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I GAURAV DAWER Student of MBA IV semester, SACHDEVA INSTITUE OF TECHNOLOGY farah, mathura, session 2006-2008 Roll No.06126 001! here"# de$lare that Resear$h %ro&e$t Re'ort entitled A COPARATIVE STUDY OF GSM AND CDMA TECHNOLOGY is the out$ome of m# o(n (or) and the same has not "een su"mitted to an# uni*ersit#+institution for the a(ard of an# de,ree or 'rofessional di'loma.

Date: P a!e:

Gaurav Dawer M"A F#$a Year SIT% Mat&ura


A-.N/012342M2N56666666666666. /V2RVI20666666666666666666. IN5R/37-5I/N /8 -3MA AN3 4SM 52-9N/1/4:6666666. 9IS5/R: /8 4SM666666666666666 9IS5/R: /8 -3MA66666666666. 4SM VS -3MA666666666666.. R2S2AR-9 M259/3/1/4:6666666666 8IN3IN46666666666666666. 1IMI5A5I/NS6666666. ;72S5I/NAIR2666666..

I am honored to 'resent this 3issertation titled A comparative Study of GSM and CDMA technology on a$$ount of 'artial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration 'ro,ram <M.B.A=. 8or 5he Su$$essful -om'letion /f 5he %ro&e$t Re'ort, I /(e A 4reat 3eal 5o Man# %eo'le.

I 0ould 1i)e 5o %a# M# S'e$ial 5han)s 5o Mrs 2)ta Rao < 9/3 MBA= And M# %ro&e$t 4uide Mrs Mitali -hatur*edi .I 2>'ress M# Sin$ere 5han)s 5o All Res'ondents 0ho 8illed 7' 5he ;uestionnaire Be$ause /f 5hem /nl# 5his Re'ort has "een made 'ossi"le.

4aura* 3a(er

5he mo"ile industr# in India is di*ided "et(een the t(o te$hnolo,ies 4SM and -3MA. 0hile the earlier ser*i$e 'ro*iders had ado'ted the 4SM te$hnolo,#, the ne( 'la#ers ha*e "een usin, -3MA te$hnolo,# and ha*e not$hed u' a si,nifi$ant share of the Indian mar)et. 9en$e an# dis$ussion on Mo"ile 8orensi$s need to ta)e into a$$ount the 'resen$e of the t(o te$hnolo,ies. It is ne$essar# for us to understand the "asi$ differentiation of the t(o te$hnolo,ies as the# ma# ha*e an im'a$t on the 8orensi$s. An attem't is made here to 'resent the fundamental te$hni$al as'e$ts a"out the t(o s#stems. 4SM stands for 4lo"al S#stem for Mo"ile -ommuni$ations and -3MA stands for -ode 3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess. 5he# re'resent different s#stems of sharin, of the radio s'e$trum for $ommuni$ation. Normall# the radio s'e$trum $an "e shared "# different users a$$essin, the same fre?uen$# "and (ithout $ausin, interferen$e. 5he te$hni?ues used for this are 53MA <5ime di*ision multi'le a$$ess=, 83MA <8re?uen$# di*ision multi'le a$$ess= and -3MA <-ode di*ision multi'le a$$ess=. 4SM <4lo"al S#stem for Mo"ile -ommuni$ations= is a form of multi'le>in,, (hi$h di*ides the a*aila"le "and(idth amon, the different $hannels.

4SM is a $om"ination of 5ime and 8re?uen$#-3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess <53MA+83MA=. 5he 83MA 'art in*ol*es the di*ision "# fre?uen$# of the <ma>imum= 2@ M9A "and(idth into 12B $arrier fre?uen$ies s'a$ed 200 )9A a'art. 2a$h of these $arrier fre?uen$ies is then di*ided in time, usin, a 53MA s$heme. 5he fundamental unit of time in this 53MA s$heme is $alled a "urst 'eriod and it lasts 1@+26 ms <or a''ro>. 0.@ ms=. 2i,ht "urst

'eriods are ,rou'ed into a 53MA frame <120+26 ms, or a''ro>. B.61@ ms=, (hi$h forms the "asi$ unit for the definition of lo,i$al $hannels. /ne 'h#si$al $hannel is one "urst 'eriod 'er 53MA frame. 5hus 4SM allo(s ei,ht simultaneous $alls on the same radio fre?uen$#. -3MA <-ode 3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess= is a form of multi'le>in, <a$$ess to the same resour$e (ill "e ,i*en to more than one user=,(hi$h allo(s the use of a 'arti$ular fre?uen$# for a num"er of si,nals, o'timiAin, the use of a*aila"le "and(idth. It is a $ellular te$hnolo,# that uses s'read-s'e$trum te$hni?ues. In -3MA te$hnolo,# e*er# $hannel uses the full a*aila"le s'e$trum. Indi*idual $on*ersations are en$oded (ith a 'seudo-random di,italse?uen$e.

-3MA em'lo#s analo,-to-di,ital $on*ersion <A3-= in $om"ination (ith s'read s'e$trum te$hnolo,#. Audio in'ut is first di,itiAed <A3-= into "inar#

elements. 5he fre?uen$# of the transmitted si,nal is then made to *ar# a$$ordin, to a defined 'attern <$ode=, so it $an "e inter$e'ted onl# "# a re$ei*er (hose fre?uen$# res'onse is 'ro,rammed (ith the same $ode, so it follo(s e>a$tl# alon, (ith the transmitter fre?uen$#. 5here are trillions of 'ossi"le fre?uen$#-se?uen$in, $odesC this enhan$es 'ri*a$# and ma)es $lonin, diffi$ult. 5he te$hnolo,# is used in ultra-hi,h-fre?uen$# <798= $ellular tele'hone s#stems in the 800-M9A and 1.!-49A "ands.

4SM (as first introdu$ed in 1!!1 and until re$entl# "efore the esta"lishment of -3MA net(or)s, 4SM (as the onl# mo"ile

$ommuni$ation s#stem 'resent in the mar)et. -3MA (as first used durin, 0orld 0ar II "# the 2n,lish allies to foil 4erman attem'ts at &ammin, transmissions. 5he allies de$ided to transmit o*er se*eral fre?uen$ies, instead of one, ma)in, it diffi$ult for the 4ermans to 'i$) u' the $om'lete si,nal.

Sin$e "and(idth is the ma&or 'ro"lem in the modern times the -3MA has a *er# $lear ad*anta,e o*er the 4SM in these terms. 5he num"er of $hannels<users= that $an "e allo$ated in a ,i*en "and(idth is $om'arati*el# hi,her for -3MA than for 4SM. 5he $ost of settin, u' a -3MA net(or) is also $om'arati*el# less than the 4SM net(or). 3ue to these ad*anta,es

there is hi,h 'ro"a"ilit# that -3MA te$hnolo,# (ill dominate the future of mo"ile $ommuni$ations. 5he te$hnolo,ies are normall# e*aluated on the follo(in, three 'arameters namel# the data transmission $a'a$it#, se$urit# and radiation le*els. 8ollo(in, ta"le indi$ates the data transmission of different te$hnolo,ies.D Ce u ar Ge$erat#'$ te!&$' '() 4SM -3MA <IS-!@B= -3MA 2000 24 2.@4 E4 !a,a!#t) @6 .'s 6B .'s - 1B0 .'s 2 MB's Data tra$*+#**#'$

5he idea of te$hnolo,# (ith su'erior se$urit# is not a ne( one. In 1!E@, a Russian resear$her 3mitrii Vasile*i$h A422V, 'u"lished his "oo) F5he "asi$s of liner# sele$tion theor#F, (here he e>'lained the $on$e't of $odin, the si,nals. After the 00II, So*iet and Ameri$an militar# $ommuni$ation s#stems started to use the $on$e't *er# (idel# "e$ause of man# *alua"le ad*anta,es of the s#stem. 5he ori,in $on$e't of -3MA s$heme (as re$ommended "# ;7A1-/MM <the famous $ommuni$ation 'ro*ider in the 7S and (orld(ide=, ho(e*er .orean resear$h institute, 25RI and $om'anies li)e 9#undai, 14, and Samsun, 'erformed its realiAation for the first time in the (orld in 1!!@. As of toda# man# $ountries ha*e a$$e'ted it as a national standard of mo"ile $ommuni$ation and (orld(ide num"er of -3MA su"s$ri"ers has $lim"ed to o*er 100 million.

