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Alistair McIntosh Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia and Nationellt Centrum for Matematikutbildning, Gteborg, Sweden From 2001 to 2004 the author directed a project in Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory aimed at assessing and improving the mental computation ability of Australian students. This paper reports on the research aspects of the project, which involved (a) developing a scale of competence in mental computation, (b) developing assessment processes, and (c) analysing common errors in mental computation. INTRODUCTION Thirty years ago in primary schools in many countries around the world, mental computation meant mental arithmetic. This typically consisted of ten or twenty questions given at the beginning of a lesson. The questions were mainly confined to basic facts, that is, to the mental calculations considered necessary so that one could perform written calculations: speed and accuracy were emphasised. Research by Biggs (1967) revealed that this was of limited value. He noted that in 69 classrooms in English primary schools the average number of minutes per day devoted to mental arithmetic varied from nil to 11 minutes. The approach categorised as traditional had as one of its characteristics a great deal of mental arithmetic in which speed of response is encouraged. Among the conclusions of the study are: [Number anxiety] tends to increase slightly with more time devoted to mental arithmetic. Allocation of time to mental arithmetic bore no relation to attainment. In other words, these daily speed and accuracy tests did not make the children noticeably more competent, but it did make them slightly more neurotic about numbers. More recently mental computation has been seen to have much wider relevance in education: in particular, it has been shown (Wandt and Brown, 1957; Northcote and McIntosh, 1999) that adults in their everyday lives use mental computation for over three quarters of all their calculations,

whereas written calculation and calculator use are each involved in less than fifteen percent of all their calculations. This raises the question as to why so much school time should be spent on written calculation, which has such limited use in adult life, and why so little time is spent on mental computation, which is the calculation method most commonly needed. The relative educational values of written and mental calculation have also been questioned. A number of researchers (Plunkett 1977; Kamii and Dominick, 1997; Markovitz and Sowder, 1994; Reys, 1984) have shown that mental computation is much more efficacious in both developing and indicating number sense. One consequence of the research into adult uses of mental computation was the realisation that competence in mental computation involves much more than knowledge of basic facts. Mental computations commonly used by adults include two- and even three-digit computations, as well as simple calculations involving fractions, decimals, ratio and percentage. (A further major use of mental computation, not covered by the present study, is its use in estimation and approximation.) As a result an increasing number of authorities at both national and local level have given much greater prominence to mental computation in their curriculum guidelines and documents. In the United States The Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1989), and in the United Kingdom Mathematics in the National Curriculum (Department of Education and Science, 1991) both stressed the equal importance of ability with the calculator and with mental and written computation. In Australia mental computation is emphasised in current state and federal curriculum documents both as a critical component of functional numeracy, and as an effective means of developing number sense in students (see for example Australian Education Council, 1991). In Norway, the draft 2006 mathematics curriculum states that after Year 2 the students should be able to develop and use a variety of calculation strategies for addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. After Year 7 they should be able to develop and use methods for mental calculation, estimation and written calculation. The Swedish national guidelines include, as one of the goals that pupils should have attained by the end of the fifth year in school, that they should be able to calculate in natural numbers in their head, and by using written calculator methods and pocket calculators. By the end of the ninth year in school they should: have good skills in and be able to make estimates and calculations of natural numbers, numbers in decimal form, as well as percentages and proportions in their head, with the help of written calculation methods and technical aids.

