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Do you believe in fairytales? Do you believe in "happily ever after"? Me, you ask?
Well, to be honest, I do believe that things happen for a reason. But about a happy
ending, I think not. Life's too cruel to be like that.

I face my bed full of clothes that mom picked out for me. Some people will be coming
tonight, and even if I don't really care about them or even don't know who they actually
are, mom makes a big deal so I have to dress up.

Now, I wear a layered dress with flared sleeves with ribbons. (It was somewhat
casual, I want to look normal.) and I fix my hair like I always do: loose with a braid on
the side.

"Al, you ready?" I heard mom.

"Yeah! Mom, who is this-"

"Honey, they're here already! Can you come down here...?"

A grunt is all I can express at the moment until my mom finally shouted.

"Alice, NOW!"

“Fine.” I mumbled.

I got up from my dark purple bed and faced the mirror beside it. I look specifically
normal. "This is an important occasion, so I want you to look good, okay?” my mother
said a while ago.

Why this is a special occasion? I don't know. And every time I asked, mom briskly
changes the subject and I could tell that she was hiding something. Whatever it was, I
certainly hope it’s a good one, ‘cause I could sense her uncontrolled glee.

A doorbell rang from downstairs. It must be them now, whoever they are, I thought.
I went downstairs to find my mom at the bottom of the stairs, with her eyebrows

"Since when do you take long in the shower?"

"I wasn't. I was just..."

My mom was already pushing me to the living room (she didn't even listen to my
explanation) to find two people I vaguely recognize, I think they used to be our
neighbors... Memories start to flow... they came to our house for Thanksgiving once and
dad was...




"Dad, dad! A shooting star! What will you wish for?"

"Me? Oh... just for the restaurant to do well, and for you to appreciate the
wonderland you're in."


"Yes, don't you think? The world is a place of magic."

"Magic? Like fairy magic?"

"Yeah, something like that. This magic exists in everyone, but it's invisible so it's
hard to find. I hope you'll appreciate this magic."

"I will dad. Of course I will. And maybe someday, it can help me with my dancing."

"............, I expect it will."

Those were the last words that he said to me before he had his heart attack the next
morning. I thought that he saw it coming and didn't tell me. I felt mad yet sorrowed. He
filled me with fantasy of princes, glass slippers and castles. (About the dancing part... I
just love to dance, no doubt why we have like fifty childhood CDs next to the TV, all filled
with my ridiculous dancing in princess costumes.)

"Alice," my mom woke me in my thoughts. “you remember Aaron though right?"

"Huh? No not really. But..." I frowned for a while. "I remember... we used to be
neighbors right?"

As if that would narrow things down. Ever since I was a kid, we had almost fifteen
different neighbors, all of them lasting only one year maximum.

"Yes we used to." The woman in royal red told me. "Geez... You've grown, Alice..."
she said with a smile. She had red short hair that reminds me of an amnesiac princess I
used to know, except older.

"Sorry I can't remember. I guess I was just that young back then." I said

"No need to worry my dear, I don't think Aaron here remembers you either." The
woman chuckled. “Oh, and Myra, don’t bother about my husband. He’s in very important
business, so I think he won’t be attending.”

The dark-haired boy smiled at what his mother just said, as if knowing a secret joke.
He took me by surprise. He wears a white shirt and a pair of jeans like me, he wears
casual in contrast of our mothers, who looked like they are meeting with the mayor.

He does look familiar... Aaron? It sounds familiar too, although I don't think I talked
to him much, because I don't remember calling him by his name.

"Ahem... Alice, can you come with me for a second?" said my mom. I followed her to
the kitchen where she stopped and faced me.

"Okay, here's the thing. The Johnstons, want to move your dad's restaurant to a
bigger place. I didn’t tell you, I wanted it to be a surprise."

I was startled. It was dad's final dream, and it's coming true in a few moments. I
could tell that I was smiling and my mom could see it.
"I know, I know, it's your dad's ambition and all and you’re excited. Okay, now when
you go out there I just want you to make nice, alright?"

'make nice'? Even if mom didn't tell me that, I'll do anything for this, for dad.

As soon as I returned to the living room, Mrs. Johnston and mom (surprisingly...)
insisted that I show Aaron outside while they prepare dinner. They both said that we
need to catch up on things and so do they. Without further ado (and complaints from
us), we went outside to the bench next to the backyard tree.

"Sorry, I can't quite remember you." I apologized again.


"I'm sure that we hung out, sometime..."


Can this guy get quieter?

"Umm... can you... say something?"

