Sunday, January 26, Knox Bulletin

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Church Opening Today: Tim Pauli Church Opening Next week: Jim Hider Ushers this week: Tim

Pauli, Karen Savelle, Diane Parker & Ron Gray Ushers next week: Tim Pauli, Karen Savelle, Diane Parker & Ron Gray Greeters this week: Don & Margaret McMillan Greeters next week: Coffee this week: Marlene Hanson & S aron Tays ADULT STUD G!OU" !e meet toget er in t e Parlour on T ursday, January "#t at $ PM %or a&out an our %or our %irst study time o% '#$() *ur resource is Embracing An Adult Faith by Marcus Borg on What It Means To Be A Christian:) +ac session, ,e ,ill ,atc a D-D .resentation and t en s are in conversation and .rayer) T ere is a ,ork&ook %or .artici.ants t at ,ill el. us in our s ared /ourney) T e cost o% t is &ook is 0$1)##) 2% you ave any 3uestions, .lease s.eak ,it Mark Gedcke) OU! ##$%%&L '(SS(ON ) Don4t %orget to sto. at t e 5ood 6ank ta&le and .urc ase an item) 7ll %ood items ave .rices marked) make your c oice and .lace it in a &o8 &elo,) T en .ay &y .utting t e money into t e cas &o8) So sim.le &ut eac donation makes suc a di%%erence in t e lives o% t ose in need) &(NTA(L ON T*% !OAD 9ast July, ,e ad a %antastic 1 days ,it :Kintail *n T e Road;) T anks to t e good ,ork o% t e .lanning team, volunteers and t e Kintail Sta%%, ,e ad an ama<ing time) !e .lan to ave K*TR at our c urc again t is summer) !e are in need o% mem&ers %or our Planning Team, including someone to co=c air ,it 6ev Hider) Please s.eak ,it Mark Gedcke, 6ev Hider or Mary Dougall to learn more) 'inister: Rev) Mark Gedcke 1$> 1?1 @@$? or &y email at mgedckeAkno8strat%ord)com Director of 'usic: Su<anne Stra an Office Ad+inistrator: Kat y 6aker Treasurer: S annon 7rc er Office: ,#-)./#)01/1 kno8sA,ig tman)ca O22(C% *OU!S -a+) #p+ Tuesday through 2riday

&NO3 "!%S4 T%!(AN C*U!C* 5anuary .6th7 .0#8 ##:00 a+ Minister= Rev) Mark Gedcke Guest *rganist B Mic el 7llard

"!%"A!AT(ON 2O! $O!S*(" = Prayer, Meditation and -isiting "!%LUD%: $%LCO'% AND ANNOUNC%'%NTS CALL TO $O!S*(": 9eader: T e /oy o% your .resence %ills us ,it o.e today) People: We sing our songs of praise with thankfulness that you have called us. 9eader: Cou are God4s .eo.le and you ave ,onder%ul ne,s to s are) People: We are Gods people and we have been given a vocation: to serve, to heal, to nurture and to love. O"%N(NG * 'N: D ?$' 7rise, your lig t as come

"!A %! O2 ADO!AT(ON 9 CON2%SS(ON AND T*% LO!D:S "!A %!: *ur 5at er in eaven, allo,ed &e your name, your kingdom come, your ,ill &e done on eart as in eaven) Give us today our daily &read) 5orgive us our sins as ,e %orgive t ose , o sin against us) Save us %rom t e time o% trial and deliver us %rom evil) 5or t e kingdom, t e .o,er and t e glory are yours no, and %orever) 7men "ASS(NG O2 T*% "%AC%: 9eader: T e Peace o% E rist &e ,it you Congregation: And also with you. ANT*%': S e. erd Psalm B D) & J) Hall, arr) M) McDonald C*(LD!%N:S * 'N: D F>@ Saviour, teac me day &y day C*(LD!%N:S T('%

