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oen helps Lo sponsor worLhwhlle 1orah &
MlLzvoL pro[ecLs. Cnce, a few years ago, he was
lnvlLed Lo Lhe Chabad CenLer for 8usslan !ewry ln
Cueens, n?, Lo recelve Lhe hlgh honor of belng Lhe sandak
(Lhe one who holds Lhe baby on hls lap) aL a brlL mlla. 1wln boys
had been born Lo a !ewlsh couple from 8ussla aer many years
of chlldlessness. 1he couple's 8abbl was deslgnaLed Lo be
sandak for Lhe "older" baby, and slnce lL ls wrluen ln !ewlsh Law
LhaL belng a sandak ls such a greaL honor and merlL, no faLher
should oer lL Lwlce Lo Lhe same person, Lhe 8abbl
recommended Lo Lhe happy parenLs LhaL Mr. Llanl be lnvlLed Lo
be sandak for Lhe younger" chlld.
Aer boLh ceremonles were compleLed, one rlghL aer Lhe
oLher, all Lhe guesLs Look seaLs around Lhe Lables Lo paruclpaLe
ln a beauuful celebraLory meal. Aer everyone had eaLen a blL,
Lhe faLher of Lhe Lwlns [umped up and sLarLed Lo speak
exclLedly ln rapld 8usslan. As he was Lhe only non-8usslan
speaker presenL, Mr. Llanl declded LhaL he could leave wlLhouL
belng consldered rude. Pe dlscreLely presenLed Lhe 8abbl wlLh
a check Lo cover Lhe expenses of Lhe meal ln grauLude for Lhe
speclal merlL of belng sandak, and made hls way quleLly Lo Lhe
8efore he could leave, however, Lhe moLher of Lhe Lwlns ran
over Lo lnLercepL hlm. She Lhanked hlm and asked hlm ln good
Lngllsh Lo please delay a blL longer, she would llke Lo Lell hlm a
Pe agreed, and she began.
"My husband and l marrled whlle we sull llved ln 8ussla. Soon
Lhereaer, we lmmlgraLed Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes buL we declded
noL Lo have chlldren unul we had saved enough money. Cnce
we developed a sLeady lncome and acqulred a nlce home here
ln Cueens, we agreed LhaL lL was ume Lo sLarL a famlly. Sadly, l
dldn'L geL pregnanL. We wenL Lo a varleLy of docLors, buL none
of Lhem were able Lo help us.
As we grew up ln Lhe SovleL unlon under Communlsm, we
had no exposure Lo !udalsm whaLsoever. A year ago, however,
my husband developed an lnLeresL and began sporadlcally
auendlng evenLs and ShabbaL servlces aL Lhls Chabad Pouse for
8usslan-speaklng !ews. When he sLarLed Lo paruclpaLe on a
regular basls, Lhough, l became upseL. As 8usslans, and as
modern, educaLed people, Lhls was noL parL of our culLure, and
l wanLed noLhlng Lo do wlLh lL. l complalned abouL Lhls Lo my
husband many umes buL he dldn'L sLop. lf anyLhlng, he
lncreased. llnally, one nlghL l dellvered an ulumaLum: '?ou
have Lo choose beLween Lhe synagogue and me. lf you go agaln
LonlghL, Lhen don'L come back!'
Pe sLayed home.
1haL nlghL, l had Lhe oddesL dream. A peuLe elderly woman
spoke Lo me saylng, 'l know LhaL you are suerlng because you
very much deslre Lo have chlldren. lf you leL your husband
conunue Lo go Lo synagogue, l wlll lnLervene on your behalf
1)*1 258 .'00
have a chlld. And lf you wlll go
wlLh hlm, you mlghL even have
l was asLonlshed. l sald Lo her ln my
dream, 'Pow wlll l leL you know whaL l declde?'
