Ficha 2 'My Dream Job' (Enunciado)

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A. Read the text carefully.

My dream job




Christoph Brettez, Belgium

I would like to be a pilot in the army. This job requires an aptitude for
science and mathematics because navigation skills are important and
calculations have to be made all the time, both on the ground and in the
air. But maths and science are my favourite school subjects. I also like
adventure and I know that when you are a pilot, you are as free as a bird. I
know that it is dangerous, but if you do not take any risk in life, then when
you die, you havent lived at all.
Sandy McCarthy, USA
I imagine myself working in an office for a few hours a day, that is, I would
like to have a nine-to-five job. I know this sort of job involves doing quite a
lot of paperwork, but I dont mind. The salary wont be high at first, but if I
work hard, I may get a good pay rise. However, the real world isnt as good
as my dreams I must study and work, before my dreams come true.
Greg Smith, Wales
I want to be a bartender, like Tom Cruise in Cocktail, and work on Bikini
Island. There are many sandy beaches, with blue skies and transparent
waters. There are beautiful, suntanned bodies everywhere, and the
relaxing sound of crashing waves and refreshing sea smell is just perfect to
escape the rat race which is our society.
B. Answer these questions according to the text.
1. Where are Christoph, Sandy and Greg from and what is their dream job?
2. What skills does Christoph need to land his dream job? Why?
3. Is he on the right track? Justify your answer.


4. Is Sandys dream job easy? Justify your answer.

5. Is it a well-paid job?
6. Who does Greg want to be like and where does he want to work? Why?

A. Write three more words to each group:
1. Jobs/professions: pilot, bartender, __________________, __________________, __________________
2. Work-related verbs: to work, ____________________, ____________________, ____________________
3. Work-related nouns: skills, _____________________, _____________________, ____________________
B. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words.
1. An _____________________ is the first meeting with people you want to work for.
2. An _____________________ is someone who pays somebody to work for him or her.
3. _____________________ are the abilities you need to do something well.
4. A _____________________ is a job or profession that you do for a long time.
5. An _____________________ person is someone who is able to work but cant find a job.
6. The _____________________ is a record of your school qualifications and work experience.

A. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.
1. ______________________________________ (you/do) that course yet? Yes! I
______________________________________ (finish) three weeks ago.
2. ______________________________________ (Greg/buy) that CD for you yesterday when you
were in town? No. He ______________________________________ (already/spend) all his
money for this month.
3. ______________________________________ (they/win) last night? Im not sure, I
______________________________________ (not look) at the results on the internet yet.
4. ______________________________________ (Emma/fail) the exam last week? Emma? No!
She ______________________________________ (never/get) less than 80% in any of her


B. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Wow! What ________________________________ (you/listen) to? I _____________________________
(never/see) you dance like that before!
2. How long _____________________________________ (watch) me? I _______________________________
(not show) you my best yet.
3. I ______________________________________ (listen) to some of my sisters music all week. She
______________________________________ (follow) Estopa for years ever since 1999.
4. I ______________________________________ (not hear) that one before but I know they
______________________________________ (already/sell) millions of CDs.
C. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate compound adjective.
1. Sandy always gets what she wants. She has firm ideas and beliefs. She is
2. You shouldnt trust him. He smiles at your face but keeps talking behind you. He is
3. The characters in that film were horrible. They were very unkind. They were
4. She was so arrogant! She was ____________________________.
5. The teachers like me because I am polite. I am ____________________________.
6. Christophs dad gets angry very easily. He is ____________________________.
7. Greg is kind and friendly. He loves helping people out. He is ___________________________.
8. She is very calm and sensible. She can overcome most difficulties easily. She is
9. The new manager never accepts other peoples ideas. He is ____________________________.
10. He doesnt seem to be easily offended by criticism. He is quite
11. Yesterday my brother was being rude to his English teacher. He was
D. Use the prepositions with, for, in and of to form the correct phrasal verbs.
1. get on _______________
5. be responsible _______________
2. deal _______________
6. be _______________ charge _______________
3. apply _______________
7. be proud _______________
4. be capable _______________
8. fit _______________
E. Complete the sentences with expressions from the previous exercise.
1. The police have to ____________________________ theft and vandalism.
2. In my last job I ____________________________ a big team.
3. As a leader, I ____________________________ the success of my team.
4. Im going to ____________________________ a job at the supermarket.
5. I dont ____________________________ my brother. We argue a lot.
6. She ____________________________ passing her exams if she studies hard.
7. My mother ____________________________ me because I am a good student.
8. I was fired from my job because I didnt ________________________ the companys culture.


A. Choose one of the following topics and write a short text about it.
Do you already know what you want to do for a living?
Dont forget to mention:
what is your dream job
the reasons why you would like to do that job
what does that job involve
the qualities you need for that job
What is your opinion on voluntary work?
What does voluntary work mean to you?
Do you think volunteering is a good idea? Why / Why not?
Do you do any voluntary work or have you ever thought about doing it?

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