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6oo ANNEX II TO IV. C (iii) ( c ) 2 (j3) Cencius was able to depose and mu de a !

ope and install a tende " and w#en t#is Antipope #ad to e$acuate %ome #e too& e'u(e at Constantinople and was esto ed in )*+ b, an East %oman e-peditiona , 'o suc# (ood e''ect t#at #e died in possession o' /t. !ete 0s C#ai . 1 T#e ea'te 2 in ))32 t#e anti45e man 'action in t#e 6ucatus %omanus c#ose a 5 ee& 'o t#ei Antipope a'te t#e, #ad d i$en out Otto Ill0s !ope 7 uno. No was it onl, 'o mate ial assistance t#at %ome in t#is a(e add essed #e sel' td O t#odo- C# istendom. At t#e tu n o' t#e tent# and ele$ent# centu ies suc# spi itual li'e as was to be 'ound in %ome at t#e time was inspi ed b, 7asilian mon&s w#o #ad been d awn to %ome ' om Calab ia b, t#e c ,in( need 'o 'illin( a spi itual $oid.8 On t#e e$e o' 9ildeb and0s bi t# t#e e was not#in( w#ate$e in t#e %oman scene to su((est t#e imminence o' t#e 9ildeb andine e$i$al. E$en be,ond t#e Alps t#e Cluniac mo$ement2 t#ou(# now well unde 1 wa,2 #ad not ,et e$ealed its potentialities. 3 In 'act2 'o a 'u9:j centu , a'te t#e Oecumenical !at ia c# Nicolaus0s t iump# in;: A . 6 . )8< a disinte ested obse $e mi(#t easonabl, #a$e p o=i0 nounced t#at t#e spi itual citadel o' C# istianit, was neit#e %ome> no Clun, but Constantinople. ?et an, suc# p onouncement= would #a$e been p omptl, con'uted b, t#e se@uel. Ou #,pot#etical= 4obse $e would not onl, #a$e been astonis#ed to see Aa oBtaV= ( andson !ope :o#n XII succeeded b, 9ildeb and wit#in nine=' ,ea s" #e would #a$e been pe #aps e$en mo e su p ised to see t'a'ej Oecumenical !at ia c# Nico&us A,sticus succeeded b,.nobod,C= T#e t ut# seems to be t#at t#ou(# Nicolaus was a muc# st on c#a acte 2 as well as a muc# able man2 t#an #is p ede I(natius2 #e was ne$e t#eless outmanoeu$ ed b, t#e up Empe o %omanus Decapenus in )1) in muc# t#e same w I(natius #ad been manipulated b, t#e upsta t 7asil I in *63. an, case t#e !at ia c# Nicolaus0s ostensible $icto , did not ac EEE to t#e ad$anta(e o' =#e Oecumenical !at ia c#ate .and t#is in F o' t#e 'act t#at it could not #a$e come at a mo e oppo moment 'o enablin( t#e !at ia c#ate to eco$e t#e position i it #ad occupied2 t# ee #und ed ,ea s be'o e2 in t#e time oi !at ia c# /e (ius. G om t#e deat# o' Deo t#e Hise in A.6. t#e end o' 7asil I!s mino it, in A.6. )*I t#e le(itimate oc o' t#e Impe ial T# one we e all t#e time eit#e mino s o pc nonentities. 9e e was an unpa alleled oppo tunit, 'o sonaeEe powe o institution in t#e bod, o' t#e O t#odo- C# istian

monastic e'o meit$ and Dot#a m(ia #ad been comin( 'o inspi ation to t#e 7asilian monastic E on Aonte 5m (ano (see 5a,2 :.; UItalic MMdionale et VEmpire Byxantin \ Gontemom()2 p. 3*I).

8 3 Indeed2 since about A.6. )+< t#e Cluniac and ot#e

Go t#is incident see IV. C (iii) (c) 2 (J>)2 p. 33*2 'ootnote i2 abo$e. /ee IV. C (iii) (c) 2 (J>)2 p. 3I32 abo$e.

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