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Michael's Food! HEALING - a bible study using Strong's (Part !

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Saturday, 25 January 2014 Bible Study Links

HEALING - a bible study using Strong's (Part ! Ne" #esta$ent%

Yesterday, I studied the topic of HEALING using Strong's Exhaustive oncordance. !ey"ord of #hea$# "as used. In the %$d &esta'ent, #hea$# "as seen in the context of hea$ing of sic(ness)i$$ness, hea$ing of "ound, hea$ing of $and, hea$ing of nation, hea$ing of peop$e. %$d &esta'ent *oo(s that have #hea$# are Nu'*ers, +euterono'y, , !ings, , hronic$es, -sa$'s, Isaiah, .ere'iah, La'entations, Hosea, and /echariah. &oday, I a' studying the #hea$# as found in the Ne" &esta'ent. 0ef 12 http3))""".*i*$estudytoo$')search)456hea$7t6(8v7s69i*$es7p61

9a(er's Evange$ica$ +ictionary Easton's 9i*$e +ictionary Hitchcoc('s 9i*$e Na'es +ictionary !ing .a'es +ictionary :atthe" Henry o''entary ; o'p$ete2 :atthe" Henry o''entary ; oncise2 :atthe" Henry's o''entary ;9i*$egate"ay2 Nave's &opica$ 9i*$e S'ith's 9i*$e +ictionary

Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, pleading with Him, 6 saying, Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented ! " #nd Jesus said to him, $ will come and heal him ! % &he centurion answered and said, Lord, $ am not worthy that 'ou should come under my roof (ut only spea) a word, and my servant will *e healed + ,or $ also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me #nd $ say to this one, -.o,/ and he goes0 and to another, -Come,/ and he comes0 and to my servant, -1o this,/ and he does it.! 23 4hen Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, #ssuredly, $ say to you, $ have not found such great faith, not even in $srael5 22 #nd $ say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with #*raham, $saac, and Jaco* in the )ingdom of heaven 26 (ut the sons of the )ingdom will *e cast out into outer dar)ness &here will *e weeping and gnashing of teeth ! 27 &hen Jesus said to the centurion, .o your way0 and as you have *elieved, so let it *e done for you ! #nd his servant was healed that same hour 89atthew %:5;27< 8N=J>< Passage of Matthew chapter 8 verses 5-13 is about Jesus healing the Centurion's servant. Here we can see the strong faith of the Centurion. !he Centurion ha" such a high faith in Jesus that he believe" that if Jesus co##an"e" the healing his servant woul" be heale"$ not necessar% for Jesus to la% han"s on the servant. #nd when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all )inds of sic)ness and all )inds of disease 6 Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: first, ?imon, who is called @eter, and #ndrew his *rother0 James the son of Ae*edee, and John his *rother0 7 @hilip and (artholomew0 &homas and 9atthew the taB collector0 James the son of #lphaeus, and Le**aeus, whose surname wasCaD &haddaeus0E ?imon the Cananite,C*D and Judas $scariot, who also *etrayed Him 5 &hese twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: 1o not go into the way of the .entiles, and do not enter a city of the ?amaritans 6 (ut go rather to the lost sheep of the house of $srael " #nd as you go, preach, saying, -&he )ingdom of heaven is at hand / % Heal the sic), cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, CcD cast out demons ,reely you have received, freely give + @rovide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money *elts, 23 nor *ag for your Fourney, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs0 for a wor)er is worthy of his food 89atthew 23:2;23< 8N=J>< Passage of Matthew chapter 1& verses 1-15 is about Jesus sen"ing out the !welve 'postles to heal the sic( an" cast out "e#ons. Healing #inistr% is the earliest #inistr% in #% opinion. Ministr% of healing b% the believers was starte" "uring the lifeti#e of Jesus Christ.

