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Active Suspension System

Jan 2004

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Vehicle ynamics
!ateral dynamics
"andling# transient and steady state cornering Sta$ility# rollover and ya%

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Vehicle ynamics
!ongitudinal dynamics
Acceleration Bra&ing

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Vehicle ynamics
Vertical dynamics
'ide com(ort# )oise* vi$ration and harshness +)V",

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Vehicle ynamics
Suspension design
'ide com(ort 'oad holding "andling

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Active Suspension
Active suspension systems move each %heel up and do%n to control $ody motion in response to road a$normalities.ith an active suspension* a vehicle can simultaneously provide the smooth ride o( a so(t suspension along %ith superior handling associated %ith a (irm suspension-

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

/ar manu(acturers
0M 1ord aimler /hrysler V. 2oyota 3
Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

/adillac S'4

Magnetic 'ide /ontrol

Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

'ange 'over

Electronic Air Suspension +EAS,

Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

Mercedes Benz /! 55 AM0

Active Body /ontrol +AB/,

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Adapta$le Varia$le Suspension

AVS allo%s the driver to select (rom (our suspension settings 6 com(ort to sports (irm 7 at the (lic& o( a s%itch- /omputerized sensors also monitor steering and %heel speed to eliminate dive* s8uat* lean and rollJan 2004 Behzad Samadi

Active "eight /ontrol Suspension

!o% ma&es it easier (or passengers to enter and e9it- "igh accommodates rough terrainIt ta&es :06:5 seconds to raise the vehicle and ;6< seconds to lo%er it-

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Active Body /ontrol

Active Body /ontrol is an active suspension and damping system %hich automatically ad=usts the chassis settings to the driving situationBody movements %hen moving o((* cornering and $ra&ing are reduced as necessary and the optimum level o( damping is provided2he AB/ chassis system o((ers sports car style responsiveness %ithout compromising com(ort- 2his apparent con(lict o( interests is resolved through a com$ination o( active control and passive damping-


Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Active Body /ontrol

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Active Body /ontrol 6 Bene(its

'educed roll and pitch %hen $ra&ing and accelerating !ess $ody roll %hen cornering Sporty driving dynamics and optimum com(ort 0reater directional sta$ility in all situations Sel(6leveling suspension
Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

Active Body /ontrol

!evel Vertical acceleration !ateral acceleration

"igh pressure hydraulic

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Body /ontrol amping

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Active 'oll /ontrol

2'. Automotive# http#>>%%%-tr%-com

Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

Active 'oll /ontrol

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

ynamic Body /ontrol

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Magne 'ide

elphi Automotive# http#>>%%%-delphi-com

Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

Magne 'ide 7 "o% it %or&s

Magneto6rheological +M', (luid is a suspension o( magnetically so(t particles such as iron microspheres in synthetic hydrocar$on $ase (luid- 2here are t%o %or& states#
)ot magnetized state# 2he particles e9hi$it a random patternMagnetized state# 2he applied magnetic (ield aligns the metal particles into (i$rous structures* changing the (luid rheology to a near plastic state-

By controlling the current to an electromagnetic coil inside the piston o( the damper* the M' (luid?s shear strength is changed* varying the resistance to (luid (lo%- By (ine tuning o( the magnetic current* continuously varia$le real time damping is gained-

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Magne 'ide 6 1eatures

Simple monotu$e design %ith no electro6mechanical valves or small moving parts Improved per(ormance and relia$ility over valve6 $ased competitive systems 1ull so(t%are tuna$le damping characteristics provide e9cellent lo% (re8uency $ody control %ithout e9cessive harshness at high velocities E9cellent roll control during transient steering and evasive maneuvers .ide range o( (orce control and high $and%idth (or (ast response !o% po%er re8uirements +20 . per damper ma9,
Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

Magne 'ide 6 Bene(its

1latter ride 66 $y controlling vehicle $ody motions 0reater sense o( sa(ety and security 66 due to improved road6holding capa$ilities Enhanced handling 66 $y controlling the lateral and longitudinal load trans(er characteristics o( the suspension during transient movements 'oad isolation 66 $y reducing the transmission o( high6(re8uency road distur$ances through the dampers 0reater vehicle dynamics control %hen com$ined %ith uni(ied chassis control
Jan 2004 Behzad Samadi

'@A MAS2E'


Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Suspension control strategies

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Active suspension

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Auarter /ar Model

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Auarter /ar Model

E8uations o( motion#

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Auarter /ar Model

State e8uations#
0 0 k &= us z mus 0 0 0 ks mus ks ms 1 1 cs + cus mus cs ms 0 0 1 0 cus 1 z + mus mus cs 1 ms ms ` 1 0 cus Fa mus & x r 0

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

@ptimal /ontrol

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

@ptimal /ontrol 6 !A'

J = ( z T Qz + u T Ru + 2 z T Nu ) dt

0 1 ks 2 + r r 0 ( ) 1 2 ms kc Q = 0 r2 s 2s ms k s cs r 0 2 ms2

0 kc r2 s 2s ms c r2 ( s ) 2 ms c r2 ( s ) 2 ms c r2 s2 ms

0 kc r2 s 2s ms cs 2 r2 ( ) ms cs 2 r2 ( ) ms c r2 s2 ms

k r R = 22 , N = 0 r2 s2 ms ms
Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

Jan 2004

Behzad Samadi

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