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1.1 An Overview As customers tastes and preferences are changing, the market scenario is also changing from time to time. Todays market scenario is very different from that of the market scenario before 1990. There have been many factors responsible for the changing market scenario. It is the changing tastes and preference of customer class of people have completely changed no shift in the market demand in todays hich has bought in a change in the market. Income level of the people has changed! life styles and social than that of olden days. There has been a generation people are no e can see a ne orld. Technology is one of the ma"or factors

hich is responsible for this paradigm shift in the mark. #e era in market

more dependent on haat market and far off departmental stores. Today stop, malls, branded retail outlets and specialty stores. In todays

ith the opening up of many departmental stores, hyper market, shoppers orld shopping is not

any more tiresome ork rather its a pleasant outing phenomenon no . $y study is based on a survey done on customers of a hypermarket named big ba%aar & 'mart. It is a type of market here various kinds of products are available under one roof. $y study is on determining the customers buying behavior in big ba%aar and 'mart and the satisfaction level of customers from these retail stores. (ig (a%aar is part of )uture *roup, through a hich also o ns the Central Hypermarket, (rand and is o ned

)actory, +antaloons, e,-#., /omeTo n, 0(1s )air +rice to name a fe !"#!$% 5, that is listed on Indian stock e6changes. (ig (a%aar as launched in 7eptember, 8001

holly o ned subsidiary of Pantaloon Retail India 2imited3BS 4 !"#!$%

ith the opening of its first four stores

in 9alcutta, Indore, (angalore and /yderabad in 88 days. :ithin a span of ten years, there are no 1;8 (ig (a%aar stores in 90 cities and to ns across India. (ig (a%aar as started by 0ishore (iyani, the *roup 9.- and $anaging 'irector of as launched purely as a fashion format including +age = 1

+antaloon <etail. Though (ig (a%aar

apparel, cosmetics, accessory and general merchandise, over the years (ig (a%aar has included a ide range of products and service offerings under their retail chain. The as from 7aravana 7tores, a local current formats include (ig (a%aar, )ood (a%aar, .lectronic (a%aar and )urniture (a%aar. The inspiration behind this entire retail format store in T. #agar, 9hennai The stores are customi%ed to provide the feel of mandis and melas . hile offering the modern retail features like >uality, 9hoice and 9onvenience. As the modern Indian family1s favorite retail store, (ig (a%aar is popularly kno n as the ?Indian :almart?. Avenue 7uper $arts 2td 3A725 o ns and operates hypermarkets and supermarkets by the store name '@$art. '@$art seeks to provide a one@stop shopping e6perience for the entire family, meeting all their daily household needs. A home appliances and much more. 7ince '@$art first opened its doors in the $umbai region in 8000, it has gro n into a trusted and India. This market field survey ill help in kno ing the present customers tastes and ell@established shopping destination in $aharashtra, *u"arat, Andhra looking for ard to gro ing its stores across +radesh and 0arnataka. '@$art is no ide selection of home utility products is offered, including foods, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchen are, bed and bath linen,

preferences. It ill help me in estimating the customers future needs, ants & demands.

+age = 8

Indian &on'(mption &o'mo'

'uring past decades private final consumption e6penditure has been the key driver economic gro th in India.

+age = A


9onsumer behavior refers to the mental and emotional process and the observable behavior of consumers during searching, purchasing and post consumption of a product or service. 9onsumer behavior involves study of ho people buy, hat they buy, hen they buy and hy they buy. It blends the elements from psychology, sociology, socio psychology, and economics. It also tries to assess the influence on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups and society in general. Con'(mer ,(yin- ,e.avior i' in/l(en&ed ,y t.e ma0or t.ree /a&tor'1 1. 7ocial )actors. 8. +sychological )actors. A. +ersonal )actors. So&ial 2a&tor' 7ocial factors refer to forces that other people e6ert and hich affect consumers purchase behavior. These social factors can include culture and subculture, roles and family, social class and reference groups. B. P'y&.olo-i&al 2a&tor'

+age = B

These are internal to an individual and generate forces ithin that influence herChis purchase behavior. The ma"or forces include motives, perception, learning, attitude and personality.

C. Per'onal 2a&tor' These include those aspects that are uniDue to a person and influence purchase behavior. These factors include demographic factors, lifestyle, and situational factors.

Con'(mer de&i'ion makin- pro&e'' -enerally involve' /ive 'ta-e'1

+age = ;

1.A (ig (a%aar, is the chain of retail stores of the big banner Pantaloon Retail 3India5 2td., hich in turn is a segment of the 0ishore (iyani, regulated )uture *roup of 9ompanies. $oreover the customer friendly ambiance and the organi%ed retailing of products also make (ig (a%aar one of the successful retail companies in India. (ig (a%aar, a part of the Pantaloon +ro(p, is a hypermarket offering a huge array of goods of good Duality for all at affordable prices. (ig (a%aar different parts of India, is present in both the metro cities as shopping here is further made a memorable e6perience on products as accessories. T.e variety o/ prod(&t ran-e in Bi- Ba3aar This large format store comprise of almost everything reDuired by people from different income groups. It varies from clothing and accessories for all genders like men, omen and children, playthings, stationary and toys, foot ear, plastics, home utility products, cosmetics, crockery, home te6tiles, luggage gift items, other novelties, and also food products and grocery. The added advantage for the customers shopping in (ig (a%aar is +age = E ith over ;0 outlets in ell as in the small to ns.