Strong's Exhaustive oncordance &orrey's Ne" &opica$ &ext*oo( &reasury of Scripture !no"$edge <es$ey's Exp$anatory Notes

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Michael's Food! HEALING - a bible study using Strong's (Part ! Ne" #esta$ent%

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Ministr% of healing is a goo" service to the public an" a goo" testi#on% to the goo"ness of Jesus Christ an" the power of our )o". Casting out evil spirits is part of the healing #inistr%. + Now when He had departed from there, He went into their synagogue 23 #nd *ehold, there was a man who had a withered hand #nd they as)ed Him, saying, $s it lawful to heal on the ?a**athG!Hthat they might accuse Him 22 &hen He said to them, 4hat man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the ?a**ath, will not lay hold of it and lift it outG 26 If how much more value then is a man than a sheepG &herefore it is lawful to do good on the ?a**ath ! 27 &hen He said to the man, ?tretch out your hand ! #nd he stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other 89atthew 26:+;27< 8N=J>< Passage of Matthew chapter 1* verses +-1, is about Jesus healing on -abbath "a%. Healing is an urgent #atter. Healing shoul" be "one on an% "a% of the wee(. !here shoul" be no restriction that healing is "one "uring the wee(l% pra%er #eeting for instance. .f there is sic(ness an" hence urgent nee" of healing this ought to be "one right awa%. #nd the disciples came and said to Him, 4hy do 'ou spea) to them in para*lesG! 22 He answered and said to them, (ecause it has *een given to you to )now the mysteries of the )ingdom of heaven, *ut to them it has not *een given 26 ,or whoever has, to him more will *e given, and he will have a*undance0 *ut whoever does not have, even what he has will *e ta)en away from him 27 &herefore $ spea) to them in para*les, *ecause seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand 2E #nd in them the prophecy of $saiah is fulfilled, which says: -Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, #nd seeing you will see and not perceive0 ,or the hearts of this people have grown dull heir ears are hard of hearing, #nd their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, ?o that $ shouldCaD heal them /C*D

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(ut *lessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear0 2" for assuredly, $ say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. (Matthew 13:10-16) (NKJV) Passage of Matthew chapter 1& verses 1&-1/ is about Jesus e0plaining to his "isciples about wh% He spo(e in parables. )o"'s healing will be for those coul" see an" hear the 1#%steries of the (ing"o# of heaven1 un"erstan" an" turn their hearts to )o". #nd He entered the synagogue again, and a man was there who had a withered hand 6 ?o they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the ?a**ath, so that they might accuse Him 7 #nd He said to the man who had the withered hand, ?tep forward ! E &hen He said to them, $s it lawful on the ?a**ath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to )illG! (ut they )ept silent 5 #nd when He had loo)ed around at them with anger, *eing grieved *y the hardness of their hearts, He said to the man, ?tretch out your hand ! #nd he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other CaD 89ar) 7:2;5< 8N=J>< Passage of Mar( chapter 3 verses 1-/ is about Jesus healing a #an with withere" han" on a -abbath "a% in the s%nagogue. Jesus heale" on a -abbath which was so#ething offensive to the Pharisees. !he Pharisees the -a""ucees an" the teachers of law at that ti#e were pious an" ver% religious people that observe" an" obe%e" the laws an" co##an"s of )o" which were han"e" b% Moses. !he% were so religious


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Michael's Food: HEALING - a bible study usi g !t"o g's #Pa"t $: Ne% &esta'e t(

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an" so co#pliant that the% believe" that totall% no wor( inclu"ing healing shoul" be "one on -abbath "a%. !he% were hence ver% offen"e" to see Jesus healing on -abbath "a% which the% "ee#e" as not observing the rule on -abbath "a% as a rest "a%. !o Jesus healing was an urgent nee"2wor( which ha" to be "one when the nee" arose. 3ro# this e0a#ple for those involve" in the #inistr% of healing the% #ust be willing to "o the Healing for the sic( when the nee" arises...not onl% "uring special Healing -ervice not onl% "uring Pra%er Meeting. 4elievers who are in conventional healing2health in"ustr% such as ph%sicians #e"ical specialists therapists nurses #ust also re#e#ber this principle5 Heal an" a"#inister health treat#ent2"iagnosis when the nee" arises$ be e#pathetic. #nd He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted #nd they came to Him 2E &hen He appointed twelve,C*D that they might *e with Him and that He might send them out to preach, 25 and to have power to heal sic)nesses and CcD to cast out demons: 26 ?imon,CdD to whom He gave the name @eter0 2" James the son of Ae*edee and John the *rother of James, to whom He gave the name (oanerges, that is, ?ons of &hunder!0 2% #ndrew, @hilip, (artholomew, 9atthew, &homas, James the son of #lphaeus, &haddaeus, ?imon the Cananite0 2+ and Judas $scariot, who also *etrayed Him #nd they went into a house 89ar) 7:27;2+<8N=J>< Passage of Mar( chapter 3 verses 13-1+ is about Jesus appointing the !welve 'postles 6also (nown as the !welve 7isciples8 an" sen"ing the out on a #ission to heal the sic( an" cast out "e#ons. 7uties of apostleship inclu"e the #inistr% of preaching to outsi"e the church an" the #inistr% of healing - healing the sic( casting out evil spirits. Just !'9: is not enough. Preaching of the gospel an" the (nowle"ge of Christ shoul" also be acco#panie" with service2#inistr% of healing. &he ?pirit of the LIK1 is upon 9e, (ecause He has anointed 9e &o preach the gospel to the poor0 He has sent 9e to heal the *ro)enhearted,CFD &o proclaim li*erty to the captives #nd recovery of sight to the *lind, o set at li*erty those who are oppressed0 8Lu)e E:2%< 8N=J><
2% 27