She smlled and responded, 'LeL me show you where
you can nd me. All of a sudden, we were drlvlng Lhrough Lhe
sLreeLs of Cueens. 1he car sLopped aL a house LhaL bordered
on Lhe Sprlngeld CemeLery and she Lold me LhaL near Lhe
house, on Lhe far le lnLo Lhe cemeLery, l should walk on Lhe
paLh unul l arrlve aL a small bulldlng. '1haL's where my
husband ls, Lhe LubavlLcher 8ebbe,' she sald. 'l am ouLslde,
opposlLe Lhe enLrance.'
l woke up. l remembered everyLhlng ln Lhe dream clearly
and lL all seemed so real. uesplLe myself, l Lold my husband
LhaL Lhe followlng ShabbaL he could sLarL golng Lo Lhe shul
agaln. Pe was surprlsed, and happy Loo, of course. 1hen l Lold
hlm LhaL l would go wlLh hlm, and hls eyes almosL popped ouL
of hls head.
l Lhen called Lhe 8abbl of Lhe Chabad 8usslan cenLer. Pe
knew abouL my husband's problems wlLh me over hls
lncreaslng level of observance, yeL we had never meL, so he
was dellghLed Lo hear from me. l Lold hlm l wanLed Lo go Lo
Lhe cemeLery where Lhe LubavlLcher 8ebbe was burled and he
graclously agreed Lo arrange lL for me. lmaglne hls surprlse
when l sald. '?ou don'L have Lo Lake me, l already know Lhe
place. l [usL need Lo clarlfy Lhe drlvlng dlrecuons.'
l wenL Lhere, and everyLhlng was exacLly as descrlbed ln my
dream. CpposlLe Lhe enLrance Lo Lhe 8ebbe's 'Chel,' as Lhey
call lL, l saw Lhe LombsLone lndlcaung hls wlfe's resung place.
1haL's when l reallzed LhaL lL was Lhe laLe 8ebbeLzln Chaya
Mushka who had appeared Lo me ln my dream.
l approached as close as l could, and whlspered, 'l wanL Lwo.
lease help me connecL Lo Lhe Cne above and leL lL be so. l
agree Lo go Lo Lhe synagogue wlLh my husband.'
1he nexL ShabbaL, l accompanled my husband and lL wasn'L
so bad. 1here were oLher 8usslan women ln Lhelr Lhlrues Lhere
wlLh backgrounds slmllar Lo mlne and l en[oyed meeung Lhem.
l wenL back Lhe second week and Lhe Lhlrd week, and found
myself looklng forward Lo Lhe nexL ume.
A monLh aer l sLarLed golng, l found ouL LhaL l was
pregnanL. WlLh Lwlns! And Lhls sLory LhaL l [usL Lold you ls
whaL my husband ls now Lelllng everyone ln 8usslan!"

Someumes, all lL Lakes ls Lo be glven an opporLunlLy Lo
connecL. keep your eyes open for Lhose opporLunlues and
don'L leL Lhem y by you. Selze Lhem! 8lghL now, Lhls ShabbaL
mlghL [usL be LhaL for you. LeL us all sLrlve Lo make our
ShabbaL experlence a llule more meanlngful. WheLher LhaL
means buylng a good book and learnlng abouL lLs sancuLy, or
even preparlng a speclal cake for Lhe meal! ln Lhe merlL of
selzlng opporLunlues, may we all be showered wlLh blesslngs
boLh lndlvldually and as a nauon. 8S
1a|k 1a|k 1a|k 1a|k 1a|k 1a|k 1a|k 1a|k 1a|k 1a|k
When l spenL a year abroad learnlng ln ?eshlva ln lsrael,
one of Lhe hlghllghLs l especlally looked forward Lo was spendlng
ShabbaL ln varlous communlues around Lhe counLry. l was
always fasclnaLed by Lhe dlsuncL cusLoms and culLures LhaL
exlsLed wlLhln Lhe fabrlc of Lhe !ewlsh nauon, and belng able Lo
spend ShabbaL ln dlerenL communlues allowed me a prlvaLe
gllmpse lnLo Lhe worlds of oLher !ews.
Lspeclally lnLeresung were Lhe shuls (synagogues) l vlslLed.