He stayed quiet. Is he mute? It took a while before he actually said something,

though it still wasn't enough for me to recall him.



"Excuse me?"

"I... gave you a pin before I left."


"You don’t remember do you?" he said quietly, but I could totally tell his frustration.

"Sorry... I guess I wasn't thinking much."

All of a sudden, he laughed. Here I am, ready to bury myself in guilt and
embarrassment and he sits there and laughs. Some weirdo...

"I guess you should be the one called moron now, huh..."

"What?"I said in shock.

"Haha. You know..." He placed his hands over his mouth until only his eyes were
seen. "Aaron..." he finally said.

"Ohmygosh..." I said apparently. His familiar eyes jogged my memory.


silent, invisible Aaron...

always-with-the-books Aaron...

"Moron!" I shouted in realization, but suddenly, understanding what I just did, I

clasped my hands over my mouth and muffled another "Sorry..."

He laughed once again. "You know, I heard that it's unhealthy to apologize too much.
Don't you realize you've apologized like, five times already?"

"Oh, haha... I guess I have..." I said.

I remember now, he was the second... I think third? No, second neighbor that I had.
He moved upstate because of his mother's work, and he can't take it anymore when kids
around the block teased him, especially ‘cause he had braces. I was the only one stuck
with him because our moms became really good friends. I still called him "moron"

"I can't believe I didn't remember you. You were like the twin brother I never had." I
said in sympathy.

"Yeah, I-I guess." there was a tone I do not recognize. "Well, I think everything we
knew is going to change."

"I think so too." I said in thought. "Oh! You're pin!"

This pin that we kept talking about is a medical symbol he gave me before he left.
And he said that he'll need it back someday.

"I never actually thought that you'd come back, but I still have it. It's up there."

I pointed at the tree next to us, and I'm sure he knew what I meant when I did so.
My tree house is there, and I've kept everything in its place until the moment I stopped
going there, which is about eight years ago.

"I'm going up." I declared.

"How? You're wearing a dress..." Aaron said.

"Haha. No sweat, I've got that issue covered!" I pulled out the folds of the capri
pants I'm wearing underneath, and climbed the tree with ease.

I looked for the insignia for a while through the dusty, small house. (Mom's not going
to be happy to find me covered in dust and twigs) I found it in the corner near the
window, under an old blanket which I set aside.

It's a little old, but it's still the pin, I thought. I put it in my pocket. I was making my
way down, and I stood on a trunk I always used when going down. It gave a loud crack.


I wasn't moving. One wrong move can be catastrophic. Oh, did I mention that I have
a slight phobia of falling? Climacophobia, I think. Don’t get me wrong, I used to climb
this thing all the time, but I always had a trouble going down.

"Is everything okay?" Aaron asked from below.

"Yup! I'll be down in a minute." I replied. Or should I say "half-lied"?

I tried to grab on to another branch across when the one I’m standing on finally
snapped. I felt a sharp pain from my elbow. Before I had the time to think, I instinctively
jumped to the short end left of the branch. That was after I swore so loud that I thought
the whole universe heard me.

I heard her from above and a tree branch snap in its place. I looked up and saw Alice
clinging to the tree and standing on what looked like half-a-ruler long branch.

"You can't go down can you?" I asked with sarcasm.

"Isn't it obvious? Haha..." Her laugh was mixed with anxiety.

"Can you try to jump?"


Alice screamed again. Tears were rolling down from her face and the short branch
was about to break off. I can't ask for help. Something might happen while I'm not
around. Can't they even hear us!? And then, without thinking, I blurted out.

"I'll come up there! Just wait!"

I quickly climbed to the same place she was. I reached out my hand to her.

"C'mon! Take my hand." I suggested.

There was a moment of silence at her end. She did hear me right?

"I won't drop you!" I said in dismay. Her reaction is like as if I lied.

"P-Promise?" she asked.

"Promise. Trust me..." It came out of my mouth naturally, like I was meant to say it.


She grabbed my hand and, just in time, the branch she stood on broke off. I almost
lost my balance when she put her arms around my neck. She was shaking in fright.

“H-hey!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry...” she said as she withdrew herself and wiped her tears. She looked at me for
a while with her hazel eyes. Her face was so close to mine that I can see the reflection of
the moonlight on them. When i realized that I was staring at her, my heart raced and I
changed the subject.

“You know, you didn’t use to scare that easy.” I said.

“You’re the one to talk. The person who hated bugs and used to run when I had one.”
she smirked.

We helped each other make our way down (I reassured her that nothing wrong's
gonna happen.) and I guess she was pretty frightened back there since she still held my
hand even if we're already standing firmly on the ground.
"Is everything okay?" a voice behind us said.

