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From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments:

Codd, Clover Lampila, Carolyn ( Codd, Clover RE: interim APR follow up - PBCS Tuesday, October 01, 2013 11:04:27 AM Final Signed Cover Page_10_1_13.pdf

Dear Carolyn, Attached you will find Seattles APR 3 Cover Page with the Superintendents signature. Below you will find our narrative for crating sustainable performance based compensation systems. Seattle Public Schools has integrated PBCS into both our teacher and principal contracts. The strategies employed in TIF schools are true for all schools in Seattle. Principals: Seattle Public Schools and the Principal Association of Seattle Schools worked together to mutually develop and select a school student growth model to determine how school student growth is measured for principals. Student Achievement Awards are made annually, after the state assessments are finalized and growth is calculated for individual teachers and schools. Any principal who receives a student achievement award must also be considered a high performing principal according to the evaluation rubric. Seattles definition is that a principal must be innovative in domain 5 and proficient or above in the other 7 domains of principal practice. In addition, student achievement, based on a value-added methodology, must demonstrate statistically significant growth that is above the district norm. Principals receive three different tiers of bonuses in both reading and math. Principals can earn up to $7500 for individual awards, $10,000 for a recruitment bonus to assume a position in a low performing TIF school, and opportunities to become mentors to their peers. Each of these are contingent upon high performance on the evaluation rubric and positive growth in student achievement. These are contractual obligations that remain in place through the 2015 - 2016 school year. After this time, we will enter into contract negotiations with our Principal Association. The district is committed to these strategies and have dedicated baseline dollars to fund them. Teachers: Working together, Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Education Association reached a historic agreement in September 2010, creating a new teacher evaluation system that includes student growth. This evaluation system remains in place in our new teachers contract (until 20152016). We measuring student growth using value-added and student growth percentiles (two different methodologies). We utilize two years of state assessment data in determining a teachers overall student growth rating. In Seattle, a teacher may receive a high, typical or low student growth rating. A teacher who has high performance on the summative evaluation rating, and a high student growth rating is eligible to become a career ladder teacher (demonstration, mentor, master). This is true for all schools in Seattle, not just TIF schools. Additionally, any high performing teacher who is considered to be highly effective is eligible for a $2,000 recruitment stipend if they assume a position in a level 1 school (lowest performing TIF schools). All teachers in level 1 schools who meet the performance schedule on their summative evaluation and show positive gains in student growth receive a $2,000 retention stipend ($1,000 for performance and $1,000 for student growth). For teachers of non-tested subjects and grades, we have used a whole school growth

model to determine student growth. Beginning in 2014-2015, teachers must meet proficiency or higher on their student growth goals. All teachers in Seattle now set SLOs as part of their goal setting conference and are held accountable for meeting these goals. Proficiency is determined by the state mandated student growth rubrics. All teachers receive a low, typical or high student growth impact rating that is calculated into their summative evaluation rating. All of these strategies are contractual obligations for Seattle Public Schools and baseline funds have been dedicated for this purpose. Please let us know if you have any other questions regarding this matter. Best, Clover Codd Executive Director of Strategic Planning

From: Lampila, Carolyn [] Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 2:08 PM To: Codd, Clover Subject: interim APR follow up

Hi, Clover, I completed my review of Seattles interim APR and have a few follow up questions. After focusing on the budgets in July, were reviewing the remaining sections of the APR. Since a change was made to the Coversheet (8b- Expenditures), we need the revised coversheet to be signed. You did send a revised coversheet reflecting the correct expenditures, but it was not signed by the superintendent. For this APR, grantees had to respond to the four TIF program goals. You didnt need to address them separately from the rest of your narrative, but they should all be addressed. The only one of the four goals I couldnt clearly identify was Creating sustainable performance-based compensation systems. Please add some narrative on this goal. Please provide these updates by September 26, 2013. Thank you! Carolyn
Carolyn B. Lampila Office of Elementary and Secondary Education|U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW|Room 3E116|Washington, DC 20202 202.260.0722 (ph)|202.260.8969 (f)|

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