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Passage of 9u(e chapter , verses 1/-3& is about Jesus being re;ecte" at his ho#etown of <a=areth the place where he grew up. Jesus rea" a passage in .saiah which was a prophes% about Jesus Christ. He was belittle" an" not accepte" b% those in <a=areth. ' prophet is often not respecte" in his own place$ this is universal. ' preacher is nor#all% appreciate" #ore when he preaches overseas or in other churches as co#pare" to preaching in his own church. ' la%person who coul" be a goo" teacher or preacher but he is as well regar"e" in his own ho#e church. '#ong Jesus Christ's #issions are healing the bro(en-hearte" setting free the captives of sin an" recover% of sight to ph%sicall% blin" an" 1opening the e%es1 of the spirituall% blin". Healing the emotionally trou*led and healing the depressed are also part of the Healing #inistr%. He said to them, 'ou will surely say this prover* to 9e, -@hysician, heal yourself5 4hatever we have heard done in Capernaum,ClD do also here in 'our country /! 6E &hen He said, #ssuredly, $ say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country 65 (ut $ tell you truly, many widows were in $srael in the days of JliFah, when the heaven was shut up three years and siB months, and there was a great famine throughout all the land0 66 *ut to none of them was JliFah sent eBcept to Aarephath,CmD in the re!ion of ?idon, to a woman who was a widow 6" #nd many lepers were in $srael in the time of Jlisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed eBcept Naaman the ?yrian ! 8Lu)e E:67;6"< 8N=J><

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Michael's Food: HEALING - a bible study usi g !t"o g's #Pa"t $: Ne% &esta'e t(

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4ase" on the e0a#ples in this passage Jesus >li;ah an" >lisha #an% people who will be serving the 9or" full-ti#e will be sent far awa% fro# their respective ho#etown2neighbourhoo". Ma%be that's wh% the concept of #issionar%. ' #issionar% is often sent to a farawa% lan" to evangeli=e set up churches teach preach e"ucate an" service of healing an" "eliverance. 2" Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were @harisees and teachers of the law sitting *y, who had come out of every town of .alilee, Judea, and Jerusalem #nd the power of the Lord was "resent to heal them CaD 2% &hen *ehold, men *rought on a *ed a man who was paralyzed, whom they sought to *ring in and lay *efore Him 2+ #nd when they could not find how they might *ring him in, *ecause of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his *ed through the tiling into the midst *efore Jesus 63 4hen He saw their faith, He said to him, 9an, your sins are forgiven you ! 62 #nd the scri*es and the @harisees *egan to reason, saying, 4ho is this who spea)s *lasphemiesG 4ho can forgive sins *ut .od aloneG! 66 (ut when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answered and said to them, 4hy are you reasoning in your heartsG 67 4hich is easier, to say, -'our sins are forgiven you,/ or to say, -Kise up and wal)/G 6E (ut that you may )now that the ?on of 9an has power on earth to forgive sins!HHe said to the man who was paralyzed, $ say to you, arise, ta)e up your *ed, and go to your house ! 65 $mmediately he rose up *efore them, too) up what he had *een lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying .od 66 #nd they were all amazed, and they glorified .od and were filled with fear, saying, 4e have seen strange things today5! 8Lu)e 5:2";65< 8N=J><

Ine day Jesus was teaching, and @harisees and teachers of the law were sitting there &hey had come from every village of .alilee and from Judea and Jerusalem #nd the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sic) 8Lu)e 5:2"< 8N$><

