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Stress exists, that fact can not be changed. But what we can do to reduce it before we start significantly affect quality of life ? Every day we hear friends, family members or fellow workers to complain of a stressful period or area of life ruled by stress. But let us remember what is stress and why does it so frequently ? !nd perhaps the most important question what can we do to reduce it before us begins to degrade the quality of life? "he concept of stress #from the English stress $ pressure , strain % in the narrow sense is defined as the reaction of the organism to the effects of external and internal circumstances #stress % that are forcing us to change. &n other words , stress is the body's response to a situation that a person experiences as threatening to their physical or psychological integrity. !t the physiological level, stress causes a reaction called the ( fight or flight ( . "he mechanism developed through evolution and serves survival and survival in dangerous situations. What is stress? "he situations and pressures that cause stress are called stressors . )ormally regarded as purely negative stressors , but any event that puts us in front of the high demands or requires us to adapt, can be stressful. So a wedding , buying a new apartment , career advancement can also cause stress. &t is important to know that the sub*ective experience of stress , so what is our source of stress does not have to be someone from our environment . &n other words, whether a real event and become a source of stress , and what will be our response to the event, depending on our assessment and evaluation of the event. Symptoms of stress Stress affects each of us in different ways so it is important to recogni+e the signals of stress. "hey can be classified into four categories those are our thoughts , feelings, behavior and physical symptoms . Some of them are $ ,rop in mood and feelings of loneliness $ "ension , irritability , anxiety , guilt $ -epetitive thoughts and fear of failure $ ,ifficulty concentrating , difficulty in making decisions $ &nsomnia or increased need for sleep $ -educed immunity $ headaches $ .ithdrawal from friends and avoid social contacts $ &ncreased alcohol consumption $ /oss of energy.

&n summary , there is a decline in the quality of life. 0es, stress is a part of life , but do not let that become a way of life . Changes are part of life !s for the controls $ people who are more susceptible to stress often feel they do not have things under control. 1urthermore , people who are more resistant to stress have optimistic attitudes, are less afraid of challenges and have a strong sense of humor. 0ou accept change as an integral part of life. 2ow do you deal with your own emotions also contribute to vulnerability # vulnerability % . &f you do not know how to soothe yourself when you feel sad , angry , or perhaps frightened , and this may contribute to susceptibility to stress. And tomorrow is the new day 3an you find out in advance and prepare for upcoming stressful situation , you will also reduce the stress that would concrete situation could result . Breathing exercises can also help . &n fact, when we are stressed we breathe shallowly , which the bloodstream does not provide enough oxygen. "ake a deep breath . &magine you love the beach , in the minds of smell favorite flowers . "hen, a method of relaxation , such as yoga, meditation , massage and the like can also help. /earn to distinguish the important from the unimportant , do not try to be perfect and you do not get in. trap in the sentence ( *ust the *ob ...( . !nd tomorrow is the day . Since stress is different for each of us , there are no universal strategies to reduce it . 3hoose one that is effective for you . &t is important not to be passive in relation to the effects of stress . !nd finally , if you feel overwhelmed by stress and can not find a way to efficiently help you , contact licensed professionals who will teach you how to effectively manage everyday stress . "his will avoid possible burn$out syndrome # burnout % that occurs as a result of exposure to cumulative effects of stress .

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