Web Bulletin

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JANUARY 26, 2014

Our Purpose...
To reach %eo%le with the love of *esus "hrist( %rovide a safe and su%%ortive environment( %roclaim the standards of +ods truth( du%licate the "hristian life in others( and celebrate the ma,esty and works of -ur +reat +od.

New to Salem Heights?

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite you to seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me badge. Through them you will find information about the ministries of alem !eights "hurch and how to become involved. #lease fill out a $isitor "ard and dro% it in one of the offering bo&es as you leave or scan this code to go directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an e&cellent nursery and %rograms for children newborn through high school. Any of the ushers will be ha%%y to direct you to the %ro%er classroom. 'f you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the service( the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for %arents with small children. There is a %rivate room for nursing mothers across the hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair( changing table and %ortable crib. )or your convenience( it also includes a monitor to enable you to still hear and view the service.

Sunday Worship

Intensi!e "are Unit
#ames $%&'&(
Presented by Pastor Matt MacCollin

If, however you are fulfilling the royal law according to the

Scripture, YOU SHA you are doing well.

O!" YOU# $"I%H&O# AS YOU#S" ',

James 2:8

In)o * News
Important Upcoming Events
"hildrens Ministry Thank .ou /essert( *anuary 01( "ha%el( 2304%m Mens /isci%leshi% resumes( )ebruary 562

Mark Your Calendars!

February 21, 2014 2:&%'8:&% PM
Event open to all 5th grade students and under. Must be accompanied by an adult. Invite a friend! Questions? Contact Russ Libby at 503-588-0403.

Join us for Girls Night Out February 10, 2014

Be sweet and bring a friend or two to this very s e!ial night !elebrating our relationshi s with one another"

grounded !offee sho o ens at

#$%0 &, rogra& starts at '$0(" )hild!are rovided*

Be Sweet

The Purity War

If you were not able to purchase a copy of Dr. Jim Cecy's boo ! (he Purity )ar, but woul" li e to! please contact the church office # $%&'$88'%(%&. VBS 2014 Craft Need
)a*e your baby foo" +ars, -heresa Johns nee"s (%% empty an" clean baby foo" +ars for a .acation /ible )chool pro+ect. If you woul" be willin0 to sa*e ' or alrea"y ha*e a lar0e supply of ' baby foo" +ars! please consi"er "onatin0 them to -heresa Johns. 1ou can contact her "irectly to "eli*er them or brin0 the +ars by the church office.

"alendar o) E!ents
7318 a.m. :344 a.m. :344 ; 11344 a.m. 2344 %.m. #rayer 6 9oom 548 "ross 9oad "ollege unday chool Worshi% ervices mall +rou%s

MONDAY <344 %.m. TUESDAY 23>8 %.m. <344 %.m. WEDNESDAY :318 a.m. 15344 %.m. 23>8 %.m. THURSDAY <344 %.m. FRIDAY 2304 %.m. The Most =&cellent Way "lub 9ock alt Ministry ?ight Womens /isci%leshi% Womens /isci%leshi% Worshi% Team "ollege "ross 9oad Ministry "hildrens Ministry Thank .ou /essert


Fe! " Fe! $% Fe! /$ Moms an# Tots &ir's( Nig)t O*t +,e S-eet. Fami'0 F*n Nig)t



in registration area

Stud !" #$$!%!d

Sundays @ 7:00 AM Wednesdays @ 12:00 PM

Beginning Feb.2
Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM

Beginning Feb. 5
Thursdays @ :00 AM

Beginning Feb. !

Beginning Feb.

"uestions# $onta%t Matt Ma%%o&&in through the %hur%h o''i%e @ 50()5**)0!0(

+i!ing Update
The ministry of alem !eights "hurch is funded entirely by the generous giving of +ods %eo%le. .ou will notice that we do not %ass the offering %late@ however( there are offering bo&es in the back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out of com%ulsion. We believe from the Word of +od that the %irit of +od will lead %eo%le towards giving back to +od of their first fruits. ...+od loves a cheerful giver A5 "or. :3<B and we know !e blesses those who take !is Word seriously in every regard. Thank you for %rayerfully su%%orting alem !eights financially as we desire to reach the lost and disci%le the aints.
3an*ar0 /%$4 T-TAC +'$'?+ D2>(027 MONTH1Y ,UD&ET NEEDED D14<(444

MONTH1Y NEED E WEEK 5 ,UD&ET /ecember Weekly ?eed Week 1 D52(<84 Week 5 D52(<84 Week 0 D52(<84 Week > D52(<84 )iscal .ear to /ate FG6 Actual +iving 9eceived D55(>12 D5<(1<< D1>(<<8 D 6D05(5>0 ,UI1DIN& FUND "urrent Halance D>5(50:

How "an I Ser!e?