While it appears there is much more official encouragement for a serious school programme in mental computation, there is little sign yet that official assessment programmes take account of testing mental computation. One significant exception is the state of Queensland in Australia, which since 1999 has successfully included mental calculations in its compulsory annual testing programme at years 3, 5 and 7. Although considerable research interest has centred more recently on the strategies students use when they calculate mentally (Beishuizen, 1997; Carpenter and Moser, 1984; McIntosh, De Nardi, & Swan, 1984; Reys, Reys, Nohda and Emori, 1995), very little research has been done into levels of ability in mental computation, or into the errors made by students in computing mentally. For example, there is nothing in the mental computation literature that parallels Ashlocks Error Patterns in Computation (1994), which confines itself exclusively to errors in written computation. This entire book is designed to help you learn as much as possible from the written work of children (Ashlock, 1994, p. 13). Since childrens focus of thought, and consequently their patterns of thinking, are often markedly different when they are engaged in mental computation from those they employ when calculating with pencil-and-paper, it is to be expected that the kinds of errors they make, and the reasons for these errors, may also sometimes differ. THE PROJECT Research and development aims Improving and Assessing the Mental Computation of School Aged Students is a three-year project (2001 2003) funded by DEST (the Australian federal Department of Education, Science and Training), the Education Departments of Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and the Catholic Education Office of Tasmania. The project had both research and curriculum development aims. The research aims of the project were to develop a developmental framework for mental computation competence, to explore ways of assessing students competence in mental computation, and to analyse students errors in mental computation. The curriculum development aim of the project was to develop and trial in six schools (three primary schools and three high schools) sequential teaching material for mental computation covering Grades 3 to 10, including whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages. This paper deals only with the research aims and outcomes of the project. Methodology In 2001 - 2003, approximately three thousand students across grades 3 to 10 in twelve Tasmanian and ACT schools participated in one of a set of mental computation tests. Items were of two types:

Short items (S) had three seconds in which to answer and Long items (L) had fifteen seconds. These differences were intended to separate items which students might be expected to know instantly from those that they could work out given time. The items were drawn from a bank of two hundred and forty-four items that included only computations with a single step (that is, no items contained more than two terms, e.g. 17 8). All items were recorded onto a compact disc and supplied to the schools on audiotape. Students in grades 3 and 4 had fifty items presented to them, while those in the other grades attempted sixty-five. Sixteen different test forms were used, four at each of two adjacent grade levels: Grades 3/4, Grades 5/6, Grades 7/8 and Grade 9/10, and these were linked by the use of common items both within grades and across grade levels. Nine link items (lk) were also included, in which five seconds was provided for students to respond, in order to provide a basis for linking to an earlier study that had identified a developmental scale of mental computation (Callingham & McIntosh, 2001). The items were analysed using Rasch modeling techniques. This approach to analysis allowed students performances and all item difficulties to be estimated using the same measurement scale, so that they are directly comparable. This placed all students and all items in an ordered display from least proficient or, in the case of items, least difficult to most proficient, or most difficult. The underlying variable was then interpreted in terms of the mental computation skills required by each item, which provided a profile of students mental computation competence. By determining the points at which there was a qualitative change in the demands of the items, eight levels of mental computation competence were identified (Callingham & McIntosh, 2002). The testing program was repeated in 2002 with the same set of tests, and again in 2003 with new items, particularly for fractions, decimals, and percentages. Sufficient items were maintained for the different tests to be linked together, so that all items could be placed on the same scale. The longitudinal testing confirmed the scale identified initially. Similar items within the levels were clustered and described. Items were also separated out into the following sub-domains for closer analysis: Whole number single digit addition and subtraction Whole number single digit multiplication and division Two-digit addition and subtraction Two-digit multiplication and division Decimals addition and subtraction

Decimals multiplication and division Fractions addition and subtraction Fractions multiplication and division Percentages. For each item, at each grade level, all responses were categorised as Correct, Incorrect or No answer. All incorrect answers were recorded, and the occurrence of the most common errors was expressed as a percentage of the number of incorrect answers (thus excluding all No answer responses). These were then analysed for clusterings of error types. RESULTS Levels of Performance Eight levels of competence were identified from Level 1 (least) to Level 8 (most). As the intention was to test only levels of competence expected of most adults, the tests did not include items of particular technical difficulty. Thus higher levels of competence than level 8 could be hypothesised as within the competence of many of the students. Table 1 shows the percentage of students in each grade who were at each of the levels. Cells containing 20% or more are shaded. It can be seen that, whereas over 10% of Grade 3 students are at Level 5 or above, almost 10% of Grade 10 students are below these levels. The relative lack of improvement in performance between Grades 6 and 7, and between Grades 8, 9 and 10, is also worth noting, adding weight to the belief in a performance plateau in these age groups, and perhaps to the lack of attention given to mental computation at secondary level.
Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall Level 1 16 5 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 Level 2 14 4 2 1 0 1 2 1 3 Level 3 35 18 4 5 4 0 1 1 10 Level 4 21 29 20 13 9 8 5 5 14 Level 5 9 24 34 24 24 19 13 15 20 Level 6 3 18 27 30 42 32 30 31 26 Level 7 1 2 8 14 14 20 25 24 12 Level 8 0 1 3 14 7 22 24 23 11