I turned around. "Ma, I just help her down the tree." I withdrew my hand and so did

"The tree? Right... you guys used to play there all the time before... Oh well, dinner's
almost ready and you two should come in soon because it's gonna be chilly out here in a

My mother retreated to the house and we followed her slowly. In sudden thought, I
asked Alice if she knew why we were here in town in the first place.

"Mom said that you're mom is interested in our restaurant."

"Oh..." I said in realization. "That's it?"

"Yeah, why? Is there something else?"

"Well..." Once again, I hesitated telling her. "no. not really."

I thought it was better not to tell.

After dinner, both of our families talked for hours. We were like old friends, well we
really are. My mother and I drove back home and I just thought to myself, I guess it
wouldn’t make sense to give it now ...

I looked at the bruise that I got on my elbow. It hurts a little, and its bluish hue is
greatly noticeable. It wasn't this dark last night. I gave it a small press but I felt an
extreme stab of pain. Get over it, Alice, I thought to myself. I switched my attention to
the clock hanging in my room. It's six in the morning and the red light below read
"Monday". I got up and prepared myself to school.

I stopped by downstairs after for breakfast with mom (today's special was oatmeal
with raisins and orange juice) and headed out of the house and onto the school bus. Just
so you know, I go to Redwood High.

I knew no one in this bus, even if I've already been here, since the 4th grade. I am
now a 12th grader, (In others words, I am a senior.) and still, no one knows me well.
Even at school, except for-

"Al!" said the girl next to the bus that halted just now. She was wearing her usual
clothes: a long slightly folded skirt (which looked impressively iron-pressed.) and a
formal looking blouse. That is my friend (or should I say "only true friend") Cara. A
straight A student and current president of the Performing Arts Club.

"I was looking all over RHS for you! There are rumors that- What happened to you?"
she said as she grabbed my arm and examined my elbow.

"I'll tell you later." We entered the school. It was already crowded and I bumped into
a brunette girl with streaks of blue in her hair. "So, what were you saying?"

"I said they think that-"

"Cara!" said a girl who eventually stopped our walk.

"Hi... umm... Agnes?" Jennifer asked.


"Whatever. So anyway, did you ask anybody yet?"

Unbelievable. She didn't even let me finish. She doesn't know my name either (and
we're classmates for that fact). The usual and never changing, Jennifer Clarke.

As much mystery as it is that I, a not-so-popular, become friends with Cara, a

popular. I confess that I feel slightly inferior when Jennifer or other kinds don't notice
me, let alone know who I am.

They talked for what felt like hours and when it was about time for class was the only
time that they stopped. It was lucky that our class was in that exact hallway.

"Al, I'm so sorry." exclaimed Cara. "I didn't know she'd stay that long! She sure is a

"It's okay, don't worry. I got used to that already you know." I said sarcastically,
though I know that what I just said was true.

"Oh! Anyway, some people said that-"

"Good morning my people and welcome to another day of doom." said my homeroom
teacher. "As you all know, today was supposed to be the day of your pop quiz, but there
has been a teeny-tiny change of plans. This being the least of our problems..."

Okay, "least of our problems"? I think it's the greatest solution ever actually, I
thought. Since we had visitors last night, I never really got to review for that. The
teacher went on and on, and Cara never got to say what she has to and I still don't know
what that was.

“You’ve got Redwood phobia, don’t you?” my dad started.

"No! It's a place, there's no way that I would be scared of a school." I bellowed.

I officially start a new life today, at the place I believe I left years ago.

"You said that I can stay normal here, why do I have to help out?"

"Because..." Dad paused, then continued, “You’ll follow my career someday. Well, I'll
see you later 'kay?"

Riiiight. I know that this sounds cliché' for me to be a pediatrician, but it's my dream
since I can remember, and it's also the reason why kids called me "moron" before. I
have the slightly faded insignia on my bag as a remembrance of it.

We were now outside the school entrance, and a few kids are already looking at us. A
bus just pulled over in front of the school and people were coming.

It was getting crowded so I hurry inside the school only to find more students looking
frantically at me. As a guy, I don't get easily embarrassed, but I can get conscious.
"Aaron Johnston!" I heard a voice behind us. The principal... I thought. I kept myself
quiet as he shoved the schedule on my hand. I saw the first period and it said:

8:00 am - 9:00 am = History (Classroom 3-C)

"Classroom 3 is in the Third Floor obviously." The short principal rolled his eyes at the
very thought. His groaning voice was not encouraging. "And I think you'll find the rest
accordingly through the signs in the school."