Passage of 9u(e chapter 5 verses 1?-*5 is about Jesus forgiving an" healing a paral%=e" #an. -o#eti#es an infir#it% coul" be cause" b% an earlier sin b% hi#self 6or so#eti#es b% his parent gran"parent or ancestor8. 4efore pra%er for healing an ill person shall pra% for forgiveness of sins. 3aith of the ill person an" his fa#il%2frien"s2relatives are also i#portant. .n this passage we coul" see the faith of that paral%=e" #an an" his frien"s2relatives who carrie" hi# on the be"2stretcher. http522www.biblestu";vCsB4iblesCpB,
6 Now it happened on another ?a**ath, also, that He entered the synagogue and taught #nd a man was there whose right hand was withered " ?o the scri*es and @harisees watched Him closely, whether He would heal on the ?a**ath, that they might find an accusation against Him % (ut He )new their thoughts, and said to the man who had the withered hand, #rise and stand here ! #nd he arose and stood + &hen Jesus said to them, $ will as) you one thing: $s it lawful on the ?a**ath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroyG!C*D 23 #nd when He had loo)ed around at them all, He said to the man, CcD ?tretch out your hand !#nd he did so, and his hand was restored as whole as the other CdD 8Lu)e 6:6;23< 8N=J><

Passage of 9u(e chapter / verses /-11 is about Jesus healing a #an with withere" han" on a -abbath "a% in the s%nagogue. !his stor% is also in the boo( of Matthew an" the boo( of Mar(. 3or healing to happen it is i#portant to have faith an" to obe% an" "o the actions as instructe". Jesus instructe" the #an with withere" han" to arise an" stan" up. !he #an arose an" stoo" up. Jesus instructe" #an to stretch his withere" han". 'lthough the #an (new his withere" han" ha" too little strength to stretch out he ha" faith he believe"$

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Michael's Food: HEALING - a bible study usi g !t"o g's #Pa"t $: Ne% &esta'e t(

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without hesitation he stretche" out his han". 13aith with action1 is i#portant for healing to occur. Now when He concluded all His sayings in the hearing of the people, He entered Capernaum 6 #nd a certain centurion/s servant, who was dear to him, was sic) and ready to die 7 ?o when he heard a*out Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant E #nd when they came to Jesus, they *egged Him earnestly, saying that the one for whom He should do this was deserving, 5 for he loves our nation, and has *uilt us a synagogue ! 6 &hen Jesus went with them #nd when He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him, Lord, do not trou*le 'ourself, for $ am not worthy that 'ou should enter under my roof " &herefore $ did not even thin) myself worthy to come to 'ou (ut say the word, and my servant will *e healed % ,or $ also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me #nd $ say to one, -.o,/ and he goes0 and to another, -Come,/ and he comes0 and to my servant, -1o this,/ and he does it.! + 4hen Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, $ say to you, $ have not found such great faith, not even in $srael5! 23 #nd those who were sent, returning to the house, found the servant well who had *een sic) CaD 8Lu)e ":2;23< 8N=J>< Passage of 9u(e chapter ? verses 1-1& is about Jesus healing the Centurion's servant. 4ear in #in" that this Centurion is not a Jew nor an .sraelite$ he was a )entile. 3aith of the Centurion ha" pla%e" a part in the healing of the Centurion's servant. 3or those who pra% for healing of a sic( person the% #ust reall% have faith an" trul% believe that )o" is able to heal. .f a parent brings a sic( chil" to be pra%e" over for healing that parent #ust have the faith an" trul% believe that )o" coul" heal. &hen He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases 6 He sent them to preach the )ingdom of .od and to heal the sic) 7 #nd He said to them, &a)e nothing for the Fourney, neither staffs nor *ag nor *read nor money0 and do not have two tunics apiece E 4hatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart 5 #nd whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, sha)e off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them ! 6 ?o they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere 8Lu)e +:2;6< 8N=J>< Passage of 9u(e chapter + verses 1-/ is about Jesus sen"ing out the !welve 7isciples on a Mission to preach the gospel an" heal the sic(. De learn fro# this passage that a #ission trip shoul" co#prise two #a;or ele#ents5 618 preaching the gospel 6*8 healing. Ministr% of healing shoul" inclu"e healing the sic( an" "riving out evil spirits. .n conte#porar% conte0t in a""ition to pra%er for healing the #inistr% of healing coul" inclu"e provision of general ph%sicians to treat the sic( "entists to e0a#ine the health of teeth phar#acists to "ispense #e"icine an" vita#in #asseurs an" chiropracters for #assage therap% chinese ph%sicians for acupuncture an" tra"itional #e"icine ps%chologists an" counsellors for e#otionall% "epresse" #otivational spea(ers for e#otionall% "epresse" an" the stresse"-out persons. De shoul" restrict the #inistr% of healing to #iraculous healing an" pra%ers for healing an" "eliverance onl%. Ministr% of healing shoul" also inclu"e western #e"ical practices as well as tra"itional2co#ple#entar% #e"ical practices. 4otto# line is that the people with sic(ness an" infir#ities whether ph%sical or e#otional2#ental coul" be heale" an" cure". #fter these things the Lord appointed seventy others also,

