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GOALS OF HYPNONARCISSIST Most vulnerable melodramatic confessed subconscious ego desires People to love me Peopleto love my work People

to buy my work People to respect me Fear me (what if it got darker and darker?) Take broad things and then attach specific examples of wants that will fulfill each 16 reiss motivation profile Acceptance Curiosity Eating expedience Family Idealism Interdependence Order Physical activity Power Romance Saving Social contact Status Tranquility Vengeance Enneagram type 7 enthusiast Fear of being deprived and in pain, desire to be satisfied and content, have needs fulfilled Individualist type 4 Fear they have no identity or personal significance Desire to find themselves and their significance Achiever type 3 Fear of being worthless Desire to feel valuable and worthwhile FORMAT Cheese and slime communicated from beginning? Or straight hypnotism up until the point I assume theyre under and then flip a dooz? Aim is professional? Aim is emotional? Aim starts professional and then has desperate lapses into emotional? Start with small reasonable demands and get bigger? seems trite, expected, scripted Boom big from the get go? want to be funny, absurd, but not clowny CLOCKING IN AT 6 MINUTES

[0:33] In buying this record you have taken the first step towards _______, toward attaining _______ important to you, not that hypnotism contains any magical powers, or the power to transform you in any way, but the power is within you within your mind

Think of the mind as a many layered thing like an onion, through hypnosis you will _______ [0:36] The power for change lies waiting for you there to uncover _______ By listening to this you are agreeing to be hypnostized, your complete cooperaton is essential. To allay any fears you may have about hypnosis, it is important for you to know what hypnosis is not, as to know what it is, Hypnosis is not a test of wills, the hypnotists power over the subject has nothing to do with it,
[ 1:37] In a moment I'm going to relax you more completely. In a moment I'm going to begin counting backwards from 10 to 1. The moment I say the number 10 you will allow your eyelids to remain closed. The moment I say the number 10, you will, in your minds eye, see yourself at the top of a small set of stairs. The moment I say the number 9, and each additional number, you will simply move down those stairs relaxing more completely. At the base of the stairs is a large feather bed, with a comfortable feather pillow. The moment I say the number one you will simply sink into that bed, resting your head on that feather pillow. Number 10, eyes closed at the top of those stairs. Ten ... Nine, relaxing and letting go. Nine ... Eight, sinking into a more comfortable, calm, peaceful position ... Seven .... Six ... going way down ... Five ... moving down those stairs, relaxing more completely. Four ... Three ... breathe in deeply ... Two ... On the next number, number one, simply sinking into that bed, becoming more calm, more peaceful, more relaxed ... One ... Sinking into that feather bed, let every muscle go limp and loose as you sink into a more calm, peaceful state of relaxation.

Ego Strengthener
[1:04] You have now become so deeply relaxed.... so deeply asleep.... that your mind has become so sensitive.... so receptive to everything I say.... that everything that I put into your mind.... will sink so deeply into the unconscious part of your mind.... that it will have a very deep and lasting an impression.... and will become a part of your inner realities.... Consequently.... these suggestions that I place into the unconscious part of your mind.... will begin to exercise a greater and greater influence.... over the way you think.... over the way you feel.... and over the way you behave....

and because these suggestions will stay.... firmly embedded in the unconscious part of your mind.... they will continue to exercise the same great influence.... in the weeks, months and years to come.... they will become more and more a part of your inner realities.... as you continue to take positive steps into the future.... [0:35] you are now so very deeply relaxed.... that everything that I tell you is going to happen.... will happen for your own good.... exactly as I tell you.... and every feeling that I tell you will experience.... you will experience.... exactly as I tell you.... and these things will continue to happen to you every day.... and you will continue to experience these same feelings every day.... more and more powerfully.... when your at home.... or at work or wherever you are.... [0:37] during this deep sleep.... you are going to feel healthier and fitter in every way.... you will feel more alert and experience a wonderful feeling of well being.... both mentally and physically.. and from now on you will have more energy.... more enthusiasm.... and feel more optimistic.... as you continue to develop a more positive outlook on life.... everyday.... you will become so deeply interested and enthusiastic.... in whatever you are doing.... or whatever is going on around you.... that you focus outwardly.... [1:06] you no longer think about yourself so much.... and allow any problems to hold you back.... from now on you will see any problem that arise as a challenge.... any difficulties you encounter as a test for you to overcome.... altogether you will approach things with a much more positive attitude.... in every way.... everyday your nerves will become stronger and steadier.... your mind calmer and clearer.... you will feel more in control of your feelings and emotions.... you will feel more composed.... more centred.... more at peace with yourself.... and you will begin to develop an inner strength and calm.... and a self belief that you can achieve anything you want to.... when you focus your mind and you will be able to think more clearly.... concentrate more easily.... you will be able to give your whole undivided attention to whatever you are doing.... to the complete exclusion of everything else....

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