After that, he just went off, not even asking if I had any questions. I lingered over
the thought, but I became distracted with a guy eyeing me.

"Dude, you new? Awesome!" he seemed so excited about the concept. He was
wearing cargo pants and a baggy shirt. He carries a skateboard (I assumed that's how
he got here.) and Algebra books on the other.

"Hi, I'm Aaron." I put my hand forward.

"No need to be formal, man. It's all cool. I'm Nick. Nick Jones." he peered into my
schedule. "Oh, I see you've got the same boring class. If you'd like I can take you

"Thanks. That would help me a lot." I said with a smile. It was about five minutes
before time, and it would really be a bad impression if I came late.

"No prob. We got to be there for each other, man. And as long as this remains..." he
continued on with his speech as we went to the class (Even if he looks quite dumb, I'm
amazed that he knows a lot about things). Halfway there, I stopped.

"Wait. What about your friends? Aren't they gonna look for you?" I asked.

"Not really, we’ve got our own lives, you know. And here we go, right here."

We stopped right in front of a door that read 3-C. He knocked and opened the door.

"Jones, you are late... as usual." said a lazy looking teacher.

"Hey, Mr. H! Good morning, you're lookin' sweet!" Nick said with a flourish.
"Anyways, I found the newbie out in the main halls."

"Ah, Mister......" he checked his clipboard. It seems as though he’s paralyzed to the
small spot between the table and the chalkboard. “Johnston, I see. Sorry that Jones here
seemed to have led you to the wrong direction. Oh well, I am Mr. Larry L. Harrison and I
am your history teacher and homeroom teacher. Come, join your fellow classmates
through hell."

As he said, I joined my classmates through hell. But I saw a familiar face that made
my tension relax a bit.

He’s looking at me...

“He’s looking at you...” whispered Cara who was behind me, as if reading my mind.
“He’s what I’m about to talk about. They said a new student will be coming to our class.”
“Let’s see... where you should sit...” said Harness-on, not leaving his usual space. I
smiled. He smiled back. I waved a little, he waved too. Well, I shouldn’t have done that,
because now all the students are looking at me.

“You know him?” asked Nick, who was front of me for no actual reason. He sits next
to me actually, but he’s always there.

“Umm... yes?” I doubted my own answer! What the heck!? I waited for his reaction
for my “yes?”

“Really? Righteous...” he finalized and sat back on his chair, rocking it slightly.

Okay, if I keep this up, I’ll have a lot, a lot... of explaining to do.

“Well, this is righteous too...” I kicked the bottom of his chair. He tumbled over and
the whole class looked at him, as well as Mr. Harrison.

“That’s a lesson taught by life, Jones. Now would you kindly please go back to your
proper seats, and that goes for all of you. Johnston, why don’t you sit in front to Ms.
Wright? Over there by the window.”

What are the chances of that happening?

The bell rang. Everyone immediately went out of the room when Alice stood in front
of me, together with Nick and a red-head girl.

“Hi. I’m Cara and as you probably know, this is Nick and Alice. You do know Alice,
right?” she said.

“Y-yeah. I do.” I said. Why did I question that? I knew that it was true...

“So... uhhh...” Alice said with a start. “Welcome to Redwood High.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Nick that shocked me to my core. “Dude, you wanna come with us
for lunch? You’re new and-”

“Hi! Welcome to the school...” said a tall, blonde girl. “I’m Jennifer, you’re class
president, head cheerleader and... ehem... next homecoming queen. Anyways, you’re
welcome to sit with us in the caf, and... I’ll always be here... you know... just call me and
I’ll be there for you, ‘kay?”

“Oh...kay...” She said loads of stuff I didn’t remember... and didn’t understand.

“Okay! See you! See you too Cara... ummm... Ned and Annie!” she finished off with a
blinding smile.

“IT’S NICK!” he shouted. “as if it helps...”

“Did she, just call you two, Ned and Annie?”

“Yeah, she does that to those people she basically doesn’t care about.” answered
Alice. “Cara’s an exception, because she’s basically popular.”

“So am not!”

“Okay, whatever you gals. You coming dude?”

I got through the rest of the week okay, with my old friend and two new friends.

Cara and I are at my house, at our usual Friday night sleepover. We usually watch
movies, do makeovers, and think about our dream 18th birthday party. But this time, I
chose to talk about something different... about Aaron. I still can’t believe that I want to
talk about a boy for a really long time.

In my bedroom, the laptop was on and it was playing “I’d Rather” on a low volume.
Both of us were humming to its tune and halfway through it, Cara stopped humming.