(ig (a%aar has no doubt made a big name in the retail industry of India, moreover ith the varied rates of discounts ell as discount vouchers available in a variety of amounts, like I#<

8000, I#< A000, I#< B000, I#< ;000 and I#< 10000 on all (ig (a%aar products and

that there are all time discounts and promotional offers going on in the (ig (a%aar on its salable products.

T.e 'i-ni/i&ant /eat(re' o/ Bi- Ba3aar

7hopping in the (ig (a%aar is a great e6perience as one can find almost everything under the same roof. It has different features hich caters all the needs of the shoppers. 7ome of the significant features of (ig (a%aar are4

The 2ood Ba3aar or the grocery store vegetables

ith the department selling fruits and

There is a %one specially meant for the amusement of the kids 2(rnit(re Ba3aar or a large section dealing ith furnitures le&troni&' Ba3aar or the section concerned phones ith electronic goods and cellular

)uture( or the online shopping portal

hich makes shopping easier as

one can shop many products of (ig (a%aar at the same price from home

:ell regulated customer care telecalling services

)ounder & group 9.- $r. 0ishore (iyani is one of India leading business house


multiple businesses spanning across the consumption space. :hile retail firms the core business activity of future group, group subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, brand development & entertainment. The first set of (ig ba%aar store open in 8001 in 0olkata, /yderabad and (angalore. +age = F

(ig (a%aar is a chain of shopping malls in India, o ned by the +antaloon *roup and hich ork on :al@$art type economies of scale. They have had considerable success in many Indian cities and small to ns. (ig (a%aar provides Duality items but at an affordable price. It is a very innovative idea and this hypermarket has almost anything under one roofG.Apparel, )oot ear, Toys, /ousehold Appliances and more. The ambience and customer care adds on to the shopping.

Bi- Ba3aar4' Commitment -ur commitment is to deliver sustained gro th, through empo ered people, acting ith responsibility and building trust ith customers. /eres I am e6plaining hat this means4 S('tained +rowt. is fundamental to motivating and measuring our success. (ig (a%aars Duest for sustained gro th stimulates innovation, places a value on results, and helps us understand hether todays actions ill contribute to our future. It is about gro th of people and company performance. It prioriti%es making a difference and getting things done. mpowered People means e have the freedom to act and think in ays that you feel ill get the "ob done, hile being consistent ith the processes that ensure proper governance and being mindful of the rest of the companys needs. Re'pon'i,ility and Tr('t form the foundation for healthy gro th. Its about earning the confidence that other people place in us as individuals and as a company. -ur responsibility means e take personal and corporate o nership for all e do, to be good ste ards of the resources entrusted to us. :e build trust bet een ourselves and customers by talking not by mouth but by our superior customer service and being committed to succeeding together.

+age = H

9ustomer 7egmentation for (ig (a%aar (ig (a%aar targets higher and upper middle class customers. The large and gro ing young segment. (ig (a%aar specifically targets primary decision makers. orking omen and home makers ho are the orking population is a preferred customer

A,o(t Bi- Ba3aar

Hyper mart C.ain o/ development 'tore in India

-ut let

10B out lets 2ocated in India

+arent group - ner )ounded /ead Duarter Industry ebsite

)uture group 0ishore (iyani 39.-5 8001 Ioges ari , $umbai <etail

+age = 9

Prod(&t' availa,le in Bi- ,a3aar



)A<$ +<-'J9T

9/I2' 9A<. & /-$. T-K7


+.<7-#A2 9A<.

'enims 7hirts )abric piece


T@ 7taples <eady to eat

)ruits Legetables Imported )ruits 'airy +roducts

7oft 'rinks +ackaged Iuices $ilk Items )ro%en )oods Ice 9reams

7hampoos 'etergents 7oaps 2iDuid ash 9reams 'eodorants /ome cleaners Jtensils +lastics 9rockery 7undries



<eady to cook International )ood 7pices Imported (a%aar Tea & 9offee

)ormal :ear 9asual :ear +arty :ear .thnic :ear Accessories Jnder *arments #ight :ear 'ress $aterials 7arees

+age = 10

.2.9T<-#I97 (A,AA<


& )J<#ITJ<. (A,AA<

9/I22 7TATI-#

-T/.< 7.<LI9.7


Television sets :ashing $achines <efrigerator +ersonal 9are $icro aves 7mall Appliances 2aptops 9omputer Accessories 0itchen Appliances

)oot ear (a%aar (eauty 9are #avara 7tar +arivar

2iving <oom (ed <oom 0itchen 'inning <ooms 0ids <oom (een (ags +aintings 'ecorative Items

