Metro Proposals On LAX/rail Connection

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Motion by Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas

and Supervisor Don Knabe
Metro Construction Committee
Amendment to Ite
January 16,2014

Airport Metro Connector

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) is

working with Los Angeles World Airports(LAWA)to connect Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX) to the Metro Crenshaw/LAX line and the
existing Metro Green Line.

As noted in the Technical Refinement Study of Alternatives, the options

through LAX would route Metro rail under the airport with one or two
centrally located stations, which will connect the Metro Green and
Crenshaw/LAX Lines directly to the airport. This category of alternatives
was carried forward for further consideration in the Draft EIS/EIR because it
was found by Metro to result in the fastest travel times and highest ridership
to the airport of all the alternatives, and was well received by the public
during the winter 2012 public outreach activities.

Item 15 on the agenda indicates that previously analyzed alternatives are not
to be carried forward into the environmental review phase. The two
Alternatives believed to yield the highest ridership, alternatives C3 and C4,
are set to be eliminated from further study. Metro has a duty to thoroughly
assess the best options for the public on a vital project likely to remain in
service for generations.

We, Therefore, Move that the MTA Board of Directors direct the CEO

Carry alternatives C3 and C4 into the environmental review phase for further
study to the same level of detail as other alternatives.

los Angeles County One Gateway Plaza Zi3.g«.=~~~ ~~~
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Los Angeles, CA gooi2-2952

JANUARY 15, 2014
JANUARY 16, 2014




Receive and file this monthly status report on the Airport Metro Connector(AMC)and
the ongoing coordination between Metro and Los Angeles World Airports(LAWA). This
report also provides an update on the revised set of alternatives recommended for
advancement to the environmental review process.


At the October 24, 2013 meeting, the Board instructed the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO)to provide a monthly status report on the ongoing coordination between Metro's
Planning and Construction teams and LAWA for the AMC and Crenshaw/LAX projects
(Attachment A). Also in October, the Board directed the CEO to prepare a preliminary
assessment of the feasibility of providing an alternate connection point for the Metro
Green Line, Crenshaw/LAX Line, and AMC to connect to LAWA's proposed Automated
People Mover(APM)near Aviation Boulevard and 96th Street and locating LAWA's
proposed Intermodal Transportation Facility (ITF) near the new Southwest Maintenance


Crenshaw/LAX Project Aviation/Century_Station, LAWA Proposed Accommodations

Since the Crenshaw/LAX Project's Notice to Proceed (NOP)was issued on September
10th, the project team has been advancing the project to construction as environmentally
cleared and designed, with the groundbreaking scheduled for January/February 2014.
Currently, Final Design is 50°/a complete with completion targeted for Spring/Summer

LAWA and the Crenshaw/LAX Project Team are also working to incorporate three
accommodations for pedestrian and automobile circulation recently requested by LAWA
near the Aviation/Century Station. The Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)for
these three accommodations outlining financial responsibilit~r was approved by both
parties(LAWA on December 2"a and Metro on December 5 ).

Consideration of a Connection Point at Aviation Boulevard/96~' Street

In December, Metro Planning executed the contract amendment for the AMC consultant
team to conduct the preliminary assessment of the Aviation Boulevard/96th Street
Connection near the maintenance facility being built as part of the Crenshaw/LAX
project. The purpose of the assessment is to identify the opportunities and constraints
associated with providing an alternate or supplemental connection location for Metro's
light rail system and L.AWA's proposed APM system, in conjunction with LAWA's
proposed ITF. Based on the results of the assessment, the Board may wish to include
this alternative in the Airport Metro Connector environmental review. We anticipate
updating the Board in February.

Environmental Process for Airport Metro Connector

Based on the November 6, 2013 meeting with LAWA,the Federal Transit Administration
(FTA)and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)and the subsequent letter
(Attachment B)confirming our discussion, the following points were agreed upon
regarding the recommended path forward for the AMC and APM Projects:

• The FAA and FTA both supported continued local planning, including California
Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)environmental analysis and the preparation
of Environmental Impacts Reports (EIRs);
• Metro will take the lead for analyzing the light rail alternatives for the AMC and
LAWA, in a separate, yet coordinated and parallel process, will take the lead for
analyzing the LAX ground access improvements, including an APM;
• Planning and environmental analysis will proceed on separate, coordinated and
parallel paths so that decisions can be made with appropriate commitments
from both Metro and LAWA; and
• At the conclusion of the respective analyses, Metro and LAWA anticipate
reaching consensus on a Locally Preferred Alternatives)("CPAs")that may be
advanced to the appropriate federal environmental clearance processes, upon
action by our respective Boards.