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Michael's Food: HEALING - a bible study usi g !t"o g's #Pa"t $: Ne% &esta'e t(

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and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. 2 Then He said to them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the ord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.! "o your way; behold, # send you out as lambs among wolves. $ %arry neither money bag, &napsac&, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. ' (ut whatever house you enter, first say, )*eace to this house.+ , -nd if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you. . -nd remain in the same house, eating and drin&ing such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. /o not go from house to house. 0 1hatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. 2 -nd heal the sic& there, and say to them, )The &ingdom of "od has come near to you.+ 3 u&e 4564728 39:;<8 Passage of Luke chapter 10 verses 1-12 is about Jesus sending out the Seventy on a Mission to heal the sick and proclaim share the gospel! "his event happened after Jesus sent out the "#elve $isciples! %irst batch of missionaries #as the "#elve $isciples! Second batch of missionaries #ere these Seventy& buddy system 't#o persons per team( #as employed! %or this reason) missionaries are at best t#opersons team) rationally a husband and #ife team! *ith t#o persons in a team) they can encourage each other #hen one is feeling do#n! "hey can also help each other! "hey can complement each other #ith differing skills 'musical instrument) song leading) preaching) teaching) prayer for healing) bible study) counselling) casting out evil spirits(! 9ow it happened, as He went into the house of one of the rulers of the *harisees to eat bread on the =abbath, that they watched Him closely. 2 -nd behold, there was a certain man before Him who had dropsy. ! -nd ;esus, answering, spo&e to the lawyers and *harisees, saying, #s it lawful to heal on the =abbath>?[a] $ (ut they &ept silent. -nd He too& him and healed him, and let him go. ' Then He answered them, saying, 1hich of you, having a don&ey[b] or an o@ that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the =abbath day>? , -nd they could not answer Him regarding these things. 3 u&e 4$647,8 39:;<8 Passage of Luke chapter 1+ verses 1-, is about Jesus healing a man #ith dropsy on Sabbath day! Jesus dared to be different! "he Pharisees strictly observed the rest day of Sabbath) to the e-tent that they #ould not do healing on Sabbath! Jesus sho#ed to be different! .lthough Sabbath day #as to be sacred and reserved for rest) certain urgent #ork such as healing need to be done on any day of the #eek) including Sabbath! Sabbath as rest day #as meant to be a good practices for people to take a rest after si- days of #ork! /o#ever) #e should not be so e-treme in implementation) to the e-tent that even urgent #ork such as healing is not done on Sabbath day!
$, =o ;esus came again to %ana of "alilee where He had made the water wine. -nd there was a certain nobleman whose son was sic& at %apernaum. $. 1hen he heard that ;esus had come out of ;udea into "alilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. $0 Then ;esus said to him, Anless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.? $2 The nobleman said to Him, =ir, come down before my child diesB? '5 ;esus said to him, "o your way; your son lives.? =o the man believed the word that ;esus spo&e to him, and he went his way. '4 -nd as he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying, Cour son livesB?


Then he inDuired of them the hour when he got better. -nd they said to him, Cesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.? '! =o the father &new that it was at the same hour in which ;esus said to him, Cour son lives.? -nd he himself believed, and his whole household. 3;ohn $6$,7'!8 39:;<8


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Michael's Food: HEALING - a bible study usi g !t"o g's #Pa"t $: Ne% &esta'e t(

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Passage of John chapter + verses +,-0+ is about Jesus healing the nobleman1s son! Miraculous healing of the sick is a very good testimony for Jesus 2hrist! 3ecause of the healing of his son #ho #as so sick nearing death) the nobleman believed in Jesus 2hrist) and his entire family 'maybe including his servants and #orkers(! 4n order for us to advance the gospel of Jesus 2hrist) the healing ministry plays a vital role! *hen the sick recovers) the healed person and his family #ill be someho# feel the conviction) and have faith in 5od .lmighty! (ut although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him, !0 that the word of #saiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spo&e6 ord, who has believed our report> -nd to whom has the arm of the FG/ been revealed>?[f]
!2 $5 !.

