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In consideration of the right to compete in International Competitions, I, ______________________________________ of __________________________________ [Last Name, First Name] [National Federation] hereby ackno ledge and agree as follo s!" 1.1. I am a are of and ha#e had the opport$nity to re#ie the I%%F &$les 'the (&$les() and the I%%F &eg$lations 'the (&eg$lations() a#ailable on the I%%F ebsite at http!***abo$tiaaf*p$blications*reg$lations*inde+.html. I consent and agree to comply ith and be bo$nd by the &$les and &eg$lations 'and any amendments to the &$les and &eg$lations as may be made from time to time). 1.,. I consent and agree in partic$lar to comply ith and be bo$nd by the I%%F %nti"-oping &$les 'Chapter . of the &$les) and by the I%%F %nti"-oping &eg$lations and the International /tandards incorporated into the I%%F %nti"-oping &eg$lations. I declare that I am not c$rrently $sing and ill not in the f$t$re $se any s$bstance or method or other practice hich #iolates the I%%F %nti"-oping &$les. I $ndertake to compete in %thletics dr$g free at all times. 1... I am a are of and ha#e had the opport$nity to re#ie the %thlete Information Notice a#ailable on the I%%F ebsite at http!***abo$tiaaf*p$blications*reg$lations*inde+.html concerning the $se of my personal information by the I%%F. I consent and agree that my personal information may be $sed by the I%%F in accordance ith the %thlete Information Notice. 1.0. I consent and agree in partic$lar that my 1ersonal Information incl$ding itho$t limitation my /ensiti#e 1ersonal Information 'as those terms are defined in the %nti"-oping &eg$lations) may be processed for anti"doping p$rposes in accordance ith the I%%F %nti"-oping &$les and the I%%F %nti"-oping &eg$lations 'and the International /tandard for the 1rotection of 1ri#acy and 1ersonal Information incorporated into the %nti"-oping &eg$lations) by and amongst the I%%F and its %rea %ssociations and 2ember Federations, the 3orld %nti"-oping %gency, National %nti"-oping %gencies and*or other %nti"-oping 4rganisations, incl$ding, b$t not limited to, as part of the %-%2/ database system. 1.5. I consent and agree that for the limited p$rpose of promoting the I%%F, the sport of %thletics, or partic$lar athletics competitions, the I%%F may itho$t charge and on a orld ide basis $se any images that are taken of me in any media at or in con6$nction ith any athletics competitions in hich the I%%F has an o nership interest, incl$ding the 3orld Championships in %thletics and other 3orld %thletics /eries e#ents. 1.7. I ackno ledge and agree that any disp$te arising o$t of a decision made p$rs$ant to the &$les may be appealed e+cl$si#ely as pro#ided in the &$les to the Co$rt of %rbitration for /port 'C%/). I ackno ledge and agree that all decisions of C%/ $nder the &$les shall be final and binding and that I ill not bring any claim, arbitration, la s$it or litigation in any other co$rt or trib$nal. ,. 8nless rene ed $pon the I%%F9s re:$est at any time, this %greement shall be of indefinite d$ration and shall terminate only $pon my retirement from %thletics. .. ;his %greement shall be go#erned by and constr$ed in accordance ith the La s of 2onaco. I ackno ledge that, by signing this %ckno ledgement and %greement, I ha#e read and $nderstand this %ckno ledgement and %greement and that it is legally binding. -ate! Name! -ate of <irth! /ignat$re! _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ [Print Last Name (in Capitals), First Name] _________________________________________________ [Day/Month/Year] _________________________________________________ Send to: OR fax: + 377 93 503263

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