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Universit de la For ation Contin!e "i#e Re#torat de Pda$o$ie So!s Dire#tion de lEnsei$ne ent % Distan#e Mod!le& An$lais '( e Anne & )er envoi


Ensei$nante & +el,-ar#-o!#-e Mali,a

C& To!t Droit Rserv.

COURSE 01: I. Syntax: The use of the present perfect tense

The form of the present perfect is: has / have + past participle of the verb The past participle of regular verbs end in e e.g. finishe But many verbs are irregular and have different forms, e.g. do = one, lose = lost, write = !ritten, buy = bo"#ht 1. We use the present perfect when the action started in the past and has a connection with the now, or that continues from the past until now. !amples: " #e has lost his $ey %he lost it and he still does not find it&. " We have never ha a car. " ' have never been in (hina. $. We use the present perfect with %"st, alrea y, and yet & '"st means a short time ago. .g. ' have %"st ha lunch. & (lrea y means that something happened sooner than e!pected. .g. ' have alrea y ta)en my brea$fast. & *et means until now %used only in )uestions and negative forms& .g. +ave you ,a e your homewor$ yet* ' have not ,aile the letter yet. -. We use since and for with the present perfect. .or and since are used to say how long something has happened. We use for + a period of time %two hours, si! wee$s,..& .g. ' have ta"#ht nglish for ten years. We use since + the start of a period %-:.., /onday, 011-,..& .g. ' have not seen /ary since /onday.

Exercise: 2ut the verbs in the present perfect

0. /i$e ,,, %lose& his $ey, he cannot find it. 3. 4ennifer ,,,.. %brea$& her leg, it is in a cast. 5. The temperature ,,,,. %go& up. 6. 4ohn ,,,.. %7ust 8 leave&. 9. ' ,,,,.. %have 8 already& my lunch. :. #e ,,,,... %not 8 see& his friend since last year. ;. <he ,,,,. %not 8 drin$& coffee for two wee$s.

II. Rea in# Co,prehension an /exis: "ita ins /)0

=ood contains good )uantities of the substances called vitamins which are vital for good health. =or e!ample, if you eat a diet of meat, bread, sugar, and fat, you may become ill with a disease called scurvy. This is caused by a deficiency in vitamin (, which is found in fruits and vegetables. >itamins can be manufactured and are sold as additions to our food, but a well"balanced diet will provide an ade)uate amount of vitamins. ?bout fifty different vitamins have been identified, and a deficiency in many of these can lead to illness. >itamin ? is most important for eyesight. 't is found in fish, meat, mil$, butter, some fruits and vegetables. 0ractice: I. ?nswer the following )uestions: 0. What are vitamins* 3. =rom where can we get vitamins* 5. What does a deficiency in vitamins cause to humans* 6. What is the importance of vitamin ?* II. =ind synonyms or e!pressions which mean the same as the underlined words in the te!t.

COURSE 0$: I. Syntax: The use of the past perfect tense

The form of the past perfect is: +a + past participle of the verb %regular or irregular& 1. We use the past perfect when we want to tal$ about things that happened in the past before another thing that happened also in the past@ in other words, it is the tense of the far past. !amples: " ' rea %simple past& the newspaper which ' ha bo"#ht %past perfect&. " The house !as dirty because they ha not cleane it. " ' !ent to see the film which ' ha rea about it.

Exercise: Write sentences using the words in parentheses and the correct tense. The first e!ample is done.

" ' went to the house of my friend, but %she 8 go 8 out& ' went to the house of my friend, but she has gone out. 0. Aou went to your town after many years. %'t 8 change 8 a lot& 3. Bachel did not come to the party. %she 8 ma$e 8 plans to do something else& 5. Aou went to the cinema last night very late. %the movie 8 begin 8 before& 6. Cast year we went to /e!ico for the first time. %we 8 never 8 be 8 there before&

II. Rea in# Co,prehension an /exis: "ita ins /'0

>itamin B consists of twelve different chemicals, which are found in eggs, cheese, butter, flour and vegetables. 'f a person has an inade)uate amount of vitamin B in his diet, this may affect his s$in, the nervous system and the heart. >itamin ( prevents scurvy and helps to heal in7uries. Doctors believe that large )uantities of vitamin ( help people to avoid colds. =ruits and uncoo$ed vegetables are rich in vitamin (, but when they are overcoo$ed they lose most of their vitamins. >itamin D is essential for the growth of bones and teeth and is found in fish, liver, oil and mil$. >itamin D is the only vitamin which the body can ma$e for itself, but it can only do this if there is sufficient sunlight. ? lac$ of both sunlight and vitamin D can result in a disease called ric$ets, which causes bones to soften and to be deformed. 0ractice: ?fter reading the two passages about vitamins, answer the following

