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1. The Swadeshi movement means Boycott of goods (British goods) 2.

Simla Deputation was led by Sir Agha Khan 3. Who moved the resolution for establishing Muslim League Nawab of Dacca !. Who delivered the "residential address in whi#h the Muslim League was established Nawab Waqr ul Mulk $. Separate ele#torate was awarded to Muslims in 1 ! %. &nnulment of partition of 'engal was announ#ed in 1 11 (. )innah was formally enrolled in &ll *ndia Muslim League in 1 1" +. ,-omarade, was started by Moulana Muha##ad Ali .. &l /ilal was started by Moulana Muha##ad Ali 10. )innah was the "rin#iple ar#hite#t of $ucknow %act 11. The most important #hange brought about by Minto Morley 1eforms was S&%arat& 'l&ctorat& 12. Tur2ey in the 3irst World War was #hose to fight on the side of (&r#any 13. Treaty of Severes was announ#ed in 1 )! 1!. Shuddhi and Sangthan movements were started at the end of *&hrik & Khilafat 1$. ,4amindar, was brought about by +afar Ali Khan 1%. 1eport of 1owlatt -ommittee was published in 1 1, 1(. )allianwala 'agh tragedy too2 pla#e in5

1 1 1+. )innah resigned from #ongress during 6agpur session in 1 )! 1.. Moplah rising in Malabar too2 pla#e in 1 )1 20. The Moplah rose against th& British and -indu +a#indar. 21. Whi#h movement was started by Sir Swami Shradhnand Shuddhi 22. Sangthan was started by .andit Mala/ia 23. Swami Shradhnand was murdered in 1 )0 2!. -hauri -haura in#ident too2 pla#e in 1 )) 2$. 7hilafat was abolished by Mustafa 7amal "asha in 1 )1 2%. Simon -ommission was sent to *ndia in 1 )2 2(. 8n the arrival Simon -ommission Muslim League was Split into two groups one was led by Sir Muha##ad Shaf&& and th& oth&r was l&d by 3uaid & A4a# 2+. Whi#h party was divided into pro #hangers and #hangers 5ongr&ss 2.. 6ehru 1eport was an answer to the #hallenge given by $ord Birk&nh&ad 30. 6ehru 1eport a##epted the following demand a s&%arat& %ro/inc& for North6W&st 7ronti&r and Sindh 31. )innah 3ourteen points were offered in 1 ) 32. Whi#h member of Simon -ommission resigned and repla#ed by another member St&%h&n Walsh 33. Dyar#hy was s#rapped in 1 1 8&for#s

3!. The first session of 1ound Table -onferen#e was opened in $ondon 3$. Whi#h party was not present in 3irst 1ound Table -onferen#e 5ongr&ss 3%. 3ederal form of 9overnment for *ndia was approved by 'ritish in 7irst 8ound *abl& 5onf&r&nc& 3(. Who was the "rime Minster of :ngland during 3irst 1ound Table -onferen#e 8a#say Macdonald 3+. Se#ond 1ound Table -onferen#e was held in 1 "1 3.. -ommunal award was published in 1 ") What was the rea#tion of -ongress and Muslim League over -ommunal &ward Both Dislik&d The re#ommendation of 1ound Table -onferen#e was published in 1 "" The whole of *ndia &#t of 1.3$ #ame into operation in provin#ial part in 1 "2 &nandhnath is a no/&l 6agri is a Scri%t "irpur 1eport was about 5ongr&ss #inistri&s Shareef "ur report was about Bihar Who wrote, Muslim Suffering under -ongress 1ule, 7a4l ul -aq Wardha s#heme was about 'ducation The author of Wardha S#heme was +akir -ussain 'and e Matarm was an

anth&# Day of Deliveran#e was #elebrated on ))nd D&c&#b&r 1 " ,6ow or 6ever, pamphlet was written in 1.33 by 5h9 8&h#at Ali ,"a2istan 6ational Movement, was founded by 5h9 8&h#at Ali ,8utline of a S#heme of *ndian federation, was written by Sikandar -ayat Khan Lahore resolution was introdu#ed by 7a4l ul -aq ,Thoughts on "a2istan, was written by A#b&dkar9 The 'ritish &ugust offer was made in 1 1! What was the response of Muslim League over 'ritish offer N&ith&r acc&%t&d nor r&:&ct&d Whi#h -ongress leader thought after Lahore 1esolution that the partition was unavoidable 8a:a (o%al Acharia Sapru proposals were offered in 1 1; Lia;uat < Desai "a#t was #on#luded in 1 1; Wavell plan was made in 1 1; "arity was the issue in Wa/&l .lan Simla -onferen#e was held in 1 1; *n1.!$ ele#tions= out of total 102 seats of -entral &ssembly= -ongress won ;2 &nd Muslim league won ), s&ats

