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Wykonawca : Eminem Album : The Marshall Mathers LP Tytu : The Real Slim Shady

[Talkin ! May " ha#e your attention $lease% May " ha#e your attention $lease% Will the real Slim Shady $lease stand u$% " re$eat& Will the real Slim Shady $lease stand u$%% We're oin to ha#e a $roblem here((( [Eminem! )a'll act like you ha#e ne#er seen a white $erson be*ore +aws all on the *loor like Pam like tommy +ust burst in the door and started whoo$$in her ass worse than be*ore They *irst were di#orced throwin her o#er *urniture(((,scream- "ts the return o* the aww wait& no wait& your kiddin & he +ust didnt say what " think he did& did he% And dr( dre said((( nothin u idiots dr( dre's dead&he's locked in my basement(((,haha- .eminist women lo#e Eminem& chicka chicka slim shady i'm sick o* him& look at him walkin around rabbin his you know what *li$$in at you know who,yeah but he's so cute thou h/yea i $robably ot a cou$le o* screws u$ in my head loose but no worse than oin on in your $arent's bedrooms Sometimes " wanna et on T0 and +ust let loose& 1ut can't&1ut it's cool *or tom reen to hum$ a dead moose My bum is on your li$s& My bum is on your li$s and i* "'m lucky you mi ht +ust i#e it a little kiss and that's the messa e that we deli#er to little kids and e2$ect them not to know what a womens clitoris is 3* course there onna know what intercourse is 1y the time they hit 4th rade& They ot the 5isco#ery channel don't they% We aint notthin but mammals& well some o* us cannibals Who cut other Peo$le o$en like cantelo$e 1ut i* we can hum$ dead animals and antelo$es Then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elo$e 1ut i* you *eel like " *eel " ot the antidote Women wa#e your $antyhose& sin the chorus and it oes [6horus! "'m Slim Shady )es "'m the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are +ust im7i7tatin So won't the real Slim Shady((( Please stand u$& Please stand u$& Please stand u$ '6ause "'m Slim Shady )es "'m the real Shady All you other Slim Shady are +ust im7i7tatin So won't the real Slim Shady((( Please stand u$& Please stand u$& Please stand u$ Will Smith don't otta cuss in his ra$s to sell records Well " do& so *uck him and *uck you too )ou think " i#e a damn about a rammy% 8al* o* you critics can't e#en stomach me& let alone stand me ,1ut slim what i* you win&wouldn't it be weird%-

Why% So you uys can +ust lie to et me here% So you can sit me here ne2t to 1ritney S$ears 6hristina A uilera better switch me chairs So " can sit ne2t to 6arson 5aly and .red 5urst And hear 'em ar ue o#er who she a#e head to *irst Little bitch $ut me on blast on MT0 ,)eah& he's cute& but " think he's married to 9im& hehe" should download a audio on MP: And show the whole world how you a#e Eminem 05 ,scream"'m sick o* you little irl and boy rou$s all you do is annoy me So " ha#e been sent here to destroy you And there's a million o* us +ust like me Who cuss like me Who +ust don't i#e a *uck like me Who dress like me Walk& Talk& And act like me "t +ust mi ht be the ne2t best thin 1ut not ;uite me [6horus! "'m like a headtri$ to listen to 6ause "'m only i#in you Thin s you +oke about with your *riends inside your li#in room The only di**erence is " ot the balls to say it in *ront o* ya all And " don't ot to be *alse or su arcoat it at all " +ust et on the mic and s$it it and Whether you like to admit it " +ust shit it better than <=> o* you ra$$ers out there Then you wonder how can 9ids eat u$ these albums& like #alium "ts *unny 'cause at the rate "'m oin when "'m := "'ll be the only $erson in the nursin home *lirtin Pinchin nurses asses when "'m +ackin o** with +er ins and "'m +erkin' 1ut this whole ba o* #ia ra isn't workin' "n e#ery sin le $erson is a Slim Shady lurkin' 8e could be workin' at 1ur er kin s$ittin' on your onion rin s 3r in the $arkin lot circlin Screamin ?" don't i#e a *uck? With his windows down and his system u$ So will the real Shady&Please stand u$ And $ut one o* those *in ers on each hand u$ And be Proud to be out o* your mind and out o* control And one more time& Loud as you can& 8ow does it o% 6horus to *ade ,haha " uess there's a little slim shady in all o* us so lets all stand u$-

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