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• laughed
The Brubaker Buzz
I S S U E 6 S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 0 9

• schools


A Look Back
• himself We had a great at conferences! It’s a lot of meat eating plants. While
• grand-
week together! The stu- fun. During math, this we were reading this story,
mother dents were very engaged in week, we worked on col- the students wrote friendly
learning many new and lecting data and graphing. letters to prove that it was
• barefoot
exciting things this week. This is similar to last week, non-fiction and to tell in-
• afternoon We used the entire week to however this week students teresting facts that they
study about Missouri. The developed their own survey learned. To top off the
• homework
students learned about the question and wrote true week we made our Mis-
• everyone major Missouri rivers and statements about other stu- souri cookies. This is great
• butterfly
cities. They also learned dents’ graphs. This lesson and fun way to test the stu-
how to identify them on a went very well! During dents to see if they remem-
• backyard map. This is such a fun reading we read the story ber where the cities and
• beside
lesson that all students did Fly Traps; Plants that Bite rivers are! I wish I had
a magnificent job! We also Back. It’s a truly interest- tests like that when I was
• South Amer- learned the eight states ing story that teaches stu- in school! As you can
around Missouri. So far dents about carnivorous imagine, all students
• countries everyone knows them! We plants. Most students were passed that with flying col-
use an acronym to help us aware of the Venus Fly ors!
remember them. I can’t Trap; however they learned
wait for them to show you that there are many more

Conferences 10/27

Half-day 10/16
A Peek to Next Week
Next week is one of my fa- we will move to writing and learning how to write an inter-
10/8 Grandparents’ Day vorite weeks to teach! I love keep the same idea by choos- esting non-fiction paper. Dur-
introducing research to stu- ing habitats from Missouri ing math, students will be
dents! We will start with sci- and around the world to re- introduced to different units
10/9 Book Orders Due
ence by introducing ecosys- search. Students will learn of measurement. We will be
tems and how they support different methods of gathering measuring unit our customary
habitats and the plants and information and how to credit units and also metric units.
animals that live there. Then the authors. They will also be Students will be comparing
how these units are different
and determining which of the

Next Week Cont.

two would be better to use make a diorama and presen-
in certain situations. We tation about the habitat they
will also pull back to graph- are researching. Be sure to
ing and use our measure- look for that note on Mon-
ment data to make more day.
graphs. We’ll continue
reading some non-fiction
stories to learn more about
ecosystems and how they
work together. I will send
home a note next week
about our habitat homework
that will be done at home.
Students will be required to

Ask Me, I Know!

If your child sees What are the eight states Name one carnivorous plant
how important around Missouri? that you learned about this
education is to week.
Name the two major rivers
you, they will make
in Missouri. What was your survey
education just as question?
important. Is St. Louis on the east or
west side of Missouri?
Dr. Kathy
Morrison Is Kansas City on the east
of west side of Missouri?

Please keep in mind Nixa’s Yearbook forms came home
wellness policy when this week. If your child
choosing snacks for your would like to participate in
child. Items such as potato
yearbook club, please send
chips and candy are not on
the list of healthy snacks. those back.
Please send a snack that is
healthy with your child.


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