*n the provin#ial ele#tions of 1.!% -ongress won .30 seats and Muslim League won 1), s&ats *n "rovin#ial ele#tions of 1.!% total seats of Muslim League were 1 ) *n the -abinet mission who many -abinet Ministers were present " The name of the -ripps Mission was made after Sir Stafford -ripps who was *h& .r&sid&nt of th& Board of *rad& The -abinet Mission members were parleyed with how many Muslim members 1 >nder Satyagarh *&hr&&k people #hose by 9andhi were to 8ffer arr&st -ripps Mission "ublished its report on "!th March 1 1) The main emphasis in -ripps Mission was on -reation of n&w Do#inion 6on a##ession #lause was mentioned in 5ri%%s #ission ,?uit *ndia, movement was started in 1 1) *n the -abinet Mission provin#es were divided into how many se#tions *hr&& ?uaid e &@am= for the #ontinuation of -abinet mission= demanded how many portfolios 7i/& *n -abinet Mission plan total portfolios were Si<t&&n -ongress was awarded how many portfolios Si< /ow many portfolios were given to Muslim League 7i/& /ow many portfolios were reserved for minorities *hr&& Lord Wavell was repla#e by Lord

Mountbatt&n The only *ndian on the Ai#eroy lord Mountbatten staff was =9.9 M&non =9.9 M&non prepared the final draft of the transfer of "ower Lady Mountbatten is said to be the #lose friend of N&hru What was the name of the daughter of 6ehru >ndra Who wanted to be#ome the Boint 9overnor 9eneral of *ndia and "a2istan Mountbatt&n Who de#ided= at the time of partition= the fate of 'alu#histan Shahi ?irga 'y whi#h method fate of 6W3" was de#ided 8&f&r&ndu# )innah was by origin a Kho:a ,Dawn,= the Muslim League newspaper was started in 1 1) 'esides )innah who was the eCDoffi#io member of Muslim League Wor2ing -ommittee $iaquat Ali Khan Dire#t &#tion resolution was passed in ?uly 1 10 )innahEs spee#hes were translated into >rdu often by Nawab Bahadur @Ar ?ung Who gave 3atwas in 1.!$ and forbade to Boining Muslim League Maulana -ussain Ah#ad Whi#h party leader labeled ?uaid e &@am as ,7afre a@am, ?a#iyat al Al&#a6i6 -ind Whi#h maga@ine #riti#i@ed )innahEs de#ision to be#ome the 9overnor 9eneral 'cono#ist Whom )innah appointed the 9overnor of 6W3" Sir (&org& 5unningha#

Whom )innah appointed the 9overnor of ">6)&' Why )innah appointed 'ritish 9overnors in four "rovin#es *h&y w&r& #or& &<%&ri&nc&d Soon after the establishment of "a2istan whi#h "rime minister had been the &mbassador to 'urma also Muha##ad Ali Bogra

->S*B8@ B7 .AK>S*AN S>N5' 1 12

INCLUDING FOREIGN POLICY, POLITICS AND DEFENCE Important events from 19 ! to 19"# 1. He was the Governor General of Indo-Pakistan before Mountbatten: Lor$ %ave& 2. Mountbatten came to India in 'ar() 19 ! 3. Mountbatten was an officer in *r+t+s) Nav, . Plan for the !e"aration of Indo Pakistan was announced on -.r$ /0ne 19 ! #. $lection to the %irst &onstituent 'ssembl( of Pakistan took "lace in: 19 1 ). *he first &abinet of Pakistan consisted of ! mem2ers. +. %inance Portfolio in the first &abinet was held b( 'a&+3 G)0&am '0)amma$4 ,. *he &hief Minister of the followin- "rovince refused to salute the Pakistani fla- in 1. +: N%FP .. &M of /0%P 1octor 2han !ahib was dismissed b( 3uaid e '4am who was his successor5 16. &hief Minister of the followin- Province was dismissed b( 3uaid e '4am *en5a& 11. '""ro7imate "o"ulation of Pakistan at the ince"tion in 1. + was ! (rores 12. %irst census of Pakistan was held in 19"1

