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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

South Africa
You are going to work with the topic South Africa for the next weeks, and as an icebreaker you are going to find knowledge about the country. Please do not copy paste, I want to hear it in your own words. Where is South Africa, how many provinces are there and what is the name of the capital? South Africa is at the southernmost point in Africa. If you follow the definition of a capital, there is 3 capitals in South Africa, however Pretoria is the city in which the government is situated. There is 9 provinces. What was the first white people to settle in South Africa called, where did they come from and why? Jan van Riebeeck and his crew from the Netherlands came to South Africa in 1652 and settled a refreshment station in Cape of Good Hope it is now known as Cape Town. Describe in your own words what Apartheid is? Apartheid is racism taken to a another level, it is not just personal hatred from the people, the government has made it absolutely clear that black people does not deserve the same treatment as white people.

Eddy Grant sang the song: Give me hope Joanna. Listen to it on and read the lyrics. Make a short analysis of the song and what it is about. The song is all about giving hope to the people of South Africa in a time of need.

In 1960, passports were introduced for registrating the slaves transport between cities. Why did they introduce them and what do you think about it? It was merely another attempt to further separate the black people from the white, to be honest I really have a hard time judging this single event, I think it is more about the entire history of apartheid. Make a presentation of Nelson Mandela

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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

Mandela was a South African native who was extremely vocal about black peoples rights, after giving a ton of speeches, he was inprisoned by the government in 1962. He was in prison for 27 years, and when he came out he was a national hero, and played a huge role in the removal of apartheid. What is ANC? It stands for African National Congress, it is a socialistic political party in South Africa, it has stood for black peoples rights since 1912. After the removal of Apartheid they won the election with Mandela. What is Robben Island? It is a small island just north of Cape Town, it is primarily known for housing Mandela while he was imprisoned. Even though it was only known for having Mandela, it has also held several other opponents of the Apartheid regime for capture.

In 1954, the minister of teaching H.F Vorwoed declared to a South African newspaper:

When I have control of "Native" education, I will reform it so that the "Natives" will be taught from childhood to realize that equality with Europeans is not for them.

What do you think about this statement? He was most likely taught the same, so even though this seems horrible for us, you have to remember that for the Europeans in South Africa, it was completely normal. They have lived with the belief that black people are not worth as much for generations.

South Africa in the 1940s

There were a number of developments in the 1940s that gave Black South Africans hope that their situation could improve: the British, American and South African governments signed the Atlantic Charter in 1941 and the African National Congress (which argued for better rights for Africans) published a document called Africans Claims.

Read the following sources:

Source A from Africans Claims, written by the ANC In South Africa, Africans have no freedom of movement, no choice about the job they have, no choice of where to live and no right to buy land. They face serious disadvantages in education, politics and the money that they have. The European, American, Asian and African soldiers have won better rights based on fair play and equality treatment for all
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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup


Source B from the Atlantic Charter The governments of Britain, America and South Africa respect the right of all peoples to choose the government under which they will live (by giving everyone the right to vote). Source C from the Bill of Rights suggested by the ANC The African people in South Africa, urgently demand the same rights that are enjoyed by Whites in South Africa. We demand: The right to vote and be elected to parliament. The right to be treated equally by the courts of law Freedom of where to live and the end of laws such as the Natives (Urban Areas) Act, and Natives Land Act. Being able to travel wherever they want, and the repeal of the pass laws, Natives (Urban areas) Act. We demand the right to an equal share in all the resources of the country, and we demand that the present situation of 12% of the land for 7 million Africans as against 87% for about 2 million Whites is unfair and therefore demand a lot more land for Africans
Questions Read source A 1) What was Africans NOT able to do? Travel anywhere, choose a job, vote, buy land and have proper education, 2) What did the soldiers fighting in WW2 win after the war? Read source B and write out the following sentences, filling in the gaps The ___Atlantic_______ Charter said the governments in Britain, America and ___and______South Africa _____all_____ agreed that everyone should have the right to _a__vote______ and choose the __right_government___________ for their country. Read source C
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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

4) Give three examples of the demands that the ANC wanted for Africans. For each demand explain how the situation in South Africa was unfair in the 1940s.

