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RULES Following are some rules for interpreting a horoscope : ! A strong planet "oosts an# a wea$ planet spoils the traits of its house! %! A "enefic planet gi&es goo# results' whereas a malefic planet gi&es "a# results! (! A house gets strengthene# if its Lor# is "enefic' if aspecte# ") "enefic planets' or if "enefic planets are locate# in it! * A house gets wea$ene# if its Lor# is malefic' if aspecte# ") malefic planets' of if malefic planets are locate# in it! +! A house gets wea$ene# if its Lor# is posite# in ,Ith' ,IIIth or -IIth house! .! A house gets strengthene# if it is associate# with Lor# of Ascen#ant ") con/unction or aspect' or occupies an Angular or Trine house! 0! A house that is aspecte# ") its own lor# gets strengthene#' irrespecti&e of the fact whether the planetaspecting is a natural "enefic or malefic! If the house so aspecte# or its Lor# is also aspecte# ") a "enefic planet' the traits of the house get further "ooste#! 1! As per 0 a"o&e' if a natural malefic planet aspects its own house' its traits get strengthene#' "ut it harms the li&ing things represente# ") that house! 2! A planet owning two signs an# aspecting one of its signs in an) house not onl) strengthens that house' "ut also strengthens the house in which it3s other sign falls! 4! Among the e&il houses' ,IIIth is the worst' IIIr# is a mil# one' an# then come ,Ith an# -IIth! ! 5ainl)' an) planet gi&es results' whether goo# or "a#' in respect of its 5ool Tri$ona sign! %! Lor# of -IIth house' Sun' Saturn' an# Rahu ha&e separati&e effects on the traits of the house where posite#6associate#! (! ,enus in -IIth house gi&es goo# results' as "oth' the -IIth house an# ,enus' represent lu7uries an# en/o)ments of life! *! A planet who owns an angular 89en#ra: house an# a trine 8Tri$ona: house is sai# to "e a )oga$ara$ planet! A )oga$ara$ planet' whether "enefic or malefic' alwa)s gi&es goo# results! +! The Lor# of two angular houses 89en#ras ; st' I,th' ,IIth' -th houses: ceases to "e "enefic or malefic' when it is natural "enefic or malefic respecti&el)!

.! Lor#s of ,Ith' ,IIIth' an# -IIth house are consi#ere# malefics! 0! An) association with the Lor#s of ,Ith' ,IIIth or -IIth house is "a# for that house! 1! Lor#s of ,th an# I-th house alwa)s gi&e goo# results in financial matters irrespecti&e of the fact whether the) are malefics or "enefics' "ut natural "enefic Lor#s of ,th an# I-th houses are more "eneficial! 2! E7cepting Sun an# 5oon' the Lor# of ,IIIth house is alwa)s "a#! %4! Lor# of ,IIIth house is not consi#ere# "a# if it is Lor# of Ascen#ant as well! % ! The Lor#s of IIIr#' ,Ith' an# -Ith <ouses are consi#ere# as "a#' speciall) in matters pertaining to health! %%! If the Lor# of IIn# or -IIth house is a planet' which owns two signs' it will gi&e the results' goo# or "a#' pertaining to the sign which is posite# in the house other than IIn# or -IIth house! %(! =hen alone' Rahu an# 9etu gi&e the results of the Lor# of the sign in which the) are posite# or the effects ofthe planets with which associate# or con/oine#' or the effects of planets which aspect them! %*! Sun' 5ars' Rahu' 9etu' Saturn are natural malefic planets! The) spoil the traits of the house with which the) are associate# or whom the) aspect! %+! 5oon is consi#ere# malefic if it is within 0%> from Sun on either si#e' i!e! from the 1th #a) of the ?right <alf to the 1th #a) of the @ar$ <alf of the lunar month! It is consi#ere# to "e the most malefic when it has the same longitu#e as Sun! %.! 5ercur) when alone' unaspecte# or with "enefics is "enefic! =hen 5ercur) is associate# with or aspecte# ") malefic8s:' it is malefic! %0! E&er) planet throws full influence or aspects the house' sign or planet' which is 0th from it! %1! In a##ition' some planets ha&e special aspects! Saturn aspects the IIIr# an# -th house! 5ars aspects I,th an# ,IIIth house! Aupiter aspects ,th an# I-th house! Rahu an# 9etu also aspect ,th an# I-th house! %2! Lor# of -Ith' whether "enefic or malefic' gi&es results a"out financial matters accor#ing to its strength! (4! E&er) planet when e7alte# has ma7imum strength an# when #e"ilitate# has minimum strength! ( ! If there is an) planet locate# in the -th house from an) house' then that house gets the influence of the planetlocate# in the -th house!

(%! If a "enefic planet is hemme# in "etween two malefics' it will also act as a malefic planet! If there are malefics on "oth the si#es of a house' the traits of that house get spoile#! ((! Strength of Lor#s of <ouses is in the following or#er : Lor# of Ist' I,' ,II' -th <ousesB Lor# of ,th' I-thB Lor# of IIIr#' ,Ith' -Ith In short' Lor# of I,th is stronger than Lor# of I' Lor# of ,IIth is stronger than Lor# of I,' Lor# of -th is stronger than Lor# of ,II' an# so on! These are three groups! (*! Following are the )ogas for cancellation of #e"ilitation : i! =hen the #e"ilitate# planet is in angular house 89en#ra: from the Ascen#ent or the 5oon' ii! =hen the Lor# of the sign where the #e"ilitate# planet gets e7alte# is in angular house 89en#ra: from theAscen#ant or 5oon' iii! The Lor# of the #e"ilitation sign of the #e"ilitate# planet an# the Lor# of the e7altation sign of the #e"ilitate# planet are mutuall) in angular house 89en#ras:! i&! =hen the planet in #e"ilitation is aspecte# ") the Lor# of the e7altation sign of that #e"ilitate# planet! &! =hen the planet which is e7alte# in the #e"ilitation sign of the #e"ilitate# planet is in angular house 89en#ra: from the Ascen#ant or 5oon!

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