13. Po"ulation of west Pakistan in 1.#1was . m+&&+on 1 . *he onl( countr( to o""ose Pakistan8s entrance into the 9/: in1. + was Af5)an+stan 1#. *otal area of ;ammu and 2ashmir in 1. + was # , !1 s64 m+&es 1). India sto""ed the "assa-e of water from the rivers <avi and !utlu= in Apr+& 19 # 1+. Madhu"ur Head works is located on the r+ver Rav+ 1,. %ero4"ur Head works is located on river S0t&07 1.. Muslim ma=orit( *ehsil >ira was handed over to India in <edcliff award it was a tehsil of Fero8ep0r D+str+(t4 21. He was the first head of state to visit Pakistan in 1. + Am+r of 90:a+t 22. 3uaid e '4am relief fund was set u" in Septem2er 19 ! 23. 't the time of division the cash balances of undivided India stood at about Rs4 ,;;; m+&&+on 2 . India and Pakistan mutuall( came to an a-reement that Pakistan would -et Rs4 !"; (rore as )er s)are. 2#. :nl( Rs4 -;; (rors had been "aid as an interim installment 2). <eferendum in 1. + in /0%P "rovince was held in /0&,4 -!4 On 1"t) A050st 19 ! t)e state of /0na5)a$) announced that it had acceded to Pakistan. 2,. He was the first Governor of Pun=ab Fran(+s 'oo$,. 2.. Governor Mood( im"osed the Governor <ule in Pun=ab in /an0ar, 19 9.

36. Pakistan %und was setu" b( 3uaid in /0ne 19 !4 31. !tate ?ank of Pakistan was inau-urated b( 3uaid in /0&, 19 #. 32. *he initial assets of !?P were e@ual to t)ree Crore 33. 2arachi was declared %ederal area b( the le-islative 'ssembl( in 'a, 19 #4 3 . He was the onl( Muslim to o""ose the :b=ectives <esolution in the 'ssembl(. '+an Ift+3)ar <0$= $+n 3#. A*he M(th of Inde"endenceA was written b( >4A4 *)0tto 3). Muslim (esterda( and toda( was written b( A4*4Ra7p0t 3+. Pakistan8s fla- was desi-ned b( two brothers and name of one of them is A&taf ?0ssa+n. 3,. 0hite stri" in the fla- was added in 'u-ust 1. +. 0hen was moon and star added in the flaFe2r0ar, 19 94 3.. '(ub 2horo ministr( in !indh was dissolved b( 3uaid in Apr+&19 #4 6. *he 3uaid delivered his last messa-e to the nation on: -!t) A050st, 19 #. 1. He was called the iron man of /0%P 9)an @a,,0m 9)an 2. Peer !ahib Manki !hareef founded the followin- "art( in !e"tember 1. . A:am+ '0s&+m Lea50e 3. In the $ast ?en-al elections were held in 19" . He is the onl( man to be "rosecuted under P<:1' 9)oro #. It was the first o""osition "art( of the countr( /+nna) A:am+ Lea50e

). 'wami Bea-ue was found b( 'bdul Hameded ?hashani in 19"; +. <awal"indi &ons"irac( was unearthed in 'ar() 19"1 ,. *he accused of the cons"irac( were "rosecuted in the followin- =ail ?,$era2a$ /a+& .. Bia@at /ehru Pact announced at 1elhi +n Apr+& 19";. #6. Bia@uat ali 2han visited 'merica in 'a, 19"; #1. A0heat &risisA in Pakistan took "lace in 19"#2. Martial Baw in Bahore was im"osed in 'ARC? 19". #3. M'BI2 GH9B'M Muhammad dissolved the Govt. of Na8+ m0$ D+n +n Apr+& 19". # . !horta-e of !alt took "lace in 1.#2 in East *en5a& ##. Pakistan became member of ?a-hdad "act in Septem2er 19"". #). *he Manila Pact is the other name of SEATO #+. *he Manila Pact was si-ned in Septem2er 19" #,. Muhammad 'li ?i-ra formula was "ut forward in O(to2er 19" #.. 'ccordin- to ?o-ra formula the Bower house consisted of 366 seats )6. :ut of the total 36. sears muslim Bea-ue secured onl( . seats in 19" 4 )1. P<:1' was re"laced in Septem2er 19" )2. Ghlam Muhammad dissolve dthe &onstituent assembl( on: - t) O(to2er, 19" 4

