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PROJECT STATUS REPORT TEMPLATE This Weekly Project Status Report Template is free for you to copy and use on your project and within your organi ation! We hope that you find this template useful and welcome your comments! Pu"lic distri"ution of this document is only permitted from the Project #anagement $ocs official we"site at%


Scope Schedule Percent &omplete% &ost Risks ''( )uality

This section pro*ides a +uick e'ecuti*e o*er*iew of the status of the project! ,t is intended for high le*el management so it should not get too much into the details of the project! -owe*er. it should highlight anything specific which should "e "rought to their attention! The Scope/Schedule/&ost/)uality ta"le a"o*e is a +uick way to present a color coded dash"oard for the status report! Typically a *ariance of 0/1 2( will warrant a yellow cautionary color and 0/1 34( will warrant a red warning color! 5or a project which needs tighter control 0/1 6( and 0/1 2( are used for these thresholds7 whereas. other projects with less strict control may use 34( and 64( *ariances! The percent complete here should "e the percent completion of the entire project! 5or any constraint which is yellow or red this section should contain "rief e'planation the reason why! The project schedule is 8( "ehind schedule due to inclement weather which has affected the installation of the fi"er optics throughout the campus! This should not affect the project completion date as crews are planning to make up the time "y working weekends and e'tended hours ne't month! The project risks is red due to the inclement weather and ser*ers which were deli*ered last month weren9t configured with the correct hardware specifications! The impact of the inclement weather on the schedule will "e mitigated "y ha*ing crews make up the time "y working weekends and e'tended hours ne't month! &urrently we are working with the ser*er *endor to resol*e the ser*er hardware configuration pro"lem! The configuration deli*ered will not handle the work load of going li*e in two months7 howe*er. it is sufficient for de*elopment and testing acti*ities scheduled prior to going li*e!


5or this section you can copy the :Worked Planned for ;e't Week: section from last week9s status report and paste it into this section!

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,n this section you should pro*ide a highlight of work performed and milestones and/or deli*era"les met during the past week!


Pro*ide an o*er*iew of the work "eing performed during the ne't week and any milestones or deli*era"les you e'pect to meet!

This section should contain a list of open issues along with their status!

This section should contain a list of all open risks <risks which ha*e occurred. or are on the *erge of occurring=!


This section is a +uick ta"le which shows the status of the project milestones and deli*era"les! The first column is for the name of the #ilestone or $eli*era"le as it9s in the project plan! The ne't column is the W>S num"er. this makes it easier to find the milestone/deli*era"le in the project plan! Planned is the planned date according to the appro*ed project plan. the forecasted is the date you e'pect and actual is the actual date the milestone was met or deli*era"le was deli*ered! The status is a simple one or two word status such as7 completed. on schedule. "ehind schedule. accepted. etc! #ilestone W>S Planned 5orecasted ?ctual Status







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<Nombre del Proyecto>


@se this section to track all changes to the project and report the status of those changes! Tracking of changes starts with the re+uest for the change. tracks the appro*al status and ends when the change is added to the project. the project plan and schedule update and it has "ecome a part of the project! &hange Re+uest ;ame ?dd 'y 5unctionality ?dd Redundant Ser*ers &hange Re+uest ;um"er &R224AB &R22436 Re+uest $ate B/3A/64'' 6/38/64'' &urrent Status ,n Re*iew "y &hange &ontrol >oard ?ppro*ed and >eing ?dded to the Project Plan


#any managers turn right to this section as it pro*ide a clear *iew of the status of the project according the earned *alue metrics! ,n your project you need to decide which metrics to monitor. "ut "e sure not to include too many as you may end up pro*iding the same information "ut in different forms! We like to track SC. SP,. &C and &P, in the layout "elow! ;e't to the schedule and cost headings you should state whether the project is ahead of or "ehind schedule and o*er or under "udget! ;otice we left out the word on 1 it is highly unlikely that you! ,f you like you can also include a paragraph at the "eginning of this section presenting the earned *alue results in *er"ose! Sc+ed,le 1 Project is ?head of/>ehind Schedule Schedule Cariance <SC=% D'''' Schedule Performance ,nde' <SP,=% '!'' Co-t 1 Project is E*er/@nder >udget &ost Cariance <&C=% D''' &ost Performance ,nde' <&P,=% '!''

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