Topic 2 Houses and Homes

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ADVANCED LEVEL preparation time: 7 min te!

1.- Conversation. Talk about the following questions with your partner. You can use the pictures to help you if you wish. 1. Have you changed anything in your house recently? f so! what was that? ". #ould you prefer to live in a house or an apart$ent? #hy? %. #hich do you like better! a ho$e with a nice garden or a ho$e without one? &. #hat would be i$portant to consider when designing a city? '. (o you get along well with your neighbours?

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0artner 1. 2elow there are three state$ents related to the topic. Talk about the$ for appro3i$ately 1!' $inutes without help fro$ the e3a$iner. You $ay be asked further questions about the topic when you have finished. 1. -ive so$e reasons why people beco$e ho$eless. ". Ho$e is where the heart is.

"# 2uying an apart$ent is better than renting. TOPIC 2 HOUSES AND HOMES.odt 1

0artner 2. 2elow there are three state$ents related to the topic. Talk about the$ for appro3i$ately 1!' $inutes without help fro$ the e3a$iner. You $ay be asked further questions about the topic when you have finished. 1. There is nothing like staying at ho$e for real co$fort. ". #o$en have better taste than $en when it co$es to decorating. %. ,iving n the countryside is better than living in a city.



Topic 2 (Habitatge, lla i e!to !"

Houses and ho$es4 housing 5types! services! roo$s! furniture! upholstery! facilities! repairing!
leasing6! city 7 countryside! area where one lives 5neighbourhood! area! city! countryside6 region and country. Topics related to the flora and fauna of the area.


1. #hat does the outside of your house look like?

2. Can you describe each roo$ of your house? 3. #here do you park your car at your house?
&. (o you like the place where you are living? #hy or why not? '. #hat is your favourite roo$ in your house? #hy? 8. How are ho$es different in your ho$e country and in this country? 9. How have you changed your ho$e since you:ve started living there? ;. How long have you lived where you are living now? <. How $any different ho$es have you lived in? 1. #hich one did you like the best? #hy? ". #hich one did you like the least? #hy? 1=. How $any roo$s are there in your house? 11. How $uch is your rent? 5>o$e people $ay not consider this to be a polite question.6 1". f you could change anything about your present ho$e! what would it be? 1%. s your ho$e in a convenient location? 1&. #hat changes would you like to $ake to your ho$e? 1'. #hat do you like about your ho$e? #hat don:t you like? 18. #hat do you think is the worst colour for a living roo$? 19. #hat is in your bedroo$? 1;. #hat things in your ho$e couldn:t you live without? 1<. #hat things in your house could you easily live without? "=. #here would your drea$ ho$e be? 1. #hat would it be like inside and out? "1. #hich roo$ do you spend the least ti$e in? "". #hich roo$ do you spend the $ost ti$e in? "%. #ho are your neighbours? 1. (o you get along well with your neighbours? ". How well do you know the$? %. #hat have you done with your neighbours? "&. #ho lives with you? 7 #ho do you live with? "'. #ould you prefer to live in a house or an apart$ent? #hy?


"8. s every house a ho$e? "9. #hat $akes :a house: into :a ho$e:? ";. Have you ever been ho$esick? "<. Have you changed anything in your house recently? f so! what was that? %=. #hat would you like to change in your house? %1. #hat is the colour of your front door? %". #hat kind of housing would you prefer? %%. #hat is your drea$ house? %&. (o you like to keep pets in your ho$e? %'. 1re there any parks near your ho$e? %8. #hat strange $aterials do you know of that have been used to $ake houses? %9. Could you build a house for yourself? How would you do it? 5you cannot have a builder help you6 %;. How could you live without electricity? Could you $ake your own electricity? How? %<. How can houses be $ade $ore environ$entally friendly? &=. (escribe how you go about buying a house in your country. Can you borrow $oney fro$ a bank? s it easy to buy and sell houses? &1. #hat would be i$portant to consider when designing a city? #as your city planned? (escribe a perfect city &". (raw7describe your drea$ house 5$oney is no proble$6 where! $aterials! design! interior! landscaping etc. &%. $agine you have arrived in a country where they don:t speak your language. You have no $oney or friends there. #hat would you do for acco$$odation? &&. #hat proble$s do ho$e owners have? #hat can they do about the$? &'. s it better to rent or buy? -ive reasons for your answer. &8. #hat do you think houses in the future will be like? &9. How i$portant is security? How do you $ake a house secure? &;. )ake a list of the 1= $ost i$portant things you would look for when choosing a house to live in. &<. >o$e people say houses are too $uch like bo3es or cages. (o you agree or disagree? #hy? '=. #hat are the advantages and disadvantages of a ho$e stay?


'1. ,ist alternatives to a house or apart$ent. 5e.g. igloo6 1. #hat are the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives? #hich alternative would you prefer to live in? '". #hich are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a s$all house7flat7apart$ent? 1nd living in a big one? '%. (o you have a nice garden at your ho$e? (o you plant flowers and trees in your garden? (o you help your $other7father to water those plants7flowers? '&. (o you raise fish in your ho$e? f so! what type of fish? ''. #hich do you like better! a ho$e with a nice garden or a ho$e without one? '8. (o you have a $ini swi$$ing pool in your ho$e? 1. 1 basket ball court ". 1 ping pong table?



/3tra $aterial 5 Housing! houses and environ$ent ?uotes 64

@0eople who are ho$eless are not social inadequates. They are people without ho$es.@ A(on:t try to drive the ho$eless into places we find suitable. Help the$ survive in places they find suitable.@

@1 strong econo$y causes an increase in the de$and for housingB the increased de$and for housing drives real-estate prices and rentals through the roof. 1nd then affordable housing beco$es co$pletely inaccessible.@

@0ublic housing is $ore than Cust a place to live! public housing progra$s should provide opportunities to residents and their fa$ilies.@

@You can spend the $oney on new housing for poor people and the ho$eless! or you can spend it on a football stadiu$ or a golf course.@

A1 house is a ho$e when it shelters the body and co$forts the soul.D A#inter is the ti$e for co$fort! for good food and war$th! for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire4 it is the ti$e for ho$e.D

A t was good to walk into a library againB it s$elled like ho$e.D A+ature is not a place to visit. t is ho$e.D AHo$e is anywhere that you know all your friends and all your ene$ies.D AThe cruel irony of housework4 people only notice when you don:t do it.D AThe heartland lies where the heart longs to be. >o$eti$es it takes a lifeti$e to find the true place to plant it.D

A#hat love $ost about $y ho$e is who share it with.D



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