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The Cull

Jon Jacks

Other New Adult and Childrens books by Jon Jacks

The Caught The Rules Chapter One The Changes Sleeping Ugly The Barking Detective Agency The Healing The Lost Fairy Tale A Horse or a !ing"o# Charity The $ost Beauti ul Things The Last Train The Drea# S%allo%ers &y'( )ran""aughter o the &ight *onah an" the Alligator )laston+ury Sirens Dr *ekyll,s $ai" The -../0ear Circus 1 The 2n"less )a#e Doria& A 3yr" )irl Heartache High 45ol 67 Heartache High8 The 1ri#er 45ol 667 Heartache High8 The 3akening 45ol 6667 $iss Terry Char#9 $erry !ris $ouse : The Silver 2gg Seecrets The 3icker Slippers

Text copyright 20 ! Jon Jacks All rights reser"ed #$ashwords %dition& 'icense Notes Thank you (or downloading this (ree ebook) Although this is a (ree book& it re$ains the copyrighted property o( the author& and $ay not be reproduced& copied and distributed (or co$$ercial or non*co$$ercial purposes) +( you en,oyed this book& please encourage your (riends to download their own copy at #$ashwords)co$& where they can also disco"er other works by this author) Thank you (or your support)

-lessed are the (irst one*hundred and (i(ty*three) .or they are the "ery (irst Jas$ines& who will spread their branches& take root& and su((use the world in the glorious scent o( Truth) The Book O *as#ine Chapter /#ure + said + hoped shed die0 -ut that didnt $ean + actually %ante" her to die0 + couldnt belie"e it) Nobody could belie"e it) 1ary #al(ord was dead) And so$ehow her (riends see$ to think +$ so$ehow responsible) And all because wed had an argu$ent yesterday) 2ey& i( ha"ing an argu$ent with 1ary $ade $e a possible suspect (or $urder& that $ade hal( the school potential suspects0 /+ts a (igure o( speech& 'i3& thats all) 4ou know what a (igure o( speech is& right5 'ike& 67et out o( $y (ace08 Jee30 2a"ent these girls got anything better to do than pester $e about this5 + $ean& were all shocked& right5 %"en + didnt hate 1ary that $uch that + wanted her dead0 4ou dont& do you5 9hen you say& 6+ hope you die8& youre ,ust angry: thats all0 4oure not really conte$plating $urder0 -esides& ,ust how do these nu$bskulls (igure + $anaged to get 1ary to step out into the road in (ront o( an onco$ing car5 /#he was upset0 'i3 screa$s back in $y (ace) Ob"iously& 'i3 doesnt understand e"eryday expressions like /7et out o( $y (ace0) /1ary wasnt thinking straight0 Thats why she wandered out into the road0 9ow& so that,s it5 That,s how 1arys (riends think +$ responsible (or her death5 Not because they think + so$ehow pushed her out into the road) Not because they think + was secretly dri"ing the car that sent her (lying back onto her own lawn) No no: they think +$ responsible because +d upset her so $uch she was walking around in a da3e0 /#ince when was 1ary upset by what anyone said to her& 'i35 And i( being upset was a reason to wander out in (ront o( a passing car& + think 1ary would ha"e an aw(ul lot o( deaths on her hands& wouldnt she5 1ary was 1iss #arcas$ par e'cellence; #he could hit you bang centre where it hurt $ost) 2it you with a co$$ent dripping with acid) One that would burn away at your "ery core (or days a(terwards) 'ike& /2ey& Ja3: is that your idea o( $akeup) Or ha"e you ,ust taken up pro(essional boxing5 4eah& thats what our argu$ent had been about) #o& ;est +n <eace& 1ary) +t will certainly be a lot $ore peace(ul around here without you)

= 2ow did + get into an argu$ent about $akeup5 +t sounds like +"e got one heck o( a short (use& right5 -ut look& 1ary had been ribbing $e (or ages about a nu$ber o( things& right5 Thats how she does > well& how she use" to do it) #he had that knack o( knowing ,ust which parts o( you to tweak) And shed know it no $atter who she was talking to) A tweak here) A tweak there) A push o( this button) Then that button) <ulling this ner"e) <utting this ner"e on edge) +t was an en"iable skill& +ll gi"e her that) #he was testing your tolerance) #eeing how $uch you could stand be(ore you cracked) +( you were really stupid& youd take it to a physical le"el) Big $istake) 4oud be (lat out on the (loor be(ore you knew it) 1e& + stuck to the snappy co$e back) #he respected that) #aw it as a ga$e) A ga$e shed always (latter hersel( that shed won whene"er you (inally parted) = Truth is& 1arys co$$ent about the $akeup had really stung) 2ow co$e5 9ell& +d be the irst to ad$it +$ not the $ost attracti"e girl around) -ut& you know& + always try and do $y best with what +"e got) As you do) %"ery /$iracle beauty product thats ad"ertised& +$ a sucker (or) +ts cra3y& + know) + should know better) -ut& see& + dont go letting anybody (ool $e that being attracti"e isnt i$portant) #ure& +d like to buy into the theory) The theory that theres no great ad"antage in being attracti"e) +( every+o"y bought into the theory& that would be ,ust great& wouldnt it5 %xperience tells $e& though& that no ones buying into it) Not unless& o( course& youre already stunningly gorgeous) +n which case& when youre twittering away that being attracti"es no great shakes& its up there with so$e rich prat $aking out $oney isnt all its cracked up to be) Then you get those poor things right out at the other end o( the scale) Those who see$ to be under the delusion that i( they ,ust keep repeating the $antra& well& e"eryone will start to belie"e the$& wont they5 +( only& eh5 Thing is& i( they really belie"e what theyre saying is true& whats the proble$5 The guys they (ancy will be the ones no one else wants anyway& right5 1e& + reckon li(e runs a whole lot s$oother (or you i( youre blessed in the looks depart$ent)

?oes stating the ob"ious $ake $e a bad person5 +n $any peoples eyes& it probably does) +n #y eyes it $akes $e a bad person) There are intelligent kids out there who su((er heartache and worse si$ply because o( their looks) Then there are others who ,ust bree3e through li(e purely because they"e got great bone structure) Course& +$ not saying this is an i"eal state o( a((airs0 +ts ridiculous) +ts un(air) -ut thats how it is) #o get o"er it) +t isnt helping anyone to try and pretend it isnt really like that) -ecause it $eans no ones (acing up to the (acts) 1e& +ll ad$it right up (ront that $ost o( $y own personal su((ering co$es (ro$ lusting a(ter guys who& to be honest& are %ay out o( $y league) And& o( course& they %oul"n,t be out o( $y league i( + was e"en hal(*decent looking) #o (or $e& when it co$es to light reading& its the $aga3ine articles on cle"er $akeup shading) -rightening up your hair with tints) 7etting the dress that $akes the $ost o( so$e cur"es and hides the others) All in"aluable stu(() Then again& it was thanks to one o( these articles that + ended up with a (ace way too hea"y on the blue eye*shadow and yellow blusher) 4eah& what was + thinking& right5 1ary& youd got $e dead to rights on that one) Oops& sorry: its ,ust a (igure o( speech& okay5 = /Ja30 Ja30 +ts one o( the kids (ro$ the lower years: Josie& Jolie& or so$ething like that) 9hats she want5 /4eah5 /4oure wanted in the head$istresss o((ice) + think the police are there0 The police5 4oure kidding $e0 Crap0 #urely the police dont think + had anything to do with 1arys death5 9hat the hecks 'i3 been telling the$5 =

Chapter 2 /Now Jas$ine& + need you to be per(ectly honest with $e on this: did you ha"e an argu$ent with 'i3 and her (riends when classes ended (or the lunch break5 1iss <ollitt says it all cal$ and nicely) The tone shed use i( she were asking a (i"e*year*old i( shed seen a nasty $an hanging around the playground) 1e& +"e been sat in an o"ersi3ed chair placed directly in (ront o( her desk) 4ou know& like +$ so$e poor guy whos ,ust about to be told his (ir$s downsi3ing) 2es surplus to re@uire$ents) Theyre going to ha"e to let hi$ go) To add to all the scenarios $y $inds con,uring up here& theres a sternly glaring policewo$an standing behind 1iss <ollitt) 2er ar$s (olded like shes ready to $arch $e o(( to the cells) 2er expression hard& un(orgi"ing& like her patience has already run out) All this because + said + hoped 1ary would die5 /<lease $iss: + know what all this is about) /4ou do5 /4es& + know 'i3 thought + was in"ol"ed in 1arys death& bu> /$ary,s death5 #he sounds surprised) #he swaps a @uick& pu33led glance with the policewo$an) 4ou ask $e& the policewo$ans (rown says she reckons +"e ,ust blurted out so$ething tanta$ount to a con(ession) /9ell& yes $iss) Thats what all this is about& isnt it5 /No Jas$ine: it isn,t about 1arys un(ortunate accident) #he glances the policewo$ans way once $ore& this ti$e like shes asking per$ission to continue) The policewo$an gi"es an al$ost i$perceptible nod o( her head) 1iss <ollitt pauses) The way people pause when theyre preparing to say so$ething theyre not going to (ind easy to say) /Jas$ineAJas$ineAyou were the last person to be seen talking to %li3abeth& #arah and Boe& yes5 /The last5 /Jas$ine& +$ a(raidAa(raid that 'i3& #arah and Boe ha"e all died in a suspicious car crash) = 9hat a$ +5 #o$e kind o( Jonah5 + ca$e out o( the o((ice in a da3e) This was getting cra3y0 1ary) Then 'i3& #arah and Boe) All girls +"e had an argu$ent with) Then whhooo$phh& theyre all suddenly $eeting their $aker) No wonder the police are a bit suspicious0 %specially as it turns out that the car 'i3s $u$ had picked the$ up in had been ta$pered with0

/9here were you this $orning5 Can you pro"e you were in class all $orning5 The policewo$an hadnt bothered with any o( 1iss <ollitts niceties) #he was hoping& no doubt& that +d (ess up to skipping $ost o( the $ornings classes) ;ight a(ter Auto$obile 1aintenance and #abotage) #he was way hea"y on the hints that she understood why + $ight ha"e done it) That + was the bright kid gone (rustrated& gone bitter& gone wrong) 9ell& +ll gi"e her two out o( three (or that one) .rustrated& tick) -itter& tick) -ut #ur"er5 $ultiple $urder5 And wed ha"e to add the per(ectly innocent 1rs #al(ord to the tally too) And all because shed picked her daughter and her (riends up (or lunch) 9hat on earth would + want to kill her (or5 'ike dad says& theres only one way you can trust people in authority these days) 4ou can always trust the$ to get it co$pletely wrong) = One thing that the cop $issed out on her list was bright kid gone (eeling betrayed) -ack in the lower school& + was seen as a bright kid) One with /a sharp& in@uisiti"e $ind& as they always liked to put on the reports) Now& co$e parents night& when all the parents get to $eet the teachers& +$ the kid with the /un(ortunately sharp tongue) #o$ewhere along the line /in@uisiti"e was also trans(or$ed into /prying) Or /see$s to be getting her in(or$ation (ro$ dubious websites) 4eah& thanks 1iss -elie"e*e"erything*the*state*tells*$e) + love the web0 +t tells $e stu(( +d ne"er pick up (ro$ the newspapers) #till less (ro$ the TC news) .ro$ our lying& thie"ing politicians) 4ou"e probably guessed by now +$ not a great ad$irer o( authority) Too right) ;ules are there (or a reason& agreed5 #o i( you"e got a good enough reason& ignore the$) As (ar as +$ concerned > although +$ really sorry about 1rs #al(ord and 'i3 and e"eryone > the police $ight as well go whistling up the wall be(ore expecting any help (ro$ $e) = /+$ going to ha"e to take you down the station& 1iss0 The "oice behind $e is gru((& authoritati"e) + whirl around& shocked and angry) /9hat5 Are you kiddi > <at0 4ou stupid prat0 <atrick %"eret& grinning like he was surrounded by his usual little hare$ o( hanger* ons)

/9ow0 4our (ace& Ja30 +$ glad +$ not a cop) 4oud probably ha"e taken $y head o(( ,ust with that e"il glare o( yours0 /2vil glare5 + glare e"illy at hi$) 2e raises his hands in $ock surrender) /Okay& okay: angry glare then) + bet that really $ade your day& didnt it5 -eing called to the head$istresss o((ice& an" the police are waiting there (or you0 + bet you ,ust couldnt wait to gi"e the$ whate"er help they wanted& right5 /9ord gets around @uick in this school& doesnt it5 +n this case& <at& theres not $uch to be ,oking about: 'i3& Boe and #arah ha"e all been killed in a crash in"ol"ing 'i3s $u$s car) /Jee30 4eah& + heard so$e sort o( ru$our about that) -ut +d thought thats all it was: ,ust a ru$our) + shake $y head) /+ts real enough) Thing is& it doesnt look like it was an accident either) #o$eone had ta$pered with the brakes) /4oure kidding $e0 9hy5 9hy would anyone want to kill 'i3 or her $u$5 /Or Boe or #arah) -eats $e too) /4oure not telling $e the police were talking to you about that5 #urely they cant think you sawed through the cable or howe"er its done these days) /+ dont think a brake cables e"en "isible these days& is it5 ?ont $odern cars ha"e underbellies or whate"er you call the$5 /2n$& now i( + was the detecti"e inter"iewing you& +d ha"e to say& 6-ut how did you know it was a $odern car& 1iss 2opley5 And how did you know the brake cable is sealed behind an undersill58 /And i( you %ere the detecti"e inter"iewing $e& +d tell you youd ,ust in(ringed $y rights& accusing $e o( a cri$e without a caring adult being in attendance) +d also slip in a $outh(ul about the police being an ar$y o( occupation& (orcing the unde$ocratic "iews o( our sel(*appointed elite upon us) /2ah& + can see the police are really going to get an aw(ul lot o( help (ro$ you& 1iss Che3 7ue"ara0 <at chuckles) /Ob"iously& 1iss <ollitt hasnt told the$ yet about the proble$s you ha"e with authority0 /Oh& shes probably told the$ all right: thats probably why +$ pri$e suspect nu$ber one) /?o you reckon it $ight ha"e been 1rs #al(ords old $an5 4ou know: trying to knock her o(( so he can $o"e his Asian $istress in5 -ut his plans ha"e all gone horribly wrong5 /+ reckon whats all gone horribly wrong here& <at& is the warping o( your i$agination by whate"er youre watching on TC these days0 2e laughs) That deep*throated laugh that has all the girls giggling in e$barrassed pleasure) + laugh with hi$) 'ike we"e already (orgotten were talking about the deaths o( three innocent kids and a $u$ here) =

Chapter ! Next $orning& the schools going all out to $ake sure no ones going to (orget were talking about the deaths o( three innocent kids and a $u$ here) And were not going to be allowed to (orget that laughing and ha"ing (un doesnt (it in with $ourning their passing) 1orning asse$bly is all tear(ul speeches& re$inding us how wonder(ul 'i3& Boe and #arah were) And how were all going to really $iss the$) The audience& too& is all tear(ul kids) 4ou wouldnt belie"e how $any o( the$ are suddenly $aking out they were the "ery "ery "ery best (riend o( 'i3& Boe or #arah) #o they,re particularly a((ected by their sad loss) 9ow& the a$ount o( (riends you suddenly gain when youre dead is truly a$a3ing0 1e& +$ ,ust the opposite& <eople couldnt gi"e $e a wider berth i( + were carrying an in(ected rhesus $onkey around on $y shoulders) +ts like +$ death personi(ied) On the lookout (or any possible candidates to wa"e $y scythe o"er) +ts @uite (unny seeing all these kids stu$bling o"er their (eet& trying to $ake sure theres so$eone between the$ and $e) They all gawk worriedly at $e& then suddenly a"ert their ga3e& like + could 3ap their li(e away ,ust by $eeting their eyes) Jee3us0 )ive $e a break0 = 1ore or less the sa$e thing happens when were boarding the bus taking our class out on its (ield trip) -y (ield trip& + $ean the sort o( walk in the woods that will so$ehow be turned into a lecture on cli$ate change) 4ou know: how all the glorious (lowers were picking to be neatly pressed when we get back to school will all soon be gone) Dnless we all start going to bed early to sa"e electricity) %"en so& e"eryone looks (orward to these trips) Theyre the per(ect opportunity to lark around) To get as (ar away as we possibly can (ro$ the teachers) Today& howe"er& + reckon e"eryone sees it as the per(ect opportunity (or $e to strike the$ down dead) #o$ewhere out a$ongst the wilds o( (arthest .orthingha$ 9ood& where no one will know theyre $issing until its too late) As they board the bus& each and e"ery one o( the kids gi"es $e a swi(t& ner"ous glance) Taking in where +$ sitting& .iguring out which is the (arthest seat away (ro$ $e thats still a"ailable) .ortunately& <at isnt so ridiculously superstitious) 2es the last to board the bus be(ore it sets o(() 9hen he sees $e sitting alone& he gi"es e"eryone a disgusted glare be(ore sliding in besides $e)

+ say /sliding in& but <ats one o( those naturally athletic guys who swings into a seat with ad$irable grace) 'ike its the per(ect (inish to an elegantly s$ooth& ten out o( ten triple (lip on the gy$s rings) 4eah& that,s why all the girls are always chasing a(ter hi$) /#o& howd it go last night5 he says) /+ $ean& explaining to your $u$ and dad about the police inter"iew5 /Ah& you know $y $u$ and dad& + say to <at with a satis(ied chuckle) /.irst thing they did a(ter + told the$ was call 1iss <ollitt) They ga"e her a rocket (or allowing $e to be inter"iewed by the cops without the$ being present) + think she $ust ha"e said so$ething along the lines that she was present throughout the inter"iew& because dad shouted down the phone that it certainly %asn,t the sa$e as hi# being there) 9hich& yeah& knowing dad& it sure as heck %oul"n,t ha"e been the sa$e0 /#o Ja3& were both in agree$ent that you"e got a cool $u$ and dad& right5 /<at& no one thinks their $u$ and dad are cool) 'east o( all $e0 /Okay& way cooler than $ine then) /4oure pro"ing $y point& you understand that& right5 /9hat + understand is that this stroppiness is ,ust the "ery thing + was trying to lead up to anyway& Ja3: so$ething thats been pu33ling $e (or @uite a while now) 'ike& how co$e youre all seething away inside& like youre this angry girl who thinks li(es been un(air to you5 9hat"e you got to be angry about5 4ou"e got (riends> 2e chuckles at this point& glancing around at the e$pty seats surrounding us) /9ell& okay& you "i" ha"e (riends& until all this thing with you see$ing to be ?eaths apprentice ca$e up) -ut apart (ro$ that& li(es looking ,ust great (or you& way + see it) + $ean& youre bright& and youre not bad looking either > how $any people get to get both those things right& huh5 /2ah0 Not bad looking5 4ou should see the raw $aterial on a $orning& be(ore + put in a lot o( hard work on the cold (ace) To show hi$ what + $ean& + lean $y (ace in closer towards his& letting hi$ see the $akeup +"e applied so de(tly that it e"en passes unnoticed at school) /4ou"e got $akeup on5 9ow0 +t looks so natural0 /#hhuussh0 9ere not allowed $akeup in school& re$e$ber5 #o its got be applied intelligently0 /And this is why youre angry5 -ecause you (igure you werent (irst in the @ueue when the straight teeth and what ha"e you were being handed out5 + gi"e a weak& partly e$barrassed shrug) /4ou wouldnt know it& <at& but its surprising how being one o( li(es (i"es rather than eight or nines can drag you down when youre $oping o"er so$e guy wholl ne"er gi"e you a second glance) -esides& + suppose +$ really angry because + read: anyone who reads about whats going on in the world today has ,ust got to be angry) /1aybe thats why +$ so (ree and easy& yeah5 /That and your straight teeth) /+d pre(er straight 6A8s& like you) /4eah& $e and nearly ninety*(i"e percent o( kids in school) 9heres the point in that5 9e both rock and ,iggle in our seats as the bus slowly but noisily ru$bles o"er the railway tracks o( a le"el crossing) 9ere suddenly thrown "iolently (orward) 9e nearly bang our heads on the back o( the seat in (ront) The bus has co$e to an abrupt halt)

/7et out o( the way you idiot0 the dri"er (uriously yells out) /9hat the hell do you think youre doing5 2es standing up in his seat& leaning o"er his steering wheel) 2es wildly wa"ing his (ists at so$eone + cant see lying beyond the buss large glass (ront) 2e turns back to us to explain the delay) /Theres an idiot blocking our path0 2e swung right out in (ront o( $e as we were crossing the tracks0 <at $o"es a little way down the aisle between the seats& li(ting his head up high so he can see what the proble$ is) /2es right: its so$e ,erk in a car whos ,ust sitting there on our side o( the road0 /9hat i( a train co$es5 so$eone behind $e anxiously wails) ;ight on cue& the crossings warning alar$s and lights begin to ring and (lash) =

