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Marvin Belen

BSEE 2-1

A temperature is a numerical measure of hot or cold.

Its measurement is by detection of heat radiation or particle velocity or kinetic ener y! or by the bulk behavior of a thermometric material. "he de ree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment. A measure of the #armth or coldness of an ob$ect or substance #ith reference to some standard value.

Thermal expansion
"he tendency of matter to chan e in len th and%or volume in response to a chan e in temperature.

Linear Expansion
&ver small temperature ran es! the fractional thermal e'pansion of uniform linear ob$ects is proportional the the temperature chan e. L = T L

Area Expansion
A = 2 T A

Volume Expansion
V = 3 T V

Thermal stress
=E = E dt (1) where = stress due to temperature expansion (N/m2, Pa) E =Youngs odu!us (N/m2) = strain = temperature expansion "oe##i"ient (m/mo$) dt = temperature di##eran"e (o$)

(eat may be defined as ener y in transit from a hi h temperature ob$ect to a lo#er temperature ob$ect. An ob$ect does not possess )heat)* the appropriate term for the microscopic ener y in an ob$ect is internal ener y. "he internal ener y may be

increased by transferrin ener y to the ob$ect from a hi her temperature +hotter, ob$ect this is properly called heatin .

How does heat flow

"he atoms in a solid vibrate about their e-uilibrium positions. As they vibrate! they bump into their nei hbors. In those collisions they e'chan e ener y #ith their nei hbors. If the different re ions of a solid ob$ect or of several solid ob$ects placed in contact #ith each other have the same temperature! then all atoms are $ust as likely to ain ener y as to loose ener y in the collisions. "heir avera e random kinetic ener y does not chan e. If! ho#ever! one re ion has a hi her temperature than another re ion! then the atoms in the hi h temperature re ion #ill! on avera e! loose ener y in the collisions! and the atoms in the lo# temperature re ion #ill! on avera e! ain ener y. In this #ay heat flo#s throu h a solid by conduction.

Con ection
.onvection transfers heat via the motion of a fluid #hich contains thermal ener y. .onvective heat transfer! or convection! is the transfer of heat from one place to another by the movement of fluids! a process that is essentially the transfer of heat via mass transfer

/uclei and electrons are char ed particles. 0hen char ed particles accelerate! they emit electroma netic radiation and loose ener y. 1ibratin particles are al#ays acceleratin since their velocity is al#ays chan in . "hey therefore al#ays emit electroma netic radiation. .har ed particles also absorb electroma netic radiation. 0hen they absorb the radiation they accelerate. "heir random kinetic ener y increases. In thermal e-uilibrium! the amount of ener y they loose to radiation e-uals the amount of ener y they ain from radiation. But hotter ob$ects emit more radiation than they absorb from their cooler environment. 2adiation can therefore transport heat from a hotter to a cooler ob$ect.

"pecific Heat
"he specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass re-uired to raise the temperature by one de ree .elsius. In symbols*

# = cmT
Latent heat
3atent heat is the ener y released or absorbed by a body or a thermodynamic system durin a constant-temperature process. A typical e'ample is a chan e of state of matter! meanin a phase transition such as the meltin of ice or the boilin of #ater.

Laws of thermod$namics

4eroth la# of thermodynamics5 If t#o systems are in thermal e-uilibrium #ith a third system! they must be in thermal e-uilibrium #ith each other. "his la# helps define the notion of temperature. 6irst la# of thermodynamics5 (eat is a form of ener y. Because ener y is conserved! the internal ener y of a system chan es as heat flo#s in or out of it. E-uivalently! perpetual motion machines of the first kind are impossible. Ener y can be neither created nor destroyed! but can chan e form Second la# of thermodynamics5 "he entropy of any closed system not in thermal e-uilibrium almost al#ays increases. .losed systems spontaneously evolve to#ards thermal e-uilibrium7the state of ma'imum entropy of the system7in a process kno#n as )thermali8ation). E-uivalently! perpetual motion machines of the second kind are impossible. "hird la# of thermodynamics5 "he entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches 8ero. "he entropy of a system at absolute 8ero is typically 8ero! and in all cases is determined only by the number of different round states it has.

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