As alread# e>'lained, -3MA uses a radi$all# different a''roa$h to (hat 4SM does. It assi,ns a uni?ue F$odeF to 'ut multi'le users on the same (ide"and $hannel at the same time. 5he $odes so-$alled F'seudo-random $ode se?uen$eF is used "# "oth the mo"ile station <handset= and the "ase station to distin,uish "et(een $on*ersations. 5his ,i*es a ,reater le*el of 'ri*a$# and se$urit# to the $ommuni$ation. As far as radiation le*el $on$erned, -3MA is the most harmless one amon, all e>istin, te$hnolo,ies. /f $ourse, it transmits mi$ro(a*es (hile on stand"# mode, li)e other te$hnolo,ies do. 9o(e*er, -3MA te$hnolo,# $he$)s 800 times 'er se$ond its transmission le*el. 5herefore, radiation le*el is 10 times less than 4SM. Another im'ortant thin, to 'oint out is that -3MA s#stem transmits si,nals onl# (hen the user starts $on*ersation. Sim'l# sa#in,, (hen #ouGre listenin, the other ends $on*ersation, #ou are not affe$ted "# mi$ro(a*e as the s'ea)in, 'erson does. It a''ears that -3MA (ould "e the dominatin, te$hnolo,# in future and Mo"ile 8orensi$s has to ,ear itself to the re?uirements of the -3MA te$hnolo,#.

In -ellular Ser*i$e 5here Are 5(o Main -om'etin, Net(or) 5e$hnolo,iesD 4lo"al S#stem 8or Mo"ile -ommuni$ations <4SM= And -ode 3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess <-3MA=. -ellular -arriers In$ludin, S'rint %-S, -in,ular 0ireless, VeriAon And 5Mo"ile 7se /ne /r 5he /ther. 7nderstandin, 5he 3ifferen$e Bet(een 4SM And -3MA 0ill Allo( :ou 5o -hoose A -arrier 5hat 7ses 5he %refera"le Net(or) 5e$hnolo,# 8or :our Needs. 5he 4SM Asso$iation Is An International /r,aniAation 8ounded In 1!8 , 3edi$ated 5o %ro*idin,, 3e*elo'in,, And /*erseein, 5he 0orld(ide 0ireless Standard /f 4SM. -3MA, A %ro'rietar# Standard 3esi,ned B# ;ual$omm In 5he 7nited States, 9as Been 5he 3ominant Net(or) Standard 8or North Ameri$a And %arts /f Asia. 9o(e*er, 4SM Net(or)s -ontinue 5o Ma)e Inroads In 5he 7nited States, As -3MA Net(or)s Ma)e %ro,ress In /ther %arts /f 5he 0orld. 5here Are -am's /n Both Sides 5hat 8irml# Belie*e 2ither 4SM /r -3MA Ar$hite$ture Is Su'erior 5o 5he /ther. 5hat Said, 5o 5he Non-In*ested -onsumer 0ho Sim'l# 0ants Bottom 1ine Information 5o Ma)e A -hoi$e, 5he 8ollo(in, -onsiderations Ma# Be 9el'ful.

C'vera(eD 5he most im'ortant fa$tor is ,ettin, ser*i$e in the areas #ou (ill "e usin, #our 'hone. 7'on *ie(in, $om'etitorsG $o*era,e ma's #ou ma# dis$o*er that onl# 4SM or -3MA $arriers offer $ellular ser*i$e in #our area. If so, there is no de$ision to "e made, "ut most 'eo'le (ill find that the# do ha*e a $hoi$e. Data Tra$*-er S,ee.D 0ith the ad*ent of $ellular 'hones doin, dou"le and tri'le dut# as streamin, *ideo de*i$es, 'od$ast re$ei*ers and email de*i$es, s'eed is im'ortant to those (ho use the 'hone for more than ma)in, $alls. -3MA has "een traditionall# faster than 4SM, thou,h "oth te$hnolo,ies $ontinue to ra'idl# lea'fro, alon, this 'ath. Both "oast FE4F standards, or Erd ,eneration te$hnolo,ies. 2V3/, also )no(n as -3MA2000, is -3MAGs ans(er to the need for s'eed (ith a do(nstream rate of a"out 2 me,a"its 'er se$ond, thou,h some re'orts su,,est real (orld s'eeds are $loser to E00- 00 )ilo"its 'er se$ond <)"'s=. 5his is $om'ara"le to "asi$ 3S1. As of fall 200@, 2V3/ is in the 'ro$ess of "ein, de'lo#ed. It is not a*aila"le e*er#(here and re?uires a 'hone that is -3MA2000 read#. 4SMGs ans(er is 2342 <2nhan$ed 3ata Rates for 4SM 2*olution=, (hi$h "oasts data rates of u' to E8B )"'s (ith real (orld s'eeds re'orted $loser to 0-1B0 )"'s. 0ith added te$hnolo,ies still in the (or)s that in$lude 7M5S <7ni*ersal Mo"ile 5ele'hone Standard= and 9S3%A <9i,h S'eed 3o(nlin) %a$)et A$$ess=, s'eeds re'ortedl# in$rease to a"out 2 @-E80 )"'s. 5his te$hnolo,# is also )no(n as 0--3MA, "ut is in$om'ati"le (ith -3MA net(or)s. An 2342-read# 'hone is re?uired.

In the $ase of 2V3/, theoreti$al hi,h traffi$ $an de,rade s'eed and 'erforman$e, (hile the 2342 net(or) is more sus$e'ti"le to interferen$e. Both re?uire "ein, (ithin $lose ran,e of a $ell to ,et the "est s'eeds, (hile 'erforman$e de$reases (ith distan$e. Su/*!r#/er I.e$t#t) M'.u e 0SIM1 !ar.*D In the 7nited States onl# 4SM 'hones use SIM $ards. 5he remo*a"le SIM $ard allo(s 'hones to "e instantl# a$ti*ated, inter$han,ed, s(a''ed out and u',raded, all (ithout $arrier inter*ention. 5he SIM itself is tied to the net(or), rather than the a$tual 'hone. %hones that are $ard-ena"led $an "e used (ith an# 4SM $arrier. 5he -3MA e?ui*alent, a R-7IM $ard, is onl# a*aila"le in 'arts of Asia "ut remains on the horiAon for the 7.S. mar)et. -3MA $arriers in the 7.S. re?uire 'ro'rietar# handsets that are lin)ed to one $arrier onl# and are not $ard-ena"led. 5o u',rade a -3MA 'hone, the $arrier must dea$ti*ate the old 'hone then a$ti*ate the ne( one. 5he old 'hone "e$omes useless. R'a+#$(D 8or the most 'art, "oth net(or)s ha*e fairl# $on$entrated $o*era,e in ma&or $ities and alon, ma&or hi,h(a#s. 4SM $arriers, ho(e*er, ha*e roamin, $ontra$ts (ith other 4SM $arriers, allo(in, (ider $o*era,e of more rural areas, ,enerall# s'ea)in,, often (ithout roamin, $har,es to the $ustomer. -3MA net(or)s ma# not $o*er rural areas as (ell as 4SM $arriers, and thou,h the# ma# $ontra$t (ith 4SM $ells for roamin, in more rural areas, the $har,e to the $ustomer (ill ,enerall# "e si,nifi$antl# hi,her.

I$ter$at#'$a R'a+#$(D If #ou need to ma)e $alls to other $ountries, a 4SM $arrier $an offer international roamin,, as 4SM net(or)s dominate the (orld mar)et. If #ou tra*el to other $ountries #ou $an e*en use #our 4SM $ell 'hone a"road, 'ro*idin, it is a ?uad"and 'hone <8@0+!00+1800+1!00 M9A=. B# 'ur$hasin, a SIM $ard (ith minutes and a lo$al num"er in the $ountr# #ou are *isitin,, #ou $an ma)e $alls a,ainst the $ard to sa*e #ourself international roamin, $har,es from #our $arrier "a$) home. -3MA 'hones that are not $ard-ena"led do not ha*e this $a'a"ilit#. A$$ordin, -34.or,, -3MA net(or)s su''ort o*er 2 0 million su"s$ri"ers (orld(ide, (hile 4SM.or, tallies u' their s$ore at o*er 1 "illion. As -3MA 'hones "e$ome R-7IM ena"led and roamin, $ontra$ts "et(een net(or)s im'ro*e, inte,ration of the standards mi,ht e*entuall# ma)e differen$es all "ut trans'arent to the $onsumer. 5he $hief 4SM $arriers in the 7nited States are -in,ular 0ireless, re$entl# mer,ed (ith A5H5 0ireless, and 5-Mo"ile 7SA. Ma&or -3MA $arriers are S'rint %-S, VeriAon and Vir,in Mo"ile. 5here are also se*eral smaller $ellular $om'anies on "oth net(or)s.