Table 1: Percentage Of Students In Each Grade At Each Level Of Competence (Level 8 represents the highest level of proficiency)

To illustrate the developmental scale, Table 2 shows for one sub-domain (Whole Number Single Digit Multiplication and Division), the skills that describe students at levels 1 to 6, and specific items at these levels from the tests. No item in this sub-domain was at a higher level than 6.
Level 1 2 3 4 Skills Can quickly double a single digit Can quickly multiply single digit By 10 Knows multiples of 2 and knows or can quickly calculate some multiples of 3, 4 and 5 Knows/can quickly calculate multiples of 3, 4, 5 Can halve even numbers to 20 Can calculate product of single digit numbers Knows or can calculate inverse of first ten multiples of 3, 4 and 5 Knows most table facts and can calculate the others Knows or can calculate inverse of most table facts Knows all table facts and their inverses Items from tests at this level 6 x 2 (S), 2 x 10 (L) 4 x 10 (S), 8 x 10 (S), 3 x 10 (S), 5 x 10 (S) 7 x 2 (S), 9 x 2 (S), 7 x 10 (L), 4 x 3 (lk), 4 x 3 (L), 5 x 4 (S), 5 x 4 (lk), 5 x 4 (L), 6 x 5 (lk), 6 x 5 (L), 6 x 5 (S), 4 x 3 (S), 3 x 6 (lk), 7 x 3 (lk), 3 x 6 (S), 7 x 3 (S), 7 x 3 (L), 7 x 4 (L) Half 18 (L) 6 x 9 (L), 8 x 4 (L) 12 3 (L), 21 3 (S), 12 4 (S), 20 4 (L), 30 5 (S), 30 5 (L), 7 x 6 (S), 7 x 6 (lk), 8 x 7 (L), 9 x 8 (S), 9 x 8 (L), 6 x 9 (S), 72 8 (L), 70 5 (L), 54 9 (L), 56 7 (L) 8 x 7 (S), 54 9 (S), 72 8 (S), 56 7 (S)

Table 2: Levels for Sub-Domain: Whole Number Single Digit Multiplication and Division In contrast, although only technically simple items were included in the Fractions Addition and Subtraction sub-domain, requiring conceptual understanding rather than computational skill, these calculations proved more difficult. Table 3 shows that all items fell in Levels 4 to 8. (Indeed, no items relating to fractions, decimals or percentage appear below level 4.)
Level 4 5 Skills 1 1 Knows/ can calculate + 2 2 Can add/subtract halves and quarters less than one Can add fractions with denominators (totals <1) 6 common Items from tests at this level 1 1 + (S) 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 + (S), + (L), - (L), 2 4 2 4 4 2 2 3 + (L) 7 7

Can add and subtract halves (and equivalents) and quarters beyond one Can quickly subtract a simple unit faction from one.

1 3 + (L), 2 4 1 1 - (S), 1 3 1 1 + (L) 2 3

1 4 1 5 1 1 + (L), + L), 1 - (L) 4 2 2 8 2 10 1 (L) 3

Can add one half and one third

Table 3: Levels for Sub-Domain: Fractions Addition and Subtraction

Common Errors: whole numbers By far the most common incorrect response to items involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers was an answer that differed by one from the correct answer. Table 4 gives the number of times an error of one was made for basic addition/subtraction fact items and for addition/subtraction of larger numbers. The table excludes all cases where no answer was given to a calculation. Table 4 shows that this error type accounted for over a third of all basic fact errors in Grades 3/4 and over a quarter of all errors in Grades 5 to 8.
Grade 3/4 394 1082 36.4 Basic Fact Items Grade Grade 5/6 7/8 23 14 87 53 26.4 26.4 Grade 9/10 Grade 3/4 367 1506 24.4 Larger Numbers Grade Grade 5/6 7/8 224 74 1784 724 12.6 10.2 Grade 9/10 51 361 14.1