“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. We’re friends, duh...”

“What’s the deal with you and... Aaron?”

The question repeated itself in my head for how many times that I can’t even count.
My brain cannot find the answer, as if it was lost in an old filing cabinet and can’t be
found anywhere.

“We’re... just old friends...”

“Okay.” she finished, but her face showed a sign that her brain was performing
analysis, and this conversation was far from over. “So he rescued you from a tree for no

“Yes. He did that cause I can’t get-”

“And you gave him an umbrella when he needed it?”

“I was just being nice, and-”

“And he sat next to you in the library.”

“Well, he needed some help on his calculus-”

“And you were so close to him that you can see the color of grey eyes.”

“No I don’t. And you know it’s dark green, not grey.”

Cara ceased her continous interrogations, looking at me as if expecting me to realize

something. Within seconds, I knew what it was. How the hell did I know that his eyes
had a dark shade of green!?

“Alice, don’t you know what happened for the past few days? You let yourself get wet
by the rain and get scolded by the teacher, you helped a straight A+ student on his
calculus even if he doesn’t even need it, and you just examined the color of the same
guy’s eyes.”

Being with a smart friend has its disadvantages alright. Cara just analyzed the last
four days due to my replies. And I can’t help but agree to what she just said.
“I can’t believe that I became such a doofus over the past four days.” I said out loud
without thinking.

“You’re not a doofus, Al.” said Cara. “You just like him. And when I say like him, I
mean like-him-like-him.”

Again, that last sentence repeated a thousand times or more in my head, and my
fast heartbeat said that what Cara just concluded was true.

It was raining today, but that doesn’t stop Jennifer from following me everywhere I
go. I think drew attention to myself last week and I can’t get rid of her. But now, I chose
change the path of my everyday school life.

“Jennifer! Hi. Umm... why... are you always with me?” I asked. In my head I thought
more of ‘why are you following me and will you leave me alone!’ but I just said the
simple version.

“Oh? Well, I just thought you’d like some company, since you’re new and all. That’s
okay, right?” she asked with a face of sadness. Good thing is that I knew that it was

“Yeah, it is, but just not all the time, alright?” I said in conclusion. Inside, I’m praying
that she wouldn’t say that she really wants to do this all the time. We’re just friends...
wait... there’s something wrong with that sentence... we’re not even close!

“Okay...” she said and we exited the school and she went to her table. I scanned the
place and I saw Cara holding an umbrella over them, tapping on Alice’s shoulder and
pointing at me. She looked around, smiled, and waved me to come over. Meanwhile,
Jennifer was making her way back to me. I faced her.

“Well, see you later Aaron.” she said. Her eyes lingered on the school grounds for a
while. I nodded as a sign of goodbye. But before I can turn, she held my shirt and pulled
me closer to her. Next thing I know is that she put her lips on mine, still holding on to

I pushed myself away from her, and I was slightly taken aback. I turned around and
looked for Alice, hoping that she didn’t see that or she might get the wrong idea, but she
stood there, staring at me. Then she ran into nothingness.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked Jennifer.

“Nothing. Can’t you tell? You’re popular, Aaron. And populars should stay with the
populars. Not that Elise girl. Even if she is with Cara, she will never be popular. Never...
ever...” Jennifer finished her speech with an evil smile.

Her getting Alice’s name wrong was just... maddening. I clenched my fist in distress
and replied. “She may not be popular, but she’s the simplest, most beautiful girl I have
ever laid eyes on, and I can’t even compare her to you, who can’t even reach her level.”

I turned once more and ran towards Cara.

“Where did she go?”

“I-I don’t know! I was just asking her about the homework but she ran away!”
“You don’t know what happened, don’t you?”

“No, why? What happened?” said Cara in great concern. It wouldn’t hurt to tell her,
right? I did tell her and she was in shock.

“I didn’t do it on purpose! Jennifer was just...”

“I know. You don’t need to explain anymore, cause Jennifer’s really like that. But why
is Alice concerned?”

“Well... just so you know... I like her. I like her a lot. Ever since we were kids... I was
going to ask her to the Homecoming dance today. I guess I blew that huh...” I said with

“Don’t give up! Just... try calling her.”

I did so, but Alice wasn’t answering.

Cara sighed. “Look, we can’t find her now. She might be far already. But I’ll try to
keep in touch with her, just in case she doesn’t want to talk to you.”


“Oh, the bus is here so I gotta go.” Cara said but before leaving, “Aaron? Don’t give
up on her just yet. I know you two have something special.”