/o you own a mart#honeI can the coded icon below to view o%%ortunities to serve the body of alem !eights "hurch. .ou can also visit our website at www.salemheightschurch.org for more detailed information. Helow are some areas in which you can immediately become involved3

Do you lo*e helpin0 chil"ren learn the 3or" of 4o"5 3e are in nee" of *olunteers "urin0 our Club Rocksalt acti*ites on -ues"ay e*enin0s. 6mail Phil )chult7 at pschult7#0mail.com for more information. Do you ha*e e8perience sin0in0 as a soloist or bein0 part of a choral 0roup5 Do you play a musical instrument5 3e currently ha*e openin0s in both the )un"ay mornin0 choir as well as the )un"ay mornin0 orchestra. 9lthou0h we are loo in0 most specifically for )oprano an" -enor *oices! we woul" welcome anyone who is intereste" in bein0 a part of this ministry to contact 9J 9c er throu0h the church office for more information.

3*stin &reene
Senior Pastor/Elder

2ar' 2)ica
Pastor of Family Life/Elder

Lay Elders
2)*c6 Moore Te# Ferr0

Matt Mac2o''in
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

A3 Ac6er
Music Ministry

Ron &roves

R*ss 1i!!0
/irector of Ministries

Tim Sa77ee's
Mid !igh Ministries

3ason ,ro-ne''
!igh chool Ministries

&ina Weigan#
Office Staff

2)rista Ka)i'i
Office Staff

Scott H*nter
Facilities Manager

2onnie 1i!!0
Office Staff

3enn E''iott
Office Staff

3*'ie ,ernar#
Womens Ministry

#lease see our Mission Hoards in the foyer for current active missionaries.
Sa'em Heig)ts 2)*rc) 8"9 Ma#rona Ave: S: Sa'em; OR <"8%/ 9%8=9>>=%4%8 7a?@ 9%8=9>>=988> O77ice Ho*rs@ Mon#a0 = T)*rs#a0 > a:m: = 4 p:m: Fri#a0 > a:m: = 8 p:m: S*n#a0 Wors)ip Services@ < A $$ a:m:
Message 2Ds are avai'a!'e in

t)e Registration Area 7or B4: P'ease visit t)e #es6 in t)e so*t)-est corner to or#er an# pic6=*p 0o*r 2Ds: Yo* can a'so c)ec6 t)e -e!site 7or o*r po#cast: in7oCsa'em)eig)tsc)*rc):org ---:sa'em)eig)tsc)*rc):org

Intensive Care Unit
James 2:1-13

Presented by Pastor Matt MacCollin January 26, 2014

Walking into church for some people is down right scary. Years ago a young man and his wife, along with their young daughter, walked into this church after newly coming to believe the truth about Jesus. He in his faded jean jacket and she in a simple dress, both with hurting hearts because life was full of trials, walked in wondering if the people of this place would accept them. Heres the good news they were not let down, but met by Jesus through His children who intensely cared for them. Hows your heart this morning? How have you come to church? Do you feel accepted? It may be that you came this morning and your heart is hurting due to the trials of life. James has been teaching us about that, and you are not alone. All throughout the halls of Salem Heights Church are people who are experiencing trials of many kinds. Did you know that even if you dress up really, really nice you still have trials? God wants to meet you today; or if you come in wearing a potato sack, God wants to meet you today. Jesus died for every person on this earth and rose again to display His power for all, showing no partiality for what is on the outside. Now thats good news! Lets look into Gods perfect Word and receive instruction from James, one of the great men of faith. He knew that walking into church could be scary and he wanted Gods people to behave as Christs intensive care unit toward every single person.

REVIEW Jamess Instruction

My brethren = of the same womb.

True religion looks like careful speech, caring for the helpless and staying pure in a dark world.

Our salvation is a gift we hold onto. attitude.

Do it with a Christ led

The Illustration
James desires us to see people the way Jesus sees them.

Man looks at the outside, but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

The way we treat people reveals what we really believe about God.

Our Indictment
An evil heart with wicked motives shows personal favoritism.

To judge the outside without knowing the heart or seeing the fruit of a life does harm.

To show partiality is sin because we are forgetting the grace of God towards all people.

Outside of Gods grace we are all condemned as law breakers.

Christ Our Intercessor

Jesus sets us free from all of our sins.

Jesus understands us and we can approach Him continually (Hebrews 7:25).

Jesus is ready to do heart surgery on those who have forgotten grace (Hebrews 4:12-16).

Gods mercy toward you and I means our mercy should be evident to all.

I.C.U. QUESTIONS FOR THE HEART How excited are you about the mercy Jesus has shown you? Is
there anything that keeps you from reaching out to others who have hurting hearts with Christs mercy?


God laid on your heart any motives of favoritism that need taken to His throne of grace today?

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