5hrou,hout the e*olution of $ellular tele$ommuni$ations, *arious s#stems (ere de*elo'ed (ithout the "enefit of standardiAed s'e$ifi$ations. 5his 'resented man# 'ro"lems dire$tl# related to $om'ati"ilit#, es'e$iall# (ith the de*elo'ment of di,ital radio te$hnolo,#. In 1!82, 5he 4SM ,rou' <"Groupe Spcial Mobile" <8ren$h= 1, 2, E and B= (as formed to address these 'ro"lems. 5he name of the s#stem $omes from the name of this ,rou', thou,h later the de$ision (as made to )ee' the initials "ut to $han,e (hat the# stood for. /ri,inall# the ,rou' (as hosted "# -2%5.

8rom 1!82 to 1!8@ dis$ussions (ere held to de$ide "et(een "uildin, an analo, or di,ital s#stem. After multi'le field tests, a di,ital s#stem (as ado'ted for 4SM. 5he ne>t tas) (as to de$ide "et(een a narro( or "road"and solution. In Ma# 1!8 , the narro("and time di*ision multi'le a$$ess <53MA= solution (as -hoosen.

5he te$hni$al fundamentals of the 4SM s#stem (ere defined in 1!8 . In 1!8!, 25SI too) o*er $ontrol and "# 1!!0 the first 4SM s'e$ifi$ation (as $om'leted, amountin, to o*er 6,000 'a,es of te>t. -ommer$ial o'eration "e,an in 1!!1 (ith Radiolin&a in finland.

In 1!!8, the Erd 4eneration %artnershi' %ro&e$t <E4%%= (as formed. /ri,inall# it (as intended onl# to 'rodu$e the s'e$ifi$ations of the ne>t <third, E4= ,eneration of mo"ile

net(or)s. 9o(e*er, E4%% also too) o*er the maintenan$e and de*elo'ment of the 4SM s'e$ifi$ation. 25SI is a 'artner in E4%%. 4SM 'ro*ides re$ommendations, not re?uirements. 5he 4SM s'e$ifi$ations define the fun$tions and interfa$e re?uirements in detail "ut do not address the hard(are. 5he reason for this is to not limit the desi,ners #et still ma)e it 'ossi"le for the o'erators to "u# e?ui'ment from different su''liers.



More than 1.6 "illion 'eo'le use 4SM 'hones as of 200@, ma)in, 4SM the dominant mo"ile 'hone s#stem (orld(ide (ith a"out 0I of the (orldGs mar)et. 5he $ountries of the 2uro'ean 7nion 'assed le,islation mandatin, the use of the 2uro'ean-ori,inated 4SM <and its E4 su$$essors= as the sin,le mo"ile 'hone s#stem in their $ountries in order to ma>imiAe intero'era"ilit#. 5his ,a*e the s#stem a solid "ase for e>'ansion to other $ountries, as users in other $ountries (ho (ish to roam in 2uro'e ha*e to use 4SM. 4SM dominates a$ross 2uro'e, Russia, Afri$a, and the Middle 2ast, and has a 'resen$e in nearl# e*er# $ountr#. 4SMGs main $om'etitor, $dma/ne, is used 'rimaril# in North Ameri$a, South Ameri$a, and Asia. J2K JEK. $dma/ne also "enefited from in$reased radio s'e$trum effi$ien$ies as $om'ared to the more $ommon 4SM net(or)s. Roamin, (ith 4SM 'hones $an "e "etter, es'e$iall# internationall#, as 4SM is (idel# su''orted.

9o(e*er, &ust as (ith $om'etin, te$hnolo,ies 4SM roamin, $an "e de,raded or im'ossi"le due to in$om'ati"le fre?uen$# allo$ations or "usiness issues.

Another ma&or reason for the ,ro(th in 4SM usa,e, 'arti$ularl# "et(een 1!!8 to 2002, (as the a*aila"ilit# of 're'aid $allin, from mo"ile 'hone o'erators. 5his allo(s 'eo'le (ho are either una"le or un(illin, to enter into a $ontra$t (ith an o'erator to ha*e mo"ile 'hones. 8or e>am'le, students and teena,ers $an ,et a 're'aid a$$ount (hi$h the#

$an mana,e themsel*es (ithout needin, a 'arent to mana,e and si,n for a $ontra$ted a$$ount. It also allo(s some o'erators to offer solutions for lo(-fre?uen$# users (ho are li)el# to $hoose 're'aid a$$ounts rather than the $hea'est non-'re'aid a$$ounts sin$e the latter still $osts more. %re'aid also ena"led the ra'id e>'ansion of 4SM in man# de*elo'in, $ountries (here lar,e se$tions of the 'o'ulation do not ha*e a$$ess to "an)s or "an) a$$ounts and $ountries (here there are no effe$ti*e $redit ratin, a,en$ies. <In man# de*elo'ed $ountries, startin, a non-'re'aid $ontra$t (ith a $ellular 'hone o'erator is almost al(a#s su"&e$t to $redit *erifi$ation throu,h 'ersonal information 'ro*ided "# $redit ratin, a,en$ies=.

4SM (as also the first to ha*e SMS te>t messa,in, (hi$h 'ro*ed e>tremel# 'o'ular (ith the teena,e mar)et. 5he lar,est North Ameri$an 4SM $arrier <also the lar,est North Ameri$an 'hone o'erator= is -in,ular 0ireless, (hi$h a$?uired A5H5 0ireless in the fall of 200B. /ther North Ameri$an 4SM $arriers in$lude 5-Mo"ile 7SA, -in$innati Bell 0ireless and Ro,ers 0ireless.

RA3I/ IN52R8A-2

4SM is a $ellular net(or), (hi$h means that mo"ile 'hones $onne$t to it "# sear$hin, for $ells in the immediate *i$init#. 4SM net(or)s o'erate at *arious different radio

fre?uen$ies. Most 4SM net(or)s o'erate in the !00 M9A or 1800 M9A "ands. Some net(or)s in 'arts of the Ameri$as <in$ludin, the 7SA and -anada= that o'erate in the 8@0 M9A or 1!00 M9A "ands "e$ause the !00 and 1800M9A fre?uen$# "ands (ere alread# allo$ated. An e*en smaller num"er of areas use the B00 and B@0M9A fre?uen$# "ands. Be$ause of this 'roliferation of "ands, there is no sin,le 'hone sold that $an (or) at full $a'a"ilities on all 4SM s#stems in the (orld.

In the !00 M9A "and the u'lin) fre?uen$# "and is 8!0-!1@ M9A, and the do(nlin) fre?uen$# "and is !E@-!60 M9A. 5his 2@ M9A "and(idth is su"di*ided into 12B $arrier fre?uen$# $hannels, ea$h s'a$ed 200 )9A a'art. 5ime di*ision multi'le>in, is used to allo( ei,ht s'ee$h $hannels 'er Radio fre?uen$# $hannel. 5here are ei,ht "urst 'eriods ,rou'ed into (hat is $alled a 53MA frame. 5he $hannel data rate is 2 0.8EE )"+s, and the frame duration is B.61@ ms.

5he transmission 'o(er in the handset is limited to a ma>imum of 2 (atts in 4SM8@0+!00 and 1 (att in 4SM1800+1!00.

4SM uses linear 'redi$ti*e $odin, <1%-=. 5he 'ur'ose of 1%- is to redu$e the "it rate. 5he 1%- 'ro*ides 'arameters for a filter that mimi$s the *o$al tra$t. 5he si,nal 'asses throu,h this filter, lea*in, "ehind a residual si,nal. S'ee$h is en$oded at 1E )"'s.

5here are four different $ell siAes in a 4SM net(or) - ma$ro, mi$ro, 'i$o and um"rella $ells. 5he $o*era,e area of ea$h $ell *aries a$$ordin, to the im'lementation en*ironment. Ma$ro $ells $an "e re,arded as $ells (here the "ase station antenna is installed on a mast or a "uildin, a"o*e a*era,e roof to' le*el. Mi$ro $ells are $ells (hose antenna hei,ht is under a*era,e roof to' le*elC the# are t#'i$all# used in ur"an areas. %i$o$ells are small $ells (hose diameter is a fe( doAen metersC the# are mainl# used indoors. /n the other hand, um"rella $ells are used to $o*er shado(ed re,ions of smaller $ells and fill in ,a's in $o*era,e "et(een those $ells. -ell radius *aries de'endin, on antenna hei,ht, antenna ,ain and 'ro'a,ation $onditions from a $ou'le of hundred meters to se*eral tens of )ilometers. 5he lon,est distan$e the 4SM s'e$ifi$ation su''orts in 'ra$ti$al use is E@ )m or 22 miles. 5here are also se*eral im'lementations of the $on$e't of an e>tended $ell, (here the $ell radius $ould "e dou"le or e*en more, de'endin, on the antenna s#stem, the t#'e of terrain and the timin, ad*an$e.