Cara got on the bus alongside a girl of blue highlights, leaving me alone at the school
yard. As I held my umbrella, I dialled her mom’s phone number and waited.


“H-hello? Mrs. Wright?”

“Aaron? Is that you? Why are you calling?”

“I was just wondering if Alice is at home. Is she?”

“Oh, honey I’m in the grocery. I’ll tell you when I get there alright. Is something

“Not much, just a small problem. Bye, Mrs. Wright.”

I hung up. She meant a lot to me, and I’m going to do something about it...

Run, Alice... don’t let it get the best of you...

I am running, I am. To where? To nowhere. To wherever I can reach. My body feels

so free, so carefree, but my mind was in its own solitary.

We’re not together. We’re not involved. So why am I affected?

I opened my eyes for a second, and I tried to see as the rain drops blurred my vision.
I was in front of my house. I rushed over to the doorstep and rummaged through my
bag for the keys, but it wasn’t there. I checked again, but it wasn’t there. WHERE IS IT!?
It’s in my bag, or in my pockets or....
In my locker... at school...

Damn it. Why is life so cruel!? I ran to the tree at the backyard and climbed up. I
stepped over to the wooden set of drawers and drew a towel from it. It still looks new,
since mom always changes the clothes and things here. I dried myself off and as I did,
my phone rang. It reflected and flashed several times.

Calling... Aaron... Calling... Aaron...

I held the phone for a while, but I decided to reject it. A few minutes later, the phone
rang again.

Calling... Mom... Calling... Mom...

“He-hello?” I shivered in the cold.

“Hon, are you at home? Why are you stammering?”

“I forgot to bring my umbrella and I got locked out of the house ‘cause I forgot my
keys at school.”

“Where are you now?”

“In the treehouse.”

“Okay, stay there until I get back.”

I waited. I heard a car pull over and turn off. I heard mom opening the front door,
closing it and dropping off the grocery. I got down the tree with difficulty, avoiding the
fact that my head was thinking about what happened a week ago at the same exact

“Next time, make sure you have your keys.” finally said my dismayed mother. She
put her hand on my forehead and frowned. “You’ve got a bit of a fever. Can you stay
here for a couple of days? You might miss homecoming if you don’t.”

“Sure, mom.” I replied. Only if I could face him now, then I don’t have to go to the

“Alice... is everything okay? At school, I mean,” my mom asked.

“Yeah. What makes you think something’s wrong?”

“Little Aaron called me. He said there’s a small problem.”

“That’s nothing mom. It’s fine. But I’d rather not talk to anyone for a while.”

“Okay. I’ll tell him you got here safely. He sounded so worried...”

Is he now? Yeah, right.

It’s been a day since what happened. I got a call from Mrs. Wright and she said that
Alice got home, but it’s better if I don’t talk to her. Classes were starting. Neither Nick
nor Cara had been in touch. All they knew is that she has a fever and won’t be coming
for a few days, period.
The cafeteria was packed with people. I sat with Cara on Alice’s usual table. Cara
awakened me from thought when she banged the table to hard that I jumped.

“Snap out of it! Alice will come to the dance, and I know it!”

“How are you sure?”

“I’m her BFF and I know she’s never miss a dance.”

Dance... that’s it!

“Have you seen Nick? I didn’t see him after class...” she said.

“Dunno... he said he needed to prepare for something.”

Out of nowhere Nick went in to the cafeteria, on an outfit that was not him, at all. He
was wearing an open collar shirt, dark slacks and nice (not to mention shiny) black
shoes. It was definitely different from his skater look.

He walked over to our table. The crowd was staring intently (a brown-haired girl even
almost crossed his path but got out of the way.). He offered a rose to, of course, Cara. It
was unlikely, but he was shaking. He half-knelt in front of her.

“C-cara. I’ve always wanted to ask you to... to the... I can’t even say it!”

In my head, this is a disaster, and the whole cafeteria was looking, even the lunch
lady. But Cara saved him from any other embarrassment.

“I would love to go to the dance with you!” excitedly said Cara and helped him up
and hugged him.

Wow, I guess that was unexpected. The scenery itself brought me back to my
thoughts, about the dance, about Alice.

I decided to try and call her after school, just to see if my plan can be executed.

My phone rang. Four times. I chose not to answer it. Instead, I peered over it and it

Missed Call: 4

I opened it and checked whoever wanted to talk to me. It was no surprise that Cara
would be calling me, four times. Then, a text message appeared.

Al, r u feeling better? U can’t miss the dance!