0ids:ear Toy (a%aar 7tationary 9hild 9are

$r. right (akery 2oot $art )uture $oney )uture *enerally


+age = 11

A 7:-T analysis is done to kno the strengths, eaknesses, opportunities and threats of any company. This analysis ill e6plain about the strengths, eaknesses, opportunities and threats of big ba%aar. Stren-t.' o/ Bi- ,a3aar 1.B 6ar-e variety option C.eap pri&e H(-e &('tomer Ba'e 8ol(me 'ale' 5eakne''e' o/ Bi- ,a3aar 6a&k' in ,randed prod(&t' 6ow in prod(&t 9(ality Una,le to provide eno(-. parkin- 'pa&e to it' Opport(nitie' /or Bi- ,a3aar To open (p more and more n(m,er o/ ,i,a3aar' in di//erent &itie' o/ t.e &o(ntry. To ,rin- in t.e &('tomer' o/ retail o(tlet ,y dealin- wit. ,randed prod(&t'. Add more prod(&t' to it' prod(&t &ate-ory &('tomer' T.reat' /or Bi- ,a3aar Openin- (p o/ di'&o(nted 'tore' like 8i'.al me-a mart Convenien&e o/ &('tomer' to near,y kirana 'tore' Availa,ility o/ prod(&t' in retail o(tlet'

+age = 18

MT- (. T/. 2-:.7T +<I9.' <.TAI2.< I# T/. A<.A -) -+.<ATI-# C 9ITK C <.*I-#.N 8ISION IT I7 -J< 9-#TI#-J7 .#'AL-J< T- I#L.7TI*AT., I'.#TI)K & $A0. ALAI2A(2. #.: +<-'J9T 9AT.*-<I.7 )-< 9J7T-$.<7 .L.<K'AK J7. & AT T/. (.7T LA2J.7 T/A# A#K(-'K .27.. Avenue 7uper $arts 2td 3A725 o ns and operates hypermarkets and supermarkets by the store name '@$art. '@$art seeks to provide a one@stop shopping e6perience for the entire family, meeting all their daily household needs. A home appliances and much more. 7ince '@$art first opened its doors in the $umbai region in 8000, it has gro n into a trusted and India. 9ulture At A72, ere strong believers in deriving e6cellence in customer service through ork. :e value simplicity and humility in our people and ell@established shopping destination in $aharashtra, *u"arat, Andhra looking for ard to gro ing its stores across +radesh and 0arnataka. '@$art is no ide selection of home utility products is offered, including foods, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchen are, bed and bath linen,

systemic training and rigor at

strongly believe that integrity and merit is the only route to gro th at A72. '@$art has established itself firmly in the ne retail topography of urban India because it orks on a rather uniDue business model. The strategy is Duite simple, yet it is one that, in its nuances, has helped the company achieve Duick profitability! it is a concept that the big boys still istfully sigh at. '@$art sets up stores in dense residential comple6es. AD8 RTISIN+ : PRO)OTION

+age = 1A

'@$art hoardings can be found on the lamp@posts on ma"or roads in #avi $umbai area. '@$A<T usually advertises in ma"or ne spapers giving information about their latest offers +romotion and sales offers ere present for most of the items. ..g. There ere a discount of 10 O on all 9I#T/-2 products and

9adbury chocolates. There as one separate hole shelf for products that ere offered at huge herein the

discount for instance M/A2'I<A$N s eets actual $<+ as <s.B;. PRICIN+ The prices offered are economical in '@mart.

ere selling at <s.8;

.'2+ 3.veryday lo pricing5 pricing strategy is follo ed. '@$art offers minimum "; to 1<; discount on $<+ and straight !; on medical product, e6cept grocery, vegetables and fruit items. 3(undled price5 T o or more products discounted price. ..g.4@ 7antoor soap bundled along ith a :ipro 9)2 bulb. $ultiple unit pricing4 @ This strategy as follo ed for stimulating sales. ..g.4@ 7oap bars bundled together Pre'en&e ere packed and ere available at a

+age = 1B

'@$art1s e6pansion began in 800F,

hen stores

ere opened in Ahmedabad, (aroda,

+une, 7angli and 7olapur. Today '@$art is established in ;0 locations across $aharashtra, *u"arat, Andhra +radesh and 0arnataka, in4



$umbai #avi $umbai Thane +une 7olapur 7angli 0olhapur Amravati Ialgaon

Ahmedabad <a"kot (aroda 7urat Anand

And.ra Prade'.




CAT +OR* O2 PRODUCTS 1. *rocery 8. )ruit & Legetables +age = 1;

A. (everages B. )ro%en )ood ;. 'airy products E. +ersonal and /ome care F. )oot ares H. 9osmetic ItemsC (eauty care 9. $edicines 10. /ousehold utensil 11. )ashion accessories. 18. $ovie 9's and *ifts articles 1A.ApparelsC*arments

S5OT ANA6*SIS 2OR D>)ART Stren-t.' o/ Dmart 2o price, competitive price

+age = 1E

*oodCstable image as a retail store 7pacious and situated at a prime location

5eakne'' o/ Dmart 2o brand loyalty among customers. (ig ba%aar has huge loyalty factor +oor space utili%ation in stores. #o backing of a kno n corporateCbusiness house. 'oesnt sell electronic eDuipments, hich are currently in huge 2aptops, +lasma TLs, 'igital cameras, $obile phones. 7tand alone stores, not situated in any commercial buildingCmallsChub.

Opport(nitie' /or Dmart (ooming retail sector. 2imited presence in 7uburbs, to n markets can be potential untapped markets in ma"or cities.