The right to vote and be elected to parliament - they couldnt vote or be elected. The right to be treated equally by the courts of law - the court would favor white people in disagreements. Freedom of where to live and the end of laws such as the Natives (Urban Areas) Act, and Natives Land Act. - black people couldnt live anywhere they wanted. I am Nelson Mandela and I joined the ANC Youth League in 1944. I am giving a speech arguing that the lives of Africans are terrible and need to be improved. I need a speech writer to help me. Black people in South Africa are oppressed, even though 80% of the population is black, the white government introduced apartheid, which limits our rights to absurd degrees. All we want is equality between the races. You need to explain how difficult the lives of Africans were (land, jobs, housing, no vote, no freedom) The best way to explain the dire situation of black people in South Africa is to compare them to animals, because that is basically what they were, they had no
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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

means to choose how their life would unfold. They were pretty much just living.

You need to explain how the lives of Africans can be improved (Africans Claims, Atlantic Charter and the bill of Rights) (jeg skifter til nutid fordi jeg er forvirret) The only right thing to do is to get rid of apartheid completely, and try get complete equality between the races.

Fill the gaps using these key words from the text: thief jewellery thug armed hysteria lie-detector commentator vehicles

carjacking apartheid

1. _____Apartheid_______ was the political system that existed in the past in South Africa in which only white people had political rights and power. 2. If someone is ___armed_________, it means that they are carrying a weapon, especially a gun. 3. A ___thief_________ is someone who steals something. 4. ______carjacking______ is a crime in which a thief attacks a car-driver and steals the car. 5. A _____thug_______ is a violent person, usually a criminal. 6. A _____lie-detector_______ is a machine that checks if you are telling the truth or not. 7. Objects that you wear for decoration such as rings or necklaces are called _____jewellery_______ . 8. A ______commentator______ is a person who writes or talks about a particular subject. 9. Cars, lorries, vans and buses are all examples of ____vehicles________ . 10. _____hysteria_______ is a state of uncontrolled excitement or extreme fear.

Read the text and make the assignments afterwards

Everyday terror in South Africa drives film success by Rory Carroll in Johannesburg
On a rainy night in Johannesburg a woman stops her car outside her house, gets out of the car and rings the doorbell. A man runs across the street, jumps into the vehicle and tries to drive away. The woman turns around and screams - her baby is on the back seat. She tries to grab the driver's door. The thief points his gun at her and fires. A bullet enters the mother's stomach and she falls to the ground. The thief drives away with her car and her baby. This is the beginning of the film Tsotsi - a South African film that won the Oscar for best foreign language film. The film shows a crime that makes many South Africans very afraid - carjacking. Every year thousands of motorists lose their cars in carjackings in South Africa. The lucky ones just lose their cars. The unlucky ones are kidnapped, raped and murdered.

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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

Tsotsi is the story of a young thug from the Johannesburg township of Soweto who changes his life after kidnapping a baby by mistake. It is the latest in a new wave of South African films that look at crime and other aspects of modern society. Car hijacking is an especially rich subject. It is the meeting point between the rich and poor worlds. says Guy Willoughby, a cultural commentator and writer. The highest number of carjackings was in 1998 when there were 16,000 cases. Now the number has fallen. There were 12,434 cases last year, and commentators say it shows South Africa is changing in the postapartheid age. When apartheid ended in 1994 and democracy came to South Africa, there was a rapid increase in violent crime. Many white South Africans were very worried. In the late 1990s there was a lot of hysteria, almost a national panic. People thought car hijacking was a specific attack on the middle class, said Antony Altbeker, a carjacking specialist. But now people are beginning to accept it. South Africas largest city, Johannesburg, was once the crime capital of the country but in the past two years crime has fallen by 35%. But hysteria returned for a few days last week when a gunman shot a pregnant woman twice in the stomach while she was sitting in a car and killed her unborn child. Some carjackings are not really carjackings at all. Sometimes car-owners sell their cars to criminals and then tell the police that someone has stolen their car. They do this to get the insurance money. BMW has now introduced a lie-detector test with its insurance scheme and the number of insurance claims has fallen.
Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2006 Taken from the Magazine section in

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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