Indoor $o*era,e is also su''orted "# 4SM and ma# "e a$hie*ed "# usin, an indoor 'i$o$ell "ase station, or an indoor re'eater (ith distri"uted indoor antennas fed throu,h 'o(er s'litters, to deli*er the radio si,nals from an antenna outdoors to the se'arate indoor distri"uted antenna s#stem. 5hese are t#'i$all# de'lo#ed (hen a lot of $all $a'a$it# is needed indoors, for e>am'le in sho''in, $enters or air'orts. 9o(e*er, this is

not a 're-re?uisite, sin$e indoor $o*era,e is also 'ro*ided "# in-"uildin, 'enetration of the radio si,nals from near"# $ells.

5he modulation used in 4SM is 4aussian minimum shift )e#in, <4MS.=, a )ind of $ontinuous-'hase fre?uen$# shift )e#in,. In 4MS., the si,nal to "e modulated onto the $arrier is first smoothened (ith a 4aussian lo(-'ass filter 'rior to "ein, fed to a fre?uen$# modulator, (hi$h ,reatl# redu$es the interferen$e to nei,h"orin, $hannels <ad&a$ent $hannel interferen$e.

Netw'r3 *tru!ture


5he net(or) "ehind the GSM s#stem seen "# the $ustomer is lar,e and $om'li$ated in order to 'ro*ide all of the ser*i$es (hi$h are re?uired. It is di*ided into a num"er of se$tions and these are ea$h $o*ered in se'arate arti$les. t&e "a*e Stat#'$ Su/*)*te+ 0t&e /a*e *tat#'$* a$. t&e#r !'$tr' er*14

t&e Netw'r3 a$. Sw#t!&#$( Su/*)*te+ 0t&e ,art '- t&e $etw'r3 +'*t *#+# ar t' a -#5e. $etw'r314 T&#* #* *'+et#+e* a *' 6u*t !a e. t&e !'re $etw'r34 t&e GPRS C're Netw'r3 0t&e ',t#'$a ,art w&#!& a 'w* ,a!3et /a*e. I$ter$et !'$$e!t#'$*14 a '- t&e e e+e$t* #$ t&e *)*te+ !'+/#$e t' ,r'.u!e +a$) GSM *erv#!e* *u!& a* v'#!e !a * a$. SMS4

SIM0Su/*!r#/er I.e$t#t) M'.u e 1

/ne of the )e# features of 4SM is the Su"s$ri"er Identit# Module <SIM=, $ommonl# )no(n as a SIM card. 5he SIM is a deta$ha"le smart$ard $ontainin, the userGs su"s$ri'tion information and 'hone"oo). 5his allo(s the user to retain his information after s(it$hin, handsets. Alternati*el#, the user $an also $han,e o'erators (hile retainin, the handset sim'l# "# $han,in, the SIM. Some o'erators (ill "lo$) this "# allo(in, the 'hone to use onl# a sin,le SIM, or onl# a SIM issued "# themC this 'ra$ti$e is )no(n as SIM lo$)in,, and is ille,al in some $ountries.

In the 7.S., 2uro'e and Australia, man# o'erators lo$) the mo"iles the# sell. 5his is done "e$ause the 'ri$e of the mo"ile 'hone is t#'i$all# su"sidised (ith re*enue from su"s$ri'tions and o'erators (ant to tr# to a*oid su"sidisin, $om'etitorGs mo"iles. A su"s$ri"er $an usuall# $onta$t the 'ro*ider to remo*e the lo$) for a fee, utiliAe 'ri*ate ser*i$es to remo*e the lo$), or ma)e use of am'le soft(are and (e"sites a*aila"le on the Internet to unlo$) the handset themsel*es. It is im'ortant to noti$e that the lo$)in, is done to the handset onl#, and not to the a$$ount. It is al(a#s 'ossi"le to s(it$h to another <non-lo$)ed= handset. Some 'ro*iders in the 7SA and 2uro'e, su$h as 5-Mo"ile, -in,ular and the three 8ren$h /'erators, (ill unlo$) the 'hone for free if the $ustomer has held an a$$ount for a $ertain 'eriod. 5hird 'art# unlo$)in, ser*i$es e>ist that are often ?ui$)er and lo(er $ost than that of the o'erator. In most $ountries remo*in, the lo$) is le,al.

A $urious e>$e'tion to this rule is Bel,ium, (here all 'hones are sold unlo$)ed. 9o(e*er, it is unla(ful for o'erators there to offer an# form of su"sid# on the 'honeGs 'ri$e. 5his (as also the $ase in 8inland until A'ril the 1st 2006, (hen sellin, su"sided $om"inations of handsets and a$$ounts "e$ame le,al. It is still to "e seen if there (ill "e SIM lo$)ed 'hones on the mar)et.


4SM (as desi,ned (ith a moderate le*el of se$urit#. 5he s#stem (as desi,ned to authenti$ate the su"s$ri"er usin, shared-se$ret $r#'to,ra'h#. -ommuni$ations "et(een the su"s$ri"er and the "ase station $an "e en$r#'ted. 5he de*elo'ment of 7M5S introdu$es an o'tional 7SIM, that uses a lon,er authenti$ation )e# to ,i*e ,reater se$urit#, as (ell as mutuall# authenti$atin, the net(or) and the user - (hereas 4SM onl# authenti$ated the user to the net(or) <and not *i$e *ersa=. 5he se$urit# model therefore offers $onfidentialit# and authenti$ation, "ut limited authoriAation $a'a"ilities, and no non-re'udiation 4SM uses se*eral $r#'to,ra'hi$ al,orithms for se$urit#. 5he A@+1 and A@+2 stream $i'hers are used for ensurin, o*er-the-air *oi$e 'ri*a$#. A@+1 (as de*elo'ed first and is a stron,er al,orithm used (ithin 2uro'e and the 7nited StatesC A@+2 is (ea)er and used in other $ountries. A lar,e se$urit# ad*anta,e of 4SM o*er earlier s#stems is that the .i, the $r#'to *aria"le stored on the SIM $ard that is the )e# to an# 4SM $i'herin, al,orithm, is ne*er sent o*er the air interfa$e. Serious (ea)nesses ha*e "een found in "oth al,orithms, and it is 'ossi"le to "rea) A@+2 in real-time in a $i'herte>t-onl# atta$). 5he s#stem su''orts multi'le al,orithms so o'erators ma# re'la$e that $i'her (ith a stron,er one

PATENT ISSUES In 200@, a num"er of $om'anies <in$ludin, -is$o S#stems and 2ri$sson= (ere sued for infrin,ement of 7.S. %atent No. @,@61, 06 for offerin, 'rodu$ts alle,ed to "e $om'liant (ith the 4SM E.60 standard.

SATELLITE ISSUES 4SM also uses *arious satellites to redire$t the *oi$e and data 'a$)ets to users a$ross different $ountries, "e$ause it (ould "e *irtuall# im'ossi"le to $onne$t instantl# to a 4SM 'hone lo$ated in 'arts of the (orld (here the# donGt ha*e a hi,h s'eed (ired net(or).

5he (orld is demandin, more from (ireless $ommuni$ation te$hnolo,ies than e*er "efore as more 'eo'le around the (orld are su"s$ri"in, to (ireless. Add in e>$itin, 5hird-4eneration <E4= (ireless data ser*i$es and a''li$ations - su$h as (ireless email, (e", di,ital 'i$ture ta)in,+sendin,, assisted-4%S 'osition lo$ation a''li$ations, *ideo and audio streamin, and 5V "road$astin, - and (ireless net(or)s are doin, mu$h more than &ust a fe( #ears a,o.

5his is (here -3MA te$hnolo,# fits in. -3MA $onsistentl# 'ro*ides "etter $a'a$it# for *oi$e and data $ommuni$ations than other $ommer$ial mo"ile te$hnolo,ies, allo(in, more su"s$ri"ers to $onne$t at an# ,i*en time, and it is the $ommon 'latform on (hi$h E4 te$hnolo,ies are "uilt.