Chapter E /7et out o( the way0 7et out o( the way0 The dri"er screa$s uselessly at the car blocking our path) 2e presses his horn again and again) The teacher& 1iss ?ruen& is standing close to hi$) #he looks (lustered& (rightened) /-ack up0 <at cries out to the di"er) /-ack up& then swing around hi$ on the other side o( the road0 The blaring horn) The clanging o( the alar$ bells) The (rightened chatter) The ner"ous shrieks) %"eryones standing up in their seats& their (aces white& deathly) At last& the dri"er sits down in his seat& his ar$s a whirl as he throws the bus into re"erse) And theres a new& e"en $ore (rightening sound to add to the $ix: the sound o( gears whirring uselessly as they re(use to $esh) = %"eryone see$s to be screa$ing) %"en the dri"er& whos yelling out curses as he tries ti$e and ti$e again to (orce the bus into gear) 1iss ?ruen& by contrast& is a (ro3en statue& her eyes wide with con(usion) /Open the exits& <at cries out& spinning around and pointing out the large windows designed to be used as e$ergency exits) /Theres one at the back& one on either side) And so$eone get the dri"er to open the door0 2is last words are al$ost drowned out by a loud whirring o( $achinery& the clanking o( $etal on $etal) /The gates0 The gates are co$ing down behind us0 so$eone shrieks out (ro$ the back o( the bus) + whirl around in $y seat) Through the huge rear window& + can see the auto$atic gate gradually dropping into position) /The trains co$ing and we cant get o(( the bus0 /'et us o(( the bus0 1ost o( the kids are panicking now) A (ew o( the$& howe"er& ha"e $anaged to cling on to enough sense to wrench back the handles on the exit windows) The windows (ling open) Cool air rushes in) The sound o( the clanging alar$s and descending gates are suddenly louder than e"er) Theres a chaotic scra$ble as the kids rush towards the nearest exit) Theyre tripping o"er each others (eet) Theyre pulling angrily at anyone they think is blocking their way& or ,u$ping in (ront o( the$) At last& 1iss ?ruen has woken up (ro$ her trance) /One at a ti$e& one at a ti$e0 she yells& like its going to do any good)

Outside the coach& a (ew bra"e adults ha"e rushed onto the railway line) Theyre reaching up to help the (irst o( the kids cla$ber out o( the exit windows) The door at the (ront has also been opened at last& the kids hurriedly (iling out) As soon as theyre outside the bus& the kids dash (or the sa(ety o( the other side o( the gates) <at worriedly glances $y way) 2e turns round& starts heading back towards $e) 'ike $e& hes noticed that +$ a good way (ro$ any exit) +$ going to be one o( the last to lea"e& unless + push and pull and barge $y way to the (ront o( those scra$bling to get out) Other kids are staring at $e too) 9hite (aced) Open $outhed) #cared) Angry) They think its all $y (ault) Think that +$ responsible (or bringing the$ here) -ringing death down upon the$) Outside& + can now hear the "ery worst sound o( all) +ts the rails) 2issing) 'ike a huge& deadly snake) 2issing louder and louder& as the train hurtles towards us) = +$ still on the bus when the train s$ashes into us) =

Chapter F One $inute > no& one secon" > +$ at the back o( a $ass o( kids& all trying to get through a window exit that only lets two through at any one ti$e) The next& theres a blinding (lash) The sound o( two planets colliding) The (orce o( a hurricane*like gust o( wind) +$ suddenly (lung upwards& spinning& tu$bling) <ats with $e) Dnconscious) 2olding $y hand) 9hen did we (irst hold hands5 + dont know) 9reckage is (lying e"erywhere around us) #hards o( glass) Chunks o( $etal) #hattered seats) -loodied body parts) #trangely& were $o"ing slower than all these other things) 'ike were in an in"isible bubble) 9e drop back to the ground& ,ust slightly a(ter e"erything else) 9e tu$ble across the ground as lightly as i( we"e slipped and (allen on a grassy hillock) +t doesnt $ake any sense) 9e should ha"e struck the ground at a back*breaking& bone*shattering speed) As + (inally co$e out o( $y di33ying& tu$bling roll& + look about $e in a$a3e$ent that +"e sur"i"ed > and thats when + see hi$) An angel) 2e glows) #hi$$ers) 'ike the sun sparkling on water) Then& pulsating like the heat ha3e abo"e a roaring (ire& he "anishes) =

Chapter G This ti$e& the loss o( li(e is so great that the school is shut down (or a (ew days) 1iss ?ruen died too) The dri"er was a$ongst the se"erely in,ured) .ortunately& the train in"ol"ed in the accident had been a goods train) The engine dri"er had died so @uickly he wouldnt ha"e su((ered& were all assured) The press and news channels ha"e descend on the area& seeking to inter"iew anyone they can) <articularly sur"i"ors o( the crash like $ysel( and <at) + a"oid the$& naturally) Already& there are whispers circulating the neighbourhood that + shouldnt ha"e sur"i"ed the crashH that + was seated in an area (arthest (ro$ any exit points: that +d still been seen standing on the bus as the train struck) The ru$our that +$ ?eaths e$issary see$s to ha"e been accepted as (act by $ost o( the other kids) 9hene"er + see the$ out on the street& they deliberately $o"e out o( $y way) They suddenly change the direction they were taking) They glare at $e with a heady $ix o( loathing and (ear) Only <ats standing by $e) 2e thinks theyre all talking cra3y) #ure we sur"i"ed& but ob"iously it was one o( those (reak situations where the (orce o( the i$pact threw us clear) 2es not against talking to the ,ournalists) 2e wants to explain the /$iracle o( our sur"i"al) There was a blinding (lash& he told the$) Then we passed out) IThats what +"e told <at: that& like hi$& + passed out) 2e didnt see the angel) #o +$ not going to gi"e hi$ the idea that +$ a little bit cra3y by telling hi$ we were rescued by an angel)J 9e woke up o(( to one side o( the accident& hed told the eagerly listening press corp) 9e were sa(e and only a little bruised) Theyd all lapped it up) 1e& + tell the$ +$ too shook up to want to talk about it) /#he needs ti$e to ad,ust to the sad loss o( her (riends& 1u$ says& holding back a horde o( cla$ouring ,ournalists besieging our house) The headline writers ,ust lo"e the story) The #iracle a#ongst the trage"y; A #illion/to/one chance( the survivors o the Forthingha# school +us "isaster; As the nation %eeps9 a cause or <oy; 1y picture is plastered across TC screens and the papers) 1y pictured is scattered& torn and ripped& across our (ront lawn) = A(ter a (ew days& e"en +$ beginning to doubt that + was rescued by so$e sort o( guardian angel) + $ean: it ,ust see$s so incredibly (ar(etched& doesnt it5

9hy would an angel bother rescuing $e5 9hy would he let all those other poor kids die so horribly5 <erhaps& as <at explains it& we were si$ply lucky enough to be thrown clear) The blinding (lash o( light was ,ust a part o( the shock o( i$pact) The sight o( the angel ,ust $y eyes or $y $ind playing tricks as + reco"ered (ro$ that di33ying roll) A(ter an accident like that& +d be bound to be a little da3ed& a little con(used& wouldnt +5 +"e got plenty o( ti$e to try and work out what really happened that day) Ob"iously& +$ not exactly inundated with "isits (ro$ school (riends asking how +$ (eeling& how +$ coping) <at co$es round& but he pre(ers not to talk about it) 2es done enough talking& he says) Now he ,ust wants to (orget all about it (or a while) Dnlike $e& he didnt stead(astly re(use the o((er o( counselling) +t helped hi$& he says) 'etting all those con(licting e$otions pour out) 2orror) ;elie() .eelings o( inade@uacy) A sense o( i$pregnability) %xuberance that he sur"i"ed) 7uilt that he did: a sense that he didnt deser"e to) 9hile hes here& we re"ert to nor$al and ha"e a bit o( a giggle on the co$puter) As we usually do& <at hacks into "arious websites where + can add a (ew choice bits o( $isin(or$ation) 9hy5 9hy not5 +t a$a3es $e& the way you can post so$ething up on the web and& a (ew $onths later& its beco$e an accepted (act) Kuoted e"erywhere you look) As i( its (ro$ a reliable source) ?id you know that wasps stings are the new& natural -otox5 9ell& you and (ew hundred $illion people do now) Ohh: and ha"e + ,ust let slip that +"e been circulating another bit o( (alse in(or$ation5 'ike& how co$e such a hot guy like <at is a bit o( a geek when it co$es to hacking into sites5 Those things rarely go together& right5 2es a guy& too& who said hed like to get straight /As5 9ell& sure hes not too hot when it co$es to the schoolwork) 'ike $e& hes bored with it) Dnlike $e& he pours all that (rustrated intelligence into a passion (or co$puters and $usic) As (or <at being physically edible: well& in #y eyes he is& see5 -eauty in the eye o( the beholder and all that& right5 And in this case& 6,# the beholder) 2e does $o"e lithely& i( not exactly athletically) And yep& hes got the $ost regularly straight teeth +"e e"er seen on anyone that hasnt splurged a (ortune on dental work) + ,ust e'aggerate" a little when + said all the other girls were so into hi$) 9ell& thats what + (ear& isnt it5 That one o( the$ will snap hi$ up be(ore + do5 + si$ply cant understand why they dont all (ancy hi$ as $uch as + do) Oh& and while +$ in con(ession $ode& all that about hi$ taking control on the bus5 +t $ight not ha"e happened =uite like that)

+t was all so chaotic: people shouting e"erywhere) The di"er #ight ha"e been paying attention to <at) 2e $ight not) Co$e on& be serious: you #ust ha"e been wondering how the <at +d been describing earlier was always hanging around with so$eone like $e5 +"e already said& ha"ent +& that +$ no great shakes in the looks depart$ent5 Or did you think + was lying about that part5 #itting beside $e& <at chuckles as he reads what +"e added to a site hes latched us into) +ts a site thats already spouting so$e pretty wild theories about /The 1ysteries o( the Ancients) 1e& +"e ,ust $ade up and added a (ew extra e@ui"alents o( #ha$ir& the stone*splitting serpent #olo$on recruited into the building o( his te$ple) /Theyll ne"er go (or that& Jas$ine0 /Ahh& these wilder& pseudo*scienti(ic sites al%ays go (or it& <at0 Theres already so $uch weird stu(( on there& they cant tell when so$eones ,ust $ade so$ething up0 ?ownstairs& + hear a hea"y rapping on the (ront door) +d know that knock anywhere by now) + trot o"er to the window) 4ep& + was right) The police car is parked outside by the kerb) =

Chapter L %ither $u$ or dad will send the policewo$an o(( with a (lea in her ear) As they always do) /+( you get any proble$s (ro$ her& let $e know& dad had said to $e a(ter she called round the (irst ti$e& ,ust a(ter the accident) Now she co$es round at least once a day) #o$eti$es e"en twice) /+( + could ,ust ha"e a word with Ja3& then> Thats usually about as (ar as she gets be(ore either $u$ or dad cuts her o(() Theyll cite whate"er law or restriction they can thats basically telling her to go take a hike& unless shes here to $ake an o((icial charge) #hes persistent& +ll gi"e her that) 9e cant keep turning her away (or e"er& can we5 #ure we can) + ha"ent been able to (ollow the con"ersation taking place downstairs) -ut + hear the door being sla$$ed shut) + watch as she languidly $akes her way back to the car& ignoring the hailstor$ o( @uestions thrown her way by the ,ournalists ca$ped outside) #uddenly& she glances back and up& catching $e at the window) Theres a sour& deter$ined look on her (ace) A look that says& +$ going to get you one day) = Today& the school is opening its doors once $ore) The ,ournalists are out in (orce) Theyre hanging outside both the school gates) Theyre hanging outside the ho$es o( each kid who sur"i"ed the accident) The police are also out in (orce) Theyre there to keep the news crews (ro$ pestering any o( the school kids& their parents& or the sta(() #ur"i"ors like $e ha"e been o((ered a police escort into school) Not wishing to (ace any @uestioning (ro$ the waiting papara33i& +"e accepted the o((er) -ut i( + so $uch as catch a gli$pse o( that bloody policewo$an waiting outside& + wont be going anywhere) Thank(ully& when the cops arri"e shes nowhere in sight) +ts two police$en +"e ne"er seen be(ore) %"en so& + use a pair o( binoculars +"e borrowed o(( dad to peer through the upstairs window) + 3oo$ into the car they"e parked at the kerb& $aking sure that shes not waiting (or $e in there) The cops stand either side o( $e as we $ake our way to the car) They aggressi"ely (end o(( any ,ournalist $o"ing too close to us) They open the cars rear door& helping $e slip into the back seat) Just to gain the space we need& they ha"e to threaten so$e o( the ,ournalists with arrest) The cops @uickly cla$ber into their own seats up (ront) The dri"er starts up the car) 2e begins to pull away (ro$ the kerb)

#uddenly& be(ore the car has picked up any real speed& the rear door on the other side to $e is wrenched open) #o$eone wearing an old ,acket and ,eans slips in beside $e) +ts her) +ts the policewo$an) =

Chapter M The cars now going too (ast (or $e to open the door and ,u$p out) + $ight as well (ace up to whate"er it is she wants to say to $e) 9hat can she really do a(ter all5 Tricking $e like this breaks 7od*knows how $any laws and legal rights) Anyone e$ployed to de(end $e would easily ha"e any charges against $e thrown out o( court) /+ ,ust want a @uick& (riendly word& the cop says& s$iling like shes here to bring ,oy to the world) /#ee$s like youre already ha"ing one) 9hether + want to or not) /9hy did you re(use counselling& Ja35 +t could help you& you know5 /+ts ,ust indoctrination: the authorities catching you at a weak point in your li(e) Dsing it to instil their own ideas o( whats right and wrong) /Thats one heck o( a hard*headed attitude (or a girl like you to take& isnt it5 +t $ight ha"e actually helped you channel all that anger and aggression youre (eeling into so$ething $ore positi"e and worthwhile) + can see that you (latter yoursel( youre tough enough to handle all that shock: but + reckon youre in $ore danger than anyone else that its going to a((ect you badly) And you probably wont e"en recognise the e((ect its ha"ing on you) /#ee what + $ean about authority5 4oure already using it as an excuse to change $e) To $ake $e co$e round to your way o( seeing things) /4ou $ight not realise it Ja3& but + really a$ trying to help you here) #ee& +"e seen whats happening to you happen so $any ti$es to other kids) -right kids& (ull o( potential& going astray because schools no longer gi"ing the$ the sti$ulation they need) %"erythings too easy& right5 1eanwhile& you ha"e to hang around waiting (or the du$ber kids to catch up) Not a word + expected: du$ber) Not <C at all& that word) + gi"e her a closer look) One a little $ore scrutinising than the one + could $anage last ti$e& when she was standing at the back o( 1iss <ollitts o((ice) #hes nowhere near as young as +d (irst thought) +ts cle"er use o( $akeup) 'ike shes been reading the "ery sa$e $aga3ine articles +"e been tapping into) +$ beginning to belie"e she $ight know what shes talking about) = #ee& + reckon > + kno% > this cops on the right track here) 9hen it co$es to the source o( $y anger& + $ean) #ure& as <at pointed out& when it co$es to li(e& +"e been dealt a good hand) 7ood& caring parents) #trict at ti$es& but thats supposed to be a good thing& isnt it5 +ntelligence) ;easonable i( not great looks) 'ots o( other things a lot o( kids arent getting)

+( + hadnt $anaged to (igure out (or $ysel( how (ortunate + a$& +d sure as heck know it by now) + couldnt count how $any ti$es +"e been told that +"e been blessed with opportunities denied $ost other kids) +ts ,ust about the (irst thing a teacher brings up whene"er + $ake the $istake o( co$plaining that +$ being gi"en tasks +"e already learnt in lower school) + was being sel(ish& wasnt +& thinking + had a right to lessons $atched to $y ability5 9hat about all those other& $ore un(ortunate& $ore vulnera+le kids who were already struggling to keep up5 2ow $uch harder would it be (or the$& eh& i( + insisted on e"eryone being taught the sa$e as $e5 ?idnt they deser"e the chance in li(e +d been lucky enough to ha"e been gi"en5 ?idnt they deser"e $ore attention than $e5 + was the bright kid& a(ter all) + didnt need the attention they needed) ?id + really want all the attention to be (ocused on $e5 To soar while they all (ell (urther behind5 %@ual opportunities (or all& see5 And how can we pro"e we"e pro"ided that unless it results in e@ual outco$es5 #trange thing is& theres a part o( $e saying these teachers $ight ha"e a point: that yeah& these poor kids do need $ore o( a helping hand than + do) #o + end up hating the other part o( $ysel( that says it cant be right that +$ being held back at school& si$ply because +$ lucky enough to ha"e good parents) + $ean& what next5 9ill the good parents ha"e to swap their kids (or $ore un(ortunate ones to $ake things (air5 Then again& do you reckon the kids o( the politicians who"e (orced all this on us are held back like this5 No chance& #ee& its all to the rich kids ad"antage& isnt it5 No $atter how du$b they are& theres no bright kids co$ing up (ro$ below to threaten their positions& are there5 = /2ow co$e you know all this5 + say to the cop) /'ike + said& +"e been there $ysel(: seen other intelligent kids going through the sa$e thing youre going through) 4oure bored by school& e"en though you used to en,oy it) 4ou see kids getting praise e"en though theyre getting it all wrong) #ee the$ getting lenient treat$ent when theyre $essing round) 4ou& though& you get told o(( (or e"en $inor in(ringe$ents) All that intelligence in that head o( yours is ,ust churning away with nothing to (ocus on) #o you start looking (or other (or$s o( sti$ulation) #he says other like it could $ean anything (ro$ drug running to $aster$inding a $ultibillion heist on a city bank) #he s$iles) #he knows shes got $e down to a T) /#o you no longer think + had anything to do with 'i3 and her $u$s death& right5 + gi"e $y @uestion hints o( both doubt and hope) #he chuckles& shakes her head) /+"e got to ad$it& at (irst + was a bit suspicious) + thought& $aybe& that it $ight ha"e been a prank that had gone horribly wrong) #o$ething that was supposed to do

nothing $ore than scratch the car) Or shake e"eryone up a bit) +"e seen the kids +"e $entioned do worse& belie"e $e) -ut when it ca$e to theAwell) + can tell shes wanting to a"oid $entioning the accident) Just in case it reawakens bad $e$ories +"e $anaged to keep in check so (ar) /The bus& + say to help her out) /4eah& the +us: well& it was pretty ob"ious you had nothing to do with that) #o it $ade $e start to think& well& $aybe + ha" got you wrong) /Are you any closer to catching the wo$an who caused it5 +d seen on the news how the dri"er whod held up the bus hadnt been a $an& like wed all (irst assu$ed) #hed escaped by re"ersing back through the people trying to block her way) #hed abandoned the car only a (ew $iles away) /9e traced her through her car> /-ut shed "anished& right5 Along with her husband& her kids) 2er parents and his parents too& according to so$e o( the sites +"e read) 2ow can they all ,ust disappear like that5 /Truth is& they cant) They $ight be hiding out so$ewhere& but her youngest is ter$inally ill) #he needs a regular supply o( drugs ,ust to keep going) Theyre going to ha"e to gi"e the$sel"es up soon) /4oure going the wrong way -rian) The cop in the passenger seat is pointing back the way we"e co$e) The dri"ers turned o(( the $ain road into a @uiet side street) 2es slowing down& s@uir$ing in his seat& unclipping his seat belt like hes unco$(ortable) /+ ,ust need to> -e(ore the di"ers (inished speaking& theres a loud yet $u((led bang) The cop in the passenger seat "iolently ,erks to one side) 2e strikes the door with a dull thu$p) -lood spurts e"erywhere& spreading in a sudden thick splurge across the door window) /7erry0 the policewo$an shrieks& leaping (orward in her seat to try and help her in,ured (riend) /-rian& whats happened to 7erry5 The dri"er whirls around& bringing up a gun and resting it on the seatback) /#orry Jane) The gun goes o(( again& this ti$e with a dea(ening bang) Janes thrown back& the side o( her body erupting) A (ountain o( (lesh and blood splatters against the seat and rear window) -rian swings the gun& ai$ing it at $e) /Out0 Out now& or +ll shoot0 Neither Jane nor 7erry are $o"ing) Theyre both dead) 1y (u$bling (ingers slip on the handle& but + $anage to wrench open the door) + hal( cla$ber& hal( throw $ysel( out) #o$ething dull and hea"y strikes $e across $y back) .or a $o$ent& + wonder i( +"e been shot) Then +$ tu$bling pain(ully across the ground) The dri"er roars o((& the open door swinging shut with a sharp clang) =

