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Discharge Plan

MEDICATION Describe the importance of regularly taking of prescribed medications including the potential unpleasant effects of non compliance Instruct the client to continue with follow up medical care Advise the client not to miss the intake of medications given by her physician upon discharge.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Instructed patient to provide a peaceful relaxing, comfortable and well ventilated room. Instructed patient to provide a stress free environment. Instructed patient to follow the prescribed meal plan. Instructed to provide clean environment to prevent lodging of infectious microorganisms.

TREATMENTS Discussed on the importance of strict adherence to medication regimen to ensure complete healing. Instructed patient to understand and follow discharge instruction religiously and accurately. Instructed patient to follow proper instruction on medication prescribed by the physician. Teach the patient the dosages, routes, and side effects for all medications. Review drug and food interactions with the patient.

HEALTH TEACHINGS Instruct patient to limit his activity for 24 to 48 hrs after discharge. Review information about medications to be taken at home, including name, dosage, frequency and possible side effects, discussed the importance of continuing to take. Patient is counseled regarding importance of eating meals on time and in a relaxed setting. Instructed patient to avoid any strenuous or heavy activities. Teach postoperative care to patients who have had surgery. Teach the patient how to plan a paced progression of activities. Instruct the patient to report bowel elimination problems to the physician. Emphasize that, in the case of recurrent abdominal pain, fever, or vomiting, the patient should go to the emergency department for evaluation. Teach patient the care for the surgical site; notify the physician if any signs of poor wound healing, bleeding, or infection are observed.

OUT PATIENT (FOLLOW UP CHECK-UP) Patient will be advised to go back in the hospital in a specific date to have a follow-up check up after discharge



Consult doctor for are any problems or complications encountered.

Eating fewer residues may help improve your pain, abdominal cramping or fullness and gas. Residue means high fiber foods, stringy foods and foods with skins and seeds. Advice patient to eat high fiber foods like Vegetables, Whole grains, Nuts and seeds, Beans and legumes, Fresh and dried fruits. Eat only as much as you feel comfortable and do not force food! Chew all solid foods well. Eat small meals large meals may lead to more discomfort and/or cramping. Aim for 5 or 6 small meals rather than 3 large meals. Drink as much as you can. Try to have 6 to 8 cups of fluids each day. You may need to take a multivitamin if you cannot eat as much as usual or if your diet is severely restricted. Discuss this with your doctor or dietitian.

SPIRITUAL Nursing actions to help clients meet their spiritual needs include: Providing presence Supporting religious practices Assisting clients with prayer Referring client for spiritual counseling


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