(a) Errors of 1 (b) All errors (a) as % of (b)

Table 4: Errors of 1 for All Whole Number Addition/Subtraction Items by Grade and Type of Calculation For larger whole number addition/ subtraction items, the second most common error was an answer that was incorrect by 10. This error persisted through to Grade 9/10 students: for example, for the 15-second item 58 + 34, 10 out of 28 incorrect answers given by Grade 9/10 students were either 82 or 102. The most common error for multiplication and division basic facts was an answer that was wrong by one multiple: for example, for the item 21 3, 21 out of 49 incorrect answers given by Grade 5/6 students were either 6 or 8. Common Errors: fractions and decimals Table 5 shows results from four of the fraction and decimal items from the tests. Columns three to five show the percentage of students at each grade answering correctly. There were no fraction or decimal items in the tests for Grades 3/4. The second column indicates the number of seconds given for each item. The most common incorrect answer across the grades is also given.
Item 1 Time (seconds) 15 15 15 15 Grade 5/6 30 42 Grade 7/8 51 42 32 52 Grade 9/10 52 47 39 64 Most Common Incorrect Answers 1 3 or 4 4 1 4 0.18 0.1

1 3

1 1 4 2 3 x 0.6 0.3 + 0.7

Table 5: Percentage of Students Answering Correctly Selected Fraction and Decimal Items by Grade, and Most Common Incorrect Answers

For the item 0.3 + 0.7, the answer 0.1 constituted 221 of 296 incorrect answers. DISCUSSION Consideration of the errors associated with the present study suggests that the fundamental distinction that needs to be made for errors in mental computation is that between conceptual and procedural errors. A conceptual error is one made because the student does not understand sufficiently the nature of the numbers or the operation involved. A procedural error is one in which the student, although having an overall strategic understanding of what to do, makes either a careless error or other error in carrying out the strategy. For example, 0.1 x 0.1 = 0.1 and 3 1/2 = 1 1/2 are likely to be conceptual errors whereas 58 + 34 = 82 and 3 x 5 = 18 are likely to be examples of procedural errors. While procedural errors are associated with both written and mental computation, the procedures themselves, and therefore the types of errors, are often quite different. As an example, for the item 74 - 30, a quite common error at Grades 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 was the answer 36. It is likely that students making this error had a correct overall procedure or strategy of taking the 4 off the 74, subtracting 30 from 70, and then replacing the 4; but a lack of control over the procedure led them to subtract rather than add the 4. As observed in this study, the errors made by students with whole number calculations tended to be procedural, whereas those involving fractions, decimals, and percentages were predominantly conceptual. For example, items such as 1 1/3, 0.3 + 0.7, and 30% of 80, which are typical of three types of items set, were very frequently answered incorrectly, and yet each depends on very simple arithmetical ability coupled with conceptual understanding of the type of number involved. It is hard not to draw the conclusion that, in spite of teaching over several years, very many students know very little about fractions, decimals and percentages. Where an addition or subtraction was incorrect by one (and it is worth noting that there were also frequent cases with larger numbers where the answer was wrong by two), it appears very probable that in many cases the childrens strategy was to count up or down by ones; this is reinforced by the fact that this error occurred more often in basic fact calculations when the addend was larger. A similar reason can be hypothesised for the number of multiplication/division errors that are wrong by one multiple. In both cases there appears to be an error of counting, whether by ones or by multiples of 2 to 10. The most frequent errors associated with calculations involving fractions, decimals and percentages appear to have a mainly conceptual basis.