-3MA is a Fs'read s'e$trumF te$hnolo,#, allo(in, man# users to o$$u'# the same time and fre?uen$# allo$ations in a ,i*en "and+s'a$e. As its name im'lies, -3MA <-ode 3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess= assi,ns

uni?ue $odes to ea$h $ommuni$ation to differentiate it from others in the same s'e$trum. In a (orld of finite s'e$trum resour$es, -3MA ena"les man# more 'eo'le to share the air(a*es at the same time than do alternati*e te$hnolo,ies.

5he -3MA air interfa$e is used in "oth 24 and E4 net(or)s. 24 -3MA standards are "randed $dma/ne and in$lude IS-!@A and IS-!@B. -3MA is the foundation for E4 ser*i$esD the t(o dominant IM5-2000 standards, -3MA2000 and 0-3MA, are "ased on -3MA.

$dma/neD 5he 8amil# of IS-!@ -3MA 5e$hnolo,ies $dma/ne des$ri"es a $om'lete (ireless s#stem "ased on the 5IA+2IA IS-!@ -3MA standard, in$ludin, IS-!@A and IS-!@B re*isions. It re'resents the end-to-end (ireless s#stem and all the ne$essar# s'e$ifi$ations that ,o*ern its o'eration. $dma/ne 'ro*ides a famil# of related ser*i$es in$ludin, $ellular, %-S and fi>ed (ireless <(ireless lo$al loo'=.

-3MA2000D 1eadin, the E4 re*olution -3MA2000 re'resents a famil# of I57-a''ro*ed, IM5-2000 <E4= standards and in$ludes -3MA2000 1L and -3MA2000 1>2V te$hnolo,ies. 5he# deli*er in$reased net(or) $a'a$it# to meet ,ro(in, demand for (ireless ser*i$es and hi,h-s'eed data ser*i$es. -3MA2000 1L (as the (orldGs first E4 te$hnolo,# $ommer$iall# de'lo#ed </$to"er 2000=. -3MA 3e'lo#ments -3MA is the fastest ,ro(in, (ireless te$hnolo,# and it (ill $ontinue to ,ro( at a faster 'a$e than an# other te$hnolo,#. It is the 'latform on (hi$h 24 and E4 ad*an$ed ser*i$es are "uilt.

A num"er of different terms are used to refer to -3MA im'lementations. 5he ori,inal standard s'earheaded "# ;7A1-/MM (as )no(n as IS-!@, the IS referrin, to an Interim Standard of

the 5ele$ommuni$ations Industr# Asso$iation <5IA=. IS-!@ is often referred to as 24 or se$ond ,eneration $ellular. 5he ;7A1-/MM "rand name $dma/ne ma# also "e used to refer to the 24 -3MA standard

After a $ou'le of re*isions, IS-!@ (as su'erseded "# the IS-2000 standard. 5his standard (as introdu$ed to meet some of the $riteria laid out in the IM5-2000 s'e$ifi$ation for E4, or third ,eneration, $ellular. It is also referred to as 1>R55 (hi$h sim'l# means F1 times Radio 5ransmission 5e$hnolo,#F and indi$ates that IS-2000 uses the same 1.2@-M9A shared $hannel as the ori,inal IS-!@ standard. A related s$heme $alled E>R55 uses three 1.2@-M9A $arriers for a E. @-M9A "and(idth that (ould allo( hi,her data "urst rates for an indi*idual user, "ut the E>R55 s$heme has not "een $ommer$iall# de'lo#ed. More re$entl#, ;7A1-/MM has led the $reation of a ne( -3MA-"ased te$hnolo,# $alled 1>2V-3/, or IS-8@6, (hi$h 'ro*ides the hi,her 'a$)et data transmission rates re?uired "# IM5-2000 and desired "# (ireless net(or) o'erators.

5he ;7A1-/MM -3MA s#stem in$ludes hi,hl# a$$urate time si,nals <usuall# referen$ed to a 4%S re$ei*er in the $ell "ase station=, so $ell 'hone -3MA-"ased $lo$)s are an in$reasin,l# 'o'ular t#'e of radio $lo$) for use in $om'uter net(or)s. 5he main ad*anta,e of usin, -3MA $ell 'hone si,nals for referen$e $lo$) 'ur'oses is that the# (or) "etter inside "uildin,s, thus often eliminatin, the need to mount a 4%S antenna on the outside of a "uildin,. Also fre?uentl# $onfused (ith -3MA is 0--3MA. 5he -3MA te$hni?ue is used as the 'rin$i'le

of the 0--3MA air interfa$e, and the 0--3MA air interfa$e is used in the ,lo"al E4 standard 7M5S and the Ma'anese E4 standard 8/MA, "# N55 3o-oMo and VodafoneC ho(e*er, the -3MA famil# of standards <in$ludin, $dma/ne and -3MA2000= are not $om'ati"le (ith the 0--3MA famil# of standards Another im'ortant a''li$ation of -3MAN'redatin, and entirel# distin$t from -3MA $ellular Nis the 4lo"al %ositionin, S#stem, 4%S.

C'vera(e As -3MA is ne(er than 4SM, it ma# not "e a*aila"le in some 'arts of the (orld. 9o(e*er, as the si,nal $an "e transmitted o*er ,reater distan$es, it ma# ,i*e re$e'tion in more remote or rural areas (here a 4SM 'hone does not 'i$) u' a si,nal.

ItGs 'ro"a"l# the understatement of the de$ade to sa# that $ell 'hones ha*e "e$ome the sin,le ,reatest tool in "usiness. In toda#Os (orld the a"ilit# to $ommuni$ate (ith "usiness asso$iates (hile on the ,o is not &ust an ad*anta,e, itOs a ne$essit#. And "e$ause of that, the $hoi$es (e ma)e (hen $hoosin, our handheld de*i$es matter more than e*er.

0hen it $omes time to sele$t a $ell 'hone or smart'hone, the ma&or 'art of the e*aluation (e ma)e fo$uses on the features and "enefits of the handset. 3oes it 'ro*ide a$$ess to the Internet and emailP 3oes it $ontain an or,aniAer that (ill s#n$ (ith /utloo), so #ou $an ta)e #our s$heduler, $onta$ts, and information on the roadP And most im'ortantl#, does it loo) sli$)P

But if #ou $ondu$t a lot of #our "usiness on the road or internationall#, the most im'ortant de$ision #ou ma)e re,ardin, #our ser*i$e ma# not ha*e an#thin, at all to do (ith the features (e usuall# $onsider im'ortant for handhelds. :our $hoi$e of $arrier and the te$hnolo,# it uses for its net(or) mi,ht ma)e the differen$e "et(een "ein, 'rodu$ti*e or endin, u' out of area.

T&e Ma6'r Carr#er Te!&$' '(#e*

B# no(, #ouO*e 'ro"a"l# heard all of the a$ron#ms in the al'ha"et sou' of $arrier

te$hnolo,ies. 5he t(o ma&or terms that 'ertain to $ellular 'hone $ommuni$ation that #ouOre li)el# to run into are 4SM and -3MA, the t(o ma&or te$hnolo,ies ser*i$e 'ro*iders use to $arr# *oi$e si,nals a$ross the net(or). But (hat are the# and (h# do the# matterP 0ell, for starters, letOs define the terms.

GSM 0G '/a S)*te+ -'r M'/# e C'++u$#!at#'$*14 4SM is the Q"randedR term referrin, to a 'arti$ular use of 53MA <5ime-3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess= te$hnolo,#. 4SM is the dominant te$hnolo,# used around the ,lo"e and is a*aila"le in more than 100 $ountries. It is the standard for $ommuni$ation for most of Asia and 2uro'e. 4SM o'erates on four se'arate fre?uen$iesD :ouOll find the !00M9A and 1,800M9A "ands in 2uro'e and Asia and the 8@0M9A and 1,!00M9A <sometimes referred to as 1.!49A= "ands in North Ameri$a and 1atin Ameri$a. 4SM allo(s for ei,ht simultaneous $alls on the same radio fre?uen$# and uses Qnarro("andR 53MA, the te$hnolo,# that ena"les di,ital transmissions "et(een a mo"ile 'hone and a "ase station. 0ith 53MA the fre?uen$# "and is di*ided into multi'le $hannels (hi$h are then sta$)ed to,ether into a sin,le stream, hen$e the term narro("and. 5his te$hnolo,# allo(s se*eral $allers to share the same $hannel at the same time.

