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These tasks are divided into five cate ories! "ithin it# there are a n$%&er of s$&'tasks that (o$ have to )erfor%!

Task * Task + Task , Task Task /

Teachin of Listenin and S)eakin Teachin of Readin Teachin of "ritin Teachin of .ra%%ar Lesson P0annin

1o$ 2i00 a0so &e asked to kee) a )rofessiona0 3o$rna0 of (o$r fie0d e4)erience! The $ide0ine for doin it can &e fo$nd in A))endi4! There are a n$%&er of $ide0ines avai0a&0e in the A))endi4 2hich 2i00 &e $sef$0 in (o$r tasks!

Task 1.

The Teaching of Listening and Speaking

5or the first t2o visits (o$ 2i00 carr( o$t the fo00o2in s$&'tasks6 * Co00ect a fo0io of c0assroo% &ased tests# %arkin sche%es and %ake note of teacher7s record kee)in + , s(ste%s! O&serve and %ake notes of a$ra0'ora0 tests cond$cted &( the teacher! Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9+: 2ith the teacher! Ta0k a&o$t the o&3ectives# )$r)ose and 2h( the teacher chose an( )artic$0ar for%at for the test! Co00ect sa%)0es of re%edia0 and enrich%ent activities for 0essons that (o$ have o&served! These 2i00 &e in the for% of )rinted sheet of )a)ers# co)( of 2hat the teacher has 2ritten on &oard or ora0 transcri)ts of 2hat the / teacher said in c0ass! Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9-: 2ith the teacher! 5oc$s on the o&3ectives and the reason 2h( the teacher ; chose the )artic$0ar t()e of activit(! Kee) a )rofessiona0 3o$rna0! Critica0 ref0ection and disc$ssion of iss$es re0ated to the teachin of Listenin and S)eakin 2i00 &e carried o$t in the 8ethods C0ass! 5eed&ack session in c0ass 2ith )eers and 0ect$rers on infor%ation co00ected and s$ estions for i%)rove%ent!

Task 2.

The Teaching of Reading

5or the second t2o visits (o$ 2i00 carr( o$t the fo00o2in s$&'tasks6 * Co00ect a fo0io of c0assroo% &ased tests# %arkin sche%es and %ake note of teacher7s record kee)in + s(ste%s! Co00ect a se0ection of readin tasks $sed in the c0assroo%! O&serve and %ake notes of readin , %ateria0s $sed &( the teacher! Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9*: 2ith the teacher! Ta0k a&o$t the o&3ectives# )$r)ose and 2h( the teacher chose an( )artic$0ar for%at for the test! Co00ect sa%)0es of re%edia0 and enrich%ent activities for 0essons that (o$ have o&served! These 2i00 &e in the for% of )rinted sheet of )a)ers# co)( of 2hat the teacher has 2ritten on &oard or ora0 transcri)ts of 2hat the / teacher said in c0ass! Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9-: 2ith the teacher! 5oc$s on the o&3ectives and the reason 2h( the teacher ; chose the )artic$0ar t()e of activit(! Kee) a )rofessiona0 3o$rna0! Critica0 ref0ection and disc$ssion of iss$es re0ated to the teachin of Readin 2i00 &e carried o$t in the 8ethods C0ass! 5eed&ack session in c0ass 2ith )eers and 0ect$rers on infor%ation co00ected and s$ estions for i%)rove%ent!

Task 3.

The Teaching of Writing

5or the ne4t t2o visits (o$ 2i00 carr( o$t the fo00o2in s$&'tasks6 * Co00ect a fo0io of c0assroo% &ased tests# %arkin sche%es and %ake note of teacher7s record kee)in + Critica0 ref0ection and disc$ssion of

s(ste%s! iss$es re0ated to Co00ect a se0ection of 2ritin tasks $sed in the c0assroo%! the teachin of O&serve and %ake notes of 2ritin %ateria0s $sed &( the "ritin 2i00 &e teacher! carried o$t in the Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9*: 2ith the teacher! 8ethods C0ass! Ta0k a&o$t the o&3ectives# )$r)ose and 2h( the teacher 5eed&ack session chose an( )artic$0ar for%at for the test! Co00ect sa%)0es of re%edia0 and enrich%ent activities for in c0ass 2ith )eers 0essons that (o$ have o&served! These 2i00 &e in the for% of )rinted sheet of )a)ers# co)( of 2hat the teacher has 2ritten on &oard or ora0 transcri)ts of 2hat the teacher said in c0ass! Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9-: 2ith the teacher! 5oc$s on the o&3ectives and the reason 2h( the teacher chose the )artic$0ar t()e of activit(! Kee) a )rofessiona0 3o$rna0! and 0ect$rers on infor%ation co00ected and s$ estions for i%)rove%ent!

Task 4.

The Teaching of Grammar

5or the ne4t t2o visits (o$ 2i00 carr( o$t the fo00o2in s$&'tasks6 * Co00ect a fo0io of c0assroo% &ased tests# %arkin sche%es and %ake note of teacher7s record kee)in + s(ste%s! Co00ect a se0ection of ra%%ar tasks $sed in the c0assroo%! O&serve and %ake notes of readin , %ateria0s $sed &( a teacher! Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9*: 2ith the teacher! Ta0k a&o$t the o&3ectives# )$r)ose and 2h( the teacher chose an( )artic$0ar for%at for the test! Co00ect sa%)0es of re%edia0 and enrich%ent activities for 0essons that (o$ have o&served! These 2i00 &e in the for% of )rinted sheet of )a)ers# co)( of 2hat the teacher has 2ritten on &oard or ora0 transcri)ts of 2hat the / teacher said in c0ass! Disc$ss 2hat (o$ have o&served in 9-: 2ith the teacher! 5oc$s on the o&3ectives and the reason 2h( the teacher ; chose the )artic$0ar t()e of activit(! Kee) a )rofessiona0 3o$rna0! Critica0 ref0ection and disc$ssion of iss$es re0ated to the teachin of .ra%%ar 2i00 &e carried o$t in the 8ethods C0ass! 5eed&ack session in c0ass 2ith )eers and 0ect$rers on infor%ation co00ected and s$ estions for i%)rove%ent!

Task 5.

Lesson Planning

5or the ne4t t2o visits (o$ 2i00 carr( o$t the fo00o2in s$&'tasks6 * Disc$ss 0esson )0ans foc$ssin on %ana in %i4ed' a&i0it( ro$)s! 1o$ sho$0d find o$t teacher7s rationa0e for $sin an( )artic$0ar )roced$res# techni<$es and %ethods! 1o$r ai% is to kno2 the thinkin &ehind the + teacher choice of activities! Co00ect sa%)0es of tasks $sed 2ith different ro$)s! These 2i00 &e in the for% of )rinted sheet of )a)ers# co)( of 2hat the teacher has 2ritten on &oard or ora0 , transcri)ts of 2hat the teacher said in c0ass! O&serve a 0esson of %i4ed'a&i0it( c0ass! 1o$ sho$0d record the events that take )0ace in the )artic$0ar 0esson! Pre)are a critica0 revie2 of 0esson $sin P"I 9P0$s' 8in$s'Interestin :! P0ease refer to Pn H3h Ashidah &t Asnan for this section! Critica0 ref0ection and disc$ssion of iss$es re0ated to the teachin of Readin 2i00 &e carried o$t in the 8ethods C0ass! 5eed&ack session in c0ass 2ith )eers and 0ect$rers on infor%ation co00ected and s$ estions for i%)rove%ent!

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