Chapter N + pick $ysel( up) +$ shaking) 9ringing $y hands) 9hatAwhat ,ust happened there5 2ow do + explain this to anyone5 9hat do + say5 + look about $e& seeing people standing at the windows o( their ho$es) Theyre staring out blankly& like theyre trying to (igure out what all the noise was about) 9here do + go5 To school5 #hould + start walking to school5 #hould + cry out (or help5 2ow can they help $e5 +$ not in any danger any $ore) 9ait5 9asnt + hit5 + (eel $y back& where +d (elt so$ething hit $e as +d (allen (ro$ the car) +$ hal(*expecting it to be wet with $y blood) -ut its dry) And theres no pain& e"en when + press hard against it) -ut + could ha"e sworn +d been hit there by so$ething) 'ike the dri"er had thrown so$ething at $e) 'ooking back to where +d (allen (ro$ the car be(ore tu$bling across the grass& + see so$ething by the kerb edge) A book) A large& black book) ?rawing closer& + realise its a -ible) The pages are creased and s@uashed where its (allen open on the ground) 9hat would the dri"er want to throw a -ible at $e (or5 <icking it up& + disco"er that one page has been deliberately (olded back on itsel( a nu$ber o( ti$es) Dn(olding it re"eals a passage circled in red $arker pen: John 2 H ) /#i$on <eter went up& and drew the net to land& (ull o( large Osh& a hundred and O(ty*three: and although there were so $any& the net was not torn) The nu$ber /a hundred and O(ty*three has also been circled) One*hundred and O(ty*three) +d heard o( Jesus and the (ish& o( course) -ut +d ne"er realised the -ible had re(erred to such a speci(ic nu$ber) 9hy has it been circled5 And why has it been circled in a -ible that has ,ust been thrown at $e5 And right a(ter +"e witnessed such a horri(ic $urder too5 = No ones stepped outside o( their house to see whats going on) %"en i( they had heard the shots& they"e probably put it down to nothing $ore than a car back(iring) All they can see when they look out o( the windows is $e holding a -ible) 'ike +"e been dropped o(( here to introduce the$ to the 7ood News o( The 9atch Tower)

+ take out $y $obile) /<at& where are you5 Are you still on your way to school5 2e is: hes al$ost there) /'ook& can you get the cops with you to co$e and pick $e up at> + look (or the road sign at the end o( the street > /1ayhew ?ri"e5 2e wants to know what +$ doing there) Asks why +$ not already on $y way to school) /+ll explain when you get here: well& +ll explain as best as + can) = No one can explain why the cop shot his (riends) 2ed worked with the$ both (or ages) 2ed been a close (riend o( 7erry& a (riend o( Jane) + handed the -ible that had been thrown at $e to the cops) -ut they couldnt see how it could be connected to the $urders) /One*hundred and O(ty*three5 9hats that got to do with it5 a detecti"e had wondered out loud) +t wasnt long be(ore they (ound the abandoned police car) The bodies o( Jane and 7erry still strewn across the blood*splattered interior) The gun had been le(t behind too) The (ingerprints& the gunpowder residue& the calibre o( the bullets and barrel: all these things belo"ed o( $urder $ysteries werent going to $ake $uch di((erence in pinpointing the $urderer& were they5 -esides& -rian had "anished) Canished along with his wi(e& two kids& parents and in*laws) + actually (elt sorry (or hi$ when + heard that his boy was so ill hed only been gi"en a (ew $ore weeks to li"e) =

Chapter 0 4ahweh& the 2ebrew na$e (or 7od& occurs one*hundred and O(ty*three ti$es in the book o( 7enesis) Archi$edes re(erred to the nu$ber one*hundred and O(ty*three as being /The 1easure o( the .ish) +ts a$a3ing how @uickly you can (inds things out ,ust by googling it) %ach $onth& the a"erage A$erican watches one*hundred and O(ty*three hours o( tele"ision) Oh& and the chances o( a ?NA $olecule (or$ing by chance5 Ten to the power o( one*hundred and O(ty*three) ?espite the $ention o( (ish& the piece on Archi$edes doesnt really see$ to ha"e anything to do with the -iblical passage) +ts one o( his $athe$atical principles& in this case regarding the al$ond shape you get when two circles intersect) According to Archi$edes& its shaped like /the bladder o( a (ish& or /"esica piscis) The ratio o( the height to the width is one*hundred and O(ty*three to two*hundred and sixty*(i"e& or the s@uare root o( three) 4eah& + was getting a bit lost at this point too) 9heres it all leading $e5 Nowhere& (ar as + can see) = <ats had no $ore success than + ha"e) /+ts all a bit $ystical& this /"esica piscis) +ts that o"al shape you so$eti$es see around statues o( Jesus on church (ronts& like hes co$ing out o( the o"erlapping o( both the spiritual and $aterial worlds) + cant see what it has to with those poor cops being killed) /1e neither& unless its a wild goose chase we"e been sent on) /Could be this -rian was religious and that particular passage interested hi$) /Could be) -ut then why throw the -ible at $e i( it was i$portant to hi$5 /9hy throw it at you& (ull stop) 9hy kill his (riends5 9ere ne"er going to (igure this out& Ja3) /4eah& suppose youre right) 2e looks at $e& narrowing his eyes in what could be either a @ui33ical or a concerned expression) /4ou sure youre okay Ja35 + $ean& a(ter all that you"e been throughA 2e $eans why ha"ent + taken the opportunity to take a (ew $ore days o(( school) %"eryone expected $e to) 1ost people %ante" $e to) As it is& they all stare at $e like +$ about to bring the .our 2orse$en o( the Apocalypse charging down on the$ at any $o$ent) To say +$ a"oided like the plague is being un(air on plagues) /9hat would + do i( + wasnt co$ing into school5 2ang around with $y (riends5 <at chuckles)

/9ell you could do what $ost girls would do& + suppose: get your hair done& wander around > ouch0 + gi"e hi$ a play(ul nudge to his gut) /#exist0 Are you saying $y hair needs doing5 /Course not0 + like it) 2is eyes wander o"er $y hair& like he really does appreciate the way it looks) /Co$e on <at0 + try $y best& sure) -ut + know +$ seen by all the boys as being ,ust a little bit geeky0 /7eeky5 No& no& not at all) 9hen you were younger& $aybe) 9hen you were ,ust a bit goo(y and > ouch0 + scowl) 2e laughs& letting $e know he was winding $e up) /4ou"e changed& changed a lot since then Ja30 /9hat& $e a swan5 Oh& go on0 4eah& like /go on with all this (lattery please0 #ure& +$ acting all nonchalant& all coy) -ut hell yes +$ pleased) Any guy says that to you& its the sa$e e((ect as a couple o( <ro3acs) -ut co$ing (ro$ <at& (or $e thats like three in a line) INot that +$ actually ad"ocating taking the$& understand5 +ts ,ust an expression& a (igure o( speech) 9hich& + suppose& is where we ca$e in& right5J As we"e talked& we"e been getting closer) +$ looking up at hi$) 2es looking down at $e) 2is (ace close to $ine) Closer) Our lips al$ost touching) 1y lips opening slightly& $oistening) And then the bell (or class goes o(() = #chool isnt exactly back to nor$al& but its $aking headway in that direction) The classes ha"e been changed around& inter$ingled) Just so we dont ha"e e$pty desks& re$inding us that so$e o( our (riends are no longer with us) Not that you dont notice theyre not there& o( course) -ut a series o( e$pty desks& that would be too $uch (or anybody to bear) Pids openly weep in the corridors) #o$e cant stop bursting into tears in class) %"eryones understanding& including the teachers) Naturally& those who sur"i"ed the crash tend to be the worst) Theyre still su((ering (ro$ shock) #haking) 9ide*eyed) Ashen) 1any o( the$ are still at ho$e& unable to attend school) The le"el crossing has been trans(or$ed into a shrine& bou@uets o( (lowers e"erywhere) Pids congregate around it when school has (inished) #o$e e"en walk out there at lunch ti$e) They gather in groups& consoling each other) ;e$e$bering happier ti$es) Ti$es when we were all together) 1e& +$ not a part o( all this)

+$ not allowed to be) +$ still regarded as being so$ehow responsible (or their deaths) 'ike + led the$ out there that day on purpose) 'ike + arranged the stalling o( the bus& the arri"al o( the goods train) 'ike + knew what was co$ing) And thats how + $anaged to be sa"ed) +t hurts& hurts to be thought o( in this way) 2urts to be excluded (ro$ the sharing o( su((ering and the re$e$bering o( better ti$es) + $iss those kids too) +$ horri(ied by the way they lost their li"es) -ut i( + ha"e to deal with this hurt without the help o( the other kids& then + will) 1y $u$ and dad and <at are all the help + need) No& +$ not hard*hearted) +$ ,ustAresilient) = #cience is one o( the easier classes) 9ell& what passes (or science these days& anyway) 4ou know the answers they want) + used to put up argu$ents against certain points& but was rewarded (or $y insights by (ails and low $arks) Today theres no chance o( any (or$ o( discussion) The @uestions co$e with the answers& a& b or c) 4ou could get a pass by (lipping a coin a couple o( ti$es) A (ail by pointing out its a $uch $ore co$plex area than theyre $aking out) #till& it gi"es $e chance to @uickly (lip through $y paper& then $ake out +$ conducting a bit o( research on one o( the roo$s co$puters) + really want to (ind out i( theres any progress on the $urders o( Jane and 7erry) And i( theres any possible link between the$ and the nu$ber one*hundred and (i(ty* three) Thank(ully& all the reports on the $urders that co$e up are still withholding $y na$e) %ach ti$e& it si$ply re(ers to an unna$ed student who was a witness) One o( the shots o( the abandoned car doesnt look right) Then + realise why: its not the police car) +ts the car the wo$an abandoned) + wonder: did they (ind a -ible in the back o( her car5 + google it& but nothing co$es up) %"en when a report $entions what had been le(t inside the car& its only to say there werent any clues pointing to why she $ight ha"e caused the accident) Or why shed (led with her entire (a$ily) 9ait: it says that a printed sheet had been le(t on the back seat) +t says a passage had been printed o(( on it) -ut it doesnt say what that passage was) Could it be the -iblical passage about the (ishes5 +t takes a while be(ore + (ind a site that highlights the passages content) A(ter all that& its disappoint$ent) +ts not -iblical: its a passage taken (ro$ a scienti(ic report) /Ato$ic (re@uency co$b $e$ory with spin*wa"e storage in F!%u! QH42#iOF is a "ery attracti"e candidate (or a long*li"ed& $ulti$ode @uantu$ $e$ory due to the long spin coherence ti$e)

9ow) #traight o"er $y head that one) And + (latter $ysel( that +$ intelligent5 9hat was this doing in the back o( her car5 .ro$ what +d read o( her so (ar& she didnt ha"e any scienti(ic background) And neither did her husband) #he was a social worker) 2e& ironically& was a teacher) -ut hed taught art) 9ait0 One/hun"re" an" i ty/three; +ts right there& in the (or$ula0 >-? %u!) -ut what does it $ean5 ?oes it help $e5 No) +$ ,ust $ore con(used than e"er) = 9hile +$ trying to work all this out& alar$ bells ring) No& + $ean they really "o ring) The (ire alar$) 1iss .urrier re$ains cal$) /Now& + want you all to lea"e your things andA +$ not sure anyone is listening) Theyre all looking at $e) %"en 1iss .urrier is looking at $e) %"eryone is looking at $e with (ear and hatred in their eyes) =

Chapter 2ow can + be held responsible (or a (ire5 + didnt start it) +"e been here all along) ?o all these people really think +$ so$ehow bringing all this bad luck down on the$5 Theyre not saying) Theyre all (iling out in good order) Joining the other s$oothly& swi(tly $o"ing colu$ns out in the corridor) +ts all well organised) Theres hardly any panic) 9hat there is co$es (ro$ indi"iduals who are soon cal$ed or taken under the wing o( a teacher) 1at@ <at always skips his class at this ti$e) 2istory) 2es had enough& he says& o( trying to e$pathise with being a Tudor ser"ant or Cictorian workhouse in$ate) Or writing about an i$portant e"ent as i( hes a $odern*day ,ournalist) 2e heads o(( down to the cellars instead& where hes disco"ered a @uiet spot where he can listen to his i<od and browse the web on his phone) No one $isses hi$: hes been doing it since the start o( the year& so e"eryone assu$es hes in a di((erent class) As our own little colu$n wor$s its way a$ongst all the others towards the exit door& + drop away (ro$ it) + $ingle a$ongst a $ore con(used grouping where the lines arent @uite so distinct) As $y class sa(ely (iles its way out o( the door& + slip into one o( the side roo$s used by the schools $aintenance sta(() As +d hoped& theres another door& one leading back into the rapidly e$ptying school) Peeping a care(ul eye out (or any $alingerers& + $ake $y way to the stairwell leading down into the cellars) + can already s$ell s$oke) This isnt any drill) This is a real (ire) = %"en down in the cellars& you can still hear the urgently ringing alar$) <at& though& is $errily shaking his head to so$e happy beat e$anating (ro$ his headphones) 2e s$iles in surprise as he sees $e approaching) 2e slips o(( his headphones) The s$ile i$$ediately disappears& replaced with a worried (rown) /+s that the (ire alar$5 + nod) /4eah: its no drill either) 2e sni((s the air) /#$oke0 9here is it5 9heres the (ire5 /+ dont know) -ut wed better get out @uick) %"eryone else has already le(t& + reckon& so>

+ both ,u$p and instincti"ely duck as so$ething nearby cracks loudly) Thick& black clouds o( s$oke rush towards us& like they"e ,ust been released (ro$ con(ine$ent) /O"er there0 'ook0 <at points o(( towards the rear o( the cellar) %"en through the increasingly thick s$oke& + can see the (lickering orange and red glow o( leaping (la$es) + grab hold o( <ats hand) /Kuick0 9e ha"e to get out o( here0 =

Chapter 2 The s$oke swells and undulates around us as i( its ali"e) +ts hard to see where were heading) The s$oke $akes e"erything indistinct) Our eyes are weeping& stinging) 9ere choking& gasping (or air) %"en though we"e got our (aces co"ered with our hands) 9e know were supposed to get to the (loor& where the air will be clearer& $ore breathable) -ut i( we did& wed be dead anyway) The (la$es are $o"ing rapidly& rushing towards us like were in a race) A race to the death) -ehind us& e"erything the (la$es touch cracks& explodes) -eco$es yet another part o( the hungry& e"er*growing (ire) 9e can (eel the heat on our backs) Our necks burn hotter and hotter as the (la$es ad"ance) /9here are we5 + cant see where were going any$ore0 <at splutters) 2e gasps& he weeps) 9ere going nowhere& + realise) 9ere losing the race) = 9e keep on running& agonisingly barging into things in our way that we dont see e"en as we knock the$ aside) Ahead o( us now& it looks like there $ight be a door) <erhaps e"en the door to the stairwell) Theres a light there& glinting at us now and again through the swirling s$oke) #uddenly& like a cat that had been toying with us& the (la$es erupt out o( nowhere with a whoosh right by the door) They surge upwards& crackling and spitting against the ceiling) Charred ti$bers and bea$s crash down& the (la$es hungrily licking along their lengths) A wa"e o( dust& soot and s$oke sweeps towards us& en"eloping us& shrouding us in its thick cloak) 9e cough& choke& gag& unable to pre"ent the clouds poisonous breath (looding into our lungs) /Ja3& + cantAcantA <ats hand slips (ro$ $ine) 2e cru$ples to the (loor) /<at0 + bend down towards hi$& lie with hi$) 2old his unconscious body close) +"e brought ?eath down on us all once $ore) And this ti$e& +ll be his "icti$ too)

Chapter ! +$ no longer choking& gasping (or air) +$ breathing naturally& easily) A$ + dead5 + touch $y chest& al$ost expecting $y hand to pass through it as i( +$ already a ghost) + look about $e) The (ire is still raging around us& still (eeding hungrily o(( the cellar and its contents) -ut + cant (eel its heat) The boo$ing and cracking is subdued& like +$ hearing it through water) As + rise to $y knees& +$ al$ost expecting to see $ysel( lea"ing $y body behind& $y soul (loating upwards to ho"er abo"e it) + look down at <at) 2es still unconscious) + hope hes unconscious) + hope he isnt dead) 2ope he hasnt breathed in too $uch o( the toxic (u$es) /<at0 <at& wake up0 + shake hi$ gently) /#o$ething odds happening0 /2es still ali"e) + whirl around& wondering whos spoken) /9hat5 9ho said that5 /+ did) The ha3y& unclear silhouette o( a $an appears a$ongst the surrounding (ire and s$oke) The harsh& dancing light o( the (la$es gi"es hi$ an unearthly glow) 2e approaches cal$ly& languidly& untouched by either the (la$es or the (alling ti$bers) +ts not the (ire that $akes hi$ glow) 2e shi$$ers with his own light) A glorious& lu$inous white) +ts the angel) =

Chapter E The angel s$iles) #$iles as youd expect an angel to s$ile: beati(ically) /9hoAwho are you5 /4ou would ha"e died) + had no choice but to re"eal $ysel() /?ied5 /#o it is written in this world) /And <at5 +sAis heA5 /2e has passed out& thats all) The s$oke) +ts (or the best: he shouldnt see $e) + would ha"e pre(erred that you didnt see $e either) -ut one o( you needs to be conscious to $ake the (inal part o( your ,ourney) <ats prone body rises up (ro$ the (loor& ho"ering abo"e the ground like so$e elaborate $agicians trick) /Journey5 ?oes he $eanAas in our inal ,ourney5 2e s$iles& e"en chuckles) /4our ,ourney to sa(ety& o( course0 Ob"iously& + cant be seen taking you both outside) /9hat o( the other children5 Can they be sa"ed too5 /They are already sa"ed) None ha"e died) +t $ight see$ strange cal$ly con"ersing like this while the (ire surges and ebbs around us) -ut the angels glow has expanded into a gli$$ering ball o( white light) +t holds back the (la$es as i( theyre taking place in another di$ension& incapable o( touching or har$ing us) 9e"e already started $o"ing towards the door) +t (alls away on its hinges) 9e unhurriedly $ount the steps& <ats sleeping body re$aining per(ectly hori3ontal) /9ho areAare you5 + realise he still hasnt answered $y (irst @uestion) /9hy do you keep on rescuing $e5 6s he an angel5 +ts i$possible to tell i( he has wings or not) The shi$$ering light su((using his body is so intense that its pain(ul to study hi$ closely (or too long) + can only stare directly into his (ace& the light sparkling around the edges o( $y "ision) /As + ha"e already explained& +$ so$eone granted no choice but to re"eal $ysel( to you& because you continue to endanger yoursel() To re"eal $ysel( is bad enough: to explain $ore is worse) /-ut why #e5 9hy rescue $e& but not the others5 /+"e rescued your (riend > twice) /-ut not the others) /No other children ha"e been har$ed today) /-ut what about the bus5 9hy didnt you help the$5 /+ cannot help e"eryone) That is not the task set $e) /Task5 /To help bring the Truth to those who li"e in lies) -ut + ha"e told you enough& + belie"e)

9e"e already passed into the corridors lying beyond the doors at the top o( the stairs) The (ire still rages here& but not as strongly as it does downstairs) %"en so& it would be i$possible to walk through this spitting& snarling in(erno i( it werent (or the protecti"e ball o( light) /2ow a$ + a part o( your task5 And <at5 2ow do we (it into this task o( bringing truth to e"eryone5 /At (irst& your (riend aids your de"elop$ent) /$y de"elop$ent5 + still dont understand0 /4ou pro"ide us with the -ook) /-ook5 9hat book5 + honestly dont know o( any book you $ight $ean0 /+ a$ (orbidden (ro$ telling you $ore o( the -ook) 4ou ha"e to disco"er the -ook (or yoursel(& (or all things to be as they should be) /2ow can + (ind it i( + dont know what +$ looking (or5 /4ou will know) 4ou will (ind it) /Cant you at least tell $e what type o( book it is5 /#o $any @uestions0 Thats good& yes thats good0 9e"e reached a corridor that doesnt lead anywhere except towards other roo$s leading o(( (ro$ its sides) A blank wall blocks its end) Theres no i$$ediate route outside) The angel sees the disappoint$ent on $y (ace) /.ire$en are already entering "ia the doors) This will be your way out) 9ith the si$ple raising o( an ar$& he causes the end wall blocking our exit to explode outwards) +n the sa$e $o"e& he extinguishes the (la$es nearest to us) The ball o( light rushes back into hi$& increasing the intensity o( his own glow) /4ou can $ake your own way (ro$ here& + belie"e) #lowly& <at drops to the (loor alongside $e) /+( you cannot $anage with your (riend& the angel continues& /you will ha"e ti$e to alert your (riends outside) There will also be ti$e to send so$eone back in here to aid hi$ be(ore the (ire regains its strength) 2e gi"es $e the beati(ic s$ile again) 2e begins to back away (ro$ $e& to shi$$er like sparkling water) 2es preparing to lea"e& to "anish as he did last ti$e) /9ait0 9hat does one*hundred and (i(ty*three $ean5 9hy +$ asking hi$ this + dont know) <erhaps because +$ taking it (or granted that angels $ust to be all*knowing) <erhaps because +$ desperate and cant think o( any other way to arri"e at an answer) +$ rewarded (or $y urgent curiosity with the beati(ic s$ile once $ore) /-lessed are the (irst one*hundred and (i(ty*three) .or they are the "ery (irst Jas$ines& who will spread their branches& take root& and su((use the world in the glorious scent o( Truth) /*as#ines5 -ut theres only one o( $e0 /#o there is: (or now) /An angel5 Are you an angel5 <at speaks groggily as& still da3ed& he regains consciousness) /Ahhh) The angel sighs as i( both disappointed and wryly a$used) Then& in a sudden& "iolent twinkling o( white light& he "anishes)