CDMA 0C'.e D#v#*#'$ Mu t#, e A!!e**14 -3MA ta)es an entirel# different a''roa$h from 4SM+53MA. -3MA s'reads data out o*er the $hannel after the $hannel is di,itiAed. Multi'le $alls $an then "e o*erlaid on to' of one another a$ross the entire $hannel, (ith ea$h assi,ned

its o(n Qse?uen$e $odeR to )ee' the si,nal distin$t. -3MA offers more effi$ient use of an analo, transmission "e$ause it allo(s ,reater fre?uen$# reuse, as (ell as in$reasin, "atter# life, im'ro*in, the rate of dro''ed $alls, and offerin, far ,reater se$urit# than 4SM+53MA. 8or this reason -3MA has stron, su''ort from e>'erts (ho fa*or (ides'read de*elo'ment of -3MA net(or)s a$ross the ,lo"e. -urrentl#, #ou (ill find -3MA mostl# in the 7nited States, -anada, and North and South .orea. <As an interestin, aside, -3MA (as a$tuall# in*ented for the militar# durin, 0orld 0ar II for field $ommuni$ations.=

The cellular showdown: CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) vs. GSM (Global System or Mobile Communications).

Be$ause #ou $an find 4SM and -3MA in use all a$ross the 7nited States, it mi,ht seem at first that it reall# doesnOt matter (hi$h te$hnolo,# #ou $hoose. 5his is not so. 0hen #ou tra*el a"road, the li)elihood that #ou (ill rea$h areas that do not ha*e di,ital ser*i$e is ?uite hi,h. An#time #ou tra*el "et(een offi$es *ia $ar, train, or "us #ou (ill 'ass throu,h rural and su"ur"an areas that onl# offer analo, a$$ess. Most -3MA $ell 'hones in$lude analo, $a'a"ilit# <also )no(n as roamin,=, so a user $an ma)e $alls (hen he is not in a di,ital $ellular ser*i$e area. 4SM 'hones usuall# donOt offer this $a'a"ilit# unless #ou 'ur$hase and use a s'e$ialt# <readD e>'ensi*e= handset. /f $ourse in most of Asia and in 2uro'e, this is not a 'ro"lem "e$ause di,ital ser*i$e is a*aila"le almost e*er#(here #ou turn. 5his does "e$ome an issue for users in North Ameri$a, ho(e*er, "e$ause di,ital ser*i$e is rarel# a*aila"le there.

Another differen$e "et(een 4SM and -3MA is in the data transfer methods. 4SMOs hi,hs'eed (ireless data te$hnolo,#, 4%RS <4eneral %a$)et Radio Ser*i$e=, usuall# offers a slo(er data "and(idth for (ireless data $onne$tion than -3MAOs hi,h-s'eed te$hnolo,# <1>R55, short for sin,le $arrier radio transmission te$hnolo,#=, (hi$h has the $a'a"ilit# of 'ro*idin, IS3N <Inte,rated Ser*i$es 3i,ital Net(or)=-li)e s'eeds of as mu$h as 1BB."'s <)ilo"its 'er se$ond=. 9o(e*er, 1>R55 re?uires a dedi$ated $onne$tion to the net(or) for use, (hereas 4%RS sends in 'a$)ets, (hi$h means that data $alls made on a 4SM handset donOt "lo$) out *oi$e $alls li)e the# do on -3MA 'hones.

4SMOs real "enefit for domesti$ "usiness use is in its SIM <su"s$ri"er identit# module= $ard,

the on"oard memor# de*i$e that identifies a user and stores all of his information on the handheld. :ou $an s(a' 4SM SIM $ards "et(een handsets (hen a ne( one is ne$essar#, (hi$h ena"les #ou to $arr# all of #our $onta$t and $alendar information o*er to a ne( handset (ith no hassle.

-3MA o'erators ans(er this fle>i"ilit# (ith their o(n ser*i$e that stores user data, in$ludin, 'hone "oo) and s$heduler information, on the o'eratorOs data"ase. 5his ser*i$e ma)es it 'ossi"le to not onl# s(a' o*er to a ne( handset (ith little trou"le, "ut it also ,i*es users the a"ilit# to re$o*er $onta$t date e*en if their 'hone is lost or stolen. <5his isnOt mu$h of 'ossi"ilit# (ith 4SM, of $ourse, "e$ause if #ou lose #our $ell 'hone, #our SIM $ard is lost, as (ell.= 5here are de*i$es on the mar)et #ou $an use to "a$) u' #ou SIM, "ut these items $ost e>tra and add a se$ondar# ste' to safe,uardin, #our data. /*erall, for the stri$tl# domesti$ "usiness user, -3MA-"ased handhelds 'ro*ide more a$$ess in more 'la$es, as (ell as faster data $alls and ,reater ease of transition to ne( handsets. 4SM 'hones (ill "etter 'ro*ide h#"rid *oi$e and data use <althou,h #ou $annot use "oth at the same timeC usin, the data ser*i$e (onOt "lo$) an in$omin, *oi$e $all=.

I$ter$at#'$a U*e 0here international "usiness tra*el is an issue, 4SM lea's for(ard in the ra$e for the title of QMost A$$essi"le.R Be$ause 4SM is used in more than BI of the mar)ets a$ross the ,lo"e,

users of tri-"and or ?uad-"and handsets $an tra*el to 2uro'e, India, and most of Asia and still use their $ell 'hones. -3MA offers no multi"and $a'a"ilit#, ho(e*er, and therefore #ou $anOt readil# use it in multi'le $ountries.

7nfortunatel#, the 8@0M9A+1,!00M9A 4SM 'hone #ou ma# use in the 7nited States is not $om'ati"le (ith international standards. If #ou li*e in the 7nited States and need to ha*e $ell 'hone a$$ess (hen #ou tra*el o*erseas, #ou need to in*est in a tri-"and or ?uad-"and 4SM 'hone, or e*en a multi'le-mode 'hone <(hi$h (e $o*er later=. 2ither of these t#'es of 'hones (ill let #ou use #our 'hone (hile in the 7nited States and o*erseas (ithout ha*in, to $han,e handsets. :ou (ill, ho(e*er, need to o"tain a SIM $ard that (or)s o*erseas. If #ou need a 're'aid SIM $ard for #our 4SM 'hone, $he$) out 5elestial.$om.

Althou,h #ou must intera$t (ith the SIM $ard "# remo*in, and re'la$in, it, the s(it$hin, of "ands and modes ha''ens automati$all# (hen #ou enter the $o*ered area. /ftentimes handsets $ome (ith a default mode set to the "and the# (ill most li)el# use. 8or instan$e, 'hones sold in the 7nited States (ill default to the fre?uen$ies used here, so the 'hones (ill attem't to $onne$t to this fre?uen$# and te$hnolo,# first. If #our 'hone $annot ma)e a $onne$tion, it (ill automati$all# "e,in sear$hin, out the a''ro'riate fre?uen$# and te$hnolo,# until it finds one it $an $onne$t to.

T&e "e*t O- "'t& W'r .*

If #ou tra*el often, it mi,ht "e a (orth(hile in*estment to 'ur$hase a dual-mode or tri-mode handset. Note that multi'le "and and multi'le mode are different terms. Multi'le-"and 'hones offer the $a'a"ilit# to s(it$h "et(een "ands, (hile multi'le-mode 'hones offer $onne$ti*it# to net(or)s "ased on different te$hnolo,ies. Althou,h e>'ensi*e, these handsets allo( ma>imum fle>i"ilit# for the international "usiness tra*eler.

You can move the SIM (subscriber identity module of a GSM!based phone to any other GSM!based phone" ma#ing GSM the optimal choice for international travelers $ho need connectivity% :ou $an find dual-mode and tri-mode 'hones, "ut "efore #ou "u#, $he$) to see (hi$hmodes the 'hone a$tuall# $onne$ts. 5he term Qtri-modeR $an "e de$e'ti*e. In most $ases it (ill mean that a handset $an su''ort t(o di,ital te$hnolo,ies, su$h as -3MA and 53MA, as (ell as analo,. In this $ase the handset is $onsidered to "e a true tri-mode 'hone.

9o(e*er, there are manufa$turers (ho ad*ertise tri-mode 'hones that are a$tuall# dualmode 'hones that $onne$t to 4SM and analo, net(or)s, onl# the 4SM has multi'le-"and su''ort for trans'ort "et(een the 7nited States and 2uro'e or Asia. 5hese 'hones are, "#

the *er# loosest sense of the term, tri-mode, "ut the# (onOt fulfill #our need to $onne$t to -3MA and 4SM net(or)s if thatOs (hat #ou need to do.

