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TGMS installation manual

TELNET Redes Inteligentes

Buenos Aires, 18 50196 La Muela Zaragoza (Spain) TEL: 976 141800

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2012 TELNET Redes Inteligentes S.A. All rights reserved

All information contained in or disclosed by this document is considered confidential and proprietary by TELNET Redes Inteligentes S.A. reserves the right to use this design in other projects without reference to the recipient. By accepting this material, the recipient agrees that this material and the information contained therein will be held in confidence and in trust and will not be copied or disclosed in whole or in part to any third party.

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SMART OLT TMGS installation manual

Control of versions
RELEASE 1 2 DATE 25/01/2013 8/2/2013 DESCRIPTION First document version General review AUTHOR Amador Pozo Daniel Calatayud

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SMART OLT TMGS installation manual

Control of versions ........................................................................................................................ 3 Index .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7 Virtualbox TGMS VM ............................................................................................................. 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3 Virtualbox installation ...................................................................................................... 7 Obtaining the TGMS VM ................................................................................................. 7 Creating a new VM ......................................................................................................... 7 Advanced configuration .................................................................................................. 9 Configuring network interfaces ..................................................................................... 10 Launching the VM ......................................................................................................... 11 Advanced booting up of TGMS ..................................................................................... 12

Accessing to the TGMS webpage ....................................................................................... 12

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TELNET GPON Management System (TGMS) is a tool provided to manage and control TELNET GPON OLT products. It allows operators to manage easily their OLT devices. TGMS is a web-based system, which is distributed within an entire Virtual Machine (VM). This VM consists of a Linux distribution operating system, with the database managers, programs and Web-servers required in order to run the management application. TGMS is connected to the OLTs by configuring their IP addresses; this means that layer 3 connectivity between TGMS and OLTs is required. Operators can access through a webpage to all the powerful functionalities provided by the TGMS, therefore IP connectivity is also required between operators terminal and the TGMS. The TGMS is currently provided as a Virtualbox VM image . Virtualbox is an open-source application to run VMs, which is free to use, and which is available for the main operating systems (all Windows versions and most Linux distributions). Optionally the TGMS is also 2 available as a VMWare virtual machine . In a virtualization environment like this one, the operating systems where the VMs are installed is known as host, and each operating system running within a VM is known guest. TGMS is an Ubuntu-based guest, which can run on the top of most of host operating systems.

Virtualbox TGMS VM

2.1 Virtualbox installation

Virtualbox can be easily installed in any operating system. Firstly proceed to download the software setup, and get your correct software version and proceed to install it. Follow the steps. Installing Virtualbox does not have any specific requirement, in case of doubts, please contact TELNET support.

2.2 Obtaining the TGMS VM

TELNET probably has provided you a *.vdi file, gigabytes sized, which is the file containing the TGMS VM. Proceed to copy the VDI image in a HD partition where there is enough space, because the filesize can grow depending on the usage.

2.3 Creating a new VM

Run Oracle VM Virtualbox and click New.

Telnet Redes Inteligentes- SMART OLT

Figure 1: Creating a new VM

Insert the name you would like to assign to the new VM. As the TGMS is based on a Ubuntu operating system, choose Type=Linux and Version=Ubuntu and click next. Select the RAM memory and click next button. TGMS is not a memory-consuming application; probably 512 MB will be enough, even less depending on the number of OLT and ONTs you are expecting to use. In any case, it is possible to modify later the value and assign more RAM memory.

Figure 2: Configuring RAM memory

Now tick the option Use an existing virtual hard drive file and use the folder icon to browse the file VDI that TELNET provided to you.

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SMART OLT TMGS installation manual

Figure 3: Select the VDI file

Last step, click create button to finish the VM creation.

2.4 Advanced configuration

Select the recently created VM in the left panel, and click on the Setting icon. A new window will appear. Please navigate through the tabs and options of the left panel in order to familiarize yourself with the different available options.

Figure 4: Settings window

It is probably not necessary to make any modifications in the Setting menu. Although, some setups could require modifications, Flash Storage systems could require the Solid-state checkbox to be checked, other EXT4 formatted drives may require host I/O cache. Please pay

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attention to the warning messages provided by Virtualbox in case of errors, since they usually contain the solution to the detected problem.

2.5 Configuring network interfaces

It is necessary to configure the network interfaces. Please proceed to the Network Configuration in the Settings window. Then configure the Adapter 1 as bridged adapter.

Figure 5: Configuration of Adapter 1

The Bridge Adapter mode will use the real network interface directly from the VM, allowing almost direct access to this resource. The bridge adapter has to be attached to the interface where the management network and OLTs are connected. Typically Adapter 1 will be attached to an Ethernet Controller as usually computers are connected to networks through RJ45 Ethernet interfaces (eth0 in many Linux hosts). However, some configuration could be attached to the Wireless controller instead (wlan0 in some Linux hosts). It is also recommended to activate the second network adapter for local access and recovery. Click on Adapter 2 label and enable it. Then attach it to host-only mode, for an interface to be automatically created in your host operating system.

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SMART OLT TMGS installation manual

Figure 6: Configuring the second network adapter

Click on the OK button to save changes.

2.6 Launching the VM

Select the TGMS_demo VM and click the START button on the top panel. A new window will appear, first only black windows, and after about 2-3 minutes it will prompt some information. The login prompt indicates that the booting up is finished.

Figure 7: Booting up the TGMS VM

The TGMS VM is now running, it can be minimized.

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Note: TELNET does not provide access to the TGMS guest operating system. All the required parameters can be configured through the webpage interface. If you consider necessary to get access into the TGMS guest, please contact TELNET support for more information.

2.7 Advanced booting up of TGMS

It is possible to configure automatic TGMS booting up, also in Server operating system hosts. Virtualbox provides a headless mode, where VMs are running in the background. Check online information about how to set up this configuration in your host operating system. In case you encounter any problems, contact to TELNET support.

Accessing to the TGMS webpage

1. Adapter 1: 2. Adapter 2:

TGMS has the following IP address preconfigured:

Adapter 2 will be always be active locally. The host virtual interface IP is configured by DHCP in range, the guest IP is manually configured to be always the same: The Adapter 1 connectivity depends on the link status of the network adapter it is attached to. To reach the TGMS from another Internet browser in another terminal, it has to be connected to the management network and within the same IP addresses range. Even if trying to access locally through the Adapter 1, host network interface has to be configured within the same IP range, for example Then, access to the TGMS by using your Internet browser (Firefox and Chrome are recommended). or

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Information for the treatment of electrical and electronic equipment at the end of its useful life (Applicable in the EU and other European countries with separate collection systems)

This product, at the end of its useful life, must not be treated as household waste but must be collected selectively.

By submitting this product for environmental management you are avoiding the possible negative consequences for the environment and health deriving from inappropriate disposal. In addition, recycling of materials in this product you get a significant savings in energy and resources.

For the collection of the product may contact the Commercial Department of TELNET Redes Inteligentes SA on the phone 976.14.18.00 with your dealer or visit the website

In compliance with the RD 208/2005, TELNET Redes Inteligentes SA participates in the Integrated Management System (SIG) ECOTIC Foundation

TELNET Redes Inteligentes SA is registered in the National Register of producers of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE REI) of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce under number 1746.

Telnet Redes Inteligentes- SMART OLT

TELNET Redes Inteligentes S.A. Polgono Industrial Centrova c/ Buenos Aires, 18 50198 La Muela, Zaragoza Spain Phone: (+34) 976 14 18 00 Fax: (+34) 976 14 18 10 Email:

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