Chapter F The da$age to the school wasnt anywhere near as bad as e"eryone had originally (eared it would be) +t was thank(ully con(ined to a relati"ely s$all section too) And& o( course& there wasnt a single loss o( li(e) No one knows how the (ire was started yet) No one suspects $e) 9ell& no one suspects that + physically started the (ire) + was in class when the alar$ was raised) %"en so& e"ery pupil& e"ery teacher& eyes $e suspiciously) 'ike +$ working in collusion with ?eath hi$sel() 'ike + brought all this bad luck down on the$ all) #ure& + was the one that al$ost died this ti$e) 4et +d sur"i"ed& hadnt +5 1iraculously too) The way the (ire had oh*so con"eniently blasted a hole in an otherwise solid wall& enabling $e to escape) The way +d $anaged to drag an unconscious <at through a bla3ing in(erno) 9ithout either o( us e"en su((ering a singed hair) 4eah& its hard to explain& isnt it5 = 1e and <at& we should ha"e got our stories straight be(ore wed talked to anyone) 9e didnt ha"e to ad$it that <at had been unconscious& the s$oke hed inhaled knocking hi$ out) IThank(ully& he hadnt breathed in too $uch: hes been gi"en the all clear)J -ut we didnt ha"e ti$e to rehearse our stories) %"en as wed been dragged clear o( the (ire& e"en a$ongst the exhilarated& grate(ul thanks that we were ali"e& there had also been the recri$inations) 9hy had we gone o(( like that& rather than keeping in line like we were supposed to5 ?idnt we think that e"eryone would be worried5 ?idnt we realise the danger we were putting the (ire crew in& or anyone else who $ight ha"e co$e searching (or us5 ?idnt we know how lucky wed been that no one had been in,ured or killed5 ?idnt we know that the chances o( a (ire blowing a hole in a wall without causing a terri(ying backdra(t > a sudden surge o( oxygen causing the (la$es to explode in an al$ost sun*like intensity > were& as a (ire o((icer put it& /beyond all reasonable belie() +( it hadnt been (or that incredible stroke o( luck& hed added& wed probably both be dead) Only <at and + know better& o( course) +t wasnt luck) +t was the angel)

= %"en though we hadnt co*ordinated our stories& both <at and + had enough sense to stay clear o( $entioning the angel to anyone) -esides& at (irst <at hadnt been wholly sure what hed seen) +t could ha"e been nothing $ore than so$e (or$ o( $irage) #o$ething con,ured up by his da3ed state) /+t couldnt ha"e been an angel& he said to $e a(terwards) /9hat else could it be5 + ask) /9e were trapped down there& re$e$ber5 2ow do you think we got out5 /+ dunno& he ad$its& shaking his head in bewilder$ent) /#o$e sort o( +nternational ;escue5 /4eah& like they exist& right5 2e s$iles& shrugs) A shrug that says& 4eah& okay& you got $e0 /There was so$ething odd about hi$) /Odd5 #o$ething o"" about an angel5 /No& no: + $ean the hu$$ing) ?idnt you hear the hu$$ing5 +$ ,ust about to point out that the hu$$ing was probably nothing $ore than a bu33ing in his ears caused by his (ainting when + realise hes right: there ha" been a constant hu$$ing hanging around us) A relaxing& #usical hu$$ing) /'ike a chanting you $ean5 /Thats right: like $onks) 4ou know the way they chant5 /#uppose that $akes sense: $onks& angels) 7o together like a horse and carriage& dont they5 <at gri$aces doubt(ully& rubbing his neck like hes perplexed) /4eah: or like angels and people who arent @uite right in their heads go together) = The schools closed once again) /To gi"e e"eryone a chance to co$e to ter$s with what could ha"e been another tragedy& as 1iss <ollitt explained it to the newspapers) 4oud think that +d at least get so$e thanks (or this& i( e"eryone seriously belie"es +$ working hand in hand with ?eath) -ut no) No one calls round& except <at) No one $akes out they e"en recognise $e when +$ out on the streets) They all shy away (ro$ $e) 'ike e"en being close to $e is an in"itation to ?eath to co$e calling) Jee3us) As +"e got nothing better to do& + settle down at $y laptop with the intention o( working out the $eaning behind the nu$ber one*hundred and (i(ty*three) %"en the answer pro"ided by the angel had been less than help(ul) + $ean& /-lessed are the (irst one*hundred and (i(ty*three5 And all that about *as#ines5

9hat %as all that about5 'ooking at the rough notes +"e $ade on the passage containing the scienti(ic (or$ulae& one*hundred and (i(ty*three could ha"e anything to do with (re@uency& $e$ory or @uantu$ $echanics) Or perhaps none o( the$ at all) There doesnt see$ to be any ob"ious links to the notes + $ade a(ter (inding the highlighted -iblical passage: the 1easure o( the .ish& the /"esica piscis& the ratio o( one*hundred and O(ty*three to two*hundred and sixty*(i"e) The thing is& no $atter how weird the angels answer was& at least it de$onstrated a connection between hi$ and the nu$ber one*hundred and O(ty*three) There was also that strange& 7regorian*chant like hu$$ing& which + suppose also gi"es us a link to re=uency) And a ratio is linked to har$onies& right5 +ts not $uch to go on: but its all +"e got) .re@uency is $easured in 2ert3s& so + google / F!h3) Nothing) 9ell& nothing that see$s i$$ediately rele"ant to whate"er it is +$ searching (or anyway) Though as + dont really know what +$ searching (or& that $akes it pretty di((icult to know what + should be looking (or& doesnt it5 #o& what about the second part o( that ratio& F!H 2GF5 + google /2GFh3) Ah0 Theres so$ething about /1usic o( the #pheres: and didnt <at say that the /"esica piscis is created by the o"erlapping o( the physical and spiritual worlds5 9hen + click on the link& howe"er& it see$s to be another dead end: one o( those situations where the web search has beco$e curiously con(used& because the (re@uency re(erred to here is 2-A 23& not 2A- 23) -ack on the google page& theres a link entitled /2oneybee Neurobiology and beha"iour) -ees apparently respond to "ibrations o( 2GF 23) +ts interesting& but + cant see any rele"ance) 9hen you double a ratio& its still the sa$e) #o instead o( F!H 2GF& that gi"es $e !0!HF!0) /!0!h3 brings up /Chakra -alance& which see$s pro$ising until + click on the link and disco"er its a $usic albu$) /F!0h3 gi"es $e /Neutron star with spin (re@uency o( F!0 23) That $ight be a good lead i( it e"er turns out +$ dealing with an alien in"asion here) Theyre all dead ends& as (ar as + can see) A$ + trying to co$plicate things here5 +s the (re@uency +$ looking (or ,ust a part o( a $usical scale& one linked with the angelic hu$$ing5 + try /$usic scale) 9ikipedia co$es up with a list o( scales: di((erent cultures& di((erent types o( $usic& di((erent periods) 7reat) + could be here all day searching through that lot) + need so$ething $ore (ocused) 9ere talking angels here& right5 + add the word #ystical and google /$ystical $usic scale) Theres a link to Chakra again& this ti$e the actual types o( chants) -ut when + click through& + cant see how they could be o( any use to $e)

?a$n) 9ait: how about /angelic $usic scale5 +s there such a thing5 <robably not& but + $ight as well > well& whaddya know5 #econd down on the list: /#ol(eggio #yste$ > #ounds o( 9onder) And in the passage ,ust beneath& theres a listing o( (re@uencies) + click through) Oh no0 +ts ,ust another list o( links0 'ots o( the$0 +t could be any one o( the$ that + need0 Or none o( the$0 -ut wait a $inuteH /?NA and #ol(eggio) ?idnt the nu$ber one*hundred and O(ty*three ha"e a connection with ?NA5 Oh yeah: it was the chances o( a ?NA $olecule (or$ing) Ten to the power o( one* hundred and O(ty*three) Co$e to think o( it& ?NA is also the per(ect (or$ o( #e#ory storage& isnt it5 9hat the heck: + click on the link) A pd( starts loading up) Oh oh: too $uch in(o0 9here do + start5 + start by @uickly scrolling through it& hoping so$ething catches $y eye > and yes& thank(ully it does0 A chart o( so$e kind& containing (re@uency (igures) Across the top& theres a nu$ber o( di((erent $usic scales once again) ?own the side& theres a list o( a "ariety o( things linked to or a((ected by the scales and their (re@uencies) One o( these is ?NA) + run $y (inger along the row) Two (re@uencies i$$ediately next to each other grab $y eye: F2M 23 and F! 23) Thats ,ust either side o( F!0 23) + run $y (inger up the colu$ns to the scales listed abo"e) F2M 23 is in the 2arthly #cale) F! 23 is in the Divine #cale) Thats it0 F!0 23 lies between the intersecting physical and spiritual worlds& the earthly and the di"ine0 9hich $eansA Nothing& actually) -ut its the nearest +"e got to an answer so (ar) Okay& one last try) #o& i( were talking o( an 2arthly #cale& what happens i( + google /?na F2Mh35 Oh $yA /Can F2M 23 (re@uency heal your ?NA5 And its ,ust about a whole page o( links like that0 %"en $ore a$a3ingly& were talking real scientists here too& rather than pseudo* scientists and crackpots) Thats got to be it& the link +"e been searching (or& hasnt it5 Or has it5 9asnt + really trying to (ind out how one*hundred and O(ty*three was connected to the "eaths& the #ur"ers5 2ow is healthy ?NA connected to so$eone being killed5

%radicating aulty ?NA5 =

Chapter G As a reason (or $urdering so$eone& eradicating (aulty ?NA doesnt really $ake $uch sense) %"en so& + try and (ind what + can about each police o((icers $edical history) #ure& + realise +$ not going to co$e across their $edical records) -ut + $ight be able to (ind the odd re(erence to any illness they $ight ha"e su((ered in the "arious newspaper articles (eaturing inter"iews with their relati"es) Theres a surprising a$ount o( in(or$ation about the$ Jane in particular co$es across as a really genuine& take*$e*as*you*(ind*$e* because*+$*great sort o( person) 'ike she hinted to $e& she was the bright kid at school who went o(( the rails (or a while) -ecause she didnt (eel she was being challenged) #he got hersel( back in order) #aw it as her purpose in li(e to help other kids who $ight per$anently go astray i( theres no one around to put the$ straight) +( Jane were still around& you know what5 + could ha"e really liked her) <ro"ided& that is& +d actually got to know her) And& truth is& +"e only started to get to know her because shes no longer around) -ecause shes dead) Odd that& dont you think5 9e only know so $uch about these people now because theyre no longer ali"e) +( theyd still been around& the newspapers wouldnt ha"e seen it as their role to (ind out so $uch about the$& would they5 And we wouldnt ha"e wanted to waste our ti$e reading it e"en i( they had& would we5 %"en a$ongst e"erything + can now (ind out about Jane and 7erry& though& + cant (ind anything close to what +$ looking (orH any indication o( illness& o( proble$s& either physical or $ental: any sign that could be interpreted as e"en a hint that (aulty genes $ight be in"ol"ed) They both see$ to ha"e been reasonably healthy) 7erry was struggling to keep his weight down) -ut i( so$eones got a $aster*plan to go around killing people like that& were in real trouble& arent we5 +ronically& any $ention o( illness in the articles isnt linked to the "icti$s but to the accused) <C -rians son was ter$inally ill) As was the youngest daughter o( %rin 9alters& the wo$an whod held up the school bus on the le"el crossing) 4ou could say that in"ol"es (aulty genes) -ut they werent the ones who were killed) Theyre the ones who are still $issing) #o e"en a(ter all this hard work& +$ not sure +$ really getting anywhere) +$ te$pted to gi"e up) <ats the $usic expert: +ll ha"e to get hi$ in"ol"ed) 1e& + need a rest) 9ell& ,ust a(ter a little $ore research into ?NA anyway) + $ean& its really interesting& isnt it5 'ike the (act that less than ten percent o( your ?NA actually carries the genetic code) And the rest o( it is all ,ust ,unk) -it like $y research so (ar& basically) Only thats one*hundred and (i(ty*three percent ,unk)

= /4ou $ight be on to so$ething) <ats surprisingly reassuring when + speak to hi$ on $y $obile& telling hi$ e"erything +"e (ound out so (ar) /The #ol(eggio was the scale used in 7regorian chants& he continues) /9e use a di((erent scale in $odern $usic) /9ow& really5 2ow did you know that5 /#a$e way you (ind out your (acts: + ,ust googled it while you were speaking) /?oes that help us in any way5 /9ell& all that chanting& it was a way o( reaching up to 7od& wasnt it5 Contacting his angels& that sort o( thing) /-ut whats that got to do with the $urders5 /Ask hi$) /Ask who5 -rian5 They"e all "anished) /No& not hi#0 + $ean your guardian angel: ask hi#0 /9hat& ask hi$ out (or a co((ee at R*<resso you $ean& so we can ha"e a nice chat5 /4ou could try a 7regorian chant or two& he replies& breaking into songH /9hy weAre they $urrrrAdurrrrAedddd) /Thats pretty sick& you know that <at5 /Tonally& it was per(ect) /Tonally& it was lacking in taste) /'ook& hes your guardian angel: cant you threaten to throw yoursel( o(( a bridge or so$ething5 9ont he show up then5 /And i( he doesnt5 /+ could write a song about it) +t could be a Country and 9estern hit) /+$ not going to risk $y li(e ,ust to> -'''''AAAAAA;;;;;;;0 A car horn0 + whirl around) No: a +us horn) And +"e stepped out into the road right in (ront o( it0 = +$ (ro3en) + cant $o"e) 9ith a screech o( brakes& the bus strikes $e brutally) + know it does > its (ar too close (or $e to a"oid& e"en i( + could $o"e) +ts (ar too close (or the dri"er to swer"e to one side) -esides& + know it hits $e because + (eel the intense pressure on $y body as 7od* knows how $any tons o( $etal strike $e head on)

Chapter L +$ shrouded in $ottled light) A $ix o( wa"ering& inter$ingling dark shade and bright light) A$ + dead5 No: +$ standing in the thick co"er o( a copse o( large bushes and s$all trees o(( to the side o( the road) Through the o"erhanging branches and lea"es& + can see the bus continuing on its way) -ut + can s$ell the burning rubber o( urgently braked tyres) 2orns are blaring) ?ri"ers are shouting angrily) 'ike they cant understand why the bus suddenly screeched to a halt like that) 9hats going through the bus dri"ers $ind5 ?id + suddenly "anish5 ?oes he wonder why he suddenly braked like that5 9hate"er hes thinking& hes $o"ing again) /Thank(ully& e"en those who saw anything are con(used: theyre telling the$sel"es they $ust ha"e i$agined that a stupid girl was standing out in the road) +ts the angel) 2es alongside $e) /Ja3& Ja30 9hats happening5 + heard a horn& a screech0 <ats "oice is $uted& s@ueaky& anxious) 1y $obiles still on) + li(t it up to $y ear) /<at5 +ll speak to you later) #o$ething urgents ,ust co$e up: sorry) + turn towards the angel) /4ou can do that5 1ake e"eryone think they i$agined it5 /%"erything happened so @uickly& no ones really sure what they saw) Thats the nature o( accidents& yes5 2e looks at $e with the nearest +"e seen so (ar to an ad$onishing expression) /+ presu$e it %as an accident5 4ou realise it isnt right to test $e in this way5 /Test5 9hat do you $ean& test5 /?id you deliberately put yoursel( in har$s way5 Dnnecessarily putting yoursel( in danger5 /O( course + didnt0 + wasnt e"en sure youd show up i( + did0 2ow did you do it anyway5 ;escue $e& + $ean) +$ sure + (elt the bus hit $e) /4ou (elt the bus striking the protecti"e shield + cast around you) +( the +us had struck you& it would ha"e been a (ar $ore brutal result& + assure you) /9hy5 9hy do you keep on rescuing $e5 /As + ha"e explained& you are destined to pro"ide us with the -ook) The -ook that contains all knowledge) 2e tips his head back slightly& closes his eyes& like hes concentrating& slipping into a trance) /4es& yes: + sense that you ha"e alrea"y circulated the -ook0 7ood& good0 /Circulated it5 + ha"ent e"en oun" it yet0 + dont e"en know what it is0 /And yet you ha"e recognised it& and you ha"e set in $otion its circulation) +ts the bene"olent s$ile again) +ts creepy& but its better than the ad$onishing glare) Then& like Alice in 9onderlands bea$ing Cheshire cat& he "anishes once again)

= /2a"e you e"er thought o( writing a book5 <at asks $e as we walk towards his house) /+ $ean& any type o( book5 /2es says its already out there: already circulating) /Circulating around in your head $aybe5 /9ell& + have always wondered i(& using so$ething like $athe$atical ga$e theory& + could write a book co"ering ,ust about e"erything: you now& gi"ing ad"ice on how to approach any situation you $ight (ace) /9ow& $athe$atical ga$e theory: nothing a$bitious then& eh5 /+ts cra3y& + know: but youd be surprised how its been used to predict how people will probably beha"e when (aced with a proble$) /#o& to (ind out i( +ll (inally get a date with the girl o( $y drea$s& + ,ust ha"e to call $y looks 4& her looks R& and how $uch $oney +"e got B& right5 Takes the ro$ance out o( it all& though& doesnt it5 /Theres de(initely a (or$ula that predicts when + (inally get around to hitting you (or being such a s$art ass0 2e chuckles) /#o this is the book youre thinking o( writing5 A book o( (or$ulas5 /No way0 9ho do you think + a$5 %instein5 + said it #ight be possible) -ut really& it would ha"e to be a whole lot si$pler than a $ass o( (or$ulae i( theres any hope o( anyone using it0 /-ut this #ight be the book theyre a(ter& $ight it5 A book pro"iding answers to any proble$ you $ight (ace> /A theoretical book +"e actually got no chance whatsoe"er o( co$pleting0 /The -ook o( Jas$ine: it has a certain ring to it& dont you think5 /#ounds a bit pretentious0 'ike its so$e kind o( $ystical book0 /-ut isnt that exactly what an angel would be wanting5 A #ystical book5 /A book thats not e"en written) /One thats circulating in your head) A young girl is heading our way) + cant help but notice her as& (ar (ro$ crossing the road to a"oid us& shes actually s$iling at $e) Jodie) Or is it Jolie5 #hes (ro$ our school anyway) #o she should be "e initely $aking sure our paths dont cross) /2i Ja3& <at& she cries out happily) /2i& we reply) /7ariel sent $e& she says& drawing closer) /7ariel5 /4ou know& Ja3H the $an you probably think is an angel) =

Chapter M /4ou"e $et hi$5 4ou"e $et the angel5 /2e sa"ed $y li(e: like he sa"ed yours) /9hen5 9hen did he sa"e your li(e5 /9hen 1ary died) + would ha"e died too& i( 7ariel hadnt sa"ed $e) /2ow do you know his na$es 7ariel5 9hat do you $ean& when 1ary died5 This is cra3y0 + dont know which o( the @uestions +"e got (lowing around $y head to ask her (irst) /9hy did he sa"e you5 No& no sorry: +$ asking you too $any @uestions arent +5 #he giggles) + still ha"ent asked her (or her na$e0 That will ha"e to wait) /Okay& okay& + say& trying to slow $y own whirling $ind down) /1ary (irst& right5 ?o you $ean you were there when 1ary died5 #he nods) /#he was pulling $e) Thats why we both ended up out in the road) /9hat was she pulling you (or5 /-ecause she was 1ary) #he was always hitting $e& teasing $e) #he said she was going to throw $e in (ront o( the next car) 'aughing& like it was a ,oke) 9hen the car ca$e& + didnt think she really $eant to do it: but she did) /-ut she stu$bled& ending up (alling in (ront o( it instead o( you5 <at (rowns as he tries to guess what $ight ha"e happened) /1ore or less& JodieSJolie agrees) /Although she also took $e with her) 9e would both ha"e died i( 7ariel hadnt sa"ed $e) /<robably how he sa"ed $e& + say& looking at <at) /-ut why you Jodie5 9hy did he sa"e you5 /Jolie& she says with a wide s$ile& correcting $e) /And he sa"ed $e because he said + was destined to be one o( the (irst -lessed Jas$ines > and that you would let $e know $ore about that when the ti$e was right0 = Jolie hadnt $entioned to anyone that she had been present at 1arys death) /9hod belie"e $e5 4ou know& when + said + would"e died too i( an angel hadnt rescued $e5 + knew +d ,ust get into trouble) #o$eone would start saying + $ust"e so$ehow $ade 1ary end up in the road) /9hy didnt he sa"e 1ary i( he was there5 +t wouldnt ha"e been too hard& would it5 + say it out loud& but +$ not really expecting Jolie to ha"e an answer) /+ asked hi$ that) 2e said it was her ti$e) /2er ti$e5 <at repeats) /As in her ti$e to die5 Jolie nods& her eyes bright) /+t has to be as it was written& 7ariel said: or so$ething like that) /And how do know his na$e)

