Target Vocabulary: Colours, Numerals (1-10), Animals, Family Members Target Structures: Questions - Basic Question - To Be

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Lesson Plan Teacher: Cristina Rosca Date: week 14 / the 16th of December 2013 Grade: elementary le el !"!

ils #3r$ %ra$e st"$ents& Class: 3r$ Subject of the lesson: 'eneral re ision Target vocabulary: Colo"rs( )"merals #1-10&( *nimals( +amily members Target structures: questions - ,asic -"estion . to be/ Present 0im!le . to be 1 !re!osition 1 !lace/ Present 0im!le . to ha e #%ot& Type of lesson: Lesson of systemati2ation an$ re ision of knowle$%e/ Re ision Lesson Learning aims: ,y the en$ of the lesson the st"$ents will be able to: *1 . talk abo"t themsel es/ *2 . !ractice the correct !ron"nciation of the wor$s an$ sentences/ *3 . name ob3ects in the room( family members an$ animals/ *4 . $escribe thin%s an$ bein%s s!ecifyin% the colo"r( si2e an$ where they are !lace$/ *4 . ha e f"n5 Language functions: 6 askin% thin%s 6 %i in% information 6 i$entifyin% an$ $escribin% animals/toys( family members Skills: s!eakin%( listenin%( rea$in% an$ writin%5 Assumption: the st"$ents know the n"mbers from 1 to 10( some colo"rs( animals an$ family members/ they are alrea$y familiar with the 0im!le Present 7ense in 8n%lish5 Possible problems: the st"$ents may not ha e the necessary lan%"a%e skills to answer the teacher9s -"estions/ the teacher m"st hel! them o"t an$ enco"ra%e them in their attem!ts to "se the lan%"a%e5 Assessment acti ity: 7he st"$ents will be assesse$ on class !artici!ation5 !esources and materials: !ict"res an$ toys with animals an$ family members( $rawin% sheet( han$o"ts/worksheets5 "nteraction: teacher . st"$ent( st"$ent . teacher( st"$ent . st"$ent( teacher .st"$ents Teaching techni#ues: 6con ersation( e:!lanation( e:ercise Class organisation: 6 lockste!/ in$i i$"al/ in !airs/

PR;C8D<R8 *cti ity 1 =nteraction: 7 6 0s/ 0 6 0>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>7imin%: 4? @*RA6<P 6 to intro$"ce the st"$ents in the atmos!here of the lesson *1 . to talk abo"t themsel es/ 7he 7 starts with a %ame #7hrow a small ball an$ ask a -"estions at the same time/ the st"$ent who catches the ball will ha e to answer the teacher9s -"estion& 8:: @hat9s yo"r nameB @ho are yo"B Cow ol$ are yo"B Do yo" like animalsB @here $o yo" li eB *cti ity 2 =nteraction: 7 6 0s/ >>>>>>>>>>>>> 7imin%: 4? 0P8C=+=C*7=;) ;+ 7C8 PR;,L8A 7; ,8 D8*L7 @=7C 7he 7 anno"nces the re ision lesson s!ecifyin% the aims: the 0s will re ise their knowle$%e abo"t n"mbers( colo"rs( animals( family members5 7he 7 writes the title of the lesson an$ $ate on the ,,/ the 0s write the title an$ $ate( as well( an$ !ay attention5 *cti ity 3 =nteraction: 7 6 0/ 0 6 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7imin%: 209 R8P87=7=;) ;R 0D078A*7=E*7=;) PR;P8R *2 . to !ractice the correct !ron"nciation of the wor$s an$ sentences/ *3 . to name ob3ects in the room( family members an$ animals/ *4 . to $escribe thin%s an$ bein%s s!ecifyin% the colo"r( si2e an$ where they are !lace$/ 7he 7 shows some !ict"res an$ asks the 0s to $escribe them makin% short sentences5 Pict"res: 7wo chil$ren are !layin% in the room5 =t is s"!!ose$ they are siblin%s5 7hey ha e toys re!resentin% animals of $ifferent colors an$ si2es5 7heir toys are !lace$ e erywhere: on the be$( on the chair( on the table( on the car!et or near the table( ne:t to the chair or "n$er the be$( "n$er the $esk5 8:5 7he bl"e bear is on the table5 =t is small5 7he yellow ele!hant is "n$er the $esk5 =t is bi%5 7he 7 !laces toys on( "n$er or ne:t to/near $ifferent ob3ects in the classroom5 Role !lay 7he 7 brin%s st"$ents two by two in front of the class for a role !lay5 7hey are sister an$ brother( sister an$ sister( mother an$ $a"%hter( %ran$mother an$ %ran$father( father an$ son5 7hey ha e to say who they are #family relationshi!& an$ where is !lace$ a certain toy5 8:5 = am the sister5 7he lion is near the $oor5 = am the brother5 7he $o% is "n$er the $esk5 7he 7 !ro!oses a %ame5 8ach chil$ %ets a note with a wor$ ana%ram5 7he first one( who "nscrambles the letters an$ writes the wor$ correctly #on the ,,/notebooks&( wins the %ame5 R+*78C 7;8ARC 708R0= CR)7+8R'*D* 7)RA;D8RC'* C<L8) *<7) C)=;<0

7he 7 shares worksheets checkin% ocab"lary: a bear( a camel( a cow( a fish( a t"rtle( an ele!hant( a %orilla( a hi!!o( a horse( a lion( a !an$a( a rabbit( a !en%"in( a $"ck( a fro% *5 7here are two ersions of the worksheets5 ;ne ersion has the wor$s to trace after connectin% them5#1& 7he secon$ !a%e has one letter missin% that the st"$ents m"st fill in5 #2& #1&


7he 7 shares worksheets checkin% ocab"lary: a family( mom( $a$( !arents( sister( brother( brother an$ sister( sisters( brothers( %ran$mother( %ran$father( %ran$!arents( mother an$ son( father an$ son( father an$ $a"%hter( mother an$ $a"%hter ,5 7here are two ersions of the worksheets5 ;ne ersion has the wor$s to trace after connectin% them5 7he secon$ !a%e has one letter missin% that the st"$ents m"st fill in5 #1&


7he 7 shares worksheets checkin% ocab"lary #1&: a bear( a camel( a cow( a fish( a t"rtle( an ele!hant( a %orilla( a hi!!o( a horse( a lion( a !an$a( a rabbit( a !en%"in( a $"ck( a fro% 7here are two ersions of the worksheets5 ;ne ersion has the wor$s to trace after connectin% them5 7he secon$ !a%e has one letter missin% that the st"$ents m"st fill in5 7he 7 shares worksheets checkin% ocab"lary #2&: a family( mom( $a$( !arents( sister( brother( brother an$ sister( sisters( brothers( %ran$mother( %ran$father( %ran$!arents( mother an$ son( father an$ son( father an$ $a"%hter( mother an$ $a"%hter 7here are two ersions of the worksheets5 ;ne ersion has the wor$s to trace after connectin% them5 7he secon$ !a%e has one letter missin% that the st"$ents m"st fill in5 *cti ity 4 =nteraction: 7 6 0/ 0 6 7/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7imin%: 149 8F*L<*7=;) *2 . !ractice the correct !ron"nciation of the wor$s an$ sentences/ *4 . ha e f"n5 7he 7 shares some car$s with animals an$ lists with names of the animals5 7he 0s ha e to choose the correct names of the animals5 7he 0s sol e in !air two !"22les with family members5 7he 7 a!!reciates all the 0s for their efforts $"rin% the lesson5

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