With concurrence from both FTA and FAA, we now intend to prepare an EIR separate
from and prior to initiating the federal environmental clearance process. We are
working with LAWA to align our project schedules and agree upon the assumptions that
underlie our respective analyses. The schedule for the AMC project will be driven by
the time it takes to reach agreement on the assumptions. Further, coordination with the
Crenshaw/LAX project, which is currently under construction, is taking place to the
extent possible given that the APM and AMC projects have not been environmentally
cleared and approved by the respective agencies.

Alternatives Advanced to Environmental Review Phase

At the October 2013 Board meeting, we presented the AMC Technical Refinement of
Alternatives Study. Since that report, and in coordination with LAWA, we have further

Airport Metro Connector Page 2

reduced the number of LRT alternatives to be advanced to the environmental review
phase. It should be noted that the alternatives moving forward all have connections to
LAWA's proposed APM system:

• Aviation/Century Connection (Alternative A in the Technical Refinement Study) —

LRT accommodations to preserve connection to LAWA APM at Aviation/Century;
consistent with LAWA's approved Specific Plan Amendment Study(SPAS)that
includes the APM alignment along 98th Street;
• ITF Connection (Alternative B in the Technical Refinement Study) —
CrenshawlLAX and Metro Green Lines are shifted to the west to connect with the
LAWA proposed ITF near Airport Boulevard and 96th Street. Metro Rail
passengers would transfer to a LAWA APM system to complete their trip to the
LAX terminals; and
• LRT Branch 1 Station (Alternative C1 in the Technical Refinement Study) —
extends the Crenshaw/LAX and Metro Green Lines to the LAX terminals with an
intermediate station at LAWA's proposed ITF, near 96th Street and Airport
Boulevard, and a terminal station on the eastern portion of the LAX terminal area
near the Theme and Administration Buildings. Passengers destined for a terminal
on the western portion of LAX would transfer to the LAWA APM to complete their
trip. The APM alignment and station locations within the terminal shall be
determined by LAWA.

Attachment C includes maps of the LRT options recommended for further analysis,
including connections to LAWA's proposed APM system.

Alternatives Eliminated from Further Anal

In coordination with LAWA,several previously analyzed alternatives are proposed not to
be carried forward into the environmental review phase. They include the BRT and
three LRT alternatives.
• BRT Alternative —this mode would operate on an aerial busway between
Aviation and Sepulveda Boulevards and then transition to mixed flow operation
using the existing airport roadway inside the terminal area. With this
configuration, the BRT mode is subject to roadway congestion within the airport
terminal area which reduces reliability and results in longer travel times;
• LRT Branch with two-station loop (Alternative C2 in the Technical Refinement
Study) — extends the Crenshaw/LAX and Metro Green Lines to the LAX terminals
with an intermediate station at LAWA's ITF, near 96t" Street and Airport
Boulevard, and an underground loop alignment in the terminal area with one
station on the east and a second station on the west, near Tom Bradley
International Terminal;
• Through LRT with 1 Station near Tom Bradley International Terminal (Alternative
C3 in the Technical Refinement Study) — extensions of the Crenshaw/LAX and
Metro Green Lines through the LAX terminals with an intermediate station at
LAWA's ITF, near 96th Street and Airport Boulevard. South of the LAX terminals,
the LRT alignment would continue under the south runway and reconnect with
the Metro Green Line near the current Mariposa Station; and

Airport Metro Connector Page 3

• Through LRT with 2 Stations (Alternative C4 in the Technical Refinement Study)
- extensions of the Crenshaw/LAX and Metro Green Lines through the LAX
terminals with an intermediate station at LAWA's ITF, near 96th Street and Airport
Boulevard, and two stations located in the LAX terminals(one near Tom Bradley
and one near the eastern terminals). South of the LAX terminals, the LRT
alignment would continue under the south runway and reconnect with the Metro
Green Line near the current Mariposa Station.