T.reat /or Dmart +resence of competitors like (ig ba%ar, :almart, <eliance retail.

+age = 1F

". R 8I 5 O2 R 6AT D 6IT RATUR

:ith a slogan of "Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahi!" 3?#o here cheaper or better than thisP?5, the (ig (a%aar targets itself directly at the average Indian1s love of follo ing the cro d and scrambling for a good discount. The study sho s customers buying pattern ith (ig (a%aar & 'mart in semi

urban area. Its provide guideline for further research in 7emi urban area for organi%ed retail. <esearch says about customer buying behavior to ards (ig (a%aar & 'mart in semi urban area. The study rate of customer satisfaction level ith (ig (a%aar & 'mart for semi urban area. The research is also important to identify $arket si%e, gro th and $arket +otential of (ig (a%aar & 'mart in semi urban area. The research sho s future 7cenario of (ig (a%aar & 'mart in current perspective. The study sho s -pportunities and challenges for (ig (a%aar & 'mart respect of internal & e6ternal environment. <esearch say about main competitors in the field of organi%ed retail sectors. The study provide guideline to further e6tension of (ig (a%aar & 'mart in 7emi urban area .The study provide help to kno the customers satisfaction ith (ig (a%aar & 'mart stores. -f 8B years, nuclear families in urban areas, along ith increasing orking@

omen population and emerging opportunities in the services sector are going to be the key gro th drivers of the organi%ed retail sector in India. 7ome 0ey )acts4Q <etail is Indias largest industry accounting for over 10 percent of the countrys *'+ and around H percent of the employmentQ The market si%e of Indian retail industry is about J7 RA18 billion. Indias 9onsumption 9osmos 'uring the past decade, +rivate )inal 9onsumption .6penditure has been the key driver of economic gro th in India. (ig (a%aar, one of the biggest retail format of +antaloon <etail 3India5 2imited, has democrati%ed shopping in India and is much more than a hypermarket. /ere, one finds over 1F0,000 products under one roof that cater to every need of a family, making (ig (a%aar Indias favorite shopping destination. :here (ig (a%aar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian customers. +age = 1H

7pread across B;000 sD.ft. :ith the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the doors into the orld of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings, prices. hich they in loyal customers utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods and much more at surprisingly lo In recent years, (ig (a%aar has adopted value pricing in

by charging a fairly lo price for a high S Duality offering. /o ever, consistent lo price for the products is not only the universally desired characteristic! it is also a surrogate for different offers provided by these stores at different intervals of time. )uture *roup )uture *roup, led by its founder and *roup 9.-, $r. 0ishore (iyani, is one of Indias leading business houses ith multiple businesses spanning across the consumption space. :hile retail forms the core business activity of )uture *roup, group subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, leisure and entertainment, brand development, retail real estate development, retail media and logistics. 2ed by its flagship enterprise, +antaloon <etail, the group operates over 18 million sDuare feet of retail space in F1 cities and to ns and E; rural locations across India. /eadDuartered in $umbai 3(ombay5, +antaloon <etail employs around A;,000 people and is listed on the Indian stock e6changes. The company follo s a multi@format retail strategy that captures almost the entire consumption basket of Indian customers. In the lifestyle segment, the group operates +antaloons, a fashion retail chain and 9entral, a chain of seamless malls. In the value segment, its marDuee brand, (ig (a%aar is a hypermarket format that combines the look, touch and feel of Indian ba%aars choice and convenience of modern retail. A study by $c0insey points out that India1s market for consumer goods can reach a RB;0 billion by 8011 @ making it one of the five largest in the orld. )urther, 0+$* in a recent report titled T9onsumer $arkets in India @ the ne6t big thingU1 has said4 ?India represents an economic opportunity on a massive scale, both as a global base and a domestic market.? The report, ho ever, finds that the ne6t leap in the gro th of the consumer market ill be spearheaded by the changing dynamics of the retail sector. ill be the ?9ompanies e6pect that the ne6t cycle of change in Indian consumer markets arrival of foreign players in consumer retailing. ith the

+age = 19

Avenue 7upermarts +rivate 2imited 3A7+25, headDuartered at $umbai, $aharashtra, o ns and operates supermarkets and hypermarkets under the store name 'mart. 'mart aims to be a one stop destination for all daily need products for the entire family. 'mart is currently operating 18 stores in Ahmedabad, $umbai, and (aroda. It offers a ide range of products such as personal care items, food, beverages, home are, table are, contemporary and traditional clothing for men and all, flooring, accessories, kitchen

omen, a range of fashion accessories, soft furnishings such as bed, table, curtains and covers, stationeries and many more

+age = 80

".1 S&ope o/ St(dy The scope of this research is to identify the buying behavior of customers of (ig (a%aar & 'mart. This research is based on primary data and secondary data. 'ue to time constraint only limited number of persons contacted. This study only focuses on 7emi@ urban buying behavior of customers because the research is conducted in 0andivli area. The study does not say anything about rural buying behavior of customer because rural normsCstatusCattitude & acceptance of the rural customers differs ith urban customers. The scope of research is limited for semi urban area. It provides help to further the research for organi%ed retail sector in semi urban area. It aim to understand the skill of the company in the area like technological advancement, competition in management.

