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Developed by Tatjana Kokalj and Anja Kokalj

Publisher: Sodobnost International, Slovenian Writersʼ Association,

Ljubljana 2008
Translated from Slovenian by Aleksandra Ceferin (September 2009)


In the Land of Gingerbread

1. Tell / Listen
The teacher shows you the first picture in the book In the Land of Gingerbread (p. 6)
Describe the house, the greenery, think about what are rivers, mountains in this land
made of, and what kind of creatures live here. Describe the life in the Land of

Would you like to visit the Land of Gingerbread? Lisa and her friend Crunchy are waiting
for you there. (Spice Cake Town, pp. 7-10)

Tell. Why was Lisa so angry? Whom is she missing? Why? How do you feel when you
are alone? What do you do then?

2. Listen / Play
Lisa entered into the candy mine (Candy Mine, pp. 10-17)
Build a mine. Draw together the tables and cover them with blankets. Hold hands and go
in. Sing the song Round the mulberry bush or some other.

3. Listen / Make
Lisa decided that she will search for her parents (Quick Chocolate Sand, pp. 18-21). She
put on her adventure hat and left.
Describe her adventure hat.
What would your adventure hat be like?
If you had a naughty hat or a hat for climbing trees? What would they be like? Make
yourself a hat for happy days or a hat for listening to stories, a hat for baking cakes, or ....
4. Listen / Tell
Lisa and Crunchy came through the Spice Cake Town (Pirates from Raspberry Lake, pp.
Where is the town located? What is the lake made of? Why are the townspeople
frightened? Why is the town dangerous. Who attacked Lisa and Crunchy? What did the
pirate girl Ninette wish for?

5. Listen / Draw
Ninette got her gingerbread heart (The Mighty Ginger, pp. 29-31). As the Mighty Ginger
says: “ Whoever has a gingerbread heart can easily find a true friend.”
And that is Ninetteʼ s great wish. Will she find a friend? Who will become her friend?
Who are your friends? Who is the best singer? Who is the best in drawing pictures? Who
can build the best sand castle?
Draw hearts and into them draw your friends.

6. Listen / Tell / Stick on

Lisa, Crunchy and Ninette climbed on the Three-Scooped Ice Cream Mountain (The
Three-Scooped Ice Cream Mountain, pp. 36 - 39) and entered the Chocolate Cave. What
was The Three-Scooped Ice Cream Mountain like? How many peaks did it have? What is
it made of?
Tell the the class about an outing with your dad and mum. Where did you go?, and what
interesting things did you see and do? Into your workbook stick a photograph or postcard
from your outing.

7. Listen / Tell
In the cave the travellers were frightened by chockfish (Chockfish, pp. 35-39). What
animal did chockfish resemble? How did he scare the visitors? Did he help Lisa, Crunchy
and Ninette to find the Black Hole? What did he ask in return? The three friends jumped
into the Black Hole. What do you think will happen to them? Where will end up?

Listen / Draw
Lisa, Crunchy and Ninette landed in another world (The Black Hole, pp. 40-42).
What is this world like? Who lives in it? Perhaps the heroes peeped out of the dadʼs sock
in your home. What did they see? Draw, how you decorated your home for Christmas
season or for a birthday party.

Listen / Play a game

The three friends were joined by Lisaʼs mother and father (Big Mouth, pp. 43-47) Before
return home, they had to do battle with the rat.
What did the rat wish? Whom did she catch? How did Ninette and Lisa try to persuade
the rat to let Crunchy go? Did the rat keep his promise? Who scared the rat? How did our
heroes return to the Land of Gingerbread?

Lisaʼs adventure ended well. You can join her on her exploration of Gingerbread Land
(Workbook p. 12).
You need a dice and figurines for each player. They are placed on Lisaʼs house and end
on the sock. Whoever reaches the sock first, is the winner. The players that land on a
field with pirate flag, miss a turn.
Listen / Dance
All returned home happily (Friends, pp. 48-51). Lisaʼs life has changed a great deal. What
silly things did she have to put into her backpack? Where did her parents send her? What
sort of a hat did she put on? Why? Do you like kindergarten/school? What do you like
best about it?

Do you like dancing? Organize a great dance of sweets, to celebrate the return of the
gingerbread people.

Each pupil gets a piece of paper with the picture of a sweet in green, blue, yellow or red
colour. The pins the paper paper is pinned on the T Shirt of each child. The teacher
raises alternate colours. Every time the children with the same colour sweet get to dance.

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