Whlle l could always depend on Lhe sLandard looklng Ashkenazl
or Sefardl shul, Lhere were a few LhaL Lruly sLood ouL. LnLerlng
some felL as Lhough l was sLepplng back ln ume-back lnLo Lhe
Arablan klngdoms of Lhe mlddle ages or Lhe shLeLls of 1700's
1here was one Lhlng l nouced, Lhough, LhaL seemed
unlversal ln so many of Lhe shuls. !"#$%& "("$& )*+% *#, )-."
)-$/ -0 )123 /*#/ 4#$3", 5"-5%" 3-/ /- /#%6 ,+$132 5$#&"$7
Someumes Lhe posLers would slmply say, uo noL 1alk,"
and oLher umes, would go so far as Lo deLall Lhe purgaLory LhaL
awalLed Lhe poor sap who dared Lalk durlng prayers. 1he funny
Lhlng was LhaL, for Lhe mosL parL, Lhe slgns dldn'L do much
good. eople would Lalk and Lalk and Lalk and Lalk.
Lveryone knows whaL l'm Lalklng abouL. lor so many of us,
golng Lo shul durlng Lhe week and on ShabbaL has become
parLly a conversauon wlLh C-d and parLly a general soclal scene.
We shmuz wlLh Lhls one, we caLch up wlLh LhaL one, our mouLhs
mlghL be saylng Lhe words, buL our mlnds aren'L qulLe focused
on whaL Lhey should be.
8*& we have such dlmculLy malnLalnlng concenLrauon
durlng prayers ls a huge quesuon onLo lLself, buL whaL l'd llke Lo
examlne speclcally are Lhe currenL meLhodologles some shuls
engage ln when Lrylng Lo shush Lhe crowd."
now, l granL you, my nexL commenLs aren'L borne ouL of
any sclenuc sLudy, Lhey're slmply Lhe remarks of a slmple
person. l ask you, however, Lo Lhlnk wheLher or noL Lhe
followlng observauons hold ground ln &-+$ shul.
lL seems Lo be LhaL LhaL, for Lhe mosL parL, Lhe way shuls
go abouL auempung Lo quleL Lhelr congreganLs can be broken
down lnLo Lhree caLegorles. We've goL A) Lhe shuls wlLh 8abbls
who exhorL Lhelr followers, palnung Lhe scary plcLure of he who
speaks, why Lhelr splrlLual well belng ls undermlned, and Lhe
punlshmenL LhaL awalLs. 8) 1he shuls who posL slgns and posLers
auempung Lo lnsull a fear of sllence lnLo Lhe people, and C) Lhe
shuls LhaL don'L seem boLhered aL all and allow Lhe people Lo
Lalk freely.
1hen Lhere's Lhe ).#%% (way Loo small) fourLh caLegory.
1here's Lhe group of shuls LhaL, lnsLead of spendlng ume
urglng people 3-/ Lo Lalk, lnvesL ln /"#9*132 4*& 5$#&"$ 1) )-
+:"$%& ;"#+<0+%7 1here are wonderful 8abbls ouL Lhere who wlll
do noLhlng buL Leach how lncredlble lL ls LhaL we have Lhe
chance aL real communlcauon wlLh our CreaLor. 1here are
8abbls who wlll spend every posslble momenL auempung Lo
lnsull Lhe love of C-d-noL fear-lnLo Lhelr followers.
l don'L know abouL you, buL l would .+9* $#/*"$ go Lo a
shul where Lhe posLers on Lhe wall say Lhlngs llke, Pow can l
Lalk Lo you rlghL now? l'm Lalklng Lo C-d!" and l LCvL Pakadosh
8aruch Pu!" or Lxcuse me, buL l'm ln Lhe mosL lmporLanL
meeung of my llfe rlghL now. l'll Lalk Lo you aer."
l don'L know abouL you, buL l would .+9* $#/*"$ go Lo a
shul where Lhe 8abbl does whaL he can Lo show me 4*& C-d's
sysLem ls one of uuer beauLy lnsLead of consLanLly Lelllng me
how l'm a bad person.
lL's noL rockeL sclence: 1here are Lwo ways one can
mouvaLe behavloral change. Cne can elLher use fear Lacucs Lo
lnduce a (mosL llkely Lemporary) change, or one can
demonsLraLe 4*& Lhe alLernaLe ls so lncredlble.