)3. Ghulam Muhammad resi-ned in A050st 19" ) . :ne unit bill was brou-ht int" effect on 1 O(to2er, 19"" )#. He became the first Governor of 0est Pakistan Gorman+ )). *he %irst %ive Cear Plan was announced b( &haudhar( Muhammad 'li on 1#t) 'a, 19"1 )+. Princi"al of =oint $lectorate was acce"ted b( the 'ssembl( on 1;t) O(to2er 19"1 at Da((a ),. !ue4 &anal &risis took "lace in the rei-n of: So)ar:ar$, ).. Pakistan bou-ht Gwadar from 2in- ofmaskat at the cost of 6 lakh "ounds on #t) Septem2er 19"# +6. 1e"ut( s"leaker of $ast Pakistan was killed durin- a rum"us in the 'ssembl( in 19"#4 +1. 'fter the "romul-ation of M'<*I'B Baw in 1.#,when did the new cabinet take oath5 - t) O(to2er 19"# +2. >.'.?hutto had the followin- "ortfolio in the '(ub 2han8s cabinet Tra$e4

?ISTORY FRO' 19"# TO 1919

+3. 'ccordin- to the a-riculture <eforms announced in ;anuar( 1.#.D ma7imum limit of non irri-ated lands was fi7ed at: 1;;; a(res4 + . How man( land farm holders were affected b( the '(ub <eforms 9;+#. 0hich ordinance contributed a -reat deal towards -eneratin- "ublic resentment a-ainst '(ub re-ime: '0s&+m fam+&, La: Or$+nan(e. +#. In the ?asic 1emocratic !(stem introduced b( '(ub the number of basic 1emocrats was #;,;;;

+). '(ub lifted the Martial Baw in /0ne 191++. Presidential $lections between '(ub 2han and miss %atima ;innah held in /an0ar, 191" +,. Pakistan launched an o"eration in 2ashmir in 1.)# which was called o"eration G+2ra&ter +.. India mounted u"on a three "ron-ed attack a-ainst Pakistan alon- Bahore on 1)t Septem2er 191" ,6. &hina issued an ultimatum to India on 1!t) Septem2er 191" ,1. !heikh Mu=eeb ur <ehman "resented his ) "oints for the first time in %ebruar( 1.)) at the house of %ormer "remier &h. Muhaamad 'li in a meetin- of A&& Part+es Conferen(e4 ,2. 0hat was the name of o""osition alliance a-ainst '(ub in 1.)# elections5 Com2+ne$ Oppos+t+on Part+es ,3. In 1.)+ five "arties formed an alliance a-ainst '(ub 2han which was called PD' , . *he '(ub re-im celebrated tis 16 (ears of rule in O(to2er 191# ,#. 's a result of boundar( settlement between Pakistan 'nd &hina Pakistan -ot +#6 s@. miles of land out of a total of: 3 66 s@. miles ,). 9E 2 incident took "lace in 191; ,+. *he old name of <ound -arden was chan-ed into /asir -arden in 1.)) after the visit of E5,pt+an Pres+$ent Nas+r4 ,,. !ardar 'bdul <ab /ishtar died in 19"# ,.. $?1: was "romul-ated in 19"9 .6. '(ub 2han took oath as President of Pakistan in

Fe2r0ar, 191; .1. I.I. &handaraker died in 191; .2. Muhammad 'li ?o-ra died in 191. .3. !oharward( died in 1.)3 in *a+r0t . . Islamabad was com"leted in 1911 .#. ?hutto was arrested in Novem2er 191#4 .). !tates of 1irD &hitral and !wat were incor"orated in /0%P in A050st 19194


.+. Cah(a khan became &EinE& in March 1.)). 0ho was &EinE& before him. '0sa 9)an .,. '(ub 2han handed over the reins of Government to Cah(a 2han on -"t) 'ar() 19194 ... In '"ril 1.). (ah(a re-ime announced La2o0r Reforms 166. :ne 9nit !cheme was done awa( with on 1st /an0ar, 19!1 161. *otal number of /ational 'ssembl( seats in the B.%.:. was .1. 162. $ast ?en-al has 119 seats in the B.%.:. 163. Pun=ab had #" seats in B.%.:. 16 . $lections could not be held on fi7ed date and had to be "ost"oned till + th 1ecember due to F&oo$s +n East Pa3+stan 16#. In the 1.+1 elections out of total 1)2 common seats in $ast ?en-al Mu=eeb ur <ehman won 11; seats 16). In the elections of 1.+1 PPP -ot 1- seats out of total ,2 common seats in Pun=ab