/+ asked hi$& she says innocently) + ne"er thought o( asking hi$ his na$e) +t see$ed a bit i$polite so$ehow& a bit silly& asking an angel i( he has a na$e) /?id he tell you anything else be(ore he le(t you5 <at asks) /2e didnt tell $e his na$e the (irst ti$e) + asked hi$ his na$e the second ti$e he ca$e to $e) /2e ca$e to you again5 2e had to rescue you once $ore5 /No& not rescue $e0 #he says it like shes ha"ing to answer a ridiculous @uestion) /2e ca$e to $e to say you would need $y help) /9hen5 9hen did he "isit you5 And how are you supposed to help us5 /Just an hour ago) 2e said +d soon know how + could help you) 2e said that you would let> /+ would let you know& right5 #he nods (erociously& her eyes sparkling with eagerness) /Thing is Jolie& +$ a(raid + ha"ent got the (aintest idea what +$ supposed to be doing) #o + dont know how youre supposed to help $e0 Jolie looks a little hurt by $y (rustrated outburst) /#orry Jolie& sorry0 +$ not angry at you& honest0 +$ ,ustA,ust so exasperated because + dont know what the heck +$ supposed to do (or hi$0 + dont e"en know what these -lessed Jas$ines are that he says youre going to be0 /One o( the (irst one*hundred and (i(ty*three& 7ariel said0 2er whole (ace lights up) /4ou sure you didnt ask the angel what he $eant5 + say) /Angel& Jolie giggles) /+ thought he was an angel too0 /Thought he was an angel5 1eaning what exactly5 That he isn,t an angel5 #he both nods and shakes her head& like shes unsure what the correct response to $y "arious @uestions should be) #he laughs) /2ow do you know hes not an angel5 + say) /+ asked hi$) /.igures) And he said > what5 /2e laughed) 2e said he wouldnt want $e thinking that he was an angel: he said it $ight cause co$plications) /Co$plications5 2ow would thinking hes an angel cause co$plications5 <at "oices the @uestion that was on the tip o( $y own tongue) /And i( hes not an angel& how does he happen to ha"e all these powers5 + say& wondering i( we"e ,ust been presented with yet another $ystery to sol"e) /+ asked hi$ that& Jolie says) /2e said that i( + could tra"el back to& say& %li3abethan ti$es& wouldnt the technology + carried with $e see$ like $agic to the$5 /2es (ro$ the (uture5 <ats enthralled& a$a3ed) /+s that what you $ean5 /Oh& + didnt ask hi$ that) /+s that possible5 <at now looks bewildered) /To tra"el back into the past (ro$ the (uture5 +snt that i$possible5 /A (ew days ago& + say& /+ would ha"e thought being sa"ed (ro$ an onco$ing bus would ha"e been i$possible) =

Chapter N /No& no: it still doesnt $ake sense& <at insists as we sit down around his co$puter) /Theres all that thing about tra"elling back into the past being i$possible0 +( you killed an ancestor& you wouldnt exist) And so you wouldnt be around to go back and kill hi$) /#o dont kill your ancestor& + say s$ugly& e"en though + know what <at $eans and + agree with hi$) Jolie chuckles) <at purses his lips& like hes not @uite sure i( +$ ,oking or not) /Ja3& youre bright enough to know that paradox applies to any s$all change you $ight $ake) O"er the years& the knock on e((ects beco$e so huge that the ti$e you ca$e (ro$ has changed) Chances are& e"en i( youre around& you wouldnt be in"ol"ed in any ti$e tra"el pro,ect& e"en i( it is up and running) + nod) Jolie nods) #he understands too) /#o& is he an alien then5 + say) /All these powers: that could $ake sense) /#o now were saying so$eone co$ing back (ro$ the (utures i$possible& Jolie says& /but an alien "isiting us5 2ey& why not5 Thats real easy& isnt it5 9e all swap a$used glances) /Okay <at& + say& /so what ha"e you got to show $e5 <at calls up on screen a (ew grabs hes sa"ed) /That scale you $entioned5 The #ol(eggio scale5 +t turns out that used to be the scale e"eryone used way back when all those $onks were chanting their praises to 7od) ;eaching (or a tuning (ork& he taps it on the edge o( the table) /Thats an A abo"e $iddle C& Jolie says) <ats i$pressed) /#hes right) This is our& $odern standard tuning (ork) Cibrating at EE0 cycles per second) And you know why thats unusual5 +"e no idea) Thank(ully Jolie excitedly answers (or $e) /+ts only di"isible by two rather than three: the (re@uency + $ean) And all the other notes both abo"e and below it are a((ected too) <ats e"en $ore i$pressed) /4ou like $usic& ob"iously) /#ure: +d like to be a singer& in a band) -ut + lo"e all those $ystical& chanting tones too) They really see$ to penetrate deep inside you& know what + $ean5 <at nods) /+ do now& thanks to what we"e been (inding out) 2e points to the (igures hes called up on the screen) /This is the #ol(eggio scale: DT& ;%& 1+& .A& #O'& 'A) #ee this Ja3: 1+5 Thats the F2M hert3 were so interested in) The 1+>ra gestoru$: thats 'atin (or #iracle) 2e calls up another page& this ti$e one o( an intense close up o( what looks like hexagonal crystals) /The clustered water $olecules (or$ing the supporti"e $atrix o( healthy ?NA& <at explains) /And guess what (re@uency they "ibrate at5 F2M cycles per second& our 6$iracle8 (re@uency)

/+( $y geo$etry ser"es $e correctly& + add& /you draw hexagons using intersecting circles) 9hich $eans the distance between parallel sides is our s@uare root o( three again) /#o i( these (re@uencies are so good (or us& Jolie says& ha"ing @uickly latched on to where all this is leading& /why did we change to our $odern standard scale5 /9ell& (unnily enough& <at answers& /it see$s the changeo"er was backed by both the ;ocke(eller .oundation and 2itlers Third ;eich) And whate"er you want to read into that& thats up to you) = +( this 7ariel really is (ro$ the (uture& does that $ean our (utures are all neatly laid out (or us5 2ow would we go about (inding out whats waiting (or us5 Could this be so$ething to do with the book 7ariels expecting o( $e5 +s this what $y -ook o( Jas$ines supposed to be about5 A way o( predicting the proble$s lying ahead o( us) A way o( setting out the ways we should approach those proble$s& to lessen or e"en negate their e((ect5 9ould it be possible to create such a book& utilising the disco"eries were $aking here5 Natural (re@uencies) 2exagons) ?NA > perhaps linked in so$e way to so$ething like the uni@ue arrange$ent o( chro$oso$es its $ade up o(5 +s this the book +$ supposed to write5 = A relaxing& sonorous tone (ills the roo$) /This is 1+& <at explains) The continuous note is e$anating (ro$ the speakers o( <ats co$puter) 2es got it turned up way loud& as his $u$ and dad are out and the nearest houses are either side o( their large garden) /+ts like a $antra: like the hu$$ing o( Tibetan $onks) Jolie has her eyes closed& like shes $editating) #hes bea$ing& happy) /+ think A$ericas +ndian tribes used to use so$ething si$ilar in their rituals& she adds drea$ily) /Ah& + kne% Jolie would be o( help to you0 +ts 7ariel) And hes standing right alongside us in <ats roo$) =

Chapter 20 9ithin the con(ines o( <ats roo$& 7ariels glow see$s $ore intense& $ore pain(ul to the eyes& than e"er) 9e"e all instincti"ely ,u$ped out o( our chairs) <at i$$ediately switches o(( the hu$$ing tone) + could be wrong& but 7ariels glow see$s to (licker and (ade slightly) %"en so& hes still shining& sparkling& as i( he were $ade o( nothing but "ibrating light) /9as it the tone5 ?id it call you5 + ask) /%"en a bee& through the (lapping o( its wings& creates an electro$agnetic charge that dislodges the pollen it seeks) %"en a spiders web can turn that sa$e charge to its ad"antage& drawing the bee into its e$brace) The @ueen o( an ant colony trans$its her building plans to her workers (ro$ (ar away: and when she dies& all work in the colony stops) +( insects can do this& why not $an5 9ow) 2ow co$es Jolie gets straight answers to her @uestions but all + get is all this5 /The #chu$ann (re@uencies in(luence the weather& and those sa$e (re@uencies are produced in our brains) Just like the ani$als& in earlier ti$es we were connected to the group consciousness) 4ou returned that understanding to us) 9ithout relationships& we are nothing) 9ith relationships& we are e"erything) /6 wrote that5 4ou sure5 +ts all pretty deep and $ystical (or $e0 +$ not sure + e"en understand what youre saying) /+ $ust not aid you $ore than is necessary) /+ think + understand) Jolie could be one o( those kids who think they"e seen the Cirgin 1ary& going by her ecstatic expression) /+( you cant relate to so$eone& they $ean nothing to you& right5 7ariel nods& s$iles like hes waiting (or her to continue) Jolie closes her eyes& as i( shes $editating again& as i( shes drawing her inspiration (ro$ so$ewhere or so$ething outside hersel() /-ut i( you ha"e a strong relationship with so$eone& they change you& and you change the#) #o it isnt the physical body thats i$portant& but the relationships (lowing between us& linking us) #he opens her eyes& gasps like shes ,ust co$e up (or air a(ter being underwater too long) #he s$iles ecstatically) 2er eyes shine) 9hen 7ariel was talking& was + right when + heard hi$ say /in our brains5 9hich would $ean& as Jolie said earlier& that hes a $an& not an angel) /7ariel > what are you5 4oure not an angel& right5 2e bows his head slightly& de$urely) /+ a$ a <re(ect o( The <er(ection) /The <er(ection5 <at pulls a pu33led (rown) /+s that so$e kind o(A whatA religious cult or so$ething5 7ariel chuckles @uietly) /The <er(ection is the religion o( $y ti$e) /The (uture5 4oure (ro$ the (uture5 2e nods in answer to $y @uestion)

/#o this book youre expecting $e to produce: is it the -ook o( Jas$ine5 2e laughs again) /#o $uch #ore is expected o( you& Jas$ine0 4es& the -ook o( Jas$ine is regarded by $any as an ad$irable work: but it is not the -ook0 /#o thats at least two books expected o( $e) And + ha"ent written either one o( the$ yet0 /#hould we say& you are pre"icte" to write it5 2e grins wryly at his own ,oke) /Are you saying the (uture can be predicted5 /.or the $any& yes: their (uture is already written) -ut you are not o( the $any) #o you $ay alter it& and alter it too (or the $any) 4our in(luence will be ti$eless& as $y own presence de$onstrates) /-ut all this is cra3y0 4oure $aking $e sound like so$e kind o( god0 /No no: not at all) -ut you showed us that we are all 7od& in our way) /4oure ,ust $aking $e $ore con(used with all these riddles0 /These are truths) 2e s$iles) 2e shi$$ers& "ibrates) 2e "anishes) = /+snt all this so$ething like that paradox you $entioned5 Jolie says be(ore + can gi"e <at a high (i"e (or his work on the (re@uencies) /The ti$e paradox& you $ean5 <at asks) Jolie nods& her (ace a picture o( childish innocence) #hes one o( those girls who looks at least two years younger than she actually is& yet its a (ace hiding an ob"iously sharp $ind) /+( Ja3 doesnt do whats expected o( her& then 7ariel wouldnt be who he is) #o he wouldnt co$e back here& would he5 4et he said that Ja3s li(e isnt predeter$ined like e"eryone elses) -ut i( she does whats expected o( her& ob"iously it is) #he stares at us both& wide eyed) /?oes that $ake sense5 /+n the sense that youre saying its con(using& yeah) <at nods in agree$ent) /#o& i( + "on,t do whats expected o( $e& he wouldnt be who is& so he wouldnt be here5 Jolie looks as bright*eyed as the sweetest little deer you"e e"er seen as she nods away) /<hew& <at sighs) /9e could all get a little bit lost in our thoughts here: but& as he is here& then that $eansA 2e pauses& like hes trying to work it all out in his head be(ore he goes any (urther) Or like hes already lost and con(used) /That he could be (ro$ a parallel world0 As Jolie elatedly (inishes his sentence (or hi$& <ats (ace lights up) /4es0 O( course0 Thats how the ti$e paradox has always been resol"ed0 4ou cant go back in ti$e within your o%n past0 -ut you can slip o"er into the past o( a parallel world0 2e slips back into his chair& starts typing urgently on the co$puter keyboard) /+ dont need to tell either o( you what a parallel world is& right5

/;ight& + say) %"ery ti$e a choice is o((ered to so$eone& e"ery possible outco$e takes place& each outco$e creating a whole new& parallel world) #o$e o( these worlds are al$ost like our own) 1any di"erged long ago& so that we would (ind the$ unrecognisable) /9ow0 7ot it straight away0 <at leans back and swings the screen around so we can get a clearer look) /To get here& theyd ha"e to use so$ething like a wor$hole > a warped area o( space*ti$e creating a tunnel& right5 #o + searched 6wor$hole8 with what we"e been working on: 6(re@uencies8) 2e points to the (i(th ite$ on the google pageH /9or$holes in Our ?NA) The words beneath point to a (urther connectionH /The scientists also pro"ed that using (re@uency can repair ))) (ound out that our ?NA can produce $agneti3ed wor$holes) /'ooks pro$ising& + say) /Click on it) <at opens up the link) As soon as + see the second paragraph& + know were onto so$ething) /Oh& thats interesting& + say& pointing out the passage) <at leans (orward to read it) /9hat5 That $ost o( our ?NA is ,unk5 2e sounds con(used) /Thats not what were a(ter& is it5 /No& sorry: + $ean its a bit o( a coincidence) A(ter +d gi"en up researching (re@uencies& +d got side*tracked (inding things out about ?NA) + point to a particular line in the passage) /#ee this bit about the so called ,unk actually (ollowing the sa$e rules as language5 Thats right& + reckon: it doesnt say it here& but i( you $ake a graph o( how (re@uently certain words crop up > you know& words like 6the8 as opposed to words like 63ebra8 > e"ery language co$es out looking the sa$e& (ollowing whats called Bip(Ts 'aw) And so do the alkalines o( our ?NA) <at chuckles gri$ly) /4oure ,oking5 4oure saying theres a #essage in there5 /Not a $essage) 4ou could write anything you wanted in there) +t would $ake the %ncyclopaedia -ritannica look like a shopping list) /9ow0 <at eyes $e suspiciously) /And you (ound all this out > and you werent te$pted to lea"e your o%n little $essage5 + blush) /9ell& +& er > look& no one will ever belie"e it anyway <at& okay5 /4oure going to get yoursel( in real trouble one day Ja30 /+ wasnt stupid enough to put it under $y own na$e& <at0 'ets ,ust say that i( anyones upset& 2ar"ard Dni"ersity has got an aw(ul lot to answer (or0 /7etting back to our wor$holes& Jolie says& pointing out a passage lower down the screen& /it looks like our ?NA can also produce 6tunnel connections between entirely di((erent areas in the uni"erseAoutside o( space and ti$e8H which + think is e'actly what were looking (or& isnt it5 /1aybe: $aybe not& + say doubt(ully) + expect Jolie to look either hurt or crest(allen) +nstead& she (rowns thought(ully& saying& /4oure wondering why 7ariel would bother co$ing here& right5 /#ure) + $ean& all this ?NA (or$ing $agnetised wor$holes $ight gi"e us an idea how 7ariel gets here (ro$ this parallel world > which& lets re$e$ber& we"e si$ply con,ured up to try and $ake sense o( whats going on) -ut i( hes really (ro$ a

parallel world& how would anything + co$e up with a((ect hi$5 +d be a((ecting this world& not his) /Can + s$ell burning5 <at sni((s the air) /2ey yeah& + think + can too0 Jolie says& looking about the roo$ anxiously) Theres a (i33ing& a sputtering noise) /+ think its the co$puter> #uddenly& the whole roo$ shudders "iolently) The chairs ,u$p) The table rattles) The co$puter leaps& slides across the table& goes blank) 9ere bounced into the air& sent stu$bling ungainly) 9ere all shocked& clinging on to whate"er we can grab nearest to us) /?id so$ething ,ust hit the house5 <at wonders) Then the ceiling starts tu$bling down around us) = The whole roo$ is shaking once again) /+ts an earth@uake0 <at screa$s& e"en though he doesnt sound like he belie"es it hi$sel() 9e all rush (or the door) +t isnt easy: the (loorboards beneath our (eet are shuddering& warping& breaking (ree) 9ere sent rolling (ro$ side to side) +ts like the .un 2ouse (ro$ 2ell) The table& chairs& co$puter and e"en the bed are leaping around like theres a whole ar$y o( poltergeists ha"ing (un in here) As i( we"e suddenly been transported back to so$e Cictorian ball& <at stands aside at the doorway to allow us girls to dash out (irst) The stairs are bucking& like they"e co$e ali"e) And theyre wanting to throw o(( anyone (oolish enough to think they can ta$e the$) %"en so& its the only way out) 9e rush down the$& $issing steps& hal( tu$bling against the leaning& pulsating walls& the snaking& cracking bannister) #o$eti$es& so$ehow& we (ind that we"e $anaged to put a (oot back on the step we thought wed ,ust le(t behind) The crack o( exploding wood) The harsh snap o( shattering brick) The crash o( tu$bling walls and ti$bers) Abruptly& its all drowned out by a thunderous roar) 9e all turn& look behind us& look up) The entire roo( is collapsing in on itsel() On us) Then& suddenly& e"en the "iolently rocking steps beneath our (eet drop away) 'ike theyre being sucked into a "ast "acuu$ cleaner hidden underground) /Arrrrgggghhhhhhh0 9e all shriek in terror as we plu$$et downwards) And the whole house shatters and (alls around us) =

Chapter 2 2ow can we be (alling so (ar5 9heres the earth gone5 9heres 7ariel5 +snt he going to sa"e us this ti$e5 = +ts true: ti$e slows down as you rush to $eet your death) #o$ething to do with your $ind working at super(ast speed) + can hear that relaxing& $elodious note: 1+& the $iracle tone) Then + realise its Jolie) Jolies hit the note per(ectly) And suddenly 7ariels there) 2is glow su((using e"erything) #lowing e"erything) #lowing e"erything physically& not ,ust #entally) Our (all is languid now) As is the (alling o( the re$ains o( the house raining down around us) +ts probably $y i$agination& but <at see$s to be (alling a little (aster than Jolie and $e) 2e hits the ground > at last& the ground0 > sooner than we do) +ts hard enough to knock the breath out o( hi$ too) + (loat down to a so(t landing& closely (ollowed by Jolie) The re$ains o( the house land around us ,ust as unhurriedly) 9hether huge chunks or s$all& shattered sections& they touch the rock o( the ground with a dull cru$p) They slowly topple& slowly settle& like e"erything is taking place at the botto$ o( a deep lake) + glance o"er at <at) 2e see$s okay& shaking his head like hes ,ust a little bit groggy& a bit da3ed& but otherwise (ine) -eyond 7ariels iridescent light& walls o( ,agged rock loo$ e"erywhere about us) The sky is high abo"e& a s$all patch o( blue& as i( +$ looking through a dark& roughly*hewn tunnel) Odd clu$ps o( grassy earth continue to (all away (ro$ the edges& dropping towards us at nor$al speed) #o$ething else is rushing towards us) 2urtling down the ca"ernous hole like a deadly& dark $issile) +ts a $assi"e roo( ti$ber) And its heading directly towards a da3ed& unknowing <at) =

Chapter 22 /No0 'eaping to $y (eet& + throw $ysel( at <at& barging hi$ out o( the way) + glance up) +"e sa"ed hi$) +"e knocked hi$ out o( the way) Now 6,# the one lying directly in the dark $issiles path) = + shut $y eyes tight) Like that,s gonna help9 rightB The crushing i$pact ne"er co$es) #lowly& + open $y eyes) The huge wooden bea$ is ho"ering o"er $e& upright& towering) 'ike +$ looking up at a $ysterious $onolith) +ts stopped ,ust a hands breadth (ro$ striking $e) +t glows with 7ariels glittering light) 9ith a sweep o( an ar$& 7ariel directs the bea$ to grace(ully topple o(( to one side) /4ou shouldnt ha"e done that Jas$ine0 + can tell (ro$ his stern tone that 7ariel is angry) /+t was his ti$e) /2is ti$e5 + glance <ats way anxiously) + realise what hes saying) /4ou were going to let hi$ die5 /+t is written) +t was his ti$e) /9hy would you rescue us but not hi$5 Jolie de$ands) /+ rescued you because you called $e) 4ou should not ha"e called $e) /9e were about to die5 +ts a strange @uestion to ask) A $o$ent ago& + was sure + was about to die) -ut + suppose theres a part o( $e thats got used to 7ariel being around to rescue $e) /0ou were not about to die) +t is written that you and Jolie would ha"e sur"i"ed) 2e indicates <at with a slight nod) /+t was his ti$e only) To sa"e hi$ now is to change what was destined to be) +t $ight ,eopardise the $ission) /The $ission5 <ats asks irately) /+s all this so$e sort o( $ilitary $ission5 /No: we dont belie"e in such things) 9e are o( The <er(ection) +t is a $ission to ensure the spreading o( the Truth) /4oure like a #issionary& you $ean5 Jolie says it like shes i$pressed& enthralled) 7ariel nods de$urely& like so$e obedient $onk) /9e $ust bring the Truth to e"eryone so that they $ight be sa"ed) /#a"ed5 -ut not <at5 + know he didnt $ean sa"ed in this way) -ut +$ (urious that he was about to let <at die)