Aer all, lf l'm $"#%%& made Lo see why prayer ls
meanlngful, wouldn'L l be more mouvaLed Lo concenLraLe?
l Lhlnk l would.
1he problem, however, ls LhaL people Lend Lo suck wlLh
whaL Lhey're famlllar wlLh lnsLead of whaL's vlable. eople are
much more comforLable golng wlLh Lhe ow and followlng Lhe
masses Lhen sLandlng up for whaL's rlghL. 1herefore, "lf
everyone ls Lalklng ln shul-Lhen who am l Lo do someLhlng
abouL lL? lf Lhe way some 8abbls are Lrylng Lo lnsull quleL ls by
uslng Lhe fear facLor, Lhen who am l Lo Lhlnk dlerenLly?"
Alas, Lhls ls noL whaL lL means Lo be !ewlsh.
C-d, very expllclLly, wrlLes ln Lhls week's parsha, And you
shall noL follow Lhe muluLudes ln dolng evll" (ShemoL 23:2). 1he
pasuk demands LhaL we scruunlze Lhe acLs of Lhe masses before
we follow sulL. We need Lo remember, however, LhaL Lhe 1orah
lsn'L [usL referrlng Lo Lhe ouLslde world when lL says Lhe
muluLudes." 1hls sLaLemenL ln Lhe 1orah demands LhaL we also
examlne Lhe naLure of our relauonshlps 41/*13 Lhe !ewlsh nauon
(Pa8ambam Mlshneh 1orah, ue'oL, 6:1).
lf we see LhaL Lhere mlghL be a meLhod more conduclve Lo
connecung people wlLh C-d Lhen Lhe currenL accepLed norm,
Lhen lL's -+$ -;%12#<-3 Lo dlscuss lL wlLh our leaders 13 /*"
5$-5"$ 0-$+.7 1hls lsn'L Lo say LhaL we should auack our leaders
nor ls lL Lo say LhaL everyLhlng 4" Lhlnk ls correcL. 8uL we musL
speak up and we needn'L fear re[ecuon from Lhem-especlally lf
Lhe quesuons we ralse are )-%"%& 0-$ /*" )#6" -0 1.5$-(132 -+$
$"%#<-3)*15 41/* /*" =3" >;-("7 (lf, however, we're shunned
for asklng slncere quesuons Lo a 8abbl-well, maybe LhaL
person shouldn'L be consldered our 8abbl any longer.)
9-3<3+", -3 5#2" ?
! Lesson From "e Past "at Wi# Change Your Futur$
ln Lhls chapLer, Shelomo Pamelech makes Lhe followlng
*+,-./+ %012'34 *+5678 ,'9:-;<=-. 2>9#?3:-@AB
@A" 4*- ,")51)") *1) 3"12*;-$ 1) ,"(-1, -0 )"3)"B ;+/ # .#3 -0
+3,"$)/#3,132 1) )1%"3/C (Mlshlel 11:12)
Shelomo ls Leachlng us LhaL a person who degrades and
humlllaLes anoLher person ls noLhlng more Lhan a fool, plaln and
slmple. 1here ls no excuse Lo puL oLhers down ln any slLuauon.
Many people [usufy LhaL Lhey need Lo be aggresslve ln order Lo
geL whaL Lhey wanL ln llfe and as a means Lo geL Lhlngs done,
however aggresslon only shows Lhe poor quallLy of Lhe person's
characLer, and lL makes Lhem no beuer Lhan a beasL. now,
obvlously, Lhere are condluons where umes demand
forcefulness, however a w|se person w||| a|ways make a
d|snncnon between be|ng aggress|ve and assernve. An
aggresslve person wlll lose hls Lemper when Lhlngs aren'L golng
hls way, and Lhe prlmary reason belng LhaL he's [usL egolsuc.
