Yoga Asanas Mayapur 2002

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Basic Extension (removes deep-seated fatigue) Restoring 1. Tie back, extend arms overhead-thumbs interlockedURDHVA PRASAR !

A PADASA"A degrees 0 a) extend from the inner thigh to inner knee to inner heel b) press the upper inner corner of the knee down then extend the outer ligaments of the knees c) extend from the side waist to the armpits to the fingers knees to the floorextend-1- minutes then relax arms at sides !reathe into the shoulders and hips "elax then again interlock the thumbs appositeDo this extension 4 or 5 times #this kind of work removes deep seated fatigue from the bod$ that has lodged in the %oints and cells# SUP!A PADA"#HUS!HASA"A part $ with strap a) thigh bone moves awa$ b) stretch from the inner knee to inner calf to inner heel to middle of big toe allow the bones of the legs to pierce the sole of the foot &outer ankle thin' &move top of shin bone to the bottom of the calf muscle' (eft thigh down)o * URDHVA PRASAR !A PADASA"A again degrees 0 SUP!A PADA"#HUS!HASA"A part % &atera& hold strap+one hand take leg to floor and towards shoulder extend inner knee to inner calf to inner heel take heel towards floor, turn thigh in at the same time * again extend, arms overhead * URDHVA PRASAR !A PADASA"A -0 degrees extend from the inner thigh to inner calf to inner heel little toe moves down outer ankles thin lower back on floor &send the lumbar spine like a tube to the thoracic- top shoulder blades in & 1- mins. "./T -0 deg to 00 deg 1lower back on floor), 20 deg "./T

-0 deg to 00 deg to 110 deg to -0 deg to 00 deg to 20 deg to 34 deg to 00 deg -0 deg .xtend again SUP!A PADA"#HUS!HASA"A part ' take the leg in a -0 deg angle to l$ing back, knee awa$ from shoulder, foot towards opposite shoulder- 5ltimatel$ the shin is parallel to the collar bones .xtend again flat arms overhead then sit n 67"8/898rolled blanket behind the knees PARVA!ASA"A ( in V RASA"A - extend the inner arm elbows lift the shoulders wrists lift the elbows top shoulder blades in 1 min /witch fingers "est, palms up, on thighs go forward like child:s poseclasp hands behind back (PARVA!ASA"A) 1) /tretch inner arms ) arms forward 2) top shoulder blades in-rest arms on floor-switch fingers l$ing back, knee awa$ from shoulder, foot towards opposite shoulder; ultimatel$ the shin is parallel to the collar bones; .xtend again;flat arms overhead;then sit in 6irasana;rolled blanket behind the knees <arvatasana in 6irasana extend the inner arm-elbows lift the shoulders; wrists lift the elbows;top shoulder blades in;1 minute. /witch fingers; "est, palms up, on thighs go forward like child:s pose; clasp hands 1<arvatasana) behind back 1) /tretch inner arms ) 8rms forward 2) Top shoulder blades in; a. rest arms on floor b. /witch fingers come up;<arvatasana again;this time turn to the right, the left shoulder blade pushes right blade comes in hori=ontal to the spine go to the left >ome to >enter;rest? >hange the clasp;again;

@o forward;clasp hands in back 8llow the right arm to pull the left to the side and down; Apen left armpit chest >ome to center;rest >hange clasp;again (ie back again;extend the whole bod$; 1) inner leg ) knees down 2) lumbar down /upta <adanghusthasana 7 B 77 again extend again 5rdhva <rasarita padasana -0 degrees; to 2 minutes lower back down 8dho Cukha /vanasana wide stance >ome on medatarsals of toes+thighs back , slowl$ take the calf muscles down DneesE take the upper inner corner of the knee back, and extend slowl$ from the outer knees to outer calves to outer heels;walk into wide 5ttansana hold elbows;upper inner corners of knees back+stretch the outer ligaments; /upta !addha Donasana 10-14 minutes support under knees then l$ing back;<avanmuktasana right knee in 4 to 10 min left knee in 4 to 10 min both knees in 10 -14 min good for liver, pancreas, spleen /avasana /tomach;strengthening the stomach muscles and back muscles 8dho Cukha /vanasana upper inner thighs back times draw navel in, under sternum 5ttkatasana;inner groins back make sure hips are even 2*;at first, feet apart, then together 8nantasana;grab big toe trick is to press the bottom foot; right buttock in leg back +hip opener+the pose begins after a few minutes;sta$ 4 min?

<aripurna 9avasana;sit down;legs out 1push with the thighs stretch the back of legs) inner legs long;extend;be on sitting bones;Fx 8rdha 9avasana lower back on floor? preparation# lift shoulders;bend knees;extend;e$es level with feet;F* @o back and forth;<aripurna 9avasana, 8rdha 9avasana? 5rdhva <rasarita <adasana -0 degrees;00 degrees;20 degrees;1 inch rest+again go back up lower back on floor? 8d%ustment+practice with fists? Gatara parivartanasana turn navel opposite direction at first, rest the feet, tehn see if $ou can do classical /upta <adanghusthasana H+strap 1B B2 !addha Donasana to clear lower back /avasana

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