Therefore they could not believe, because #saiah said again6 He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, est they should see with their eyes, est they should understand with their hearts and turn, =o that # should heal them.?[g]


These things #saiah said when[h] he saw His glory and spo&e of Him. 3;ohn 426!.7$48 39:;<8

Passage of John chapter 12 verses 67-+1 is about the 4saiah1s prophesy about Jesus 2hrist being fulfilled! 4f the Je#s 4sraelites #ere to see and hear Jesus) they #ould be healed and delivered! %or 5od1s healing upon us) let us pray that our eyes could see clearly and our ears could listen carefully to 5od1s #ords!

2. Eor truly against Cour holy =ervant ;esus, whom Cou anointed, both Herod and *ontius *ilate, with the "entiles and the people of #srael, were gathered together 20 to do whatever Cour hand and Cour purpose determined before to be done. 22 9ow, ord, loo& on their threats, and grant to Cour servants that with all boldness they may spea& Cour word, !5 by stretching out Cour hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Cour holy =ervant ;esus.? !4 -nd when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was sha&en; and they were all filled with the Holy =pirit, and they spo&e the word of "od with boldness. 3-cts $62.7!48 39:;<8

Passage of .cts chapter + verses 26-61 is about Prayer %or 3oldness! "he believers in the early church #ere persecuted) and prayed for boldness in preaching the gospel! /ealing) sings and #onders #ere accompanying the preaching of the gospel! %or the /ealing Service) it is not the preacher #ho does the healing but 5od1s /and that does the healing! "he preacher is merely an instrument of 5od praying for the sick person and laying hands on the sick person! 5lory be to 5od8 .ll believers #ho are given the gift of healing 'being one of the gifts of /oly Spirit( must remember that ultimately the healing comes from the Lord 5od! "hose #ith gift of healing must avoid becoming proud and haughty for being used 5od to deliver healing to the sick) the those #ith infirmities) but must glorify 5od and ackno#ledge 5od1s /and in all healings! .nother important point is that /ealing and Miracles are to be done in the name of Jesus 2hrist! 9mphasi:e that #hen doing the healing prayer!!!!4; "/9 ;.M9 <% J9S=S 2/>4S"!
2! =o when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging, to whom he e@plained and solemnly testified of

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Michael's Food: HEALIN ! a "i"le st#d$ #sing %t&ong's 'Pa&t (: Ne) *estament+

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the &ingdom of "od, persuading them concerning ;esus from both the aw of Hoses and the *rophets, from morning till evening. 2$ -nd some were persuaded by the things which were spo&en, and some disbelieved. 2' =o when they did not agree among themselves, they departed after *aul had said one word6 The Holy =pirit spo&e rightly through #saiah the prophet to our [b] fathers, 2, saying, )"o to this people and say6 Hearing you will hear, and shall not understand; -nd seeing you will see, and not perceive; Eor the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, -nd their eyes they have closed, est they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, est they should understand with their hearts and turn, =o that # should heal them.?+[c]


20 Therefore let it be &nown to you that the salvation of "od has been sent to the "entiles, and they will hear itB? 22 -nd when he had said these words, the ;ews departed and had a great dispute among themselves.[d] !5 Then *aul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, !4 preaching the &ingdom of "od and teaching the things which concern the ord ;esus %hrist with all confidence, no one forbidding him. 3-cts 2062!7 !48 39:;<8

Passage of .cts chapter 2? verses 17-61 is about Paul speaking to leaders of the Je#s in >ome! .mong others) Paul also spoke about 4saiah1s prophesy about Jesus 2hrist) #hich Jesus had earlier read aloud in the synagogue! "hose #ho believed #ould be healed by 5od! "hose #ho believed #ere those #ho sa# the truth) #ho heard and understood! Saturday) Jan 20) 201+! Michael @eap!
Earlier references for Old Testament: Ref 1) http: !!!"biblestud#tools"com search $%&heal't&()*'s&+ibles'p&1 Ref ,) http: !!!"biblestud#tools"com search $%&heal't&()*'s&+ibles'p&, Posted b# -ichael at /0:11
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Michael's Food: HEALIN ! a "i"le st#d$ #sing %t&ong's 'Pa&t (: Ne) *estament+

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