16+. '-artala cons"irac( was about 9+$nap an$ m0r$er of A,02 9)an 16.. 2ashmir Mu=ahideen hi=acked an Indian "lane AGan-aA in 19!1 116. 'rm( action was started in $asr Pakistan from March 1.+1 Mother of >.'.?hutto was ?+n$0 111. >.'. ?hutto studied in the followin- universit( So0t)ern Ca&+forn+a Un+vers+t, 112. ?hutto was a""ointed %orei-n Minister in 191. 113.$'!* Pakistan ?$&'M$ '/ I/1$P$/1$/* $/*I*IC in 1ecember 19!1 11 . ' commission was a""ointed b( ?hutto to "robe into the 1.+1 crisis. It was called ?amoo$ 0r Re)man (omm+ss+on 11#. In March Mr. ?hutto dismissed 1.;; service men 11). *he banks were nationali4ed in 'a, 19!11+. In his a-ricultural reforms ?hutto "ut ceilin- to land holdin- at 1"; a(res of irri-ated land. 11,. ?hutto announced second "acka-e of a-ricultural reforms in 19!! 11.. In '"ril 1.+ ?an-ladesh a-reed to release 1.# held u" PO%s 126. Mr. ?hutto announced to dissociate Pakistan from the &ommonwealth of /ations in 19!121. Martial Baw was im"osed in ?alochistan in 'a, 19!. 122. *he 3ad(anis were declared non Muslims in Semptem2er19!

123. He is the onl( "erson who resi-ned from national 'ssembl( on this decision A)maa$ Ra8a @as0r+ 12 . $lections to the /ational 'ssembl( were held under >.'. ?hutto in 'ar() 19!! 12#. Martial Baw was im"osed in the countr( on #th ;ul( 1.++ +n t)e morn+n5 12). Pakistan announced to delink from !$'*: in Novem2er 19!&haudhar( 2halee@ u4 >aman died in 19!. 12+. '(ub 2han Passed awa( in 19! 12,. %rida( was declared a weekl( holida( in /an0ar, 19!!


12.. How man( constitutions have been tried in in Pakistan so far5 . 136. 1.+3 constitution was "romul-ated in 1 t) A050st 131. How man( amendments have been made in1.+3 constitution u" to 1... 11 132. *he 1)th amendment is about the e7"ansion of @0ota 133. 3uota has been e7tended to the (ear -;1. 13 . *he 3uran and !unnah are declared the !u"reme law of Pakistan under this 'mendment 9t)4 13#. *he 3aduanis were declared non Muslims in this amendment -n$

13). *he first &onstituent 'ssembl( of Pakistan consisted of +. members ob=ectives resolution was "assed in 1-t) 'ar() 19 9 13+. *he 9lmas offere$ -- po+nts for the future constitution of Pakistan. 13,. *he 2nd ?asic "rinci"le &ommittee <e"ort was "ublished on --n$ De(em2er 19"-4 13.. *he followin- constitutional draft was called as the ?en-ali Pun=ab &risis <e"ort -n$ *PC Report 1 6. Muhammad 'li ?o-ra formula was "ut forward in the 'ssembl( on: !t) O(to2er, 19". 1 1. ?o-ra %ormula offered a bicameral le-islature wherein ever( unit had 1; seats +n t)e Upper ?o0se 1 2. *he number of $ast ?en-al !eats in the Bower House in the ?o-ra %ormula was: 11" 1 3. *he %irst constituent assembl( of Pakistan was dissolved b( Ghulam Muhammad onF - t) O(to2er 19" 1 . *he !indh chief court restored the 1st Const+t0ent Assem2&, 1 #. He was the first -overnor of the 0est Pakistan '0s)ta6 A)me$ Grman+ 1 ). It was necessar( for both the President and the Prime Minister to be Muslims in this &onstitution. 19!. 1 +. *he :b=ectives <esolution was made the "art of the &onstitution instead of bein- merel( a document of -uidin- Princi"les in #t) Amen$ment 1 ,. ?icameral le-islature was "rovided for in the 19!. (onst+t0t+on4 1 .. *he minimum a-e of a !enator is .; ,ears4 1#6. *he minimum a-e of Prime Minister under the constitution is ." ,ears4

1#1. *he a-e of President is " 1#2. *he retirement a-e of =ustice of Hi-h court is 1- ,ears 1#3. *he retirement a-e of =ustice of !u"reme &ourt is 1" ,ears 1# . How much "ractice as a law(er is must for becomin- ;ustice of a Hi-h &ourt # ,ears4

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