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Business Case


Alstom Inspection Robotics

Technology & Innovation: Replacing radiography technology by ultrasonic technique using phased array ultrasonic technology (PA UT)
Phased array ultrasonic technology with encoder feedback is a viable alternative to conventional radiography technology and allows to indicate aws in general, to size the indications circumferential, and to locate the radial position of the aws. The unique at design of both the ultrasonic probe and the scanner allows the device to access tubes in very conned spaces or with very little clearance between each other. The special shape and kinematics of the scanner enable the operator an easy and performing handling.
Alstom Inspection Robotics HES 100

One of Alstom Inspection Robotics innovations is used for the inspection of circumferential welds on pipes and tubes. The so-called Handheld Encoded Scanner (HES 100) allows the inspector a faster and more precise aw detection using phased array ultrasonic technology with encoder feedback. As a consequence, butt weld inspections can be handled in a concurrent and repeatable manner with a comparable documentation of the inspection result. Its major value is that areas no longer have to be evacuated due to harmful radiation.

Application: High precision and reproducibility of the HES

The HES 100 is used for tube weld inspection on conned spaces employing phased array ultrasonic technology. The various types of scanners in the HES Series are geared to specic geometric constraints, and thus provide targeted support appropriate to the specic inspection situation. Alstom Inspection Robotics HES Series features a range of manual scanners with integrated position sensors that provide reliable position feedback of the manual movements. As a consequence, manual inspections can be carried out with signicantly higher precision and reproducibility compared to classical manual inspection procedures.

Added Value: Concurrent, repeatable, and documented 360 inspection with short downtimes
The HES 100 allows a 360 inspection with faster, more precise and reliable aw detection and sizing. Butt weld inspections are exercised in a concurrent and repeatable manner. They are continuously documented to fulll quality assurance needs and to allow for a comparison of aw detection over a determined period of time. By replacing classic radiography technology by phased array ultrasonic technique, the area of inspection has no longer to be evacuated prior to the inspection process; butt weld inspections can now be processed parallel to other activities. Thus, scheduled downtimes during maintenance work may be kept as brief as possible.

Case Study: 100% Volumetric Inspection of Full Penetration Welds The Challenge: To reduce outage time
Plugged tubes of a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) reduce heating surface and thus affect performance. Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) has a damaging effect; therefore, attention to water chemistry is critical. Corrective actions and modications have to be made in the shortest time possible. However, a shutdown of welding productivity during radiographic inspections would be necessary, and the results of the testing would only be available several hours after each days inspection. The radiographic testing would negatively impact the outage schedule. The challenge, thus, is to reduce outage time to the benet of the customer.

Alstom Inspection Robotics HES 100 Scanner Family: Phased Array Ultrasonic Inspection (PA UT) of Buttwelds even in conned spaces 1. 2.

The Solution: Alstom Inspection Robotics HES 100

The Alstom Inspection Robotics HES 100 employing phased array ultrasonic technology delivers highly repeatable and recordable encoded data for permanent record. Phased-array ultrasonic technology (PAUT) inspections take approximately 20 seconds for a full volumetric scan of each weld after set up. It can be used in close proximity to the weld work in progress. Inspection results are available immediately.


1. RT shot of tube/weld 2. UT measurement of the complete weld (360), PA UT overview picture (A-Scan, S-Scan and C-Scan pictures) 3. cross sectional area next to the aw MW3 Flaw 1 located at 1.5 from 0 degree IP LOF POR

The Results: Reduction in testing time and no loss in welding productivity during testing
With the Alstom Inspection Robotics HES 100, no weld production time is lost. Minor weld defects can be detected early enough and repairs may be made quickly and more efciently than with radiographic testing.
Easy and convenient handling by inspector

Contact: ALSTOM Inspection Robotics Ltd, Technoparkstrasse 1, CH-8005 Zurich, Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)44 275 25 75, Fax +41 (0)44 275 25 70, Further information:

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