/2is role in your de"elop$ent is o"er) 2is presence (ro$ now on would only de(lect you (ro$ your task) +t is not only the di((erence between the success or (ailure o( the $ission& but the di((erence between billions sa"ed and billions lost) /2ow can you (ail5 Jolie asks worriedly) /4ou wouldnt be who you are& a <re(ect& i( you (ailed) /#hes got a point& + agree) /Ob"iously& + #ust co$plete whate"er it is thats expected o( $e) Otherwise& you wouldnt be here) /There will be (ailures in so$e worlds& successes in others) #o$e are necessarily harder to bring to a success(ul conclusion) %ach <re(ect accepts that) 4et he or she $ust ne"ertheless stri"e to achie"e the best possible outco$e& (or the sa"ing o( so $any people is dependent upon it) /Ah& so you are (ro$ a parallel world0 <at declares triu$phantly) 7ariel nods) /A world where the other $e helped createAwhat5 + say /This religion o( the <er(ect5 2e nods again& e"en as he corrects $e) /The <er(ection) 4ou pro"ided us with the -ook& the -ook that granted us contact with 7od) /Theres no such book in this world0 + declare ada$antly) /And e"en i( there were& + wouldnt know where to e"en start looking (or it0 Ob"iously& this is a world thats co$pletely di((erent (ro$ the world you co$e (ro$) /No& there are $any si$ilarities) 2e doesnt shake his head) 2e si$ply looks $y way& his eyes shining elatedly) /And as (or the si$ilarities that didnt exist here& + ha"e atte$pted to reconstruct the$ to ensure you are directed on the correct path) /#i$ilarities5 Reconstruct the$5 4ou $ean you alter things5 2e nods once $ore) /+( it is essential to your de"elop$ent& it $ust be recreated in this world) /#uch as $y death you $ean5 <at says) /That ti$ber& that last part o( the roo(: why was it still (alling long a(ter e"erything else had hit the ground5 9hy was it co$ing so (ast when you had slowed e"erything else5 /The (all should ha"e killed you) +n which case there would ha"e been no need (or $y inter"ention) /+nter"ention5 +s that another word (or $urder5 /+ ha"e sa"ed you pre"iously) +n other worlds& you died on the bus& in the school (ire) /-ut you sa"ed hi$& right& because he was essential (or $y de"elop$ent5 7ariel nonchalantly nods in answer to $y irate @uestion) /+( you were prepared to cause <ats death& how $any others ha"e you killed5 /To sa"e the $any& it is necessary that so$e will be lost to us) +n $any worlds& the sacri(ice o( the school bus was enough to instil the dawning o( understanding within you) /The school bus0 4ouAyou #a"e that wo$an block our path5 /The con"ert has been a$ply rewarded (or aiding the re"elation o( the truth& he blithely replies& apparently assu$ing $y e$phasis on #a"e is an accusation o( coercion) /#he and her (a$ily are now in our world& where her child can be cured) /#he agreed to help you kill all those children to sa"e her own5 <at spits in disgust) /#he would ha"e thought she was talking to an angel& re$e$ber5 Jolie points out) /And -rian& the cop who killed Jane5 + say) /+ take it his (a$ilys there too now5 And his kids being treated too5

/+ explained the i$portance o( our $ission) They were eager to aid its co$pletion) /9hy Jane5 2ow was that supposed to put $e on the right path& or whate"er all these deaths were supposed to do5 /+ a$ not responsible (or all the deaths surrounding you that were necessary (or your de"elop$ent) +n this world& 1arys death was a natural accident) +n the case o( her (riends& their bullying would ha"e been a distraction) As (or the police wo$an& in so$e worlds she persecutes you relentlessly (or their deaths: in others& she belie"es she is helping you& but is actually drawing you away (ro$ the righteous path) /Oh $y 7od: its all been so$e sort o( culling& gasps <at shakily) /Treating e"eryone like they had so$e in(ectious disease0 /9hat could be a $ore in(ectious disease than erroneous thought& than poor $orals5 And what inspires a person to seek the solace and e$brace o( their 7od $ore than su((ering or witnessing a great loss5 .or so$e& ob"iously& the loss has to be so $uch greater than others) 2e glares at $e accusingly as he says this) /#o$eti$es& the loss also has to in"ol"e so$eone close to you) 2is ga3e (leeting wa"ers towards <at) 2is light (lickers& shi$$ers) /9ait0 ?ont go> 2e isnt listening to $e) 2e "anishes) =

Chapter 2! +t was a sinkhole) Caused& we were told as we were (inally li(ted out& by an old coal $ine running deep beneath the house) + was worried that the newspapers would co"er the accident under banners along the lines o( /The unluckiest girl in the world) .ortunately& o( course& $y na$e hadnt been re"ealed in relation to $ost o( the other e"ents) This ti$e& too& $y na$e is withheld& /(or essential reasons o( pri"acy and to allow the "icti$s space to reco"er (ro$ their indi"idual trau$as) + was o((ered e"en $ore ti$e o(( school) + took the o((er up) + cant (ace going in and being deliberately a"oided by e"eryone) And& lets (ace it& they ha"e e"ery reason to a"oid $e& dont they5 = /?o you think hes planning on causing a #assive loss o( li(e next5 Jolies eyes are wide& like the horror o( so$e great cala$ity is already opening up be(ore her) /+ $ean& the way he said so$e people only turn to 7od when they su((er so$e $assi"e tragedy5 /4eah& adding that it helps i( it in"ol"es so$eone close to you& <at says $iserably) /7reat& eh5 /+ think its a possibility& + say) /-ut what could it be exactly5 9e"e already had a school bus wiped out& a (ire) 9hat next5 /An explosion $aybe5 <at looks like hes pondering the (easibility o( this) /The boilers down in the cellar: he could cause it to explode easily enough) /2ow can %e stop hi$& whate"er it is hes going to do5 Jolie wrings her hands) /9e can hardly go to the police& can we5 9hos going to belie"e us5 /9e could say e"acuate the school& so$ething like that5 <at shrugs) /Oh sure: theyre bound to do that ,ust on the whi$ o( three school kids0 /%"en i( we stop hi$& couldnt he ,ust keep going back in ti$e until he gets the result he wants5 Jolies beauti(ul& doe*like eyes are now wide with worry) /+ dont think so& + say) /2e spoke o( possible (ailures: he wouldnt say that i( they could ,ust keep whipping back in ti$e) /+ wouldnt be here i( he could& would +5 <at says) /2e could ha"e ,ust tra"elled back a (ew $inutes to $ake sure + died in the sinkhole) 9e all nod in agree$ent) /There $ust be so$e constraints on their ti$e tra"eling& like the ti$e tra"el paradox& or so$ething si$ilar& <at says) /Or perhaps theyre allowed ,ust one ,ourney and thats it) The (re@uency o( their ?NA or howe"er they do it $ight li$it> /The (re@uencies0 Jolie al$ost ,u$ps up into the air in her excite$ent) Those eyes are wider& $ore sparkling than e"er) /%"ery ti$e& we co$e back to the i$portance o( the re=uencies0

/#ure& but what about the$5 <at doesnt look con"inced that Jolies brought up anything o( rele"ance) /Dnless you think we should call hi$ to try and get hi$ to change his $ind) Jolie shakes her head) /No& no: course not0 -ut i( that 1+ tone is good (or ?NAs health& and i( were guessing right that 7ariels relying so $uch on how ?NA can produce these wor$holes: well& couldnt we ,ust disrupt e"erything with a dissonant tone5 #o$ething that sets e"erything on edge5 <at leans (orwards towards Jolie& hugs her tightly& (ondly) /2ey& thats not a bad idea at all& you know0 They both chuckle& like this is the happiest ti$e o( the year rather than the lead up to what could be the wiping out o( the entire school) /#orry to put a da$per on all this hilarity& + say sole$nly& /but e"en i( this dissonant tone thing really does ha"e a chance o( working& dont we ha"e a proble$ in $aking sure he can hear it5 /9ell& he certainly see$s to be able to hear the 1+ tone whene"er we play it) /#ure& ,ust as +ll s$ell and walk to a cookie counter i( + see it) -ut you arent going to get $e anywhere near a pan o( cooked sprouts) Jolie (rowns thought(ully) /2$n& we need so#e way o( $aking sure he cant get away (ro$ it: or at least& $ake sure he cant a"oid it i( hes anywhere near the school) #peakers& says <at& /we need lots and lots o( speakers0 /And about how $any $illion $iles o( wire5 + add& trying not to sound too downhearted) =

Chapter 2E + wouldnt ha"e been able to get any o( the other kids to help $e& but so$ehow <at and Jolie between the$ ha"e $anaged to round up kids (ro$ ,ust about e"ery class to collect and setup the speakers) 9ords getting around that its going to be the $usic e"ent to end all $usic e"ents) 1usic playing e"erywhere& una"oidable) A $assi"e street party) <ats got all the wires he needs (ro$ so$e du$p yard) +ts a$a3ing how $any people ha"e spare speakers knocking around their ho$es& (ro$ old co$puters to e"en older 2i.i players that ha"e been sho"ed in the garage) The school itsel( has large& power(ul speakers in the hall and the $usic depart$ent that <at sets up in readiness to be hooked into the syste$ when we need the$) -oosters& a$pli(iers& and all sorts o( decks co$e (ro$ all those kids who ha"e (or$ed bands only to lose interest when they realised they were ne"er going to get beyond bookings at weddings and dodgy clubs) 9iring is being spliced& taped& rolled out and connected "ia the a$pli(iers and boosters to Jolies co$puter I<at and his (a$ily are li"ing in a hotel (or the $o$entJ) Jolies dad see$s strangely indi((erent to all the co$ings and goings in his house& like hes got $ore i$portant things on his $ind) 2er $u$s not around& /away (or a (ew $onths recei"ing treat$ent& Jolie explains) + dont like to ask what Jolies $u$ is su((ering (ro$) Jolie doesnt appear to want to go into details& although when she explained why her $u$ wasnt around she sounded bright and hope(ul rather than down) #he enthusiastically throws hersel( into organising the setting up o( the speakers) #hes e"en persuaded a (ew o( the kids to $eet $e and say hello without shying away as i( $y touch& e"en $y glance& is deadly) Altogether& but not counting $ysel( and <at& we"e got one*hundred and (i(ty*three kids helping us) +$ not sure i( thats a good or a bad sign) = +t starts to rain) + $ean really rain) 'ike the whole o( the country has so$ehow been transported to an e@uatorial area regularly su((ering tropical stor$s) +t pounds down on the ground) +t bounces o(( roo(s) ;unning through it& you get drenched in seconds) +t e"en soaks through your coat) /+tll pass& <at assures e"eryone) /1o"e the speakers to $ore sheltered spots) Co"er the wires and any electrical points in polythene& plastic bags& anything waterproo( you can get your hands on) The rain doesnt pass) +t gets hea"ier) Cars ha"e their (ull bea$s on in an atte$pt to see where theyre going through the $urky downpour)

+ts hard to see where the road ends& where e"en the houses let alone the kerb starts) The rain blends e"erything into an indistinct grey $ass) /2ow can we ha"e a party in this5 the kids wail) Their enthusias$s waning) Theyre soaked& $ud*splattered& weary) /+ts like e"en the weathers against us& <at $oans) + glance up at the dark stor$ clouds (ro$ beneath $y dripping hood) %"ery now and again theres a bright (lash o( lightning& a thunderous boo$& like the (ar o(( guns o( a battle thats gradually drawing closer) /+"e ne"er known weather like this) /?idnt 7ariel say so$ething about weather being controlled by (re@uencies5 %"en though Jolies hooded coat is soaking wet& shes still s$iling& still bright* eyed) <at anxiously looks $y way) /4ou dont thinkA5 + nod) /+ think) =

Chapter 2F <utting such a large syste$ o( speakers together was ne"er going to be easy) +n the "iolently pouring rain& its e"en $ore di((icult) The raindrops batter against your hood dea(eningly) 4ou slip& you slide& the wet ground like an ice rink) And that can be "ery pain(ul i( youre carrying a hea"y speaker at the ti$e) Peeping all the electrics dry as youre installing the$ is only $ade possible by huddling in groups beneath interlocking shells o( large u$brellas) All the kids ha"e now been told the truth) +t was the only way we could keep the$ working in this weather) There isnt going to be a party) There isnt going to be a $usical e"ent thatll ,ust blow the school away) 9ere actually trying to prevent the school being blown away) The $ost a$a3ing thing o( all this is that the kids actually belie"ed us) Or& rather& they belie"ed Jolie) Those innocent doe eyes o( hers $ake her "ery persuasi"e& "ery con"incing) + suppose what shes telling the$ (inally explains all the bad luck the school see$s to ha"e been experiencing lately) #uddenly& all those deaths the schools su((ered cannot only be explained but gi"en a cause) Now when the kids look at $e& theyre not @uite so terri(ied any$ore) #o$e o( the$& when they pass $e& they e"en stare at $e with what + think $ight be ad$iration) +$ not exactly sure what Jolies telling the$) -ut i( + "i" know what it was& +d go around telling every+o"y) = Now when the thunder roars& the ground itsel( see$s to be shuddering) Trees crack loudly& like theyre being torn apart by their roots) There ha"e already been a (ew $inor landslides across the hills surrounding the town) The ground has been turned into a "iscous sludge) 9hen the wind whips through their branches& it uproots trees that no longer ha"e a (ir$ hold on the soil) On any reasonably steep slope& this leads to a steady $o"e$ent that gradually builds) #oon it begins to pick up anything in its way& adding to its own $ass and power along the way) A s$all storehouse on the edge o( town has already been crushed and buried under one o( these a"alanches) #hattered boulders lie a$ongst the sludge& as i( the "ery rock itsel( has been ripped away in the onrush o( debris down the hillside) /4ou know& all this re$inds $e o( our house: when it disappeared down that sinkhole)

At (irst& + think <at $eans that the wreckage o( the shattered storehouse a$ongst the rocks and $ud brings back pain(ul $e$ories (or hi$) -ut (ar (ro$ looking sorrow(ul& hes deep in thought) /4ou $eanAyoure wondering i( it was such a natural e"ent a(ter all5 9ondering i( 7ariel caused it5 2e turns to $e& nods) /+( he did& it $eans hes controlling $ore than the weather) /9ould that be possible5 + say) /4oure saying you think hes $aking the rocks the$sel"es shatter5 +ts not the landslides tearing up the rocks: its the cracking o( the rock causing the landslides5 2e nods again) /Cant you hear it5 2e tips his head slightly& like hes straining to hear a particular sound a$ongst all the howling and battering o( the rain) /+ cant hear anything& + ad$it& /unless you ,ust $ean the sound o( the stor$) /No& not the stor$) 2e shakes his head& (rowns anxiously) /Theres a hu$$ing tone behind it all) /The 1+ tone5 2e shakes his head again) /No& this is $ore discordant& edgier) /?iscordant5 -ut wasnt that supposed to be our weapon against hi$5 /+ could be i$agining it) 2e takes out his $obile& pushes a (ew buttons) /This has got a $ic app& he says& bringing up on the screen a $o"ing graph o( the (re@uencies the inbuilt $icrophone is picking up) +ts a ,u$ble o( "iolently wa"ing lines) 2e pushes a (ew $ore buttons) /+ ,ust need to re$o"e the sounds o( the stor$ its picking up& get it to (ocus on constant tones > yes& there it is& see5 Now theres ,ust the one line& registering a regular tone) /That shouldnt be there& he says) 2e glances up at the surrounding hills) /7ariels causing all this all right: and hes controlling the "ery ground were standing on) =

Chapter 2G Dndulating like languorously exercised $uscles& the stor$ clouds rolling abo"e us are so dark it could be late e"ening (or all the little light we ha"e) 9ere heading up into the hills) Dp to where the s$all ri"er that runs through the town splits o(( as an o((shoot (ro$ the larger ri"er Ner) The Ner continues down another& $ore or less uninhabited "alley& a $uch gentler slope to the $ore precipitous route our own ri"er A(on takes be(ore it (lattens out and passes through town) That $eans a tiring walk (or us) Although the A(on "alley is the easiest way (ro$ town up into the hills& its still steep enough to re@uire a winding road) /?o you know what $ost ri"ers are called5 <at asks the hand(ul o( kids who ha"e co$e with us& trying to take their $inds o(( their aching& soaked (eet) They shake their heads) /?ont know& one o( the$ says) /9hat5 /;i"er& <at answers& /or water) 'ike the A(on: its ,ust a word (ro$ an older language $eaning ri"er) /#o this is the ;i"er ;i"er5 another one o( the kids asks) /Thats right: as is the 2u$ber& 1ississippi& Connecticut& Tyne& and @uite a (ew others) 9hen we get to where the A(on breaks away (ro$ the Ner& e"en through the distorting hea"y rain we can tell its a hi"e o( acti"ity) Council workers and engineers are inspecting the banks as i(& like us& they (ear that they $ight be ready to break) Theyre ob"iously not going to go letting a bunch o( kids ,ust stride up to see whats going on) + draw close to the nearest worker& shouting at hi$ o"er the thunderous noise o( the o"er(lowing ri"ers and the pounding rain) /+s it sa(e5 9ill it hold5 2e nods& s$iles reassuringly) /9ere ,ust shoring up the $ud banks to be on the sa(e side) %"erythings (ine) + glance behind& back towards the town nestled in the "alley below us) Ceiled in the thick greyness o( the rain& it already looks like its been drowned in a deluge o( $urky water) /?ont you think you should e"acuate the town ,ust in case5 + cry out to the $an) 2e shakes his head) /9e"e had engineers and geologists checking e"erything out there) 9orse scenario is& the soil banks gi"e way) +td be a bit $ore water than were used to& sure& but wont be a catastrophe) #a(e as houses& lo"e& sa(e as houses) /-ut what i( the banks co$pletely break5 The whole ;i"er Ner will co$e (looding down the "alley& wont it5 2e shakes his head& s$iles like he reckons hes dealing with an idiot) /No way thats gonna happen) Dnderneath the upper soil bank& its solid rock) -een there (or centuries) -e there (or centuries $ore too0 <ats alongside $e) 2es been listening too) 9e swap anxious glances) The engineers arent taking into account a guy who can crack rock) +( were right& 7ariel is building his (re@uency up until hes ready to shatter it)

And once this ri"er bank goes& its not ,ust the whole school thats gonna disappear o(( the $ap) +ts the entire town) =

Chapter 2L 9e $o"e away (ro$ the work party& partially heading back down the hill so that were out o( their sight) /9e ha"ent got any choice& + say to <at and Jolie) /9ere going to ha"e to call hi$: +$ going to ha"e to talk to 7ariel to see i( theres anything + can do to persuade hi$ to call all this o(() /-ut the discordant tones0 <at protests) /9e ha"ent tried the$ yet0 /These are the discordant tones 7ariel see$s per(ectly capable o( using to his own ad"antage& right5 /-ut there are others than the one hes using& Jolie says) /9e ,ust ha"e to try a (ew> /-y which ti$e the whole town $ight ha"e ended up under water) 9e dont know how long it will take to (ind a tone that causes hi$ trouble) 9e dont e"en know i( there is one) 9e settled on this idea because it was the only one we had) And that was be(ore we realised he could use discordant tones hi$sel(& in his case to destroy things) /Okay& try talking to hi$ then& <at agrees) /-ut what can you o((er hi$5 This book we still ha"ent (ound5 + turn to Jolie) /Call hi$ please Jolie) Jolie begins to hu$& letting her hu$$ing build until its a deeply relaxing tone) %"en in the pouring rain& e"eryone suddenly see$s at ease& peace(ul) ;esigned) +"e let the kids stay to see 7ariel) They $ight as well) They deser"e it: they"e worked hard) They"e trusted us) Now they can see that we were telling the truth) As one& they gasp in awe as the light be(ore us begins to shi$$er& brighten) 'ike a burst o( light in a darkened roo$& 7ariel suddenly appears be(ore us) #o$e o( the kids (all on their knees& e"en though the (loors soaked& $uddy) Others gape& their $ouths hanging open) +s it any wonder those people with the dying children wanted to belie"e he was an angel5 7ariel doesnt see$ to $ind the presence o( the others) <erhaps hes no longer interested in keeping his identity secret) /Jas$ine5 9hy did you call $e5 /+ want you to spare the town) 9hate"er it is you want $e to do& +ll do it) 2e see$s a$used) /+ts not @uite as si$ple as that though& is it5 /9hat do you $ean5 This book: ,ust tell $e what it is& and +ll gi"e it to you) %"en i( + ha"e to spend the next ten years writing it) /-ut as + explained earlier& you ha"e already granted us the -ook) /Then what $ore do you want5 /The <er(ection) The -ook alone will not create The <er(ection) 4ou $ust create the grounding (or the belie(s to (lourish and spread) /+ll do it: +ll $ake sure the book or whate"er it is spreads& (lourishes)

