit,
“The American
Ideal: Abraham
Lincoln and the
Second Inaugural.”

Photo provided

King Bible in new exhibit

Last February we learned of our
historic connection to President Abra-
ham Lincoln with the gifted bible from
Erie Canal boatman
and farmer Amos S.
King. This bible is
now part of a new
exhibit at Hildene,
the Lincoln family
home in Manchester,
Vt. I recently visited
the museum, toured
the grounds and met
Dawn many of the wonder-
Roe ful staff and volun-
teers that make a visit
to Hildene a memo-
rable experience.
What I didn’t expect to see was
their efforts toward education and
conservation. Hildene has recently
built a 21st-century barn that will pro- Photo provided
duce goat cheese. The day we visited, From left, Raymond Roe Sr., Hildene press relations liaison Paula Maynard and
we were lucky to catch the goats in Dawn Roe stand with the Amos S. King Bible from Port Byron featured in the
training for the milking process. With Lincoln exhibit.
the exception of a few timbers, the
barn was constructed from trees culti-
vated within their own 412-acre announces the opening of its new play the President was watching on
estate. The farm itself is 100-percent Abraham Lincoln exhibit, ’The Ameri- the evening of the assassination. The
self-sufficient and does not consume can Ideal: Abraham Lincoln and the scrapbook contains a swatch of wall-
any electricity from the power grid. Second Inaugural’ on Saturday, Sep- paper from his Ford’s Theater box.
Their power is generated from solar tember 5. Also in the exhibit is a playbill from
panels. They also have a furnace sys- “Set within the context of Lincoln’s
tem that converts scrap wood materi- this final performance. A bust of
second inaugural, which harkens back Thomas Jefferson, principal author of
als back into an energy source for the to the then-radical beliefs first enun-
farm. The farm also houses several ciated in the Declaration of Indepen- the Declaration of Independence, is on
honeybee hives. Once the goat pro- dence, visitors will learn how the Civil loan from the Jefferson Legacy Foun-
cessing is open for business, the War and President Lincoln helped dation.
cheese will be made on site and sold at bring life and meaning to the promise The Lincoln Family Home at
the visitor’s center. They already sell of the American ideal of equality, jus- Hildene is open daily from 9:30 a.m.
honey at their store, where you can tice and opportunity for all. to 4:30 p.m. Admission, which
also find many books and others items “The exhibit thoughtfully uses text includes the exhibit, is $12.50 for
pertaining to Lincoln history. from the speech, considered to be the adults, $5 for children 6-14 and free for
Visiting the home of the president’s president’s greatest, and artifacts from children younger than 6, Hildene
son is a step back in time. The home is the collections of Hildene and Brown members and volunteers. For more
nestled in the Vermont mountains, University’s John Hay Library, one of information on Hildene, visit
where the views are nothing less than the five great Lincoln collections. The
stunning. You must visit the garden to, call (802) 362-1788
two institutions recently formalized or e-mail“
appreciate the beauty that surrounds their partnership with a Memorandum
this magnificent estate. The home of Understanding and the formation of It was very surreal to stand next to
itself contains many artifacts used by the Hildene-Brown Collaborative. the Bible and see mounted on the wall
the family of Robert Todd Lincoln, “Among the artifacts included in a description card that reads “from
including clothing, his library and the exhibit are: one of only three of Port Byron, New York.”
other daily household items. The new Lincoln’s iconic stovepipe hats in exis-
Lincoln exhibit is housed in the upper tence, one of his Bibles, a cast of the Dawn Roe is historian for the village of Port
level at Hildene. Paula Maynard, press president’s hands, a life mask and a Byron. She can be reached at 776-8446 or
relations liaison, describes the new scrapbook that belonged to a support- e-mail Visit the
exhibit: ing actress who appeared in the pro- Historian Blog at
“Hildene, the Lincoln family home, duction of ’Our American Cousin,’ the

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