Medford City Council Regular Meeting Agenda January 28, 2014

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Medford City Council The Third Regular Meeting Medford, Massachusetts January 28, 2014 City Council Paul

A. Ca uso, President Richard !. Cara"iello, #ice President !rederic$ %. &ello Russo, Jr. Ada 'night (reanna )ungo*'oehn Michael J. Mar$s Ro+ert M. Penta Council President, Paul A. Ca uso, called the Third Regular Meeting of the Medford City Council to order at ,-00 P.M. at the .o/ard !. Alden Me orial Auditoriu , Medford City .all. ROLL CALL SALUTE TO THE FLAG RECORDS The Records of January 14, 2014 /ere 0assed to Councillor )ungo*'oehn. MOTIONS, ORDERS AND RESOLUTIONS 14-02 -1ffered +y Councillor )ungo*'oehn Be It Resolved that the appropriate City Department update the council on the "Mandatory home inspections" that will be taken place. 14-0!!-1ffered +y Councillor 'night (e 2t Resol"ed the Medford City Council discuss the Real Pro0erty 2ns0ection Progra . 14-0!0- 1ffered +y Councillor )ungo*'oehn

Be It Resolved that the City Department Heads forward the City Council a list of goals for 2014. As discussed at the City Council's committee of the whole meeting on goals, it would be nice to see what each departments would like to see changed and improved on, such as an inter-departmental e-mail system for the Medford Fire department. 14-0!1- 1ffered +y Councillor )ungo*'oehn Be It Resolved that the City Council comment on how well the snow removal went during this past storm. As a councilor I saw and heard much improvement over the first storm and I hope that the good work keeps up. 14-0!2-1ffered +y Councillor 'night (e 2t Resol"ed the Medford City Council congratulate M.3 student*athlete Marissa 4illia s on scoring her 100th career 0oint for the )ady Mustang5s #arsity .oc$ey tea . 14-0!"-1ffered +y #ice President Cara"iello (e 2t Resol"ed the council offer condolences to the fa ily of Terry )eto on her recent 0assing. Terry /as a lifeti e Medford resident and the 6rand other of Medford Patrol an Charles .artnett. 14-041-1ffered (y Councilor Cara"iello(e 2t Resol"ed the council offer condolences to the fa ily of Roland Philli0s, for er resident and &P4 /or$er /ho 0assed a/ay this /ee$ in Ari7ona after a long illness. Roland Philli0s and his /ife #ictoria /ere the o/ners of #ictoria and Roland &ance 3tudios on Main 3treet for any years until their retire ent. Roland /as also a 'orean 4ar #eteran. 14-0!#-1ffered +y Councillor Penta (e 2t Resol"ed that this +eing the second re8uest since early &ece +er that the City ad inistration did not res0ond to, that our 0u+lic 4or$s director and Jac$ (uc$ley and the 0aid outside architect for the ne/ &P4 +uilding a00ear +efore the council to gi"e us an u0date on the 912 illion dollar &P4 +uilding and its /or$ing o0erations. 14-0!$-1ffered +y Councillor Penta (e 2t Resol"ed that the city ad inistration a00ear +efore the council and 0ro"ide an u0date as to the conta inated soil location in the 4est Medford 0ar$ing lot 14-0! -1ffered +y Councillor Penta (e 2t Resol"ed that the atter regarding the long o"erdue re0ort on the Craddoc$ +ridge +e discussed

14-040-1ffered +y Councillor 'night

(e 2t Resol"ed that the Medford City Council in"ite re0resentati"es fro the Mystic Ri"er 4atershed Association to a00ear +efore the Co ittee of the 4hole to discuss their 0riorities and efforts along the Medford 0ortion of the /atershed. 14-042-1ffered +y Councillor 'night. (e 2t Resol"ed the Medford City Council co end Patric$ 3$erry on his efforts in esta+lishing !e+ruary 1, 2014 as Autis A/areness &ay in College (as$et+all. 14-04!-1ffered +y Councillor 'night. (e 2t Resol"ed the Medford City Council congratulate 6ro"er Road residents To y MacA"eeny and &e"in Merrill on the +irth of their first child )ia Tho as. %ETITIONS, %RESENTATIONS AND SIMILAR MATTERS 14-0!4Petition +y 4alter :. Regan, 1, !lorence 3t, Medford, MA to discuss the ne/ &e0art ent of Pu+lic 4or$s garage. 14-0!&Petition for Co on #ictualler )icense +y Melissa A. )ynch, ;4 6rant A"e, Medford, MA for The Ro"ing )unch+o<, 11= Mystic A"e, Medford, MA 1% !2): (usiness Certificate >2;, (uilding &e0t. !ire &e0t. Traffic 2 0act .ealth Treasurer?Collector 3tate Ta< !or )etter of Co 0liance 4or$ en@s Co 0ensation Petition

COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MA'OR 14-044January 24, 2014 To: The President and Members of the Medford City Council

From: Michael J. Mc lynn, Mayor !e: "oan #rder$ Medford %i&h 'chool (oiler !e)lacement Pro*ect

+ear Mr. President and City Councilors:

, res)ectfully re-uest and recommend that your %onorable (ody a))ro.e the follo/in& "oan #rder: C,T0 #F M1+F#!+, M2''2C%3'1TT' "#24 #!+1! 5Medford %i&h 'chool (oiler !e)lacement Pro*ect6 (1 ,T #!+1!1+: That the City a))ro)riates the amount of T/o Million Four %undred T/enty Thousand 'i7 %undred 'e.enty$T/o +ollars 582,420,9:26 for the )ur)ose of )ayin& costs of re)lacin& the boiler at Medford %i&h 'chool, located at 4;< =inthro) 'treet, in Medford, includin& the )ayment of all costs incidental or related thereto 5the >Pro*ect?6, /hich )ro)osed re)air )ro*ect /ould materially e7tend the useful life of the school and )reser.e an asset that other/ise is ca)able of su))ortin& the re-uired educational )ro&ram, and for /hich the City has a))lied for a &rant from the Massachusetts 'chool (uildin& 2uthority 5>M'(2?6, said amount to be e7)ended under the direction of the 'chool (uildin& Committee. To meet this a))ro)riation the Treasurer, /ith the a)) of the Mayor, is authori@ed to borro/ said amount under M. .". Cha)ter 44, or )ursuant to any other enablin& authority. The City acAno/led&es that the M'(2Bs &rant )ro&ram is a non$entitlement, discretionary )ro&ram based on need, as determined by the M'(2, and if the M'(2Bs (oard of +irectors .otes to in.ite the City to collaborate /ith the M'(2 on this )ro)osed re)air )ro*ect, any )ro*ect costs the City incurs in e7cess of any &rant that may be a))ro.ed by and recei.ed from the M'(2 shall be the sole res)onsibility of the CityC and that, if in.ited to collaborate /ith the M'(2 on the )ro)osed re)air )ro*ect, the amount of borro/in& authori@ed )ursuant to this .ote shall be reduced by any &rant amount set forth in the Pro*ect Fundin& 2&reement that may be e7ecuted bet/een the City and the M'(2. AND FURTHER ORDERED: That the City Treasurer is authori@ed to file an a))lication /ith The Common/ealth of MassachusettsB Munici)al Finance #.ersi&ht (oard to -ualify under Cha)ter 442 of the eneral "a/s any and all bonds or notes of the City authori@ed by this .ote or )ursuant to any )rior .ote of the City, and in connection there/ith, to )ro.ide such information and e7ecute such documents as the Munici)al Finance #.ersi&ht (oard of The Common/ealth of Massachusetts may re-uire. Dery truly yours 5si&nature fileE)a)er6 Michael J. Mc lynn, Mayor

UNFINISHED (USINESS 1!)"!! Acce0tance of 6.).C. 48 AB(, ABC, AB& esta+lish Reser"e !ire !orce 2% C2TC C1D%C2) *1!-#&# AD6D3T ;, 201= TA():&

Ta<i 10erator )icense !rant7 !rancois 2% C2TC C1D%C2) %1#:M(:R 1B, 201= TA():&


&r. 4. 4ood &iscuss Casinos

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)oan 1rder Mc%ally Par$ 2 0ro"e ents 9;2A,000 2% C2TC C1D%C2) A&#:RT23:& &:C:M(:R 1,, 201= &:C:M(:R 2;, 201= !2R3T R:A&2%6 M:&!1R& TRA%3CR2PT

+Eli,i-l. /o0 t1i02 0.32in, 43nu30y 14, 20145 *14-00# Jose0h #iglione, AB 6arfield A"e, 0u+lic records 2% C2TC C1D%C2) JA%DARC ,, 2014 TA():&

%U(LIC %ARTICI%ATION COUNCIL %A%ERS IN COMMITTEE R.6o0t7 Du. 8 D.32lin.7 12*A0,*Traffic Co R.co0279 The Records of January 14, 2014 /ere 0assed to Councillor )ungo*'oehn. A2:ou0n;.nt9 ission Re"ie/ traffic 0atterns 4inthro0 3treet rotary E Rural A"enue

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