These alternatives were eliminated due to LAWA assigning a higher level of risk to
tunneling under critical facilities (i.e. terminals, runways). (Due to their commitment to
an elevated APM, LAWA requested that the LRT alternatives in the terminal area be
analyzed with underground alignments). Travel time impact to non-airport passengers
and higher capital cost were also factors in reaching the decision to not move forward
with the LRT alternatives. The Bus Rapid Transit(BRT)alternative was added to the
AMC Study at the request of LAWA. With the approval of the SPAS and LAWA's
commitment to an APM system, the BRT is eliminated from further consideration.
Attachment D includes maps of the LRT and BRT options eliminated from further


We will continue coordinating with LAWA to exchange the information necessary to

come to agreement on the common assumptions to be used to analyze the LRT and
APM alternatives as well as confirm the schedules for our respective planning
processes. Upon reaching agreement on the project assumptions, such as LAWA's
APM alignment in the terminal area, Metro can initiate the Draft EIR. We will also
continue our assessment of the Aviation Boulevard/96th Street and ITF Connection and
will bring the results to the Board.


A. October 24, 2013 Board Motion

B. Joint Metro/LAWA Letter to FTA and FAA
C. Alternatives Advanced to Environmental Review Phase
D. Alternatives Eliminated from Further Analysis

Prepared by: Cory Zelmer, Project Manager(213)922-1079

Roderick Diaz, Director Systemwide Planning (213)922-3018
Renee Berlin, Executive Officer,(213)922-3035
Bryan Pennington, Executive Officer(213)922-7449

Airport Metro Connector Page 4


Krishniah N. urthy
Executive Director, Transit Project Delivery

Martha elborne, AIA

Chief Planning Officer

Arthur T. Leahy
Chief Executive Officer

Airport Metro Connector Page 5


October 24,2013 Board Motion

MTA Board Meeting Relating to Item 18-B

October 24,2013


Airport Metro Connector

Measure R was passed in 2008, with overtwo-thirds support of voters in Los

Angeles County, and provides funds for a promised transit connection #o Los
Angeles International Airport(LAX). Today,five years later, as we contemplate
the alternatives for maximizing transit connectivity to LAX,the convenience to our
transit riders, many of whom will be making the airport connection, must remain
among Metro's highest priorities. Therefore, i# is important to have the GEO
report to both our Construction Committee and Planning and Programming
Committee on a monthly basis so Airport Metro Connector alternatives that are
deemed viable by the Board are not precluded by circumstances under Me#ro's
control, such as unresolved coordination, planning, or project sequencing issues
during the immediate and near term efforts to construct the adjacent


Instruct the CEO to report back to the Board on a monthly basis, at a minimum
through both the Construction and Planning and Programming Committees as a
standing item, on the status of coordinating efforts between Metro's Construction
and Planning teams, and regarding coordination with Los Angeles Word
Airports, in order to maintain both viability and efficient connectivity for the Airport
Metro Connector and the CrenshawlLAX Transit projects.

Airport Metro Connector Page 6


~~i.f ~tl L ~ dL~-~


~~:)}p~C~ i~Z7~~~C)1°~~

December 20, 2013

Mr. David Cushing

Los Angeles Airports District Office Manager
Federal Aviation Administration
15000 Aviation Boulevard
Lawndale, CA 90261

Mr. Ray Sukys

Director of Planning, Region 9
Federal Transit Administration
201 Mission Street, Suite 1650
San Francisco, CA 94105

Mr. Ray Tellis

Team. Leader
Federal Transit Administration
888 South Figueroa St, Suite 2170
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Re: FAA./ FTA/ LAWA/ 1Vletro Meeting on LAX Transit Connections

Dear Mx. Cushing, Mr. Sukys, and Mr. Tellis:

At our meeting on November 6, 2013, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation

Authority (Metro} and the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) described the ongoing
coordination between our agencies over the last 18 months to determine how best
connect the Los Angeles International Airport {LAX) to the regional rail system. During
the meeting, LAWA representatives summarized the significant steps that have been
taken to advance the LAX ground access improvements, which include an Automated
d the
People Mover (APM) and several other airport access projects. Metro ~plaine
technical refinement study recently completed with LAWA staff's cooperation to further
refine the Airport Metro Connector(AMC) alternatives. We also discussed the possible
paths forward to environmentally evaluate and clear the separate, coordinated
projects. At the meeting, several points were agreed upon:

• The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA} and Federal Transit Administration