SC!("TU!% !%AD(NG: 2saia >:$=( Matt e, (:$'='1 S%!'ON: Stand G. 5or +ducation

* 'N: DF(> Ho, clear is our vocation, 9ord O22%!(NG O22%!TO! : O22%!TO! "!A(S% "!A %! O2 D%D(CAT(ON Htoget erI * 9ig t 6ringer, ,e .ut our trust in your love t at invites us to action) May kindness and com.assion ins.ire us in our o%%erings t is day and eac day o% our li%e) Guide us to see o, you are calling us to &e .art o% your o.e coming into t e ,orld) 7men "!A %!S O2 T*% "%O"L%: Hres.onsiveI 7&iding in your love, we put our trust in you. CLOS(NG * 'N: D'(> T e day o% resurrection 4%N%D(CT(ON * 'N: D?11 Go ye, go ye into t e ,orld "OSTLUD%:
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

GA'%S N(G*T < 5anuary 1#st7 .0#8 < /:00 p=+= 9ooking %or somet ing to do to get rid o% t e ,inter &la sJ Join us %or a %un nig t o% games in t e &an3uet allK 6ring your %avourite game and snack) Cou can .lay your %avourite game ,it your %riends or learn a ne, one) Mark you calendars and &e ready to ave some %un ,it your c urc %amilyKKK A thank you to everyone , o as signed u. to set=u. and clean=u. co%%ee and treats on Sunday mornings) 2 still re3uire ' .eo.le %or 5e&ruary and June) T e Sign u. s eet is in t e c urc o%%ice or contact 7nne MarieLTim Pauli at eit er 1$>='?$=F?$@ or at tim.auliArogers)com

S"%C(AL ANNOUNC%'%NT T e Kno8 Personnel Team ,ould like to announce t e iring o% a custodian) Dean Scott ,ill &e /oining our :team; as o% Monday, January '?, '#$() !e ,elcome Dean to Kno8) ('"O!TANT NOT(C% Pre.aration o% t e 7nnual Re.ort ,ill &egin s ortly) 5or t ose , o ,ill &e su&mitting re.orts, .lease do so as soon as .ossi&le) T e %inal deadline %or your re.ort is 2e>ruary #8= Cour re.ort is to &e given to Kat y 6aker in t e o%%ice) T anks
OUT* G!OU" GO%S TU4(NG *n Sunday, 5e&ruary >t , t e yout ,ill ave lunc in t e 6an3uet Hall %ollo,ing ,ors i.) T en, ,e go to t e River -alley !inter Tu&e Slide in St) Marys, *M) T e cost is 0$@ .lus ta8 .er .erson) 2% you ave any 3uestions, .lease contact one o% t e leaders: S annon or !endell 7rc er, Mark Gedcke, Heat er Hislo. or Sara Hislo.) ! C"#$% & APP$#%"' %" $( ")*+" +, ,%$- P) +./" )#A% C0*)C0, +")A"($)1 An annual congregational meeting o the church !ill be held on "unday# March $# $%&'. At said meeting# the congregation shall elect and a((oint )ine *+, Trustees or a one *&, year term in accordance !ith the -riginal Trust .eed. Candidates must be members o /no0 1resbyterian Church# "trat ord in ull communion. )ominations !ill be recei2ed in the church o ice u( to &$:%% (.m. on Thursday# February $3# $%&'. )omination orms are a2ailable in the o ice. )ominee name*s, must be submitted on the orm (ro2ided# must be a member o /no0 1resbyterian Church# "trat ord in ull communion and be su((orted by t!o *$, members and4or adherents o /no0 1resbyterian Church# "trat ord. Trustees that !ere elected or the $%&5 term are Elmer .redge# William Forbes# 1atric6 "cott# .a2id "trahan and 7ohn Waldie.

&NO3 "*OTO D(!%CTO!(%S !e ave some e8tra co.ies o% our c urc . oto directory) !e ave a %e, availa&le %or sale at 0$# eac ) T e remainder ,ill stay ,it Rev) Mark to &e used as gi%ts to ne, mem&ers to el. t em get to kno, our c urc %amily)

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