8ecause he knows of hls own llmlLauons, he wlll wanL Lo
esLabllsh domlnance by hurung oLhers ln order Lo convlnce
hlmself LhaL he ls somebody. Pe who has an asseruve characLer,
however, dlsplays a condenL and forceful personallLy LhaL ls
able Lo lead and brlng order wlLhouL maklng hlm or herself look
ln Lhe above sLaLemenL, Shelomo Pamelech also Leaches us
LhaL a wlse person wlll remaln sllenL when he's belng senselessly
beraLed. now, an undersLandable quesuon can be asked: lsn'L
sllence a slgn of weakness? Pow can you leL Lhe oLher person
have hls way wlLh you? lf anyLhlng, doesn'L lL make one look
unwlse when sLandlng ln sllence whlle anoLher person ends up
walklng ouL feellng large and ln charge?
1o answer Lhls quesuon, l recenLly heard a powerful quoLe:
@> 4"#6 5"$)-3 6""5) #32"$ 13 *1) *"#$/D # )/$-32 5"$)-3
0-$21(")D # 41)" 5"$)-3 ,-") 3-/ 5#& #:"3<-3C
My frlends, Shelomo lsn'L Leachlng us Lo be self-rlghLeous,
he ls Leachlng us Lo lgnore Lhe lgnoramus. uon'L leL Lhe oLher
person's meanlngless words have any eecL on who you are,
because ln Lhe end, Lhey are human as well, and sadly Lhelr ego
only shows LhaL Lhey are empLy lndlvlduals. An lnLelllgenL person
can clearly see LhaL Lhe aggresslve person's words hold no value
and ln facL plues such fools.
now, whaL l'm abouL Lo Lell you mlghL surprlse and shock
some of you. 8ecenLly, 8abbl vaknln LaughL us LhaL when a
person ls belng shamed by anoLher lndlvldual, aL LhaL momenL,
C-d ls ready Lo granL any wlsh Lo Lhe person LhaL ls belng
lnsulLed, wlLh a 100 guaranLee LhaL hls wlsh wlll evenLually
come Lrue. Why ls lL LhaL our sages puL a Lremendous emphasls
on Leachlng us Lhe serlousness of Lhe sln of degradlng oLhers?
8ecause aL LhaL momenL, when Lhe person ls belng lnsulLed,
chances are LhaL he wlshes harm Lo befall on Lhe lndlvldual LhaL
oended hlm! And as we [usL explalned, hls wlsh ls almosL a
guaranLee Lo come Lrue. 1haL's how careful we have Lo be when
lL comes Lo Lhe feellngs of oLhers.
now, as we menuoned ln Lhe above quoLe, only a weak
person wlll wlsh harm upon somebody else, however when
|nsu|ted, She|omo |s teach|ng us that a w|se person w||| se|ze
that moment, and make a w|sh for someth|ng that w||| beneht
h|m |n the |ong run. lf you look aL lL LhaL way, noL only ls LhaL
person wlse, buL a genlus! AL LhaL lnsLanL, he reallzes LhaL Lhe
fool LhaL ls lnsulung hlm hasn'L hurL hlm aL all, buL ln facL has
presenLed hlm wlLh a perfecL opporLunlLy Lo ask Pashem for
whaLever he needs-wlLh hlgh condence LhaL lL wlll come Lrue.
Shelomo ls Leachlng us LhaL we shouldn'L sLoop Lo Lhe aggresslve
person's level buL we should be proud of who we are, And above
all else, we should noL Lo Lhlnk LhaL Lhe oLher person walked ouL
wlnnlng. lf anyLhlng, Lhey losL and we galned Lhe mosL ouL of lL.
ShabbaL Shalom- 8en[amln kha
%ishlei Ch. 11 - Self Wor&
1he commonly accepLed norms of slgns LhaL condemn
Lhe Lalker," re and brlmsLone speeches," or slmply
lgnorlng Lhe chauer" seem Lo be falllng us. eople all over
pray on auLoplloL, engaglng ln noLhlng more Lhan meanlngless
llp servlce. WhaL's worse ls LhaL so many klds see how Lhelr
parenLs conducL Lhemselves ln shul and Lherefore really
couldn'L care less abouL Lhelr own relauonshlp wlLh C-d!