(FTA) both supported continued local planning, including California
Environmental Quality Act(CEQAJ environmental analysis and the preparation
of Environmental Impacts Reports (EIRs);
rail alternatives for the AMC
Metro will take the lead for analyzing the light
lead for analyzing the LAX ground
Project and separately LAWA will take the
access improvements, including an APM;
eed on separate, but coordinated
Planning and environmental analysis will proc
can be made with appropriate
and parallel paths so that decisions
commitments from both Metro and LAWA; and
ses, Metro and LAWA anticipate
At the conclusion of the respective analy
natives)("CPAs") that may be
reaching consensus on a Locally Preferred Alter
l clearance processes, upon
advanced to the appropriate federal environmenta
action by our respective Boards.
LAWA, both FAA and FTA are invited
During the planning level analysis by Metro and
s related to design and environmental
to participate in an advisory capacity on issue
LAWA and Metro will continue to work
impacts under each federal agency's purview.
ctive analyses common assumptions,
collaboratively to ensure that for their respe
xts are used for evaluating the AMC
criteria and methodology, and planning conte
tion program functions including
alternatives and the LAX ground transporta
and other key inputs recognizing the
alignments and designs, passenger levels,
FTA. During the CEQA processes,
variances required by CEQA, NEPA, FAA and
yses supporting the LPA(s) selections by
neither FAA nor FTA will approve tine anal
being reached on a projects) to move
Metro or LAWA. However, upon consensus
al environmental clearance process to
forward, both FAA and FTA may allow the feder
be initiated upon request by Metro and LAWA
will coordinate on the development of
Over the coming weeks, both of our agencies
our independent, coordinated planning
schedules and common assumptions for
efforts and will share these with you once complete
look forward to working with both
We appreciate your continued support and


Gina Marie Lindsey

Arthur T. Leahy
Executive Director, Los
Chief Executive Officer, Metro
World Airports

Alternatives Advanced to Environmental Review Phase

Aviation/Century Connection
~,,,'E~B`~° ' A
Alternative Al
AviationlCentury ~ ~ ~~ INGLEV~~OD
LIM1-!i~l: N~':li ~j

___ __ ~ i.~fl f~'f"µ~' ~ _

__ _

----- 96TH ST A
_ .. - —

t 98tH 5T
y I

~ ~
rcNn IPV RI Vn °°-°.~.

I ~ v

_- —_
__ __
—__ ~
Under Construction - ' - ---
Crenshaw/LAX Line &Station ~ _— ~ '~
~ ~ I
ProjedAlternative ~ ~ ~,_~ _ _ — --- _-- i
~~1~.. Automated People Mover &Station'~i
~ i_' ~ -~— = 1 - ~
•••`I~ (Aerial Alignment) _~

Feet - — ~ __ i

(LRT Elements Only — LAWA to Analyze APM Alternatives)

Airport Metro Connector Page 8


Alternatives Advanced to Environmental Review Phase

Through ITF Connection

Alternative B
ITFConnedion INGLU00~
~~~ "a aw...
.n_i~. r.,~


f 96TH 5T
t T.

~ 98TH 5T
5~~~~~l~~;~~~~~~ Q.
.~ I

•. f

'` 0' _
~ -— 1
~._— _ __, _~
Under Construction -- --
_—~ ___-- __
CrenshawlLAX Line &Station —- r' J ~ — _ ---
Project Alternative
Light Rail Alignment &Station r ~1 ~ ~'
(Underground AlignmenU
Automated People Mover(APM) J --- — ~
& Station (Aerial Alignment)
~~s APM Extension _ r
~ 500 ,.D00 2.~0 N

(LRT Elements Only — LAWA to Analyze APM Alternatives)

Airport Metro Connector Page 9


Alternatives Advanced to Environmental Review Phase

LAX Terminal Connection

-_ --
Atternative CT p~ rC [~+ ~~~'~'~Q~
~US ANt75~G`~ ,
Terma~at Connection -
LRT Branch (t CTA Station)'. _ ~I III i
_______ _ - avane
iiv:.~.-q rh ea ~i

~ ARBOR VITAE Sf ~_ '`a"~

~. _~, -~., ~5

— ~~ ~~ ~~ ~._ —.-. _ _. ~a_1-,

i _ — — — ((' ~
~1, _ ~~ 96TH 57 `~~
__ - ~~~ _
_ _ _ p ~1
_- --_ '_— -____
is ~.
9HfH S7 '~

~_ a~{
F'n Bare rcM~IpV RLVn a 1 ~


Ufl~Bf C.0115~rUC~lOI1
~'7„ -:~ Crenshaw/LAX Line &Station '., _ --_ -- - __ _ '
i _ _ _- _ ..
Project Alternative ~ ~ ~~~
Light Rail Alignment &Station r- __ ---
Nnderground Alignment) - -~~ _ _ --- - _ -- - ~ ~
Automated People Mover(APM) -- - ~~ ~'
&StaL'onlAerialAlignment) -- ~r - - i ~~. i __ ~~~-
~ 1
~~~ APM Extension ~ ~I, - i - -- - - ~ I -.-"
D 500 1.000 2.000 - ' -. --" — ---". - -- `i -
Feet N ~~~ -