/9hate"er it is5 4ou see5 4ou still do not understand: you cannot acco$plish when you do not understand) /Then tell $e0 Tell $e what it is& and +ll do it0 /+ cannot tell you) +t has to co$e (ro$ within you to be genuine& to be The <er(ection) /-ut this is cra3y0 + wail in (rustration) /4oure tying $e in knots here0 4oure going to wipe out a whole town ,ust to $ake $e realiseAwhat5 + dont e"en know what it is +$ supposed to realise0 Chances are& youll kill e"eryone and + still wont gi"e you what you want0 9hy are you $aking $e responsible (or the death o( a whole town5 /-ecause you are responsible (or the sa"ing o( billions) /9hat gi"es you the right to do this5 + screa$ (uriously) 2e re$ains cal$) /Dlti$ately& when all things are balanced& the sa"ed against the dead& + do no wrong) /And who deter$ines that5 9ho deter$ines that& 6on balance8& e"erythings (ine5 /7od has spoken through The <er(ection) 9e are the Truth) 9e are the 9ord) /+ could kill $ysel() + say it out o( desperation) <at and Jolie and the kids are all shocked) -ut they dont interrupt& ob"iously hoping + know what +$ doing) + dont) +$ hoping so$ething i$portant dawns on $e pretty @uickly& so + can begin to resol"e this dile$$a) /+( + kill $ysel(& theres no <er(ection) 4our $ission (ails) /4ou would kill yoursel( to sa"e a town5 + nod) ?o + really $ean it5 <robably not: + cant see that its easy& killing yoursel() /4et you ad$onish $e& he continues& /(or killing a town (or the sake o( the billions you are destined to sa"e) /Theres a $assi"e di((erence0 + insist) /To sa"e the town& you would kill $e i( you could5 + nod again& this ti$e $ore surely) /4ou would kill $e (or the sake o( what you belie"e is right5 /+ would kill you to sa"e an entire town) 2e shrugs& like the di((erence is debatable& $inor) /+ dont belie"e you could kill yoursel(& he says) /Or persuade any o( your (ollowers to do it (or you) 2e looks o"er towards the others @uestioningly) 4ou can see (ro$ their wary (aces that hes rightH e"en to sa"e the town& to sa"e their own (a$ilies& it would be al$ost i$possible to persuade the$ to cast $e into the ri"er& or push $e o(( a cli(() /-esides& he adds with a wry s$ile& /as + ha"e said& we ha"e accounted (or the (act that there will be (ailures in so$e worlds) And who knows5 <erhaps your "ery sacri(ice would persuade your (ollowers to co$plete the grounding o( the <er(ection) 2e looks o"er the$ once again& s$iling bene"olently& knowingly) Theyre all still awed by his presence) %"en <at) +ts hard not to be i$pressed by so$eone so certain o( the righteousness o( their cause) /1y $ission is al$ost co$pleted here& 7ariel says with a satis(ied sigh) /+t re@uires ,ust one $ore s$all piece to begin the (inalisation o( the whole) Just one

$ore disco"ery (or you to $ake& so that you $ay realise that which you already know) + a$ so close: + cannot gi"e up now0 2is body @ui"ers& the light rippling like its ali"e) Then hes gone) = The earth itsel( ru$bles o$inously& like a waking dragon) The ground beneath our (eet shakes) There isnt one o( us who isnt suddenly unsteady on their (eet) 9e all swap anxious& (rightened glances) O"er the hills& a lightning (lash brie(ly illu$inates the peaks) The crack o( burning air and the $enacingly ru$bling thunder $akes us ,u$p) 9e instincti"ely yet (oolishly duck) The rain beco$es an e"en $ore aggressi"e downpour& striking us& pu$$elling the ground& like each drop is a steel ball bearing) /9hat now5 <at screa$s out to be heard o"er the "iolent dru$$ing o( the rain) /9e ha"e to try the tones0 + hope no one notices the hopelessness& the helplessness& in $y cries) =

Chapter 2M + can hear the speakers hu$$ing in the town below us) +ts like +$ looking down on a huge hi"e o( excited& e"en angry bees) /Turn the "olu$e up0 As high as it will go0 + shriek at <at urgently) <at (iddles with the controls o( the $obile hes linked up to Jolies co$puter) /+ts already loud: were up here& where the sounds $u((led by distance& by the weather) 9hat the people down in the town $ust be thinking& + do not know) %"en up here& its an irritating& screeching wail) +( anyones close to a speaker& it $ust be hell (or the$) Theres another sharp snap o( lightning) Another boo$ing roll o( thunder) The rain continues to pound down) /2ow will we know i( its working or not5 Jolie shouts out through the rain towards $e) <at gi"es a nod that he agrees with what shes saying) /+t could be working& he says& /but it $ight take ti$e be(ore we see any results) -ut ha"e we got ti$e to ,ust keep playing the sa$e tone in the hope that its working5 + shake $y head wearily) /4oure right& both right) 9ell ha"e to try a (ew notes (irst: then& i( nothing see$s to be working& try the$ again but gi"ing the$ $ore ti$e) ?own in the "alley& the continuous note changes) +ts like so$eone endlessly scratching their (ingernails on a chalkboard) + cringe& grit $y teeth) Duurrrgghhh0 The rain (alls as hard& as un(orgi"ably& as e"er) /Try another <at0 /1ay +5 Jolie reaches out (or <ats $obile) /As they say in the $o"ies& +"e got a cra3y idea& but it ,ust $ight work0 <at hands her his $obile) #wi(tly running her (ingers o"er the keyboard& Jolie changes the tone to one that doesnt see$ anywhere near as bad as the others) /9hat ha"e you done5 + cry out) /9hat ha"e you changed it to5 Jolie looks up (ro$ the handheld shes holding) /+ts called the 6?e"ils +nter"al8) = The darkness and the ?e"ils +nter"al) They go together so well) 'ike they were $ade (or each other) /Nothings happening& <at cries out uneasily) /#hould we change it5 /'ea"e it a bit longer& + shout back) /9hat else ha"e we got to try5 The rain rattles on $y hood like $achine gun (ire) 9asnt there endless rain in one o( ?antes Circles o( 2ell5 <ossibly not) + could be wrong)

/9here did you get it (ro$5 + ask Jolie) /This ?e"ils +nter"al5 9here did you hear o( it5 /+"e been looking at that #ol(eggio scale: you know& the one that ga"e us 1+5 + nod) A$ + i$agining it& or are we not shaking so $uch5 /9ell& there was an inter"al between 1+ and .A& Jolie continues& /one so discordant they actually called it the ?e"ils +nter"al: and + thought that sounds pro$ising) /+ dont think its raining so hard any$ore& one o( the other kids cries out excitedly) #o$e o( us look up& like were so stupid we think thats the only way to check i( the rains slowing down) /The clouds& + screa$ out to e"eryone& /+ think theyre dispersing: + think theyre breaking up0 = + gi"e Jolie the tightest& $ost ecstatic hug +"e e"er gi"en anyone) 9ow& what a pri3e this little girl is0 #he giggles happily) The rains easing) The thunder still rolls& but its passed o"er us now) +ts weakly ru$bling in the distance) /?id %e do it5 one o( the kids wonders out loud) /Or was it ,ust a natural stor$5 %"eryone laughs& like hes cra3y& like were all a bit cra3ed a(ter our experience) /-ut has he gone5 so$eone else wonders) /Only one way to (ind out: Jolie& try and call hi$) 2er beauti(ul eyes sparkling with ,oy& Jolie begins to hu$) #o$e o( the other kids $ust be $usically inclined too: they see$ to recognise the note& ,oin in) They all grin ecstatically& like theyre going to break into laughter any $o$ent) <ats al$ost laughing too) 1e& + $ust look a (ool: + can (eel that +$ s$irking (ro$ ear to ear) The light ,ust ahead o( us wa"ers& rolls& glitters) 7ariel stands be(ore us& his light still bright and beauti(ul but noticeably di$$ed) The light undulates& yet slowly& with less energy) 4es& hes been hurt: +$ sure o( it) =

Chapter 2N /4es5 7ariel says proudly) /9ill you stop your attack5 + ask) /Or should we continue to (ight5 /+t isnt an attack: it is the bringing o( Truth) /+t would cost too $any li"es: no truth is worth that) /The Truth protects us& de(ends the $any) %"en though we bene(it (ro$ the glorious presence o( 7od within us& the ?e"il $ay enter and set up ho$e in the unwary lest we take care) 2is body o( rippling light is now like the wa"es o( a sea dashing itsel( against rocks) The wa"es rush back on other wa"es& breaking the$ up& scattering the$ in glistening (oa$) Theres strain on his (ace& like hes struggling to hold e"erything together) /<lease& he says& his "oice harsh& strangled) /Not (or $e: (or all those people you will sa"e) /No& this is (or the people %e will sa"e) 3e ha"e sa"ed the whole town (ro$ you) /A $inor "ictory) A high price) Think o( the i##easura+le bene(its The <er(ection could ha"e brought to your world0 2es struggling (or words now) 1u$bling& like hes losing sense) /3e are 7ods chosen) 3e are 7ods $essage) 3e are the -ook) The 9ord lies %ithin us0 /9hat5 9ait a $inute > that soundsAsounds like so$ething +"e heard be(ore so$ewhere5 /2es said so$ething si$ilar be(ore: @uite a (ew ti$es possibly) <at says it like its o( absolutely no i$portance) -utAhes wrong) Theres so$ething here thats incre"i+ly i$portant) -ut + cant @uite think %hat0 4ou know how it is when& so$eti$es& so$ething see$s ridiculously (a$iliar to you& but you ,ust cant @uite grasp why no $atter how hard you try5 Thats what +$ going through right now& $y $ind a whirl as + realise its getting harder and harder to (igure out what it is +$ looking (or) /O( course you"e heard it be(ore& 7ariel gasps pain(ully) /0ou disco"ered it) 0ou in(or$ed the world0 ?NA0 The language0 The $essage hidden in our ?NA0 7od %ithin us0 3e are the Book0 /No no0 +t was a <oke0 %"en in the world you ca$e (ro$& it was probably ,ust a <oke0 ?idnt anyone e"er check to see i( it was true5 /2ow can the Truth be checked to see i( it is true5 9hat kind o( (aith would that be5 True& the $essage lying within us was not the one you (irst speci(ied: yet it created the i$petus& the need& to interpret the real $essage) The (ull $essage in all its beauty and pro(undity0 /-ut its %rong& its $ade up0 +ts ri"iculous0 /2ow could we be wrong when we are 7od5 ?espite the pain he is ob"iously su((ering& his (ace brightens& bea$s) 2e $anages a beati(ic s$ile)

-ut this ti$e when he dissol"es away into nothing& + dont think hes still in control) = The rain is now only a light dri33le) The skys still an o(( grey& but sheets o( brightness are (lapping across the upper$ost edges o( the clouds) The sun is breaking out at last) A gloriously bright triple rainbow arches across the (ar side o( the "alley) +t could be taken as a sign& i( you want it to be) .or $e& the best sign that things are all right once $ore is that +$ holding <ats hand as we walk back into town) Now and again he glances $y way& grins stupidly) Now and again& + look his way too) + laugh when our eyes $eet) Then again& e"eryones laughing) Or hu$$ing) Or s$iling) Jolie especially appears ecstatic& her eyes taking in e"erything as i( shes seeing it all (or the (irst ti$e) A(ter the hea"y rains& e"erything see$ (resh) Cleansed) ;enewed) The people we see co$ing out o( their houses see$ a little bewildered& like theyre a$a3ed at the abrupt change in weather) #o$e o( the$ kick at or e"en angrily wrench apart the speakers they"e disco"ered) 9hat the noise $ust ha"e been like down here& + wouldnt like to think) <retty horrendous& probably) 2a"ing seen the e((ect (re@uencies can ha"e on our world& + wouldnt be surprised i( the townspeople had all gone hal(*(eral& s$ashing up e"ery speaker they ca$e across) Jolie sidles up alongside <at) #hes still holding his $obile) /-e(ore + hand this back& + think theres so$ething you should both see: well& hear actually) #he plays a tone through the $obiles s$all speakers) <at pulls a pu33led (ace) /#o5 /Thats the peak (re@uency o( the ?e"ils +nter"al& Jolie explains& handing back his $obile with a satis(ied grin) <ats ob"iously surprised& perhaps e"en shocked) /9hat5 + ask) /The tone: its an A) The standard tuning (ork + played you earlier) /4oure kidding $e5 That,s the basis o( all our $usic5 =

Chapter !0 As we approach Jolies house& her dad opens the door and stands on the doorstep& like hes been looking out (or her& 2es gri$ing like hes won a (ew $illion on the lottery) + cant re$e$ber e"er seeing hi$ look pleased& let alone happy) -ehind hi$& a wo$an appears in the doorway) #hes s$iling too) 'ike shes a ,oint winner) /1u$0 Jolie screa$s ,oyously) #he rushes (orward) All three o( the$ throw their ar$s around each other) They hug each other like& yeah& theyre never gonna let go) /?id it work5 Are you cured5 Jolie asks) /4es& yes0 + didnt think what they could do would ever be possible0 Jolie and her parents only partially let go o( each other when <at and + draw closer) /1u$& this is Jas$ine0 Jolie exclai$s excitedly& saying it like shes already told her $u$ an aw(ul lot about $e) 2er $u$ (inally lets go o( Jolie) Already tear(ul& she looks like shes going to break down co$pletely) #he reaches out to $e& hugs $e hard& like shes going to s@uee3e the breath out o( $e) /-less you Jas$ine0 Thank you (or everything you did0 2ow does she know what we did5 ?id so$eone call her& tell her5 #he lets $e go to gi"e Jolie another war$ e$brace) /+t wasnt ,ust $e& + ad$it) /+ncluding your Jolie& there were also one*hundred and (i(ty*three young kids in"ol"ed0 /One*hundred and (i(ty*three0 she repeats happily& proudly looking down on Jolie and gi"ing her an extra*war$ hug) /And <at& o( course& + add& grabbing his hand& swapping e$barrassed grins with hi$) /;eally5 Jolies $u$ says doubt(ully& gi"ing <at a (leetingly suspicious glance) Then her (ace lights up once $ore in an ecstatic s$ile) /Ah well& she sighs bliss(ully& /i( thats how it has to be in this world& thats how it has to be) + s$ile) <at s$iles) %"eryone s$iles) Theyre the sort o( s$iles that say we all realise Jolie and her $u$ and dad need ti$e on their own) Ti$e to en,oy their reunion in pri"ate) <at and + turn away) 9e walk o(( hand in hand) + lean closer to <at) 2e thinks were going to kiss) +nstead& + whisper to hi$) /#he said& 6+( thats how it has to be in this world)8 <at looks con(used& a little hurt that we didnt kiss a(ter all) /9ell& you know& + say& /that is ,ust a (igure o( speech& right5

= The a+ove is a aith ully ren"ere" transcript o events as relate" to The Blesse" *as#ine *olie +y The First Blesse" *as#ine; 6t +eca#e the inspiration an" oun"ation or the First )o"spel O *olie; End 2'tra $aterial8 The Divinatory Book O *as#ine 2and copy or copy& paste and print o(( the hexagra$s at the (ront o( this book) <aste one on a piece o( card and cut to shape) <aste the second hexagra$ on its rear) The -ook O( Jas$ine The #eeker should toss the Jas$ine 2exagra$ into the air& letting it (all onto a table top be(ore the$) I+( the #eeker is not a"ailable& the Jas$ine ;eader $ay take their place while thinking deeply o( the #eeker)J Note both the ;egulatory %le$ent I<etal& O"ule or 'oculeJ and the Outer Nu$ber that points towards the #eeker) +( it is a (lat side rather than a point& let the$ choose the nu$ber they pre(er) The #eeker tosses the Jas$ine 2exagra$ a second ti$e& and once again the ;egulatory %le$ent is noted) ;ead the Outer Nu$ber i( the Jas$ine 2exagra$ has landed with a di((erent side up& the +nner IitalicJ Nu$ber i( it has landed with the sa$e side as be(ore upper$ost)

Crosscheck the Jas$ine 2exagra$ Nu$bers on the chart abo"e to (ind the nu$ber o( the ;eading you should re(er to Ithe ;eadings are listed lower downJ) These ;eadings will be deter$ined by the ;egulatory %le$ents you recorded) Singular Regulatory 2le#ent $eanings8

<etalH .uture& growth& blosso$ing& attracti"eness& spreading O"uleH I/#$all eggJ <resent& gestation& inner*growth& potential& birth& rebirth 'oculeH I/'ittle placeJ <ast& co$part$entalised& clinging& conser"ati"e& restrained& boxed*in Dou+le Regulatory 2le#ents $eanings8 +( two si$ilar ;egulatory %le$ents Iie) <etal U <etalJ then the $eanings are strengthened) +( the ;egulatory %le$ents are $ixed Iie) <etal U O"uleJ then both apply) The (irst& or <ri$ary& ;egulatory %le$ent has the greater bearing on the reading& but the #econdary ;egulatory %le$ent still exerts an in(luence) +( the ;egulatory %le$ents appear to be in contradiction to the ;eading Iie) a con(liction o( <ast and .utureJ& this indicates that the possibilities re"ealed in the ;eading are being held back in so$e way) #i$ilarly& a concordance o( ;egulatory %le$ents and ;eading ser"es to strengthen the e((ect) Rea"ings C? an" CD .or ;eadings 2! and 2E& the ;egulatory %le$ents work in a di((erent way& deter$ining which ;eadings to take Iie) CD 1etal : Ovule& rather than si$ply CDJ) %ach o( these ;eadings o((ers three possibilities& so the Jas$ine 2exagra$ should be (lipped once $ore) +( it lands <etal up$ost& take the positi"e interpretation) +( a 'ocule is pointing towards the #eeker& take the negati"e interpretation) +( an O"ule points towards the #eeker& regard it as an indication that a $anSboy or a wo$anSgirl will be exerting an in(luence on the #eeker) The Rea"ings

;e"elation) <ositi"e trans(or$ation) <rogress) Cle"er) .ocused) ?iplo$atic) +nteresting) Dnderstanding that which is already known) Appreciating that which is already a"ailable) The heights o( achie"e$ent are possible& enabling the sub,ect to utilise their talents and abilities to better ad"antage) 2eightened co$$unications skills and persuasi"eness are also suggested) An agent o( progress and growth& but also capable o( trickery and deception) A sales$an who sells you on yoursel() At his worst& a bit conni"ing and $anipulati"e) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 'ow sel(*estee$) <roble$s co$$unicating) Options are lacking) <rogress is di((icult& and opportunities o"erlooked) #o$eti$es o"ercon(idence or poor planning that obscure understanding) +nability to utilise the tools a"ailable $ay result in sel(*deception) Also& take care to protect against head in,uries) A con $an& user& phony) 2

+llu$ination& knowledge and truth) 1odesty and discretion) 1oody and aloo() %$inently (e$inine& $ysterious& secreti"e and intuiti"e) #urprising and unexpected re"elations $ay be co$ing) A power(ul ad"isor) Pnowing all& but expressing secrets by $easure& or through sy$bolis$) A well o( knowledge& but only a cup at a ti$e is dispensed) 1ay o(ten represent the sub,ect& i( (e$ale& or the ob,ect o( the sub,ects desire& i( $ale) Also& perhaps a suggestion (or introspection or $editation) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 <assion) +ndiscretion) +$$odesty) <ro$iscuity) #eduction) -etrayal) #el(ishness or shallowness) ;e"ealing secrets to cause e$barrass$ent and hurt& rather than to share knowledge) 1ay also be a warning to pay heed to (e$inine health issues) ! -irth) 7rowth) ?e"elop$ent) Nurturing) .ertility& wealth& $arriage& a (e$ale (a$ily $e$ber) A good $other) .ruit(ul& bene"olent& lo"ing and caring) A person o( station deser"ing o( respect) 9hen seeking answers about ones sel(& $ay indicate $otherly worries about people or pro,ects) +t $ay raise the @uestion o( too $uch $othering or o"erprotecti"eness) +t $ay also be a re$inder to the #eeker that patience and persistence are necessary when nurturing growth) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 +n(ertility& po"erty& lethargy& in(idelity) ?isregard (or others) The opposite o( nurturing and caring) Abandon$ent o( those who need care) <erhaps an indication to learn to be a better nurturer or caretaker) E <ower& stability and leadership) .atherhood) A person to be counted upon& trusted and respected) The character and will to keep the ship on course) 9hen seeking answers about ones sel(& $ight also indicate that introspection is suggested& and decisions $ay need to be $ade on whether the bene(its o( leadership are worth the sacri(ices) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 +$$ature and controlling beha"iour) ?e$and (or power& but lack o( character) This $ay also negati"ely a((ect a (a$ily or organisation who rely on leadership) +( the leader is dethroned& the e$pire will be a((ected) F

1erci(ul& (orgi"ing& kind& respectable& duti(ul) A teacher and a counsellor) A good and bene"olent in(luence helping the sub,ect understand the correct path) A priest& rabbi& or perhaps a guru) One who enlightens) 'earning and li"ing by the rules o( society and o( spirituality) +n so$e contexts& howe"er& in(lexible and unyielding) Dnwilling to accept de"iation (ro$ the con"entional) Also represents ,oining and accepting) #o$eti$es interpreted to suggest $arriage) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 ;e,ection o( traditional $orals) A renegade) Anti*establish$ent) -reaking the rules) Con"ersely& could represent excessi"e stubbornness& stodginess& in(lexibility or con(or$ity) +n certain contexts& could suggest di"orce) Also& perhaps a warning o( respiratory in(ections such as cold and (lu) G .ollowing the heart) Trust) ;elationship) ;esponsibility) Co$$it$ent) Also partnership and cooperation) 1ay be an indicator o( a lo"e a((air& but has $ore to do with $aking good choices) ;ecognise the di((erence between lo"e and in(atuation) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 ;elationship proble$s) +t could be passionate lo"ers kept apart by their (euding (a$ilies) +t could be discontent resulting (ro$ a poorly considered $arriage) The unhappy conse@uences o( bad choices) +n so$e contexts the harbinger o( breakups or di"orce) L O"erco$ing obstacles) Con@uest& control) %xploration& ,ourneys) Triu$ph and $astery& not easy and swi(t but achie"ed through care(ul planning& hard work& (orce o( will and (ore$ost by harnessing disparate (orces to work in unison) #el(*control& con(idence& co$$it$ent& e((ort and (ocus that produce success) Also& o(ten relates to tra"el) A trip or a $o"e $ay be co$ing soon) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 ;ashness) +ndecision) Accidents& de(eats& delays) ?i((iculty or (ailure coordinating disparate (orces) 'ack o( control) 'ashing out) 1o"ing in circles) #o$eti$es interpreted as a warning o( stress related illness& such as ulcers) Also possibly "ehicle or tra"el proble$s) M .ortitude& patience& perse"erance& endurance) 1astery& (ocused inward) .orce o( will) #el(*control)