"." ASSU)PTIONS 2OR TH STUD* The research is done by not focusing on the effects of time and cost consideration. The selected sample unit, sample and sample si%e population. The method of convenient sampling and sample frame selection much error in ans ers. ".# OB? CTI8 S O2 TH STUD* 1. To find out the reasons hy customers prefer (ig (a%aar or 'mart. ". To determine the current status of (ig (a%aar & 'mart. #. To find out the customers response to ards (ig (a%aar & 'mart. %. To study the satisfaction level of customers in different attributes of (ig (a%aar & 'mart. +age = 81 ill not lead to ill be representing the target

!. To identify main competitors of (ig (a%aar & 'mart.

".% N



The need of this research is to identify advancement, competition in management.

hy customers prefer (ig (a%aar or the

'mart. It aims to understand the skill of the company in the area like technological The study provides help to kno customers satisfaction ith (ig (a%aar or 'mart store.

+age = 88

The research in this case is e6ploratory research. @ploratory re'ear&.4 7ince this research helps to assist the decision maker in determining, evaluating and selecting the factors products from (ig ba%%ar or 'mart. hich prompt consumers to buy

Information has been collected from a given sample of population only once by dra ing the sample of respondents from the population. A <esearch 'esign consists of the follo ing parameters .6ploratory research ill be done on the information collected The measurement and scaling procedure that can be adopted for the research are dependent on the Duestionnaire designed and validity or degree of precision desired. >uestionnaire design 7ampling process and sample si%e.

#.1 Data Colle&tion

Se&ondary data1 7econdary data companys report. Primary data1 as collected mainly through the Internet, companies ebsites and the

+age = 8A

The +rimary 'ata as collected from the survey hich involved meeting ith consumers and getting a >uestionnaire filled.

De/inin- t.e tar-et pop(lation1 :ith regards to consumers any individual visitng (ig ba%%ar or 'mart. Samplin- 2rame1 9onsumers ere selected on the basis of &onvenient 0(d-mental sampling. Sample 'i3e The 7ample 7i%e for 9onsumers is 1<<.

#." Tool' ('ed /or Data Analy'i'

2ACTOR ANA6*SIS1 A statistical techniDue in hich number of variables are grouped into several factors . It is data reduction techniDue. Lariables in a particular factor have strong correlation those variables. )actor analysis is a statistical procedure used to uncover relationships among many variables. This allo s numerous intercorrelated variables to be condensed into fe er dimensions, called factors. C.i S9(are1

+age = 8B

The Chi Square Test of Independence tests the association between 2 categorical variables.

#.# Hypot.e'i'1
A tentative e6planation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation. 7omething taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation! an assumption

#ull4 There is no association bet een the t o variables. Alternate4 There is an association bet een the t o variables.

1. Do yo( ,(y /rom a 'ele&ted 'tore every time or do yo( keep on '.i/tin- 'tore'A /o4 'o buy buy from a selected store /14 'o not buy from a selected store ". Apart /rom Bi- Ba3aar or D )art do yo( intend to vi'it any o(tletA /o4 'o not visit any other outlet /14 'o visit other outlet

+age = 8;

9ertain limitations do creep in a research study due to constraints of the time, money and human efforts, the present study is also not free from certain limitation, unavoidable. Although all effort ere taken to make the result of the ork as accurate as possible as hich ere

survey but the survey have follo ing constraints. 7ome customers ere not illing to give appointment due to their busy schedule. 'ue to very large si%e of the population, only a selected sample of customer could be contacted. 'ue to time constraint and other imperative ork load during the period it could

not be made possible to e6plore more area of concern pertaining to study. Also impossible for company to prove information is confidential.

+age = 8E

'ue to fast pace of life, some customers Duestionnaire.

ere not able to do "ustification to the

+ersonal biases might have come hile ans er the Duestionnaire. As per company rule many information in their daily schedule. as not disclose as the manager are busy


ANA6*SIS I have done a market field survey on big ba%aar & 'mart. I have surveyed around 100 respondents of $umbai30andivli5 ho come to visit big ba%aar. A specific Duestionnaire ith them. The customers gave me valuable is prepared for the customers and data is obtained from them by moving around big ba%aar & 'mart and personally interacting information and a proper analysis is done. All the analysis and its interpretations are discussed belo . .ach of the analysis is done as per the information obtained from the customers and interpretation has been done to best of my effort. information regarding their consumption pattern in big ba%aar. I collected all those

+age = 8F

%.1 +rap.
B.$ Apart /rom Bi- Ba3aar or D )art vi'it o(tlet

*e' No

C%; #C;

+age = 8H

Interpretation1 )rom this I interpret that EBO customers of big ba%aar or 'mart visit other retail stores for their reDuirements and AEO customers of big ba%aar or 'mart generally do not visit other retail stores. It sho s that customers satisfaction level is more in big ba%aar or 'mart.

