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Christine Batulan I.




Telex Service

Vertical filling case

Safe Cabinet

Shelving Cabinet

Stationery cabinets

Tub & Desk Cabinets

Visible Files

Transfer Case

Christine Batulan I.T-Afternoon

Business Invitation Letter

PJ PARTY 22 Yew Street, Cambridge, Ontario Tel:416-223-8900 April 7, 2013 Dear Mr. D. Jones, You are kindly invited to a gala dress ball celebrating the birthday of Mrs. Sarah Smith. The ball will take place at the Crystal Hotel on Tuesday the 2nd of July. The dress code is formal. Proceedings will start with a display of fireworks at 8 pm while a program of events will be delivered to you upon arrival. A four course dinner will be served in the Montgomery hall at 9.00, whereby Mrs. Smith will make her arrival and welcome each of you personally. Free parking will be on disposal to guests at the front gate of the venue. Please complete full details on the attached Rsvp and return to the address stated above by the 3rd of July. Unfortunately we are not in position to accept replies received after this date. On behalf of Ms. Smith, I look forward to your attendance. Sincerely, Mr. V. James

Christine Batulan I.T-Afternoon

Friendly Invitation Letter

23 San Benito Rd. Brisbane, CA 94005 August 19, 2012 Hello Margret! Its been too long since our last visit, and I thought Id write to you to see how everything is. So, how are you and the family doing? If I remember correctly, Maggie is just about to start kindergarten, right? That must be exciting; she was always such a bright girl. And what grade is Jeff going into? 7th or 8th? Hes growing up so fast. They both are, really. My kids are getting ready for the school year as well. Max just mentioned you guys the other day while we were at the park. He remembered how Maggie was throwing the pebbles last time and asked when hed get to play with her again. I really hope that I can tell him youll all be visiting soon. You guys should drive up for a weekend out with us. Theres a new restaurant in town, and I think youd like it, its very simple and cozy. We all miss you very much, Margret, and the family is welcome to come visit any time at all. I hope all is well with everyone. Please send hellos from all of us to your family. Talk to you soon. Love, Elisa D.

Christine Batulan I.T-Afternoon

Order Letter
February 14, 19XX

Lindsay Office Products P.O. Box 1879 Spokane, Washington 98989 Subject: Furniture and equipment order Please ship the following items from your sales catalog dated January 31, 19XX: ITEM CATALOG # COLOR QTY PRICE

Conference Desk HN-33080-WB Sandalwood 2 $478.60 ea. Credenza HN-36887-WK Sandalwood 2 431.40 ea. Executive Chair HP-56563-SE Toasted Tan 4 422.00 ea. File Cabinet HN-5344C-K Beige 2 135.90 ea. Letter Tray K5-299907-A Black 6 16.95 ea. The items ordered above should be shipped C.O.D. to this address: CLAIMS DIVISION, LAW DEPARTMENT City of Austin P.O. Box 96 Austin, Texas 78767-0096 The costs above reflect a discount of 50/10, with net due in 30 days after the invoice date. The merchandised is to be shipped by your company's own truck line at a rate of 7 percent of the total net cost. We are remodeling our offices and have a target completion date of March 30, 19XX. If there is any reason you see that you can keep your part of this schedule, please let me know immediately. Sincerely, BereniceChamala Supervisor, Clerical Services

Christine Batulan I.T-Afternoon

Appreciation Letter
February 16,2013 Achievers Capital LLP 10 Eunos Road 8 #10-04A Singapore Post Centre Singapore 408600 Dear Simon, We would like to thank you for arranging all our Corporate Insurances and personal insurances on our behalf. Your expertise and commitment to us as your customer can be clearly seen in the way you demonstrate your professionalism. Thank you for your continuous sound advice and assistance. We wish you good health and success in your work. Yours Truly, Lim Ho Choon

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