Shuls where people keep quleL because Lhey acLually
undersLand Lhe lmporLance of prayer ;-/* 13/"%%"9/+#%%& #3,
)51$1/+#%%& are Loo far and Loo few ln beLween. lL's hlgh ume
we resolved Lo emulaLe Lhose lncredlble shuls who Lake Lhe
ume Lo /"#9* why prayer ls lmporLanL, because Lhey seem Lo
be dolng Lhe besL [ob ouL Lhere 13)51$132 5"-5%" /- /*" 5-13/
4*"$" /#%6132 ;"9-.") # 3-3E1))+"7
lmaglne lf our guL feellng was: "?ou Lhlnk l'm golng Lo
Lalk durlng prayer and lose a chance aL speaklng Lo C-d?! Are
you klddlng me?!"
Achlevlng Lhls ls noL lmposslble.
1he very aLmosphere of Lhe shul would change. 1he very
alr would be elecLrlc, and lL would be all Loo obvlous for
anyone waLchlng LhaL we've come Lo shul for one reason and
one reason only: ConnecL wlLh our CreaLor.
ShabbaL Shalom | Chanan 1zlonov
9-3<3+", 0$-. 527 F
ln lasL week's parasha, 8nel ?lsrael recelved Lhe 1orah ln a
mosL glorlous and awesome fashlon, Lhe 1orah descrlbes Lhe
Lhunder and llghLnlng, as well as Lhe sound of Lhe Shofar LhaL
were seen and heard. ln Lhls week's parasha, arshaL
Mlshpaum, we sLarL Lo delve deeper lnLo Lhe acLual laws LhaL
Moshe 8abelnu was Lo presenL Lo klal ?lsrael. 8ashl commenLs
LhaL lL was @%16" # )"/ /#;%" 5$"5#$", /- ;" "#/"3 ;& /*" 5"-5%"7C
8egardlng Lhe prohlbluon agalnsL eaung meaL Lorn from a llve
anlmal, Lhe 1orah sLaLes:
@G"-5%" -0 *-%13")) )*#%% &-+ ;" -3/- ." #3, H")* 13 /*" I"%,
/*#/ *#) ;""3 /-$3 &-+ )*#%% 3-/ "#/D &-+ )*#%% /*$-4 1/ /- /*"
,-27C JK*".-/ FFL?MN
uue Lo Lhe laws of eaung kosher food, we undersLand why a
person cannoL eaL a plece of meaL LhaL was Lorn o from a llve
anlmal. 1he quesuon LhaL arlses, Lhough, ls why was lL necessary
for Lhe 1orah Lo lnclude Lhe second parL of Lhe verse, malnly, Lo
glve lL Lo Lhe dog? ?ou mlghL say LhaL lL lsn'L even necessary Lo
menuon LhaL Lhe meaL should be glven Lo any anlmal, leL alone
a dog. Slnce lL ls Lhere, Lhough, we musL say LhaL lL ls of
lmporLance. So whaL can we learn from lL?
1he above quesuon ls posed by 8ashl, who answers lL
beauufully by saylng LhaL Lhls ls acLually # $"4#$, for Lhe dogs.
When Pashem broughL Lhe 10
plague upon LgypL, Lhe 1orah
speclcally menuons LhaL no dogs barked, even Lhough lL was
Lhelr very naLure Lo bark aL nlghL-especlally when someLhlng
supernaLural occurs. Slnce Lhey refralned from barklng, Lhey
recelved Lhls reward.