BD. 2a&tor' w.i&. en&o(ra-e' &('tomer' to vi'it ,i- ,a3aar

+rice 7ervice Ambience +roduct variety +roduct >uality

E0O B0O ;0O E;O 80O +age = 89



Analy'i'1 +eople are mostly encouraged to come to big ba%aar because of its cheap price and availability of variety of products. Around E;O of the total respondent said they are mostly encouraged to come to big ba%aar as it has variety options. .ven most of the customers said that they get goods there in a discounted price and so they come in to it. $any customers also said that they feel good about the service and ambience provided by big ba%aar. Around A;O of customers also said that convenience is also another factor hich leads them to come to big ba%aar. +roduct Duality is rated at very lo 80O hich encourages the customers to come to big ba%aar. that is only

+age = A0

Interpretation1 )rom this analysis I interpret that big ba%aar is a

ell kno n for its

variety options. +eople mostly come to big ba%aar as they get various kinds of products under one roof. It is also clearly kno n that big ba%aar sales its goods at a discounted price as compared to the market. .ven it provides a good service and ambience to its customers hich encourages them to visit big ba%aar more and more times. I can also here it is able hich is to be located far off the city, big ba%aar here it is convenient for people to visit big interpret from this that big ba%aar has located itself in a good place from to attract customers. As a hypermarket has located itself in a good place from

ba%aar. (ig ba%aar should try and produce more Dualitative products so that customers can get more satisfaction and ould never think of not doing shopping in big ba%aar.

B1<. 2a&tor' w.i&. en&o(ra-e' &('tomer' to vi'it Dmart

+rice 7ervice Ambience +roduct variety

;8O A0O B0O E0O

+age = A1

+roduct >uality 9onvenience

18O A0O

Analy'i'1 +eople are encouraged to come to 'mart because of its cheap price. Around E0O of the total respondent said they are mostly encouraged to come to 'mart as it has variety options. .ven most of the customers said that they get goods there in a discounted price and so they come in to it. Around A0O of customers also said that convenience is also another factor hich leads them to come to 'mart. +roduct Duality is rated at very lo that is only 18O .

Interpretation1 )rom this analysis I interpret that 'mart is a

ell kno n for its variety hich encourages

options. .ven it provides a good service and ambience to its customers place from here it is able to attract customers.

them to visit 'mart. I can also interpret from this that 'mart has located itself in a good

+age = A8

%." C.i>'9(are
Cro''ta,' Ca'e Pro&e''in- S(mmary 9ases Lalid # +ercent gender V 100 100.0O buying

$issing # +ercent 0 .0O

Total # 100

+ercent 100.0O

+age = AA

-ender E ,(yin- Cro'' ta,(lation buying 1 gender 1 9ount O ithin gender O ithin buying O of Total 8 9ount O ithin gender O ithin buying O of Total Total 9ount O ithin gender O ithin buying O of Total AB ;B.HO F8.AO AB.0O 1A AB.8O 8F.FO 1A.0O BF BF.0O 100.0O BF.0O 8 8H B;.8O ;8.HO 8H.0O 8; E;.HO BF.8O 8;.0O ;A ;A.0O 100.0O ;A.0O Total E8 100.0O E8.0O E8.0O AH 100.0O AH.0O AH.0O 100 100.0O 100.0O 100.0O

C.i>S9(are Te't' Asymp. +earson 9hi@7Duare 9ontinuity 9orrectionb 2ikelihood <atio )isher1s .6act Test 2inear@by@2inear Lalue B.08;a A.8A9 B.0FE df 1 1 1 38@sided5 .0B; .0F8 .0BA 7ig. .6act 7ig. 38@ .6act 7ig. 31@ sided5 sided5



A.9HB 1 .0BE Association # of Lalid 9asesb 100 a. 0 cells 3.0O5 have e6pected count less than ;. The minimum e6pected count is 1F.HE. b. 9omputed only for a 868 table

+age = AB

Symmetri& )ea'(re' Appro6. #ominal #ominal # of Lalid 9ases by +hi 9ramer1s L Lalue .801 .801 100 7ig. .0B; .0B;

+ W 0.0;

i.e. .0B; W 0.0;

#ull hypothesis is re"ected /ence there is a significant relationship bet een gender & buying . Cro''ta,' X'ata7et0Y

Ca'e Pro&e''in- S(mmary





# age V liking 100

+ercent 100.0O

# 0

+ercent .0O

# 100

+ercent 100.0O

+age = A;

a-e E likin- Cro'' ta,(lation liking 1 0 .0O .0O .0O 8 EE.FO 8.9O 8.0O 8 ;0.0O 8.9O 8.0O EB E9.EO 9B.1O EB.0O EH O ithin age O ithin liking O of Total EH.0O 100.0O EH.0O 8 1 100.0O A.1O 1.0O 1 AA.AO A.1O 1.0O 8 ;0.0O E.8O 8.0O 8H A0.BO HF.;O 8H.0O A8 A8.0O 100.0O A8.0O Total 1 100.0O 1.0O 1.0O A 100.0O A.0O A.0O B 100.0O B.0O B.0O 98 100.0O 98.0O 98.0O 100 100.0O 100.0O 100.0O



9ount O ithin age O ithin liking O of Total 9ount O ithin age O ithin liking O of Total 9ount O ithin age O ithin liking O of Total 9ount O ithin age O ithin liking O of Total 9ount

+age = AE

C.i>S9(are Te't' Asymp. Lalue +earson 9hi@7Duare 2ikelihood <atio 2inear@by@2inear Association # of Lalid 9ases 8.H8Fa 8.9B1 1.;FB 100 df A A 1 sided5 .B19 .B01 .810 7ig. 38@

a. E cells 3F;.0O5 have e6pected count less than ;. The minimum e6pected count is .A8.