For the first time in the past few days, I wanted to reply to the many, many
messages I received from her. I tapped a message saying that I’m okay and she doesn’t
have to worry.

I guess Aaron really likes her too. We lost touch over the past two days. I’ve thought
about calling him, about not saying “bye” the other day, or asking for homework, but it’s
just not worth it. I sure miss him though.

My phone beeped once more. Cara, I thought. I looked at the screen and I felt like
my heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t Cara.
Calling... Aaron... Calling...

It’s ringing for five seconds. That’s good. She’s not rejecting it yet. I almost dropped
my phone when the ringing stopped and a soft “hello” came from the receiver.

“H-hello! Can I talk to you?” I said normally, but inside I was feeling quirky and


“Okay, see... I...” I can’t say it over the phone! I didn’t even rehearse or something!
Quick! An idea... “I really want to talk to you in person. I know you saw... that thing...
with Jennifer.”

“Y-yeah, actually I did. I didn’t know you guys have something going on.” she said.

“No! N-n-no! We don’t have anything...”

“Oh... I see... I just assumed... Since I was a friend...”

“Right.” Being called a “friend” gave me a small twitch. “Listen, can we, meet
somewhere after school?”

There’s a silence telling me she felt like she doesn’t want to.

“Can we meet at that dance building you used to go to? For ballet, just at the school
yard” I explained. I know she used to go there when we were neighbors. “Please think
about it.”

“...Alright.” she said, and hung up. I walked over to the set of drawers in my room
and pulled out a crumpled envelope from the bottom. I stared at it for a few seconds and
smiled. At the front it said one thing: Alice.

I felt a little doubtful about going to the dance studio. Sure, I still go there after the
class, and the teacher let’s me practice all I want. But, it’s him I’m worried about.

I honestly feel a little better, but no one knows that yet since I didn’t go to school
today (Mom was okay with it, cause I said I needed another day to recover from illness).
I went out of the house after school hours and started walking with hesitation, slightly
wanting to return home. To buy sometime, I went to the nearby fast food which I’ve
never been to and decided to buy a soda.

“Hi! Welcome to- Alice!” said the girl. She’s in the science club...

“Stacey?” I asked.

“Y-yes! Wow, you know who I am! Would you like something?”

“Just soda, thanks.”

She went to the back and brought back the drink.

“You were absent for four days. Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, just a small fever.” I smiled weakly.

“Oh, good thing you feel better, otherwise you can’t go to the dance tomorrow. Oh,
are you going?”

“Not sure yet.” I replied. I’m not even sure if I even want to go. “And you?”

“Not really. Not worth going to. No one would hardly notice my even if I was there or
not.” she said gloomily. “It would also be nice if you can share it with someone, you
know. Are you going with someone?”

Her statement struck me. The first occasion that I can go to with someone that I care
about, someone who know who I am and appreciates me, someone who I might even
love, and I’m just gonna blow it off?

“Hey... are you going with someone?” she asked again.

“You know what? I think I will.” I said. I exited the place and ran to the dance school.

She will come... I’m sure of it... I will not lose hope... she will come...

I’m late... I’m sure of it.

I went to the school yard. He’s not there. He might’ve left already. He must have-

“I can’t wait any longer you know.” said a voice behind me.

“I know I’m late. Sorry about that.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.”

“What are you saying?” I said, finally facing him. He was leaning on the tree next to
him, smiling, a smile I remember that I always see before, when we were kids. When I
cry, he gives me that exact smile, which makes me think that someone still cares for me.

I stared at him, for a few seconds, at that, exact smile that I will no longer forget.
Then I asked again.

“What are you talking about?”

He pulled out an envelope. A strange, worn-out, old but sealed envelope and opened
it with his greatest effort. It was tightly shut because the seal was old and hard to rip off.
When he manages to do so, he steps forward, stopped in front of me and shows me a
large white paper faded by time, showing a drawing of scattered hearts, and a crayon-
written sentence that struck my heart: I love you.

“Well... uhh... I-I don’t know what I was saying, o-or I really felt that way at that
time. But one thing’s for sure....” he hesitated. “I do feel that way now. So... ummm...
would you... like... to... go to the dance......... with me?”

His eyes met mine and I answered him, not with words, but with a kiss I had always
wanted to give. I found what I was looking for. I found my prince.
I spent a long while with Alice. We were up on the tree (I don’t know what the hell’s
our problem and why we like climbing trees.), but this time, we were next to each other,
and I was telling her the real reason why I was in Redwood: to tell her I love her.

“, I told my mom that I wanted to see you.” I ended my story.

