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Curriculum Vitae

Mob:-9324656580 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OBJECTIVE: To accept t e c allenge! and pro"e m#!el$ and t e organi%ation a! t e be!t in t e indu!tr#.

Tec nical &uali$ication +cademic &uali$ication : : Di loma in Certificate !ea"in# $anma%e &i're ( &a'ric) '( )ear *+*M,-+. $um'ai **C+ $um'ai Uni"er)it, -*C $um'ai Uni"er)it, $um'ai Uni"er)it,

*/ill): /abric +nal#!i!0 1perating 2no3ledge o$ T456+70T45T-1N,6* de!igning !o$t3are!. 7e"elop Ne3 6oncept!0 &ualit# 8 7e!ign a! per better $ea!ibit#. 7e"elop ne3 de!ign! in e9i!ting :ualit# 8 dra3ing-in on running loom!. 7e"elop ne3 de!ign! $or con!uming ruminant #arn!. 6ollection according to !ea!on 3i!e. ;re!entation! <or2ing on bu#er! concept! 8 $ul$ill t eir demand according to t e mar2et. Managing =it loom !ampling 8 it>! on time deli"er#. )ardage *ampling. /ollo3-up o$ )ardage $or on time deli"er#. =lan2et !ampling. 6reation o$ ne3 #arn palate. ,!!uing o$ tec nical !peci$ication ! eet $or )ardage 8 =ul2 production. Manpo3er ?andling. 6oordination 8 6ommunication 3it mar2eting0 bu#er! 8 production team. @eader! ip


Te2tile De)i#ner at 3*U*-I TE14 +)a/ina/a. 5&rom 67t8 $ar 9769 to 9:t8 Jan 976;< Jo' Profile:
/abric anal#!i!. 6reation o$ ne3 de!ign! a! per !ea!on 8 re:uirement. ;re!entation o$ 37 ;o!ter! 7obb# con!truction 8 color matc ing on T45T-1N,6* !o$t3are

Te2tile De)i#ner at 3N.R. Con)ultanc,4 +Vi/8roli. 5&rom 97t8 June 9769 to 67t8 $ar 976;< Jo' Profile:
/abric anal#!i!. 6reation o$ ne3 de!ign! a! per !ea!on 8 re:uirement. ;re!entation o$ 37 ;o!ter! 7obb# con!truction 8 color matc ing on T45T-1N,6* !o$t3are

A))i)tant Te2tile De)i#ner at 3/o%am ma%8u Te2tile Con)ultanc,4 B8i=an%i.

5 &rom 6>?7:?977@ to 9:?67?9769 5 ; .ear) <

Jo' Profile:
/abric anal#!i!. 6reation o$ ne3 de!ign!0 3it pattern 7obb# con!truction 8 color matc ing on T45T-1N,6* !o$t3are ba!icall# $or ! irting.

Name 7ate o$ =irt Marital *tatu! @anguage! ;ro$icienc# ;ermanent +ddre!! : : : : : NARENDRA PULI (8T? 7ec0 (986. unMarried 4ngli! 0 ?indi0 Marat i0 Telagu.

?.No.2A3 opp mad u 7#eing Baneri = i3andi-42(302. 7i!t: - T ane

-o''ie): @i!tening Mu!ic0 Tra"eling0 -eading ne3! paper!0 <atc ing TC0 ;la#ing 6ric2et.

49pected *alar#


;lace : 7ate : 'N+-4N7-+ ;D@,.

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