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Long Reach Village Center Redevelopment FAQs

Why is the county considering a purchase of parts of Long Reach Village Center? The Village Center has been in serious decline for some time, and, given concerns about vacancies, security and impact on neighboring property values, members of the community have asked for County involvement. Additionally, the current owners are willing to sell the Village Center and have approached the County with a proposal. So the County Administration has decided to move forward with a potential purchase. So what would the plan be? What are the next steps and what is the vision? Howard County is currently working on an agreement to purchase much of Long Reach Village Center and draft a plan for redevelopment. While no final decisions have been made, the County does have preliminary ideas which it thinks are feasible. At the center of those plans is the development of an arts community, which would move the Howard County Arts Council and Center for the Arts to Long Reach and build synergies with the Columbia Association Arts Center. The County is also considering the possibility of co-locating other museums. To engage the community and ensure this is a collaborative process, the County will retain a design team to solicit input. What approvals are needed for this project to go forward? The first step would be Howard County Council legislation that would declare the center an urban renewal area, a prerequisite to additional steps. Howard County has plans to pursue that legislation this month. After approval, the County Administration would have the authority to purchase the property, hire a manager and draw a redevelopment plan. Will there be any difference immediately? After a purchase, the goal would be for residents, tenants, customers and others in the community to see both short and long term improvements. In the short term, the County would hire a professional property manager, and will undertake immediate efforts to immediately improve the appearance of the property. Longer term redevelopment plans will be developed with on-going community feedback. I live near the Village Center. Does that mean my home is in an urban renewal area? No. The boundaries of the urban renewal area include only commercial properties. The plan does not directly impact residential properties. However, it is expected that a newly vibrant Village Center, after redevelopment, would have a positive effect on the value of neighboring properties. Has the county ever done anything like this before? This is a unique opportunity. County leaders feel it must be taken to prevent future decline and is only acting because the private sector has been unable to make the Village Center survive and thrive. So why does it make sense for the County to get involved in just one Village Center? The County is aware that all of Columbias Village Centers are interrelated, economically and socially. A perception that one Village Center may be failing affects the perception of other Village Centers and the perceived

viability of the entire community. This economic approach will bolster the entire Columbia submarket. With more 90,000 people living in Columbia today (a third of Howard Countys population), the big picture of economic stabilization and economic development is at the center of this action. What will happen to the existing business? Will they be able to stay? The County will develop a short-term leasing plan and work with viable tenants as a development program is put in place. What opportunity is there for public involvement in this process? Initially, residents will have the opportunity to share testimony as the Council considers legislation designating the Village Center as an urban renewal area. As a redevelopment plan is developed, there will also be broad community involvement. Will there be an anchor tenant, such as a supermarket? There is currently a Market Study underway now that will help identify the needs and best use of space in our Village Centers. It is unclear if the traditional concept of a grocery store as an anchor tenant is feasible, given recent easily accessible commercial growth near the Long Reach Village Center. However, the County understands the need for the Village Center to be a destination that attracts visitors and customers day and night, and which includes some amount of retail space to serve the community. A Market Study of Long Reach and other Columbia Village Centers is now underway and will serve as a guide to future plans.

Will the County be a long-term owner and developer? Once a plan is developed with community input, it is the Countys intent to enlist privatesector development partners. The County may retain ownership of a portion of the Center. What other benefits come with this? There are many benefits that the County hopes this project will provide. Some benefits include: the stabilization and increase of nearby property values; the creation of an arts community; and environmental and stormwater improvements that would come from redevelopment. Who is in support of this project? The Long Reach Village Board has expressed its support, as has leadership of the Columbia Association Art Center and others in the arts community. Furthermore, a major tenant in the Village Center and partner to the Long Reach community, Celebration Church, has expressed plans to purchase a separate portion of Village Center for expansion and is also supportive of County ownership. How can I stay involved, provide feedback and learn more? We encourage you to provide feedback to Howard County Constituent Services Representative Regina M. Clay at Email your thoughts, and we will also reply to you as meetings are schedules and opportunities for public input arise.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howard County Office of County Administration Long Reach Village Center Redevelopment FAQs January 2014

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