0. Which vitamins do the following foods contain* /il$ E liver E eggs E cheese E fruits E vegetables E fish 3. =ind synonyms for the underlined words in the te!t. 5. (omplete the following table from the passages on vitamins: Fame of vitamin =oods the vitamin is found in Besults of a deficiency of the vitamin

? B ( D


COURSE 0-: I. Syntax: The use of the future simple

The form of the future simple is: I / !e shall + ste, *o" / she / he / they !ill + ste, !amples: " ' shall visit my friend ne!t wee$. " #e !ill leave tomorrow. 1. We use the future when we decide to do something at the time of spea$ing. .g. Aou will call <am to dinner. $. We use the future with #oin# to when we have already decided to do something. .g." We are #oin# to invite all our friends to the party. " #e is #oin# to spend his vacation in 'taly.

Exercise: (omplete the sentences using !ill or #oin# to

0. a& Why are you turning on the T> * b& ' ,,,, %watch& the news. 3. a& ' have a headache b& Wait a second, ' ,,,,. %get& an aspirin for you. 5. a& ?re you going shopping * b& Aes, ' ,,,,, %buy& something for dinner. 6. a& #ave you mailed the letter * b& ' completely forgot. ' ,,,,, %do& it now. 9. a& ' donGt $now how to use this camera. b& 'tGs easy, ' ,,,,,. %show& you.

II. Rea in# Co,prehension an /exis: T-er ostats

#eat causes substances to e!pand. This is because heat causes the atoms and molecules in the substance to move more )uic$ly. ?s a conse)uence, they ta$e up more

space. This is true for gases, li)uids, and solids, but gases e!pand much more than li)uids, and li)uids much more than solids. When a substance is cooled, the molecules slow down and as a result the substance contracts. Thermostats ma$e use of the principle of e!pansion. The function of a thermostat is to maintain a constant temperature over a period of time. They are used in refrigerators, heating and cooling systems and many industrial processes. 0ractice: I. ?nswer the following )uestions: 0. #ow does heat cause the e!pansion of substances* 3. What is the function of a thermostat* 5. Where are thermostats used* II. Fotice the use of because to e!press cause and as a conse)uence and as a result to e!press result or conse)uence. !amples: " <am succeeded in his e!am because he had wor$ed very hard. %cause& " Hur team trained very hard@ as a conse)uence, we won the championship. %result& as a result conse)uently I (onstruct two sentences e!pressing cause and result.

COURSE 01: I. Syntax: The interrogative form 1. 'n )uestions we put the first au!iliary verb before the sub7ect.
!amples: " Tom will come " Aou have seen " <he is sleeping " #e was playing Will Tom come* #ave you seen* 's she sleeping* Was he playing*

$. 'n simple present )uestions, we use do 8 does !amples: " Aou listen Do you listen* " <he spea$s Does she spea$* -. 'n simple past )uestions, we use did !amples: " #e sold his car Did he sell his car*


" They organiJed a party Did they organiJe a party* 1. 'n 2+ 3"estions, we use: " 2ho for persons " 2hich / !hat for things " 2here for place " 2hen for time " 2hy for reason or cause " +o! for manner 'f !ho / !hich / !hat are sub7ects we do not use do and we do not inverse the au!iliary and the sub7ect. !amples: " Who bro$e the chair* " What happened* " Where do you go* " When have you started wor$* " Why are you laughing*

Exercise: 2ut the words in parentheses in the correct order. ?ll the sentences are )uestions. 0. %when 8 was 8 built 8 this house& ,,,,,,,,,,,,.....*
3. %when 8 invented 8 the computer 8 was& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.* 5. %what time 8 coming 8 your friends 8 are& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,...* 6. %why 8 was 8 cancelled 8 the concert& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.* 9. %how 8 the accident 8 did 8 happen& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*

II. Rea in# Co,prehension an /exis: Eart-1!a,es

During an earth)ua$e, the surface of the arth moves. The shoc$ is produced by waves which travel through the roc$. These waves are usually the result of the movement of large masses of roc$ below the surface of the arth. /any earth)ua$es begin under the sea and they cause very big waves in the sea. arth)ua$e regions are usually near mountains and volcanoes. During an earth)ua$e, the pressure waves may travel at a ma!imum speed of :9. $m8h. The duration of earth)ua$es varies, and its force can be measured by means of special instruments. <ome earth)ua$es can destroy everything made by man. There is also a scale of measurement based on the effects of earth)ua$es. 0ractice: I. ?nswer the following )uestions: 0. What happens during an earth)ua$e* 3. Do earth)ua$es happen in the sea* 5. Why are earth)ua$es dangerous*

II. Kive opposites to the underlined words in the te!t.


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