Parav Shmuel uavld Walkln Z1"L, ln Lhe sefer klLve Avl Morl,
asks an amazlng quesuon on Lhe above 8ashl. 1he Mldrash
brlngs down Lhe followlng: When Moshe 8abbelnu Lold 8nel
?lsrael noL Lo leave Lhelr LenLs ln search of Lhe Manna on
ShabbaL because Pashem had senL a double poruon on lrlday,
uaLan and Avlram wanLed Lo sLarL some Lrouble. 1hey declded
LhaL Lhey would place some of Lhelr Mannna poruon ouLslde
Lhelr LenL so people would Lhlnk LhaL Mannna *#, 13 0#9/ fallen
on ShabbaL, and LhaL Moshe 8abbelnu made a mlsLake! A
mlracle occurred, and before anyone had Lhe ablllLy Lo see Lhe
Mannna, blrds descended and aLe lL, leavlng no Lrace LhaL lL was
ever Lhere. 1he reward LhaL Lhe blrds recelved for proLecung Lhe
honor of Moshe 8abbelnu was LhaL we commemoraLe Lhelr acL
once a year when we read arshaL Paman." 1he quesuon asked
by Parav Shmuel uavld Walkln Z1"L, ls why dld Lhe dogs deserve
so much more reward for Lhelr acL Lhan Lhe blrds? Whlle Lhe
blrds are rewarded once a year, Lhe dogs could posslbly be
rewarded every day!
Parav Shmuel uavld Walkln Z1"L answers LhaL Lhe key lles ln
Lhe very naLure of dogs and blrds. 8oLh were used for Lhe same
purpose, buL when Lhe blrds aLe Lhe Manna, Lhey were dolng an
acL LhaL was ln Lhelr naLure. When Lhe dogs held Lhelr Longues
from barklng, however, Lhey were golng agalnsL Lhelr very
naLure, and Lherefore deserved greaLer reward!
When analyzlng Lhe very purpose of Lhe ?eLzer Parah, we
come Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL lLs very purpose ls Lo cause us Lo
sln, Lhereby lncreaslng Lhe dlsLance" beLween Pashem and us.
When we ghL back, perform posluve commandmenLs, and
refraln from Lhe negauve commandmenLs, Pashem derlves
lmmense pleasure knowlng LhaL Pls chlldren are llvlng llfe on Lhe
proper paLh. 1he LesL comes when a person ls confronLed wlLh a
slLuauon where hls naLural Lendency would be Lo geL angry,
[ealous, vlolenL, or reacL ln any negauve manner. We learn from
Lhe above lesson LhaL Lhe real progress and Lhe lmpresslon a
person makes ls when he develops Lhe ablllLy Lo lsolaLe hls
negauve LralLs and ghL Lhem when Lhe urge comes. Cur sages
Leach LhaL, @;#)", -3 /*" *#$,)*15 ,-") *" 2"/ /*" $"4#$,7C
When a person develops Lhe ablllLy Lo ghL Lhls ?eLzer Parah,
noL only ls hls reward endless, buL lL wlll also come Lo dene
who Lhey are as a person and where Lhelr sLrengLhs lle. Llfe ls
Lhe process of progresslng and growlng for Lhe beuer. We have
Lhe ablllLy Lo sLarL fresh dally, leL's maxlmlze Lhls ablllLy. May we
be zoche Lo Lhe comlng of Mashlach 1zlkelnu 8lmhera
8eyamelnu. Amen! ShabbaL Shalom.
8oberLo ls a new ?ork arL connolsseur and one day, he's
walklng ln 8rooklyn and nouces a mangy llule kluen lapplng up
mllk from a saucer ln fronL of a resLauranL called Molshe's uell.
Pe qulckly reallzes wlLh a shock LhaL Lhe saucer was a very rare
and preclous plece of pouery. Pe sLrolled lnLo Lhe sLore and
oered $10 for Lhe caL.
"lL's noL for sale," sald Molshe.
"Look," sald 8oberLo, "LhaL caL ls dlrLy and undeslrable, buL
l'm eccenLrlc. l llke caLs LhaL way. l'll ralse my oer Lo $30."
"lL's a deal," sald Molshe, and pockeLed Lhe money.
"lor LhaL sum l'm sure you won'L mlnd Lhrowlng ln Lhe
saucer," sald 8oberLo. "1he kluen seems so happy drlnklng from
"noLhlng dolng," sald Molshe rmly. "1haL's my lucky
saucer. lrom LhaL saucer, so far Lhls week, l've sold 34 caLs." :-)
1h|s week's news|euer |s ded|cated for the refuah of M|r|am bat Devora

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