But it is clear that Tsotsi shows a real problem. Last Saturday three armed men attacked the film's director of photography, Lance Gewer, outside his Johannesburg home and stole his car. Police found the car and Mr Gewer's plane ticket to Los Angeles for the Oscar Awards hours later. Experts say that 40% of the stolen cars are broken up and the parts are then sold. Another 30% are re-registered, usually with the help of police or transport ministry officials, and sold in South Africa. The rest, particularly luxury 4x4s, are exported, often to eastern Europe. There are usually more carjackings on Fridays because motorists are more relaxed at the beginning of the weekend. Some carjackers work alone, others work for syndicates. Last years the police arrested members of a syndicate with 22 members, including three junior police officers, who specialized in attacking women drivers for their jewellery. An estimated 20% of carjackings are violent. The film's writer and director, Gavin Hood, said that being the first South African film to win an Oscar tells me and all of us at home that we can do it. What we want, like everybody else, is just to tell our stories, said the white South African. He said he wanted to show the despair and violence of post-apartheid South Africa and also to tell a universal morality tale. I hope more South African filmmakers will tell their stories now. Choose the correct answer according to the text: 1. The number of carjackings in South African is / falling. 2. Tsotsi won the Oscar for best / foreign language film. 3. Drivers who just lose their cars are lucky / 4. One gang attacked women / for their jewellery. 5. There are more / carjackings on Fridays. 6. In Johannesburg, crime has / fallen by 35% in the past two years. 7. Tsotsi is the first / South African film to win an Oscar. 8. Stolen luxury cars are often exported to / eastern Europe.

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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

Fill the gaps in these phrases from the first paragraph of the text using appropriate prepositions or adverbs. Check your answers in the text. 1. she stops ___at____ her house 2. she gets ____out of___ the car 3. he runs ____across___ the street 4. he jumps _____in__ the vehicle 5. she turns ___around____ 6. he points his gun __at____ her 7. she falls ____to___ the ground 8. he drives _____away__ Complete the table with the past simple form of the verbs. 1. steal ______stole______ 2. break ______broke______ 3. run _______ran_____ 4. drive ______drove______ 5. fall ______fell______ 6. think ________thought____ 7. sell _____sold_______ 8. begin ______began______ Rearrange the letters to make verbs from the text. 1. macers ____________ 2. brag _____grab_______ 3. pankid ____________ 4. capcet ____________ 5. restar ____________ 6. laste _______latest_____

I tried for quite a while, I have no idea why I couldnt figure it out, but oh well.
Choose the best answer according to the text: 1 The film Tsotsi C a) is simply a universal morality tale b) only shows the despair and violence of post-apartheid South Africa c) shows the despair and violence of post-apartheid South Africa and is a universal morality tale 2 Why are there more carjackings on Fridays? B a) because there is more traffic on Fridays b) because drivers feel more relaxed c) because carjackers work alone 3 How do the middle classes react to violent crime in South Africa now? A a) there is a national panic b) they react hysterically c) they have begun to learn to accept it as part of everyday life 4 What does the films director hope will happen? A a) that other South African filmmakers will tell their stories b) that carjacking will decrease c) that he will win another Oscar

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Side 8

South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

Match these verbs from the text with the nouns they collocate with: 1. ring 1d a) a story 2. point 2f b) a vehicle 3. explore 3e c) an Oscar 4. steal 4b d) the bell 5. tell 5a e) an issue 6. win 6c f) a gun These words and phrases are followed by prepositions. Fill the gaps with an appropriate preposition. Check your answers in the text. 1. come to terms __with_____ 2. bring attention _____to__ 3. adapt ____to___ 4. threat ___with____ 5. with the help ___of____ 6. specialize ___in____ Complete the table: Verb Noun 1 rob ____robber________ 2 murder ____murderer________ 3 succeed _____success_______ 4 increase _______a increase_____ weve had a increase to our amount of blablbalba ?????? 5 threaten ____threat________ 6 claim ____the claim________ ????????????

Do you agree that violent films should be shown if they depict reality? yes Match up the key terms with the definition:

APARTHEID ANC NELSON MANDELA AFRIKANER COLOURED DR DANIEL MALAN THE NATIONAL PARTY PAC SHARPEVILLE People who were classified as mixed race - coloured The Party that introduced Apartheid after 1948 - The national party The Prime Minister in 1948 that introduced Apartheid - Dr. Daniel Malan A system of separating different racial groups - apartheid White South Africans that were originally from -

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South Africa

English 8. grade

Karlslunde Skole 2014 Lotte Moestrup

Holland - afrikaner The African National Congress - ANC A peaceful demonstration that ended in the death of 67 black South Africans shot by the police - Sharpeville The Pan Africanist Congress - PAC One of the leaders of the ANC and President of South Africa from 1994 - 1999 - Nelson Mandela

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