Decimal computation errors appear to be predominantly associated with the common misunderstanding noted by Hart (1981) and Stacey and Steinle (1998), namely thinking that the figures after the [decimal] point represented a different number which also had tens, units etc (Hart, 1981, pp. 51-52). Examples of this error included 0.5 + 0.75 = 0.8, and 3 x 0.6 = 0.18. IMPLICATIONS This study has confirmed that mental computation can be simply and effectively assessed by a written class test. Since mental computation is now a major curriculum requirement, the major implication for assessment is that the assessment of mental computation deserves serious consideration at all levels, from classroom and school level to system-wide and national testing programmes. The major implication for teaching of mental computation of whole numbers is that teachers need to centre on the development of efficient strategies other than counting on and back, whereas for fractions, decimals, and percentages the issue appears to be that of developing conceptual understanding. For whole numbers, three issues should be addressed. First, when children are using counting strategies for computations, their teachers need to observe how they count and keep track of their counting, and need constantly to ask children how they arrived at their answers. Errors may be caused by inefficient use of their fingers or other procedural error, for example when adding 6 and 3, counting 6, 7, 8. If these incorrect procedures are not discovered and discussed early they can come ingrained and persist throughout primary school. Second, children need to be weaned off the increasingly inefficient strategy of counting on and back by ones, to more sophisticated, neater and simpler strategies: using doubles and near doubles, bridging ten, adding tens, using compatible numbers, using related known facts. Third, the scope of mental computation needs to be widened to include strategies for double-digit computations. For fractions, decimals, and percentages, the main remedy appears to lie in much greater emphasis on conceptual understanding, and much less on algorithmic processes. Mental computation, unlike written computation, is very difficult to teach or learn algorithmically. It depends much more on conceptual understanding of numbers and operations and on a holistic approach to numbers. At least the algorithmic teaching of procedures should be delayed until children have a conceptual understanding of the types of number and the operations involved. Finally, if mental computation is to take the place in schools that both society and the pronouncements of curriculum developers at system level encourage, then it needs to be given

attention in terms of teaching time, exploration of efficient teaching strategies, and resources equivalent to those that hitherto have been given to the teaching of the formal written algorithms. References
Ashlock, R. (1994). Error patterns in computation. Columbus, OH: Merrill. Australian Education Council. (1991). A national statement on mathematics for Australian schools. Melbourne: Curriculum Corporation. Beishuizen, M. (1997). Development of mathematical strategies and procedures up to 100. In M. Beishuizen, K.P.E. Gravemeijer, & E.C.D.M. van Lieshout (Eds.), The role of contexts and models in the development of mathematical strategies and procedures. Utrecht: Freudenthal Institute. Biggs, J.B. (1967). Mathematics and the conditions of learning. Slough: National Foundation for Educational Research. Callingham, R & McIntosh, A.J. (2001). A developmental scale of mental computation. In J. Bobis, B. Perry & M. Mitchelmore (Eds), Numeracy and Beyond: Proceedings of the 24th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, vol 1 (pp 130 138). Sydney: MERGA. Callingham, R & McIntosh, A.J. (2002). Mental computation competence across years 3-10. In B. Barton, K. C. Irwin, M. Pfannkuch & M. O. J. Thomas (Eds.), Mathematics education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Incorporated, vol I (pp 155 162). Auckland, NZ: MERGA.. Carpenter, T.P.& Moser, J.M. (1984). The acquisition of addition and subtraction concepts in grades one through three. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 15, 179-202. Department of Education and Science. (1991). Mathematics in the National Curriculum. London: HMSO. Hart, K.M. (Ed.). (1981). Childrens understanding of mathematics: 11 - 16. London: John Murray. Kamii C., & Dominick A. (1997). To teach or not to teach algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 16(1), 51-61. Markovits, Z., & Sowder, J. (1994). Developing number sense: An intervention study in Grade 7. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 25, 4-29. Markovitz & Sowder (1994). McIntosh, A.J., De Nardi. E., & Swan, P. (1984). Think Mathematically. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1989). Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM. Northcote, N & McIntosh, A. (1999). What mathematics do adults really do in everyday life? Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 4(1), 19-21. Plunkett, S.(1979). Decomposition and all that rot. Mathematics in School, 8, 3, 2-5 Reys, R.E. (1984). Mental computation and estimation: Past, present and future. Elementary School Journal, 84 (5), 546-557. Reys, R.E., Reys, B.J., Nohda. N., & Emori, H. (1995). Mental computation performance and strategy use of Japanese students in grades 2, 4, 6 and 8. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 26, 304-326. Stacey, K., & Steinle, V. (1998). Refining the classification of students' interpretations of decimal notation. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 6, 49-70. Wandt, E. & Brown, G. W. 1957. Non-occupational uses of mathematics: mental and written, approximate and exact. Arithmetic Teacher, 4, 4, 151-154 I


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