Te!&$' '() I$ Pra!t#!e

Be$ause there is no true international standard for (ireless te$hnolo,#, 4SM+53MA and -3MA net(or)s ha*e ,ro(n a$ross North Ameri$a, lea*in, users to de$ide for themsel*es (hi$h features and $onne$tion o'tions the# need. 5his has 'rodu$ed an interestin, effe$t on the transmission of these si,nals.

In $ities and densel# 'o'ulated areas, there are often hi,h $on$entrations of 4SM and -3MA $onne$tion "ases. In theor#, 4SM and -3MA are in*isi"le to one another and should Q'la# ni$eR (ith one another. In 'ra$ti$e, ho(e*er, this is not the $ase. 9i,h'o(ered -3MA si,nals ha*e raised the Qnoise floorR for 4SM re$ei*ers, meanin, there is less s'a$e (ithin the a*aila"le "and to send a $lean si,nal. 5his sometimes results in dro''ed $alls in areas (here there is a hi,h $on$entration of -3MA te$hnolo,#. -on*ersel#, hi,h-'o(ered 4SM si,nals ha*e "een sho(n to $ause o*erloadin, and &ammin, of -3MA re$ei*ers due to -3MAOs relian$e u'on "road$astin, a$ross its entire a*aila"le "and.

5he result of this little $ross-"road$astin, &oust has led some $ities to 'ass ordinan$es limitin, the s'a$e "et(een $ell to(ers or the hei,ht the# $an rea$h, ,i*in, one te$hnolo,# a distin$t ad*anta,e o*er the other. 5his is somethin, to note (hen $hoosin, a (ireless 'ro*ider. 5he distan$e "et(een to(ers (ill se*erel# affe$t $onne$ti*it# for 4SM-"ased 'hones "e$ause the 'hones need $onstant a$$ess to the to(erOs narro( "and "road$astin,.

U$ '!3 Y'ur GSM P&'$e

5he ,ood ne(sD An# 4SM <4lo"al S#stem for Mo"ile -ommuni$ations=-"ased 'hone $an (or) (ith an# SIM <su"s$ri"er identit# module= $ard. 5he "ad ne(sD Some ser*i$e 'ro*iders Qlo$)R their 'hones, so users of the 'hones $an onl# use the 'ro*iderOs ser*i$e. If #our 'hone is lo$)ed, #ou $anOt use it (ith an# other ser*i$e 'ro*ider lo$all# or o*erseas. 9o(e*er, there is ho'eD :ou ma# "e a"le to unlo$) the 'hone usin, a s'e$ial $ode. It is not *er# li)el# that #our 'ro*ider (ill ,i*e #ou this information, "ut #ou ma# "e a"le to find resour$es on the 0e" that (ill hel'. Some are free, (hile some $har,e a small fee for the information. 5he im'ortant thin, is to )no( if #our 'hone is lo$)ed "efore "u#in, an international SIM $ard.

-3MAD stands for -ode 3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess. Both data and *oi$e are se'arated from si,nals usin, $odes and then transmited usin, a (ide fre?uen$# ran,e. Be$ause of this, there are more s'a$e left for data transfer <this (as one of the reasons (h# -3MA is the 'refered te$hnolo,# for the E4 ,eneration, (hi$h is "road"and a$$ess and the use of "i, multimedia messa,es=. 1BI of the (orld(ide mar)et ,oes to -3MA. 8or the E4 ,eneration -3MA uses 1> 2V-3/ and 2V-3V. It has a lot of users in Asia, s'e$iall# in South .orea. 4SMD stands for 4lo"al S#stem Mo"ile. 2*en thou,h it is sold as Fthe latest te$hnolo,#F in se*eral $ountries, this te$hnolo,# is older than -3MA <and also 53MA=. But )ee' in mind that this doesnGt mean that 4SM is inferior or (orse than -3MA. Roamin, readiness and fraud 're*ention are t(o ma&or ad*anta,es from this te$hnolo,#. 4SM is the most used $ell 'hone te$hnolo,# in the (orld, (ith EI of the (orld(ide mar)et. It has a *er# stron, 'resen$e in 2uro'e. 53MA te$hnolo,# is the less used from the three main di,ital te$hnolo,ies <4SM, -3MA and 53MA= and (e thin) it (ill ,raduall# "e re'la$ed to -3MA or 4SM. 5hatGs (h# the 4SM *s -3MA (ar. At one $orner, 4SM o'erators sa# it is "etter F"e$ause it uses a SIM $hi', it is the most used te$hnolo,# (orld(ide, it is more se$ure and it is more ad*an$edF. /n the other $orner, -3MA follo(ers sa# it is "etter F"e$ause it is the E4 ,eneration $hosen te$hnolo,# and 4SM (ill mi,rate to -3MA sin$e -3MA is more ad*an$ed...F

But (hi$h one of these statements are $orre$tP A$ordin,l# to No)ia, Fthis dis$ussion is not a"out te$hnolo,# an#more, "ut a"out mar)etF. 0e thin) this is the "est (a# to des$ri"e the (ar "et(een these t(o $ell 'hone te$hnolo,ies.

In the "e,innin,, 4SM (as in fa$t su'erior. It had more ser*i$es and allo(ed more data transfer. But -3MA, fa$in, the ad*anta,es of the $om'etitor standard, soon deli*ered the same features found on 4SM. No(ada#s, it is not 'ossi"le to sa# that 4SM ser*i$es are "etter than -3MA. Multimedia messa,es, *ideo, hi,h-s'eed Internet a$$ess, di,ital $amera and e*en %3A fun$tion are some of the features (e $an found on "oth te$hnolo,ies. 5he ne( -3MA 1LR55 te$hnolo,#, (hi$h 're*ie(s (hat 4E $ell 'hones (ill "rin,, is more ad*an$ed than 2342, te$hnolo,# from the "e,innin, of E4 ,eneration, allo(in, hi,her transfer rates.

2*en the 4SM SIM $ard ad*anta,e, that allo(s #ou to $han,e #our $ell 'hone and )ee' #our 'hone list, is "ein, sur'la$ed "# some -3MA o'erators (ith a ser*i$e that allo(s #ou to store #our 'hone "oo) on the o'eratorGs data"ase, allo(in, #ou to re$o*er #our 'hone "oo) e*en if #our $ell 'hone is stolen <(hi$h is not 'ossi"le (ith 4SM, sin$e if

#our $ell 'hone is stolen, #our SIM $ard (ill "e stolen to,ether=. Noti$e that re$entl# a ne( a$$essor# $alled SIM "a$)u' (as released, (hi$h allo(s #ou to "a$)u' the data stored in #our SIM $ard. Also some 4SM o'erators are offerin, a similar "a$)u' ser*i$e.

So, no(ada#s "oth te$hnolo,ies are e?ui'arated in te$hnolo,#, "ut this 'i$ture (onGt "e li)e that in the future. Afterall, -3MA e*olution ,round is (ider and in a fe( #ears it (ill "e su'erior than 4SM. 5his means that 4SM o'erators (ill disa'earP Not at all. 5he# (ill mi,rate o*er -3MA and the (ar (ill $ontinue, "e$ause the e>istin, -3MA o'erators $hose to use 1>2V-3/ and1L2V-3V te$hnolo,ies for their E4 net(or) and the e>istin, 4SM o'erators ha*e o'ted for a different te$hnolo,#, $alled 0-3MA. Also, e*en thou,h the $urrent 4SM o'erators (ill mi,rate to 0-3MA, the# still $an use their e>istin, 4SM net(or). So users (onGt feel an#thin, s'e$ial (hen the o'erators shift to the ne( $ell ,eneration <E4=, inde'endentl# from the te$hnolo,# the# $hoose.


Airtel 9ut$h Idea Bsnl Air$el CDMA SERVICE PROVIDER Relian$e -ommuni$ation

5ata Indi$om

T),e* O- Re*ear!&:

5his Is 3es$ri'it*e Resear$h As 5his Resear$h In$ludes Sur*e# And 8a$t 8indin, 2n?uries /f 3ifferernt .inds.So 3es$ri'it*e Resear$h 9el' In .no(in, A"out %arti$ular Item /r 4rou' /f Items In /ther 0ords It 3es$ri"es 5he State As Its 2>ists At %resent.

Data C' e!te. :

5he 3ata -olle$ted In 5his Resear$h Is 8irst 9and So If %rimar# 3ata.It Is -olle$ted 3ire$tor# 8rom 5he Res'ondent 5hrou,h ;uestionaire.

