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Back by popular demand, our fabulous community invitational picnic returns this summer. Watch out for details.

26th January Hosted by the Emu cell Morning Worship Mark 4: 1-20

Do you like baking or chatting?

Caring Cupcakes are looking for more bakers to join the team of this fabulous ministry- maybe one cake or a dozen cupcakes a month. Theres also the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of these labours by joining the residents at Abbeyfield and Ashby Grange at their monthly coffee morning for a chat. Please speak to Ann Nicholls or Carolyn Churchyard for details of what is involved
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson 020 8404 6064 (day off Saturday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby 020 8763 4222 (day off Friday) Pioneer Minister: Sue Bosley 020 8773 4787 Church Office 020 8647 3410 Pastoral Care 07871 768 070 Safeguarding

2nd February All Age Worship Mark 5

Welcome to the Service, especially those who are visiting us for the first time. Please do join us for tea and coffee after the service. There is a welcome desk in the foyer with more information about the churchs activities

All age service

Next week sees us following the format for January's all age service. We are trialling this method to help us all engage with the Bible in new ways. We have arranged activities around Listen, Say, Do. We hope that over time we will be able to experiment and find out which methods helps us to grow most. Next week, were offering four very different ways of engaging with Mark's Gospel - Listening to a talk (with buzz groups), Joining a discussion, Responding with arts and crafts, Exploring the characters and story through drama.

January 27th 10.30 - 12.00 Cafe Connect January 24th - 26th Emerge Weekend away January 25th Clay Jars Quiz Night and Fish & Chip supper January 27th @ 7.30 pm Cell Pastors meeting January 29th Churches together Prayers Wallington Christian Centre February 4th @ 10.30 am Caring Cupcakes @ Ashby Grange February 4th @ 8.00 pm Youth leaders meeting February 13th @ 7.30 pm MSM course February 19th @ 8.00 pm Mens MCG Curry Night July 26th - August 1st New Wine Shepton Mallett

Pray for our church family

RUSH visit
Ian Fowkes-Smith is planning a trip to visit RUSH in Kenya at the end of June. RUSH is our main overseas charity partner that we support, and this is a great opportunity to see the difference that we can make and to get involved. If you would like more details of the trip, or are interested in going, please talk to Ian.

Cell News
New Cell Exciting news that there is a new cell meeting every Wednesday evening that you are very welcome to try out: Live, Laugh, Love is a great name, so do talk to Jean Grima for more details of what this might mean.

Please pray for:

Steven, Carole & Harry Wedge as Steven goes for an operation this week Sue & Julies dad, Roy, following his operation John Nicholls recovering from his operation Our young adults, away for the weekend at the Oasts, for a God-filled time

Prayer Rotas
The latest prayer ministry rotas are ready for collection at the welcome desk

New Name Reaching Out with Care and Kindness (or ROCK) is the new name for the erstwhile Ashby Grange cell which better reflects what they do and their diverse membership. Do talk to Maggie Welsh for more details

Leaders day away

On Saturday 17th May, we are delighted that Darren Johnston from Kings Church in Warrington will be talking with us about the positive impact that missional community groups can make in the life of the church. We will also be inviting our Extend partners from St Pauls in Brixton to join us to share this exciting message.

New Year The first Cell Pastors meeting this Year is tomorrow, 7.30 pm at 49, Stanley Park Road

For prayer chain requests, please contact :

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

She will pass on any pastoral matters as appropriate

New Start If you are not in a cell yet, do try one out- they are great places to engage with a smaller group, building community together. Cell leaflets are available at the welcome desk

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