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Grammar, adjectives

Marian ujaque

1) Put the correct adjective: a. Are you surprised/surprising to see me? b. Their last album was really boring/bored c. I felt so embarrassed/embarrassing when I didnt know the answer d. He told me a really amused/amusing story the other day e. My mum said that she was disappointed/disappointing in me f. I have seen more frightened/frightening films that that one 2) Make adverb with the adjectives a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Angry: Confident: Guilty Responsible: Sudden: Enthusiastic Surprising: Fantastic: Easy:

3) Complete the text with the correct adverb: When I am 18, I want to drive. My father drives very..(good) but too (fast) in my opinion. He also shouts angrily/easily at other drivers, wich I dont like. I like people to drive (confident) and (responsible). My mother works ver y hard/hardly and has to drive a lot in her job. She listen to music in the car and sign ..(enthusiastic). Its so embarrassed/embarrassing. When I take my driving ltest I will have to memorize/memory all the speed limits and rules 4) Write comparative sentences: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. My sister/thin/me Im/busy/this week/last week Cambridge is/far from London/Oxford I did the second exam/bad/the first Chealse played/well/Arsenal The men in my office work/hard/the women My new job is/boring/ my old one

5) Rewrite sentences so they mean the same. Use a. Cindy is taller than Kelly

Grammar, adjectives

Marian ujaque

b. c. d. e.

Your case is heavier than mine Mexico is bigger than Spain Football is more popular than tennis Children learn languages faster than adults

6) Complete the sentences with a superlative a. b. c. d. Yesterday wasday of the year(hot) This is time to drive through the city centre She is person in the class (friendly) This is .. part of the exam(important)

7) Write comparative or superlative a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. aa. bb. My house is .. (big) yours. This flower is . (beautiful) that one. My mom is .. (not / strict) as your mum. Your mobile phone is (not / trendy) as mine. This is (interesting) book I have ever read. Non-smokers usually live .. (long) smokers. John is as.. (tall) Glen. Janet is (beautiful) as Jeniffer. Which is . (dangerous) animal in the world? The weather this summer is even (bad) last summer. He was . (clever) thief of all. You are . (crazy) as my sister. We can run . (fast) as they can. Los Angeles is (large) Chicago. But New York is .. (large) city of the United States. Matrix II was .. (not / interesting) as Matrix I. Apples are (healthy) chips. Elephants are (big) than bears. Gold is . (expensive) silver. Bikes are (slow) transport. This yoghurt (not / taste / good) as the one I bought yesterday. The weather in Hollywood is (good) in New York or New Jersey. Nestor Studios is .. (old) movie company in Hollywood. Disneyland is . (interesting) any other amusement park. London is .. (large) city in Great Britain. No other British city has as .. (many) inhabitants as London. The London underground, the tube, is .. (old) underground in the world. I can do .. (many / press-ups) as you.

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