Symmetri& )ea'(re' Appro6. #ominal #ominal # of Lalid 9ases by +hi 9ramer1s L Lalue .1EH .1EH 100 7ig. .B19 .B19

+ Z 0.0;

i.e. .B19 Z 0.0;

#ull hypothesis is not re"ected /ence there is no significant relationship bet een age & liking.

+age = AF

%.# 2a&tor Analy'i' X'ata7et0Y =)O and BartlettF' Te't 0aiser@$eyer@-lkin $easure AdeDuacy. (artlett1s 7phericity Test



.;90 BA.08H 10 .000

of Appro6. 9hi@7Duare df 7ig.

Correlation )atri@ age 7ig. tailed5 31@ age gender income buying liking .01A .8HF .000 .AA1 gender .01A .19E .000 .1E1 income .8HF .19E .88H .A11 buying .000 .000 .88H .8E8 liking .AA1 .1E1 .A11 .8E8

+age = AH

Comm(nalitie' Initial .6traction age 1.000 .BH1 gender 1.000 .;HA income 1.000 .FA0 buying 1.000 .F0; liking 1.000 .A80 .6traction $ethod4 +rincipal 9omponent Analysis.

Total 8arian&e @plained .6traction 7ums of 7Duared <otation 9om Initial .igenvalues 2oadings pone O of 9umulativ O nt 1 8 A B ; Total 1.E1B 1.8E8 1.00; .FE0 .AE0 Lariance A8.8H1 8;.8AB 80.099 1;.191 F.19; $ethod4 eO A8.8H1 ;F.;1; FF.E1B 98.H0; 100.000 +rincipal Total 1.E1B 1.8E8 1.00; A8.8H1 8;.8AB 80.099 2oadings of 9umulativ O eO A8.8H1 ;F.;1; FF.E1B Total 1.;HA 1.8HF 1.010 A1.E;9 8;.FBE 80.809 7ums of 7Duared

of 9umulativ eO A1.E;9 ;F.B0; FF.E1B




9omponent Analysis.

+age = A9

Component )atri@a 9omponent 1 8 age @.E;9 @.81; gender .F;A @.18; income @.10F .HBH buying .HAE @.0FE liking .80A .;8H .6traction $ethod4 +rincipal 9omponent Analysis. a. 8 components e6tracted.

+age = B0

Rotated )atri@a


9omponent 1 8 age @.EBB @.8;E gender .FE0 @.0FH income @.1E0 .HA9 buying .HA9 @.08A liking .1E9 .;B0 .6traction $ethod4 +rincipal 9omponent Analysis. <otation $ethod4 Larima6 ith 0aiser #ormali%ation. a. <otation converged in A iterations.

Component Tran'/ormation )atri@ 9omp onent 1 1 .99H 8 @.0EA .6traction +rincipal Analysis. <otation $ethod4 Larima6 ith 0aiser #ormali%ation. 8 .0EA .99H $ethod4 9omponent


+age = B1

0$- LA2J. [ 0.;90 :hich is greater than 0.; Therefore, the factor is in good fit. 7ignificance level[ .0 :hich is less than .1 Total Lariance .6plained 4 2oss of Lariance4 100 S FF.E1B [ 88.AHE )actors4 )actor 14 gender and buying )actor 84 income and liking

1. $ost of the customers buy their reDuirement from (ig (a%aar & 'mart on :eekly and monthly basis. 9ustomers reali%ed that (ig (a%aar & 'mart stores provide Dualitative productsCservice ith reasonable price. 8. At present time (ig (a%aar & 'mart provide different types of product assortments to the customers. A. 9ontinuously opening of (ig (a%aar chains in different ma"or cities, increasing Duantities of the customers & profit sho that (ig (a%aar most accepted name in organi%ed retail chain in India.

+age = B8

B. (ig (a%aar & 'mart mainly deal ith middle income group people ho ant Dualitative product ith reasonable cost. ;. (ig ba%aar & 'mart has a good reputation of itself in the market. E. (ig ba%aar has positioned itself in the market as a discounted store. F. (ig ba%aar & 'mart holds a huge customer base. The ma"ority of customers belong to middle class family. H. Impulse buying behavior of customers comes in to play most of the times . 9. There are more than ;0 big ba%aars & AA 'mart store in different cities of India, it seems that there is a vast gro th of big ba%aar & 'mart lying as customers demand is increasing for big ba%aars & 'mart.

10. ' $art does not retail its private labels but (ig ba%%ar do 11. (ig ba%aar & 'mart is a hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goods like apparels, grocery, stationary, food items, electronic items, leather items, atches, "e ellery, crockery, decorative items, sport items, chocolates and many more. It competes ith all the specialty stores of different products hich provide goods at a discounted rate all through the year. 18. The ma"or players in retail industries are (ig ba%aar, 'mart, The Tata *roups 39roma5, Lishal <etail *roup, <eliance <etail, 0irana stores etc.

