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IA HD 51 Dirkx wife MGT

Date, 2010

Dear Friend: Believe me, I know t at w en it !ome" to #$%%lin% work, rai"in% kid" and kee&in% $& a ome, it'" not alwa(" ea"( to "ta( $&)to)date on "tate &oliti!"* And in an im&ortant ele!tion (ear like t i" one I'm afraid, like it or not, t at mo"t of o$r information !ome" from +0 "e!ond "o$nd ,(te" and "li!k !am&ai%n ad"* -ell, if (o$'re an(t in% like me, w en .le!tion Da( roll" aro$nd, (o$'re "till not /$ite "$re a,o$t t e ! ara!ter of t e !andidate (o$'re votin% for* T at'" w ( I de!ided to write t i" letter* M( name i" 0ora Dirkx, and m( $",and, Dan Dirkx, i" r$nnin% for 1tate Ho$"e ere in Di"tri!t 51* In"tead of an im&er"onal !am&ai%n &o"ter or a radio ad introd$!in% Dan, I o&e, a" i" wife I !an el& (o$ %et to know im a little more &er"onall(* Dan and I ,ot %rew $& in Iowa )) e %rew $& in Breda and I %rew $& in 2arroll* M( "i"ter introd$!ed me to Dan at ! $r! * He wa", frankl(, t e la"t t in% I wa" lookin% for at t e time* -ell, it didn't take lon% for im to "teal m( eart, and #$"t a " ort time later we were married*

IA HD 51 Dirkx wife MGT

I "till !an't ,elieve t at wa" 13 (ear" a%o4 D$rin% t e !o$r"e of o$r life to%et er, we ave ,een ,le""ed wit a wonderf$l, "till)%rowin% famil(* In fa!t, we !$rrentl( ave one more ,le""in% on t e wa(4 .ven ,efore we were married, I knew Dan wo$ld ,e a %reat fat er, and I !an tell (o$ I !o$ldn't ave a"ked for a ,etter $",and* Dan a" alwa(" done ever(t in% e !o$ld to &rovide for $" and make "$re t at I !o$ld "ta( ome wit o$r ! ildren* He a" alwa(" worked ard to in"till in t em t e val$e" of ard work, &er"onal re"&on"i,ilit( and love for God and !o$ntr(* It ma( "eem "im&le, ,$t t o"e are t e "ame val$e" e a" $& eld in i" own life )) even w en time" %ot to$% * And I !an tell (o$, e a" "een i" " are of ! allen%e"* 5n one &arti!$lar da( o$r "even)(ear old wa" "erio$"l( in#$red in a farmin% a!!ident, and ad to ,e life)fli% ted to De" Moine"* I wa" a me"" and feared t e wor"t* Dan ,ro$% t $" to%et er a" a famil( in &ra(er and, fort$natel(, .li#a onl( "$ffered a air)line fra!t$re and in#$red i" kidne(* M( $",and wa" "$! a ro!k t ro$% t e w ole ex&erien!e and en!o$ra%ed $" all to lean on God and ea! ot er, even in t e wor"t of "it$ation"* I know t at if ele!ted, Dan will !arr( o$t t at "ame level of "tren%t , leader" i& and %odline"" into i" work a" o$r 1tate 6e&re"entative* .ven now, no matter ow e!ti! t in%" %et at work, e "till make" "ervin% ot er" a &riorit( )) and "ome ow "till i" a,le to &$t i" famil( fir"t*

IA HD 51 Dirkx wife MGT

- et er it'" "ervin% in man( !a&a!itie" at ! $r! , vol$nteerin% for t e fire de&artment or ,rin%in% o$r or"e" in for t e lo!al ! ildren to ride at t e A$,$rn Harve"t &artie", Dan a" alwa(" tried to "erve o$r !omm$nit( an(wa( e !an* I tr$l( ,elieve it'" i" "tron% fait in God t at make" %ivin% ,a!k to o$r !omm$nit( "o im&ortant to im* Dan al"o $nder"tand" ow im&ortant it i" t at we ave 1tate 6e&re"entative" w o will %et o$r ,$d%etin% &ro,lem" $nder !ontrol "o we don't fa!e ma""ive tax in!rea"e"* 7o$ "ee, w en taxe" %o $&, it onl( mean" le"" mone( in t e &o!ket" of ardworkin% Iowan" and le"" time familie" %et to "&end wit ea! ot er* He al"o $nder"tand" #$"t ow im&ortant it i" to "tand $& for traditional val$e", and e want" to make "$re t at ever( Iowan en#o(" t e "ame ed$!ational o&&ort$nitie" we ad %rowin% $&* I know t at, if ele!ted, Dan will tr$l( ,e a 1tate 6e&re"entative ever( Iowan !an ,e &ro$d of* T at'" w ( toda( I'm writin% to a"k for (o$r el&* -on't (o$ #oin o$r famil( in votin% for Dan Dirkx in t e General .le!tion on 0ovem,er 28 I !an tell (o$ if (o$ vote for Dan, (o$ won't ,e "orr( (o$ did* T ank (o$ for (o$r time* 1in!erel(,

0ora Dirkx

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