“Thanks for coming back for me. I’ve always felt that there’s something different
between us. And when you came back I told you that you were the ‘brother I never had’,
I thought that there was something wrong there, it’s as if I knew that we were-”

“-meant to be-.” I continued.

“-more than that.” we both said in unison. We shut up, then smile, then laugh. Just
like kids, we were laughing out loud, not caring about anything, but each other’s
company. And that I think is the greatest moment of my life.

The next day at school, I was plain smiling. I greeted everyone who comes my way.
After that, I realized that I was being a complete idiot. Then I remembered Stacey. She
said she’s not going to the dance because it’s not worth it.

“It’s worth it! Come on, Stacey!” I energetically said to her when I got to the fast
food restaurant by noon. I was badgering her every second. And Cara was also there to
help me. She told me that apparently, Stacey doesn’t go to any school events, except
when required (that was to my greatest shock!)

“Okay, fine! Let’s say if I do go, what would I wear?”

“It’s all up to me, don’t worry.”

With much hesitation and groaning, she finally agreed.

The lights of the gym were bright blue. Everything was perfect, except for one
thing... Alice isn’t here yet. It’s just about... 7 p.m., but I was getting worried cause
many people are already coming.

“Dude, I just entered myself in for homecoming king!” Nick said from behind me.

“Good for you. I hope you win.” I said in reply.

“And you know what else? I entered you too.”

“Good for him- wha- what!?”

I got over my trauma and looked for her once more. The crowd had started dancing.
Then, I saw Cara come in. I asked her, and she said that Alice was just outside, and I
should just wait for her.

The principal, looking like he’d rather be on a different place than the stage, stood
there and held the microphone.

“We now have the three nominees for homecoming king and queen. They were
selected by our school teachers, and you will choose who will be chosen as king and
queen. Now, they are: Jennifer Clarke.”
Jennifer went up the stage and waved at the crowd. The crowd however, was not as
enthusiastic. Only half of the students clapped for her.

“Next we have Jacqueline Warren.”

A girl I don’t recognize went up the stage.

“And... Stacey Hicks.”

The student body looked around, searching for her. Then the entrance door of the
gym swung forward, showing a girl of a simple white dress, with her blue highlights
illuminating in the dark with what looked like glitter.

“Operation two: complete. Execute operation three.” whispered Cara from my cell
phone. I answered an short okay then facing the shaking Stacey, just outside the gym,
in front of the entrance.

“I can’t!” she shouted.

“You can do this! You can do this!” I reassured her.

“We now have the three nominees...”

“Remember, it’s about time that you go to a party like this.” I said. The truth is, I was
just buying time for her announcement.

“And... Stacey Hicks.”

“Oh, did I mention that we nominated you for queen?” I said, then I pushed her in.


“For kings, we have Nick Jones, Aaron Johnston and Mario Stevenson. Voting will
start now and the winner will be announced for one hour, yadda, yadda, yadda...” said
the uninterested principal.

I found Alice minutes later.

“I was looking for you!” I said.

“Been a little busy with Stacey, I told you about it right?” she explained and I nodded
in reply. “Where’s Cara?”

“With her ‘date’ Nick.”


“With Nick.”


“Oh, right, you weren’t here...”

The rest of the night went on until it was time to announce the king and queen.
To my amusement, Jennifer was announcing the winners. I am very determined that
Stacey will win. I heard a lot of people were voting for her. Aaron was also on stage
smiling like always. And Nick... nevermind.

“It is my pleasure to announce the Homecoming King and Queen. The Homecoming
King is... Nick Jones!”

Nick was whooping on the stage and wore his crown with great sense of
accomplishment. Aaron went down with the other candidate (who looked disappointed)
and stood next to me.

“The Homecoming Queen is... obviously... ... ... Stacey Hicks?”

In the crown came a warm round of applause, and Jennifer was obviously outraged. I
heard her screams as she stormed off the stage about “That’s not possible!” or “I was
supposed to be me!” and sat on her table.

The crowd resumed dancing as usual. Cara met up with Nick (Okay, I have to admit
they look cute.). It was getting crowded, and I was just thinking of going out when
Aaron tapped me on the shoulder.

“May I have this dance?” he asked politely.


“But, would you like to come outside? It is getting a little crowded.”

I guess he’s a mind reader or something. I nodded in reply. At the faint music outside
the school, we danced there, not minding if we looked foolish, and I don’t care, either.

Okay, I have to ask again... Do you believe in fairytales? I don’t, for reals. But, Do
you believe in happily ever after? YES! Because I have reached mine with the prince I

...=+=THE END=+=...

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