Data C' e!t#'$ Met&'.:

5he 3ata Is -olle$ted 8or Resear$h ;uestionaire Method.A ;uestionaire Is 8ramed 5hen 3ata -olle$ted B# Ma)in, It 8ill B# 3ifferent Res'ondent.

Data C' e!t#'$ I$*tru+e$t :

It Is -losed 2nded And 7ndis,uised ;uestionaire .5he 8orm /f ;uestions Are -losed <5hat Is /f 5he 5#'e Q:es /r NoR=.

Sa+, e S#7e:

5he SiAe /f A Sam'le Is 100.

Sa+, e* Te!&$#8ue:

Sam'lin, 5e$hni?ue 7sed Is Mud,ement Sam'lin, .As 5he Sele$tion Sam'le 0as 3one A$$ordin, 5o 5he Resear$her -on*enien$e.

Sa+, e U$#t:

8rom Resident of A4RA

A$$ess the mar)et siAe and determine the mar)et 'otential of the tar,et se,ments to this had "e done "# sim'le random sur*e# of the 'otential "u#ers and estimate the no.

5r# to understand that (hat 'romotion a$ti*ites a''eal to the tar,eted $ustomers.

Identif# the stren,ht of the ,sm and $dma te$hnolo,#.

In the same (a# identif# the (ea)ness of these te$hnolo,ies.

Build the main differen$e in the ,sm and $dma te$hnolo,#.

-3MAD stands for -ode 3i*ision Multi'le A$$ess. Both data and *oi$e are se'arated from si,nals usin, $odes and then transmited usin, a (ide fre?uen$# ran,e. Be$ause of this, there are more s'a$e left for data transfer <this (as one of the reasons (h# -3MA is the 'refered te$hnolo,# for the E4 ,eneration, (hi$h is "road"and a$$ess and the use of "i, multimedia messa,es=. 1BI of the (orld(ide mar)et ,oes to -3MA. 8or the E4 ,eneration -3MA uses 1> 2V-3/ and 2V-3V. It has a lot of users in Asia, s'e$iall# in South .orea.

4SMD stands for 4lo"al S#stem Mo"ile. 2*en thou,h it is sold as Fthe latest te$hnolo,#F in se*eral $ountries, this te$hnolo,# is older than -3MA <and also 53MA=. But )ee' in mind that this doesnGt mean that 4SM is inferior or (orse than -3MA. Roamin, readiness and fraud 're*ention are t(o ma&or ad*anta,es from this te$hnolo,#. 4SM is the most used $ell 'hone te$hnolo,# in the (orld, (ith EI of the (orld(ide mar)et. It has a *er# stron, 'resen$e in 2uro'e. 53MA te$hnolo,# is the less used from the three main di,ital te$hnolo,ies <4SM, -3MA and 53MA= and (e thin) it (ill ,raduall# "e re'la$ed to -3MA or 4SM. 5hatGs (h# the 4SM *s -3MA (ar. At one $orner, 4SM o'erators sa# it is "etter F"e$ause it uses a SIM $hi', it is the most used te$hnolo,# (orld(ide, it is more se$ure and it is more ad*an$edF. /n the other $orner, -3MA follo(ers sa# it is "etter F"e$ause it is the E4 ,eneration $hosen te$hnolo,# and 4SM (ill mi,rate to -3MA sin$e -3MA is more ad*an$ed...F

But (hi$h one of these statements are $orre$tP A$ordin,l# to No)ia, Fthis dis$ussion is not a"out te$hnolo,# an#more, "ut a"out mar)etF. 0e thin) this is the "est (a# to des$ri"e the (ar "et(een these t(o $ell 'hone te$hnolo,ies. In the "e,innin,, 4SM (as in fa$t su'erior. It had more ser*i$es and allo(ed more data transfer. But -3MA, fa$in, the ad*anta,es of the $om'etitor standard, soon deli*ered the same features found on 4SM. No(ada#s, it is not 'ossi"le to sa# that 4SM ser*i$es are "etter than -3MA. Multimedia messa,es, *ideo, hi,h-s'eed Internet a$$ess, di,ital $amera and e*en %3A fun$tion are some of the features (e $an found on "oth te$hnolo,ies. 5he ne( -3MA 1LR55 te$hnolo,#, (hi$h 're*ie(s (hat 4E $ell 'hones (ill "rin,, is more ad*an$ed than 2342, te$hnolo,# from the "e,innin, of E4 ,eneration, allo(in, hi,her transfer rates. 2*en the 4SM SIM $ard ad*anta,e, that allo(s #ou to $han,e #our $ell 'hone and )ee' #our 'hone list, is "ein, sur'la$ed "# some -3MA o'erators (ith a ser*i$e that allo(s #ou to store #our 'hone "oo) on the o'eratorGs data"ase, allo(in, #ou to re$o*er #our 'hone "oo) e*en if #our $ell 'hone is stolen <(hi$h is not 'ossi"le (ith 4SM, sin$e if #our $ell 'hone is stolen, #our SIM $ard (ill "e stolen to,ether=. Noti$e that re$entl# a ne( a$$essor# $alled SIM "a$)u' (as released, (hi$h allo(s #ou to "a$)u' the data stored in #our SIM $ard. Also some 4SM o'erators are offerin, a similar "a$)u' ser*i$e. So, no(ada#s "oth te$hnolo,ies are e?ui'arated in te$hnolo,#, "ut this 'i$ture (onGt "e li)e that in the future. Afterall, -3MA e*olution ,round is (ider and in a fe( #ears it

(ill "e su'erior than 4SM. 5his means that 4SM o'erators (ill disa'earP Not at all. 5he# (ill mi,rate o*er -3MA and the (ar (ill $ontinue, "e$ause the e>istin, -3MA o'erators $hose to use 1>2V-3/ and 1L2V-3V te$hnolo,ies for their E4 net(or) and the e>istin, 4SM o'erators ha*e o'ted for a different te$hnolo,#, $alled 0-3MA. Also, e*en thou,h the $urrent 4SM o'erators (ill mi,rate to 0-3MA, the# still $an use their e>istin, 4SM net(or). So users (onGt feel an#thin, s'e$ial (hen the o'erators shift to the ne( $ell ,eneration <E4=, inde'endentl# from the te$hnolo,# the# $hoose.

AS 592 5IM2 0AS 12SS.S/ 592 S7RV2: -/713 N/5 B2 -/N37-523 IN A 1AR42R AR2A S/ 592R2 0AS A 5IM2 -/NS5RAIN5.

A11 592 8IN3IN4S AR2 BAS23 /N 592 R2S%/NS2 4IV2N B: 592

R2S%/N32N5 ,S/ AN: 8A1S2 IN8/RMA5I/N 4IV2N B: R2S%/N32N5 -/713 MA.2 592 R2S715 0R/N4.

S/M2 %2/%12 3I3 N/5 9AV2 2N/749 5IM2 5/ 8I11 7% 592 ;72S5I/NAIR2.

S/M2 %2/%12 02R2 5/12RA5IN4 5/ 8I11 7% 592 ;72S5I/NAIR2 AN3

592: 02R2 R2A-5IN4 AS 592 S7RV2: IS -/N37-523 8/R 8A1S2 %7R%/S2.

592R2 0AS A 1AN47A42 %R/B12M A1S/.




@. 09I-9 52-9N/1/4: :/7 %R282R23 4SM-----3MA--------

6. 09A5 IN8172N-2 :/7 8/R 592 -9//S2 /8 4SM+-3MA 52-9N/1/4: -A11 RA52S 6.. S2RVI-2S 66.. N250/R. -/NN2-5IVI5:66 -7S5/M2R S2RVI-2S 666

.9/0 M7-9 A3V2R5ISIN4 IN817N-2S :/7R %7R-9ASIN4 V2R: M7-96. AV2RA4266 8AIR66. N/ 2882-566

8-AB/75 4SM+-3MA 52-9N/1/4: @-2L-2112N5.. B-4//36 E-AV2RA426 .2- 8AIR.. 1- %//R6 BRAN3 N250/R. @6. @6 B6. B6 B6 B6 B6. E6. E6. E6 E6 E6. 26 26. 26 26 26 16 16. 16. 16 16..

V/I-2 -12ARI5: @6 3A5A S%223 82A57R2S @6 @6

4//412S2AR-9 2-/N/MI-S 5IM2S

:A9//S2AR-9 AR5I-12S IN IN3IA 5/3A:


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