The courage& con(idence and persistence to (ollow through to the success(ul conclusion& in spite o( di((iculties) 2arnessing ones own talents and strengths) 1ay represent pro"iding a cal$ing in(luence on others) #o$eti$es& lo"e o( ani$als& particularly cats) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 Anger& tyranny& weakness& cruelty& i$patience) A"oidance) Cowardice) Not in control) Dnable to harness inner (orces) %xtre$es o( anger or ti$idity) Dnable to break bad habits or o"erco$e addictions) #o$eti$es a warning o( health proble$s related to anger and agitation& such as high blood pressure N +ntrospection) #pirituality) 9isdo$& reser"e& $editation& secrecy) 'ooking ob,ecti"ely at the world around) 'earning (or the sake o( learning) +ncreasing knowledge (or the sake o( doing so) #tepping back (ro$ the (ast pace o( li(e (or a while to take stock o( where you are) +t $ay be ti$e to consider the lessons o( the past) A need (or space and ti$e alone) <ossibly a wise con(idant or tutor) A beacon o( knowledge) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o LoculesH Antisocial) 9ithdrawn) #enile) 'ost in the dark) ;eclusi"eness& isolation& loneliness) <ossibly a "icti$ o( betrayal) <erhaps (ears o( growing old or being alone) This could be a warning to think $ore ob,ecti"ely) Also& beware o( (alse or ignorant teachings) -e conscious o( diseases related to aging& such as arthritis or hearing loss) 0 .ortune& good health& ad"ance$ent) Dnexpected good luck) ;aises) <ro$otions) <rosperity $ay be co$ing your way) 7ood news about health issues) 7ood luck (or the prepared and the proacti"e) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 Dps and downs) +nstability) Dnpredictability) Negligence& inconsistency& speculation& cruel (ate) Apparent good (ortune $ay not turn out to be so good a(ter all) <ossibly $ight suggest (luctuating health issues such as allergies or weight gain

-alance& har$ony& e@uity& integrity& (airness) Truth) .airness) %@uality) ?oing the right thing& e"en i( it is not the $ost desirable thing) Acting in (air& honest and ,ust ways with ones sel( and with others) <erhaps a past in,ustice will be corrected) 7etting ones ,ust deserts)

#o$eti$es representing courts and the legal syste$& it could indicate winning a court case) <ay attention to pro$ises& debts and obligations) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 +n,ustice) +$balance) Dn(airness) +ne@uality) -igotry& intolerance& (alse accusations) Not looking at the situation ob,ecti"ely) ?isregard (or what is right) .ailure to be honest with ones sel( or with others) Dn(air or excessi"e criticis$) <ossible legal proble$s) +nappropriate or o"erly se"ere application o( the law) Abuse o( the legal syste$) 2 7reater understanding) #acri(ice) 2u$ility) +ntrospection) Acceptance) Conte$plation) #el(lessness& wisdo$& suspension& entrance$ent& de"otion& sub$ission& intuition& regeneration) 1editation and re"elation) .aith and trust) Opening ones $ind and o"erco$ing preconceptions and pre,udices) ?isengage and look at the big picture) <erhaps others $ay be right about so$e things) <erhaps what had see$ed so i$portant really isnt when you stop to think about it) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 #tubbornness) ?istrust) Narrow $indedness) #el(ishness& procrastination& irresponsibility& lack o( (aith) ;e(usal to see anothers point o( "iew) Dnwilling to sacri(ice or co$pro$ise) ! Trans(or$ation and ;ebirth) New beginnings) 1ortality& destruction& deterioration) A stern and unwa"ering $essenger heralding change that is ine"itable and is co$ing soon) Old habits and li(estyles will be abandoned (or new and better ones) ?iscarding past encu$brances will $ake roo$ (or a better (uture) This will not be easy or painless& but ulti$ately will $ake things better) Also& in certain contexts& $ay represent intense sexual experiences) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 #tagnation& i$$obility& pessi$is$& destruction) ;esisting or delaying change) #o$ething that should die but wont) A cycle should end but is wrongly perpetuated) +nability to $o"e on a(ter a tragedy) There $ay be an upside to the $eaning& though) +t $ight represent a 6-last (ro$ the <ast8& so$ething that was lost but is once again (ound& or sy$bolise a threatening (igure& possibly with sexual i$plications) <erhaps a passionate but dangerous relationship) #o$eti$es a warning o( sexually trans$itted disease or ner"e da$age) E 1oderation) -alance) 2ar$ony) #ynergy) Adaptability& econo$y& unity& discretion& $anage$ent& acco$$odation& and te$perance)

1erging apparently opposite ele$ents to create a whole greater than the parts) Adapting to the en"iron$ent) <ro$oting& $anaging or directing to create a single product (ro$ the e((orts o( $any) <erhaps apparently unrelated in(luences can be $ade to work in unison) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 Out o( balance) ?ishar$ony) ?iscord& bad co$binations& lack o( cooperation& con(lict& co$petition& serious illness) The atte$pt to $erge opposite ele$ents (ails) +ndi"iduals you are working with $ay be uncooperati"e) 9hen (ocusing on health issues& warns o( possible serious illnesses such as (ood poisoning or in(ectious diseases $ade worse by stress or an out o( balance $etabolis$) #o$eti$es suggests religion and the church) F %xcesses and extre$es) Obsession) 7i"ing in to te$ptations) <er"ersion) Alcoholis$) ?rug abuse) Careless and unrestrained sexuality) Ciolence& disease& (orce& drunkenness& passion& bondage& sel(*destruction) %xploring ones deepest (antasies and desires) Dnleashing the repressed ani$al instincts we all ha"e inside) A lesson on balance& teaching that extre$e beha"iour i$pedes achie"e$ent& progress and growth) %xplore your inner sel() #o$eone power(ul and persuasi"e& likely a controller or $anipulator& but also perhaps a teacher) 9hen looking at ones physical wellbeing& be alert (or physical or e$otional abuse& addiction& or sexually trans$itted diseases) But i Regulatory 2le#ents inclu"e an Ovule8 'iberation& reco"ery& understanding& "irtue) 1ost o(ten& escape (ro$ the bondage o( sel(*destructi"e beha"iour) The sub,ect is likely to realise the da$age they are doing& and start down a $ore constructi"e path) +n a (ew cases& though& can represent succu$bing totally to obsession or addiction: the darker $eanings o( pettiness& lust& bondage and bewitch$ent) +n health $atters& suggests reco"ery (ro$ illness) G Dnexpected catastrophe) Tur$oil) Dphea"al) Cala$ity& ruin& cataclys$& punish$ent) A bolt (ro$ the blue s$ashes into your li(e& casting you out o( your secure world) Co$placency is shattered) #tability is gone) Co$(ort and con(idence are distant $e$ories) -ut $ay also represent new beginnings& not by choice but by necessity) +t brings us back down to earth) +n a (ew situations& the bolt could be the electricity o( irresistible passion or true lo"e striking the #eeker) But i Regulatory 2le#ents inclu"e an Ovule8

?isruption& oppression& sub,ugation& persecution) +llusions o( sol"ing the proble$ without really doing it) 4ou $ay think you ha"e s$oothed things o"er& but catastrophe and tur$oil are waiting (or you around the corner because you ha"e not really addressed the underlying proble$s) L 2ope& inspiration& (aith& pro$ise) 2ope (or the (uture) ;e,u"enation will co$e& although perhaps not ,ust yet) Though doors ha"e closed& windows will surely open as ti$e passes) But i Regulatory 2le#ents inclu"e an Ovule8 ?isappoint$ent& instability& poor choices) A lack o( hope& at least (or the present) Opportunities are absent& and troubles persist) M 1ystery) Night$ares) ?rea$s) #ecrets) 2idden ene$ies& deception& illusion& danger& terror& lunacy& plots) The (ears that grow in the dark) The gateway between the physical and $etaphysical& the conscious and subconscious real$s) %ntering this world is (rightening& but can also be re"ealing and inspirational) #uggests creati"ity and intuition) <ossibly psychic re"elations) Dtilise the inspiration) <erhaps write or paint) -ut also respect the dangers lurking in the dark) -eware o( deceptions and phony people) The #eeker $ust be "ery care(ul to a"oid hiding their (ears behind alcohol or drugs& as they ha"e an increased "ulnerability to these sel(*destructi"e beha"iours) But i Regulatory 2le#ents inclu"e an Ovule8 +nconsistency& instability& (antasy& a$bush& (raud& usury) 2eightened (ears or denials) <erhaps o"erly e$otional or delusional beha"iour) +rrational and intense (ear could cause psychological proble$s) The wildness and chaos o( the dark $ay be getting out o( control) Also tra"el& in a di((erent sort o( way) %"en Astral Tra"el& the experience o( consciousness tra"eling outside o( the body) 9hen looking at health issues& represents sleep disorders& $ental illnesses& drug o"erdoses and co$a) N ;e"elation& enlighten$ent& success) A beauti(ul new dawn) New ideas) Creati"ity ;adiance) %nergy) #uccess) <rosperity) %$ergence (ro$ the darkness o( the night into the light o( the day) Clarity o( thought& enhanced by pre"ious trials& but also (uelled by youth(ul opti$is$) <essi$is$ is o"erco$e) ?epression (ades) %nthusias$ $erges with experience) #o$eti$es suggests a $arriage or childbirth)

But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 'esser happiness& passion& pride& $isunderstanding) An obscuring o( clarity) ;e(usal to open ones eyes to the possibilities) The enthusias$ and abilities are there& but the (ocus is clouded) 1ost likely this will be a te$porary delay) Dlti$ately& the clouds should clear up) The pri3e is right there& but to attain it& cynicis$ $ust be o"erco$e 20 ;esurrection) ;enewal& awakenings& repentance& change) Accepting the past and throwing o(( its burdens) .orgi"eness& especially o( ones sel(& but also o( others) 1a,or decisions which $ay result in $a,or li(estyle changes) But i Regulatory 2le#ents are t%o Locules8 +nability to change or progress) ?elay& stagnation& postpone$ent& indecision) Troubled or a((ected by the past) <erhaps held back by others) <ossibly unable to $o"e (orward as a conse@uence o( past deeds) 9hen looking at health issues& $ay suggest allergies and disco$(ort (ro$ allergic reactions) 2 ;ealisation) ;eward) ;ecognition) Triu$ph) Co$pletion& (ul(il$ent& per(ection& pro$otion& honours& good health) Dnderstanding& success and achie"e$ent) Attain$ent o( $a,or goals) Dnderstanding the big picture) %"erything (alls into place) All the knowledge and experience you ha"e gained can be used to do great things) <erhaps a business leader opening new $arkets) A good o$en (or success(ul childbirth) But i Regulatory 2le#ents inclu"e an Ovule8 ?elay) +nertia& stagnation& obstacles& (ailure& i$per(ection) The tools see$ to be there& but the success(ul co$pletion is yet to be attained) <erhaps (ear o( what lies beyond is pre"enting co$pletion) #o$eti$es thought to represent hollow or hal(*hearted e((orts) A person with great credentials resting on their laurels) Tra"el $ay be delayed or interrupted) Could represent (ailure or serious proble$s) +n health $atters& generally represents good health and success(ul childbirth& unless negati"ely in(luenced& in which case it can suggest skeletal or orthopaedic proble$s) 22 #pontaneous) %ndearing) .ree o( burdens) .ree o( worries) 'i"ing in the now) A suggestion o( careless and excessi"e sexuality)

.earlessly taking risks& not o( bra"ery but o( nai"etV) A new start& and a blank page) An open $ind& and an ad"enturous heart) A child sa$pling li(e) %xploring where your whi$s take you) Anything is possible) -ut you $ay be studying the stars when you should be looking where your next step will land) 1ay be a likely "icti$ o( trickery and deception) An easy target (or bullying or usury) But i Regulatory 2le#ents inclu"e an Ovule8 .ore$ost& the "icti$ o( recklessness) %xcesses or irresponsibility) .oolish choices) A(ter a pain(ul landing& you $ay shy away (ro$ risk taking& beco$e suspicious& or (ear(ul) +n so$e contexts& $ay be seen as a call to accept responsibility and @uit acting the (ool) 2! <etal U <etal A $an or boy with yellow or auburn hair& (air co$plexion and blue eyes) Or %nergy& inspiration and desire) 2onesty& integrity& talent& genius) A natural leader who has no doubt that he is in charge) Courageous& charis$atic& generous) 2is a$bition dri"es hi$ e"er onward toward greater achie"e$ents) 2is con(idence& energy and enthusias$ in(ect those around hi$) 2e greatly en,oys social e"ents and is a loyal (riend) As a parent& he is $ore likely to lead his children by in(luence and inspiration than with discipline) 2e en,oys starting new pro,ects& but does not always (inish up) -ut can also be intolerant& i$patient& o"erbearing and do$ineering) 2e $ay be childish& sel(ish& short te$pered or ,ealous) 2e $ight lash out at those he belie"es are not paying hi$ enough respect) <erhaps the responsibilities o( leadership are $ore than he can handle) %xcess& exaggeration& se"erity) +( looking at health related issues& pay attention to circulatory proble$s and be cautious to a"oid head in,uries) 2! <etal U O"ule A $an or boy with light brown or dull (air hair and grey or blue eyes) Or so$eone (air who is indolent and lethargic) Or ;elationships& (eelings& e$otions& the heart) .airness& honesty& integrity& consideration& supporti"eness) A good and decent $an who cares deeply about others) 2e $ay be an artist& pastor& paediatrician& perhaps a teacher) 2e treasures his (a$ily and gi"es his all (or their wel(are and happiness) 2is weakness could be that he is too (orgi"ing or so(t*hearted with (a$ily $e$bers) 2e will not be so(t*hearted or weak i( they are threatened& howe"er) <articipation in co$$unity i$pro"e$ent or charitable organisations is possible)

-ut o"ersensiti"ity $ay result in e$otional withdrawal due to (eeling underappreciated) <ossibly prone to escapis$ through alcohol or substance abuse) Also& this indi"idual $ay use the loyalty and a((ection o( others against the$& perhaps de"eloping a (riendship to swindle the supposed (riend) ?ishonourable& double*dealing& in,ustice& "ice& scandal& corruption) 2! O"ule U <etal A $an or boy ha"ing ha3el or grey eyes& dark brown hair and dull co$plexion) Or one who is dark but "ery energetic) Or Character& principles& intellect and co$$unication) 2onest& strict& intelligent) .air and balanced& but unyielding) Judg$ent& co$$and& authority& law& $ilitaris$& power) A ,udge& $ilitary o((icer& police o((icer or physician) #o$eone o( high ethics who backs his words with actions) Critical analysis o( literary or legal docu$ents& or technical writing) -ut $ay take strictness to the extre$e) 2e $ay be unsy$pathetic& uncaring& heartless) %xcessi"ely harsh penalties could be based on anger or "indicti"eness) <ossibly blind conser"atis$ that blocks progress) +n so$e cases& this beha"iour $ight be a result o( onco$ing senility) Dncertainty or inability to $ake decisions could also be suggested) Cruelty& per"ersity& inhu$anity& barbarity& e"il intentions) 2! O"ule U O"ule A $an or boy with "ery dark brown or black hair& dark eyes and sallow or swarthy co$plexion) Or The practical and econo$ic (acets o( li(e) A leader in $onetary $atters& and possibly in en"iron$ental $atters) 'ikely to be in"ol"ed in (inance& and to be success(ul in the business world) A shrewd in"estor& but interested in "alue as well as pro(its) A lo"er o( the (iner things& but prag$atic about their ac@uisition) <erhaps a bit possessi"e about the people in his li(e) #teady& stable and dependable) 7enerous about pro"iding guidance to others) Courageous& intelligent& intellectual& loyal) 1athe$atical aptitudes) -ut $ay beco$e a cheapskate or an exploiter) 2e $ay be a business owner who underpays his e$ployees& cheats on taxes or operates dishonestly) 2e $ay be o"erly conser"ati"e& thereby i$peding or pre"enting progress) 2e $ay "iew people si$ply as resources) Also& there $ay be (inancial proble$s) 1athe$atical aptitudes& dependability or prag$atis$ could be lacking) Could suggest en"iron$ental carelessness or usury) Cice& weakness& ugliness& per"ersity& corruption& disorder 2E <etal U <etal A wo$an or girl with yellow or auburn hair& (air co$plexion and blue eyes) Or

A $essage) News o( the new and exciting) #uggests enthusias$ and 3eal) #urprising& consistent& (aith(ul and help(ul) A youth with "igour and a$bition& working hard to achie"e a goal) %xcite$ent and dedication (or pro,ects or hobbies) -ut could also be bad news) 'ack o( interest or re,ection o( new pro,ects) Dnwilling to help others) <rone to tantru$s and rashness) ?elin@uency) Dnstable& inconsistent& un(aith(ul) 2E <etal U O"ule A wo$an or girl with light brown or dull (air hair and grey or blue eyes) Or so$eone (air who is indolent and lethargic) Or A $essage regarding lo"e or relationship) <ossibly news o( an engage$ent or pregnancy) 2elp(ul& innocent& loyal& studious) An a((ectionate& sensiti"e& lo"ing& but "ulnerable child) %"en an adult $ight (eel so$e o( this sensiti"ity and "ulnerability) +( the sub,ect is a child& as with any child they will achie"e and de"elop best in a supporti"e& nurturing en"iron$ent) -ut this child $ay need a little bit o( extra recognition and appreciation) 9ith it& they can achie"e great things) -ut could also be bad news about lo"e or relationship) Needy o( reassurance) <ossibly prone to use sexuality and seduction to attract or retain (riendships) +t $ay also represent a person who has been hurt in the past and is withdrawn as a result) 9hen the sub,ect is a child& it $ay suggest i$aginary worlds and i$aginary (riends) 9eakness& heartache& adoration& supplication) O"ersensiti"ity) O"erco$pensation) 2E O"ule U <etal A wo$an or girl with ha3el or grey eyes& dark brown hair and dull co$plexion) Or one who is dark but "ery energetic) Or Alertness) ;eadiness) %spionage or sur"eillance) #tudying the situation) <ossibly de(ensi"eness) Awaiting so$ething with expectation) O(ten (oretells the co$ing o( an i$portant $essage regarding a di((icult or co$plex issue) <erhaps the $essage contains the solution) The news is o(ten good) Caution with sharp ob,ects such as scissors or kni"es is suggested) -ut not so$eone to con(ide in) O(ten a liar or a gossip) Transitory co$$unication proble$s are suggested) %rrors in written docu$ents& hesitation or di((iculty speaking $ay occur) Can be spite(ul and cutting) This aspect also represents i$portant news& but in this case it is less likely to be good) 2E O"ule U O"ule A wo$an or girl with "ery dark brown or black hair& dark eyes and sallow or swarthy co$plexion) Or

A $essage about health& business or (inance& $ost likely good news) Analytical) <rag$atic) 2ands on) #cholarship& concentration& apprenticeship& work) The down to earth child) An engineer and a builder) #erious about learning) #erious about $oney) Also a suggestion to pay close attention to business $atters) -ut could be bad news about (inance& business& or health issues) <robably a cheapskate when it co$es to spending on other people) Only interested in getting paid& not in doing @uality work) <ossibly proble$s studying or understanding assign$ents) ?issipation& degradation& luxury& $eddling) O"erly $aterialistic) Obsessed with ac@uisition) = The Perfect Prediction Blesse" are the irst one/hun"re" an" i ty/three; For they are the very irst *as#ines9 %ho %ill sprea" their +ranches9 take root9 an" su use the %orl" in the glorious scent o Truth; As recounted to The .irst -lessed Jas$ine by the <er(ect 7ariel and added here by the -lessed Jas$ine Jolie End The Book Of Jasmine =
+( you en,oyed reading this book& please re$e$ber to click that you liked it on the Pindle ;ating icon) 4ou $ay also en,oy Ior you $ay know so$eone else who $ight en,oyJ these other books by Jon Jacks)
The Caught The Rules Chapter One The Changes Sleeping Ugly The Barking Detective Agency The Healing The Lost Fairy Tale A Horse or a !ing"o# Charity The $ost Beauti ul Things The Last Train The Drea# S%allo%ers &y'( )ran""aughter o the &ight *onah an" the Alligator )laston+ury Sirens Dr *ekyll,s $ai" The -../0ear Circus 1 The 2n"less )a#e Doria& A 3yr" )irl Heartache High 45ol 67 Heartache High8 The 1ri#er 45ol 667 Heartache High8 The 3akening 45ol 6667 $iss Terry Char#9 $erry !ris $ouse : The Silver 2gg Seecrets The 3icker Slippers

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