(LRT Elements Only — LAWA to Analyze APM Alternatives)

Airport Metro Connector Page 10


Alternatives Advanced to Environmental Review Phase

Aviation Boulevard/96th Street Connection

Alternative A2
Aviationl96th St. ~i~- ~~~w11'/e~!11~—a i~3G~E~00~
~ t~S ANGELES .~

i u~ ~o~~ ri risn
~, ~F I; FF'.'.'I ~

___ "-.-- -
____~ _'_



..__._.- _ -
_._- 1 .—

Under Construction ~. ~ -- _ __ ---- --- --- ~ ~ — ~ ~~

- — -_ -
CrenshawlLAX Lme &Station I ~, ~ i
i i ____ --
Project Alternative ~I~' '' _. _ -
~ - _ _ _ --
~!~"L~ Automated People Mover & Station ~
- _ ' ~_~ ~ '~ ~ ----
J - — -- _.~ ,
Zr (Aerial AlignmenU __ ; ~ _-- -' ___
0 500 1.000 2.~ - --~ ---- —
Feet N ' ._.._- --__..----

(LRT Elements Only — LAWA to Analyze APM Alternatives)

*Contingent upon results of feasibility analysis currently underway

Airport Metro Connector Page 11


Alternatives Eliminated from Further Analysis

LAX Terminals Connection —Two Stations

Alternative C2
TerminatConnedion- I LOS ANGELES
LRT Branch (2 CTA Stafions~',

—. Maintenance Facility
----__ i
---- — --_--- -,~
_' t
96TH 5T ~:~`

98TH 5T P ~~
J ~~
x ~':j x

~~un~w a~vn a tiR1LS7rT.7~ ~/


'`~ -.

~ G`

Airport Metro Connector Page 12


Alternatives Eliminated from Further Analysis

Through LAX —One Station near Tom Bradley International Terminal

Alternative C3 '~
TerminalConnec[ion- ~
Through LRT(t CTA StatioN I~ ~ ~ ~"'' ~' ~- Maintenance Facility,
~ ~.

---~ ;---
~` — — ~'~ I
'~° 1—~ '%`' vsnisr

98tH ST ~'
II` ~~

i f ~', CENNRY 6LVD

~.;'1 j1, ~ 1~1~
~~ /

~, ~~~I, ~E1
~~~ — — — — -I.

-- _ ---- 1
_ -- ~k~ ---

I - ~ - - ----

\4 ~

Metro Green Line

'.~ Metro Green Line &Station ,..

Under Construction ~~a~,

Crenshaw/lAX Line &Station
ProjeM Attemative MAPLE AYE
ai..core .~~.
Light Rail Alignment & Statior !~ ~
o ~o ,.00a Z.000 N

Airport Metro Connector Page 13


Alternatives Eliminated from Further Analysis

Through LAX —Two Stations

Alternative C4 I A.~~ INGLEWOOD ``
TermmaLConnection- ~
i r ~. ~~:~.~n -
Throwgh LRT {2 C7A Station ~ ~ - _ ~~'
-- 1 L~S~~J~EiES ~ ,~~~
—_ _ -~ _--T-
~ ~ ,.
~ ~ ~ f .[cry t ♦ w.
,__ -_ __ , ~1 ~ 96TH ST \'-
.. --
___. -
~ J E~ a
o 98TH Sf
t _ f acver '^""

'~ ~ f`~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ wrrrurrreuro ~

Project Alternative r"^P~E AvE

Light Rail Alignment&Station ~~~°~~~~~~ _ ~E~
~ ~~ AIRE
0 500 ,.000 z.000
N ~
_ —

Airport Metro Connector Page 14


Alternatives Eliminated from Further Analysis

BRT Alternative
LiIS ANGELES ! . I P! 1:

__ ____
--,~ a
._.. --__~ _ __ ."'._ _-. ~ - 98TH ST ~~
-_. _ 7 ~.
-__- _`-. _. — ~ Potential Lot C m
— --- - - ^
-- Area Station


~, C~

Airport Metro Connector Page 15

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