+age = BA


(ig ba%aar & 'mart should include more of branded products in its product category so as to attract the brand choosy people to come in to big ba%aar.

(ig ba%aar & 'mart should provide large parking space for its customers so that they can easily park their vehicles.

It should make different cash counters for different customers. 9ash counter and credit card payment counter should be placed differently in order to reduce the +age = BB

rush and save the customers time. This customers of big ba%aar.

ill be a kind of motivator for the

The service of the sales person is needed to be improved. +ersonal care should be taken by the sales person for the customers so that the customers feel good.

'uring the off peak hours big ba%aar & 'mart should provide some offers to its customers so that people ould be encouraged to come to big ba%aar & 'mart ho are present in the mall during the off

during off peak hours. The customers peak hours of big ba%aar & 'mart surprise offers are made at that time.

ill definitely go in to big ba%aar & 'mart if

9ustomer care department is needed to take proper care of customer complaints and Dueries. The person sitting at the help desk of big ba%aar & 'mart should be able to provide all necessary information to the customers henever it is reDuired.

The infrastructure is needed to be changed a bit during comes in to big ba%aar & 'mart during those days.

eekends as heavy cro d

+age = B;

(ig ba%aar & 'mart is a ma"or shopping comple6 for todays customers. It is a place here customers find variety of products at a reasonable price.

(ig ba%aar & 'mart has a good reputation of itself in the market. (ig ba%%ar has positioned itself in the market as a discounted store. It holds a huge customer base. The ma"ority of customers belong to middle class family. The youth generation also likes shopping and moving around big ba%aar & 'mart. Lolume sales al ays take place in big ba%aar & 'mart. Impulse buying behavior of customers comes in to play most of the times in big ba%aar & 'mart.

+age = BE

(ig ba%aar & 'mart is a hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goods like apparels, grocery, stationary, food items, electronic items, leather items, atches, "e ellery, ith all

crockery, decorative items, sport items, chocolates and many more. It competes the specialty stores of different products

hich provide goods at a discounted rate all

through the year. It holds a large customer base and it seemed from the study that the customers are Duite satisfied ith big ba%aar & 'mart. As of no there are more than ;0

big ba%aars & AA 'mart in different cities of India, it seems that there is a vast gro th of big ba%aar lying as customers demand is increasing for big ba%aars & 'mart.

(ig ba%aar & 'mart is a hypermarket store

here varieties of products are being sold on

different product category. It has emerged as a hub of shopping specially for middle class people. 'ifferent types of products starting from a baby food to pi%%as all are available under one roof. In $umbai30andivli5 it is the middle class people ho mostly do marketing from

big ba%aar & 'mart. .ven most of the people do their monthly shopping from big ba%aar & 'mart. +eople not only visit big ba%aar & 'mart to do shopping but also visit for outing purpose as it provides a very nice ambience to its customers. As people go they "ust tend to move around big ba%aar & 'mart outing purpose. hether it is for shopping purpose or for

+age = BF

G. R 2 R NC S

BOO=S1 1. $arketing <esearch @ #aresh $alhotra 8. $arketing <esearch S <a"endra #argundkar

5e,'ite'1 1. 8. ( ' +age = BH




D. APP NDIC S B(e'tionnaire HB(yin- pre/eren&e o/ &('tomer' toward' Bi- Ba3aar : D )artI
1. Name1 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ". A-e1 a. Below 1! d. %1 to C< ,. 1C to "! e. a,ove C< &. "C to %<

+age = B9

#. +ender K %.

a. )ale

,. 2emale


!. Ann(al in&ome a. W1.Hlakh b. 1.H to Blakh c. more than Blakh

C. Do yo( ,(y /rom a 'ele&ted 'tore every time or do yo( keep on '.i/tin- 'tore'A a. 7hop from only one store c. 7ometimes shift b. 7hop from fe selected store d. 0eep on shifting

$. Apart /rom Bi- Ba3aar or D )art do yo( intend to vi'it any o(tletA a. Kes b. #o

G. do yo( '.opL .ow o/ten : /rom w.ereA HPlea'e Ti&kI 'aily *rocery3'al, <ice, heat5 )$9*3(iscuit,'etergents,7oaps5 *arments .lectronics Jtensils Legetables D. en&o(ra-e' yo( to vi'it Bi- Ba3aarA +age = ;0 :eekly $onthly (ig (a%aar ' $art 2ocal <etail

a. +rice c. Ambience e. +roduct >uality

b. 7ervice d. +roduct Lariety f. 7chemes

1<. en&o(ra-e' yo( to vi'it D )ARTA a. +rice c. Ambience e. +roduct >uality b. 7ervice d. +roduct Lariety f. 'aily 'iscounts

11. Rank Bi- Ba3aar and D )art on t.e ,a'i' o/ /ollowin- parameter'. +ive Rankin-' /rom 1 to !L 1 ,ein- t.e lowe't and ! ,ein- t.e .i-.e't. Bi- Ba3aar Pri&e B(ality 6oyalty C('tomer Servi&e Be't Deal' Convenien&e 1". 5.i&. 'tore yo( like t.e mo't : w.yA (igba%aar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ' $art \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +age = ;1 D )art

+age = ;8

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